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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher wishes to extend her gratitude to God Almighty for His spiritual support and temporal

blessing and for providing needed sources of motivation to come up with this research and the divine inspiration that made this study possible. No words are appropriate enough to express the researchers gratitude to the following: rs. !ristina "illiams# the thesis adviser for the unstoppable shower of patience sealed with motherly advice and constructive recommendations$ The %chool of Nutrition and Hospitality family# for providing the researcher with full support and gave the courage throughout the time and for being the mentor while doing the study$ &r. 'rna (abut# the researchers professor on statistical methods for research who taught her patiently.


This wor) is lovingly dedicated to the researchers family and *atric) for providing the strength which the researcher is able to hurdle all the barriers that hindered while ma)ing the research$

To %NH

family# co teachers and cowor)ers# the researchers home to relieve stress# gain wisdom and support$

To the former students of the researcher who never failed to assist while underta)ing the study$

MARKETING MIX USED BY THE LOCAL OCEANARIUMS IN METRO MANILA BASIS FOR PRODUCT POSITIONING by Catherine S rian M ti!ati n i" the # r$e that initiate"% &'i(e"% an( )aintain" & a*+ riente( beha!i r", It i" -hat $a'"e" the t 'ri"t t ta.e a$ti n% t !i"it ne- /*a$e"% an( t try ne- thin&", Thi" i" -e** inter/rete( in Abraha) M "* -0" the ry% 1Hierar$hy # Nee("%2 -hi$h /re"ent" (i##erent ty/e" # ) ti!ati n at (i##erent *e!e*", A )ar.etin& "trate&y $ n"i"t" # "e*e$tin& an( (e"i&nin& the /r /er )i3 # /r ('$t% /ri$e% /*a$e% /r ) ti n% /hi* " /hy% /e /*e% /r $e""% /er# r)an$e% PO4% an( / "iti nin& t )eet the nee(" an( -ant" # the tar&et )ar.et5$ n"')er" # the $ )/any, The ai) i" t .n - an( 'n(er"tan( the $'"t )er " -e** that the /r ('$t r "er!i$e #it" the) an( "e**" it"e*#% Dr'$.er 6789:;, A $ )/any% in r(er t $ )e '/ -ith the be"t )ar.etin& )i3% nee(" t ( " )e #'rther re"ear$h r "t'(y Statement of the Problem The # $'" # the "t'(y i" t a""e"" the )ar.etin& )i3 '"e( by the * $a* $eanari')"+ La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean Par." -hi$h -i** "er!e a" a ba"i" # r /r ('$t / "iti nin& S/e$i#i$a**y thi" " '&ht t an"-er the # ** -in& <'e"ti n"= 7, 4hat i" the /r #i*e # the re"/ n(ent" a$$ r(in& t the # ** -in&= a&e% &en(er%

nati na*ity% ty/e # !i"it r% $$'/ati n an( a!era&e ) nth*y in$ )e, >, 4hat i" the rea" n t 'ri"t !i"it the $eanari')? :, 4hat i" the /er$e/ti n i# the t 'ri"t ab 't the (i##erent )ar.etin& in"tr')ent '"e( by the t- * $a* $eanari')"?

@, H - ( e" t 'ri"t /er$ei!e the )ar.etin&= /hi* " /hy

$eanari') a" (e"tinati n a$$ r(in& t /r ('$t%/ri$e%/*a$e%/r ) ti n%

the 7A/"

6/r )i"e;%

/e /*e%/r $e""%

/er# r)an$e% PO4 an( / "iti nin&? B, H - ( e" /r ('$t / "iti nin& # the t- * $a* $eanari')" $ )/are? C, H - ( e" the /er$e/ti n # the re"/ n(ent" $ )/are -hen &r '/e( a$$ r(in& t =

nati na*ity% ty/e # !i"it r an( a!era&e ) nth*y in$ )e? 9, H - i)/ rtant # "tren&thenin& /r ('$t / "iti nin& in ter)" #= bran( a-arene""%

(yna)i") an( <'a*ity # "er!i$e? Procedure De"$ri/ti!e <'antitati!e )eth ( -a" '"e( in thi" "t'(y t a""e"" the )ar.etin& )i3 '"e( the * $a* $eanari'), The re"ear$her /r !i(e" <'e"ti nnaire -hi$h -a" # r)'*ate(% &ather re*iab*e an( !a*i( (ata, In# r)a*

!a*i(ate(% /re+te"te( an( -a" a()ini"tere( t

inter!ie- -a" a*" $ n('$te(, Re"/ n(ent" -a" /arti$i/ate( by the !i"it r" # the t- * $a* $eanari')",

Treatment of Data In r(er # r the re"ear$her t ana*yDe an( inter/ret the (ata &athere(% the re"ear$her '"e( the # ** -in& "tati"ti$a* treat)ent= Per$enta&e # r re"/ n(ent" /r #i*e an( rea" n # t 'ri"t t !i"it the $eanari')% -ei&hte( )ean in a""e""in& the an"-er in /r b*e) n')ber three% Stan(ar( (e!iati n '"e( t a""e"" an"-er in /r b*e) n')ber # 'r% T+te"t '"e( in $ )/arin& La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean /ar. in <'e"ti n n')ber #i!e an( an !a '"e( in $ )/arin& three !ariab*e" in <'e"ti n n')ber "i3 an( "e!en, The *i.ert "$a*e -a" a*" 'ti*iDe( t

inter/ret the (ata &athere(, The inter/ret re"'*t" "er!e( a" a ba"i" # r $ n$*'"i n" an( re$ ))en(ati n" # the re"ear$her, Findings 7, , Re"/ n(ent /r #i*e O't # the >:B $ )bine( re"/ n(ent" #r ) La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean Par.% )aE r re"/ n(ent" are a&e" >A year" *( an( be* -% re/re"entin& the bra$.et # y 'n& a('*t" an( "t'(ent", MaE rity # the) are - )en -h are -i**in& t an"-er the "'r!ey, M "t # the re"/ n(ent" are Fi*i/in ", MaE rity are -a*.+in" !i"itin& the /ar." # r #'n an( *ei"'re, Main"trea) are $ **e&e "t'(ent" r y 'n& /r #e""i na*" -ith an a!era&e ) nth*y in$ )e 'n(er 7>%AAA an( be* -, >, T 'ri"t rea" n" in !i"itin& * $a* $eanari')" MaE rity # re"/ n(ent" re&ar( the !ariety # attra$ti n" an( a)enitie" a" the #ir"t an( # re) "t $ n"i(erati n be# re & in& t a (e"tinati n a"i(e #r ) the bran( na)e, T 'ri"t" $an be ab*e t "ee the 1- - #a$t r2 #r ) the (e"tinati n that -i** $reate an intere"t an( /r !i(e a rea" n # r the) t !i"it the /*a$e, Thi" i" # ** -e( by "er!i$e <'a*ity% - r*(F$*a"" e3hibit% /r ) ti n% * $ati n% /ri$e% !a*'e # r ) ney% an( "een5hear( in a(!erti"e)ent", :, Le!e* # re"/ n(ent /er$e/ti n" The $ )bine( re"'*t" #r ) re"/ n(ent" # the tn the e##e$ti!ene"" an( re*iabi*ity $eanari')" re#*e$t that they a&ree( /r ) te the

# " )e )ar.etin& in"tr')ent" '"e( t

(e"tinati n" an( rea$h their tar&et )ar.et, H -e!er% Me(ia /r ) ti n% $ )/any0" -eb"ite an( tra!e* a&en$y are " )e-hat e##e$ti!e # r La" Far *a" an( "h '*( n t be ta.en # r &rante(, @, T 'ri"t /er$e/ti n t -ar(" $eanari')" a" a (e"tinati n

The /r /er $ )binati n # the (i##erent )ar.etin& )i3 rea**y he*/ the /r ('$t rea$he" it" tar&et )ar.et, Re"ear$her a&ree( n thi" a#ter &atherin& $ **atera*" #r ) ne-"/a/er" either tab* i( an( br a("heet /a/er an( '/ n $'*ar in"/e$ti n # the (e"tinati n", The )ar.etin& )i3 '"e( by the e"tab*i"h)ent" he*/" in e"tab*i"hin& their bran( a" a t 'ri"t (e"tinati n, B, Le!e* # $ )/ari" n a" /er$ei!e( by the t 'ri"t Ba"e( n the &athere( (ata% )aE rity # re"/ n(ent" a&ree( that there i" 1n "i&ni#i$ant2 (i##eren$e n the -ay t 'ri"t" /er$ei!e( the /r ('$t / "iti nin& # the t- * $a* $eanari')" in ter)" # /hi* " /hy% /r ('$t% /ri$e% /e /*e% /r $e""% /er# r)an$e% PO4% an( / "iti nin&,B't # r /*a$e an( /r ) ti n%" )e bet-een the t- (e"tinati n", C, T 'ri"t /er$e/ti n -hen &r '/e( a$$ r(in& t nati na*ity% /'r/ "e # !i"it% an( a!era&e /er" na* ) nth*y in$ )e a, Nati na*ity, There i" n (i##eren$e in the -ay a * $a* r # rei&n t 'ri"t re$ &niDe" a t 'ri"t (e"tinati n a" * n& a" it i" /r /er*y /r ) te( an( that it $reate" an intere"t # r &'e"t" t !i"it the /*a$e, b, P'r/ "e # !i"it, There i" n (i##eren$e n -ay the re"/ n(ent" # b th $eanari')" rea$t n the /'r/ "e # their !i"it, Gari '" attra$ti n an( a)enitie" # a (e"tinati n are in!itin& the t 'ri"t t !i"it the (e"tinati n # r the) t ha!e #'n an( enE y b n(in& <'a*ity ti)e -ith their #a)i*ie" an( * !e ne", $, A!era&e /er" na* ) nth*y in$ )e, Ba"e( n (ata &athere(% # the re"/ n(ent" a&ree( that there i" a "i&ni#i$ant (i##eren$e

* - ) nth*y in$ )e i" n t a hin(ran$e # r a t 'ri"t t !i"it a (e"tinati n that i" #re<'ent*y !i"ite( by the a##*'ent t 'ri"t a" * n& a" they are "ati"#ie( -ith their e3/e$tati n" ba"e( /r ) ti na* )ateria* /r !i(e( by the $ )/any, 9, I)/ rtan$e # bran( a-arene""% (yna)i")% an( "er!i$e <'a*ity t "tren&then /r ('$t / "iti nin&, Re"/ n(ent" # La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean Par. a&ree( that bran( a-arene""% n the

(yna)i")% an( "er!i$e <'a*ity are a** i)/ rtant in r(er # r a /r ('$t t e"tab*i"h it" / "iti n in the )ar.et, Creatin& a "tr n& $ )/any i)a&e in a !ery $ )/etiti!e in('"try i" n t an ea"y ta". # r the )ana&e)ent, It re<'ire" /r /er /*annin& an( "trate&y t &enerate the intere"t # the /'b*i$ that -i** $reate $ n$ern ab 't the (e"tinati n,

Conclusions Ba"e( n the #a$t" an( (ata /re"ente(% the # ** -in& $ n$*'"i n" -ere (ra-n= 7, La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean Par. a" a (e"tinati n i" &enera**y "ati"#a$t ry a" /er$ei!e( by the t 'ri"t $*a"" A% B% an( C, >, Mar.etin& in"tr')ent" '"e( by La" Far *a" an( Mani*a O$ean Par. are " )e-hat re*iab*e in /r ) tin& the $eanari')" t their tar&et )ar.et, :, Pr /er $ )binati n # )ar.etin& "trate&ie" in /r ) tin& ne- t 'ri") (e"tinati n" are rea**y e##e$ti!e a" it he*/" in$rea"e the / /'*arity # the (e"tinati n% &enerate in$ )e% an( $reate E b // rt'nitie", @, Per"/e$ti!e # Fi*i/in " in $h "in& a (e"tinati n i" n t )'$h (i##erent

#r ) # rei&ner" -ith re&ar(" t /atr niDin& a t 'ri") /r ('$t5(e"tinati n, B, Pr ('$t / "iti nin& i" !ery $r'$ia*, The &enera**y "ati"#a$t ry ratin& re$ei!e( by )ar.etin& "trate&ie" t / "iti n the /r ('$t i" re)ar.ab*e% /arti$'*ar*y La" Far *a" -hi$h i" E'"t ne- in the in('"try, H -e!er% that i" n t the ) "t attainab*e hi&he"t ratin& *e!e* # r t 'ri"t "ati"#a$ti n an( there i" a*-ay" r ) # r i)/r !e)ent,

C, Mar.etin& "trate&ie" re<'ire" $are#'* /*anne( t $ )e '/ -ith an e##e$ti!e in"tr')ent that $ '*( rea$h the / tentia* tar&et )ar.et, Recommendations A#ter the a""e"")ent # the #in(in&" an( $ n$*'"i n # the "t'(y% the # ** -in& are re$ ))en(e( # r /r ('$t / "iti nin& # the t- * $a* $eanari')"= B th O$eanari')"= 7, MaE rity # their re"/ n(ent" are y 'n& /r #e""i na* an( "t'(ent be$a'"e # their a)enitie"% Mana&e)ent "h '*( #'rther $reate ) re /r &ra)" t $at$h the intere"t # ty/e # t 'ri"t "'$h a"= $ r/ rate &r '/ an( b'"ine"" in('"try, >, The )ana&e)ent "h '*( )a3i)iDe /r &ra)" an( a$ti!itie" n t n*y *i)ite( t #'n an( *ei"'re b't a*" /r &ra)" an( a$ti!itie" that -i** e3ten( the b n(in& ) )ent" # the -h *e #a)i*y,
:, Sh '*( $reate a )ar.etin& &r '/ that # r)'*ate /r ('$t / "iti nin& /*an an( -i**

# $'" n e"tab*i"hin& it" bran( na)e n t n*y in the Phi*i//ine" b't a*" a** !er the - r*(.

@, Nee( !iab*e /artner"hi/" -ith t 'r /erat r" an( tra!e* a&en$ie" t in$*'(e their (e"tinati n" a" /art # their t 'r /a$.a&e"% *i.e in a $ity t 'r, Mana&e)ent "h '*( $ )e '/ -ith an in$enti!e "$he)e t tra!e* a&en$ie" an( t 'r /erat r" t /ri ritiDe "e**in& t 'r /a$.a&e", B, The )ana&e)ent "h '*( #'rther i)/r !e $'"t )er "er!i$e thi" )i&ht e"tab*i"h a "er!i$e $'*t're -ithin the $ )/any that -i** in"ti** the bran( i)a&e # the $ )/any t the )in( # the t 'ri"t t attain 7AAH $'"t )er "ati"#a$ti n, The "ta## $an )a.e a (i##eren$e t the !era** t 'ri"t e3/erien$e, C, The * $a* & !ern)ent "h '*( /r !i(e a""i"tan$e in /r ) tin& the t 'ri"t (e"tinati n in their area 9, F'rther re"ear$h )ay $ n('$t ab 't the Phi*i//ine $eanari')" /r ('$t / "iti n in the S 'th Ea"t A"ia, Mani*a O$ean Par.= 7, Mani*a O$ean Par. ha" a*) "t e"tab*i"he( it" bran(, Mana&e)ent "h '*( .ee/ n '/(atin& their /r &ra)" a$$ r(in& t internati na* "tan(ar(", La" Far *a"= 7, La" Far *a" hire ) re "a*e" /er" nne* that $ '*( he*/ in$rea"e the $ )/any0"0 bran( na)e t the tar&et )ar.et% an( t /r ) te an( (i""e)inate in# r)ati n ab 't the $ )/any,

>, La" Far *a" "h '*( enhan$e it" $ )/any0" -eb"ite t be ) re enti$in& t the eye" # rea(er"% they "h '*( a(( " )ethin& that -i** b "t the $'ri "ity # the )ar.et% *i.e= a

&'e""in& &a)e $ nte"t% there /riDe # r the 7AAAth !i"it r # the -eb"ite, :, Gi"it r a&ree( n the /ri$e ('rin& the Chri"t)a" h *i(ay Ph/ >AA # r a('*t &'e"t% )ana&e)ent "h '*( $ n"i(er it a" /er)anent a()i""i n #ee # the /ar.,

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