Iron Orebenification Design
Iron Orebenification Design
Iron Orebenification Design
Recently, the grade of iron ore deposits has deteriorated be built in the future.
and further development of low grade deposits is Kobe Steel's pelletizing process, called the
desired. Presently, the most effective and often followed KOBELCO Pelletizing System, has various
route taken to utilize such deposits is the provision of advantages and incorporates many improvements
beneficiation plants for upgrading iron ore and pelletizing made on the basis of R&D and operating experiences
plants for agglomerating. Kobe Steel has much experience at the company's own facility. Kobe Steel has
in constructing both beneficiation and pelletizing constructed and delivered a number of such plants
plants and has its own pelletizing process (KOBELCO across the world. The specifics of these plants are
pelletizing system). This paper contains general also explained in this paper.
information on beneficiation and pelletizing plants,
including future expectations for them, and introduces 1. Iron ore - supply and demand outline
the latest activities in connection with the KOBELCO
pelletizing system, with a view to the future. 1.1 Types of iron ore
2.1 Screening
uniformly on moving cars that have a grate plants can recycle relatively coarse dusts generated
structure. The coke breeze is ignited in an ignition in steelworks. On the other hand, they consume a
furnace and the mixture is agglomerated by the heat large amount of coke breeze, and their exhaust gas
of the combustion of coke breeze. The agglomerated contains a certain amount of sulfur oxides. For this
materials are cooled in a cooler that is either circular reason, an increasing number of sintering plants are
or linear and are delivered as products. In many equipped with exhaust gas desulfurization systems.
cases, the sensible heat of the exhaust air from the
cooler is recovered by a waste-heat boiler. 3.2 Outline of pelletizing plant
The sintered ore thus produced is un-uniform
in shape and generates dust during transportation. Fig. 3 illustrates the flow of a pelletizing plant
Because of this, sintering plants are usually built in (KOBELCO pelletizing system).4) Finely ground raw
steelworks. Typically, these plants have capacities of material is mixed with binder and is granulated into
5 Mt/y to 6 Mt/y, while larger plants with capacities balls (green balls) with a diameter of approximately
of 8 Mt/y to 8.5 Mt/y are also in service. Sintering 12mm. These balls are dried, preheated, fired and
Countries throughout the world, including Fig. 6 General image showing relationship between kiln
developing nations, require that everything possible burner and coal ash deposition
be done to reduce the environmental impact. With
this in mind, a new method has been developed for
reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx). The new technique 4.2 Increased applicability of coals for kiln
belongs to the category of selective non-catalytic
reduction (SNCR) and comprises the spraying of The KOBELCO pelletizing system uses a kiln
ammonia in a relatively high temperature (900 to for firing, enabling the replacement of its main
1,200℃) zone for a relatively long period of time fuel, expensive oil and gas, with inexpensive coal.
to have it react with nitrogen oxide in the zone. Inexpensive coal, however, contains a certain
A newly devised spraying method has enabled amount of ash, which can be deposited on and
the features of high efficiency and a significantly adhere to the interior of the kiln; this may disturb
reduced amount of leakage ammonia, as shown gas passage in the kiln. Several measures have
in Fig. 4. This method is applied to the preheating been devised to prevent such troubles. Of all these
(PH) zone of the traveling grate, which enables the measures, shortening the flame of the kiln burner
reduction of the amount of nitrogen oxide without and using more finely ground coal have been found
much additional capital investment. A typical flow to be particularly effective. This has also been
of this process is shown in Fig. 5. confirmed by actual operation. Fig. 6 6) shows a
general image of the kiln burner and the deposition
of coal ash. In a case where the flame reaches the
5.3 Future trends in medium-scale plants the pelletizing process, which has decreased the fuel
Investing in medium-scale plants is less efficient
than investing in large-scale plants. Therefore, 5.4 Future trends in small-scale plants
medium-scale ones are usually built on the sites
of steelworks so as to realize advantages that A number of mines with relatively small deposits
compensate for the investment inefficiency. A are found in India and China, but they had never
production capacity of 3 to 4 Mt/y is required. Such been the objects of development due to the low
a built-in plant has the following advantages over return on investment. With the recent continued
stand-alone plants: high price of iron ore, however, it is anticipated that
- It can utilize a small-scale feed of iron ore as a there will be more and more development of these
part of the raw material. mines.
- It can produce pellets of a quality optimally In the case of small mines, pelletizing plants are
designed for the steelworks of the owner most likely to be built with beneficiation plants in
company. the vicinity of the mines. Such integration of plants
- It can use byproduct gases of the steelworks as makes it possible to do without facilities for storing
a fuel for pelletizing, which enables the low- concentrate. In addition, collective construction can
cost production of pellets. suppress construction costs. Kobe Steel has a lineup
- It can be both maintained and managed by the of small-scale standard plants with a capacity of 2.5
same personnel. Mt/y and aims at expanding their sales in the future.
- It can recycle dust generated in other facilities
as raw material for pelletizing. Conclusions
Kobe Steel owns a pelletizing plant in the
company's integrated steelworks with blast furnaces Regarding the future production of iron, steel
and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and and iron ore, a steadily increasing number of projects
experience from it. For example, the company will be launched that involve beneficiation processes
effectively recycles and utilizes converter furnace to upgrade ore and to produce pellets. Kobe Steel
dust as the raw material of pellets. Such fine dust has its own pelletizing technology and has built
can work as a binder, and the converter furnace dust eleven pelletizing plants in six countries so far. The
has actually been confirmed to reduce the amount company is highly reputed for the quality of its
of binder used as a secondary effect. The coal product pellets and for its know-how in using coal
utilization technology described above has enabled as the main fuel. In addition, the company has built
the use of inexpensive steaming coal to be used for a large-scale beneficiation plant for iron ore. Kobe
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