Computer Boon or Bane

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INTRODUCTION: A computer is an electronic machine that can accept , store , manipulate and transmit data in accordance with specific instructions providing the required information to the user. I n todays world , computers are used in almost all the areas especially scientific field which involves storing up of voluminous data and complicated calculations. ENIAC: The first electronic computer used so much power that all lights in a nearby town dimmed every time it was switched on. It weighed in at about 30 tonnes. COMPUTERS IN TRANSPORT: Computer controlled bullet trains run at the speed of 200 km/hr. Computers control traffic signals and reduce traffic congestion. Now in-built computer drives cars. Planes can switch over to auto-pilot and the pilots can take rest in the cockpit. Computers launch rockets into space and even drive rover on Mars. ENGINEERING: The computers help the engineers to design structures e.g., Highways , bridges , sky scrappers , dams , ships , vehicles , complex aerodynamical studies .

MEDICINE: Computer science has helped the medical sciences to progress . It helps to maintain the records about patients , perform medical diagnosis , monitor patients vital signals such as heart beatand pulse rate . They also help in complicated organ transplants and micro-surgery. INTERNET:


1982 1991 1995 1999 2008


200 600,000 45,000,000 150,000,000 1,500,000,000

RECORD BREAKER: The worlds biggest and most-used search engine ,GOOGLE has an index of millions of web-pages and handles 250 million searches every day. PREDICTION OF WEATHER CONDITION : Computers help meteorologists to predict good rain spell or drought .This in turn helps farmers to plan their cultivation . Storms and whirl

winds are predicted well in advance . This prevents loss of life and poverty. SPACE: Computers have helped in designing space crafts and guiding them in their search probes of distant planets . Computers help the research scientist to perform sophisticated calculations which they cant perform . For e. g, computers are employed in nuclear research and astronomical calculations . ENTERTAINMENT: Computers have made rapid strides in entertainment field .No film is made without employing animation technique .Huge buildings being destroyed by bombs and fire , unseen , huge creatures , sand storms , deluge taking human shapes , bullets whizzing past before our eyes are made possible by computers. CONCLUSION: Computer Science has helped progress of humanity in several fields since computer can store large amounts of data , process them rapidly with perfect accuracy and transmit the results in several ways .Hence computers have become indispensable.

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