Oxygen Phone Manager II v2.18: For Nokia and Vertu Phones
Oxygen Phone Manager II v2.18: For Nokia and Vertu Phones
Oxygen Phone Manager II v2.18: For Nokia and Vertu Phones
for Nokia and Vertu phones
Last revision: 09 November 2010
To get the latest updates please visit http://opm-2.com/opm2/
Tabe of !ontents
!arrant" disclaimer
&op"right Notes
O'"gen %hone (anager ## lets "ou to manage No)ia* +ertu or (obiado mobile phone
in,ormation and settings ,rom %&.
-ou can load* edit* and rerite "our phoneboo)* import data ,rom (icroso,t Outloo)*
Lotus Notes* &.+ ,iles and e'port the phoneboo) bac) to (icroso,t Outloo)* Lotus Notes* &.+
and other popular ,ormats. !hen importing data ,rom /or e'porting data to0 (icroso,t Outloo)
2001 personal contact photos are also imported /or e'ported0. %rogram has advanced .(.
(anager to or) ith short messages: send te't* pictures* ringtones and logos2 receive
messages2 organi3e .(. ,olders. Logo 4ditor is a convenient tool to create and operate ith
phone logos. Tuning %ro,iles and To-5o Lists /including enhanced To-5o support ,or the latest
models0 is simple and clear li)e all other ,unctions.
&alendar section allos "ou to organi3e "our schedule in (icroso,t Outloo)-li)e %lanner
vie as ell as vie all events as a table. -ou can create events o, various t"pes: (eeting* &all*
$eminder* 6irthda" etc. %lanner shos all the events o, the selected da" /or) ee)* ee)*
month0 visuall". $ecurrent events li)e 6irthda"s can be easil" organi3ed also. -ou can set the
7ctive time margins to limit events vie /e.g. ,rom 10:00 to 18:000. -ou also can ad9ust time scale
,rom : minutes to 1 hour.
((. (anager allos reading* displa"ing and creating ne ((. messages and their
items and saving contents o, ((. message to ,ile/s0. ((. (essage editor supports the
,olloing content t"pes: plain te't* html* 9peg* gi,* animated gi,* png* ti,,* bmp* midi* av* rt. -ou
can save all "our ((. messages to a single ,ile and then load it to an" phone that supports
((.. -ou also can bac)up and restore ((. messages as ell as other in,ormation stored in
"our phone. #ndividual messages can be saved to dis) in ((. ,ormat. ((. options are ,ull"
controlled in ((. .ettings section.
O'"gen %hone (anager ## provides complete access to ;ava 7pplications and <ames as
ell as to the <aller" and %la" Lists. =ser can read all the <aller" contents in one operation* vie
images and listen to melodies on the %& right inside the program* save them to dis) and set
images as operator logo* startup logo or allpaper. The program allos to upload images and
melodies to an" <aller" ,older* delete ,iles and ,olders ,rom the <aller" and even create custom
,olders and sub-,olders. .upported ,ile ,ormats are (#5#* ;%4<* <#>* %N<* 6(%* ireless 6(%.
O'"gen %hone (anager ## has poer,ul $ingtone editor. -ou can import (#5# ,iles* use
piano )e"board to enter ringtones* pla" them on "our %& and manage "our personal $ingtones
librar". This program also includes >( stations manager ,or models having >( $adio ,eature.
!ith it* "ou can easil" set up and trans,er to the phone "our ,avorite >( .tations.
O'"gen %hone (anager ## allos "ou to manage !7% 6oo)mar)s* !7% .ettings* Notes*
+oice $ecords and &all Lists /last dialed* missed and accepted numbers0. #t also can load (#5#
ringtones to "our phone and manage ;ava (#5lets and <ames.
O'"gen %hone (anager ## has ,ull =nicode support - "ou can easil" vie and edit
multilanguage in,ormation.
&urrent version supports the ,olloing No)ia models: 2112* 212?* 212@i* 22@0* 22@:*
2280* 228:* 2100* 2:0:* 2?0:* 2?08* 2?10* 2?2?* 2?10* 2?:0* 2?:2* 2??0* 2?00 classic* 2?80
slide* 2?90* 2@00 classic* 2@10* 2@20 ,old* 2@10 classic* 2@?0* 1100* 110:* 1108* 1109 &lassic*
1110 &lassic* 1120* 1120 classic* 1200* 120:* 1208 classic* 1210* 1220* 1100* 1110* 111:* 1120*
1121* 1110* 11:0* 11?0* 11?1* 1190* 1191* 119:* 1A10* 1:00 &lassic* 1:10* 1:10i* 1:20* 1:10*
1:::* 1:?0* 1:@0* 1:@0i* 1:8:* 1:8:i* 1:8?* 1:8?i* 1:8@i* 1:88i* 1:89i* 1:90* 1:9:* 1?00 slide*
1?0?* 1?08* 1?10* 1?10 ,old* 1@10 ,old* 1@20 classic* :000* :0@0* :100* :110* :110i* :110* :110
Bpress(usic* :1A0* :1A0i* :190* :200* :210* :220 Bpress(usic* :100* :110 Bpress(usic* :110
Bpress(usic* ::10* :?10 Bpress(usic* ?020* ?021* ?010* ?0?0* ?0?1* ?0??* ?0@0* ?080* ?08:*
?08?* ?088* ?100* ?101* ?102* ?102i* ?101* ?108* ?110* ?111* ?12:* ?110* ?111* ?111* ?118*
?1:0* ?1:1* ?1:2* ?1@0* ?190* ?200* ?210* ?212 classic* ?21? classic* ?220* ?22:* ?210* ?210i*
?211* ?21A* ?21:* ?21:i* ?2:0* ?2::* ?2::i* ?2:?i* ?2?:i* ?2::i* ?2?0 slide* ?2?@* ?2@0* ?280*
?282* ?288* ?100* ?100i* ?101* ?101 classic* ?110* ?110i* ?11:i* ?120* ?1A0* ?1A0i* ?1:0* ?1?0*
?1@0* ?18:* ?:00* ?:10* ?:::* ?:?0* ?:8:* ?:90* ?:90i* ??00 ,old* ??00 slide* ??10* ??10i*
??:0* ??:1* ?@00 classic* ?@:0 (ural* ?800* ?810* ?820* ?822* @020* @0@0* @088* @100
.upernova* @110* @1?0* @190* @200* @210* @210 .upernova* @210* @2:0* @2:0i* @2?0* @2@0*
@280* @110 .upernova* @1?0* @1@0* @1@1* @180* @190* @:00 %rism* @:10 .upernova* @?00* @?10
.upernova* @900 %rism* 8208* 8210* 82:0* 8290* 8110* 8190* 8?00* 8800* 8800d* 8800 7rte*
8801* 8810* 88:0* 88::* 8890* 8910* 8910i* &1* &2* &1* B2* B1. The list o, supported models is
constantl" groing. To get the latest O'"gen %hone (anager version supporting "our mobile
phone please visit http://opm-2.com/opm2/.
.upported +ertu models are: 7scent* 7scent Ti* 7scent Ti-&* &onstellation* .ignature.
+ertu phones are supported in licenses started ,rom C+ertuC.
.upported (obiado models are: (obiado %ro,essional and (obiado %ro,essional
The O'"gen %hone (anager ## or)s under (icroso,t !indos 2000* !indos B%*
!indos .erver 2001* !indos +ista and !indos @ operating s"stems ,amil" and supports
57=-9% /or an" >-6=.0* 5L$-1/%0* 5D=-:* 5D=-2* &7-A2* &7-:1 cables* in,rared connection
using #r57 stac) and 6luetooth.
The author disclaims all arranties as to this so,tare* hether e'press or implied*
including ithout limitation an" implied arranties o, merchantabilit" or ,itness ,or a particular
purpose. =se under "our on responsibilit"* but comments /even critiEue0 in 4nglish* >rench*
<erman* #talian* $ussian are elcome.
#arranty dis!ai$er
TF#. .O>T!7$4 #. %$O+#545 7. #. !#TFO=T !7$$7NT- O> 7N- D#N5. TO TF4
(7B#(=( 4BT4NT %4$(#TT45 6- 7%%L#&76L4 L7!* OB-<4N >=$TF4$ 5#.&L7#(. 7LL
!7$$7NT#4.* #N&L=5#N< !#TFO=T L#(#T7T#ON 7N- #(%L#45 !7$$7NT#4.
(4$&F7NT76#L#T-* >#TN4.. >O$ 7 %7$T#&=L7$ %=$%O.4* 7N5 NON#N>$#N<4(4NT.
TF4 4NT#$4 $#.D 7$#.#N< O=T O> TF4 =.4 O$ %4$>O$(7N&4 O> TF4 %$O5=&T 7N5
5O&=(4NT7T#ON $4(7#N. !#TF $4&#%#4NT. TO TF4 (7B#(=( 4BT4NT %4$(#TT45 6-
7%%L#&76L4 L7!* #N NO 4+4NT .F7LL OB-<4N 64 L#76L4 >O$ 7N- &ON.4G=4NT#7L*
#N6NT7L* 5#$4&T* #N5#$4&T* .%4L* %=N#T#+4* O$ OTF4$ 57(7<4.
!F7T.O4+4$ /#N&L=5#N<* !#TFO=T L#(#T7T#ON* 57(7<4. >O$ LO.. O> 6=.#N4..
%$O>#T.* 6=.#N4.. #NT4$$=%T#ON* LO.. O> 6=.#N4.. #N>O$(7T#ON* O$ OTF4$
%4&=N#7$- LO..0 7$#.#N< O=T O> TF#. 7<$44(4NT O$ TF4 =.4 O> O$ #N76#L#T- TO
=.4 TF4 %$O5=&T* 4+4N #> OB-<4N F7. 644N 75+#.45 O> TF4 %O..#6#L#T- O>
.=&F 57(7<4..
#, "ou have an" antivirus so,tare installed /e.g. ."mantec* Daspers)" etc0* itHs highl"
recommended to turn it o,, be,ore installing O'"gen %hone (anager.
$un opm2setup.e'e ,rom the command prompt or 4'plorer. >ollo the installation
program directions.
To register online visit: http://opm-2.com/order/Iopm2
!hat "ou get i, register:
No mentions about unregistered version.
One "ear o, ,ree upgrades and technical support.
.pecial price ,or rene "our registration.
#n,ormation about upgrades o, the program.
7 arm ,u33" ,eeling that "ou did the right thing.
-ouJll support good so,tare K provide more incentives to ma)e it even better.
7,ter registration "ou receive ,ull version donload lin)* unloc) code and installation
instructions. Once "ou activate this code the program is read" to or). The number o, phones
alloed b" the license is shon in the tables belo /%rice section0. This value shos ma'imum
number o, phones that ill be handled b" the so,tare simultaneousl". $egister and =nregister
phones is ver" simple and convenient. #, "ou changed the phone or bought another one* 9ust
choose C$egister/=nregister phoneC item in C%honeC menu and select hat phone/s0 "ou need to
be added to /or removed ,rom0 "our license. %rogram sends this in,ormation to O'"gen
$egistration $obot. The $obot ill provide "ou ith updated registration code. =suall" it ta)es
onl" several minutes. Note that once "ou removed the phone ,rom the license* "ou onJt be able
to use it ith O'"gen %hone (anager ## again as removing phone ,rom "our license means that
"ouJre no longer using it.
&i!ensing for Oxygen Phone Manager II is as foo"s'
&i!ense type
Tota phones
(ree phone !hange
ao"ed I$port)*xport
Pri!e +*,%-
Lite 1 No No 19.9:
#ndividual 1 -es No 19.9:
>amil" 1 -es No :9.9:
6usiness : -es -es 99.9:
+ertu : -es -es 199.9:
.uite unlimited -es -es A99.9:
=nlimited unlimited -es -es 99:
=pgrade ,rom Lite to #ndividual 1 -es No 1:
7dditional phone L1 - - 19.9:
7dditional "ear o, ,ree updates preserved "es preserved >rom 10.9:
7ll licenses include one "ear o, ,ree upgrades /=nlimited license o,,ers li,e-time updates0
to a ne versions and li,e-time technical support b" email. #, "ou ish to receive updates a,ter
one "ear o, ,ree updates e'pires* "ou ala"s can purchase the O'"gen %hone (anager reneal
license at a small price ,rom 10.9: 4=$ per phone.
CTotal phones alloedC limitation denotes ma'imum number o, phones "ou are alloed to
rite data in ithin the limits o, one license. Note that* the number o, phones that "ou can read
data ,rom is unlimited.
There is no need to order ne license i, "ou changed "our phone. ;ust unregister old
phone and register ne one ,rom the so,tare ith couple o, mouse clic)s.
=pgrades ,rom #ndividual to >amil" and ,rom >amil" to 6usiness license are available.
=pgrade price is a di,,erence beteen licensesJ prices.
.opyright Notes
&op"right /&0 2000-2010 O'"gen .o,tare. 7ll rights reserved.
O'"gen %hone (anager and O'"gen %hone (anager ## are the trademar)s o, O'"gen .o,tare
No)ia is a registered trademar) o, No)ia &orporation.
!indos 2000* !indos B%* !indos .erver 2001 and !indos +ista are registered
trademar)s o, (icroso,t &orporation.
7ll other trademar)s are oned b" their respective companies.
O'"gen .o,tare: http://opm-2.com/opm2/
O'"gen %hone (anager ## support: http://opm-2.com/support/inde'.aspMpageN10A