A Vertical Mill History and Development Status

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The key takeaways are that vertical mills have significant advantages over ball mills in cement production such as lower energy consumption and a more efficient grinding process. Vertical mill technology has improved greatly over the decades and now large vertical mills can achieve high production capacities needed for modern dry process cement plants.

Vertical mills have advantages such as lower energy consumption, a more efficient grinding process, avoidance of over grinding, better drying capacity, easier automation and product flexibility compared to ball mills in cement production.

Vertical mill technology has evolved greatly since the first vertical mills were developed in the 1920s in Germany. Major improvements include larger scale mills able to achieve high production capacities, application of modern analysis methods to solve process and design difficulties, use of new materials for longer service life and optimization of process parameters.

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vertical mill history and development status

In cement production, the raw meal grinding systems is a ball mill grinding system, since the emergence of the vertical mill, due to its unique grinding principle overcome many of the shortcomings of the ball mill grinding mechanism, gradually attracted attention. Especially after the technology improved vertical mill milling system has significant advantages, the characteristics of the process is especially suitable for the large precalciner kiln cement production line, because it can be a lot of use of waste heat from exhaust gases from the preheater, efficient integrated completed materials in the debris, grinding, drying, powder and pneumatic conveying process, all-in-one. Intermetallic impact because it is grinding, to avoid the use of the principle of material bed wear, a small amount of metal wear, low noise avoid over grinding with the internal election powder function because it is air swept grinding, phenomenon, thereby reducing wasted effort consumption, high grinding efficiency, compared with the milling system, the grinding power consumption is only !"# to $"#, but also has a simple, singleoutput process, the feed si%e drying capacity and performance of a closed, negative pressure operation without dust control the quality of the finished product fast, flexible replacement product, easy to implement intelligent automation and control advantages, it is widely used in countries around the world. &as become international raw material grinding and pulveri%ed coal grinding device of choice. 'ertical mill, also known as vertical mill, roller mill, vertical roller mill. (he first vertical mill is developed in )ermany in the twenties of the last century. 'ertical mill for cement industry in *est )ermany in 1+,!, the vertical mill cement plant in Europe after years of use, only been used in the -nited .tates and /anada, Europe, -..., plus the reason happy to development and application of vertical mill, European countries fuel and electricity costs are relatively high. (he -nited .tates is also because of the increase in energy costs later, that prompted the increased interest of its vertical mill. (he first vertical mill is operational in late 1+0,. 1ater, 2apan, Egypt, black, 3exico, 4ew 5ealand, 6rgentina, /ongo and other countries are also using a vertical mill. Into the end of the last century, the .outheast 6sia region7s rapid economic development, but also led to the vigorous development of the cement market. 1arge international cement production line,

such as springing up in the region, the construction of large-scale vertical mill also been a large number of. (he vertical mill technology breakthroughs start grinding stand in the sixties of the last century, and since then has been improved and large-scale. 8ollowing is used to grinding raw material in the cement industry in Europe, the 6mericas, 6sia, the seventies has been the rapid development, was the large vertical mill !""tph ability to enter the nineties, international vertical mill technology there a new leap forward. (he application of the finite element analysis, heat conduction analysis, rheological calculations, optimi%ation of process parameters and other modern methods to solve a large vertical mill process and structural difficulties application of new wear-resistant materials, extended service life, in order to ensure a vertical mill very large achieve, to ensure that a large dry-process cement production line vertical mill capacity requirements. (herefore, foreign modern dry process cement production line construction, vertical mill share of over +"#. /urrently, the world7s largest 9i :elai ;reak <1oesche= in the design and manufacture of 13$, 1+++> ?1 vertical mill, motor power !$""@*, the .iam /ement is used the (hailand (hung..ong )roup A $ line, the actual production capacity of 0"+ t B h the @habarovsk dove .ri 1anka <Colysius= produced D3$+BE+ vertical mill, power !"""@*, the production capacity of $""t B h, has been used in Indonesia Indrol B Ihdoxement cement plant, general fees ;uddha <Cfeiffer= manufactured 3C. !$""; stand mill motor power !?""@*, design production capacity of ?F"t B h, has been used for, 3ahara .htra, India /ement Clant. (he vertical mill application in /hina began in the late forties of the last century, and the time for white cement raw material grinding. 1+!"s, a number of small cement plants to start using small vertical mill grinding of raw material for wet cement plant grinding pulveri%ed coal. :omestic dry process decomposition in the dry kiln cement plant began development since the late 1+0"s, before more emphasis on vertical mill grinding raw material research and development work. (he early eighties, the (ianGin /ement Desearch and :esign Institute developed (@3 series vertical mill. (he (@3E! type vertical mill for the &enan 9inxiang cement plant 1"""t B d new dry process production line, the production capacity of F"t B h, the system electrical of consumption 1!.?@*h B t. &efei /ement Industry :esign and Desearch Institute of the research and development of the &D3 series vertical mill the capacity limited 1"""t B d production line is equipped with. 6t the same time, /hina began to introduce foreign large-scale vertical mill for new dry process cement plant. 6ccording to statistics, the domestic finished today attracted a total of more than E""" tons production line supporting large vertical mill for 4issan over ?0. .henyang &eavy 3achinery Clant in 1+F! imported from )ermany Cfeiffer 4issan E""" tons scale production line supporting 3C. vertical roller mill manufacturing technology and its products in the the 1iulihe cement plant, years cement plants. *ith the /onch )roup, Gointly developed and manufactured with the E!""t B d, !"""t B d production line supporting 3C.,?E? 3C.!""" <31.?!,1= vertical mill, has been put into use in :igang conch, (ongling /onch and /hi%hou /onch other companies. *hich 31.?!,1 vertical mill has been put into use the largest domestic vertical mill. (he /onch )roup has a large kiln decomposition production line, therefore, equipped with a large number of units of the vertical mill. /urrently has a total of each type of raw material vertical mill 1,, more than 1E sets of vertical mill for grinding coal powder /onch )roup is also the enterprise has imported large vertical mill type, the 3C. type, 6(H9 type, D3, 13, respectively etc., in which a base /hi%hou /onch 3C. model type a units 6(H9, the D3 type two, for grinding raw material, as well as grinding coal vertical mill three. /onch )roup is expected in the construction of the proposed multi-clinker production line will be used in all large and extra large vertical mill for grinding raw material.

(hroughout the application and evolution of the international and domestic vertical mill, vertical roller mill are moving in large and very large development to accommodate the construction of large dry process cement production line, its structure design has become more reasonable, the function has become more perfect. In recent years, the the /onch )roup adopted vertical mill, basic by the improved third-generation vertical mill. 8unction of the selected powder fineness adGustment function, grinding efficiency, wear resistance, energy-saving measures, greatly enhance the level of control. 'ertical roller mill in cement clinker grinding applications has also been successful examples, go a long way in the trend of the cement plant to replace the ball mill system, but the technical content is higher than the vertical mill ball mill, it is a set of machines <including hydraulic=, electricity, instrument in one of the the function integrated intensity device, either the operation or maintenance of the technical requirements are more than the ball mill, the need to conscientiously sum up the research in practice, as soon as the tube, with good, maintain good vertical mill, to promote the development of production, the largest and improve economic efficiency.

E - vertical mill works and type

3any types of vertical mill structure and function of its own unique features, but the basic structure is very much the same, they all have the transmission, disc, roller, no%%le rings, hydraulic stretching device, separator device, lubrication systems, chassis, and its main (he working principle is also substantially the same. E.1 vertical mill works ;y disc rotation gear driven housing, roller friction effect of the disc around the roller shaft rotation, the millstone central material falling into the mouth through the lock wind feeding device and feed, and by the effect of centrifugal force to move to the disc edge. 6fter grinding the track, is gnawing into the roll grinding disc between D// crushed. (he grinding roller relative to the materials and millstones crush pressure is stretching device provided by a hydraulic <suitable for crushing pressure can be adGusted according to the hardness of different materials=. (he shearing force generated by the relative motion between the pressure and the millstone and roller of the material in the grinding process, while by the grinding rolls. 3aterial bed <the thickness of the material bed by millstone backgauge ring height decision=, the material is extruded, formed in the disc track mutual extrusion and friction between the the material bed material particles and cause spalling of the corners and edges, played a further pulveri%ing effect. (he grinding materials continue sports side of the steering wheel until the spill tray. :isc surrounding a no%%le ring, hot air from the vents ring bottom-up high-speed with the overflow of materials rose from the large particles first landed on the disc, smaller particles in the updraft with selected powder devices thickness grading coarse back to the disc and then grinding, fine powder as meet the requirements of the fineness of the finished product, with the air with the chassis upper exports into the dust collector is collecting down. 4o%%le ring at the rising airflow also allows the materials in a large proportion of the substances fall into the no%%le ring following discharged from the lower part of the cabinet .cum mouth, the airflow no%%le ring at high speed, the heat transfer rate, small particles is instantaneous been dried. It is estimated that each particle into the vertical mill before becoming a finished product, with an average reciprocating grinding rollers under updraft cycle of movement of do%ens of times, there is a multistage crushing fact. 6s can be seen from the above, the vertical mill work to play the material is comprehensive functions. It includes the role of grinding between the grinding roller and the millstone rise to the air lift of the classifier apparatus is carried by the air stream as well as the role of the thickness of the grading

in the powder apparatus heat transfer with the hot gas stream drying role for large vertical mill <into the mill particle si%e of about 1"" mm=, actually both in broken, so the large vertical mill actually has five functions. .cum port function on a large vertical mill has also undergone a change, the use of spit slag notch external mechanical hoist with a large proportion of the material .cum port into external mechanical hoist re-fed into the mill grinding to alleviate air lift material in the mill to the desired fan load, and is conducive to reducing the system resistance and power consumption, because the mechanical lifting power consumption was significantly lower than the air lift of higher power consumption, this method is called the outer loop of the material. (he E.E vertical mill types (he most prominent differences between various types of vertical mill structure in the disc of the structure and the shape and number of the grinding rollers. :ifferent types of vertical mill, on the other hand, made a large improvement in the classifier device, high efficiency separator is now ported to a vertical mill, to replace the original the static inertia election powder device to improve the efficiency of the classifier can more easily adGust the fineness of finished product. (here is pressure grinding roll different. (herefore, the functional effect is different. 4ow several vertical mill structure functions and features are as follows> 3C. type vertical mill> /ompany 3C. type vertical mill to 9ide Cu fee ;uddha <Cfeiffer= technology, also known as the extraordinary grinding. <&eavy based the general fee ;uddha 31. technology development and manufacturing grinding also fall in this category=. (he grinding drum roll grinding bowl with a circular groove shaped disc, high grinding efficiency, roller ,, with respect the disc tilt installation, mutual 1E" arranged. Doll paper assembled modular. Cassed by three hydraulic tensioning rod tension spread to three grinding rollers pressure framework, and then spread to the layer of material between the roller and millstone. (he hydraulic tensioning rods can not be when you start the mill, the grinding roller and pressure framework while lifting, it has an auxiliary transmission. (he startup first open auxiliary transmission, a certain time interval and then turn on the main gear. /lassifier device layout by static blades set inclination, from the steering flow to produce a rotating, to strengthen the role of the separated material. (op gear driven dynamic in the middle of the classifier device cage rotor rotation, and can easily achieve variable speed. .trengthen the role of the election powder device central rotating wind, and enhance the efficiency of the powder and easily by adGusting the speed to adGust the fineness of finished product <the greater the speed, the finer the fineness=. 4o%%le ring guide vanes installed for fixed slope beneficial spiral trend boot into the wind, to enable the the semolina before entering the classifier device, promote part coarse isolated updraft back disc. 3ay be in operation before entering the mill with a shielding cross-section of the no%%le ring ventilated area to change the wind, thus changing the wind speed <the smaller the total area of the wind speed greater= to wind speed needs to adapt to the different proportion of materials. Hverhaul hydraulic tensioner lever associated pressure on the roller frame can only be lifted, but should first remove the coupling plate between the pressure frame and roller bracket. 6nd handling special tools for grinding rollers fixed. (he feeding port lock wind device uses three hydraulic control gate, both wind lock function, but also to control the volume of feed. .cum port lock wind the two gravity flap valve control. 6(H9 vertical mill (he design and manufacturing of grinding :enmark .mith <81.midth= company. /ylindrical grinding roller and flat-track disc, grinding roll skin for assembling modular, easy to replace the roll paper. )rinding

rolls is generally three, at 1E" from each other distribution, installed vertically relative millstones. (hree grinding rollers linked as one of three center rack flange roller shaft flange. (hen stretched by three hydraulic lever associated with the other end portion of the three roller shaft, respectively, the fluid pressure is passed to the grinding disc and the material layer, and the hydraulic (ensile lever roller and the center frame overall lift. (herefore, no auxiliary transmission, directly actuate the main transmission system startup. /lassifier device has with .EC69 classifiers to replace the static inertia separator, .EC69 :enmark developed a high efficiency separator, and its structure is also divided into the lap static guide blades and the middle of a narrow blade dynamic cage shaped rotor, its mechanism and function roughly like the 3C. election powder device. &owever, the level on the cage rotor separated ring member, the members favor rotating airflow was stratified hori%ontal rotation, clear air movement, small interference between the airflow layer and layer, so that the classifier classification function more efficiently. .tatic blades can be pre-set angle, the auxiliary7s role in the adGustment of product fineness. (he operation can also be used outside of the set-top adGustment bolt to adGust the blade angle. 'ents similar ring with 3C. type. (he feeding port lock wind devices using mechanical rotary drive impeller structure, either lock the wind but also to control the volume of feed. (he sandwich structure of the bottom of the feed chute to pass hot air there role blockingproof. .cum mouth closed electromagnetic vibrating feeder material, material sealing function. D3-type vertical mill (he grinding technology and manufacturing to the 9i :ebo force dove .ri 1anka <Colysius=. 6round since production began in 1+$!, sales in Europe. D3 mill experienced three generations of technological innovation, the current structure and function with other types of vertical mill with more distinction. 3ainly based groups assembled grinding roll for the characteristics of each roller consists of two narrow rolls assembled together, the two groups of four grinding rolls, each of the two rollers adGust their corresponding to the speed of the grinding disc. &elps to reduce the millstone inner and outer track on the roller constituting the speed differential, thereby reducing the friction wear, to prolong the life of the roll skin, and also cut the slip of the material between the roller and the disc, each of the grinding rolls of the tire shaped, disc corresponding laps groove shaped track disc section of the bowl-shaped structure, the two grooves on the track in the disc increase the frequency and duration of the material is milled, and help to improve the grinding efficiency. Each grinding roller has a roller frame, each grinding roller frame at each end hang a hook, each hook is linked by a hydraulic trolley, a total of four. Dod pressure roller and feed bed compacted crushed material passed through the hook and roller frame. )rinding pressure is continuously adGustable to adapt to the requirements of the operation. &ydraulic tensioning system allows the twin roll each to move freely in the three planes, such as> the vertical surface to rise and fall and relative roller shaft the yaw axial plane and a small amount along the roller radial hori%ontal movement. If coarse material on the disc the middle of the inner roller elevation, then the pressure of the outside roll materials will increase, and vice versa. 6lso lead to efficient grinding grinding rolls each the narrow roll this interaction in each function.

(he shape of the grinding track and stick surface wear deformation can affect the offset of the hook. 3ay be by measuring the amount of wear and a corresponding adGustment hook hanging orientation to compensate. (his is advantageous for pressure equali%ation, supplied to the twin rolls to maintain the grinding effect.
6fter double roll group roll surface can also be uneven wear, but also a whole turned 1F"o installation.

'ents ring outlet area designed from the chassis external adGustment, adGusting device F locating pin baffle no%%le ring area by advancing and pulled out a certain amount of license with pin alignment can be changed, thus changing the airflow rise in the mill speed <the area is small, then the gas velocity is high= to adapt to the needs of different yield. 4o%%le ring vertical guide vanes installed, helps to reduce the ventilation resistance. /lassifier device .ECH1 type high efficiency separator, different places with the .EC69 (he .mith 6(H9 type> hori%ontal septum ring cage rotor, but the external static adGustable blade pitch adGustment mechanism is located at the top of the cabinet . 3ill operation can also be changed by manually rotating the adGustment mechanism blade pitch conducive to the auxiliary dynamic blade adGustment of product fineness needed. /oarse funnel export set manifold, to make semolina toward the fate of the lower regions of the two dust concentration. *hen the powder selection device for vertical mill grinding of coal D3@ /lassifier cone bucket, also designed to split combined, conducive to maintenance of the powder device, the two halves of the cone bucket around the pin to split to facilitate maintenance operations. (he each vertical mill is responsible to enhance the external recyclable materials from the spit slag discharged by two external hoist, and then fed into the top of the cabinet, two back feed imports into the classifier device /aesar trays or directly into the mill, external recirculation grinding. 8eed inlet air lock feeder device is evenly fed by the impeller mechanical transmission feeding valve materials, the feed valve can adGust the volume of feed but also to minimi%e the leakage air volume. (he coarse material feed valve center and is designed to use hot air heating, and hot air pass into the slip pipe the me%%anine heating structure, will help prevent moisture materials in the feed valve and hose pipe bonding clogging. (he .cum port fitted with gravity lock air valve. (ransmission, auxiliary transmission, because the grinding rollers can not lift by the hydraulic trolley. 13 vertical mill (he mill for 9i :elai ;reak <1oesche= technology and manufacturing. 1oesche mill domestic introduction divided into two categories> one is -be -be, 2apan <-;E= and 9i :elai break through technical cooperation and manufacturing 1oesche mill that -;E manufactured 13 series another (he class is a the 6merican 8owler <8uller= and 9i :elai break a contract, permitted the production of 1oesche mill 13 series manufactured by the 8uller /ompany, its main structure is basically the same. 1arge 1oesche mill for ? roll <less than 1!"t B h production models for two rolls=. /one platform type grinding rolls and flat-track disc, no roller frame. Cressure between the roller and disc hydraulic tension device provided by the corresponding roll number. *ork, through the rocker arm as a lever, the tension generated by the cylinder on the stretching rod is transmitted to the grinding rollers, and to be milled. (he biggest feature is that the hydraulic stretching rod by controlling lift the grinding roller, so that the starting torque required by the drive motor is reduced to the minimum. 6nd thus can use the common electric motor, having a 0"# or F"# of the starting torque auxiliary transmission. (here is also a hydraulic mill roll pulls out of the device in order to simplify the maintenance work. 3aintenance, hydraulics connected to the grinding roller pulls out outside the case, allows the grinding roller skin replacement in a day. &ydraulic control lever in the mill outside air sealing is not required, but when the grinding rolls in the grinding position, the roller of the gas seal must be maintained withstood mill !""mm&EH a negative pressure, to prevent excessive dusty gases into the bearing.

(he , !"""tpd clinker line raw material vertical mill <31.= operations management

,.1 operating guiding ideology ,.1.1 /losely with the professionals and on-site inspection personnel, according to the material moisture into the mill, grain si%e, differential pressure, the entrances temperature, system air volume parameter conditions, timely adGustment of the mill feed and tailgate opening, strive vertical mill running smoothly, improve grinding efficiency. ,.1.E Establish safe production, quality first Iconcept, careful operation, constantly sum up. 6ccording to the actual situation of production, make full use of advanced measurement and monitoring instrumentation, computer technology means the entire set to the optimum operating parameters, to achieve high-quality, stable, efficient, low-power, long-term safe and civili%ed production. ,.E preparatory work before the open mill ,.E.1 (he notice C1/ will be to :/. and put into operation. ,.E.E 4otice the total down to do a good Gob on the load ready. ,.E., 4otice electrical personnel to ready equipment power transmission. ,.E.? (he notification quality control personnel and scheduling ready to boot. ,.E.! 4otify the on-site inspection work to do before starting the inspection work, and keep in close contact with. ,.E.$ /arried out the interlock check, does not comply with the conditions of operation, looking for the relevant personnel for processing. ,.E.0 /heck each baffle, the gate valve is in a centrali%ed location, whether the action is flexible and reliable. In the control display and scene are consistent correction if inconsistent looking for relevant personnel. ,.E.F 'iew ingredients .tation ;unker bit. ,.E.F 'iew start-stop group with or without alarm or do not meet the start condition, should find out the reasons for processing one by one, until the start-stop group ready.

,., hot stove open mill operation ,.,.1 ;ake mill /ontact the scene confirmed that the diesel tank to have proper oil level, if it is the first new mill open mill, longer to bake grinding, usually about two hours, and the heating rate to be slow and steady, the mill outlet temperature control in F" to +" . .tart warming up before the kiln inlet EC fan bypass air valve off, adGust the EC fan mill outlet and inlet damper ignition ventilation can be a little big. (he scene confirmed that the hot stove lit by adGusting the amount of oil, cold wind baffle to achieve the right amount of wind and wind temperature. )iven the raw material powder through the kiln inlet electric dust collection , ignition of the hot air furnace, kiln electric dust collection can not be charged, after a fire lit to ensure the oil full combustion does not produce /H when the kiln inlet electrical closing dust before charged. ,.,.E /otton material

&ot stove for the first time, open the mill, the response to the disc manual shop materials. (he specific method is> 6. /an bring into dermabrasion by three lock air valve to the feed mill, and then the material entering the mill paved. ;. :irectly from the mill door by artificial evenly mill shop materials. 6fter Cuwan material, auxiliary drive motor driven millstone 1C, and shop materials, and so forth several times. (o ensure that the material bed material is compacted, smooth material layer, the final material thickness control in F" J1""mmHr so. ;ut also into the grinding belt fabric. 8irst cancel mill main motor interlock option selected, and then start the mill feed, taking into account the use of a hot stove open mill, the amount of wind and heat, and control the amount of fabric at 1E" to 1?"t B d left and right, into the mill the belt speed running at E!#, until the whole belt full of materials downtime. ,.,., Hpen mill operation *hen the mill is fully preheated, ready to open the mill. 8ormer to start mill and feed, should confirm the normal operation of the dust the conveyor and mill auxiliary equipment, water resistance has stirred mill, auxiliary transmission clutch together the finest conditions are met. Issue a start command to the mill main motor, feeding and spit slag group, opportunities for secondary transmission of power first driven disc transporter lap time of 1 minute !F seconds, during which the increase kiln end EC blower valve baffle $" to 0" percent to ensure that the mill outlet negative pressure control at around !!"" J $!""Ca, the mill outlet valve is fully open, the entrance of the first hot air valve baffle fully closed, and gradually open the hot air baffle and cold valve. If the system circulating air valve should be fully open, the belt into the mill to be ground is the main motor starts have been running this point belt speed can be set to $! to 0!#, less the amount of hot air to the hot stove, the the mill station when feed can control the amount of about E!" J ,""t B d, the open mill hot stove fuel supply for the air volume is also simultaneously increased by hot air furnace, secondary air regulator, the hot stove flame combustion stability, fully. 6s the belt takes nearly 1" seconds to the normal operating speed from %ero speed into the mill, mill within a short period of time material specific performance fell to a low in the main mill motor current, material thickness decreased, vibration, and treatment is not timely will result in the mill vibration stop Gumping. (his case can be taken to solve the following measures> 1. 1" to E" seconds before the start of the mill main motor start grinding feed into the grinding belt speed should be lower. ;. first increase into the grinding belt speed to about F!# into the mill, be in stability mill and then the the belt speed gradually down. /. open mill early to reduce the mill ventilation rate, the stability of the material layer to be mill the mill and then gradually increase the amount of ventilation. ,.,.? 4ormal system control 3ill operation, it is necessary to pay special attention to the mill main motor current, material thickness, mill differential pressure, the the mill outlet gas temperature, vibration, grinding entrances negative pressure parameters. 3ain mill motor current E0" J ,E"6, material thickness F"-1""mm, mill differential pressure in !""" to $"""C6, the mill outlet gas temperature of $"-F" /, vibration in the !.! J 0.!mm B s, tensioning station pressure in F." J +.!3pa. ,.,.! :owntime

,.,.!.1 .top the batching station positions the feed program, if it is a long-term shutdown to prepare in advance, batching station positions in materials to try to run out. ,.,.!.E 3ill main motor is stopped, feeding and spit residue group. ,.,.!., Hff the the small hot stove fuel supply for the amount of wind, if it is a long-term shutdown the hot stove flame should be extinguished, reducing the kiln end EC blower cold wind valve grinding inlet valve opening degree mill ventilation can. ,.? mill kiln exhaust gas open <kiln feed volume of E""t B h= ,.?.1 ;ake mill 1u 8eng valve sideways at about $" to F"#, the open mill inlet and outlet valves to ensure that the mill through a certain amount of hot air, drying grinding time control in about ," to $" minutes, the mill outlet temperature is controlled at F", control the kiln exhaust gas drying mill about J +" /, such as mill the fault stop grinding time is shorter, can directly open mill. ,.?.E Hpen mill operation Hpen conditions need to master before grinding mill> mill the right thickness of material, whether there is sufficient material into the grinding belt, if less material, can advance the fabric. (he main motor start grinding, mill feed and spit slag cycle group, group start command is issued, the increase the kiln end EC fan inlet valve to about F! to +!#, the mill outlet negative pressure control at around $!"" J 0!""Ca gradually shut small on both sides of the valve to close, gradually open the the mill outlet valve and two hot air valve until it is fully open, the cold air valve is adGustable to the degree of opening of about E"# <to supplement the amount of wind=. 6ction is completed before the start of the mill main motor, the several valves should. ;ut not too early action, the leading the mill outlet gas temperature. $! to 0!# of the speed of the belt input after the start of the loop group of the main motor of the vertical mill, feeding and .cum to give into the mill, control the volume of feed around ,?" J ,F" t B h, and can be based on Gust getting grinding mill materials how to adGust the belt into the mill speed, volume of feed, separator speed, mill outlet baffle and other control parameters, the mill situation close to normal gradually. :epending on the level of the mill import and export gas temperature to determine whether you need to open the mill sprinkler system. &umidification tower process layout position and start the mill control mill outlet temperature method also different humidification tower location before the kiln inlet temperature fan into grinding hot air has been humidification cooling tower sprinkler, it into 1ower grinding gas temperature at E!" / or so, the corresponding grinding import and export gas temperature is also low. If the humidification tower location after the hightemperature fan, leading into the grinding heat without the cooling gas temperature is about ,1" J ,?" /, then need to start the mill spray to control the mill outlet temperature. ,.?., 4ormal system control 3ain parameter control> main mill motor current ,"" J ,F"6, the material layer thickness of 1"" to 1E" mill differential pressure in $!"" to 0!""Ca mill outlet gas temperature in the F" to +! /, the amount of mill feed at ,F" J ?!"t B h, tension station pressure F." J +.!3pa, vibration in !.! JJ 0.!mm B s.(he mill normal operation to be controlled mainly from the following aspects>

6. mill feed amount

'ertical mill during normal operation, guarantee under the premise of the grinding of raw material quality, as much as possible to improve the yield of the mill, the adGustment of the volume of feed mill vibration, the outlet temperature of the system air flow, differential pressure, and other factors to decide increase the volume of feed at the same time to adGust the the mill ventilation rate.

;. mill vibration
(he vibration is an important parameter of the mill operation, production and the operation rate of the main factors affecting the 3ill, and strive to vibration smooth operation. 'ibration and many other factors, single control operation from the perspective note the following> a mill feed to a smooth, each subtraction magnitude smaller speed subtraction feed. b prevent the mill feed off or incoming uneven. .uch as incoming suddenly reduced belt speed can be increased into the mill, off a small grinding the be%el. c mill material too much, especially the powder too many to lower the belt speed and volume of feed into the mill, or reduce the speed of the classifier, strengthen pull the wind mill. /.3ill differential pressure (he vertical mill In operation, the stability of the differential pressure is essential for the normal working of the mill, it is to reflect the load of the mill. :ifferential pressure change depends primarily on the amount of mill feed, ventilation rate, the mill outlet temperature. 3aterial is stable differential pressure changes, the first view batching station, subGect to fluctuations find out the reasons and notify the relevant personnel to deal with, and make the appropriate adGustments, cutting normal by adGusting the amount of mill feed, ventilation rate, the election powder device speed, the amount of water spray to adGust.

:. mill outlet temperature

'ertical mill outlet temperature has an important role in the assurance of qualified and mill raw material moisture stability, the outlet temperature is too high <K +! /=, the material layer instability, increasing mill vibration at the same time is not conducive to the safety of equipment operation. (he export temperature is controlled by adGusting the feeding amount of hot air valve, cold air valves and mill and humidification tower sprinkler amount. E. (he grinding of raw material moisture and fineness 3oisture control index L".!# raw material grinding of raw material, in order to ensure the water the same standards, based on the volume of feed mill inlet and outlet temperature, into the grinding raw material moisture by adGusting the amount of hot air and mill spray (he amount other methods to solve. (he fineness of the raw material powder can be resolved by adGusting the the separator speed the mill ventilation rate and volume of feed method. (he fineness or moisture is excessive, analy%ing the causes and corrective actions to shift record this. ,.?.? :owntime 4ormal shutdown, you can stop the mill main motor, feeding scum group at the same time to open the bypass air valve, tune the small kiln inlet EC fan inlet, the mill exports and imports valve, all open cold air valve to open or increase the humidification tower spray. (o stop batching station silo feed. ,.! failure to stop the kiln after the mill to maintain the operation of the run

)iven the large part of the production plant kiln production by the supply of raw material influence can extend the grinding time of the operation to stop the kiln to maintain the operation of the mill. *hen the kiln system downtime, due to the amount of hot air is suddenly reduced, then it is timely to open the cold valve, appropriate to reduce EC blower baffle opening, stop the sprinkler system, turn off the bypass air valve, drastically reduced the mill feed feeding amount to about E!" J ,""t B h, so as to ensure the mill conditions have stabili%ed. (o prevent to enter the high-temperature kiln inlet fan airflow temperature, may be appropriate to open the high-temperature fan inlet cold valve, the temperature fan inlet damper according to the fan outlet temperature and the grinding temperature from small to big adGustment. (he temperature fan inlet temperatures below ?!" /, the grinding temperature higher than ?" /. (he kiln system Decovery feeding should prepare timely adGustments to avoid the impact of the sudden increase in feeding the hot air of the mill. Ie> before feeding, may slightly increase the amount of mill feed control higher material thickness, the kiln system feeding dynamic wind, the rapid increase of the amount of mill feed into the grinding belt speed, to ensure that the amount of material in the mill stability, and based on the amount of hot air, and gradually open the sprinkler system, off a small cold valve. ,.$ Crecautions ,.$.1*hen the mill operation unexplained vibration stop Gumping, grinding checks should be carried out to confirm, and pay close attention to the mill sealing pressure reducer 1E valve block radial pressure, the material layer and the main motor current. If unusually large range of fluctuations and the alarm should immediately stop the mill to inspect the equipment and grinding internal situation, to ensure the safe operation of equipment. ,.$.E.eal plugging strengthen the system, the system of air leakage not only for the stability of the operation of the mill, and mill production impact is very large. Electrical dust collector, %ipper machine, duct flange connection at the three-way )ate. ,.$., 4ote from the grinding process> 31.-type vertical mill no-liter roller mechanism, not online surge means, auxiliary transmission depends mainly on the fabric, with the main, auxiliary transmission (orque poor start. (herefore, from the grinding process should pay attention to the following matters. :eal with before starting the mill grinding within the thickness of the material bed to do the 9iangxi understood, decided to start in the auxiliary transmission emperor pass to start the number of seconds before starting the mill feed system feeding. 3eans that when starting in the main transmission bed material should have a uniform material buffer layer, reducing the vibration of the starting time of the main transmission. 3ain transmission start time of the thickness of the material layer should generally be controlled at 1,"-1+"mm6s well.

Despond to the mill before the starter auxiliary transmission baking, cold mill bake grinding rhythm can be divided into two stages warming, stage a grinding temperature $" /, should pay attention to the rhythm you want to try to slow warming over two stages of $" /, heating a little faster, but should pay attention to the mill outlet temperature should not exceed 1," /

(he starter grinding auxiliary transmission fabric, pull the wind in advance to normal operation with F!# of the amount of wind, and so at any time after the start of the main pass to be adGusted according to the main the pass motor power or current.

6dGusting the thickness of the material bed generally use the following approach> emergency raise or lower into the grinding belt speed <such as the bed material is short fluctuations= increase or reduce the rotational speed of the classifier apparatus, this means primarily adGust the feed ratio of the fine material of the bed to increase or decrease the feed bed thickness reduce or increase the amount of wind of the mill main ventilator, this means can adGust the fine quantity can be adGusted spit slag volume, both to reduce the amount of wind can increase the thickness of the material bed, and vice versa.

3ill three starters failed certain material bed check, if the bed is more than E,"mm, should nesting site, while complementing the fresh material filler bed, when the main motor is allowed to start re-boot.

6bnormal vibrations stop Gumping on the mill should first check the mechanical reasons, the operator into grinding checks Gudgment roll is in a normal orbit, that is, whether grinding rolls on partial and under partial. If the roller is not in the normal track should be the field work partial auxiliary transmission tune.

*hen the exceptionally dry material into the mill, the mill should increase the amount of water spray and reasonable adGustments to the amount of water spray humidification tower. In order to further stabili%e the material bed.

)rinding conditions stabili%ed, usually the first to increase the amount of wind, then feeding, while observing the main motor current and material thickness. (he separator speed should be reduced to $"# of the normal , minutes after stop grinding, a further reduction of the amount of ventilation.

In short, 31.-type vertical mill operation should pay attention to configuration suitable feed gas ratio, neither Ifull grindM phenomenon <material bed the fines too much=, do not appear to Ithe empty millM phenomenon <ie, the bed is too thin=, always pay attention to the changes in the main motor current, as amended from time to time the mill ventilation amount and separator speed. 1. E!""tpd clinker line raw material vertical mill <3C.= and 6(H9!" raw the vertical mill operation management Creparatory work before the operation guiding ideology and open grinding .ee the front 31.-type vertical mill related discussion. ?.1 hot stove open mill operation ?.1.1 &ot stove to the mill is heating up /lose mill, hot air baffles, bypass damper circulating air baffle <designed baffle vertical mill=, through the mill outlet baffle EC fan inlet damper to adGust the hot stove exports negative pressure of E"" J !""Ca, at the same time by the hot stove the throttle and cold air baffle, circulating air baffle opening to ensure the mill heating curve warming ?.1.E(he .1 cold grinding mill heating curve>

3ill outlet temperature <= 1!"

1E" +" +" $" ,"

E",?"$,"F",1"",1E" 1?" 1$" time <min= 4ote> (he mill heating time of Eh. ?.1.E.E .hort time parked the grinding mill liters curve>

3ill outlet temperature <= 1!"

1E" +" +" $" ,"

1,"E",,"?,"!",$"0,"F" time <min= 4ote> 1 mill heating time 1h E, according to the length of the stop grinding time, the heating time adGustable. ?.1., &ot stove open mill operation &ot stove open mill, hot stove outlet gas temperature is lower, the smaller amount of wind, so the mill output should be low set. ?.1.,.1 &ot stove open E!""t B d clinker production line raw material vertical mill <3C.= operation

6. .tart the waste gas treatment equipment, raw material storage and check the system equipment is operating properly ;. start the the mill integrated control cabinet control equipment, and check that the device is operating normally /. mill shop materials> .hop materials> the first refers to the mill load operation, capped with a layer of !" J 1E"mm material in the disc of the mill shell oriented around the fill material, on-site implementation. (he steps of> a no%%le ring above the the welding guide plate, to prevent the material from the no%%le ring at the drain to the scraper cavity, increasing the workload b. starts three lock air valve c. release the interlock between the mill feed group 3ill motor into the grinding belt speed setting 1"""rpm, the volume of feed is set to 1""t B h equipment to feed the mill starts grinding feeding group present quantitative materials, stop cutting, grinding the material around the secondary level and oriented cone filled materials e. removing the guide plate and start the mill auxiliary transmission, the grinding roller is transferred to the materials, leaving a gap f. again to start the feeder group to the feed mill and pave g. Depeat the above process until the mill material layer to !" J1""mm. :. open grinding mill material layer found0" mm, Despond to the mill into the fabric operation, fabric operation can be controlled implementation of specific methods are as follows> a central control operator close the bypass damper and close the bypass damper operator in the control, by adGusting the mill outlet baffle EC fan inlet damper cold baffle and circulating air baffle and mill inlet damper wind mill pull, makes grinding negative inlet pressureK F"" Ca mill differential pressureK ,!"" Ca b. notify the scene to start the mill auxiliary transmission c operator into the grinding belt speed set at 1"""rpm, the volume of feed is set to 1""t B h, lift the mill feed group and the main motor interlock device to start the mill feed group feed mill the mill material layer F" to 11" mm, stop the mill feed group equipment to feed the mill E. mill temperature curve to take advantage of the hot stove to heat up the mill 8. warming end to adGust the system, ready to open the mill> Hpen before grinding system parameter setting> (he mill feed setting> the design volume of feed $"# J F"# )rinding pressure setting> 1" J 1E.!3pa .ystem air volume settings> the main exhaust fan rated power F"# J +"#

4ote> (he bypass damper closed loop wind baffle is fully open, the use of cold wind baffle to keep the mill negative inlet pressure of F"" to 1!""Ca mill ventilation kiln system can be pumped can open some of the hot air baffle. Into the grinding belt speed setting> maximum speed of F"# (he classifier speed setting> maximum speed $"# J F"# ). *hen the above conditions are met, the main motor and mill feed group interlock devices, start the main turbine equipment and mill feed group equipment. 6dGustment of the system after the run of the mill requirements> 3ain motor power> F"" J 11""@* !.$.! (he coal warehouse also has a carbon dioxide fire extinguishing devices and cone temperature detection device, positions within the fire extinguishing measures should be taken immediately !.$.$ Catrol in 4ote 6. per class patrol time should be promptly stopped grinding mill abnormal vibration, check, equipment downtime, but also must adhere to the inspection, in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents ;. coal and pulveri%ed coal spillover timely manner /. workshop for open flame :. workshop cleanliness, the presence or absence of pulveri%ed coal accumulation phenomenon E. equipment because the equipment fever situation caused by friction and other reasons 8. lubricating parts amount of lubricant is appropriate ). proof valve, explosion-proof door is normal &.-site temperature meter display is normal I. downpipe is blocked 2. coal warehouse cone 3inistry of whether to help the flow of air @. use hot stove open grinding to strictly abide by the hot stove safety procedures. 1. .trengthen the the sealed fan maintenance control to prevent the pulveri%ed coal into the classifier device. !.0 bags of dust collection burning /ause 6nalysis and /ountermeasures !.0.1 6nalysis of the reasons for the burning of bag dust collector (he dust collector burning basic conditions> 6. /oal <powder= and air <oxygen= gas is mixed thoroughly. ;. (he presence of an ignition source, such as reach ignition temperature of high-temperature air, 3ars.

)enerally believed that the pulveri%ed coal concentration of the blasting limit to 1!" J 1!""gB4m,. 6nd this limits the fluctuation range is relatively large, and it varies with the changes in the pulveri%ed coal volatiles and ash content and a polydispersity. 6ccording to the the coal research department test of pulveri%ed coal concentration range of the lower explosive limit generally> lignite ?! !!gB4m,, bituminous 11" ,,!gB4m,, the upper limit of concentration range in from 1!"" JJ E""" gB4m,. (he finer the higher the degree of dispersion of pulveri%ed coal, the more explosive. 1ower its explosion with the particle si%e decreases. /oal particle si%e 0!um below even dangerous particles larger than 1mm of coal dust explosion is unlikely. Its lower explosive limit decreases with the particle si%e decreases. In the actual production in the pulveri%ed coal particle diameter is much smaller than 1mm, most are below 0!um. (he volatile content of the pulveri%ed coal is an important factor affecting the explosion, the higher volatile, the greater the possibility of an explosion, the volatile content is less than 1"# there is no danger of explosion, volatile content greater than E"#, the possibility of an explosion greatly increased. 6ctual production in the pulveri%ed coal volatiles are greater than E"#. In addition, the /H content in the gas, oxygen content, temperature, and other factors also are pulveri%ed coal blasting some impact. (he actual production of pulveri%ed coal and oxygen has fully mixed <especially Naotou the take the wind=, so avoid the pulveri%ed coal blasting only to eliminate the source of fire. Culveri%ed coal blasting the source of fire as a prerequisite produced in two ways> a fuel and air mixture in the entire container simultaneously reaches a certain temperature, than the temperature <i.e., ignition temperature=, and the mixture will fire automatically without external forces. (he higher the volatile content of the fuel to fire the lower the temperature, bituminous coal ignition temperature is ,!" to !"". (he actual production, if the mill inlet temperature exceeds ,"" /, the blade cavity may see 3ars appears, is part of the coal particles in the fire caused by the high temperature exhaust 3ars as being brought into the bag dust collector or the grinding cavity may cause pulveri%ed coal blasting. 2ust fall into the scraper cavity coal particles generally difficult to be brought into the mill. b cold fuel and air mixture, with a small heat source in a locali%ed ignition to cause combustion, and then burn spread Cianxiang elsewhere, so that the whole mixture autoignition. (his small heat source comes mainly from the following aspects> (he the mill metal structure of the rigid friction produce sparks percussion with metal obGects such as coal warehouse parts produce sparks *elding, open flame spontaneous combustion of pulveri%ed coal. ;lasting in the actual production of bag dust collection is mostly due to this reason. (he specific surface area of the pulveri%ed coal, has strong oxidation heat capacity. (he cumulative amount of oxidation heat velocity in the exhaust gas dust content and its combustible volatile= <especially the

higher and pulveri%ed coal within the system and a polydispersity ratio of the increase in surface area and increase. Culveri%ed coal temperature when the the oxidative thermal velocity exceeds the speed of the exhaust heat is gradually increased, accelerated oxidation heat speed, *hen pulveri%ed coal self-ignition temperature is reached, the resulting spontaneous combustion. 6ccording to the laboratory test was below F" /, the temperature rise of the coal with the reaction rate declines, higher than F" their activity increases with the temperature rise. 6llowable working temperature and coal mill bag dust collector> generally lower than +" . 8urther, coal moisture content, and changes are a maGor factor affecting the self-heating of coal, to absorb large amounts of heat from the outside when the water evaporates, the condensation will heat to the pulveri%ed coal and, in theory, the increased water content 1# coal temperature will rise to 10 . In the same time, the high-speed flow of the exhaust gas in the coal will take a lot of heat to the oxygen at the same time, while the low speed is Gust the opposite, although a substantial amount of oxygen, but they can not take away the heat generated spontaneous. In actual production, the grinding of pulveri%ed coal by the bag dust collecting collected is stored within coal warehouse, generally immediately be transported to the kiln or combustion Crecalciner, oxidation heat time is very short, this part of pulveri%ed coal does not ha%ard. (he key is that the gradual accumulation resulting stationary pulveri%ed coal, such as bag closing flue dust, the bucket dead ends or explosion-proof valve damage after internal accumulation of pulveri%ed coal, coupled with poor ventilation effect here, the the oxidation heat generated can not be discharged, coal powder gradually spontaneous combustion. ;eing brought into the bag dust collection easily blasting. Desulting in a pulveri%ed coal accumulation of several circumstances> In the trial production, the system dead ends is not non-combustible material <such as limestone= filled finish accumulation of pulveri%ed coal :uct the angle design too gentle pulveri%ed coal moisture, easy to bond moisture condensation exothermic, the temperature rises faster accumulation of pulveri%ed coal mill outlet temperature below the dew point, causing condensation, paste bag system insulation effect, caused by condensation system air leakage is serious cause condensation bag dust collector leak into the rain, resulting in pulveri%ed coal bond the Ex valve damage, resulting in its internal fouling rotary valve or pulveri%ed coal conveying equipment Gump stop, no timely detection or treatment. !.0.E /oal mill bag dust collector fire prevention measures !.0.E.1 .ystem design> 1evel of 6. pipeline to avoid laying. (he general pipeline inclination> rising pipeline is at least greater than 0" , the decline in the pipeline at least greater than ?! <pulveri%ed coal still piled angle of E! to ,"=, should be smooth tube ;. selection of anti-static bag dust collector bag dust collection needs to be grounded to eliminate static electricity spark

/. .elect the tube within the wind speed to be appropriate, and that is to be considered to avoid pulveri%ed coal product within the tube, but also consider the energy savings, reduce the wear and tear in the mill and bag dust collection damaged :. pipes and the precipitator casing laying insulation layer E. .trengthening the system is sealed 8. bags to close the flue dust bucket installation vibrator ). explosion to prevent the system from fire, set up a carbon dioxide fire extinguishing device. !.0.E.E In the control operating areas> 6. (ry to control the mill inlet temperature is less than,"" (o a maximum of,!" ;. mill outlet temperature control0" /J0! /, -nder low moisture conditions qualified control, up toF! /*hen the mills and the exhaust fan to stop Gumping, reduce drying and over-grinding phenomenon. *hen the feeder is too high or too low, more stringent system parameters (he /. bake grinding mill, the mill outlet temperature can not rise too high bags dust collector outlet temperature above the dew point as far as possible1! De-open the mill <dew point temperature?E J?$ =, ;ut the bag dust collection is difficult to drying, only high temperature pulveri%ed coal to dry in the open mill bag dust collection :. stop grinding mill outlet temperature dropped first!" /Hr so, and then feed off to stop grinding mill outlet temperature control E. downtime before cleaning the filter bag attached ash cleaned and emptied the ash bucket in the dust, in order to avoid the adhesive into blocks or pulveri%ed coal spontaneous combustion, to ensure the safety of equipment 8. long downtime, the coal bunker pulveri%ed coal to be emptied, if for some reason can not be emptied, additional raw material powder and protective measures to be taken ). strictly in accordance with the rules and operations, failure to timely treatment. !.0.E., .ite inspection and maintenance 6. (he first open mill to grind enough limestone to fill the system dead ends ;. coal and pulveri%ed coal spillover timely manner /. workshop cleanliness, the presence or absence of pulveri%ed coal accumulation phenomenon :. whether the device because of friction and other reasons caused by equipment fever situation E. proof valve, explosion-proof door is normal 8. workshop whether the fire, are not allowed in the workshop smoking are not allowed in the case did not take preventive measures in gas cutting, gas welding, welding workshop ). If the kiln stop feeding coal timely stop the coal warehouse cone glidant whether oxygenation, if oxygenation manual valve is closed &. sweeping

a. downtime or equipment operation should pay attention to cleaning at any time, to keep the system clean b cleaning precautions> ;efore cleaning sprinkler, then sweep, avoid pulveri%ed coal dust inside the device should be shut down, cleaning the internal coal powder all cleaned up I. system before running security checks> a prolonged shutdown after boot before security check> /heck the coal warehouse, dust collection bags easy to plug the site and transport equipment the internal whether the pulveri%ed coal or debris, whether the workshop accumulation of coal or coal b. a short time after the shutdown before starting the security checks> /heck the transport inside the device for pulveri%ed coal or debris c exhaust> before starting the exhaust fan, bag dust collector and piping may produce flammable and explosive gas discharge 2. regularly check the compressed air system, watershed air filter should always turn on the water, the oil mist to be regularly refuel, adGust the pressure valve when the pressure beyond the scope of electromagnetic slide valve failure timely to exclude or replace the cylinder leakage should be replaced promptly repair, pipeline leak should immediately plugging or replacement parts @. good routine maintenance. .olenoid valve, cylinder cleaning each year refueling and maintenance and timely replacement 1. precipitator run in the chimney take the ash should first check the filter bag has broken and timely replacement 3. good preparation and maintenance of fire-fighting facilities 4. rotary kiln or pulveri%ed coal conveying equipment to stop Gumping to timely treatment. !.F coal vertical mill security operations management !.F.1 (he kiln inlet take the wind security operation essentials (he kiln exhaust gas temperature is typically about ,!" /, the oxygen content of about ?#, is substantially inert gas. /oal preparation is completed in an inert atmosphere, pulveri%ed coal oxidation heat slow, difficult autoignition bag dust collector is not easy ignition, while the kiln exhaust air temperature, air stable. .o, kiln take the wind is conducive to the safe production and stable operation. ;ut with the wind with the raw mill there is a contradiction. Daw mill air volume air requirements, lower air temperature <E"" / or so=. )eneral kiln exhaust gas by humidification tower cooling treatment can all raw mill utili%ation. @iln end to take the wind security operation essentials <bag dust collection fire the the protective countermeasures same=> 6. open the kiln kiln feeding about E""t B h and the system is stable and then take advantage of the kiln exhaust gas open mill. 6t this point a small amount of wind, air temperature, the mill yields lower. ;. kiln stopped in time to stop the mill, and good control of the mill outlet temperature

/. kiln exhaust gas approximation inert gas operation to control the oxygen content. :. minimi%e the use of cold E. reduce system air leakage 8. raw mill shutdown, you should pay attention to the impact of the coal mill system )., and raw mill operation, the kiln operation coordination to ensure that the system with a steady wind. !.F.E Naotou take the wind operating essentials 6 grate cooler air temperature higher <typically !"" to $"" =, air temperature, air volume and volatile oxygen content of about E1#. Crepared pulveri%ed coal in oxygen-rich atmosphere, oxidation heat fast bag the dust collector blasting the risk is relatively large, can be part of the use Naotou exhaust, alleviate the burden of Naotou electric dust collection, but the safe operation requirements more stringent . -se the same the kiln head to take the wind security operation essentials <bag dust collection fire protection countermeasures=> (o strictly control the temperature of the mill entrance, strengthen ties with the kiln operation, timely adGustment according to the change of the grate cooler air temperature, air volume, the ratio of the hot air and cold air . -nusual circumstances> 6. open the kiln feed about E""t B h and the system is stable and then take advantage of Naotou exhaust open mill, then a small amount of wind, air temperature, to increase the hot air proportion. ;. 6fter a short period of time to stop the kiln, the air temperature higher, but the lack of air volume, such as coal warehouse material level is not high, the can cut production run, then we must pay attention to the mill outlet temperature and inlet negative pressure changes, and timely stop grinding. /. the kiln cross material or run raw material or cross-kiln skin, grate cooler layer pressure is increased, the low amount of wind, air temperature rise. @iln conditions and secondary air temperature changes in a timely manner to increase the cold wind baffle, decreases hot air baffle, inlet temperature control good grinding. :. kiln shifting sand material more the kiln hood exhaust than hot decline, sensible heat. (o pay attention to the mill outlet temperature change E. such as kiln secondary air usage, increase cold or hot air baffle Naotou negative pressure, timely adGustment of secondary air flow and coordination with the kiln, to ensure the normal use wind mill 8. If the temperature of the into the Naotou electric dust collection is too high <over,E" Cay attention to the mill inlet negative pressure change=, kiln operation open cold baffle cooling *hen ). Naotou electric dust collecting exhaust fan to stop Gumping, this time, the air volume is not enough <the three paragraphs fan stop Gumping=, but the air temperature is higher, may be appropriate to cut &. kiln sintering better, the grate cooler air temperature high, may be appropriate to reduce the hot air dosage kiln sintering poor, grate cooler air temperature, hot air may be appropriate to increase the amount

I. to control mill outlet temperature, if necessary, may be appropriate to add production or reduced production 2. in @iln feeding process for the control of the mill outlet temperature, when necessary, in coordination with the kiln operation to adGust air temperature by adGusting the speed of the grate cooler.

1. Hptimi%e the operation of the system of vertical mill

:o not ignore the energy-saving, high efficiency, and to maintain the long-term safe operation of the equipment. (herefore, in addition to optimi%e the process parameters in the control, but also with the patrol vertical mill to optimi%e the main purpose of the operation is to achieve high-quality, stable, but the same inspection, machine repair personnel to take full advantage of several adGustable vertical mill mechanical structure function parameters . 6ffect the vertical mill to optimi%e the operation of factors> including the grinding process, the type of vertical mill, model specifications, the physical properties of the material into the mill <humidity, particle si%e, easy to wear, natural angle of repose=, the volume of feed and uniformity product fineness requirements, separator efficiency, cycle load, air temperature, ventilation rate, material thickness, grinding pressure, the height of the retaining ring, no%%le ring area. (he interaction between these factors, the situation is more complex, the need to constantly sum up experience. (he following were discussed>

$.1 6dGusting the feed

6dGustment into the grinding material moisture. Cractice has proved that when the the material average moisture over the drying load of the mill, the material bonded skinning rollers, forming a buffer layer, thereby reducing the efficiency of grinding and therefore into the grinding material moisture should be strictly controlled at 1E# or less.

/ontrol into the grinding material particle si%e. If the particle si%e is too large, in order to produce the raw material fineness qualified, will inevitably increase cyclic loading rate, thereby reducing the mill output, only moderate si%e materials, in order to improve the yield and quality of the mill. Crocess management should be noted that the feed si%e control within the limits prescribed in the instructions.
3ill load, adGust the volume of feed. (o give full play to the efficiency of the mill, the mill to achieve a higher yield, the appropriate amount of feed must remain stable, according to the mill7s power or current changes, timely adGust. *hen the mill power larger material too much, at this time, will form a buffer between the grinding roller and roller cushion, which milling diminished capacity, or not timely adGustment of material si%e, materials moisture caused by too large, the operator may be provided according to the changes in the mill working conditions appropriately increase or decrease the volume of feed, so that the grinding operation to resume normal. $.E to adGust the amount of circulating 3ill stable, usually should not tamper with the circulating volume, so as not to affect the system stability, and generally re ingredients or materials granularity changes before adGustments. :ue to back feed and feed into the mill grinding mill operation to ensure stability, must stabili%e the amount of circulation, production, general feed back to determine the si%e of the current cycle

bucket si%e, when the elevated current hoist or down, should be analy%ed the reason for the change, and make adGustments accordingly, the stability within the appropriate range of the current hoist. /alcium carbonate titration value <@&= changes, adGusting the feeding, the level of the raw meal @&, mainly depending on the quantity and quality of the limestone in the raw material mixture, the more the quantity of limestone, @& higher value, and vice versa, is lower. In order to maintain the stability of the raw ingredients from quality control at the proportion of the required ingredients to make proper adGustments. )round to see the material change, uniform feeding, in order to achieve the purpose of the uniform feeding, by grinding head of //(', attention to incoming moisture, particle si%e, such as a sudden change at any time, appropriate adGustments to the feed mill conditions. In order to prevent the feeding Gams must maintain uniformity of the feed, generally the various positions in the taper section equipped with air guns, vibration playing adhesion of the materials at any time, so as not to Ished material. Degularly check to clear each feeding port to prevent the blocking material. $., 6dGust the hot air to ensure balance of hot air 'ertical mill air swept mill in a special example, can be achieved only drying ability with grinding capacity reached dynamic equilibrium system is stable, it must be based on the conditions, correct and timely adGustment of hot air, in order to meet the grinding on drying requirements.

(he adGustment includes two sides, namely air temperature, air volume, the higher the temperature of the hot air into the mill, the greater the amount of wind, then drying the faster, but the temperature is too high, the grinding rolls will bearing temperature rise and other equipment, making it warp or damage. *ind speed too fast will accelerate wear and tear of the equipment, it is the principle of adGusting the hot air is> under the premise of ensuring the safety of equipment, faster drying speed, so to be balanced against the grinding capacity of the drying capacity of the mill, effort reduce heat consumption.
&ere is an an example of thermal equilibrium> /ase> E""( B h, Fk*h B t of <net=, drying, moisture content of F# of the raw materials to a moisture content of ".!# of the raw material powder

8low (emperature

&eat capacity @/al B kg ".E1F 1."""

&eat consumption 3cal B h F0E ,?F 1,0$

t B h E"" 10.?

E" E"

(he volume of feed <dry basis= 3oisture 8eeding 6mount )rinding heat Exhaust





.upplemental gas (he amount of water spray (otal income out Croduct Croduct moisture *ater evaporation heat .urface water loss /ycle (otal output






E"" 1 1$.? ,,E

F! E" F! F!

".E1F 1.""" ".?!, ".E?E

,0"$ E" 1",F+ $F,, E"" E11?+

Under normal circumstances, the level of the mill exhaust gas temperature directly explain the good and bad of the material in the drying conditions in the mill, the operation must be combined with the change of parameters, the corresponding measures, reasonable and right to adjust the amount of hot air and the air temperature. Strengthening the seal to prevent air leakage. Maintaining a good seal of the mill is an important factor to improve the drying capacity, because the entire system is at a high negative pressure state, if the seal is poor, it will leak into the large number of cold air, thereby reducing system Winds and correspondingly increase the useful work of the system, increasing power consumption. So should always check the effectiveness of feeding and slagging slip tube air lock device. ote the ventilation pipe insulation is one of the positive measures to reduce the drying heat consumption. !an also effectively prevent the "condensation# of the collecting e$uipment, and also prevent the adhesion due to powder clogging resulting in the inner wall of the conduit system resistance increases. 6.4 Adjust the grinding pressure %ertical mill, the material will be grinding to a fine powder by grinding roller compacted materials. &he si'e of the grinding pressure, directly affects the yield and performance of the device of the mill. &he pressure is too low, you can not crush the material, grinding efficiency, small production, spit large amount of slag. (ressure, high yield, main motor power consumption also increases. &herefore, the grinding pressure is one of the very important parameters vertical mill. )etermine its si'e, it is necessary to consider the grinding of materials performance, but also consider the power consumption per unit of product, wear, and many other factors. *eavy company and +,Smidth the vertical mill design experience and field usage, the grinding pressure should be calculated using the following formula(olishing pressure- +

&he roller ./S/0.!* force- +. &he grinding roller assembly weight- M. *ydraulic research force- +* &he hydraulic pressure- (hyd hydraulic cylinder diameter- )cyl the hydraulic piston diameter- )piston + 1 +. 2 +*

+. 1 M. +.1F 1""" 8& O Chyd PL:cylK E - L:pistonK EQ C B ? 1"" (he actual production process is usually selected according to the material properties into the mill, eventually a suitable hydraulic grinding pressure

*ithin a certain range, in proportion to the grinding pressure and mill production. If and when the mill current increases, the circulation amount increases, the differential pressure is too large, the material layer is too thick, may be appropriate to increase the grinding pressure, thereby reducing material layer, stabili%ing the condition of the mill, but a roller mill hydraulic system allows a large range of adGustment pressure to adapt to the grinding capacity required under actual operating conditions. It should be noted that the open mill, according to the working conditions of the mill, and gradually increase appropriate feeding, and also a corresponding increase in the grinding pressure.
(he $.! control products fineness (he finer the raw material, the more pro-clinker calcination, but at the same time make the lower production, increased power consumption and cost. (herefore, the production, the raw material fineness general control about 1!# of the square hole sieve <"."F" mm=, control exceedingly fineness from the grinding pressure, four aspects of the classifier device, the volume of feed into the mill hot air. 4eed appropriate vertical mill grinding pressure. If when the grinding pressure is too large, it will cause the material layer is too thin, will be big vibration when it is too small, will result in the material layer is too thick, thereby reducing the efficiency of grinding, the fineness of the crude, it is possible according to working conditions and finished fine the degree appropriate adGustments grinding pressure. )rinding conditions remain unchanged, the product fineness of the powder device depends primarily on the activities of the rotor speed, the grinding of raw material fineness does not meet the needs of production, may be appropriate to adGust the speed of the rotor <if necessary, can be regulating the rotor periphery of classifiers device guide vanes angle=. Daw material fineness qualified or not directly affected by the amount of material into the classifier device fineness, it must be kept feeding moderate and uniform.

(hrough regulating device feeding or, if still does not meet the fineness requirements, should be adGusted to the hot air, reduce the heat into the mill to reduce the flow rate of material, the product fineness thinner, the thicker the contrary. It is worth noting> 6void frequent adGustment the classifiers device rotor speed operation, changes in spindle revolutions greater impact mill conditions, while frequent or substantial adGustments would increase the rotor shaft torque caused by mechanical accident. 1. Detaining ring height adGustment disc> 6(H9 vertical mill with adGustable height of the retaining ring structure, retaining ring height and thickness of material. In the case of the same amount of ventilation and the same grinding pressure, the greater the retaining ring height, the thicker the material layer. *hen the disc liner serious wear, it is timely to lower gear ring height to maintain the required thickness of material. (he work machine repair personnel with the downtime. 1. 6dGust the no%%le ring ventilation area (he ventilation area of the orifice ring is effective ventilation section, along the orthogonal direction of the airflow. (he no%%le ring ventilated area with the amount of material .cum, wind ventilation equipment power consumption, the smaller the no%%le ring ventilation area,

(he less amount of slag spit, the greater the wind speed, the greater the fan power consumption. 6nd vice versa. 6(H9 vertical mill spray ring gas wind speed usually within the following range> ,!-!"mB . 31. vertical mill the spray ring gas wind speed is usually within the following range> !"-F"mB .. )enerally the higher the wind speed, the materials fall into the vents ring the less, the amount of circulating 1. 6dGust the powder device-oriented <fixed= blade pitch (he greater the inclination of the guide vanes, the greater the wind speed, the airflow enters the swirling flow generated in the classifier set more strongly conducive to effective separation of the particles of the material thickness, the finer product fineness. 8ineness adGustment auxiliary measures, but the ventilation resistance also greater. 31. and 3C. vertical mill downtime into the grinding machine repair personnel with the adGustment. 6(H9 and D3 vertical mill vertical mill operation,

performed by inspection personnel from vertical mill (op 6dGust. It should be noted that the blade tilt direction should be down into the airflow device rotation classifier. 1. 6dGust the feed chute grinding sections of slope D3 vertical mill feed chute in a cantilever sections of the mill, the paragraph section slope adGustable, should pay attention to when the material properties of the material fed into the mill, such as particle si%e, humidity, natural angle of repose, in stop mill maintenance, enter the mill to adGust the slope the greater conducive to feeding the material flows into the more smooth continuity. ;ut the slope is too chute wear. .lope slightly larger than the material the natural angle of repose, is appropriate. 0. /ommon 8ailures and vertical mill operation 0.1 mill vibration causes and treatment 0.1.1 'ibration measurement component failures /hi%hou E A grinding Hnce the boot, the roll grinding Gust lowered it appears vibration, operating procedures and parameters are normal, and the scene and did not feel the vibration, vibrometer loose, re-tighten the normal, open mill found after inspection. (he vibrometer loose is common when the operation screen in the control parameters showed no abnormality, the scene is no vibration sense. -sually prevent the occurrence of the matter requires to patrol more attention and kept clean. 0.1.1 (he roller the Cison moving and liner loose :igang A 1 mill once in control of the vibration is too large, found at the scene, the emergency stop grinding mill law of vibration and dull sound, into the mill to check plywood bolts had no obvious loose mill nor foreign body, everything normal, after playing the auxiliary pass only to find a roll of Cison move. Doller Cison moving vibration very regular, showing small roller diameter than the disc diameter, so the disc rotation less than a week, the vibration will occur once, plus live voice recognition, can Gudge a the roller appear roller Cison moving. 1iner loose, the general performance of the vibration continuous scene felt disc will appear three times vibration per revolution. Doll skin and lining loose, you must immediately stop the grinding, into grinding detailed examination, and professionals to guide treatment, or when its off, is bound to cause a very serious accident. 0.1., (he hydraulic station 4E sac preloads imbalance, or too high or too low *hen the 4E capsule is unbalanced, then the damping force of each Dod different, the mill vibration. :iminished capacity is too high, too low, then the buffer is also easy to make the mill vibration is too large, pre-load pressure to each 4E capsule given strictly in accordance with the set value and timing to check and prevent it from oil spills, leak , the pressure is not normal. 0.1.? 8eeding too large, too small or unstable 3ill feed, resulting in excessive grinding material inside the mill conditions malignant transformation, it is easy to instantly vibration Gump stop. /hi%hou E A mill can not be used due to waste cartridge, open grinding .cum directly into the mill, vibration larger drop grinding rolls, while the performance of the

material layer thickness is large, the inlet positive pressure, this is because when the open mill .cum, plus (he belt weigher feed into the mill feed becomes more than cause. (his is due to a significant reduction in the belt weigher feeding, etc. .cum normal, coupled to normal. Is too small, the volume of feed mill materials too little material thin. 3aterial buffering capacity between disc and roller, easy to produce vibration due to mechanical, vertical mill trial production, need to claim 0"# of the feed, the feed is too small, which is one of the reasons of neutrality grinding vibration trial production. .o by feeding large particulate material to ensure that the mill is running smoothly. 4ot smooth materials to enable the working conditions in the mill disorder easy vibration to achieve the smooth operation of the vertical mill, one of the important factors is to make the material uniformly smooth feeding. 0.1.! Inadequate or unstable system air volume /hi%hou 1 A grinding period of time without air-conditioning baffle when the kiln cut to E""t B h, the mill is a start to generate a lot of spit residue, less than two minutes they vibration Gump stop, I thought the hot air vents plot material, but the clean-up the clean mill still start it up, and finally came to understand, kiln exhaust gas over the small, non-air-conditioned the be%el and circulation duct, can not be supplemented with the amount of wind mill due to insufficient amount of wind and vibration. 6t this time only requirement the kiln plus production, and to minimi%e the amount of mill feed in order to open the mill later make up the air-conditioning baffle, this basically solved the problem. @iln mill operation requires integration. 3ill operation will affect the kiln, the kiln operation will affect the mill. 6nd sometimes unstable kiln conditions, high temperature fan over the amount of wind fluctuations, also accompanied by changes in the wind temperature instability of the grinding conditions, easy to produce vibration through the cold air and circulating air baffle adGustment to ensure that the negative pressure in the mill entrance stable, and try to keep the mill temperature stability, the mill is working properly. 0.1.$ Colishing pressure is too high or too low 6(H9 mill can clearly feel the grinding pressure rise mill vibration occurs when a certain volume of feed pressure is too high, the grinding capacity is greater than the material into finished ability, resulting in grinding air vibrate. Hpposite the pressure is too low to cause excessive grinding material inside the large vibration. 31. mill grinding pressure setting is based on the time the volume of feed and grinding conditions may be too low, a lack of production decline, too easy to produce vibration. /hi%hou 1 A mill grinding pressure of 113pa, due to the design and manufacture of reasons, the mill vibration is particularly large, the operation is very difficult, so accurately identify and maintain the right amount of grinding pressure to stabili%e the mill conditions deciding factor. 0.1.0 (he classifiers speed is too high (he beginning of the trial production, the rotor speed is generally uncertain in the maximum. Easy to produce because of the volume of feed air flow are rarely elected powder machine speed is too large, the grinding, the increase in fine grinding the excessive fine powder can not form a solid material bed, the grinding rollers IeatM material :arker, easy to produce vibration. (he mill design yield requirements into the grinding material particles are relatively large, easy to operate.

0.1.F (emperature suddenly changes into the mill is too high or too low /hange when the outlet temperature of the high temperature fan, mill conditions change, so high that the material bed on the disc is not easy to form, is too low can not drying materials, resulting in blockage of vents ring thickening material bed mill produce abnormal vibration . (his situation by adGusting the mill spray, spray humidification tower or doped cold wind circulation, stabili%e the mill inlet and outlet temperature stability mill conditions. 0.1.+ )rinding temperature suddenly changes or is too high or too low 'ertical mill are generally exposed to the weather, the environment is very large influence, the present heavy rain, the mill body and pipeline sudden temperature changes, the outlet temperature of the instantaneous speed reduced, then easily result in the the mill Gump stop, must quickly adGust> warming up, pull the wind, reduce material adGustment to normal. (he grinding temperature at the same time into ground material, how the composition changes and changes and changes, you need to adGust the spray, feeding and baffle opening degree of stability. Hutlet temperature is too high, easy to empty mill, the material in the disc can not form a solid material bed vibrate, too low, easy to plug the no%%le ring, easy to produce vibration, you need to adGust the inlet temperature, spray mill, also may be appropriate to add, subtract production. 0.1.1" 4o%%le ring congested *hen into the grinding material is very wet, mixed with chunks insufficient wind, feeding too much instability wind speed will produce the no%%le ring clogging, clogging serious when, so millstone around wind speed, air volume is uneven material bed on the disc are also not formation, resulting in a large vibration. 4eed to stop grinding clean-up, re-open the mill to reduce the large pieces into the mill, to increase the amount of wind, reduce feeding, while maintaining the stability of the grinding conditions prevent ring blockage of vents. 0.1.11 Into the mill lock damper impact *hen lock air valve clogging material into the mill, resulting in empty mill which will produce large vibration. 6lso have a lock air valve air leakage, abnormal vibration, /hi%hou A grinding trial production, and once opened with a hot air furnace mill, in control feeling normal amount of wind mill start stop Gumping. Into the mill inspection found that the bed is very uneven, and finally found three lock the damper not lock wind. Hriginally rely EC fan pull the wind resistance, coupled with lockable damper air leakage, they have a Ishort circuitM so reduced by the wind from the no%%le ring, thus affecting the material bed flat, vibrate, lock damper must regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that the effect of lock wind. 0.1.1E 6 foreign body in the mill or large 6lways pay attention to the the mill bolts are loose, the bolts at the whether :esoldering, including lock air valve. :igang, and /hi%hou had three locks damper siding off, caused by the vibration of the mill. *hen the big piece of iron in the mill should be stopped grinding to remove. Even if it does not cause vibrations stop Gumping will damage the mill, for example, the baffle ring damage. /hi%hou 1 A mill had this phenomenon occurs, mill capacity, iron ore is not easy to find, and the final destruction of the be%el.

;ulk into the mill may be blocking the vents ring grinding roller, vibrate fight, so to eliminate the bulk into the mill. 0.1.1, )rinding rolls off the rack, bracket, I.hangkang orM 9iakang M (hese phenomena appear in the 31. mill appears that this phenomenon mill multi stop Gumping off the rack, bracket to staff under the guidance of professional machine repair reinstall. I.hangkangM relief the I9iakangM shall, plus sleepers, playing auxiliary came righting grinding roller. 0.E 1i /oarse )round degrees causes and treatment 0.E.1 (he powder device speed improper adGustment 6dGust the the classifiers device rotor speed is the most common method to adGust the fineness, but also the most important one. -sually change the fineness> (he first thought is to adGust its speed, then increase the speed to run rough. 0.E.E 'entilation excessive (rial production, feeding less hot air furnace or kiln, mill internal ventilation small separator speed 0"F"# the basic fineness can reach. *ith the increase of the kiln inlet hot air mill ventilation increase increased EC blower baffle plate, fineness rises should gradually increase the classifier speed, fineness qualified. :igang and in /hi%hou new line, there is a situation when the kiln feed to full load kiln inlet air volume, EC fan even open to 1""#, the mill entrance will be positive pressure, then fineness larger classifiers added to limit nor can fineness qualified. (hen you can consider grinding bypass damper, but this method is more dangerous, easy to make the mill stop Gumping. It must be carefully and each open 1# have observed a long time, to ensure that the mill is running smoothly, within a certain range can reduce the degree of fineness, and this method is limited too much air. 0.E., )rinding pressure )enerally open grinding pressure 6(H9 mill pressure can be given in the control set to minimum, as production rose gradually pressuri%ed, otherwise produce /oarse crushing and milling capacity. 31. mill commissioning is given the pressure, general for F3pa, increased production, according to the mill situation gradually increase the pressure to increase output, as well as quality assurance. 0.E.? (emperature Effect (he mill outlet rapid temperature rise, or to maintain a higher temperature, the grinding material may run rough, because the temperature rising process, changing the fluid velocity within the mill and grinding of material within the internal energy, the increase in the fine material ;rownian motion, (he emergence of large material is pulled out grinding body. (his may be the the kiln inlet air temperature, air volume change or into the grinding material moisture changes. 6dGustable mill the sprinkler to solve. 3ill in series with the humidification tower process line can be adGusted to the humidification tower spray, circulating air or cold air, may be doped in the case of wind allowable.0.E.!(he incoming instability or excessive Instability into the grinding mill conditions disorders, wind speed, air volume fluctuations, resulting in intermittent running rough. (he solution> to stabili%e the amount of material into the mill, to ensure that the right amount of grinding pressure or the amount of reducing production.


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