Mind Sets For Creating Functional Business Cultures: Ownership Culture

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From: Benico van der Westhuizen <[email protected]> To: Begue, Sebastien <[email protected]> Cc: Venter, Werner W <Werner.Venter@arcelormittal.

com> Subject:

Mind sets for creating Functional Business Cultures

Date: 2011.0 .02 12!2"

Ownership Culture:
#$ this %as &our business . . . %hat %ould '() have done * #$ this %as &our mone& . . . %ould &ou have done the same * +Two questions testing attitude towards ownership & stewardship of the business., The W ! in which we do things " C#$T#%& ''( Success ) Failure*

+ot m, Dut,)Wor-) rea S,ndrome:

#s a dis$unctional t&-e o$ . . . segmentation . com-artimentalisation used to . . . evade the individual res-onsibilit& o$ ma/ing the business a success and a sign o$ . . . lac/ o$ customer $ocus, business vision 0 o%nershiborn out o$ . . . $ear o$ $ailure . en1o&ing a coz&, laz& com$ort zone %hich %ill lead to a . . . mediocre li$e . shrin/ing business . limited success

Winners D&$./&% 0O! * * * $osers ma-e e1cuses

/alue 2roposition* .f it was !O#% mone,:

%ould '() have -aid somebod& . . . your cost to company today . . . $or doing %hat &ou did toda& * %ould '() be %illing to -a& the same $or the items, s-ares 0 2ualit& delivered to the -lant * #n other %ords! .s the compan, getting a F .% D& $ 3

+o Mone, for changing +appies S,ndrome:

Must +OT be a con4enient e1cuse for +OT doing things * * * Must B& an opportunit, to be creati4e and do things differentl,* 3an %e hang u- %et na--ies to dr&4out and re4use * 3an the child %al/ outside W#56()5 a na--& * #s the child too &oung to -ott& train * #$ %e use old st&le cloth na--ies $or a %ee/ 4 %ill it hel- %ith the -ott& training * 3an %e cover the mattress %ith -lastic * +or are %e ha--& to be in the shit *,

Major impro4ements can be made W.T5O#T spending a lot of mone,*

The following items are areas where MAJOR impacts can be achieved in terms of throughput, quality, operating cost, repair cost and usefull life of equipment: 3ritical evaluation and optimisation o$ -rocess -aramenters 7roduction -rocess innovation 8aintenance -rocess innovation Business -rocess innovation

.nno4ation " impro4ing what we do * * * b, doing things differentl, 9:am-le! 8aintenance -rocess innovation! 3riticall& evaluating reconditioning -ractises and methods! ;o %e real& need to send this s-are out $or recon 4 or can %e do it ourselves * . . . %h& . . . %h& . . . %h& #s the method o$ the recon sensible * ;oes it need to be %elded u- and machined 4 or can %e ma/e liner -lates and change the liners ourselves * . . . %h& . . . %h& . . . %h&

<ll outside companies)contractors have their o%n $inancial %ell being at heart in the $irst -lace 4 and %ill tend to re-air things in the most e:-ensive manner -ossible. 5he right o$ e:istence o$ <== M .nternal Deptartments is to ;9=#V9>' ?(' 4 in a 8(>9 3(S5 and 5#89 e$$icient manner com-ared to outside service -roviders 4 and the& must be challenged and to do so. Kind Regards Benico 4an der Westhui6en @ 9ngineer <rcelor8ittal South <$rica 7rogress 5eam @ 6ot Stri- 8ill 7( Bo: 2, 77 A2B0A, Vanderbi1l-ar/, 1 00 T C2B +0,1" DD EF1D @ M C2B +0,D2 "F 12"F & [email protected]

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