Curriculum Vitae: Name Heranraj Devaki

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Heranraj Devaki

DOB: 29/02/1988 No2 E-Mail: [email protected] #iru$ati Dial: %91 9&11909199 '!o() Address Surya Sai Plaza , .!ahal "oad,

Career Objective: #o co*ti*ue my career +ith a* orga*izatio* that +ill utilize my !a*ageme*t, Su$ervisio* , -dmi*istrative skills to (e* mutual gro+th a*d success. Skills & C re C m!etencies : 1 /0ce$tio*al a(ility to commu*icate, (oth ver(ally a*d +ritte*, e..ectively +ith guests, ve*dors a*d co1+orkers. 2 2reat a(ility to ma*age di..icult or emotio*al customer situatio*s3 res$o*d $rom$tly to customer *eeds3 a*d res$o*d to re4uests .or service a*d assista*ce. 3 Prove* a(ility to (uild $ositive team s$irit. 4 Stro*g a(ility to read, +rite a*d s$eak /*glish, 5i*di, #elugu la*guage .lue*tly, (roke* 6re*ch a*d 7roke* "ussia* Core Competencies: 1 Pro.icie*t i* !icroso.t +ord, /0cel, Po+erPoi*t, 8utlook a*d #ally /"P. 2 7asic i*.ormatio* o* S-P 69:8. 3 8utsta*di*g a*alytical skills i*cludi*g tre*d a*alysis a*d the a(ility to develo$ i**ovative tactics to resolve $ro(lems. 4 Stro*g a(ility to look .or +ays to im$rove a*d $romote 4uality3 demo*strate accuracy a*d thorough*ess. 5 /0$erie*ce (uildi*g scorecards a*d re$orts usi*g !S -ccess. 6 Pro.ou*d a(ility to delegate +ork assig*me*ts3 $rovide recog*itio* .or results. 7 -(ility to a*alyze .i*a*cial data a*d $re$are .i*a*cial re$orts, stateme*ts a*d $ro;ectio*s. Educati n ACCA "evel # $ursui*g '<ista*ce) .orm " nd n Business Sc$


MBA in %&NANCE +ith COVEN'() *N&VE(S&') ac$ieved merit i* year #+,7-:5/=8" 86 /N29N//"9N2 i* ECE .rom ANNA *N&VE(S&') +ith

./0 i* year #++1 M232C '9N#/"!/<9-#/) .rom V&4AS V&D)A"A)AM >". :8==/2/. ?ith .-0 i* year #++5 S2S2C .rom EMMAN*A" "/S9</N#9-= 5925 S:588=. ?ith .50 i* year #++&nterns$i! E6!erience C m!an7 : 8 $ri Ass ciates "td Desi9nati n : %inance E6ecutive 3eri d : Marc$ #+,, : %ebruar7 #+,# ; rk C ntributi n: ?orki*g +ith :harted -ccou*ta*t to ma*age all .i*a*cial activities o. several com$a*ies a*d trai*ed i* ma*ageme*t accou*ti*g. 9*volved i* the i*ter$retatio* o. (udgets a*d mo*itori*g the com$a*y@s $ a*d loss 8verseei*g the $re$aratio* o. ta0 retur*s a*d the (ook o. accou*ts. -*alyzed 8 110 millio* (udget $ro;ects a*d achieved $ro;ect scheduled goals.

Pre$are a*d co*solidate the status , .orecast $la*s at 7-/ cou*try / (ra*ch/ legal e*tity level, $re$are re$orti*g to /5A, $rovide research data Su$$orted .i*a*ce ma*ager a*d +orked +ith e0ter*al auditors to $re$are .i*a*cial re$orts. "ecord daily sales a*d sales ta0 $aya(les o. several com$a*ies. -*alyze .i*a*cial i*.ormatio* detaili*g assets, lia(ilities a*d ca$ital. #rai*ed i* .i*a*cial a*alysis a*d decisio* maki*g. Su$ervised the .irm@s $ayroll, stock co*trol a*d credit co*trol. -dmi*istered everyday o$eratio*s .or ma*agi*g accou*ts accordi*g to com$a*y $rocedures. -*alyzi*g the com$a*y@s .i*a*cial $er.orma*ce 6orecasti*g a*d $la**i*g .uture s$e*di*g a*d $ro.its. <evelo$ a*d mai*tai* .i*a*cial data (ases. :om$ile a*d a*alyze .i*a*cial i*.ormatio* to $re$are .i*a*cial stateme*ts i*cludi*g mo*thly a*d a**ual accou*ts. 9*volved i* 7usi*ess Pla**i*g, P,=, 7ala*ce sheet , li4uidity $la**i*g.


Success.ully :om$leted dissertatio* o* Mauritius Bud9etin9 s7stem' - Post im$leme*tatio* "evie+) !erit holder i* -ccou*ta*cy 4uiz co*ducted (y "BS duri*g !asters. "eached .i*al rou*d .or 6i*a*ce case study i* i*ter college ma*ageme*t com$etitio*. -chieved merit i* a$titude test co*ducted (y 80.ord B*iversity. Played a* im$orta*t role i* $romoti*g 6<9 '!auritius) to 9*dia .or a medical research $ro;ect.

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