Important Knowledg

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Important knowledge

m = 3.28 feet 1
knot = 1.852 kLm 1
knot = 1.15078 1
Arjan 126.7 level estimated squad 10
minutes before tops
Neqosia 125.5
UTC : universal coordinated time
Cairo control 127.7
Cairo control 132.2
.Cairo control 129 4
Soudi ground service 129.825

Benghazi control : 129.2

Alex RADER : 122.3
TUNISIA CONTROL 129.3 / 132.55


TUNISIA CONTROL 129.3/132.55
DTTX TOWER 120.150

C alrobaa : aerodromes covered by volmet services. ?

Lido / regional supplementary information / EUROPE
OR Middle EAST – ASIA / APPENDIX / volmet – ATIS /
aerodromes covered by volmet services – ATIS

C alrobaa :
When we take the RTO to decide which the
configuration of flaps must we set ( 1+f or flaps 2 ) , we
must take the higher flex temperature.
If the flex temperature the same we have to take lower

C alrobaa : how can I insert step CLB ?

Go to vertical profile on MCDU select step CLB then set
what you would like or
Write s370 for example on the FPlan page then insert it
Finally you will get your step CLB .

C alrobaa :
When you go to Istanbul you should go under the
aircraft and open the fuel panel door.
Set the toggle switch to refuel and write the block fuel
that you would like in this trip .

C alrobaa : during Cruz how can I prepare my flight plan

route for way back and store it ?
Go to sec flight plan , delete secondary , inti page ,
insert from to and all information , then go to insert
your route .
Store it : go to DATA , NEXT PHASE , PILOT ROUTE ,
When we you arrived to destination go to inti A page
write from to then insert your secondary’s name which
you saved in the company route column .

C alrobaa : what is the difference between adequate

airport and suitable airport ?
Operation manual part a chapter 8 page 271
Adequate Airport: An airport is considered to be
adequate if:
– Approved to the LYCAA, and
– No performance restrictions at the expected
landing weight, and
– At the expected time of use the airport will be
available, and equipped with the necessary ancillary
services, such as ATC, sufficient lighting,
communications, weather reporting, NAVAIDS and
emergency services; and
– At the expected time of use at least one letdown aid
(ILS, VOR, or NDB) will be available for an instrument
Suitable Airport (dispatch purposes): is an adequate
airport with a Weather Minima at or above the ETOPS
Dispatch Weather Minima in terms of Ceiling, visibility
and crosswind conditions within the required validity
The required validity period starts one hour before the
earliest estimated time of arrival and ends one hour
after the latest estimated time of arrival.
Crosswind conditions forecast must be within the
performance capability of the aircraft during the
required validity period.

C abdalqader ebrahim :
Why on the hydraulic page after takeoff you will see
the reservoir of the green hydraulic system is less than
Because of landing gear is up


You can find all explanations in
C KHADADA : when we keep flaps 1 until the gate how
we can retract them ?
Yellow electrical pump on after take a confirmation .
If spoilers 3 doesn’t retract :
After that we have to use blue electrical pump to
retract spoilers 3 . ( not the blue electrical pump on the
overhead panel / it locates in the beginning of
overhead panel when you go inside the cockpit )

C khadada :minimum oil quantity must be at or above

9.5 qt

C khadada : when the aircraft performs takeoff and if

the both reverse faults the aircraft will stop because
this speeds calculate with both revers fault in the RTO

C khadada : takeoff cross wind technique?

Full side stick down and thrust 5 , 7 , then flex .

C khadada : wind ?


In the second paper of your flight plan insert departure
/ rout / arrival . You can insert wind for alternate in the
wind trop page .
C khadada : what is the name of the MEL book ?
Carry forward .

C khadada ?
What is the xx mean that can you finding it in the LDG
page ( nose wheel ) and is it has breaks or not ?
It means transducer failed on the right nose wheel .
Transducer is a sensor that sends signal about the
quantity of pressure in each wheel
Nose wheel doesn’t has break system .

C khadada : if you see R113f in the MCDU DURING

R113 it means redial and F means 6 miles

C khadada : when there is gusting use flaps 3 for

landing .

C khadada :
Takeoff distance available always longer than or equal
landing distance available.

C khadada :
When you go to Tunisia set place distance before TUC ,
abeam NIREM and set constraint 3000 above it
C khadada : what is the best speed for light turbulence
during Cruz ?

C khadada : why there is instructions for step CLB from

- To avoid traffic
- Because of GW . reduce GW then clm

C khadada : what is the upper wind ?

It’s the difference between the gs and tas .

C khadada : what is the time limitation for using TOGA

TOGA : 2 engines operative / 5 minutes
One engine operative / 10 minutes
MCT : no limitation

C khadada : what is the better T/D ?

To better T/D YOU have to start descending exactly 5
miles before

C abdullatif : FCOM/system/auto flight/flight

A MANUAL leg stays on a constant TRK or HDG and has
no termination point. The flight crew cannot insert it
into a flight plan manually: it is part of a given
procedure such as a SID or a STAR. When the aircraft is
flying a MANUAL leg, the NAV mode remains engaged
and predictions assume that the aircraft will fly a direct
leg from its present position to the next waypoint (DIR
TO). When the aircraft is cleared to fly to the next
waypoint of the flight plan, the flight crew performs a
C abdullatif : FCTM / abnormal procedure / engine
The flight crew should delay the acceleration for
securing the engine. An engine is considered as secured
when the ECAM actions of the procedures are
performed until:
‐ "ENG MASTER OFF" for an engine failure without
‐ "AGENT 1 DISCH" for an engine failure with damage
‐ Fire extinguished or "AGENT 2 DISCH" for an engine

C abdullatif. :
Example ( OEJN trip ) descent to FL 330 by DASPA
You don’t have to descent immediately to keep your
fuel so just put CSTR over the SASPA FL330 then the
FMS will give you when you have to start descending.

C abdullatif : selcal code .... example ( GM-FQ )

For area uses just HF for communication.
HF is very noisy to keep it all the time . So First call , I
will give him my selcal code , then turn HF frequency to
off .
When he wants to call me , he must send the signal
and I will receive it as a tone .
C abdullatif :
The aircraft has two flight augmentation computers
(FACs) that perform four main functions:
• Yaw function ‐
Yaw damping and turn coordination
‐ Rudder trim
‐ Rudder travel limitation
• Flight envelope function
‐ PFD speed scale management
▪ Minimum/maximum speed computation
▪ Maneuvering speed computation
‐ Alpha-floor protection
• Low-Energy Aural Alert function 
• Windshear detection function 
C abdullatif :
Alpha-floor protection automatically sets the thrust at
TOGA thrust, when the aircraft reaches a very high
angle of attack.
is a protection that commands TOGA thrust, regardless
of the thrust levers' positions. This protection is
available from lift-off to 100 ft RA on approach.
ALPHA FLOOR calls up the following indications:
‐ “A FLOOR” in green, surrounded by a flashing amber
box on the FMA, and in amber on the engine warning
display, (as long as α-floor conditions are met)
‐ “TOGA LK” in green, surrounded by a flashing amber
box on the FMA, when the aircraft leaves the α-floor
conditions. TOGA thrust is frozen.
To cancel ALPHA FLOOR or TOGA LK thrust, the flight
crew must disconnect the autothrust.
Note: ‐ Alpha-floor is lost, when one of the following
combinations of failures occurs:
SFCC1 and FAC2, or
SFCC2 and FAC1, or
Both FCU channels, or
1 EIU, (Engine Interface Unit)
or Both FMGCs.
‐ Alpha-floor is lost under alternate or direct flight
control law.
‐ Alpha-floor is lost in engine-out, when slats/flaps are
C abdullatif : OM PART A CHAPTER 8 page 92
Refueling and defueling when passengers are
embarking, on board or disembarking
The following procedure shall be applied:
• The Pilot(s) shall:
- Ensure that at least one cockpit crewmember
remains in the cockpit during the entire process
- Establish communication with the engineer via
the head set
- Switch the no smoking signs ―ON‖
- Switch the fasten seatbelt signs ―OFF‖
- Inform the cabin crew of the beginning and
ending of fueling
- Listen for fire warning from the engineer
- Be prepared to initiate a passenger evacuation if

• The Cabin Crew shall:

Establish communication with the pilots and
inform them in case of presence of fuel vapour in
the cabin or any hazards arises during the re/de-
- Read the required safety announcement and
ensure passenger compliance with instructions
- Ensure that lavatories are locked
- Ensure that the designated emergency exits are
- Ensure that ground servicing such as catering or
cleaning does not risk creating hazard or hindering
an emergency evacuation
- Secure all rope class dividers / curtaxins in the
open position and ensure that the aisles are free
from any obstacles
- Be present within the immediate area of their
respective exits as follows:

• Primary Exits – shall be manned by the cabin

crew in charge of the exits (CM during

• Secondary Exits – shall be manned by the cabin

crew in charge of the exits;
• All other exits – cabin crew in charge of the exits
shall be available within the vicinity of their exits.

- Be prepared to initiate a passenger evacuation if


The above is applicable until the re/de-fueling has

been completed.
• The Ground Staff shall:
- All ground staff providing refueling services and
supervising refueling operations shall, in the event
of exits her (1) Fuel spillage or (2) Fire,
immediately notifies qualified personnel on board
(PIC / FO / Cabin Crew / Engineer) of the event.

• The Ramp Agent shall ensure that:

- The area around emergency exits is kept clear
- The fire service is alerted
- The fire brigade is positioned at the aircraft in
case the response time exceeds three (3) minutes -
If boarding by steps ensure the steps are
positioned at the aircraft cabin doors (exits her
L1/L2 and L4)

Passengers boarding / disembarkation is carried

out in a controlled manner

The Engineer on ground shall:

- Establish communication with the pilot(s), via the
head set
- Inform the pilot(s) of the beginning and ending of
- Alert the pilot(s) if fire occurs and take appropriate
- Stop fueling upon pilot‘s request


 When NAV mode is not engaged:
As a consequence, when NAV mode disengages
(manual or automatic):
‐ CLB mode, when engaged, reverts to OPEN CLB. The
lateral mode is boxed white for 10 s. The vertical mode
is boxed white.
‐ DES mode, when engaged, reverts to V/S mode on
current value.


If the flight crew sets the FCU altitude to a target not
compatible with the active open mode, a mode
reversion occurs and V/S (or FPA) engages on current
V/S (or FPA).
With ALT* engaged, the target altitude is changed by
any value greater than 250 ft, V/S (or FPA) engages on
currents V/S (or FPA
FDs are engaged in an OPEN mode in climb with AP not
engaged. If FDs are engaged in CLIMB or OPEN CLIMB
mode or EXP CLB  and the flight crew does not follow
the FD bars to maintain the commanded climb (pitch
too low and autothrust in maximum climb thrust), the
aircraft accelerates. Both FDs disengage when VMAX+4
is reached (VMAX being VMO, VLE or VFE). If the
A/THR is active, it reverts to SPEED mode and reduces
the thrust to recover the speed target. A triple click
aural warning sounds.
When climbing with V/S mode engaged: If the selected
V/S value is excessive (with regards to thrust and
speed), the FMGS maintains the V/S target, but the
airspeed decreases. When reaching VLS (or VLS-5, if the
speed target is VLS), the AP temporarily abandons the
V/S target, and automatically decreases the vertical
speed to maintain VLS. The same applies if FPA mode is
used with an excessive FPA target.
V/S mode remains engaged. On the FMA, the V/S
target is boxed with a flashing amber rectangle, and
the V/S value pulses. Besides, an aural triple click is
FDs are engaged in an OPEN mode in descent with the
AP not engaged. If the FDs are engaged in DES, or OP
DES mode, or EXP DES  and, if the flight crew does
not follow the FD bars to maintain the commanded
pitch, the aircraft decelerates (insufficient descent rate
and idle thrust). If the airspeed reaches VLS-2, both FDs
disengage. (If speedbrakes are extended, the FDs
disengage between VLS-2 and VLS-19, depending on
the position of the speedbrakes). The A/THR, if active,
reverts to SPEED mode upon FDs disengagement, and
increases thrust to recover the speed target. A triple-
click aural warning sounds.
When descending with V/S mode engaged: If the
selected V/S value is excessive (with regards to thrust
and speed), the FMGS maintains the V/S target, but the
airspeed increases. When reaching VMAX (VMO or VLE
in clean, or VFE+4 kt), the AP temporarily abandons the
V/S target, and automatically decreases the vertical
speed to maintain VMAX. The same applies if FPA
mode is used with an excessive FPA target.

C abdullatif : OM PART A CHAPTER 8

Touch Down Zone (TDZ) Area is defined as being 500 to
3000 ft. from the runway threshold.

C abdullatif : OM PART A CHAPTER 8

During Daylight VMC no turns below 400ft (maximum
bank angle = 25 degrees).
During night or IMC no turns below 1000ft.
Minor heading changes (up to 10 degrees bank) are
not considered a turn.

C abdullatif :

C abdullatif : ( MEL/MEL ITAMS/preamble/ECAM AND

STATUS SD page At the beginning of each ATA chapter
of the "MEL Item" section, the related MAINTENANCE
messages which may be displayed on the STATUS SD
page are listed in the Sub-Chapter "00" with the
associated dispatch status.
A MAINTENANCE message indicates the presence of a
category of failure which can only be identified by
interrogation of the CFDS. )Centralized Fault Display
Operator must implement procedures to manage the
MAINTENANCE messages and associated CFDS
messages, to handle fault recording and repair within
the repair interval C (10 days).
All MAINTENANCE messages have a repair interval C
except the following messages: DAR, DMU or ACMS,
QAR( quick Access Recorder) and ICE DETECT which
have a repair interval D. Dispatch with MAINTENANCE
messages displayed on the STATUS SD page is
permitted without condition except for the following
‐ AIR BLEED: Refer to Item 36-00-01 AIR BLEED
It is left to Operator to define the role devoted to flight
crew and/or maintenance personnel in these

C abdullatif :
Best rate of climb it means speed turbulence .

C abdullatif : procedures/special operations

RVSM regulations require the following
equipment/functions in order to be operative:
‐ 2 ADRs + 2 DMCs ( data mangmant computer )
‐ 1 transponder
‐ 1 Autopilot function
‐ 1 FCU channel (for altitude target selection and OP
CLB/OP DES mode engagement)
‐ 2 PFD functions (for altitude indication)
‐ 1 FWC (for altitude alert function).flight warning


For flights in RVSM airspace, the flight crew must apply
the standard procedures, in addition to the following
RVSM procedures.
The flight crew must take into account the conditions
that may affect operations in RVSM airspace, including:
RVSM APPROVAL................................ CHECK
Verify that the aircraft is approved for RVSM
Review the weather forecasted for the flight route. If
severe turbulence is expected, this may affect the
ability to maintain aircraft altitude.
Check that the required equipment is operative (MEL).
The flight crew should review the maintenance logs
and forms, in order to ensure that the equipment
required for RVSM is satisfactory.
Check that the difference between each altitude
indication (in the QNH reference) displayed on PFDs
and the airport elevation is less than 75 ft.
Check that the difference between the two primary
altitude indications on the PFDs is less than the
tolerance specified in SOP.
If any of the required equipment fails before the
aircraft enters RVSM airspace, the flight crew must
request new clearance, to avoid this airspace.
Check on the PFDs that the difference between altitude
indications (in the standard baro setting) is less than
the specified tolerance in the table below.
If only two ADRs are operative, the altimeter
indications on PFD and standby altimeter should be
recorded. This information may be useful in case of
subsequent PFD altitude discrepancy, or loss of both
remaining ADRs.
Refer to schedule.
AP....................................................KEEP ENGAGED
Ensure that autopilot is engaged for cruise, and for
flight level changes.
AP GUIDANCE ...........................................MONITOR
During flight level transitions, do not exceed or go
below the assigned flight level by more than 150 ft.
Approximately every hour:
Check that the difference between the altitude
indications on PFDs is less than the specified tolerance.
For more information, See table in "Before Entering
RVSM airspace". Regular check of the flight deck
instruments should be sufficient.



Report any malfunction of the systems that enable the

aircraft to maintain altitude, including:
‐ Any malfunction or loss of required equipment
‐ Any deviation involving the functions that enable the
aircraft to maintain altitude.
When the aircraft is in RVSM airspace, the flight crew
must notify the ATC of the following situations,
because they may affect the aircraft's ability to
maintain the flight level:
‐ The failure of both autopilots ‐
The loss of altimeter system redundancy (only one PFD
indication remaining)
‐ An excessive discrepancy in altitude indications, and
no way to identify the valid indication
‐ The failure of any other equipment, that affects the
aircraft's ability to maintain flight level
‐ The encounter of greater than moderate turbulence.
If the flight crew cannot notify the ATC or obtain the
ATC clearance before deviating from the assigned flight
level, they should follow the established contingency
procedure and obtain the ATC clearance as soon as

C abdullatif :
MIN DEST FOB (blue) Displays the expected minimum
fuel at destination. It is equal to the ALTN + FINAL fuel.
This field can be modified by the flight crew, and is also
impacted by the modification of ALTN and/or FINAL
Note: If flight crew entry of MIN DEST FOB is lower
than ALTN + FINAL fuel, the message “CHECK MIN DEST
FOB” is triggered on the MCDU.
The EFOB at destination will turn to amber, if it
becomes less than the MIN DEST FOB value.
If EFOB is amber during flight :
If it appears en route that the fuel remaining at
destination will be less than expected above, the
Captain should consider the following:
- Decrease aircraft speed down to (Ma Range Speed /
minimum Cost Index).Obtain a more direct route.
- Fly closer to the optimum FL (taking the wind into
account). Select a closer alternate aerodrome. (There
is no restriction on selection the Alternate provided
that the forecast weather for the Alternate is above
the applicable landing minima for aircraft and
approach aids available).
When the aircraft is less than 6 hours flying from
destination The flight may be continued without
Alternate Fuel provided that:

- Two separate runways are available at the

destination, and
- At least Final Reserve Fuel will remain at touchdown
at destination, an.
- The meteorological conditions at the destination
from 1 hr before until 1 hr after the ETA at or above
Visual Approach weather minima.
When the aircraft is less than 1 hours flying from
destination (and has established VHF communication
contact). The flight may be continued without
Alternate Fuel provided that:

A. No significant ATC delay is expected until 1 hour

after ETA, Expected Approach Time (EAT) is known or
maximum delay is known, and

B. The landing at destination is assured (Landing

assured means that weather at destination is at or
above circling minima. if circling minima is not
published then at or above Non-precision approach),
C. At least Final Reserve Fuel will remain at touchdown
at destination and

D. Two separate runways are available. (An adjacent

airfield may be counted as an additional runway
“within 30 min”.
Low Fuel State
If at any time, it becomes apparent that the aircraft
may land with less than FINAL RESERVE FUEL (30
minutes holding):
An emergency PAN call must be made, reporting fuel
remaining in minutes. (ATC must thereafter be kept
fully informed of the situation).

If at any time, it becomes evident that the aircraft will

land with less than FINAL RESERVE FUEL (30 minutes
An emergency "MAYDAY" call must be made,
reporting fuel remaining in minutes.

C abdullatif :
OEB ( operations engineering bulletins ) is the only one
that is cancel SOB and ECAM action .
Actions didn’t insert inside the ECAM DATA

C abdullatif :
When you are preparing the approach don’t forget to
compare ILS frequency and name between PFD and
chart by pressing ILS PB .
After three consecutive APU start attempts, the flight
crew must wait 60 min before a new start attempt.
During refuel/defuel procedures, APU starts or
shutdown are permitted with the following
‐ If the APU failed to start or following an automatic
APU shutdown, do not start the APU
‐ If a fuel spill occurs, perform a normal APU
Max altitude to assist engine
start.........................................20 000 ft.
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization
(single pack operation)........................22 500 ft
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization
(dual pack operation)...........................15 000 ft
Use of APU bleed air for wing anti-ice is not permitted.
During ground operations, APU fuel consumption is
about 130 kg/h ( FCOM/performance )

C abdullatif : fly to MTG ?

You should inform the flight watch about time for
arrival , number of passengers and wheel chairs

C abdullatif :
You must insert ALT FUEL on the INIT B page like your
flight plan because we don’t insert ALT Routing yet so
the ALT fuel on the MCDU will be less than ALT fuel in
the flight plan

C abdullatif : what is the difference between sigmet

and airmet
They’re the same but the sigmet provides information
more hot then airmet . Like ( more ground heating and
more air temperature )

C abdullatif : you have to check there is noise

abatement procedure or not on the first paper of the
lido chart . If there is not you must keeping the
acceleration at 1500 plus airport elevation

C abdullatif : if you would like to pressurize

accumulator pressure First you should take clearance
from the ground engineering then set electrical pump
on then off .

C abdullatif : why at 10 c exactly or low we must turn

on engine anti ice ?
Because the air go inside the engine very fast and the
temperature will be decreased so it maybe decrease to
icing temperature 0 c . That’s why we should turn on
engine anti ice at this temperature exactly .
C abdullatif : oxygen quantity inside the cockpit ?
Below 1500 psi you will see amber line under it . Just
to remember you . But the enough quality for the
persons inside the cockpit you should look to the
schedule of oxygen in the oxygen limitation chapter .

C abdullatif : gpwx ?
Above fl 200 ...... calibrated
Below fl 200 ....... +4


Periodically review system display pages and, in
ENG : Oil pressure and temperature
BLEED : BLEED parameters
ELEC : Parameters, GEN loads
HYD : A slight decrease in quantity is normal. Fluid
contraction during cold soak can be expected. Green
system is lower than on ground, following landing gear
FUEL : Fuel distribution.
COND : Duct temperature, compared with zone
temperature. Avoid large differences for passenger
FLT CTL : Note any unusual control surface position.
DOOR : Oxygen pressure.
MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : barometric reference ?
The maximum difference is: ±20 ft between both PFDs

And depending on the aircraft configuration: ±60 ft

between ISIS  and PFDs, or

±300 ft between mechanical standby altimeter and


MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : PA ( RMP 3 ) is must be white ?

This allows cabin attendant announcements to be
recorded on the CVR.

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : pack flow ( air conditioning )

LO : If the number of occupants is below 141.
HI : For abnormally hot and humid conditions.
NORM : For all other normal operating cases.


The maximum THS deflection is 13.5 ° nose up, and 4 °
nose down.

This field displays the contingency fuel for the route
and the corresponding percentage of trip fuel. It may
be equal to 0.0, if such is the policy of the operator.
The crew can either enter a fuel quantity, a percentage.

RESET pb By pushing the RESET pb, the zero trim
position is ordered at 1.5 °/s. After the reset, an
indication of up to 0.3° (L or R) may be observed in the
rudder trim position indication. Note: The RESET pb is
not active, when the autopilot is engaged.

When you set acceleration at 3000 FT and ATC says to
you after takeoff initial climb 2000 FT , you have to
know that the acceleration will starting at 2000 FT and
you will read on the FMA ALT . so you have to start
retracting flaps 1 .

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : why left inner tank uses fuel more

than right inner tank ‫؟‬


Will arrive FL 200 ?
Go to perf page insert fl 200 then you will see the time

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : if you would like to insert new

After that take the ground chart for your destination
then calculate latitude and longitude and insert it .
Insert all information on the MCDU.

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN: if the ATC says to you call me

when you are abeam?
First key on the left then fix info . Choose the fix name ,
abeam , then insert .

When you request set direct to you have to check and
makes a confirmation before he inserts it ( set the
range 320 ) .


You have to check all papers in the technical flight log
( carry forward) and make sure are closed by
engineers . If didn’t closed , there’s MEL . and you have
to check the procedure in the MEL .

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : if there is red warning before

takeoff and you apply takeoff configuration ?
You should abort takeoff immediately and find the
reason for this warning . ( MUSTAFA HUSSIEN change
rudder trim at this situation )

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : where is the extra fuel must be

used ?
Overhead destination and I used final reserve overhead
alternate .

When you set autopilot off during LOC approach you
have to say FD’s off with out set RWY TRACK .

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : what is ppos and T-p ?

‐ DIR TO defines a direct leg from the present position
to a specified waypoint. NAV mode simultaneously
engages upon DIR TO selection. When the pilot uses
DIR TO, the present position (PPOS) becomes the
“FROM” waypoint and the active flight plan shows it as
the T-P (turn point)

: Mostafa HUSSIEN
If the flight crew reverts to the SELECTED speed/MACH
mode during descent, the profile is not modified and
the aircraft flies the same profile at the FCU selected
.speed/MACH value

Libyan airlines A320 : Fuel jet a ... max temp 54 .

Minimum – 36
Freezing temperature -47
Max payload 70900

? MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : what is the fuel imbalance

. Inner tanks 1500 kg

:Mostafa HUSSIEN
when we don’t see flex on the FMA during takeoffs we
. have to go immediately to TOGA DETENT

WHEN you are reading INIT b during take off briefing
and preparation you have to check and read trip fuel
and time then open fuel page and check no
. imbalance
.So if the time is wrong I have to check my flight Cruz

you will see track + distance ON THE ND one on one if
. you didn’t select CSTR Pb

MOSTAFA HUSSIEN : when we have to use engine anti

? ice
Icing conditions exist when the OAT ( sat ) (on
ground or after takeoff) or the TAT (in flight) is at or
below 10 °C and visible moisture in any form is present
(such as clouds, fog with visibility of one nautical mile
.or less, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals)
during climb and cruise when the SAT is below -40 °C

‫ درجة الحرارة المتحركة‬.Tat : friction temperature

‫الي تضرب في الجناح وبدئ الطيارة‬
Sat : ‫درجة الحرارة الساكنة في الجو‬
Mostafa hussien : ECAM color coding :
White... information
Blue .... action
Green ... normal
Amber .. abnormal but not immediate action
Red ... abnormal with immediate action

MOSTAFA HOUSIEN : during climb what will happen to

? the thrust mode if I select v/s 1000 ft then pull
. It will change from THR CLB MODE TO SPEED MODE
MOSTAFA HUSSIN : what will happen if I put speed
? breaks half or full
If the auto pilot is on there is no difference between.
Full and half both will go to half speed breaks
If the auto pilot is off full is full , half is half and THE
. DESCENT must be on open DEC


YOU SHOULD put initial ALT , your squawk number and
after takes your rout what ever is it . heading or direct
. direct to clams gasri right or what ever
until the air craft is line up and wait then after take off
you must be pull HDG After positive CLB gear up .

At 30 ft, RWY TRK is annunciated until the HDG/TRK ‐

. Announce pull HDG

. knob is pulled
And if the clearance direct GASRI you should ears all
waypoints before GASRI OR select defaulted altitude
. then write GASRI ON THE new waypoints and insert
MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : don’t request start up if the cargo
. door is open
MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : on the parking in Tunisia you
should take ATC clearances on the parking and before
. request starting the engine from the ground

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : don’t activate approach phase

. above 3000 AGL ( MTG )

Mostafa hussien : when you are clear for the approach

you should look to your altitude. If it is above the final
approach fix altitude you must be start descending by-
. alt knob then push or pull if heading pull

? MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : where is the advisory display

It displays on the lower ECAM display and you can
. finding it in abnormal procedure in QRH

MOSTAFA HUSSIEN : if you see more drag appears on

drag to descent so you must be use speed break and
. you should see PROG page first

MOSTAFA HUSSIEN: what do you read on the FMA ON

? THE ground
CLB/nav/1FD2 and you read speeds on the speed scale
.in magenta and blue
MOSTAFA HUSSIEN : during descent if the aircraft
change from THR IDL TO speed mod it means you are
below the profile and the aircraft needs to reduce the
speed to reduce the rate of descent ( Max reduce your
rate of DESC AT THIS CASE 1000 ft to capture your
profile )

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : when you say to him are you

ready for takeoff briefing and he said to you check your
? aircraft
First you have to check the lower ECAM DISPLAY RIGHT
SIDE to know any problem then you have to cheack
LDG ELEVATION IS auto , all fuel pumps are on , do
quick cockpit preparation on the over head penal and
make sure the PA is IN WHAIT on the RMP3 , strobe
light on , LDG ELEV auto , bleed normal , signs on
auto , no white light extinguisher and read FMA
. carefully


Inerr and outer for brightness and weather RADER

? MOSTAFA HUSSIEN : when we pull the HDG

MUSTAFA HUSSIEN : if the approach was ILS and the
ATC Said to you turn heading..... and when you capture
the localizer clear for the approach you have to press
loc Pb after that when you capture the localizer press
approach Pb and AP1 read FMA AND CHEACK your

? C nawwaf : HJ ON The LIDO CHART

Launch planned . . . (specify balloon flight identification
or project code name, launch site, planned period of
launch(es) - date/time, expected climb direction,
estimated time to pass 18000m (60000ft), or reaching
cruise level if at or below 18000 m (60000ft), together
with estimated location)

? C nawwaf : how to calculate ISA

Altitude x 2 – TAT

C NAWWAF : QNH/temperature/wind whay we put it

? in the PERF PAGE
QNH : To pressurize the aircraft
TEMPRETURE : to calculate your profile
WIND : to calculate your ground speed mini

?C nawwaf : IRS alignments

A complete IRS alignment must be performed in the
:following cases
Before the first flight of the day, or ‐
When there is a crew change, or ‐
When the GPS is not available and the NAVAIDS ‐
coverage is poor on the expected route, or
When the GPS is not available and the expected ‐
flight time is more than 3 h
A fast IRS alignment must be performed if a complete
IRS alignment is not necessary and the difference
between the IRS position and the FMGC position is at
.or above 5 NM (see MCDU POSITION MONITOR page)

C nawwaf : why there is speed constraints 250 kt below

? fl 100
For traffic separation and because of bird strike
: C nawwaf
True airspeed is the speed of your aircraft relative to
the air. As you climb, true airspeed is higher than your
indicated airspeed
Ground speed : The movement of your airplane relative
to the ground is called groundspeed. It's true airspeed
corrected for wind. With a true airspeed of 100 knots
and a tailwind of 20 knots, you'd be flying a
.groundspeed of 120 knots

? C nawwaf : magnetic and true

magnetic wind direction: is a direction based on the
360° azimuth circle with the 0/360° azimuth
radialaligned with magnetic north
. : True wind

? C nawwaf : MSA and MORA

MSA : MSA is the minimum safe altitude within a 25
nm (Nautical Mile) radius of a navigational aid. MSA
will give you 1000 ft separation from the highest
terrain within that sector. We normally see the MSA on
.our Approach plates for runways
MORA : MORA will give you separation from terrain up
to 10 nm off the route center line and 10 nm radius
around the ends of the route. MORA will give you 1000
ft separation from terrain in non mountainous areas
.and 2000 ft separation in mountainous areas

:C nawwaf
Transition level : use standard barometric pressure
Transition altitude: use local barometric pressure
to ensure adequate vertical separation between the

? C nawwaf : what is the minimum fuel for landing

You have to have : alternate + final reserve in your

?C nawwaf : fuel freezing temperature

:after this temperature you have to choices 47 -
descent 4000 below your flight crez or -
increase your Mac speed 0.1 to ensure decrease 0.7 c -

? C nawwaf : why there is auto breaking system

To ensure that the aircraft will never go outside the
.RWY during rollout
? C nawwaf: when EFOB becomes ember on ground
You set wrong alternate
You set wrong flight level

?C nawwaf : automatic engines start

times within 15 minutes then you have to 4
. stop

C nawwaf : why we do the calculation during

? wet RWY
To increase ASDA when you are rejecting
. takeoff

C nawwaf : when we must apply manual

? start
EGT margin is low
Residual EGT HIGHT
Operation at high altitude

C nawwaf : when the RWY IS Considered to

?be contaminated
RWY standing on water
Minimum 3 mm
Ice / snow / slush

C nawwaf : few 1/2 ..... sc 3/4 ..... BK

5/6/7/ .... overcast 8. Sky covered octane

? C nawwaf: metrology
TEMPO - Temporary fluctuation in some of
the elements lasting for periods of
Minutes30 or more but not longer than one
hour with each instance and does
not cover more than half of the total period
BECMG - Becoming
Used to indicate a gradual change in some of
the forecast elements
PROB % - Probability
percentage, only 30 or 40 is used. If a - %
higher probability is expected
..TEMPO is used

Ali said : when you perform complete allighnment you

have to check on bat in amber light for every nav mode
. switch

?Ali said : fuel inerting

The aim of this system is to reduce the flammability in
. the fuel tanks that have a high flammability exposure
The fuel center tank is the only one that has a high
flammability exposure. Therefore, the Fuel Tank
Inerting System only needs to be installed for the
center tank. All other tanks do not need Fuel Tank
.Inerting System installation
To reduce the flammability in the center tank, the Fuel
Tank Inerting System produces an oxygen-depleted air
that goes in the center tank to replace the ambient air
The Fuel Tank Inerting System does not require any
flight crew action. It works independently as soon as
the engines start and until they stop

? Ali said : RAM AIR PB ( air conditioning penal )

An emergency ram air inlet ventilates the cockpit and
cabin to remove smoke, or if both packs fail. The
emergency ram air inlet valve is controlled by the RAM
AIR pushbutton on the AIR COND panel. This
pushbutton opens the ram air valve, provided that
ditching is not selected. When the RAM AIR pushbutton
is ON : The outflow valve opens about 50 %, provided
that it is under automatic control and ΔP is less than 1
PSI. The outflow valve does not automatically open if it
is under manual control, even if ΔP is less than 1 PSI. If
ΔP is greater than 1 PSI, the check valve located
downstream the ram air door will not open, even if the
ram air door has been selected open. No airflow will
then be supplied

If you would like to activate ALTERNATE you have to go

to flight plan page then to arrival Pb then enable

Automatic engines start : 1) start valve open

N2 increase )2
N2 .. 16% )3
igniter A/B
N2 ... F F 22% )4
: s after F F 15 )5
EGT and N 1
N2 ... 50% )6
Valve close
. Igniter off

? When we select ENG mode selector to IGN

1) The RWY was standing water .
2) Heavy rain is falling .
3) Heavy rain or turbulence is expected after takeoff.

? Why we set pack 1 and 2 to off before takeoff

1) This will improve performance when using TOGA
2) When using flex takeoff this will reduce takeoff
EGT , then will reduce the maintenance costs .

During takeoff at 130 KT wheel speed , the connection

between nose wheel steering and the rudder pedals is
removed .

APU bleed has priority over the engine bleed .

Select pack 1 on after CLB thrust reduction then after

10 s select pack 2 on for passenger comfort .
Set standard / cross check .
PF will keep CSTR ON his side to grid MORA .

FADEC : full authority digital engine control .

LGCIU : landing gear control and interface unit .

You can find LDG ELEV on auto on CAB PRESS PAGE .

P : the cabin differential pressure shows the

difference in psi , between the cabin pressure and
external pressure .

Check fuel page every 30 min :

Check that the sum of fuel on board and the fuel used
is consistent with the fuel on board at departure .
1) If the sum is greater than the fuel on board at
departure, suspect fuel quantity over read .
2) If the sum is smaller than the fuel on board at
departure, suspect a fuel leak .

MCDU : multipurpose control and display unit.

When your ATC requests

you have to maintain RWY heading you have to turn
HDG KNOB to the right then you must give order pull
the heading after lift off .

Expecting RWY in use always can by taking the nearest

RWY direction to the direction of the wind .

If engine anti ic is selected on in descent :

The flight IDEL is increased , so to maintain the rate of
descent that the airplane had before engine anti ic
selection . It may be necessary to use up the half speed
breakers to maintain the required rate of descent ......
this action will be perform just during OPEN DES .

NOTE : to avoid over shooting the altitude , due to

speed break retraction in ALT* mode . Retract the
speed breaks at least 2000 ft before you reach the
selected altitude .

Speed mode : A/THR adjusts the thrust in order to

maintain a target speed .

THRUST MODE : A/THR sets a given thrust MAX CLB OR


FLAPS 1 : should be selected more than 3 nm before

final approach point .

EPE : estimated position error .

RNP : required navigation performance .

If the EPE is lower than RNP .... accuracy is high .
If the EPE is higher than RNP .... accuracy is low .
When the accuracy switches from high to low , a
message NAV ACC DOWNGRADE IS display on ND and
on MCDU scratchpad.
Accuracy check : compare FMGS position to VOR/DME
raw data . It means compare the VOR1 or VOR2 on the
ND With the VOR on the PROG page on the MCDU .

Manual engine start / engine start with external

pneumatic power / crossbleed engine start / start
valve manual operation : you can finding it at FCOM /
normal procedure/ supplementary procedure.

During descent : turn on ND must be off on the PF side (

priority for weather radar) and must be on on the PM
ALT CRZ : the altitude that you selected on the FCU was
the same altitude on the PROG PAGE .
ALT : the altitude that you selected on the FCU was
different on the PROG PAGE .

SRS mode : . SRS is a vertical mode which control the

pitch and maintains the speed at v2 + 10 as a minimum
( or v2 in case of engine failure) up to acceleration
altitude . After that CLB mode start working .

The SRS mode engages automatically when the thrust

levers are set to the TOGA or FLX/MCT detent (when a
Flex takeoff temperature or Derated takeoff  has
been selected), providing:
‐ V2 has been inserted in the MCDU PERF TAKEOFF
‐ The slats are extended
‐ The aircraft has been on ground for at least 30 s.
Note : ‐ If no V2 is entered at takeoff, the V/S mode
engages 5 s after lift-off (no speed reference system).
The FCU speed target is the speed at V/S mode

Nav mode : engages automatically around 30 ft AGL .



LAND MODE : engages automatically at 400 ft AGL .


If the approach is defined in the database .... manage.
If the accuracy is high and there is a GPS primary , the
approach must be manage .
Otherwise the approach must be selected .

When start pushback or you take starting up

clearance : Elapse time / TCAS

After FC CHECK : weather radar / TCAS / auto break /

takeoff conf .

When exciting a-floor condition , the A/THR mode

reverts to TOGA LK MODE .

The flight crew must select reverse thrust after main

landing gear touchdown .
If AP 1 is on ..... FMGC1 is master
If AP 2 is on ..... FMGC2 is master
If AP 1 and 2 is on ..... FMGC1 is master
‐ If one AP pb is set to ON with both FDs OFF, the AP
engages in HDG V/S or TRK FPA mode, depending upon
which mode the flight crew has selected on the FCU.
‐ If one AP pb is set to ON with at least one FD already
ON, the AP engages in the current active FD modes.
‐ At takeoff, the AP cannot be engaged below 100 ft.

In addition, in normal law with all protections

available, the AP will disengage when:
‐ High speed protection activates, or
‐ Angle-of-attack protection activates:
• From the liftoff to 100 ft RA during the takeoff ,
when α prot +1 ° is reached, or
• Below 100 ft RA during the landing, when α MAX is
reached, or
‐ Pitch attitude exceeds 25 ° up, or 13 ° down, or bank
angle exceeds 45 °, or
‐ A rudder pedal deflection is more than 10 ° out of

RMP : radio management panel .

The cockpit voice recorder ( CVR ) :

Is used to record all the communications and aural
warnings in the cockpit . Only the last two hours of the
recording are retained .
It is energized automatically :
‐ on the ground during the first 5 min after the aircraft
electrical network is energized
‐ on the ground with one engine running
‐ in flight
On the ground, it is stopped automatically 5 min after
the last engine shutdown .

In case of ACP inoperative : you can recover audio

control through the ACP 3 . To do this , you have to
select the CAP 3 position if the ACP 1 has failed or the
F/o 3 position if ACP 2 position has failed , by using the
audio switching selector located on the overhead

Note : if the thrust levers are not set to TOGA detent ,

the FMS dose not engage the go around phase and if
TOGA thrust is not required , set the thrust levers to
TOGA detent then retard the thrust levers as required .

If the approach was made in icing condition , or if the

RWY was contaminated with slush or snow :
Don’t retract the flaps and slats until after engine shut
down and after the ground crew has confirmed that
flaps and slats are clear of obstruction ice .

On the ground , hot weather conditions may cause

overheating to be detected around the bleed ducts in
the wings Resulting warnings . Such warning may be
avoided by keeping the slats in configuration 1 when
the out air temperature is above 30 c .

Break fan : landing : when the temperature exceeds

500 c , use the break fan without delay . In other cases ,
the flight crew should delay the break fans to 5
minuets after landing or at the approaching gate .
During takeoff :
‐ If brake temperature is above 150 °C, delay takeoff.
‐ If brake temperature is below 150 °C, select brake
fans off.

The best rate of climb it means the best left drag ratio .

The difference between LO / MED auto break ?

The auto break and spoilers work together :
1) Auto break LOW : it will work after 4 s from the
spoilers deployment .
2) Auto break MED : it will work after 2 s from the
spoilers deployment .

Priority electrical power : Engines / external power /

Methods for checking accuracy :
If the check is positive ( error <= 3 ) fm position is
If the check is negative ( error > 3 ) . Fm position is not
reliable .
In this case use raw data for navigation .
Descent preparation and approach briefing must be
completed before TOP/DES .

When IR PB SW light fault :

Steady ........ the respective IR is lost .
Flashing....... the attitude and heading information
maybe recovered in ATT MODE .

Caution : don’t use the ISIS LS for takeoff using localizer

of the opposite RWY OR for a back-course localizer
approach . The LOC DEVIATION are give on the wrong

Minimum RAT SPEED 140 KT , below this minimum

speed the RAT will stall and the the aircraft will only
supply by the batteries , expect to fly approximately 20
minutes .

Note : the APU must be started below fl 350 and you

can starting it above fl 350 depends on max EGT .

When you prepare the approach : don’t forget to press

the auto break to low or med during preparation .

Use of auto break : Use MED mode on short or

contaminated RWY .
USE LOW mode on long RWY .
AILERONS / elevator / rudder / trimmable horizontal
stabilizer / spoilers for speed breaks or ground spoilers
function .

The five spoilers have several function :

Speed break function ..... 2/3/4

Roll control function ..... 2/3/4/5
Ground spoilers function ..... 1/2/3/4/5
The movement of the flight control surface are
managed by seven computers :
2 ELAC ..... elevator and aileron computers .
3 sec ..... spoilers and elevator computers .
2 FAC ..... flight augmentation computers .

Left and right ailerons .... B AND G HYDRAULIC SYSTEM

Left elevator..... G AND B HYDRAULIC SYSTEM .

Slats and flaps are electrically controlled via 2 SFCC .

( salt flap control computers )

MAX PITCH DOWN ...... 15

MAX PITCH UP ..... 30
Bank angle .... 67

VLS : the lowest selectable speed

1.13 vs during takeoff
1.23 vs after one step of flap retraction .
1.28 vs in clean configuration .

Gear pins and covers : you can find it behind the seat of
the captain .

Category A : this category item must be repaired
within the time interval specified in the remarks
column of the certificate holders approved MEL
( almost 1 day )
Category b : 3 days ( 72 hours)
Category c : 10 days ( 240 hours )
Category d : 120 days ( 2880 hours )

CDL : you can find it in the AFM .

With reduced protections :
1) Pitch up protection lost .
2) Bank angle protection lost .
With out reduced protections :
1+2 and :
3) Low speed stability protection is lost . It means
AOA protection .
4) High speed stability protection is lost . ...
It will active at least there is 1 failure

DIRECT LAW : it is most likely to be encountered when

the landing gear is lowered .
Under direct law , there are no protections available
but stall aural alerts and ECAM over speed warning are
still operative.
It will be active after at least two failures


The aircraft will revert to this mode in the worst case of
failures . Such as complete loss of flight control
computer power supply .
Only you can pitch the aircraft by using the pitch trim
wheel .
Only you can roll the aircraft by using the rudder .

After takeoff check R-ALTIMETER is 35 ft then positive

climb gear up .

When you would like to know what’s your landing

weight during Cruz by your calculation :
ZFW+EFOB = landing weight .

If you would like to know the landing weight during

CRZ from MCDU , go to sec-plan then to init page then
next phase. ....... finally you will find your landing
weight .


OVFY PB on the MCDU : this Pb insures that the aircraft

must be fly over the certain point .

SP PB ON THE MCDU : it means space between wards .

Nearest airports from your position :
Press DATA PB then select closest airports.

For more information such as length , width and other

information : you must go to SEC-FPLAN , new
destination , go to arrival .
Finally you will get the information that you need .

TOP/DESC : you can calculate TOP/DESC by your self .

T/D = FL X 3 + 10

If both FMGCs fail, the back up navigation provides the

following functions:
‐ Flight Planning
‐ Aircraft position using onside IRS, IRS3, or GPIRS
position (if GPS  )
‐ F-PLN display on ND
‐ No AP/FD NAV mode
‐ Limited lateral revision
‐ F-PLN automatic sequencing.

Note: In managed guidance (lateral, vertical guidance

or managed speed), the corresponding window is
dashed. Turning a knob without pulling it, displays a
value that is the sum of the current target and the turn
action value. The display remains 45 s on the HDG/TRK
and V/S windows and 10 s on the SPD/MACH window
before the dashes reappear. This rule does not apply to
the ALT knob/window.

SPD/MACH knob Display range: between 100 and 399

kt for speed, between 0.10 and 0.99 for Mach number.

Altitude knob (INNER AND OUTER) Display range: 100

to 49 000 ft .

V/S knob Range (V/S) : –6 000 to +6 000 ft/min .

Range (FPA): –9.9 ° to +9.9 °

V2 = 1.13 VS1g .

VREF (vapp ) reference landing speed = 1.23 VS1g . g

forces it means gravity load factor and the stalling
speed is calculated on 1 g forces depending on your
gross weight .

Dry RWY ..... 90 /10kt

Wet RWY ..... 150 /10 kt
Flare ..... 760 /10 kt
If you exceed the VREF YOU will lost 90 ,150, 760 when
you are exceeding 10 kt .

O : Green dot speed :

Engine-out operating speed in clean configuration and
its the best left drag ratio ( it’s best angle of climb ) .
(Best lift-to-drag ratio speed).
Below 20 000 ft equal to 2 × weight (tons) +85
Above 20 000 ft, add 1 KT per 1 000 ft .

VA : Maximum design maneuvering speed. This

corresponds to the maximum structural speed
permitted for full control deflection, if alternate or
direct law is active.

VMCG : Minimum speed, on the ground during

takeoff .

VMCA : Minimum control speed in flight .

VFE : Maximum speed for each flap configuration.

VLE : Maximum speed for landing gear extended.
VLO : Maximum speed for landing gear operation.
VMO : Maximum speed.
VFE NEXT : Maximum speed for the next (further
extended) flap lever position.

Vα PROT : Angle of attack protection speed.

Corresponds to the angle of attack at which the angle
of attack protection becomes active. Represented by
the top of a black and amber strip along the PFD speed
scale, in normal law.
Vα MAX : Maximum angle of attack speed.
Corresponds to the maximum angle of attack that may
be reached in pitch normal law. Represented by the top
of a red strip along the PFD speed scale, in normal law.
VSW : Stall warning speed. Represented by a red and
black strip along the speed scale when the flight
control normal law is inoperative.
VMAX : Represented by the bottom of a red and black
strip along the speed scale. Determined by the FAC
according to the aircraft configuration. Is equal to
VMO (or speed corresponding to MMO)

V1 : The highest speed, during takeoff, at which the

flight crew has a choice between continuing the takeoff
or stopping the aircraft.
VR : The speed at which the pilot rotates in order to
reach V2 at an altitude of 35 ft at the latest after an
engine failure.
V2 : Takeoff safety speed that the aircraft attains at
the latest at an altitude of 35 ft with one engine failed,
and maintains during the second segment of the
takeoff. Represented by the SPEED SELECT symbol on
the speed scale. Minimum value equal to 1.13 VS for
the corresponding configuration.
VREF : Reference speed used for normal final approach.
Equal to 1.23 × VS of CONF FULL.
VAPP : Final approach speed. Displayed on MCDU
APPR page. Calculated by the FMGCs. Represents :
VAPP = VLS + wind correction The wind correction is
limited to a minimum of 5 KT and a maximum of 15
KT .
VAPP must not be lower than VLS +5 KT .
If our approaches are loc , ILS , FLS AND VOR MANAGE .
Don’t forget to press ILS Pb during 10000 ft actions .

TAT : total air temperature . It means friction

temperature .
SAT : static air temperature.


When IMC condition at 1000 ft AGL . If you are not

stabilized perform go around . RWY NOT IN SIGHT .

When VMC CONDITION at 500 ft AGL. If you are not

stabilized perform go around . RWY in sight .

The propose of ADIRS :

Is to provide air data and inertial information to the
EFIS and FMGC1 and other users .


TAT SENSOR / AOA SENSOR / pitot tubes / static port .

Pitot and static systems read together Mach and

indicated air speed .

Static reads barometric reference without pitot .

ADR ... GIVES : Mach / air speed / AOA / TAT / over
speed warning / barometric alt .

IRS : its a gyro ... it means laser compass gives :

Heading / track / ground speed / aircraft position /
alt / FPV / acceleration .

MACH SPEED : is the ratio between local speed of

sound and local temperature.

At what altitude wind shear is ended during takeoff ?

At 1500

Toggle switch .

When you are starting the engine and the engine is

stabilized . You will see avail with green color on the
N1 indicator : it means the engine start sequence is
completed . The engine is operating normal and it
means air bleed is available .

During landing , why you set APU air bleed on before

engine shutdown ?
To avoid fume of the engine goes inside the cockpit
and cabin and tail pipe fire .

Fuel of the flight plan :

1) TRIP FUEL : from a to b .
2) MINCONT : 5% from trip fuel Incase of CB clouds
avoidance or fly below the optimum ALT ( every
4000 ft below the optimum you will loss 5% from
the fuel )
3) ALT : it means from the destination to the
alternate .
Flight levels are limited to FL 250 for distances less
than 200 NM and FL 330 for distances greater
than 200 NM
4) FINERS : final reserve
It calculates 30 minutes holding at 1500 ft
overhead ALT required by ICAO .
Operation manual part a :
Minimum fuel for 30 minutes for A320... 1200 kgs

Nav mode engage just when the waypoints of the

were within 160 degrees and 1 nautical miles.

You should enter your engine out routine procedure

inside your secondary f-plan before takeoff .

On most cases : heading mode .... open descent

Nav mode ...... DESCENT

When you are higher during the approach and you are
clear for the approach ( approach was ILS OR FLS ) :
1) Alt knob to the right
2) V/S to the left then pull . But not more then 2000
FT .
and you would like to apply manual BRAKES , it means
you changed from the normal break to the alternate
break .

Black line flex temperature : first box T MAX and last

box MAX FLEX temperature .
IF You would like to know your position and your ADIRS

When you would like to know the aircrafts which are

nearest of you on the ND :
Select the aircraft by turning the knob ..... you can find
it below ND and PF brightness knobs ... right of you .

Malfunctions affecting the safety of flight :

1) Fire warning or sever damage .
2) Loss of engine thrust .
3) Malfunction or condition that give unambiguous
indications that the aircraft will not fly safely .
4) Any red ECAM warning .
5) Amber ECAM caution : a)F-CTL side stick fault.
b) engine fail .
C) engine revers fault .
D) engine 1/2 THR LEVER
Aircraft position : each FMGC calculates alone.. it
calculates by BIAS :
It compares both then determines aircraft position .

It is possible to perform tuning for display in three

different ways:
‐ Automatic tuning via FMGC software
‐ Manual tuning via the MCDU RAD NAV page
‐ Manual tuning via the Radio Management Panel
(RMP) if both FMGCs or both MCDUs fail.

The flight crew can manually adjust these coordinates

to the gate position. A normal alignment takes 10 min
and a fast alignment takes 30 s.

However, in exceptional circumstances, and for a

limited period of time, an aircraft can continue to
operate beyond the end date of the database cycle,
provided it is approved by the national authorities. The
following precautions need to be considered:
‐ Prior to flight, identify recent changes on the
intended route, with the navigation charts and
‐ Check SID, STAR, and approach procedures of
departure, destination and required alternates .
‐ Fly terminal instrument procedures and approaches
with managed guidance, that are in the navigation .

TCAS ..... ADS-B ... ON THE ND ?

Automatic dependent surveillanc Broadcast
on mode s .
It means when you set Transponder on auto during taxi
it means your transponder is operating
Mode s gives you : heading / track / ground speed / v/s
/ latitude and longitude / altitude / flight number /
emergency situation indicator.

In some cases, the ATC ground stations can receive
non valid data from the ADS-B function. Therefore, the
air traffic controller may ask the flight crew to stop the
transmission of the ADS-B data (e.g. the air traffic
controller requests "STOP ADS-B TRANSMISSION" or
crew cannot switch off the ADS-B automatic data
transmission independently of the XPDR.
Therefore, do not switch off the ATC transponder or
the altitude reporting, in order to maintain TCAS
operations or Air Traffic Controller radar surveillance.
In such cases, the flight crew must refer to local
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) to apply
alternate procedure when the air traffic controller
requests to stop ADS-B transmission.

TCAS RANGE : front of you 100 NM .

Left , right and behind you 30 NM .

TCAS TA/RA : change from TARA TO TA : 900 FT inhibit.

Flight phase inhibition : takeoff.... 70 KT UP TO 1500 ft .

Landing ... 900 ft to touch down.

Engine parameters at ISA sea level :

N1 .... 19.5 .
N2 ..... 58.5
EGT .... 390
FF ....... 275
Maximum rate of cabin descent ..... 750 FT / MIN .

MAXIMUM avionics equipment temperature.... 27 C .

After this temperature GDN COOL starts cooling .

Change from speed to Mach .... FL 300 .

Navigation database is updated every 28 days .

Aural warning for wind shear is available from 3
seconds after lift off up to 1300 FT . Landing from 1300
Ft down to 50FT WITH at least conf 1 is selected.

Retard retard .... 20 ft

Rat speed .... 140 KT

Average gliding distance when dual engine failure is

2.5 NM per 1000 FT BUT the average rat of descent
must be 1600 ft/min .

The takeoff memo is normally displayed 2 minutes

after the engine start .
Gw display after first engine start .

1+f .... speed below 100 KT .

1 ....... speed above 100 KT .

Landing memo .... below 2000 ft RA .

PBE... replacement to smoke hode .

Portable breathing equipment
PCF ... replacement to fire extinguisher
Portable chemical fire extinguisher

FADEC .. don’t have control on :

Tail pipe fire
Hung start .
V1 equal VR when balance field
It means run distance available equal stop distance.

Ground speed mini :

When the aircraft flies an approach in managed speed,
the managed speed target, displayed by the magenta
triangle on the PFDs, is variable. This managed speed
target is the VAPP, displayed on the PERF APPR page,
corrected by the Ground Speed Mini function.
MINI FUNCTION The GSmini function is active when :
‐ The speed is managed and,
‐ The FMS flight phase is the approach phase.
objective of the Ground Speed Mini function is to take
advantage of the aircraft inertia, when the wind varies
during the approach. This objective is achieved by
providing the adequate indicated speed target (i.e. the
managed speed target represented by the magenta
triangle). When the aircraft flies this indicated air
speed target, the energy of the aircraft is maintained
above a minimum level ensuring aerodynamic margins
versus stall.

Why we call 70 kt during landing ?

To avoide use high levels of revers thrust at lower
airspeed required due to emergency.

Flight planning : Each flight plan can contain up to 200

legs. If an element contains 200 legs, and if the flight
crew attempts to perform a lateral revision that
increases the number of legs of this element, the FMS
rejects the revision and the MCDU displays the “F-PLN
FULL” message.

In the active F-PLN, the crew can insert up to 5

successive airway segments, going from a revised
waypoint or ending at a given waypoint of the flight

The pilot can identify a waypoint by :
‐ Its identifier (if it is in the navigation database).
‐ A Latitude/Longitude (LL).
‐ A Place/Bearing/Distance (PBD). The waypoint is
defined by its bearing and distance from a place
. ‐ A Place-Bearing/Place-Bearing (PBX). The waypoint
is defined by the interception of 2 radials from 2 places.
‐ A Place/Distance (PD). The waypoint is defined by a
distance from a place, along the F-PLN.
Note: If a slash or a dash is not entered properly, the
MCDU displays a “FORMAT ERROR” message.

When no specific speed limit applies, the default hold

speed is approximately equal to:
‐ Green Dot speed on the A318, A319, A320 (CFM) and

If the leg of the aircraft is flying toward the holding fix
is on a “limit” between a teardrop entry and a parallel
entry, the FMGC may compute and display either of the
two entries. The pilot should keep this in mind, and
should not assume that the FMGC is malfunctioning.
If the flight plan leg toward the hold entry fix is on a
course that is the reciprocal of the inbound course of
the holding pattern, the aircraft will fly a teardrop

Offset : offset may be defined between 1 and 50 NM .

If the crew enters an OFFSET when the aircraft is too
close to the TO waypoint, the FMGS may refuse to
accept it, in which case the MCDU displays the “ENTRY
OUT OF RANGE” message.

Enable alternate :
The message “USING COST INDEX 0” is displayed in the
scratchpad on the side where the ENABLE ALTN
function was used. If necessary, perform a DIR TO the
first waypoint of the alternate. ADJUST the cost index
on the PERF page and the defaulted cruise flight level
(CRZ FL) on the PROG page, as required.
You can find the CI DURING flight on PERF PAGE

In the case a DIR TO/INTCPT is performed: ‐ When the
angle between the current aircraft track and the
intercept course exceeds 140 °, the transition is not
‐ When the angle between the current aircraft track
and the intercept course exceeds 160 °, the
interception with the radial is not computed and the
message NO NAV INTERCEPT is displayed.

To cancel the overfly function, associated to a

waypoint, press the OFFY ▵ “key again on the MCDU.

Position update at : at PROG page

WRITE the IDENT at which the position update is
intended. The identifier format are
‐ Waypoint, Airport or runway identifier
‐ LAT / LONG coordinates

Therefore, the pilot should only use “POSITION UPDATE

AT” in case of a major position problem, such as :
• On the ground, no flight plan appears on the
navigation display and ARC/ROSE NAV mode is
selected .
• A “CHECK IRS/FM POSITION” message appears on
the MCDU.
• A “FM/IR POSITION DISAGREE” message appears on
the ECAM.

When the aircraft position is computed based on

GPIRS, the "POSITION UPDATE AT" function is not
allowed. If the flight crew attempts a position update,
the message "NOT ALLOWED" is displayed on the
The OPT FL : is a compromise between fuel and time
saving. As a result, the flight crew may observe jumps
in OPT FL due to GW, ISA, or wind changes. The
computation of the OPT FL takes into account the wind
entries made by the flight crew, as well as the winds
propagated by the FMS from previously entered winds.

The cost index : CI is the ratio of flight time cost (CT) to

fuel cost (CF).
CI = 0 corresponds to minimum fuel consumption (Max
CI = 999 corresponds to minimum time.

Energy circle : symbol (green arc) centered on the

aircraft position and oriented to the current track line.
Represents the Required Distance to Land. Only
displayed in descent and approach phases when a
selected lateral mode is engaged (HDG or TRK). It
represents the required distance to land from the
aircraft's position down to airport elevation at VAPP
speed, considering all speed constraints on the vertical


The recommended maximum altitude is the lowest of
the maximum altitude that:
REC MAX This field displays the recommended
maximum altitude (in magenta),
that is computed based on the current gross weight
and temperature,
and assuming that the anti-ice is off (Refer to QRH
graphs, if icing conditions are expected). It provides the
aircraft with a 0.3 g buffet margin, a minimum rate of
climb at MAX CL thrust, and level flight at
MAX CRZ thrust. This field is limited to FL 398.
If one engine is out, this field displays the
recommended maximum engine-out altitude, that is
computed based on the long-range cruise
speed and assuming that anti-ice is off.
‐ The aircraft can fly at a speed higher than Green Dot
and lower than VMO/MMO

The FMGS computes the vertical profile and the

predictions from the Top of Descent (T/D) to the first
altitude constraint with the following assumptions:
‐ The aircraft has a given thrust
‐ The aircraft has a given speed (within the speed
target range).

[1R] ZFWCG/ZFW (blue) Displays the Zero Fuel Weight

(ZFW) and Zero Fuel Weight CG (ZFWCG). The flight
crew must enter the ZFW/ZFWCG values (as
appropriate) to obtain a speed profile and predictions.
[6R] EXTRA/TIME (green) Displays the amount of extra
fuel, and the resulting time available for holding over
the primary destination.

The constraints are displayed in magenta, until the

predictions are completed. When the predictions are
available, the constraints are replaced by speed and
altitude predictions preceded by stars. If the star is in
magenta, the system predicts that the aircraft will
match the constraint (altitude within 250 ft, speed not
more than 10 kt above the constraints). If the star is in
amber, the system predicts that the aircraft will miss
the constraint, and the MCDU displays “SPD ERROR AT

FLIGHT PLAN B PAGE This page displays fuel

predictions and forecast winds at each waypoint. The
pilot calls it up by pressing the ″→” or “←” keys when
the FLIGHT PLAN A page is displayed.

manual starting is recommended in the following

‐ After aborting a start, because of:
• Engine stall
• Engine EGT overlimit
•Low start air pressure
‐ When expecting a start abort, because of:
• Degraded bleed performance, due to hot conditions,
or at a high-altitude airfields.
• An engine with a reduced EGT margin, in hot
conditions, or at a high-altitude airfields.
• Marginal performance of the external pneumatic
power group.
• Intermittent ECAM ENG 1(2) IGN A(B) FAULT alert,
during the first start of the day.

Time of hold : TIME on outbound leg is 1.5 min above

14 000 ft, 1 min below 14 000 ft.

ALT constraint :
The constraint may be:
• “At”, entered as XXXXX (Example: FL 180).
• “At or above”, entered as + XXXXX or XXXXX +
(Example: FL +310). •
“At or below”, entered as – XXXXX or XXXXX –
(Example: -5 000).

The takeoff shift is the distance in meters or feet

between the beginning of the runway and the aircraft's
takeoff position. When taking off from an intersection,
the flight crew should insert this value to ensure a
correct update of the FM position. The takeoff shift
value must be positive, and cannot be greater than the
runway length.


‐ The managed target speed changes to Green Dot
‐ “LVR MCT” flashes white on the Flight Mode
‐ The climb mode reverts to open climb (OP CLB) and
the aircraft slowly decelerates down to Green Dot
‐ The MCDU shows the PERF CLB page with an “EOk
CLR*” (clear engine-out) prompt
‐ The PROG page shows the engine-out maximum
recommended altitude (EO MAX REC ALT

The MCDU NAV B/UP is to be used only in case of FM 1

+ 2 failur :
The MCDU NAV B/UP function provides:
‐ Aircraft position using onside IRS or IRS 3
‐ Aircraft position using GPIRS  position
‐ F-PLN as memorized in the MCDU
‐ F-PLN display on ND
‐ F-PLN automatic sequencing
‐ Limited lateral revisions
‐ Mag (True) bearing depending on the pilot selection,
from aircraft position to the TO WPT and associated
‐ True track between waypoints
‐ Time estimates computed with current GS from
onside IRS
‐ Total time and distance to destination
The following features are not provided:
‐ No DATA BASE available:
• No autotuning, NAVAIDS must be selected on RMP
• No radio position
• No EFIS CTL PANEL options
• No LDG ELEV (must be manually selected on
overhead panel).
‐ No performance data:
• No CLB/DES modes
• No automatic SPD/MACH change over.
‐ Most of predictions are lost:
• No ETA at DEST.
‐ No multiple lateral F-PLN
‐ No AP/FD managed modes
‐ No crosstalk between MCDUs:
F-PLN revisions have to be achieved on both MCDUs.

AP AND A/THR One FD at least must be available to

allow the engagement of AP/FD and A/THR. All FM
managed modes are lost as well as managed speed.

The FADEC system performs the following functions :

Control of gas generator
• control of fuel flow
• idle setting
Protection against engine exceeding limits
• protection against N1 and N2 overspeed
• monitoring of EGT during engine start
Power management
• automatic control of engine thrust rating
• computation of thrust parameter limits
Automatic engine starting sequence
• control of :
‐ the start valve (ON/OFF)
‐ the HP fuel valve
‐ the fuel flow
‐ the ignition (ON/OFF)
• monitoring of N1, N2, FF and EGT
• initiation of abort and recycle (on the ground only)
Manual engine starting sequence
• passive monitoring of engine
• control of :
‐ the start valve
‐ the HP fuel valve
‐ the ignition

Optimum ALT :
The flight crew should choose a flight level that is as
close to the optimum as possible. To determine the
optimum flight level
As a general rule, an altitude that is 4 000 ft below the
optimum produces a significant penalty
(approximately 5 % of fuel). Flight 8 000 ft below the
optimum altitude produces a penalty of more than 10
% against trip fuel. (The usual contingency allowance is
5 %).


The vertical flight path is computed to minimize fuel
consumption, while satisfying the various altitude
constraints of the F-PLN and the descent speed profile,
in order to reach VAPP at 1 000 ft.
‐ Both FDs are removed when the aircraft pitch exceeds
25 ° up or 13 ° down, or bank angle exceeds 45 °.

YAW BAR : The yaw bar is changed from FD and

displayed in RWY mode on takeoff and in FLARE and
ROLL OUT modes at landing below 30 ft .

FD’s bar warning :

Pitch FD bar (or FPV) flashes 10 s and then remains
steady :
‐ If the ALT* mode is lost further to FCU altitude
reference change of more than 250 ft.
‐ When in APPR mode (G/S*, G/S, F-G/S*, F-G/S or
LAND), FD reverts to V/S mode (flight crew action or
loss of vertical approach mode).
‐ One AP or one FD is engaged while both AP/FD were
previously OFF.
Roll FD bar (or FPV) flashes 10 s and then remains
steady :
‐ When in APPR mode (LOC*, LOC, F-LOC*, F-LOC or
LAND ), FD reverts to HDG mode (flight crew action or
loss of lateral approach mode).
‐ One AP or one FD is engaged while both AP/FD were
previously OFF.

HDG / v/s
The star after the LOC indication , means that the
aircraft is in the capture phase . Once established on
the localizer , the indication becomes loc .
A/THR IS also in speed mode when AP/FD vertical
modes are ... v/s ... FPA .... G/s ... and generally during
the approach .

If the flight crew does not fly the managed speed

profile, the MCDU predictions assume that they will
maintain the selected speed until they reach:
‐ In the climb or descent phase, the next speed limit or
speed constraint if any, or next phase
‐ In cruise, the top of descent.

Energy circle symbol (green arc) centered on the

aircraft position and oriented to the current track line.
Represents the Required Distance to Land. Only
displayed in descent and approach phases when a
selected lateral mode is engaged (HDG or TRK).

Speed and altitude constraints:

If the star is magenta, the constraint is predicted to be
matched. If the star is amber, the constraint is
predicted to be missed.

Therefore the AP/FD pitch modes and A/THR mode are

coordinated as follows:
‐ If an AP/FD pitch mode controls a vertical trajectory,
the A/THR mode controls the target SPD/MACH.
‐ If an AP/FD pitch mode controls a target SPD or
MACH, the A/THR mode controls the thrust.
‐ If no AP/FD pitch mode is engaged, the A/THR mode
reverts to controlling the SPD/MACH mode.

In speed mode the throttle is positioned to attain a set

target speed. This mode controls aircraft speed within
safe operating margins. For example, if the pilot
selects a target speed which is slower than stall speed,
or a speed faster than maximum speed, the
autothrottle system will maintain a speed closest to
the target speed that is within the range of safe

In the thrust mode the engine is maintained at a fixed

power setting according to the different flight phases.
For example, during takeoff, A/T maintains constant
takeoff power until takeoff mode is finished. During
climb, A/T maintains constant climb power; in descent,
A/T retards the throttle to IDLE position, and so on.
When A/T is working in thrust mode, speed is
controlled by pitch (or the control column), and NOT
protected by A/T

AP/FD pitch modes : V/S - FPA DES (geometric path)

A/THR modes : speed or Mac mode
AP/FD pitch modes : CLB/DES (idle path).... OP
Note : HDG engages if the flight crew initiates a go-
around below 100 ft and HDG or TRK was already
engaged. When the aircraft is at 100 ft or above, HDG
or TRK are no longer engaged

THRUST MODE , the target speed/Mach is maintained

BY the AP and FD’s by adjusting the pitch with the
elevator, whereas thrust is maintained either by the
Speed mode : the target speed is maintained by the
auto thrust . This mode controls aircraft speed within
safe operating margins. For example, if the pilot
selects a target speed which is slower than stall speed,
or a speed faster than maximum speed, the
autothrottle system will maintain a speed closest to
the target speed that is within the range of safe
The descent profile has several segments:
‐ A repressurization segment. When necessary, this
produces a repressurization rate for the cabin during
descent. It is a function of the destination airport
altitude and the selected cabin rate (defaulted to -350
ft/min but this can be modified)
‐ Idle path segment. The AP/FD controls the speed and
the autothrust stays at idle thrust. The guidance
computes this profile from the top of descent or the
end of the repressurization segment to the first vertical
constraint that cannot be flown at idle thrust
‐ Geometric path segments. The AP/FD controls the
vertical path, and autothrust controls the speed. These
segments take the aircraft from the first constraint to
the deceleration point.


If the aircraft is above the descent profile, the speed
will increase toward the upper limit of the managed
speed range. If the speed reaches the upper limit, the
aircraft will maintain the speed but will deviate from
the profile (autothrust at idle).
The navigation display presents a pseudo waypoint
(intercept point) along the flight plan that assumes the
aircraft will return to the profile using:
‐ Idle thrust ‐
1/2 speedbrake extension
‐ ECON speed plus a margin (until intercepting the
If necessary, the message “AIRBRAKES” (old FMGC
standard) or “MORE DRAG” comes up on the PFD and
the MCDU, and remains there as long as more drag
(speedbrakes) is still required. The flight crew should
respond to this message by deploying half
speedbrakes. Whenever the intercept point is predicted
to be close to a constrained waypoint, the PFD and
MCDU display an “AIRBRAKES” or “MORE DRAG”
message depending upon the FMGS standard.


If the aircraft is below the descent profile, its speed
will be maintained at target speed until it reaches the
descent profile. The lower margin becomes effective
when the aircraft is on the descent profile but has to
loose speed in order to stay on it.


A descent segment is called “too steep path” when FM
predicts that the descent segment between two
constraint waypoints is impossible to fly at the planned
descent speed with half speedbrakes extended.

ALT* and ALT CST* cannot be engaged below 400 ft, if
either the takeoff or the go-around mode is engaged.

Note :
If the baro setting is changed during ALT* mode, this
may lead to an FCU target overshoot due to the change
of the current value of the altitude. However ALT*
mode will allow the FCU altitude to be regained.


The soft altitude mode engages when the aircraft
reaches the FCU altitude set as the cruise flight level
(entered in the F-PLN or on PROG page).
The soft altitude mode corrects minor deviations from
the Mach target by allowing a ±50 ft variation from the
CRZ FL. This feature improves fuel efficiency and
passenger comfort and minimizes the changes in

The RUNWAY mode has two submodes:

‐ RWY mode, which gives lateral guidance orders
during takeoff roll and initial climb out (up to 30 ft RA)
if a LOC signal is available
‐ RWY TRK mode, which gives lateral guidance on the
track the aircraft was flying at mode engagement (at
30 ft RA).

If the takeoff runway has no ILS, RWY mode is not

available and the PFD does not display the yaw bar no
"RWY" on FMA.


If the flight crew inserts a non-precision approach into
the flight plan, and then uses the RAD NAV page to
tune an ILS manually, the MCDU displays “CHECK APPR
SELECTION”. This message is a reminder that the
available APPR guidance modes are modes for non-
precision approaches.
Takeoff is not recommended on the following runway
conditions: ‐ Wet ice
‐ Water on top of Compacted Snow
‐ Dry Snow or Wet Snow over Ice

An aerodrome is considered suitable as destination if

the weather reports or forecasts or any combination
thereof indicate that, during a period commencing 1 hr
before and ending 1 hr after the estimated time of
arrival at the airport, the weather conditions will be at
or above the applicable landing minima, taking into
account the status of the ground equipment, aircraft
systems and crew qualification

Two suitable destination alternates must be selected

 The appropriate weather reports or forecasts for the
destination indicate that from 1 hr before to 1 hr after
the ETA the weather conditions will be below the
applicable planning minima; or

 No meteorological information is available.

Take-off Operating Minima

The Takeoff minima is mainly determined by the
airport installation (runway lighting system, RVR
measurement system,)
When weather conditions are more severe than the
landing minima, a takeoff alternate is normally
 within one hour for twins;
 within two hours for quads;

operation manual part A : The lowest RVR

authorized for take-off is 400m,

Operation manual part A :

 Operating Minima
Operating minima for landing at a particular airport
are specified:
LCAR IFR Landing Minima, Local Conditions - All
Airports. Unless prohibited in the applicable
instrument approach procedure, a landing may be
made at an airport when the local visibility is reduced
to not less than 540m for CAT C and 600m for CAT D by
purely surface weather conditions such as smoke,
haze, dust, ground fog, blowing snow or sand, etc. ,
provided the ceiling is not less than 200 ft

TAF : (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast) are usually valid

for a period of not less than 9 hr but no more than 24
hrs. Routine aerodrome forecasts valid for not less
than 12 hours should normally be issued every 3 hours,
all others every 6 hours.
Operation manual part a:
The number of alternate aerodromes to be selected for
a particular flight shall be as follow:-
* At or above the destination landing minimum one
alternate is required.
* Below the destination landing minimum two
alternates are required, one of which may be a
planning alternate.

Operation manual part a :

Taxi-out fuel including APU consumption :
Taxi-Out fuel is equal to 15 minutes; this is the fuel
expected to be used prior to takeoff, including APU
consumption, engine start, and taxi
Minimum Taxi Fuel for A320-------- 200 Kgs
FCOM / performance : Average quantity (12 min) →
140 kg

Operation manual part a :

Tankering is not normally recommended when:-
- The R/W for take-off is wet or contaminated and
R/W length is marginal ,or
- Landing R/W is expected to be contaminated,or
- The Capt -believes that due to flight safety (Adverse
weather i.e wet runways and- and performance
degraded i.e brake ,reverse inoperative, spoiler
inoperative landing wt-needs to be restricted )

Operation manual part a :

When the destination is an isolated airport for which a
destination alternate does not exist, the amount of fuel
at departure should include:

 Taxi fuel ;
 Trip fuel;
 Contingency fuel calculated as for a standard flight
 Additional fuel not less than the fuel necessary to fly
for two hours at cruise speed after arriving overhead
destination, including final reserve fuel;
 Extra fuel if required by the Captain.

Operation manual part a :

Dry Operating Weight (DOW):
Weight of the equipped aircraft including crew and
their baggage, food supply, pantry and toilets as well
as standard quantities of oil and water, but without
load and fuel (in contrast to that ballast fuel is
recorded as a correction of the DOW).

Operation manual part a :

Last minute Changes Procedure :
Changes after the release of the load sheet are called
Last Minute Change (LMC). The following changes may
be recorded as LMC; other changes always require a
new load sheet:
 Changes of weight or distribution of the Total
Traffic Load;
 Changes of the number of crew members or crew
baggage included in the DOW;
 Changes of the quantity of potable water included
in the DOW;
 Take-off fuel changes‖.

Operation manual part a:

Aircraft Documents :
- The Certificate of Registration (*)
- The Certificate of Airworthiness (*)
- The original or a copy of the Noise Certificate (if
applicable) (*)
- The original or a copy of the Air Operator
Certificate (*)
- The Aircraft Radio License (*)
- The Certificate of the third party liability insurance
Operation manual part a:
CONTACT ATC if take-off is delayed more than 90 sec.
after ATC take-off clearance has been recieved.

Operation manual part a :

Pregnant women within the last seven days prior to
confinement and within the firsts seven days after
delivery are not allowed to travel.

Operation manual part a:

Maximum wheelchairs on the airbus 320 are 14

Operation manual part a:

 Live animals, except tropical fish, shall only
be loaded in bulk compartments (A320: AFT hold).

Operation manual part a: Human Remains (HEA)
Following regulations apply for Human Remains in
– Human Remains have to be considered as a wet
– The floor of the compartment or ULD must be
protected by polythene sheet.
– Human Remains must always be tied town.
– Human Remains must always be loaded
– Human Remains must not be loaded in close
proximity of food or live animals.
Loading of Human Remains in urns is permitted
without special restrictions.

Operation manual part a :

Freezing conditions are conditions in which the outside
air temperature is below +3º C (37.4F) and visible
moisture in any form (such as fog with visibility below
1.5 km, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals) or standing
water, slush, ice or snow is present on the runway.
Operation manual part a:
When changing levels, the aircraft should not be
allowed to over or undershoot the cleared level by
more than 150ft

Operation manual part a :

a. Traffic Advisories, (TAs), which indicate the
approximate position relative to the subject aircraft,
either in azimuth only, or azimuth and altitude, of a
nearby aircraft which may become a threat;
b. Resolution Advisories, (RAs), which recommend
maneuvers or maneuver restrictions in the vertical
plane to resolve conflicts with aircraft transponding in
the ―altitude‖ mode. TCAS is to be monitored
throughout the flight.

Operation manual part a:

During approach to closely-spaced parallel runways
or to converging or intersecting runways, use of TA
Only mode is recommended once the aircraft is
established on final approach course and glide path
intercept has occurred. Continued operation in TA/RA
mode may result in RAs for aircraft on approach for the
adjacent runway, and may cause unnecessary Go-

Operation manual part a :

Isolated Aerodrome Procedure
When the aerodrome of intended landing is isolated
and no suitable alternate aerodrome is available a
flight may be planned to the intended destination
aerodrome in accordance with island reserves which
consists of:
- Fuel required to fly to the intended destination
aerodrome plus;
- Contingency fuel plus;
- Fuel required to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise fuel

Operation manual part a :

 Do avoid by at least 20 NM any thunderstorm
identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo.

Operation manual part a :

Over Flight
Avoid overflying thunderstorms unless a minimum of
5000 ft clearance above the storm top is ensured

Operation manual part a :

Conditions for potentially hazardous Windshear are:
 Convective conditions (thunderstorms, rain/snow
 Jet streams;
 Strong or gusty surface winds;
 Other cases (temperature inversion, mountain
waves and sea breeze circulations.)

Operation manual part a :

Pilots shall use headsets and boom microphones when
obtaining engine-start clearance until top of climb, and
from top of descent‘ until the seat belts signs are
switched OFF on the ground‘.

Operation manual part a :

Take-off and landing on icy runways is prohibited.

Operation manual part a :

The decision to reject a take-off rests solely with the
He shall announce his decision to reject the take-off by
the command: "Stop". If CM 2 is performing the take-
off, CM 1 takes over control with the command: "Stop"

Operation manual part a:

Maximum Permissible Rate of Descent
1. During descent down to 10.000 ft. above the
minimum safe flight altitude there are no limitations
with regard to the rate of descent;
2. During descent below ‘10.000 ft. above the
minimum safe flight altitude‘, the rate of descent shall,
for safety reasons not exceed the following values:
Down to an Altitude of Max. Rate of Descent
10.000 ft above MGA / MEA not specified
5.000 ft above the terrain 5.000 ft / min
4.000 ft above the terrain 4.000 ft / min
3.000 ft above the terrain 3.000 ft / min
2.000 ft above the terrain 2.000 ft / min
1.000 ft above the terrain 1.500 ft / min
Below 1.000 ft above terrain 1.000 ft / min

Air conditioning :
There are two Air Conditioning System Controller

Air conditioning : HOT AIR VALVE :

The valve closes automatically, if:
‐ The duct overheats, or
‐ The cockpit trim air valve fails, or
‐ Both cabin trim air valves fail.

Air conditioning : TRIM AIR VALVE :

The cockpit trim air valve is controlled by the ACSC 1  ,
and the cabin trim air valves are controlled by the ACSC

Air conditioning : RAM AIR INLET FLAP :

Note: During takeoff, the ram air inlet flap closes when
takeoff power is set, and the main landing gear struts
are compressed.
During landing, it closes as soon as the main landing
gear struts are compressed, as long as speed is at or
above 70 kt.
It opens 20 s after the speed drops below 70 kt.

Air conditioning :
Zone temperature selector
‐ 12 o'clock position: 24 °C (76 °F)
‐ COLD position: 18 °C (64 °F)
‐ HOT position: 30 °C (86 °F).

Air conditioning :
HOT AIR pb :
FAULT: The FAULT light comes on amber, along with an
associated ECAM caution, when duct overheat is
detected. The fault circuit detects an overheat when
the duct temperature reaches 88 °C (190 °F) once. The
valve and trim air valves close automatically. The
FAULT light goes off when the temperature drops
below 70 °C (158 °F), and the flight crew selects OFF.

Pressurization :
The cabin pressurization system has four general
‐ Ground function : Fully opens the outflow valve on
‐ Prepressurization : During takeoff, increases cabin
pressure to avoid a surge in cabin pressure during
‐ Pressurization in flight : Adjusts cabin altitude, and
rate of change to provide passengers with a
comfortable flight
‐ Depressurization : After touchdown, gradually
releases residual cabin overpressure before the ground
function fully opens the outflow valve.

Pressurization :
The system consists of:
‐ Two Cabin Pressure Controllers (CPC)
‐ One Residual Pressure Control Unit (RPCU  )
‐ One outflow valve, with an actuator that
incorporates three motors (two for automatic
operation, one for manual operation)
‐ One control panel
‐ Two safety valves.

Pressurization : two cabin pressure controllers

They receive signals from the Air Data Inertial
Reference System (ADIRS), the Flight Management and
Guidance Computer (FMGC), the Engine Interface Unit
(EIU), and the Landing Gear Control Interface Unit

Pressurization : safety valves

Two independent pneumatic safety valves prevent
cabin pressure from going too high (8.6 PSI above
ambient) or too low (1 PSI below ambient).
FCOM/pressurization system :
The outflow valve is on the right-hand side of fuselage,
behind the aft cargo compartment and below the
flotation line.
The outflow valve assembly consists of a flush, skin-
mounted, rectangular frame, carrying inward and
outward opening flaps linked to the actuator. The
actuator contains the drives of the two automatic
motors and the manual motor. Either of two automatic
motors operates the valve in automatic mode, and the
manual motor operates it in manual mode.

FCOM/pressurization system :
Two independent pneumatic safety valves prevent
cabin pressure from going too high (8.6 PSI above
ambient) or too low (1 PSI below ambient).

FCOM/pressurization system :
‐ Two identical, independent, automatic systems (each
consisting of a controller and its associated motors)
control cabin pressure.
Either system controls the single outflow valve.
Only one controller operates at a time.
An automatic transfer occurs:
• 70 s after each landing.
• If the operating system fails
. ‐ The controller automatically controls the cabin
pressure. It limits the cabin pressure to approximately
8 000 ft maximum during CRUISE mode and is
optimized to support high airfield operations up to a
pressure of 14 100 ft during ground, climb and descent
‐ The controller normally uses the landing elevation
and the QNH from the FMGC, and the pressure altitude
from ADIRS. If FMGC data are not available, the
controller uses the captain BARO Reference from the
ADIRS and the LDG ELEV selection.
‐ Pressurization is assumed through the following
Before takeoff, and 55 s after landing, the outflow
valve fully opens to ensure that there is no residual
cabin pressure. At touchdown, any remaining cabin
pressure is released at a cabin vertical speed of 500
To avoid a pressure surge at rotation, the controller
pre-pressurizes the aircraft at a rate of 400 ft/min, until
the ΔP reaches 0.1 PSI. At liftoff, the controller initiates
the climb phase.
During climb, the cabin altitude varies according to a
fixed pre-programmed law that takes into account the
aircraft's actual rate of climb.
During cruise, the controller maintains cabin altitude
at the level-off value, or at the landing field elevation,
whichever is higher, but the cabin altitude target is
limited to a maximum of approximately 8 000 ft.
They appear in red if the cabin altitude goes above
9 550 ft. The digital presentation pulses if the cabin
altitude is at or above 8 800 ft
During descent, the controller maintains a cabin rate
of descent, such that the cabin pressure is equal to the
landing field pressure +0.1 PSI, shortly before landing.
The maximum descent rate is 750 ft/min.
If the aircraft does not climb after takeoff, the abort
mode prevents the cabin altitude from climbing. Cabin
pressure is set back to the takeoff altitude +0.1 PSI.

FCOM/pressurization system :
To prepare for ditching, the flight crew must press the
DITCHING pb on the CABIN PRESS control panel to close
the outflow valve, the emergency ram air inlet, the
avionics ventilation inlet and extract valves, the pack
flow control valves, and the FWD cargo outlet isolation
valve  .

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

Manual tuning:
INSERT the identifier on the RADIO NAV page.
If the MCDU displays “NOT IN DATA BASE”:
INSERT the frequency
FCOM/auto flight/flight management :
The aircraft can capture the FLS beam up to 100 NM
from the destination.
The FMS does not compute the FLS beam:
If the angle between the course of the final approach
leg and the runway course is more than 50 °.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

When FLS function is available and the flight crew
presses the LS pb, the FMA displays the FLS capability
and the FLS data. The FLS capability can be:
‐ F-APP, or
‐ F-APP + RAW, or

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

When the pilot encounters a flight plan discontinuity,
or if a major reset occurs, the flight plan page displays
"PPOS – F-PLN DISCONTINUITY”, and the pilot looses
managed guidance in both the lateral and vertical
The autopilot or flight director reverts to the basic HDG
V/S (or TRK FPA) modes. Predictions remain available
and are based on the assumption that the aircraft will
fly a direct leg from its present position to the next

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

A speed constraint is considered as missed if the
system predicts an aircraft speed 10 kt greater than
the speed constraint.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

The crew should modify the entered winds and
temperatures in flight, if a significant difference is
expected (greater than 30 kt or 30 ° for the wind data
and greater than 5 °C for the temperature).

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

SELECT the F-PLN key on the MCDU.
SELECT VERT REV at any cruise waypoint.
SELECT the CONSTANT MACH prompt [4L], to access
ENTER the desired Mach value in the [1L] field.
SELECT the Start waypoint [2L] and End waypoint [2R]
within the list of selectable waypoint (3L → 5L, 3R →
When accessing the CONSTANT MACH page, the Start
waypoint is defaulted to the first downpath waypoint
at which a CMS can be entered. The End waypoint is
defaulted to the Top of Descent (T/D).

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

The FMGS computes the optimum target speed (ECON
SPD/MACH) as a function of:
‐ Cost index (CI)
‐ Cruise flight level (CRZ FL)
‐ Gross weight (GW)
‐ Wind and temperature models
‐ Performance factor.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

This page automatically reverts to the FUEL PRED page
after the first engine is started.
The FMGC will stop using the pilot-entered block fuel
and will compute its predictions based on the FOB
indicated by the FQI computer (or the FAC as backup)
from that moment on.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

Holding page
This field displays the time at which the aircraft must
leave the holding pattern in order to meet fuel policy
criteria (extra fuel = 0). The system also displays the
estimated fuel on board at that time in thousands of kg
or lb.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

Vertical revision / MCDU
ALT ERROR (green) :
When the aircraft misses a predicted altitude
constraint, this field displays the difference between
the altitude constraint and the predicted altitude.
If, for example, “-500” appears in this field in green,
the aircraft will reach the waypoint at an altitude 500
ft below the constraint altitude. This only applies to
waypoints in the climb and descent phases.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

[2L] ACTIVE DATABASE : The validity period and part
number are displayed in large font.
3L] SECOND DATABASE : The validity period and part
number are displayed in small font. The pilot can press
the 3L key to switch to the second database as the
active database.
Caution : Cycling the database erases the primary and
secondary flight plans, as well as the stored data. The
flight crew must never do this in flight.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

[5L] CHG CODE : This field allows entry of a code which
permits modification of the IDLE and/or PERF factor
displayed in 6L. It is displayed in the PREFLIGHT and
DONE phases. The label is displayed in small white
fonts; the brackets, or the entered value, are displayed
in large blue fonts.

FCOM/auto flight/flight management :

[5R] SET HDG (white) : This field is displayed, if at least
one IRS is in ATT mode.
RWY 01 Tunisia via lobna nibro

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