A330 Rec TRNG 1-C Apr.2013

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The document outlines procedures for pilot proficiency checks and recurrent training. It covers topics like emergency descents, pressurization faults, and crew incapacitation.

The emergency descent should only be initiated upon positive confirmation of excessive cabin altitude or climb rate. Autopilot and autothrust should be used. FCU selections progress from right to left. Speedbrakes should be extended slowly while monitoring VLS. Request ECAM actions or QRH once established in descent.

Oxygen requirements depend on cabin altitude. 10% of passengers need oxygen above 10,000ft, 30% above 14,000ft, and all passengers above 15,000ft. The passenger oxygen system provides pure oxygen under pressure for about 15 minutes.

Rev APRIL 2013


PF : CAPT Fly, Navigate, Communicate


1. - COCKPIT PREPARATION 2. - BEFORE START 3. - ENGINE START 4. - AFTER START CHECK LIST PRO-NOR-SOP Leaving the ENG MODE selector at the START/IGN position would prevent continuous relight selection -09 P1/4 on the ground (would be supplied at lift off). The selector must be cycled to recover normal control of ignition. Brake check, Flight Controls Check,(FO) Confirm ATC Clearance. 5. - TAXI Out of the Apron - (FO) Radar - ON, Pred WS - AUTO. TERR ON ND (if reqd PNF side only); AUTO BRK MAX. (PF) T/O Briefing.
CABIN REPORT received (verbal or CABIN READY MEMO) and (Cold WX OPS) Flaps set for takeoff. (FO) T/O CONFIG PRESS (T/O CONFIG Chk NO Blue).

6. - BEFORE TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST (PRO-NOR-SOP-11 P1-3/4) Once Take Off or Line Up clearance obtained - "Before Take Off Checklist below the line". (FO)- TCAS - TA/RA, PACK 1+2 - OFF, Select BLEED page, Confirm T/O Rwy, (IGN/START..AS REQ'D)-heavy rain or MOD Turb or SEV Turb expected, CABIN CREW ADVISE. 7. - TAKE-OFF 8. - SID - CLIMB 9. - TCAS Refer to Day-1 No.5 10. - PRESSURIZATION FAULT

Rev APR 2013 PROF CHK - C PF : CAPT A-330 DAY 2 11. - EMERGENCY DESCENT (QRH 80.05A) (PRO-ABN-80 PP 23-24/50) EMERGENCY DESCENT (FCTM AO-090 P 2-3/8) The emergency descent should only be initiated upon positive confirmation that cabin altitude and rate of climb is excessive and uncontrollable. The use of AP and autothrust is strongly recommended for an emergency descent. The FCU selections for an emergency descent progress from right to left, i.e. ALT, HDG, SPD. At high flight levels, the speed brake should be extended slowly while monitoring VLS to avoid the activation of angle of attack protection. This would cause the speedbrakes to retract and may also result in AP disconnection. If structural damage is suspected, caution must be used when using speedbrakes to avoid further airframe stress. When the aircraft is established in the descent, the PF should request the ECAM actions if any or QRH. The passenger oxygen MASK MAN ON pb should be pressed only when it is clear that cabin altitude will exceed 14 000 ft. When in idle thrust, high speed and speed brake extended, the rate of descent is approximately 6 000 ft/min. To descend from FL 410 to FL 100, it takes approx. 5 min and 40 nm. The crew will be aware that MORA displayed on ND is the highest MORA value w/in a circle of 40nm radius around the a/c. OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS / PASSENGERS (PRO-SPO-20 P 1/12) TUC Flight without >10,000 ft - 14,000 ft. . 10% of passengers for 30 minutes 40,000' -12" Cabin > 14,000 ft. - 15,000 ft. 30% of passengers 35,000' -20" Pressurization > 15,000 ft. ..All passengers 30,000' -30" Fixed Oxygen System for Cabin 25,000' -2mins DSC-35-30-10 Electric latch mechanism opens automatically CABIN PRESS ALT > 14,000 (+250, -750ft.) The mask receives pure oxy under positive pressure for about 15min (22min-ALG/H), until the generator is exhausted. PP 2-3/6 * NOTE: 1. Even if auto PA is avail, it is good practice to make an announcement to let the pax and crew know you are in control of the a/c. FOM 8.8.2 p184. 2. Flight is operated so that CABIN ALT will not exceed 9000ft. Cabin Decompression - descend to operate at a cabin altitude not above 9000ft. CAB ALT FT (cabin altitude) : Pulses (green) if cabin alt. is between 8800ft & 9550ft. Steady Red, if cabin alt. above 9550ft. DSC-21-20-40 P8/10 DSC-33-40-10 P1/6 NO SMOKING selector Note : In the event of excessive cabin altitude (if cabin alt. equals EXCESS CAB ALT limit +1,750 ft; MAX 14,350 ft), the cabin lights come on & the NO SMOKING, FASTEN SEAT BELT, EXIT signs come on regardless of SEAT BELTS & NO SMOKING sel. switches EMERGENCY pressure selector (DSC-35-20-20 P4-5/6) Note : 1. Overpressure supply is automatically started, when cabin altitude exceeds 30,000 feet . 2. Overpressure supply is available only when the N/100% selector is set on the 100% position. N/100% -The mask delivers a mixture of air and oxygen, the content of w/c varies with cabin altitude. When cabin altitude goes above 35,000 feet , the air inlet closes and the wearer breathes 100% oxygen . DSC-35-30-20 P1/6 MASK MAN ON pb - AUTO. The mask doors open automatically when the cabin alt exceeds 14,000 ft . Note: Pax OXY masks is manually selected ON in case the pressure switches fail to release the masks.

Rev APR 2013 (ALG/H)





LIM-35 P1-2/6 Protection after loss of cabin pressure w/ mask reg at NORMAL (diluted oxygen) :

SOP A.7 : Announce:



QRH 80.05A

SOP p20 3.3.16 p22 Note 2: Note 3:

- During emergency descent for all cockpit crew for 15mins (22mins) & during cruise at FL100 for 2 flt CM for 105mins (98 mins). Protection against smoke with 100 % oxygen for all flight CMS & observers during 15 min at 8 000 ft cabin altitude. The goal is to descend to 10,000ft or below where use of oxygen is not required and without deploying the oxygen masks. "EMERGENCY DESCENT" Headset to neck; OXY MASK- ON; Headset back ON; Set OXYGEN Diluter Selector to the N position. "CAPT (F/O) ON OXYGEN" This procedure is to identify the Captain and the F/O on the CVR. PF PNF ALT knob: ....... TURN & PULL (SOP 3.3.3 p 10) HDG knob: ...... TURN & PULL Eng Start Selector:.... Ignition SPD knob: ...... PULL Transponder : ..... 7700 Signs (Seat Belt and No Smoking).. SPD MACH P/B: ... PUSH ON THR LVRs (if ATHR not engaged).. IDLE (SOP p20) Read FMA ... "THR IDLE/ OPEN DESC/ HDG" "Attention cabin crew ! We are on an unscheduled descent" SPD BRK: ChkThrust IDLE (FMA) FULL ALT knob: ... set 10,000ft / Min allow Alt. NOTE to PF: Descend w/ AP engaged HDG knob: .... set 90 off airway (15nm) LG may be extended < 21,000ft SPD knob: .... MAX/ APPROPIATE Spd must be reduced to VLO/VLE Read and complete ECAM - "ECAM ACTIONS COMPLETED" "I HAVE CONTROL & COMMUNICATIONS - ECAM ACTIONS" "MAYDAY(3X), Sri Lankan xxx, Airbus-330, Emergency Descent, turning Left / Rt HDG xxx; Descending FL100 / MEA" Locate QRH 80.05A : EMERGENCY DESCENT CHECKLIST Request Area QNH Read PAPER CHKLIST- "EMERGENCY DESCENT CHECKLIST-COMPLETE" "PAPER CHECKLIST- EMERGENCY DESCENT" IF CABIN ALT >14,000 feet:-PAX OXY MASKS... ON Contact the CC to confirm that the pax oxygen masks are released. Note: Notify the cabin crew when a safe flight level has been reached and the oxygen mask use can be terminated 2000ft to level off. SPD BRAKE Retract SPD... 250 kts or as Appropriate; AT 10,000 FT or Cabin alt at Green: Remove OXY Masks; close left flap door & PRESS RESET button PNF: "We have reached a safe altitude, Cabin Crew proceed with your duties". Communications Abnormal Operation On completion of the emergency descent, the crew O2 masks shall be removed only when the cabin altitude becomes Green. PIC: "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain. The situation is under control and we are at a safe altitude. " "The use of oxygen is no longer required" - (Omit this last statement if OXY Mask are not deployed - Note 4 ). Note: If ATC clears you to a lower FL/Altitude, check MORA.
CAUTION : Beware of the possibility of switching off the OXY CREW SUPPLY P/B (not guarded) instead of the MAN MASK ON (guarded). This will cut off your oxy supply. Instructor may stop your SIM session.

Rev APR 2013

PROF CHK-C (SOME) FAILURES REQ'G EMERGENCY DESCENT 1. AIR PACK 1 + 2 FAULT Descent to FL 100/MEA 2. CAB PR EXCESS CAB ALT (if above FL 160) If Rapid Decompression - EMER DESCENT FL100/MEA or MOCA 3. SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE REMOVAL Descent to (FL 100 or MEA or MOCA) 4. CAB PR SYS 1 + 2 FAULT Manual pressurization still available.

PF : CAPT Emergency descent flow pattern

AO-090 P 4/8

PRO-ABN-21 PP 5-6/38 PRO-ABN-21 P 13-14/38 PRO-ABN-26 P 15-16/82 PRO-ABN-21 PP 17-18/38


PF : CAPT Follow ECAM Procs Follow ECAM Procs


14. - DUAL HYD SYS FAILURE PROCEDURE (HOLDING) QRH ABN-29 Follow ECAM Procedures then refer to QRH OP-040 USE OF SUMMARIES (QRH GEN.02) FCTM A0-029 P2/4 It is important to note that the AP will not be available to the crew but both FD and A/THR still remain. The briefing will concentrate on safety issues since this will be a hand flown approach with certain handling restrictions: Use of the selected speeds on the FCU. A stabilized approach will be preferred Landing gear gravity extension Tail strike awareness Approach configuration and flap lever position Braking and steering considerations Approach speed VAPP Go around call out, aircraft configuration and speed Note: USE OF SUMMARIES (PRO-ABN-01 P 9/10) In any case the ECAM should be applied first. This includes both the procedure & the STATUS review. Notes: Only after announcing "ECAM ACTIONS COMPLETED" should the PNF refer to the corresponding QRH summary. " PAPER CHECKLIST G + __ SYS LO PRESSURE SUMMARY" - Since you are in the terminal area, go through the whole summary from CRUISE to GO-AROUND. - Ask return to the VOR and do a holding; Activate approach phase, Speed 230 kts. - Finish the procedure, get the Wx, Set up the box & do your briefing. - Brief on TAILSTRIKE AWARENESS ( 16deg LG extended; 11degs LG compressed). - Then do the Descent and Approach checklist. CONCENTRATE on flying! G+B = MAN THR, G+Y = USE ATHR. - (G+Y) Attitude in landing is about 7-8 degs. If REV not available- DO NOT USE! - Do not configure while turning due to small stall margin. - CAUTION! REV IDLE is higher than GRND IDLE - it will give you forward thrust! Note : For these exercises: To compute for Vapp...since Vref = VLS Config Full (QRH FPE-SPD 2/4), use the value of VLS on PERF App Page + Vref. Once V APP is computed, it should always be > VLS. If less, the figure is wrong. RAM AIR TURBINE (RAT) RAT AUTO DEPLOYS (DSC-29-10-20 P 4/12) Both engine failure G+Y or G+B LO LVL reservoirs The RAT may be extended at any time by pressing the RAT MAN ON pushbutton. It can only be stowed when the aircraft is on the ground.

Note: The RAT flow varies between 15 % and 45 % of an engine-driven pump flow capability according to the aircrafts speed.

Rev APR 2013 PROF CHK-C PF : CAPT DAY 2 14. - DUAL HYD SYS FAILURE PROCEDURE (HOLDING) (QRH 29.02C) HYD G + B SYS LO PR Summary (PRO-ABN-29 P 55-58/66) CRUISE SPD BRK. DO NOT USE MAX SPD. 330 /.82 MANEUVER WITH CARE; ALTN LAW : PROT LOST FUEL: Increased fuel consumption (Refer to QRH FPE-FPF) QRH FPE-FPF 2/6 = 20-30% For Landing Performance assessment, refer to QRH FPE-IFL QRH FPE-IFL 29 P7/18 (WorseCase=about 2430M@190T) VAPP = VREF + VREF + APP COR QRH FPE-IFL-VAF 1/2 APPROACH CAT 2 INOP; SLATS JAMMED / FLAPS SLOW; GPWS FLAP MODE (If Slats <2) .. OFF For landing: If Slats < 2 ............................... USE FLAP 2 If Slats 2 . USE FLAP 3 For Flaps extension : SPD SEL .. VFE NEXT - 5 KT L/G gravity extension: MAX SPD 200 KT L/G GRVTY EXTN . DOWN WHEN L/G down : L/G LEVER .. DOWN When in landing CONF and in Final approach: DECELERATE TO CALCULATED VAPP LANDING FLARE : Only one ELEV & 2 spoilers per wing. A/C slightly sluggish SPOILERS : only 2 per wing; REVERSERS : Only No.2 BRAKING : B ACCU PRESS ONLY (7 applications) NO ANTI-SKID MAX BRK PR .. 1000 PSI Note : One application is when you release the brakes. Brk pr >1000psi can lock the brakes and lead to skidding. NO NOSEWHEEL STEERING GO AROUND NO GEAR RETRACTION For Circuit : MAINTAIN SLATS/ FLAPS Configuration Recommended Speed : MAX SPD - 10 kt/ 200kt For Diversion: SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION If Slats jammed at Zero: Normal Operating Speeds (MAX SPD 200 kt) If Slats jammed above Zero: Recommended speed 200 kt. FUEL: Increased fuel consumption (Refer to QRH FPE-FPF)

Rev APR 2013 PROF CHK-C PF : CAPT DAY 2 14. - DUAL HYD SYS FAILURE PROCEDURE (HOLDING) (QRH 29.02C) HYD G + Y SYS LO PR Summary (PRO-ABN-29 P 62-65/66) CRUISE SPD BRK. DO NOT USE MAX SPD. 330 /.82 MANEUVER WITH CARE; ALTN LAW : PROT LOST FUEL: Increased fuel consumption (Refer to QRH FPE-FPF) QRH FPE-FPF 2/6 = 20-30% For Landing Performance assessment, refer to QRH FPE-IFL QRH FPE-IFL 29P7/18 (WorseCase=about 2010M@190T) VAPP = VREF + VREF + APP COR QRH FPE-IFL-VAF 1/2 APPROACH CAT 2 INOP; SLATS SLOW / FLAPS JAMMED ; GPWS FLAP MODE (If Flaps <3) .. OFF For landing: If Flaps < 3 ............................... USE FLAP 2 If Flaps = 3 . USE FLAP 3 If Flaps > 3 . USE FLAP FULL For Slats extension : SPD SEL .. VFE NEXT - 5 KT L/G gravity extension: MAX SPD 200 KT L/G GRVTY EXTN . DOWN WHEN L/G down : L/G LEVER .. DOWN When in landing CONF and in Final approach: DECELERATE TO CALCULATED VAPP LANDING FLARE : Only one ELEV & 2 spoilers per wing. A/C slightly sluggish SPOILERS : only 2 per wing; REVERSERS : Only No.1 BRAKING : ALTERNATE NO NOSEWHEEL STEERING GO AROUND NO GEAR RETRACTION For Circuit : MAINTAIN SLATS/ FLAPS Configuration Recommended Speed : MAX SPD - 10 kt/ 200kt For Diversion: If Flaps jammed at Zero: SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION. Normal Operating Speeds (MAX SPD =200 kt) If Flaps jammed above Zero: MAINTAIN SLATS/ FLAPS Configuration. Recommended speed 200 kt. FUEL: Increased fuel consumption (Refer to QRH FPE-FPF) BRAKING IN ALTERNATE MODE (PRO-SUP-32 P 1/4) - apply brakes with care, because initial pedal force or displacement produces more braking action in alternate mode than in normal mode. If anti-skid is lost, modulate brake pressure as required at or below 1000psi.





PF: F/O INIT T/O 21. - TAKE OFF 22. - SID 23. - TCAS 24. - PRESSURIZATION FAULT 25. - EMERGENCY DESCENT (RESTORE) 26. - STAR/ RADAR VECTORS Expect a return to the airport with a speed control leading to a slat or flap jam. Request a hold, follow ECAM then paper checklist. INIT T/O 27. - ABNORMAL SLAT &/OR FLAPS DURING EXTENSION (QRH ABN-27.01A) Pull the speed knob for selected speed to avoid further deceleration CAUSES : (FCTM AO-027 P 1/6) Double SFCC failure Delay the approach to complete the ECAM procedure Refer to LANDING WITH FLAPS OR SLATS JAMMED paper check list. Double hydraulic failure (B+G or Y+G) Update the approach briefing Flaps/Slats jammed (operation of wing tip brake). PF PF PNF PF PF At ECAM Warning: "PULL SPEED", Set max speed minus 10kts. (Max 215kts @ flaps 1+F or 200kts @ flaps 2) "AUTOPILOT 2 - ON" ; "I HAVE CONTROL & COMMUNICATIONS" ; "ECAM ACTION" Follow STAR or ATC Instructions, Monitor Constraints, Advise ATC Refer to "LANDING WITH SLATS/ FLAPS JAMMED" paper checklist. When ECAM ACTIONS Completed: Prepare A/C for arrival "YOU HAVE CONTROL & COMMUNICATIONS" Prepare FMGS for landing, Approach Briefing, "I HAVE CONTROL, DESCENT and APPROACH CHECKLIST"

PROF CHK-C PF: F/O DAY 2 QRH 27.01A / PRO-ABN-10 P 6-8/22 LANDING WITH SLATS OR FLAPS JAMMED QRH 27.01A - LANDING CONFIG .. DETERMINE Refer to QRH FPE IFL 27A -Landing Distance with Slats Repeat the following until landing configuration is reached: and Flaps System Failure - SPEED SEL.. VFE NEXT - 5 KT Decelerate towards VFE NEXT -5KT, but not below VLS. Note : Autopilot may be used down to 500ft AGL. Approach with A/THR and Selected Speed is recommended. VLS, displayed on the PFD, & OVERSPEED warning, are computed acc'g to actual flaps/slats position. As speed reduces through VFE NEXT: - FLAPS LEVER. ONE STEP DOWN When landing configuration is established: DECELERATE TO CALCULATED APPROACH SPEED IN FINAL APPROACH Notes: IN FINAL APPROACH: If target spd is below VLS- FLY VLS (+5kts)! PNF may have miscalculated VAPP computation. For SLAT FAILURE: After asking for "FLAP 1"- You are still clean. Go FLAP 2 and fly VFE NEXT-5Kts. FOR GO AROUND QRH 27.01A IF SLATS FAULT: FOR CIRCUIT: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION. Recommended speed: MAX SPD -10kt FOR DIVERSION: SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION. If SLATS jammed at 0: Use normal operating speeds If SLATS jammed > 0: Recommended speed for diversion: 205 kt Increased fuel consumption QRH FPE-IFL 27A P 1/18 Landing Dist = (Worse Case = Flaps 2; VREF +35; LDG DIST.=1950M) QRH 27.01A IF FLAPS FAULT: FOR CIRCUIT: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION. Recommended speed: MAX SPD -10kt QRH 27.01B FOR DIVERSION: If FLAPS jammed at 0: SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION. Use normal operating speeds If FLAPS jammed at 0: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION. Recommended speed for diversion: MAX SPD -10kt. Increased Fuel consumption. QRH FPE-IFL 27A P 1/18 Landing Dist = (Worse Case = Flaps 2; VREF +25; LDG DIST.=1810M) FOR DIVERSION CAUTION: For flight with SLATS or FLAPS extended, fuel consumption is increased. Refer to the fuel flow indication. QRH 27.01B As a guideline, determine the fuel flow consumption in clean configuration at the same altitude without airspeed limitation (e.g. From the ALTERNATE FLIGHT PLANNING tables) and multiply this result by the applicable Fuel Penalty Factor provided in the QRH Refer to FPE-FPF Fuel Penalty Factors Tables, to obtain the fuel penalty DSC-31-40 P 36/42 required to reach the destination in the current configuration. SPD LIM flag (red) This flag appears when both FMGECs (flight envelope part) are inoperative, or in case of SFCC dual flap/slat channel failure. In this case, the following PFD information is lost: VLS, S, F, Green Dot, V trend, V Max, VFE next, VSW.

Rev APR 2013




SOP 3.4.27 p178-189, FOM 8.4.25 p145 (CAT II or CAT III Briefing)

LOW VISIBILITY TAKEOFF SOP 3.4.27. p178 The Captain will perform the take-off. The "LVTO" briefing shall be completed after performing the "Takeoff Briefing" and shall include the ff add'l items: TOGA Thrust Take-off Cockpit lights to minimum intensity Exterior lights OFF (except NAV lights) For take-off minima refer to AOC or applicable Jeppesen minima, whichever is more restrictive. Prior to commencing take-off verify correct runway using ILS information or check a/c hdg vs rwy hdg if no ILS available. Take-off Alternate within 430 NM/ 1 hour or ETOPS diversion time (where applicable) limited to a max of 2 hrs flt time. Note: F/O to call out "YAW BAR LEFT / RIGHT" during the takeoff roll DSC-31-40 P 25/42 The PFD displays a yaw bar in green < 30ft RA if a loc signal is avail: during takeoff ( RWY) OR upon landing (FLARE & ROLL OUT). AOC Part C, 2(b) TAKE-OFF MINIMA T/O minima at all aerodromes shall be greater than, or equal to, applicable landing minima, unless an approved T/O alternate aerodrome is available for use use in no case less than 800 m RVR, except as provided in conjunction with the specified facilities: FACILITIES Runway edge lights, runway center line lights, center line markings, and TDZ, mid and roll-out RVR with readout down to at least 175 m. Runway edge lights, runway center line lights, center line markings, and TDZ, and roll-out RVR with readout down to at least 300 m. Runway edge lights and either centerline lights or center line markings.

RVR 200 m 350 m 500 m



DAY 2 DH=50', RVR=200m

NO DH, RVR=125m

INIT T/O 40. - LOW VISIBILITY REJECTED TAKE OFF Captain "STOP!" Parking Brk Set Attention! Cabin crew at stations! "ECAM Actions" "Xxx Tower SriLankan Xxx - (State Emergency & Assistance required) Monitors ECAM Actions - locate flashlight. loss of elec'l power Use the flashlight and "Paper Checklist-Emergency Evacuation" If evacuation req'd PA: "Evacuate, Evacuate"

F/O "Xxx Tower, Sri Lankan xxx Stopping Runway xx" Reads Ecam Does ECAM

Read Emergency Evacuation Checklist



PROF CHK-2 DAY 2 MEMORY ITEMS: PRO-ABN-01 P 4/10 Refer to : 1. CREW INCAPACITATION PRO-ABN-80 P 9/50 QRH 34.05A 2. EGPWS ABN-34 NAVIGATION PRO-ABN-34 P 14-17/64 QRH 80.05A 3. Immediate actions of EMER DESCENT ABN-80 MISC. PRO-ABN-80 PP 25-26/30 QRH 34.01A 4. Immediate actions of UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR CHECK PROC PRO-ABN-34 P 58/64 QRH 32.01A 5. LOSS OF BRAKING ABN-32 LANDING GEAR PRO-ABN-32 P 5/40 QRH 80.08A 6. STALL RECOVERY ABN-80 MISC. PRO-ABN-10 P 17/22 QRH 80.08A 7. STALL WARNING AT LIFT-OFF ABN-80 MISC. PRO-ABN-10 P 17/22 QRH 34.07A 8. TCAS ABN-34 NAVIGATION PRO-ABN-34 P 50/64 QRH 80.12A 9. WINDSHEAR AHEAD ABN-MISC. PRO-ABN-80 P 48-49/50 QRH 80.11A 10. WINDSHEAR ABN-MISC. PRO-ABN-80 P 44/50 QRH 80.11A WINDSHEAR A red flag "WINDSHEAR" is displayed on each PFD associated with an aural synthetic voice "WINDSHEAR" repeated three times. At Takeoff: If before V1 The takeoff should be rejected only if significant airspeed variations occur below indicated V1 and the pilot decides that there is sufficient runway remaining to stop the airplane. If after V1 - THR LVRS ........ TOGA - REACHING VR ........ ROTATE - SRS ORDERS ....... FOLLOW If necessary, the flight crew may pull the side stick fully back. Note: If the FD bars are not displayed, move toward an initial pitch attitude of 17.5 . Then if necessary, to prevent a loss in altitude, increase the pitch attitude. Airborne, initial climb or landing - THR LVRS AT TOGA ..... SET or CONFIRM - AP (if engaged ..)... KEEP - SRS ORDERS .. FOLLOW If necessary, the flight crew may pull the side stick fully back. Note: 1. Autopilot disengages if the angle of attack values goes above prot. 2. If the FD bars are not displayed, move toward an initial pitch attitude of 17.5 . Then if necessary, to prevent a loss in altitude, increase the pitch attitude. - DO NOT CHANGE CONFIG (slats/flaps, gear) UNTIL OUT OF SHEAR. - CLOSELY MONITOR FLT PATH & SPEED. - RECOVER SMOOTHLY TO NORMAL CLIMB OUT OF SHEAR.

Rev APR 2013


Rev APR 2013



QRH 34.01A UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION If the safe conduct of the flight is impacted: MEMORY ITEMS - AP/FD ........OFF - A/THR ............ OFF - PITCH/ THRUST : Below THRUST RED ALT .. 15/ TOGA Above THRUST RED ALT & Below FL 100 ... 10/ CLB Above THRUST RED ALT & Above FL 100 ........ 5/ CLB - FLAPS (If CONF 0(1)(2)(3) .... Maintain current CONFIG - FLAPS (If CONF FULL) .... Select CONF 3 & MAINTAIN - SPEEDBRAKES .... Chk RETRACTED - LG ......UP When at, or above MSA or Circuit Altitude : - Level off for troubleshooting CREW INCAPACITATION PRO-ABN-80 P 9/50 FOM 8.3.16 pp103-104 If a cockpit crew member becomes incapacitated, the remaining crew member must call a cabin attendant as soon as practicable. The best way to request assistance from the cabin crew, is by means of the passenger address system: " PURSER TO THE FLIGHT DECK IMMEDIATELY" SOP p20 The purser or ant other cabin attendant must proceed to the cockpit immediately. The cabin attendant must then: - tighten and manually lock the shoulder harness of the incapacitated crew member, - push the seat completely aft, - recline the seat back. It takes 2 people to remove the dead weight of an unconcious body from a seat without endangering any controls and switches. If it is not possible to remove the body, one cabin attendant must remain in the cockpit to take care of the and observe the incapacitated crew member. In coordination with the purser: - request assistance from any medically qualified passenger - check if a type qualified company pilot is on board to replace the incapacitated crew member.


Rev APR 2013



STALL RECOVERY QRH 80.08A As soon as any stall indication (could be aural warning, buffet...) is recognized, apply the immediate actions: NOSE DOWN PITCH CONTROL ........................................................... APPLY This will reduce angle of attack Note: In case of lack of pitch down authority, reducing thrust may be necessary. BANK .........................................................................................................WINGS LEVEL When out of stall (no longer stall indications) : THRUST ........................................................ INCREASE SMOOTHLY AS NEEDED Note: In case of one engine inoperative, progressively compensate the thrust asymmetry with rudder SPEEDBRAKES ................................................................................... CHECK RETRACTED FLIGHT PATH ................................................................. RECOVER SMOOTHLY If in clean configuration and below 20 000 ft: FLAP 1 ......................................................................................... SELECT Note: If a risk of ground contact exists, once clearly out of stall (no longer stall indications), establish smoothly a positive climb gradient. STALL WARNING AT LIFT-OFF QRH 80.08A Spurious stall warning may sound in NORMAL law, if an angle of attack probe is damaged. In this case, apply immediately the following actions: THRUST ................................................................................................ TOGA At the same time: PITCH ATTITUDE ................................................................................... 15 BANK .............................................................................................. WINGS LEVEL Note: When a safe flight path and speed are achieved and maintained, if stall warning continues, consider it as spurious.


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