Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System ISO 39001:2012

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The key takeaways are that road traffic accidents cause over 1 million deaths worldwide each year with half of victims being vulnerable road users. Traffic accidents also result in huge economic losses.

Globally, over 1.2 million people are killed in road traffic accidents each year while around 50 million people are injured. Road accidents are one of the top 3 causes of death for people aged 5-44.

Some major causes of road traffic accidents in India include lack of adherence to traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians, poor road infrastructure, high vehicle growth rate and lack of enforcement of safety regulations.

Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System

ISO 39001:2012
3 6 G A U T A M C O MPL E X , C B D B E L A PU R
NA V I MU MB A I 4 0 0 6 1 4
PH : + 9 1 2 2 4 0 1 2 5 0 5 6 / 5 7 / 5 9

Traffic Safety : Background development
Worldwide, the number of people killed in road traffic
crashes each year is estimated at almost 1.2 million,
while the number injured could be as high as 50
million the combined population of five of the
worlds large cities. The tragedy behind these figures
regularly attracts less media attention than other,
less frequent but more unusual types of tragedy.
Traffic Safety : Background development
The global traffic safety situation is a human
catastrophe, with more than 1.3 million fatalities each

2030, injuries generated within the road transport
system will be the 5th most common reason for loss of
health (projected by WHO).

Traffic injuries are the largest cause of mortality in the
10-24 age group (10%) (source: The Lancet).

Lack of systematic work and commitment among
organizations that affect the safety of the road
transport system.

Traffic Safety : Background development

125,000 deaths every year, and 500,000
injuries in India every year
342 deaths per day, equivalent to a
jumbo crash everyday no survivors
15 deaths per hour One of the top
three causes of death for 5-44 yr age
Economic Reason
The economic consequences of motor
vehicle crashes have been estimated
between 1% and 3% of the respective
GNP of the world countries, reaching a
total over $500 billion. Reducing road
casualties and fatalities will reduce
suffering, unlock growth and free
resources for more productive use.
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Road Safety scenario in India

The country loses 2-3% of the GDP on account of these road accidents.
In absolute terms, the loss works out to Rs. 750 billion per year.
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Global Causes of Road Traffic Accidents
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Fatality Risk
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Ten Facts about road Safety
More than 1.2 million people die in
road traffic crashes every year
As many as 50 million people are
injured or disabled by road traffic
crashes every year
Half of all crash victims are vulnerable
road users such as pedestrians,
cyclists, and motorcyclists
Road traffic crashes cost countries up
to 4% of their Gross National Product
Correctly used seat-belts reduce the
risk of death in a crash by 61%
Mandatory use of child restraints can
reduce child deaths by 35%
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Helmets reduce fatal and serious head
injuries by up to 45%
Enforcing a drinking and driving law
around the world could reduce alcohol-
related crashes by 20%
For every 1km/h reduction in average
speed, there is a 2% reduction in the
number of crashes
Simple low-cost engineering
measures are saving thousands of
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Road Traffic Injury as an Public health issue


Prevention and
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Road trauma is a global problem
and growing
By 2030, injuries generated
within the road transport system
will be the 5th most common
reason for loss of health (WHO)
Critical need to more intensively
implement evidence backed
Also to build RTS capacity
within public and private
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The vision behind ISO 39001
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The road transport system is an
open and complex system

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Vision ZERO
Adopt a hi ghl y ambi ti ous vi si on for road safety
Set i nteri m targets to move systemati cal l y
towards the vi si on
Devel op a safe system approach, consi dered
essenti al for achi evi ng
Longer-term targets and thi nki ng
Expl oi t proven i nterventi ons for earl y gai ns
Conduct suffi ci ent data col l ecti on and anal ysi s to
understand crash ri sks and current performance
whi l e gui di ng i mprovement
Strengthen the road safety management system
Accel erate knowl edge transfer
I nvest i n road safety
Foster commi tment at the hi ghest l evel s of
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The architecture of ISO 39001
The overall structure and content aligned with ISO MSS
- in compliance with N005 and ISO Guide 72. (Compare with EMAS and OHSAS 18001)
- following the HLS (High Level Structure) of JTCG (ISO:s Joint Technical Coordination Group)
Top management responsibilities and commitment - concept adopted from ISO 9000

Organizational context related to RTS - adopted from ISO/TMB/JTCG Joint vision

RTS performance factors - reflects common experience and knowledge in the field of road traffic safety
Incident investigation - partly adopted from OHSAS 18001
- harmonization between the ISO world and Traffic Safety
Appl i cabl e to al l Road Users
Organi zati ons i rrespecti ve of thei r product, servi ces and
Qual i ty manages Human resources, they are responsi bl e for
organi zati on' s commi tment to RTS
Organi zati ons handl i ng l arge amount of contracted
transportati on , managi ng roads and thei r safety.
Managi ng CSR acti vi ti es rel ated to Road Transport Safety or
havi ng al l i ance wi th Governmental Agenci es for better
Management of Road Safety
Logi sti cs compani es handl i ng many transportati on
organsiati ons
Who should apply RTS
Who should apply RTS
Larger organi zati ons deal i ng wi t h vari ous mode of Road
Transportati on and vari ed cul t ure
School s , col l eges BPO, Cal l Cent res, busi ness parks, corporat e
parks , t ownshi ps rel at ed Transport at i ons & Road Safety
Traffi c Pol i ce depart ment s and non-governmental organi zati ons
NGO worki ng t owards Road Transport and Ci t i zen Wel fare
Fl eet Servi ce organi zati on deal i ng wi t h passengers and
t ransportati on of goods and mat eri al
Transport Organi zati ons l i ke st at e t ransport organi zati on, Post al
Servi ces, Packers & Movers, et c.
Road Const ructi on organi zati on
And any ot her organi zati on wi l l i ng t o demonst rate t hei r commi t ment
t owards Road Safet y vol untari l y

Scope of RTS
Thi s i nternati onal standar d speci fi es requi r ements f or a r oad tr af fi c
safety ( RTS) management system to enabl e an or gani zati on that i nteract s
wi th the r oad traf fi c system to reduce death and ser i ous i nj uri es r el ated
to road traffi c crashes whi ch i t can i nfl uence.

Thi s i nternati onal standard i s appl i cabl e to any organi zati on, regardl ess of
type, si ze and product or servi ce provi ded, that wi shes to
a) i mprove RTS performance,
b) establ i sh, i mpl ement, mai ntai n and i mprove an RTS management system,
c) assure i tsel f of conformi ty wi th i ts stated RTS pol i cy, and
d) demonstrat e conformi t y wi th thi s i nternati onal standard.

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Road Transport
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World Bank Global Road Safety Facility Road Safety Management System Framework
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Implementation Plan
Road Transport Safety Management System
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Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -I
Creating Awareness at Top management Level
sessions of day on RTS Standard
Appointment of RTS implementation team by the Management including the Team
Leader for Reporting RTS performance to the Management
Approval of Top Management on Overall action plan prepared
Core group intensive training on RTS ISO 39001: 2012
Two days intensive training to core group for requirements of standards with specific
examples and scenarios . This training session is packed with statistics on Indian and
International Road Traffic System and Scenario .
Interactive sessions includes training on RTS Risk Assessment system
Small sessions of Awareness to other staff
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Foundation for RTS Risk Exposure Factors and RTS Performance Factors and
Identification of RTS related legal and other requirements
RTS Risk assessment is conducted by Core group members for the RTS scope of
the organization. The risk assessment conducted to identity the RTS
performance factors over which the organization has to plan the sound RTS
RTS Risk assessment is reviewed with consultant to determine the RTS
performance Factors
Legal and other requirements related to RTS are identified and their compliance
action plan is prepared
Deliverable : RTS Performance Factors and RTS Risk Inventory
RTS Legal and other requirements

Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -II
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RTS objectives and planning to achieve them :
Based on the Performance factors and RTS Risk exposures RTS
Objectives are established , implemented and maintained.
RTS Documentation
All the procedures or documented information needed by the standard are established
RTS Policy of the Organization
RTS Objectives , Performance Factors
Emergency Response Action plan
Road traffic crash and other road traffic incident investigation procedures and methodology

Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -III
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Internal Audit Training
Two days Extensive Internal Audit Training programme conducted
at site by the Lead Tutor to the selected core group
Presentation coupled with case study
Role plays, workshops etc
Training on includes the audit objectives, audit planning,
checklist preparations, audit execution and audit reporting based
on ISO 19011:2002 requirements
Examination Successful candidates shall be awarded certificate
of Internal Audit Training .

Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -IV
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RTS Management System Internal Audit
Planning, scheduling and getting conducting the first Internal
audit for the Integrated Management Systems.
Q Factor initiate Opening meting and conduct of internal audit for
the entire setup .
Review of Internal audit results with core group
Verification of corrective plan and approval for improvement
Preparation of consolidated report on Internal Audit
Preparation for Management Review Meeting agenda

Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -V
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Management Review Meeting
Helping Organization to get their first MRM on RTS
Exploring the opportunities for Qualitative improvement
through Analysis of various data of monitoring, reviews of RTS
Review of addition/deletion of processes having impact on
RTS practices.

Q-Factor Approach for RTS ISO 39001
Module -VI

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