Eeo Public File Report 2012

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Yesenia Torres 12/18/2013

EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT This Report covers full-time vacancy recruitment data for the period of February 1, 2011January 1, 2012 1) Employment nit! "ocation!#ame$ %hiladelphia, %&- 'E()-&( 2) nit (embers *"ist all station call si+ns and communities of license)$ 'E(), %hiladelphia!,amden, #J -) EE. ,ontact /nformation for Employment nit$ (arc Taub (ailin+ &ddress$ 1-10 #1 2ela3are &ve 4uit 5 607 %hiladelphia, %& 17126 Telephone #umber$ 216-028-1700 ,ontact %erson$ (arc Taub!2on 2avis )eneral (ana+er Email &ddress$ mtaub9davidsonmedia+roup1com! ddavis9davidsonmedia+roup1com

0) "ist all Full-Time Job :acancies filled by Each 4tation in the Employment nit$ Job Title Referring Hire %ro+ram 2irector %roduction 2irector Recruitment Source /ndustry Referral Employee Referral

Station WEM !"M i# E$ual O%%ortunit& Em%lo&er#'


6) Job Title () On!"ir Per#onalit& WEM Referral Source*#+ of Em%lo&ee Hiree) Em%lo&ee Referral #ame of ,ontact %erson &ddress Telephone 5 of 2id .r+ani;ation #umber /ntervie3ees Recruitment #otified by Job Referred 4ource Re<uest :acancy #otification= *>!#) th

&lfredo ,alderon

,on+reso ,ynthia de Fi+ueroa "atino?s nidos ,oncilio Joanna .tero,ru;

0-22 # 6 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 17100 218 '1 4omerset 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 171-@06-07 FranBlin 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 1712-

2160661-00 216@8-AA@0 21682@-100





6) Job Title ,) "ccount E-ecuti.e WEM Referral Source*#+ of Em%lo&ee Hiree) Em%lo&ee Referral #ame of ,ontact %erson &ddress Telephone 5 of 2id .r+ani;ation #umber /ntervie3ees Recruitment #otified by Job Referred 4ource Re<uest :acancy #otification= *>!#) th

&lfredo ,alderon

,on+reso ,ynthia de Fi+ueroa "atino?s nidos ,oncilio Joanna .tero,ru;

0-22 # 6 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 17100 218 '1 4omerset 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 171-@06-07 FranBlin 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 1712-

2160661-00 216@8-AA@0 21682@-100





6) Job Title /) Pro0uction 1irector WEM Referral Source*#+ of Em%lo&ee Hiree) Em%lo&ee Referral #ame of ,ontact %erson &ddress Telephone 5 of 2id .r+ani;ation #umber /ntervie3ees Recruitment #otified by Job Referred 4ource Re<uest :acancy #otification= *>!#) th

&lfredo ,alderon

,on+reso ,ynthia de Fi+ueroa "atino?s nidos ,oncilio Joanna .tero,ru;

0-22 # 6 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 17100 218 '1 4omerset 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 171-@06-07 FranBlin 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 1712-

2160661-00 216@8-AA@0 21682@-100





6) Job Title 2) Promotion "##i#tant WEM Referral Source*#+ of Em%lo&ee Hiree) Client Referral #ame of ,ontact %erson &ddress Telephone 5 of 2id .r+ani;ation #umber /ntervie3ees Recruitment #otified by Job Referred 4ource Re<uest :acancy #otification= *>!#) th

&lfredo ,alderon

,on+reso ,ynthia de Fi+ueroa "atino?s nidos ,oncilio Joanna .tero,ru;

0-22 # 6 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 17100 218 '1 4omerset 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 171-@06-07 FranBlin 4t, %hiladelphia, %& 1712-

2160661-00 216@8-AA@0 21682@-100




8) Total 3 of Inter.ie4ee# Referre0 b& Eac5 Source$ For the period from January 1, 2007
throu+h 2ecember -1, 2007, this Employment nit intervie3ed 7 /ntervie3ees for full time Cob vacancies1

@) 4upplemental Recruitment (easures a) %articipation in Job Fairs 2escription of 4upplemental Recruitment (easures$ 2ate %ersonnel involved

b) /nternship %ro+ram 2escription of 4upplemental Recruitment (easures$ 2ate %ersonnel involved

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