Vtiger CRM Database UTF8Config
Vtiger CRM Database UTF8Config
Vtiger CRM Database UTF8Config
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Ta le of Contents ! "ntrod#ction......................................................................................................3 2 $y%&' (T)-* %#pport........................................................................................3 2.! 2.2 2.3 2., %erver 'evel...............................................................................................3 +ata ase 'evel...........................................................................................3 Ta le 'evel................................................................................................., Col#mn 'evel..............................................................................................,
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
! "ntrod#ction
vtiger -.!.0 lets yo# work with (T)-* now. 1e have made o#r est efforts to provide this s#pport in the entire prod#ct. To have complete s#pport the data ase #sed for vtiger sho#ld e to handle (T)-* character set. This doc#ment aims at descri ing some of the details we gathered d#ring the development.
The (T)-* s#pport can e config#red to the entire $y%&' server data ases. This can prove a it costly if other application data ase does not need (T)-* s#pport. To achieve this yo# need to config#re $y%&' server config#ration file 2my.ini or my.cnf3 with the following details4 [mysql] default-character-set=utf8 [mysqld] collation_server=utf8_unicode_ci character_set_server=utf8 default-character-set=utf8 init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci' init_connect='SET N !ES utf8'
NOT 4 5o# sho#ld restart $y%&' data ase server after the changes are made. To check if the changes were applied6 open command line $y%&'. Type %781 9A/"A:';%< and verify the val#es displayed.
5o# can ena led (T)-* s#pport for selected $y%&' data ase. This serves as the defa#lt val#e when ta le is created witho#t specifying the character set. "#E TE $ T % SE &d'name( $E) *+T ", # "TE# SET utf8 $E) *+T "-++ TE utf8_general_ci.
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
"f yo# have an e=isting data ase with other character set and collate type4 +TE# $ T % SE &d'name( $E) *+T ", # "TE# SET utf8 $E) *+T "-++ TE utf8_general_ci.
NOT 4 All ta les created after this alter will have #tf* s#pport.
5o# can ena le (T)-* s#pport for a specific te=t type col#mn6 this will override all other settings.
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
3 vtiger "nstallation
"f yo# are creating data ase d#ring the installation process make s#re that ;na le (T)-* select o= is checked.
"f yo# are creating data ase efore installation make yo# ena le (T)-* s#pport at data ase level as disc#ssed in the earlier section.
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
"f yo# are #sing e=isting data ase witho#t (T)-* s#pport it will e highlighted.
5o# can contin#e with the installation #t the (T)-* s#pport will not e completely availa le.
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
- /eferences
[email protected]?doc?refman?-.0?en?charset-connection.html
Copyright 2003-2009 vtiger.com. All rights reserved. vtiger is a trademark of vtiger.com. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.