Blogjanuary 17th
Blogjanuary 17th
Blogjanuary 17th
<ates to ;emem"er 2hursday, January 2*th 7nd of 2nd =uarter S$ellin# 2est Friday, January 2!th :alf day students dismissed at 1212 $m >oo& orders due 8o$corn 2uesday, Fe"ruary !th Jum$ ;o$e for :eart Fundraiser "e#ins Friday, Fe"ruary 7th 8ur$le 8ride ?ssem"ly 2$m /hat we are 0earnin# /ritin#1 /e are continuin# to wor& on our informational writin#. 2his wee& we focused on minilessons that tal&ed a"out how we as writers should thin& a"out our reader and what ty$es of 3uestions they would want to as& of us as we are writin#. /e also loo&ed at illustrations in nonfiction te.t to see how the $ictures also #i4e the reader information. /e are #oin# to try and start addin# this into our own writin#. Scholastic News1 2his wee& we tal&ed a"out $en#uins. /e learned how scientists are creatin# 5$en#uin cams6 that are hidden or dis#uised as $en#uins to learn more a"out the "eha4ior of $en#uins. /e also learned that the 7m$eror 8en#uin is the tallest $en#uin followed "y the 9in#, the :um"oldt and finally the ;oc&ho$$er.
2hursday, Fe"ruary 1*th @alentines <ay Cele"ration Friday, Fe"ruary 1!th No School Monday, Fe"ruary 17th No School Anser4ice
M?8S 2estin#
Ne.t wee& Monday we "e#in our /inter M?8S testin#. Dur class will "e testin# for lan#ua#e arts on Monday, January 2 th and then a#ain for math on Monday, January 27th. /e discussed the im$ortance of ta&in# our time and tryin# our "est. 2his is our second time testin# in the com$uter la". A thin& the children are e.cited to do the testin# a#ain.
S$ellin# /ords for ne.t wee&1 5c&66 s$ellin# $attern could see "een duc& truc& more than time snac& "ac&$ac&
Math1 /e are almost finished with unit !. A ha4e $laced a 4ideo out on the "lo# for you to watch in case you are in need of some direction for studyin# for this unit. /e will "e ta&in# the test ne.t wee& 2hursday or Friday, de$endin# on how we do with the story $ro"lem conce$ts ne.t wee&. /ord Sorts1 /e will continue wor&in# on our word sorts ne.t wee& A will ma&e sure there are assi#ned days for your student to wor& on the s$ellin# $attern they are wor&in# on. 2han&s for your hel$ at home while we learnin# more a"out s$ellin# $atterns.