Ijsid: International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
Ijsid: International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
Ijsid: International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
R$/$ 01( A0'213$
"n International )eer (evie* Journal for Science
Department of Botany, Shri Shivaji College Akola, Maharashtra, In ia epartment of Mi"ro#iology, Shri Shivaji College Akola $M.S% In ia
#$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. )ar. a"ara of family C*"*r#ita"eae "onsi ere
,#orres)onding "ut-or
as in igeno*s to In ia.
It is fo*n
thro*gho*t In ia.
fre+*ently. ,he plant has a me i"inal val*e. ,he fr*its are *se in )atta, -apha, Anaemia, Asthma, &e*"o erma, ,*mors. It is also *sef*l as i*reti" an in spleni" enlargement. .or this vie/ the ta(onomi"al,
pharma"ognosti" st* ies, morphologi"al "hara"ters, st* y /ere "arrie o*t. It has also some antimi"ro#ial a"tivity *e to its #itter test.
%ame. Dr. S. P. Rothe /lace. Akola, Maharastra, India 0-mail. sprothe redi!!"ail.co"
INTRODUCTION 1ey *ords. #$!!a ac$tan%$la. &#' Ro().var. a"ara, Phar"aco%nostic st$d* and anti"icro)ial activit*.
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012
Dandge VS et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 191-196 INTRODUCTION #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. )ar. a"ara is a "lim#ing her# /ith #ran"he ten rils. &eaves #roa ovate 012 lo#e s"a#ro*s. .lo/ers yello/ male ra"emose, female solitary11,1! pen *n"le an f*rro/e . 3vary tomentoes. .r*it more or less o#long 0110 "m long. 4hen mat*re shallo/ly f*rro/e . See #roa ellipsoi . ,he n*tritive "ompositions per h*n re gram, e i#le portion of fr*it vegeta#le is 056 protein 1.! gm, flat 7.1 gm8 "ar#ohy rate 7.! gm, ietary fi#er 9.9 gm organi" a"i 7.11 gm as 7.: gm minerals like Ca 15 mg8 - 1:7 mg; Mg 15 mg; <a 7 gm8 =n 7.! mg, thiamin 7.70 mg8 ri#oflavin 7.71 mg8 nia(in 7.!7 mg, C11> mg9, 2, >, ?,17,19,1:,12. It is fo*n in 4estern, Central an So*thern In ia. In Satp* a range this spe"ies is r*nning /il , spe"ially fo*n along the he ges, river an stream #anks aro*n the villages, forest areas!!. In Marathi it is "alle as -a * o aka, 'ant*rai, in Sanskrit -at*koshataki, /hile in @in i karvit*rai. All parts of plants are #itter *e to evelopment of p*rgative "hemi"al s*"h as "*"*r#ita"in B, l*ffin an "olo"ynthin immat*re fr*its are less #itter than the mat*re fr*it. Smaller arker green type of fr*its are very #itter than larger lighter green "olo*re fr*its. See sho/s presen"e of sat*rate an *nsat*rate fatty a"i , palmati" steari", olei", linolei" an tra"es of ligno"eri" a"i . ,he plant possesses la(ative an p*rgative property.! It sho/s presen"e of oleanane type triterpene saponins1a"*tosi e A, B, C, D, A, . an G.1 ,he toni" is *se for intestinal pro#lem. It "an "*re vatta, kapha, anaemia, asthma, ja*n i"e, le*"o erma, t*mors. It is also *sef*l as i*reti" an in spleni" enlargement. ,he rie fr*it po/ er *se in the form of sn*ff in ja*n i"e. 5 ,he see s possess emeti", e(pe"torant an em*l"ent property. It is also *se tra itionally in inse"t #ites #y tri#es of 4estern
Maharashtra. A po/ er of the fr*it is *se for r*##ing on the s/ollen hemorrhoi s. -ernel of the see s is soft smooth an effi"ient reme y for ysentery. B*i"e of roaste yo*ng fr*it is applie to "*re hea a"he. P*lp of fr*it is also applie to ifferent kin s of #ites. It "a*ses vomiting an p*rging thro*gh /hi"h the poison is eliminate . Drie fr*it is *se as a sn*ff in ja*n i"e or its /atery e(tra"t is roppe in nostrils. 'oots /ith other plant material *se in gonorrhea an leaf j*i"e as a po/erf*l i*reti". Many physiologi"a15,10,1>,1?,!1,!9 an "ytogeneti"al st* ies!5,!0,!: /ere one. Presently it is planne to prepare a+*eo*s e(tra"ts of the fr*its of the plant an the investigation is *n er taken to eval*ate pharma"ognosti" st* ies an antimi"ro#ial a"tivities of fr*its:, !7. MATERIALS AND METHODS C&33$1'2&! &7 8 '$02 3/* .or the pharma"ognosti" investigation of #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. var. a"ara /e have "olle"te material from the tri#al region of Akola istri"t /here the plant is *se for e i#le p*rpose in 3"to#er an it /as a*thenti"ate #y Dr. S. P. 'othe ,a(onomist, Shri Shivaji "ollege of Akola Maharashtra In ia. A her#ari*m is maintaine in Department. ,he fresh fr*its /ere separate an *se for the st* y of anatomi"al "hara"ters /here as rie leaf fr*it po/ er /as *se for the etermination of antimi"ro#ial st* y of the plant. .or anatomi"al st* y the free han thin transverse se"tion of fr*it /ere treate /ith ifferent staining agent an mo*nte on a glass sli e. E9'0 1'2&!; .or antimi"ro#ial a"tivity leaf an fr*it /ere "olle"te , air rie an then po/ ere in a homogeniCer an 0gm /as a e /ith 177 ml sterile istille /ater. It /as ma"erate for 17 min*tes an then filtere thro*gh o*#le layer m*slin
"loth. It /as "entrif*ge at 5777 rpm for 97 min*te. ,he s*pernatant filtere /hi"h /as forme then filtere thro*gh 4hatman <o 1. filter paper. It /as then heate at 1!7 DC for 97 min. ,his e(tra"t /as preserve at 0 DC for the f*rther st* ies.
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012
Dandge VS et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 191-196 T$/' 76!#2 !" 5 1'$02 * .o*r ifferent f*ngi /ere st* ie for antif*ngal a"tivity. .or that infe"te "rop, vegeta#le an fr*it plant parts /ere "olle"te from "*ltivate fiel , 17 km from Akola "ity. ,he isease "rop plant parts /ere "olle"te separate in polythene #ags an symptoms on ifferent host /ere re"or e . Completely rie plant parts /ere avoi e for isolations, as they "ontain mostly se"on ary infe"tion. Sli es /ere prepare an isolation /as ma e #y "*tting small fragments of isease spot along /ith healthy region. ,he isease tiss*es /ere s*rfa"e steriliCe /ith ?76 al"ohol an transferre asepti"ally to Asthana an @a/kerEs me i*m FAG $0 g gl*"ose, 9.0 g -<39. 1.20 -@! P35,7.20 g Mg S35.2 @!3 an 10 g agar agar%.,he slants /ere "ompletely steriliCe to avoi the se"on ary an #a"terial infe"tion. Ino"*lation /ere "arrie o*t in steriliCe ino"*lation "ham#er at the temperat*re !2DC $H !% .After ! or 9 ays of ino"*lation the my"eli*m "oming o*t of the isease tiss*e /as pi"ke *p an transferre to another fresh slant. ,he p*re "*lt*res maintaine in the la#oratory for f*rther st* ies. ,hese f*ngi /ere i entifie from the availa#le literat*re i.e. /ith the help of @.& Barnett, Barry B @*nter1FIll*strate Genera of imperfe"t .*ngiG an some alrea y i entifie "*lt*res in la#oratory. T 53$ !&%1 S0% N&% 1 ! 9 5 F6!# 3 1'242':; 10 ml of the Asthana an @a/kerEs me i*m FAG /as *se into Petri plates, allo/e to "ool an soli ify 0 mm is" of 2 ays ol "*lt*re of the test f*ngi /ere pla"e at the "enter of the Petri plates an a+*eo*s !7 ml fr*it an leaf e(tra"t a into it. It /as then in"*#ate at !0DC $H!DC% for 2 ays. After in"*#ation the antif*ngal a"tivity /ere st* ie . B 1'$02 3 /'0 2!* ,hree #a"terial strain i.e. +scherichia coli, Staph*lococc$s a$re$s and Pse$do"onas aer$%inosa /ere isolate from I,I $Irinary ,ra"t Infe"ting Mi"roflora%. Sli es /ere ma e an then it /as transferre to <*trient agar. Ino"*lations /ere "arrie o*t in steriliCe ino"*lation on "ham#er at the temperat*re at !2DC $H!%. After 1 ay of ino"*lation the "olonies /as pi"ke *p an transferre to another fresh slant. ,he p*re "*lt*re maintaine in the la#oratory for f*rther st* ies. ,hese "*lt*res /ere i entifie from the sto"k "*lt*re. A!'2 5 1'$02 3 1'242':* 10 ml <*trient agar me ia /as po*re in petri plates allo/e to "ool an soli ify. 0 mm is" of 2 ays ol "*lt*re of the test #a"teria /ere pla"e at the "enter of the Petri plates an a+*eo*s !7 ml fr*it an leaf e(tra"t a in"*#ate at !0DC $H !DC% for 2 ays. After in"*#ation the anti#a"terial a"tivity /ere st* ie . O5/$04 '2&! !" R$/63'* ,ransverse se"tion of a fr*it sho/s all the general mi"ros"opi" "hara"teristi" of fr*it0 i.e. presen"e of epi"arp, meso"arp an en o"arp /hi"h are /ell ifferentiate . e into it. It /as then e S'0 2! ,$rv$laria l$nata Drechslera ha-aiiensis /$sari$" e0$iseti Pho"a sor%hina S;$128$! A)el"osch$s esc$lent$s $&.% Moen"h .er"inalia catappa &. #*copersicon l*copersic$" $&.% -arsten ,itr$s a$ranti$" #.
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012
Dandge VS et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 191-196 E;21 0;; It is the o*termost layer of fr*it, ma e *p of thin re"tang*lar "ells /ith a thi"k "*ti"le an stomata are seen at reg*lar intervals. In mat*re fr*its an there are layers of s*# epi ermal "ollen"hymas. M$/&1 0;* It is ma e *p of many layers of thin "ompa"tly arrange paren"hymato*s "ells, sho/s lignifie fi#ers an
s"leren"hymat*s "ells an layer of lignifie "ells #elo/ epi"arp are present in paren"hyma8 vas"*lar tiss*e is also o#serve in paren"hymat*s region /hi"h is partially "overe /ith lignifie fi#er. Star"h grain are also present. ,he lignifie fi#ers are s"attere in meso"arp. E!"&1 0;* It is ma e *p of simple large polygonal pare"hymato*s "ell, /hi"h envelops the see s. ,hese are partially lignifie an s"leren"hymato*s "ells are s"attere . T 53$ 2 -Anti#a"terial a"tivity of fresh rie leaves e(tra"t an fr*it e(tra"t of #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. var.a"ara. S0% N&% 1 ! 9 B 1'$02 3 /'0 2! +scherichia coli Staph*lococc$s a$re$s Pse$do"onas aer$%inosa L$ 7 $9'0 1' !.? "m 1.2 "m 1.! "m F062' $9'0 1' 9.! "m !.7 "m 1.> "m
T 53$ - <Antif*ngal a"tivity of fresh rie leaves e(tra"t an fr*it e(tra"t of #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. var.a"ara. S0% N&% 1 ! 9 5 F6!#2 ,$rv$laria l$nata Drechslera ha-aiiensis /$sari$" e0$iseti Pho"a sor%hina L$ 7 $9'0 1' !.! "m !.7 "m 1.7 "m 7.? "m DISCUSSION Me i"inal plants have #een an important so*r"e of r*gs for the treatment of iseases for tho*san s of years. F062' $9'0 1' 9.1 "m !.> "m 7.5 "m 1.9 "m
Ay*rve a is tra itional system of me i"ine /i ely pra"ti"e in In ia. Ay*rve a /as most pop*lar #efore the a vent of mo ern me i"ine. #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#.var.a"ara /as also *se in me i"ine. Avery part or the plant is remarka#ly #itter an the fr*it is violently "atharti" an emeti". Many anti#ioti"s of mi"ro#ial origin an other "hemotherape*ti" agent are employe for the treatment of #a"terial iseases in mo ern me i"al s"ien"e. Mo ern me i"al s"ien"e "onsi ere that mi"ro#es are #elieve to #e the primary "a*sative agent of vario*s iseases. Mi"ro1organisms have remarka#le resistan"e "apa"ity to s*rvive *n er *nfavora#le "on ition. ,he major "riti"al pro#lem in the evelopment of anti#ioti" r*g resistant espe"ially in #a"teria .Many anti#ioti" pro *"es a verse effe"ts on h*man health. M*lti r*g resistant also o""*r in #a"teria. ,he anti#ioti" r*gs are e(pensive parti"*larly for e"onomi"ally poor "lass. ,he entire a#ove pro#lem asso"iate /ith the nee of alternative effe"tive r*g an restri"t the e(tensive *ses of "*rrently availa#le anti#ioti"s. ,herefore re+*ire to treat the trival infe"tions an keeping the anti#ioti"s for emergen"y *se kno/le ge of her#al me i"ine "o*l #e e(plore for the p*rpose, "onsi ering the evelopment of r*g resistant in #a"teria an a verse effe"t of "*rrently availa#le anti#ioti" an high "ost. 4ith these pro#lems evelopment of alternative anti#a"terial an
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012
Dandge VS et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (1), 191-196 antif*ngal r*gs are re+*ire to intro *"e. As a preliminary steps to/ar s this the present investigation *n ertaken /ith the spe"ies of &*ffa. .r*it e(tra"t of #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. /as fo*n more potent anti#a"terial an antif*ngal a"tivity than leaf e(tra"t. +.coli sho/e high sensitivity than Staph*lococc$s a$re$s, Pse$do"onas aero%inosa spe"ies to leaf an fr*it e(tra"t of &*ffa. Among f*ngi ,$rv$laria l$nata /as fo*n highly sensitive to leaf an fr*it e(tra"t of &*ffa /hile to same e(tra"t Pho"a sor%hina sho/e poor sensitivity. ,he anatomi"al st* y15 /ill #e provi ing *sef*l information in regar to its "orre"t i entity an help to ifferentiate from the "losely relate other spe"ies an varieties of #$!!a ac$tan%$la. Aro*n the vas"*lar tiss*es s"leren"hymato*s fi#ers o""*rs as #*n le sheath is a "hara"teristi" feat*re of #$!!a ac$tan%$la $&% 'o(#. var.a"ara. REFERENCES 1. A#*saleha $1??5% 'esponse of ri ge go*r $#$!!a ac$an%$la% to ifferent training systems. In ian jo*rnal of Agri"*lt*ral S"ien"es :5$>%; 0271021 $a% Central @orti"*lt*ral A(p.Stn. III I' Chettalli 021 !5>, In ia !. Anantharam, ).S.' Patanjali, et al. $1?>:% Isolation ma"romole"*lar properties, an "om#ining site of a
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International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-February 2012