Application Blank - Rev 1.0 (01!01!2012), IT S BLANK
Application Blank - Rev 1.0 (01!01!2012), IT S BLANK
Application Blank - Rev 1.0 (01!01!2012), IT S BLANK
with an existing annual crude steel production capacity of 0 !illion Tones "er #nnum $!T"#%& 'stablished in 1(0), it is the first integrated steel plant in #sia and is now the worlds second most geographically di*ersified steel producer and a +ortune ,00 -ompany& .ur *ision is to be the global steel industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship. Tata Steel /ndia is the first integrated steel company in the world, outside 0apan, to be awarded the Deming Application Prize for excellence in Total 1uality !anagement&
Who referred you for this position. /onsultant 0elative1 0elative and riends. ,Please provide the name of the referral-. 1!ature of 0elationship. "3 %T(+0
"r. %.0.2(%!
Date of &irth e4mail )D. &,afi)*e.#,i-a./mai .com 5 6 7 5 5 8 9 : %lternate e4mail )D ,if any-. #,afi)*e.0it./mai .com /urrent %ddress . 24:75 , Swiss /ounty , !ear P/"/ School , Thergaon , P'!+ /ity. P'!+ State. "%(%0%S(T0% ;ffic e 0es.
< 5 5 7 = = Permanent %ddress . 2 <45=? , 2%D"% #%T , !+%0 D(%T2)D)( "%S@)D ,@%"S(+DP'0 /ity. @%"S(+DP'0 $ ood Gro*!: $ 123E4 State. @(%02(%!D 3i#ion: 5/5 5/5 Left Ri/,t P)! 9 = 5 7 7 5
ED%CAT'6N ,&egin with the most recent Aualification and end with Std. BSpecialiCation ,Please mention your core subDectsELETR'CAL ENG'NNER Mat, &cience Genera 1A 4 !ame of )nstitute $'niversity with #ocation $'T &'NDR' : 3$% 1HA;AR'$AGH4 Mr#.?.M.+.M 'NTER C6LLEGE : @AC1RANCH'4 R.D.TATA H'GH &CH66L : @&E$1RANCH'4 0egular , ull Time$ Part4 time- $ /orrespondence F%LL T'ME F%LL T'ME F%LL T'ME rom ,mmm$yy2005 2002 2001 To ,mmm$yy2010 200A 2002 %ggregate "arks ,E or /FP%<=> 55> <B>
TRA'N'NG/CERT'F'CAT'6N C Please mention the training$ certification courses that you had undergone in past.
Technical$ "anagement Training$Development Programmes attended CERT'F'CAT'6N9C6G9522 '$M Co/no# 10 $' Admini#trator CERT'F'CAT'6N90009A1= '$M Fe0&!,ere Data&ta/e v.=.0 TECHN'CAL TRA'N'NG9 C: 66+& : @A3A : RD$M& : %N'H :+L/&(L MANAGEMENT TRA'N'NG9 'L'1'NF6&D& LEADER&H'+ 'N&T%TE4 TATA &TEEL C&%MMER TRA'N'NG Duration Mont, MAD @%NE Dear 201B 201B 2011 2010 200E )nstitute $ ;rganiCation '$M '$M 'NF6&D& 'NF6&D& TATA &TEEL #ocation +%NE +%NE MD&6RE MD&6RE @AM&HED+ %R 0anking1 "arks ,EE<.=< <G.<1 $2 $2 #evel
I+ ea#e !rovide *# Jit, 7o*r ranKin/ vi#9L9vi# ot,er candidate# a!!eared in t,e trainin/ !ro/ram: if an7 te#t Ja# cond*cted. 'n ot,er ca#e#: ! ea#e mention N/A.
EHTRA9C%RR'C%LAR ACT'3'T'E&: ,%ctivities related with Sports, Social, and #iterary etc. %ctivity ,%ny cultural, sports, community work, other hobbies etc.$ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT TAE?6ND6F9MART'AL ART& TAE?6ND6F9MART'AL ART& Duration "onth 3ear @AN 201B @AN @AN MAD @%NE 201B 201B 1EE= 1EE5 )nstitution$/lub$Society with which you are$were associated 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT 9+%NE 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMNET9+%NE 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT9+%NE D'&TR'CT LE3EL &TATE LE3EL %ny priCes$ accolades won 1&T 9&'NGLE 1#t9 M'H9D6%$LE 2ND 9 D6%$LE 1&T 2ND
+RE3'6%& EM+L6DMENT DETA'L&: #ast Designatio n held &R.&D&TE M ENG'NEER !ature of +mployment ,Permanent$ /ontract$ Probation+ERMANENT Duration rom ,mmm$yy@%LD/201 0 To ,mmm$yy T'LL DATE "onthly Salary %t the time of Doining B.2G +/A #ast Draw n A.B2 +/A 0eason for #eaving +ER&6NA L AND +R6FE&& '6NAL GR6FTH.
#ocation +%NE
F6R? EH+ER'ENCE 1+RE&ENT / LA&T EM+L6DMENT4 !ame of the +mployer. )! ;S3S #)")T+D !o. of 0eportees ,if any-. Total number of +mployees. 5.:6. #%/S Dates +mployed. 3our Designation. S0.S3ST+" +!F)!++0 %ddress . 0%@++G F%!D() )T )! ;T+/( P%02 , T%#"'#S), ()!@+W%D) , P(%S+ ? , P'!+ , "%(%0%S(T0%
!ature of employment ,Please tick the appropriate box-. REG%LAR 0egular $ /ontract $ ;n Probation
0eason for considering a change. P+0S;!%# %!D P0; +SS);!%# F0;WT(, "3 F0%!D %T(+0 W;02+D ;0 T%T%ST++#, "3 %T(+0 )S /'00+!T#3 W;02)!F W)T( T%T%ST++# %!D "3 &0;T(+0S %!D "3 0)+!DS /'00+!T#3 W;02)!F W)T( T%T%ST++#.
Do you have any commitment ,bond- to another employer or organiCation that might affect your employment with usH 3es !o !; )f yes, please furnish the details.
)f selected, when can you Doin usH ,please mention the timeline in months-. ?4= ";!T(S. )n the space provided below, please draw the organiCational structure at your present organiCation highlighting your level in the structure. ;+44444444444;P+0%T);! +B+/'T)G+ ST+4444444444S3ST+" +!F)!++0 T0%)!++ S+444444444444S3ST+" +!F)!++0 &&E9999999999&R. &D&TEM ENG'NEER TA99999999999TECHN'CAL ANALD&T T#44444444444T+%" #+%D P"4444444444P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 SP"444444444S0. P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 FP"44444444F0;'P P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 D"4444444444D+#)+G+03 "%!%F+0 '(4444444444'!)T (+%D &;D44444444&;%0D ; D)0+/T;0 C%RRENT EM6L%MENT&. Please share your current emoluments in order to help us in preparing the compensation offer from our side. 2indly ensure that a e ement# of t,e +a7: +er)*i#ite# and $enefit# are clearly and exhaustively documented here. %lso mention the freAuency of payments 1e./. mont, 7: )*arter 7: ann*a etc.4. Please attach last three monthsI salary slip and ).T. return of last year.
Name: A$D%L &HAF'(%E A/e: 25 +ermanent Acco*nt N*m0er 1+AN4: CE?+&BA<=A Ed*cation:$9TECH Com!an7: 'NF6&D& L'M'TED Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 C*rrent +o#ition: &&E 1&R.&D&TEM ENG'NEER4 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 C*rrent ! ace of !o#tin/: +%NE Confidentia
'/. #evel.
Mention > of 0a#ic J,erever a!! ica0 e Ann*a RemarK#/ Additiona 'nformation Mont, 7 1R#.4 1R#.4 1Frequency of payment4 102=0 1100 1=5B=
A oJance# 1Ca#,4 for e./. C D. A.: Conve7ance: Cit7 Com!en#ator7: Ed*cation: L.T. A. etc.
A oJance# 1Non 9 Ca#,4 for e./. C Co#ted va *e for accommodation: medica etc. )ncluded in the above basket of allowances C
Allowances (Non - Cash) -Total +er)*i#ite# and $enefit#: For e./. 9 Com!an7 car: F*e eN!en#e# etc. /ompany provided company carIs for pickup and drop. D
Perquisites Total $on*# 1+erformance $a#ed: Mi e#tone $a#ed etc.4 Bonus 6 'x78ratia E Performance bonus Bonus Total Retira #: +rovident F*nd F Grat*it7 &*!erann*ation 1B55 GA< 22<5 1=00
Retirals - Total CTC 1A2$2C2D2E2F4 EN!ected Ann*a Gro## B500< %s per industry stander
Fami 7 Detai # C Please provide the details of your family members in the table below. S. !o. 1. !ame A0d* Ra#,eed 0elationship with the person Fat,er (ighest *ualification 'ntermediate /urrent Designation J 3rs. of +xperience &r.Tec,incian/2 < 7r#. /urrent ;rganiCation TATA &TEEL +arning ,%nnually in 0s.NA
2. B. A. G.
A$6%T D6%R&ELF C Please provide answers to the following Auestions, this will help us in a better understanding of you as a
person. +er#ona #tren/t,#: 1. 2. B. A. G. 5. <. =. &e f9motivated. &e f9di#ci! ine. (*icK Learner. &mart JorKer. +o#itive t,inKin/. ' can ad8*#t in a Re#!on#i0 e. He !in/ menta it7. #it*ation#. +er#ona Area# of im!rovement: 1. Tr7in/ to )*it #ome 0ad ,a0it#. 2. ' am *na0 e to #a7 N6 J,en it come# to ,e !in/ a co ea/*e re/ard e## of m7 JorK oad. B. Maintain t,e !er#ona and !rofe##iona ife.
Do*r career o08ective#: To JorK in an environment t,at i# cond*cive for effective *ti i-ation of m7 eN!erience and #Ki # for !romotin/ f*rt,er KnoJ ed/e ac)*i#ition: t,ere07 contri0*tin/ to t,e /roJt, of t,e or/ani-ation and m7#e f.
Do*r eN!ectation# from t,e 8o0: Love to JorK in c,a en/in/ environment. Do*r eN!ectation from Tata &tee : ) want to serve with T%T% ST++# till my retirement. %lways provide me, healthy environment. Lan/*a/e# KnoJn ,Start with your mother tongue-:
REFERENCE& C Five references under whom you have either worked or who know you professionally for at least > months.
!ame Duration J !ature of association 11 mont,# Designation J ;rganiCation 6fficia : +er#ona : e4mail +,one 1Jit, &TD code4 (ome ;ffice
A0,inav &riva#tava
'ftaK,ar A,med
BB mont,#
6fficia : +er#ona :
B5 mont,#
6fficia : +er#ona :
(ave you attended any selection process at Tata Steel beforeH !; De# No 'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: Division. "onth$3ear. #ocation. Status.
Do you have any relative currently working$ had worked in past with Tata SteelH 3+S De# No
'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: !ame. "0.%.0.2(%! !ature of relationship. %T(+0 Designation. Sr. Technician Department$ Division. "achine Shop #ast date of working ,'f t,e !er#on ,a# eft Tata &tee -. Working 'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: !ame. G)G2+2 P0%S%D !ature of relationship. /ollege Senior J riend. Designation. "anager Department$ Division. &earing Division #ast date of working ,'f t,e !er#on ,a# eft Tata &tee -. Working )f 3es, furnish details including type of offense and conviction
Do you have any friend ,+x K /olleague$ /ollege Senior$ friend etc.- currently working$ had worked in past with Tata SteelH 3+S De# No
(ave you ever been arrested, prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offense, other than minor traffic offenses H !; De# No )n the last ten years, have you been convicted of or plead guilty to any offenceH !; De# No )n the last ten years have you been released from prison on a convictionH !; De# No
%re you engaged in any personal business having a bearing$ with possible bearing with Tata Steel. !; 'f 7e#: ! ea#e !rovide t,e nat*re of $*#ine##:
%ny other information you would like us to know which may have significant bearing on our hiring decision . 't"# m7 a#!iration to JorK Jit, TATA &TEEL and ' ,ave Jaited a ot for t,i# moment.
Dec aration ) hereby declare that my statements on this application and on my resume or documents provided by me to Tata Steel are correct to the best of my knowledge. ) acknowledge and agree that providing any false information may result in a decision not to hire me or if hired, may result in termination of my employment. ) give consent to Tata Steel to institute and conduct a background check to verify the information furnished by me in this form. Date. Place. 7:th !ov ?75= %bdul ShafiAue P'!+ Signature.