Vit Syllabus 6th Sem Ece
Vit Syllabus 6th Sem Ece
Vit Syllabus 6th Sem Ece
1. Antennas and Wave Propagation 2. Information Theory and Coding 3. Computer Communication 4. Optical Communication and Networks 5. Wireless and Mobile Communication 6. Satellite Communication 7. Psychology and Sociology 8. Principles of Management 9. Research Methods for Management
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Objectives: Introduce the mechanism and models for radio-wave propagation. Discuss the fundamental antenna parameters and numerical methods to analyze and differentiate the antennas. Design antennas and study the radiation mechanism of various antennas and antenna arrays. Provide the principles of selection of Antennas for Modern Wireless Application. Expected Outcome: 1. Explain The Wave Propagation Mechanisms. 2. To Interpret The Basic Antenna Parameters And Radiation Pattern. 3. Design And Characterize The Various Wire And Aperture Antennas, Antenna Arrays And Broad Band Antennas. Unit I Wave Propagation Propagation Mechanism- Reflection, refraction and Transmission, Scattering and diffraction. Propagation Model- Path Loss, Free space loss, Plane earth Loss, Link budget, Noise Modeling. Modes of propagation- Ground wave Propagation, Space wave propagation- TroposphericTropospheric effects, Sky wave Propagation- Ionospheric Effects. Unit II Antenna Fundamentals Radiation mechanism-single wire, two wire, dipole and current distribution on thin wire. Radiated field components -Hertizan dipole, half wave dipole, monopole antenna. Antenna Parameters- radiation pattern, beam width, field region, radiation power density, directivity and gain, bandwidth, polarization, co polarization and cross polarization level, input impedance, efficiency, antenna effective length and area, antenna temperature. Friss Transmission formula, Radar range equation. FCC Antenna standards A and B. Measurements - radiation pattern- gain- directivity and impedance measurements. Unit III Design of Arrays Linear Array - Two element array, N-element linear array- broadside array, End fire arrayDirectivity, radiation pattern. pattern multiplication. Non-uniform excitation- Binomial, Chebyshev distribution Planar array Array factor, Circular array - array factor, Directivity (Qualitative study) Unit IV Design of Antennas Wire Antennas- long wire, V-Antenna, Rhombic antenna, Helical antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna. Frequency independent antenna - spiral and log periodic antenna. Aperture antennas - Horn antenna, Parabolic reflector antenna, Microstrip antenna. MEMS antenna. Unit V Antennas for Modern Wireless Communications (Qualitative study) Antennas for Terrestrial mobile communication - mobile handsets and base stations. Antennas for Satellite Communication- MSAT briefcase terminal and vehicle mounted antennas, VSAT and DBS TV antennas. Antenna for Radar systems. Adaptive antenna, RFID antenna, Ultra wideband antenna, Terahertz antenna.
Textbooks 1. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, 3/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. 2. J.D.Krauss, Antenna for all Applications, TMH, 4/e, 2010. Reference Books 1. S.R.Saunders, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication, 2/e, John Wiley, 2007. 2. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, Antenna From Theory to Practice, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008 3. R.S.Elliot, Antenna Theory and Design, IEEE Press, John Wiley, 2005. 4. H. Jasik , Antenna Engineering Handbook , Editor, McGraw-Hill, 1961. 5. R.L.Freeman, Reference Manual for Telecommunication engineering, Vol. I, John Wiley, 2002. 6. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, Antenna from Theory to Practice, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
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Objectives: Describe and analyze the information source and channel capacity Differentiate between the uniform and non-uniform quantization Analyze the source coding techniques such as Shanan Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding, Arithmetic Coding. Apply statistical techniques for signal detection Construct the various channel coding schemes such as block codes, cyclic codes and convolutional codes. Expected Outcome: 1. Apply mathematical models that describes the behavior of information source and channel capacity and the performance of source coding and channel coding techniques 2. Solve mathematical problems in source coding and channel coding techniques and implement in Matlab. Unit I Information Theory Introduction, Uncertainty, Information and its property, Entropy and its property, Joint and Conditional Entropy, Mutual Information and its property, Information measures for Continuous random variables. Unit II Channel classification and Capacity Channel capacity theorem, Continuous and Discrete Communication channels Discrete memory less channels - channel representations - noiseless channel, lossless channels, Deterministic, Binary symmetric channel (BSC), Binary Erasure channel (BEC) and their capacities. Unit III Source Coding Techniques Coding for Discrete memory less sources: Fixed length code words, Variable length code words, Kraft Inequality, Prefix coding, Shannons first , second and third theorem, Shannon binary Encoding, Shannon- Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding : minimum and maximum variance method, Arithmetic Coding, Dictionary Coding- LZ , LZW Coding. Unit IV Error Control Coding Types of Errors, Types of Codes, Linear Block Codes: Error Detection and Error Correction Capabilities of Linear Block codes, Binary Cyclic codes , Encoding using Shift register, Syndrome Calculation, Error detection, and Error correction, Convolutional codes Encoders and Decoders for convolutional codes, LDPC Codes, Trellis Codes, Turbo Codes, Viterbi Coding. Unit V Detection of Signals and Channels with Noise Hypothesis testing Bayes criterion Minimum error probability criterion, Neyman Pearson criterion, Minmax criterion-Maximum Likelihood detector-Wiener filter-Continuous and Discrete channels with noise.
Textbooks: 1. K. Sam Shanmugam, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2006. 2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2009. Reference Books: 1. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 2004. 2. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
Computer Communication
Version No.: 1.10 Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication Objectives: To make the students to understand the different layers of ISO Network To understand the concept of Networking. To get to know the connectivitys and how to interface with network. Unit I Data Communication Evolution of data Networks Switching Techniques Network Topologies Categories of Networks ISO/OSI Reference Model TCP/IP Model Inter Networking Devices Repeaters Hubs Switches Bridges: Transparent and Source Routing Bridges Routers. Unit II Data Link Layer Logical Link Control Error Detection Techniques ARQ protocols Framing HDLC Point to Point protocol. Medium Access Control Random access Protocols Scheduling approaches to MAC. Unit III Local Area Networks Ethernet Token Bus Token Ring FDDI Virtual LAN Wireless LAN. Unit IV Network Layer Internetworking IP Addressing Subnetting Ipv4 and IPv6 Routing Distance Vector and Link State Routing Routing Protocols. Unit V Transport Layer and Application Layer Connection oriented and Connectionless Service User Datagram Protocol Transmission Control Protocol Congestion Control Application Layer Protocols: DNS, SMTP, FTP, HTTP and World Wide Web. Textbooks: 1. Alberto Leon-Garcia, Communication Networks Tata McGraw-Hill 2005. Reference Books: 1. Robert Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice Hall, 2004. 2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall, 2004. 3. Fred Halsall, Data communications, Computer Networks and Open systems, Addison Wesley 2000. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination. ECE308 List of Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Demonstrate the implementation of Token Ring Network and Examine The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET Demonstrate the implementation of Ethernet Network and Examine The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET Simulation of TCP Protocol using NS-2 Designing a simulation model using NS-2 to analyze various aspects of the Internet a. Protocol. 7. Simulation of ATM network using NS-2 Computer Communication Lab
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Objectives: To provide an in depth knowledge on various types of fibers, their transmission characteristics, geometrical, optical, mechanical characteristics, techniques to compensate transmission impairments, power launching and coupling schemes. To describe the construction, working principle and characteristics of LEDs, LASERs, photo detectors and external modulators to suit the low loss wavelength optical communication system establishment and also to analyze noise performance at the receiver section. To introduce the concepts of optical network architecture, routing algorithms and intelligent optical networks. Expected Outcome: 1. Demonstrate the transmission, geometrical and optical and mechanical characteristics of fiber. 2. Choose fiber, optoelectronic components to design, analyze and evaluate various optical communication systems 3. Establish optical communication systems and integrate it as part of the telecommunication system to speed up the transmissions. Unit I Fibre Optic Systems Analog and Digital fiber optic systems and associated Sources/Transmitters Optical ModulatorsReceiver -pin Receivers - APD Receivers. Fibers- Non dispersion-Shifted Fiber - DispersionShifted Fiber- Nonzero Dispersion-Shifted Fiber- Link impairment considerations and system design. Regenerators Optical amplifiers- Optical Amplifiers - Stimulated Emission Spontaneous Emission - Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers - Raman Amplifiers -Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers -Crosstalk in SOAs. Unit II SONET-SDH Fiber networks evolution as SONET/SDH Multiplexing - SONET/SDH Layers -SONET Frame Structure -SONET/SDH Physical Layer- Elements of a SONET/SDH Infrastructure Network Survivability - Basic Concepts - Protection in SONET/SDH - Point-to-Point - SelfHealing Rings -Unidirectional Path-Switched Rings - Bidirectional Line-Switched Rings. Unit III WDM Light Wave System WDM -WDM Components -Tunable Optical Filters-Multiplexers and Demultiplexers - Add Drop Multiplexers - Star Couplers- Wavelength Routers- Optical Cross-Connects - Wavelength Converters- - WDM Transmitters and receivers - Nonlinear Raman Crosstalk - Stimulated Brillouin Scattering - Cross-Phase Modulation - Four-Wave Mixing Dispersion -ManagementPrecompensation Schemes- Post compensation Techniques -Fiber Bragg Gratings- Optical Phase Conjugation- PMD Compensation. Unit IV Single Wave Length Systems Optical Time-Division Multiplexing Bit interleaving-Packet Interleaving- Subcarrier Multiplexing -Analog SCM Systems- Digital SCM Systems - Code-Division Multiplexing Direct-Sequence Encoding - Spectral Encoding.
Unit V All Optical Transport and Access Networks: The Optical Transport Network - Introduction - OTN Network Layers - FEC in OTN - OTN Frame Structure - OPU-k - ODU-k - OTU-k-The Optical Channel - Optical Channel Carrier and Optical Channel Group Non associated Overhead Mapping GFP -frames in OPU-kOTN and DWDM Access WDM Systems The General PON CWDM PON- TDM PONTDM PON Versus WDMPON. Textbooks 1. Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N.Sivarajan, Galen H. Sasaki Optical networks -3rd edition Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2010. 2. Ghatak K. Thyagarajan, Introduction to Fiber Optics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Reference Books 1. John M. Senior, Optical fiber communication principles and practice, 3rd edition, PHI, 2009. 2. Govind P.Agrawal, Fiber optic communication system, 3rd edition John Wiley and Sons, 2002. 3. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2008. 4. Djafar k.mynbaev and Lowell.l.scheiner, Fiber optic communication Technology, Pearson education, 2006. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination ECE401 List of Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Design, simulation and analysis of CWDM and DWDM systems. Dispersion Management-Pre, Post, Pre-Post DCF, Braggs Grating Analysis of SPM in single wavelength system Analysis of CPM in Multi- wavelength system Analysis of FWM in WDM system Comparison of NRZ, RZ, CRZ and CSRZ modulations. PMD compensation in optical systems. Gain Equalization in EDFA for WDM system. DPSK modulation and Demodulation in optical systems. Sub carrier Multiplexing and demultiplexing FTTH system with GEPON access architecture. Optical Communication and Networks Lab
Version No.: 2.00 Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication Objectives: Interpret the various spectrum allocation standards and assigned Bandwidth allocation for various wireless and cellular standards. Apply the constraints such as fixed bandwidth channel spacing and signal to noise ratio in the cellular systems Specify the need of OFDM techniques for wireless communication. Illustrate the features of 1G, 2G and 3G and next generation standards using fundamentals of radio telephony. Describe the various kinds of mitigation techniques used for multipath propagation. Expected Outcome: Student will be able to To know the cellular structure developed for wireless mobile communication. To understand how signal propagation is carried out in mobile environment with the help of large scale propagation models and small scale models To have a complete knowledge on various standards used in Wireless Communication. To study about various mitigation techniques for multipath propagation. Unit I Cellular Concept 8 hours Cellular concept - Frequency reuse - channel assignment strategies - hand off strategies interference & system capacity - trunking& grade of service Improving coverage and capacity in cellular system. Unit II Mobile Radio Propagation 10 hours Free Space Propagation Model Three Basic Propagation mechanism Reflection, Diffraction and Scattering Ground Reflection (Two Ray) model - Link Budget design using Path Loss model Outdoor and Indoor Propagation models - Small scale multipath propagation Parameters of mobile multipath channels Types of small scale fading Fading effects due to Multipath time delay spread and Fading effects due to Doppler spread - Rayleigh and Rician distribution. Unit III OFDM for Wireless Communication 10 hours Overview of Linear Modulation Techniques GMSK Multicarrier Modulation OFDM principle Transceiver implementation, Cyclic prefix, Intercarrier interference, PAPR. Unit IV Wireless standards 10 hours Introduction to wireless standards 1G-AMPS, 2G. GSM services and features, System architecture, Radio subsystem, channel types, Frame structure for GSM, Signal Processing in GSM - CDMA (IS-95) Forward and Reverse CDMA Channel GPRS Advanced Wireless standards. Unit V Multipath Mitigation Techniques 7 hours Diversity Types of Diversity Diversity combining techniques: Selection, Feedback, Maximal Ratio Combining and Equal Gain Combining Rake receiver MIMO systems Spatial Multiplexing, System Model and Channel state information.
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Unit VI Security in Wireless Networks Introduction-Requirements-Services-Mechanisms-Algorithms. Textbooks 1. Rappaport T.S., Wireless communications, Pearson Education, 2010. Reference Books 1. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 2. Van Nee, R. and Ramji Prasad, OFDM for wireless multimedia communications, Artech House, 2000. 3. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communication, Pearson Education, 2009 4. Andreas.F. Molisch, Wireless Communications, John Wiley India, 2006. 5. Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Communication Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2008. 6. Vijay. K. Garg, Wireless Communication and Networking, Morgan Kaufmann Publishe rs, 2007. 7. Kavch Pahlavan, Prashant Krishnamoorthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, PHI. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
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Objectives: To get in depth knowledge of communication through satellite To know the intricacies involved To understand the design criterion Expected Outcome: On completion of the course the student shall be able to: Identify the required specifications for a complete satellite subsystem. Summarize the tracking and monitoring systems operated in the earth station. Interpret the frequency and multiple access techniques required for a typical communication. Understand the role of satellite communication in advance communication technologies. Build a satellite model with all the required parameters to operate for a specific engineering application. Unit I Elements of Orbotal Mechanics Equation, Orbital elements, orbital perturbation; Tracking and orbital determination, orbital correction / control. Unit II Elements of Communication Satellite Design Space environment, Spacecraft configuration, spacecraft subsystems, payload, Reliability considerations spacecraft integration and testing. Unit III Multiple Access Techniques FDM-FM-FDMA, TDMA, SSMA / CDMA, RANDOM MULTIPLE access techniques; packet switching and packet satellite networks. Satellite on broad processing and switching. Unit IV Satellite Link Design
Types of systems: BSS, Performance requirements and standards for Telephony, TV and data. Performance impairments; Noise, interference, inter modulation. Design of typical satellite links. Unit V Domestic Satellite Systems The INSAT system, International system: INTELSAT, IMMARSAT, Satellite based personal communication LEO, ICO, CEO Systems. Textbooks: 1. D. Roddy, Satellite Communications, Prentice Hall, 1989. 2. T. Pratt and C.W. Boastian, Satellite Communication, John Wiley & Sons, 1986. Reference Books: 1. Yunus A. Cengel (2005), Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2. Y.V.C.Rao (2004), An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Universities Press. 3. C. P. Arora (2005) Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 4. David R. Gaskell, (2003), Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor and Francis Publisher.
5. M. Achuthan (2004), Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall India Limited. 6. Eastop (2004), Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologies, Addison - Wesley Logman Limited. Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination
Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Academic Council of VIT held on 26.3.2010
PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY L 3 Version No.: Course Prerequisite: Nil Objectives: Developed with the idea of making the students acquainted with the basic concepts of Psychology as well as Sociology so as to equip them to be better social beings. To help students broaden their view of society beyond their own immediate experience and understand how and why their own experience may be similar or different to the experience of other. Expected Outcome: CONTENTS Unit 1 Description Psychology Science of Psychology Meaning Objectives Schools of Psychology Psycho analysis Behaviorism Humanism Sensation and perception, Emotion and motivation. Cognitive abilities and Intelligence Personality. Applications of Psychology Memory Building and Mind Mapping Stress Management Career Planning and Management Ergonomics Cybernetics - Case Studies Social Psychology Nature and Scope Social Psychology and Related disciplines Cultivation and development of human values social changes urbanization westernisation social problems social unrest action child labour gender injustice. Attitudes and Behavior Impression Management Team Work and its success Assertive behaviour Developing positive attitude Case studies Sociology Definition of Sociology subject matter society definition and characteristics social structure social groups social institution culture cultural diversity socialization social rules norms and values Case studies Hours T P C 3
Text Books 1. Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, John Schopler Introduction to Psychology, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 7th Edition, 2008. 2. John J. Makionis Sociology, Pearson Education, 10th Editiion, 2008. Reference Books: 1. John J Makionis Sociology- Pearson Education in South Asia : New Delhi 2006 2. Edward E. Smith, Susan Nolen, Hoeksema, Barba Fredickson, Geoffrey R. Lottus Introduction to Psychology, Atkinson & Hilgards 14th Edition, 2008. 3. Shelley E. Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplan, David O. Sears, Social Psychology Pearson Education, 12th Editiion, 2008. Mode of Evaluation: Written Examinations and any of these: Term Paper, Mini Projects, Quiz, Group Discussion, Case Study Analysis, Seminar, Assignments etc. Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 23-02-2010 Date of Approval by the Academic Council:
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Version:1.00 Prerequisite:Nil Objectives: To give exposure tothe Students with the key aspects and concepts of Management. and to understandtheinterdisciplinarynatureofManagement ExpectedOutcome:TheStudentswillbefamiliarwiththebasicconceptsofManagementandwillbeableto applythesameinOrganizations.
Nature and Scope of Management: Meaning,Importance of Management,Functional areas of Management, Management as a process, Management as a Science/an Art ,Management & Administration, Development of Management thought, Scientific Management, Modern Management,Management Levels, Managerial Skill, Managerial Roles, Comparison of American & Japanese Management Practice. Mission, Vision & Objectives Mission and Vision, Objectives hierarchy of objectives,Process of setting objectives, Management By ObjectivesMeaning, Advantages, & Limitations. Environment, Social Responsibility, Ethics: Environmental factors, Challenges before Indian Managers, The Social responsibility of business, Key Ethical principles, EthicalissuesinManagement
Planning: Meaning and Nature of Planning, Steps in Planning, Types of Plansbasis of Breadth, Time Frame, Specificity, Frequency of Use, Classification of Budgetsbasis of Capacity,Coverage,Period, Planning premises Meaning, Types; Forecasting Meaning, Importance of Forecasting; 2
DecisionMakingMeaning,ProcessofDecisionMaking. Organizing: Concept of organizing & Organization , Steps in organizing, Organization as a Process & as a Structure; Authority, Responsibility, Power Delegation Concept, Obstacles in delegation; Centralization & Decentralization; Departmentalization Meaning, Bases of Departmentalization; Organization structure Organization Chart Organizational Change OrganizationalCreativity&InnovationOrganizationalCulture.
Staffing & Leading: Manpower Planning Meaning; RecruitmentMeaning, Sources; Selection Process; TrainingMeaning, Methods; Leadership Meaning, Leadership styles; MotivationMeaning, Types of Motivation, Content theories of Motivation Maslow, Alderfer, David McClelland, Herzberg; Theory X & Theory Y; Communication Meaning,Process,Types Controlling:Meaning, Process of control, Types of Control, Organizational Control techniques
TextBook: 1.L.M.PRASAD,2010,Principles&PracticeOfManagementSultanChand&Sons,NewDelhi. ReferenceBooks: 1.Dr.S.C.Saxena,(2005),PrinciplesandPracticeofManagement,Sultanchand&Sons. 2.Koontz,Weihrich&Aryasri,(2006),EssentialsofManagement,TataMcGrawHill. ModeofEvaluation:WrittenExaminationsandanyofthese:TermPaper,MiniProjects,Quiz,Group Discussion,CaseStudyAnalysis,Seminar,Assignmentsetc. RecommendedbytheBoardofStudieson :27082011 DateofApprovalbytheAcademicCouncil : 23ACheldon30.8.2011
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Version:1.00 Prerequisite:BMT207 Objectives: This course enables the student to identify the real business problem of a company and how he/she can scientifically and logically study the problem and provide the solution for the business problem by using his/herknowledgeinfunctionalareasofmanagement Expected Outcome: To understand and using the various techniques to analyze the business problems and to providethefeasiblesolutiontothebusinessproblems
UNIT DESCRIPTION HOURS Foundations of Research: Meaning, Objectives, Motivation, Utility. Characteristics of scientific method Concept, Construct, Definition, Variable. Research Process problem Identification & Formulation Management Question Research Question Investigation Question Measurement Issues Hypothesis Qualities of a good Hypothesis Null 15 Hypothesis & Alternative Hypothesis. 1.c. Research Design: Concept and Importance in Research Features of a good research design Exploratory Research Design concept, types and uses, Descriptive Research Designs concept, types and uses. Experimental Design: Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, concomitant variable,extraneousvariable,Treatment,Controlgroup. Qualitative and quantitative research: Qualitative research Quantitative research Concept of measurement, causality, generalization, replication. Merging the two approaches. Types of Data: Secondary Data Definition, Sources, Characteristics. Primary Data Definition, Advantages and disadvantages over secondary data, Observation method, Questionnaire Construction, Personal Interviews, Telephonic Interview, Mail Survey, 20 Email/Internetsurvey. Sampling: Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample, Sampling Frame, Sampling Error, Sample Size, Non Response. Characteristics of a good sample. Probability Sample Simple Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random Sample & Multistage sampling. Non Probability Sample Judgment, Convenience, Quota & Snowballing methods. DeterminingsizeofthesamplePracticalconsiderationsinsamplingandsamplesize. Data Analysis: Data Preparation Univariate analysis (frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, percentages), Bivariate analysis Cross tabulations and Chisquare test including 10 testinghypothesisofassociation.)InterpretationofDataandReportWritingLayoutofa ResearchPaper)
TextBook: 1.DonaldR.CooperandPamelaS.Schindler,(2006),BusinessResearchMethods,TataMcGrawHill. ReferenceBooks: 1.WilliamsZickmundG,(2003),BusinessResearchMethods,7thEdition,PearsonEducation. 2.Hair,Anderson,TathamandBlack(2006),5thEdition,MultivariateDataAnalysis,PearsonEducation. 3.C.R.Kothari,(2005),ResearchMethodology:MethodsandTechniques,NewAgeInternational. 4.O.R.Krishnaswamy,(2005),MethodologyofResearchinSocialSciences,2ndEdition,HimalayaPublishers. ModeofEvaluation:Examinationsandanyofthese:TermPaper,MiniProjects,Quiz,GroupDiscussion,Case StudyAnalysis,Seminar,Assignmentsetc. RecommendedbytheBoardofStudieson :27082011 DateofApprovalbytheAcademicCouncil : 23ACheldon30.8.2011