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Element 5:- Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Something has the potential to cause harm
Likelihood that harm will occur and the severity of the harm
Suitable and Sufficient
Be proportionate to the level of risk
Ensure that all aspects of work activity are covered
Take account of the way the work is organised
Identify the significant hazards and risks
Evaluate the risks
Identify control measures
Enable priorities to be set
Residual risk low
Competence of Risk Assessor
Eperience and training in risk assessment techni!ues
"nowledge of process or activity
Technical knowledge of the plant or e!uipment
#ood communication and report writing skills
$bility to interpret legislation and guidance
%ossess right attitude
"nows limitations
5 Steps to Risk Assessment
Identify the hazards
&ecide who might be harmed and how
Evaluate the risks and the eisting precautions
Record the findings
Review the assessment and revise if necessary
Identifyin hazards
Task observation
$ccident' ill(health or near miss data
)orkplace inspections
*ob safety analysis
Legal standards
Hierarchy of Control
!hen assessment should be re"ie#ed
$fter an accident,incident
-ew e!uipment
+hanges to e!uipment' plant' process
+hanges in personnel
+hanges in legislation
Result of monitoring or audit
$ction by enforcing authority
-ew information becomes available
!hy youn persons at risk
Lack of eperience and,or training
Body not fully developed
.ore likely to take risks
Respond to peer group pressure
Be over enthusiastic
Risks to $oun !orkers
Their physical condition
The workplace
%hysical' Biological and chemical hazards
The work e!uipment
The organisation of work and processes
/ealth and safety training
Risks to %e# and e&pectant mothers
.anual handling
Etremes of temperature
%ersonal protective e!uipment
+hemical agents
Biological hazards
)orking conditions
Risks to disabled #orkers
Reduced mobility for access and egress
$bility to access welfare facilities
Reduced sensory ability e0g0 speech' hearing or eyesight
Reduced ability to lift' carry or move ob1ects
Ergonomic hazards
Test (5)
a) Explain the meaning of term permit-to-work
Is a formal mechanism for controlling high risk activities, with
Much more detail by way of an explanation or instance, the fact
and it gives signed authority for the activity to take place and there are
many type of permit to work (hot , cold !!etc)
(b) Outline the specific details that should be
included in P! for entr" into a confined space
"escription of the plant involved with reference to the task to
be completed
#ny foreseeable ha$ards % risks
The precautions to be taken
Isolating certificates
#tmospheric condition
&ases % Toxic level
'emoval of contaminants
(re)entry % ongoing atmospheric testing
Means of communication
*se of respiratory % other ((+, etc
,upport staff
welfare facilities
Outline the ke" elements of a P!
# description of the task to be performed
#n indication of the duration of the validity of the permit
The isolations that need to be made
the additional precautions re.uired
"etails % signature of the person authorising the work
#n acknowledgement of acceptance by the employee carrying out
the task
Outline #$EE t"pes of work situation that might
re%uire a P! s"stem& gi'ing reasons in E()# case
+ntry into confined spaces
/ot work
,pecialist maintenance work
0ork on electrical systems
+xcavation work
working at height
*dentif" the factors to be considered to ensure the
health + safet" of persons who are re%uired to work
on their own awa" from the workplace
The type of work to be done % its attendant ha$ards % risks
The e.uipment to be used
The work environment
The control measures in place
The competence % suitability of the persons involved
The methods of communication
The +mergency % first)aid procedures would all be relevant in
this respect
(a) Explain& using an example& the meaning of
the term risk
Likelihood that harm will occur and the severity of the harm
(b) Outline the content of a training course for
staff that is re%uired to assist in carr"ing out risk
The legal re.uirements with respect to risk assessment
The process of identifying ha$ards % evaluating risks
The identification % selection of appropriate control measures
The awareness of the individual1s own limitations % the
occasions when specialist assistance might be re.uired
#ssessing sources of
'eport writing skills
The interpretation of regulations % standards
The means available for disseminating the outcomes of the
(b)Outline the factors that should be considered when
selecting indi'iduals to assist in carr"ing out risk
assessments in the workplace
The individual1s past experience % training in ha$ard identification
% in carrying out risk assessments
Their experience of the process or activity carried out in the
Their knowledge of the plant % e.uipment involved
Their ability to understand % interpret regulations % standards
Their communication skills
Their attitude % commitment to the task
amiliarity with process being assessed
#bility to interpret legislation and guidance
#bility to provide realistic control measures
Technical knowledge of plant involved
#bility to lead and engage workers in process
Outline the factors to be consider when assessing the
risks to a long distance deli'er" dri'er
Outline the factors to consider when assessing the risks
to a long distance lorr" dri'er
The 3ob
The individual
The vehicle
The maintenance % breakdown provision, % the design % layout of
the cab
4ature of the load, (e5g5 ha$ardous, heavy, etc)
The means of handling materials
The duration of the 3ourney
The route or road conditions
Means of communication
The emergency procedures
,ecurity issues (e5g5 potential for violence)
The physical % psychological capabilities of the driver to do the
3ob, taking into account the level of training provided
Outline the ke" stages of a general risk
Identify the hazards
&ecide who might be harmed and how
Evaluate the risks and the eisting precautions
Record the findings
Review the assessment and revise if necessary
Outline the factors that should be considered
when de'eloping a safe s"stem of work
6) ,elect the task to be studied
7) Identify the ha$ards
8) "evelop the safe system looking at9)
;) Implement system
5) Monitor the system
b) Outline the sources of information that could be
consulted when de'eloping a safe s"stem of work
(Internal, +xternal)
'isk assessments
Inspection reports
Medical records
/ealth and safety committees
(lant registers
,afety advisors
&overnment bodies
4ational safety organisations
,uppliers and manufacturers
International standards
<onsultants and specialists
Insurance companies
c) Explain the actions an enforcement officer could
take when an organisation has failed to pro'ide a
safe s"stem of work
(Informal, ormal)

,erbal or written
o (rosecution with the intent of punishment
2rders to rectify
o =egal mandate9
To stop dangerous activity, e5g5 (rohibition
To comply with the law, e5g5 Improvement
o <aution
a) Explain the meaning of the term ha.ard
,omething with the potential to cause harm
b) Outline the main ha.ards that ma" be present
during the demolition of a building
,truck by falling debris
<ollapse of building
alls from height or same level
*nderground and overhead services
+xplosion and fire > *se of explosives
<hemical and biological contamination
Manual handling
'utline a hierarchy of control measures
for controllin risk
'utline techni(ues for identifyin
hazards in the #orkplace
Task observation
$ccident' ill(health or near miss data
)orkplace inspections
*ob safety analysis
Legal standards
Talking to the workforce
'utline the precautionary measures that may be
needed to pre"ent slip and trip hazards in an office
-o cables in walkways
Suitable storage for materials
Suitable storage for personal belongings
Removal of materials from floor
+losure of cabinets
+learly marked walkways
+leaning of floors out of office hours

/ist -O0$ criteria which need to be fulfilled to
ensure that a risk assessment is suitable and sufficient
,taffs have sufficient knowledge5
#ll significant ha$ards addressed
#ll aspects of workplace considered
4on)routine operations considered
0ork organisation is considered
'isks to other parties considered
,ystematic process used
,hort and long term control measures identified
'ecommended control measures prioritised
*dentif" the factors that ma" place "oung persons at a greater
risk of accidents at work
=ack of experience and:or training
?ody not fully developed
More likely to take risks
'espond to peer group pressure
?e over enthusiastic
Outline the measures that could be taken to minimise the risks to
"oung persons
Their physical condition
The workplace
(hysical, ?iological and chemical ha$ards
The work e.uipment
The organisation of work and processes
/ealth and safety training
Outline the factors that ma" increase risks to
pregnant emplo"ees
+xposure to chemicals e5g5 =ead, (esticides
?iological ha$ards e5g5 /epatitis
(hysical agents e5g5 radiation
+xtremes of temperature
Manual handling
+rgonomic issues
(ersonal (rotective +.uipment

Outline #$EE circumstances that might
re%uire a risk assessment to be re'iewed
$fter an accident,incident
-ew e!uipment
+hanges to e!uipment' plant' process
+hanges in personnel
+hanges in legislation
Result of monitoring or audit
$ction by enforcing authority
-ew information becomes available
(n organisation has introduced a new work process for which a
risk assessment is re%uired1
a) Outline the steps that should be used in carr"ing out a risk
assessment& identif"ing the issues that would need to be
considered at each stage
Identify the task being assessed and identify the ha$ards e5g5
<hemical, (hysical etc5
Identify the people who might be harmed and how5 This
includes own workers and vulnerable employees such as
pregnant women, and others such as the (ublic, <ontractors,
+valuate the risk by considering the likelihood of the harm
occurring and the severity of harm
,ignificant findings are recorded
#ssessment reviewed regularly
b) Explain the criteria that must be met for the assessment to be
deemed suitable and sufficient
,taff have sufficient knowledge and experience
#ll significant ha$ards addressed
#ll aspects of workplace considered
4on)routine operations considered
0ork organisation is considered
'isks to other parties considered
,ystematic process used
,hort and long term control measures identified
'ecommended control measures prioritised
Outline the specific factors that should be considered when
assessing the risks to emplo"ees on night shifts
The effects of fatigue,
The temperature
The lighting
The precautions needed in the employment of pregnant or
young workers5
The review of existing risk assessments,
The provision of first)aid,
+mergency arrangements for the night shift
+nsuring an ade.uate level of supervision
#ccess to specialist advice,
(rovision of appropriate travel arrangements for the
workers concerned5

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