Chuma Ncobo: Personal Statement
Chuma Ncobo: Personal Statement
Chuma Ncobo: Personal Statement
444 Hub Buidling Cole Point Close Simon's Town Cape Town Work: (02 ! "#" $%#% &obile: 0#$ "$$ 20'2 (mail: )*obo+C,uma-gmail+*om
Personal statement
. *urrentl/ work 0or 0or t,e S1 )a2/ as a na2al te*,ni*al o00i*er onboard S1S 3ueen &od4ad4i5 one o0 t,e S1 )a2/'s t,ree submarines+ . am passionate about t,e maritime industr/ and me*,en*ial engineering+ 1 subamrine greatl/ satis0ies t,eses passions be*ause it is an e6tremel/ te*,ni*al 2essel+ &/ *urrent duties are *entered around preparing m/sel0 to be t,e boats engineer+ T,ese in*lude di2isional (H7!8 te*,ni*al (bot, me*,ani*al and ele*tri*al 0ields!+ T,e work is bot, miantan*e orientated and operation+
Work ,istor/
Assistant manager8 (le*tri* 1l9s8 1u*kland :une 20 ; Present &/ role in2ol2es leading a team o0 0i2e sta00 at a bus/ 1u*kland<based ele*troni*s store8 (le*tri* 1l9s+ 1s well as managing m/ team8 . am in2ol2ed in wider *ompan/ de*ision making8 in*luding poli*/ and pur*,asing de*isions+ Strengt,s and a*,ie2ements: = Planning and implementing ad2ertising *ampaigns and branding strategies+ = Hiring8 training and o2erseeing sta00+ = Creating a so*ial media presen*e8 w,i*, saw a 2>? in*rease in 2isits to (le*tri* 1l9s website+ = Su**ess0ull/ pro4e*t managing t,e establis,ment o0 (le*tri* 1l9s Porirua bran*,8 w,i*, opened in @e*ember 20 2+ Sales Representative8 Aones7us8 1u*kland Aebruar/ 200' ; 1pril 20 . worked as part o0 a dedi*ated sales team 0or t,e independent mobile p,one outlet8 Aones7us+ &/ 4ob was primaril/ *ustomer<0o*used8 but also in2ol2ed sto*k pur*,asing+ 7esponsibilities:
= = = = = =
Beeping up to date wit, t,e latest in mobile p,one te*,nolog/ Customer ser2i*e and sales Cas, ,andling Pro4e*t managing Crganising and o2erseeing weekl/ team meetings C2erseeing a ma4or *ontra*t to pro2ide mobile p,ones to a nationwide media *ompan/+
Delicatessen Assistant8 Supermarket Cit/8 Wellington :une 200" ; @e*ember 200# T,is was a part<time 4ob . did w,ile *ompleting m/ Ba*,elor o0 Commer*e at Di*toria Eni2ersit/ o0 Wellington+ T,e role ,elped de2elop m/ sales and *ustomer ser2i*e skills+ Strengt,s and a*,ie2ements: = = = = Cas, ,andling @e2eloping e6*ellent *ustomer ser2i*e skills Be*oming pro0i*ient at sto*k management Creating store displa/s+
Bachelor of Commerce8 (marketing ma4or! Di*toria Eni2ersit/ o0 Wellington8 200# (a*ademi* trans*ript a2ailable on reFuest!+ 7ele2ant papers in*lude: = = = = Bu/er be,a2iour Commer*ial law Sales and marketing prin*ipals Pro4e*t management+
Jan Claremont8 &anager8 (le*tri* 1l9s8 1u*kland P,one: (0'! $#2 "#>44 &obile: 020%2%$4 (mail: 4an+*laremont-*omptele+*o+nG Rick Wylde8 Cwner8 Aones7us8 Wellington
P,one: (04! 0>> $>#% &obile: 020 #>2 $%' (mail: ri*k+w/lde-0reemail+*om