Ela Letter Day 1

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2014-2015 ELA

Welcome to 8
grade English/Language Arts! I look or!ard to !orking !ith "oth #our child and
#ou this school #ear$ Working as a team% !e !ill achie&e our goal to 'roduce lielong readers and
('en )ouse !ill "e held at *+, on ,e'tem"er 11 at -./0 '$m$ I !ill "e sharing more details
!ith #ou at that time$ ,e&eral im'ortant 'ieces o inormation are included in this letter or #our
Every student needs the following basic supplies:
02 'encils 1'lent#2
*lack/"lue and red 'ens
)ighlighters% an# color
Loose note"ook 'a'er
*inder or su"3ected s'iral note"ook 1!ith 'ockets2
(ne o the ollo!ing to "e let in m# room and shared !ith all classes.
o 112 5ackage o thick or thin markers
o 122 *o6es o tissues
o 122 *ottle o hand saniti7er
o 112 5ack o loose note"ook 'a'er
o 112 5ackage o colored 'encils
o 112 container o disinectant !i'es
In addition% !e can al!a#s use card stock in &arious colors% construction 'a'er% co'# 'a'er in &arious
colors% "inder rings% and an#thing else that might s'ark creati&it#$

I !ant &er# much to !ork !ith #ou to hel' #our child succeed$ If you have an email account,
I strongly encourage using that as a form of communication. You are welcome to email me
as frequently as you like for a brief update on your child or to address any other
questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
I #ou do not ha&e an email account% 'lease do not hesitate to call me i #ou ha&e 8uestions or
concerns$ 9he num"er is 12812/2:-8050 I !ill call #ou "ack as soon as 'ossi"le$ 5lease remem"er
to lea&e "oth a da#time and e&ening num"er$
I look or!ard to a 'roducti&e% successul #ear!
Stephanie i%a

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