Modern Communication Technologies

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BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Second Semester 2013-2014

Course Handout (Part - II)

Date: 15/01/2014 In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Timetable) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. Course Number Course Title Course Coordinator Instructors : ECE C392 / ECE F418 / EEE F418 : Modern Communication Technologies : YOGANANDAM Y. :

1. Scope and Objective of the Course: This is a discipline Engineering Course in which the Digital, Wireless & Optical communication principles are covered. The course objectives are: i) ii) Explain and discuss the essential blocks of a modern communication system. Formatting and Baseband Modulation: cursory treatment (as it is being dealt in ECE 393).

iii) Discuss Various bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques. iv) Discuss Link Budget calculations and explain how channel coding helps link improvement. v) Channel capacity & coding cursory treatment (as it is being dealt in ECE 393). vi) Digital receiver design & performance analysis. vii) Explain Multiplexing & Multiple access techniques. viii) Explain & discuss wireless channel properties & mitigation techniques. ix) Introduce mobile communication network concepts. x) Introduce concepts of optical communication systems. Course Prerequisite: Parallel or prior treatment of Communication Systems (ECE C383). 2. Text Books: T1. John G Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Communications System Engineering, Pearson Education, 2002, Second Ed. T2. H Kolimbiris Fiber Optic Communications Pearson Education, Ist Indian Edition. OR

3. Reference Book (RB): R1. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Fundamentals and Applications: ERNARD SKLAR and Pabitra Kumar Ray; Pearson Education 2009, 2/e. R2. Wireless Communications Priniciples and Practice. Theodore Rappaport, Pearson Education R3. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, Govind P Agarwal, 3rd Edition, Wiley India Edition 2008. 4. Course Plan / Schedule: Sl. # Learning objectives 1. 2. Introduction Explain and discuss the essential blocks of a modern communication system. Formatting and Baseband Modulation: cursory treatment (as it is being dealt in ECE 393).

Topics to be covered Introduction to the course Typical block diagram, explanation of each block, discuss the different aspects of each block, refresh the nomenclature used in the communication signal processing Introduction to types of information to be communicated, formatting, baseband modulation and Demodulation principles and key points for efficient coding

Chapter No.

T1: Chap 1, Class Notes & R1: Chap 1 T1: Chap 6, Class Notes & R1: Chap 2, 3

No. of lectures 1 2



Discuss Various bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques


Discuss Link Budget calculations and explain how channel coding helps link improvement


Channel capacity & coding cursory treatment (as it is being dealt in ECE 393).


Digital receiver design & performance analysis.


Explain Multiplexing & Multiple access techniques. Explain & discuss wireless channel properties & mitigation techniques

Digital Bandpass modulation & demodulation techniques, Detection of signals in gaussian noise, Coherent and non coherent detection, Error performance, M-array signaling & performance and Symbol error performance. Link Budget importance, channels, Received signal power, noise power, link budget analysis, Noise figure, Noise temperature, link analysis & system trade offs. How channel coding helps in improving the link performance Types of channel errors & control, structured sequences, linear block codes, error detection & correction capacity, cyclic codes, Convolution encoder & decoders, properties of convolution codes, RS codes, Turbo coding Goals of Communication system designer, Error probability plane, Nyquist bandwidth, Shannon-Hartley capacity theorem, bandwidth-Efficiency plane, BW efficiency of different modulation schemes, Modulation & coding trade-offs, Designing digital communication systems, Modulation & coding for Bandwidth limited channels Allocation of communications resource. FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Access algorithms, Typical systems discussion Communicating over Fading channels, Characterization of wireless channels, Large & small scale fading, Flat & frequency selective fading, Degrading effects due to fading and mitigation, Diversity techniques, Modulation schemes to combat fading and Interleave methods. History of mobile communications, different standards, Cellular concepts, frequency reuse, Handoff strategies, Interference and system capacity, Imroving system capacity Transmitters, receivers and other optical Communication subsystem, Optical wireless systems. Total no. of classes planned

T1: Chaps 6,7,8, class notes & R1: Chap 4,

Class notes & R1: Chap 5

T1: Chap 9, class notes & R1: Chap 6, 7&8

Class notes & R1: Chap 9

Class notes & R1: Chap 11, T1: Chap 10, Class Notes & R1: Chap 15



Introduce mobile communication network concepts.

Class Notes & R2: Chap 1 &2


Introduce concepts of optical communication systems.

T2: Relevent chapters & Class Notes


5. Evaluation Scheme:

Component Test-I Test-II Quiz Assignment Comprehensive TOTAL

Durati on 1 Hr 1 Hr

3 hrs

Mar ks 60 60 30 30 120 300

Date and Time Feb 24, 12.30 1.30 PM Mar 28, 12.30 1.30 PM

Remarks Closed Book Open Book

May 10, 9 AM 12 NOON

Closed Book

* For open book test, only the prescribed text books and handwritten class notes will be allowed. No photocopies allowed.

6. Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in Class 7. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be given on extremely genuine grounds only. Prior application should be made for seeking the make-up examination. 8. Notices: Notices, if any, concerning the course will be put up on EEE Notice Board or eduCan only.

Instructor-in-Charge ECE 392 / ECE F418 / EEE F418

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