" T#E #EALT# AN$ %AFET& 'RACTICAL A''LICATION %t(dent n(m)er* Location*
$ate of re+ie,*
Gaps of legal obligation or let-down to meet the terms with enhancement and development or prevention warnings and notifications may outcome in law court act being taken which may lead to illegal action and penalties and the possibility of up to 6 months imprisonment. 'n depth narrati#e of the outcomes is listed below with reference to precise details of obser#ations gi#en in brac ets.
+ire 4recautions
+ire *afety Order requires that fire fighting arrangements must be pro#ided in the wor place. +ire +ighting and *afety %quipment +ire 0larm *ystems There are no fire alarms located throughout the building there is an absence of fire e(tinguisher in the office. +or that reason there is a #ital necessity to ensure e(tinguishers installed here as wor forces would be in e(treme danger if a fire were to start in the office. No fire e(its is not only creating a tripping ha1ard but it is putting the health and safety of the employees at ris of becoming trapped in the building if a fire were to start.
44%. 'ssues
The 4ersonal 4rotecti#e %quipment regulations state that all 44% need to be appropriately stored and eep up. The 44% hindering the fire e(it must be detached and all the old 44% in the ware house ha#e to change as it is no e(tended suitable for persistence.
The warehouse and office ad"oin area are all of up/to/date. ,ost of #ulnerability was as a result of a gap in general )ealth and *afety management and many of the interpretations possibly will be resol#ed by mee maintenance and focused effort up of the ware house and office. This is a #ery low cost run through which in go the )ealth and *afety of the labour force. 't gi#es the impression as well many bad practises chosen up such as poor o#erall maintenance. )owe#er this e(ercise counts for little if it is not put into run/through on a regular basis. Owners and wor forces should ta e narcissism in a hygienic and nonto(ic place of wor and it also sets a worthy model to other companies or potential clients. 0 safe place of wor will moreo#er diminish the possibility of mishaps and ill health to wor forces and sa#e cash from pre#entable claims$ damages of ma ing and a underpri#ileged business image.