2.17 Material and Energy Balance
2.17 Material and Energy Balance
2.17 Material and Energy Balance
Where, Input = enters through the system boundaries, Generation = produced within the system.
Output = leaves through the system boundaries; Consumption = consumed with in system.
Accumulation = build up within the system.
The following assumptions are used to simplify the material balance equation:
If the balance quantity is total mass; generation = 0 and consumption =0, expect in
nuclear reactions.
If the balanced substance is nonreactive species; generation = 0 and consumption =0.
For steady state process accumulation will zero.
Material balance is classified in to two types those are: Material balance with chemical reaction
& Material balance without chemical reaction.
But all the material balance in the factory is without chemical reaction.
Where, weight of cane in the TSF for one phase 13000T.C.D = 542 T/H
To find the volumetric flow rate of the juice the juice brix is i.e. Bx = 15 by using the brix we
can find the density of the juice from the appendix B. = 1037kg/m3
DJ 596200 kg/hr
= = = 574.927m3/hr 575m3/hr
1037 kg/m3
Material Balance for clarification
From literature for the manufacture of raw sugar by ordinary defecation one should allow for 0.6
1.2 Kg of CaO per T.C.
The lime prepared at 10O Baume say 94g CaO Per liter we can find from the Appendix A.
Therefore the quantity of milk of lime per 13000T.C.D is then:
To find the mass flow rate of the MOL at the brix is i.e. Baume = 10 by using the baume we can
find the density of the MOL from the appendix B. = 1074kg/m3
Draft Juice Clarifier Mud Juice Filtration Filter cake (3.5% of cane)
596.2 ton/hr
Clear juice
From literature for the manufacture of filtration 3 4 % of filter cake from the weight of cane,
taking the average value 3.5 % of cane.
C = V + S.. (1)
C x Bc = V x Bv + S x Bs
V = 458.75ton/hr, this is the amount of water evaporated from the juice, which is 76.92% of the
total clear juice flow rate i.e. x 100% = 76.92%
Material Balance for Pan Boiling
(a) It is clear that the syrup entering the boiling house yields two final products :
(i) Sugar at 990 Purity (ii) Final molasses at 300 Purity
(b) We next see the C massecuite : It separates into two products, C sugar at 860 and final
molasses at 300
If Y % of Brix is contained in the C massesuite, then;
Y 18.8 %
37.6 % of Brix Contain in the " C" Mas sec uite % Brix in the Syrup
% of Brix in the " C" Sugar Brix in the Syrup 37.6 18.8 18.8 %
Energy balance is defined as the state achieved when the energy intake equals energy
expenditure. Net energy crossing a system boundary equals the energy change inside the system.
Than according to the first law of thermodynamic law generation and consumption becomes
zero. So the equation becomes: Accumulation = in put-out put.
Due to steady state rule Accumulation also becomes zero. Therefore the above equation was
reduced to input = output.
H + KE + PE = Q WS
Imbibition 3.9MW, 85 OC
Heat Transfer
During evaporation, the amount of heat flowing through the heating surface in order to boil the
liquor and cause evaporation is governed by the equation of heat transfer.
Q = U A t
A t
Kg Evaporatio n / Hour KJ / Kg 1
U K W / m 2 / OC
A t 3600
Kg Evaporatio n / Hour
Is the evaporation coefficient and is represented by symbol E.
E Latent Heat
Then, U
2 O
KW / m / C
t 3600
From which, E U t Kg / m 2 / h
Latent Heat
The expression, almost equal to 1.56 across the evaporator
Latent Heat
E 1.56 U t Kg / m 2 / h
Heater (clarifier)
Assuming the draft juice from diffuser is available at 60oC. Before adding lime to juice, the juice
has to be heated. Thus the final temperatures to which juices are heated in clarification varies
from extremes of 90 to 115oC, although by far the commonest practice is to heat slightly above
the boiling point. Super heating was advocated by some in earlier studies, but it is generally
believed today that superheating is not advantageous and temperatures just above the boiling
point say 103oC are the maximum for good practice.
Assume it is heated to 96oC and steam is available at 1 atm for heating.
Latent heat of vaporization at this pressure is, =2256.9KJ/Kg
Heat required to raise the temperature of raw juice from 60 to 96oC is given by
Q = m Cp T = ms ----------------------------------------------- (1)
Cp = heat capacity of raw juice = 4.19 2.35 X kJ/kgoK
Where, X is fraction of dissolved solids.
Feed to the clarifier is 9.5866 tons/hr and percentage of solids content is 16.36 (from material
Therefore Cp = 4.19 2.35 0.1636= 3.8055 kJ/kgoK
And m = (9.5866 1000)/3600 = 2.6629 kg/s
T = 96 60 = 30oC
Thus from equation (1),
Q = 2.6629 3.8055 66 = 668.822 kW
Steam requirement is = ms= Q/=668.822 kW/2256.9KJ/Kg=0.2963Kg/s
(4) Evaporator
Saturated steam required calculated to be, S = 0.4859 kg/s
Saturation temperature of steam = 113.89oC at which =2218.2Kj/Kg
Therefore heat supplied by this steam = S =0.4859 Kg/s 2218.2= 1077.823kW
Steam economy = amount of water evaporated (i.e. evaporator load)/steam used =
2.2453/0.4859= 4.620
(5) Crystallizer 1
As we known from material balance calculation, crystallizer operates at 580-mmHg vacuum.
At this pressure, boiling point of water is 61.42oC.But boiling point rise (BPR) is 4oC.
Temperature in crystallizer = 65.42oC. Heat balance in crystallizer can be written as,
FhF + mss = LhL + VH --------------------------------------------- (1)
F = feed rate to crystallizer= (1.280 + 0.0096+ 0.0481+0.9076) (1000 3600)= 0.624 kg/s
Cpf = 4.19 2.35 X, Here X = 0.60
Therefore Cpf = 2.78kJ/kgoK
Feed temperature = Tf = 55.45oC, Taking base temperature as 0oC.
But hF = Cpf (Tf 0) = 2.78 55.45 = 154.15kJ/kg, ms = steam rate required in kg/s
Assume steam is available at same pressure as that of clarifier.
Hence s= 2256.9 kJ/kg
L = output of crystallizer= (1.2105+ 0.18081) (1000 3600) = 0.3865 kg/s
Cpl = 4.19 2.35 X
Where X = fraction of solids in crystallizer output= 1.2105/1.3913= 0.870
Thus Cpl = 4.19 2.35 0.870 =2.1455kJ/kgoK
Temperature of output of crystallizer = Tl = 65.42oC
But hL = Cpl (Tl 0) =2.1455 65.42 = 140.35 kJ/kg
V = amount of water evaporated in the crystallizer= (0.8545 1000) 3600=0.2374 kg/s
H = at 65.42oC + (BPR Cp steam), at 65.42oC = 2618 275.8 = 2342.2 kJ/kg
Cp steam at 65.42oC = 1.928 kJ/kgoK
Therefore H = 2342.2 + (4 1.928) = 2349.91 kJ/kgoK, Now equation (1) becomes,
(0.624 kg/s 154.15kJ/kg) + (ms 2256.9 kJ/kg) = (0.3865 kg/s 140.35 kJ/kg) + (0.2374 kg/s
2349.91), Hence
ms = 557.868/2256.9 =0.229kg/s, Steam to be supplied to the crystallizer is = ms =0.229kg/s
(6) Centrifugal separator
Feed to the separator = 1.2105+ 0.18081=1.3913 tons/hr., For this capacity and for speed of 1500
rpm, the power required for an operation as suggested by Hugot =2 kW, p=D4Hn2/370 (1+4n)
D = diameter of basket, in m
H = depth of basket, in m
n= speed of in thousands of r.p.m=1500rpm
p= power consumed by the centrifugal at speed, in kW
(8) Melting
Steam coils in the melter regulate the temperature of the melt and maintain it between 82 88oC.
Assume it as 86oC.
Feed to the melter is1.1520 tons/hr and its temperature is 43oC.
Water entering the melter is 0.5594 tons/hr (as calculated in material balance) and temperature of
water is 30oC.
Cp of water at 30oC = 4.184 kJ/kgoK, X=solid/total=1.11782/1.1520=0.9711
Cp of crystals = 4.19 2.35 0.9711= 1.9079 kJ/kgoK
The heat to be supplied to raise the temperature of mixture (melt) to 86oC is given by
Q = [1.1520 (1000/3600) 1.9079 (86 43)] + [0.5594 (1000/3600) 4.184
(86 30)]
Therefore Q = 26.253 + 36.410= 62.663 kW
Assume steam is available at 1 atm for heating.
Thus, =2256.9 kJ/kg
Hence flow rate of steam required = ms = Q =62.663 kW 2256.9 = 0.0277 kg/s
(9) Crystallizer 2
Assume operation temperature and pressure same as that of crystallizer1.
At this pressure, boiling point of water is 61.42oC. Sucrose solution from decolourizer = (1.0963
sucrose + 0.5714 water) = 1.6677 tons/hr= 0.4633 kg/s
Weight % of sucrose = (1.0963 1.6677) 100 = 65.74
Cp of feed to crystallizer = Cpf = 4.19 2.35 0.6574 = 2.65 kJ/kg
Therefore solids per 100 parts of water = (65.74 100) (100 65.74) = 192
Thus boiling point rise (BPR) = 4.5oC
Assume the sucrose solution from colourizer is at ambient temperature i.e. 30oC.
Thus Tf = 30oC, Heat balance in crystallizer can be written as
FhF + mss = LhL + VH -------------------------------- (1)
F = feed rate to crystallizer= 0.4633 kg/s
Cpf = 2.65 kJ/kgoK, Feed temperature = Tf = 30oC, Take base temperature as 0oC.
But hF = Cpf (Tf 0) = 2.65 30 = 79.5 kJ/kg, ms = steam rate required in kg/s
Assume steam is available at same pressure as that of clarifier.
Hence s= 2256.9 kJ/kg
L = output of crystallizer= (1.0174 + 0.0127) (1000 3600) = (1.0301 1000) 3600=0.286
kg/s, Cpl = 4.19 2.35 X
Where X = fraction of solids in crystallizer output= 1.0174 /1.0301 = 0.9877
Thus Cpl = 4.19 2.35 0.9877 = 1.868 kJ/kgoK
Temperature of output of crystallizer = Tl = 61.42 + 4.5 = 65.92oC
But hL = Cpl (Tl 0) = 1.868 65.92 = 123.13 kJ/kg
V = amount of water evaporated in the crystallizer= (0.5351 1000) 3600=0.1483 kg/s
H = at 65.92oC + (BPR Cp steam), at 65.92oC = 2618 275.8 = 2342.2 kJ/kg
Cp steam at 65.92oC = 1.928 kJ/kgoK
Therefore H = 2342.2 + (4.5 1.928) = 2350.88 kJ/kgoK
Now equation (1) becomes,
(0.4633 79.5) + (ms 2256.9) = (0.286 kg/s 123.13) + (0.1483 2350.88)
Hence ms = 0.1540 kg/s, Steam to be supplied to the crystallizer is = ms = 0.1540 kg/s
(10) Drying
To calculate the heating surface of air heater:
The air heater generally consists of tubes, which are supplied with steam at about 5kg/cm2. The
condensate leaves at bottom. The heating surface of this small heat exchanger will be given by
A = Q [U {T (t1 + t0)/2}]
Where A heating surface of air heater (m2)
Q Quantity of heat to be transmitted in kcal/hr
U Heat transfer coefficient in kcal/ (m2hroC)
T Temperature of saturated steam employed in oC.
t0 temperature of cold air entering = 30oC
t1 temperature of hot air leaving = 50oC
Assume steam is available at 5 kg/cm2 i.e. 490.5 kPa
Therefore T = 152oC (from steam table)
As suggested by Hugot, U = 10 kcal/(m2hroC)
The quantity of heat Q to be transferred is calculated from the fact that it consists of three
principle terms.
(I) the heat necessary to heat the weight of air is given by
q1 = M C (t1 t0), M = amount of air entering =272 kg/hr., C = specific heat of air = 0.24
kcal/kgoK, Therefore q1 = 272 0.24 (50 30) =1305.6 kcal/hr
(II) The heat necessary to evaporate the water contained in the sugar is given by
q2 = m [607 + 0.3 t1 t0]
m = amount of water evaporated = 10.7 kg/hr
Thus q2 = 10.7 [607 + 0.3 50 30] = 6334.4 kcal/hr.
The quantity q2 of heat correspond to that given up by the hot air between T| reached at the outlet
from the air heater and t1, which has not been included in q1.
(III) The heat necessary to heat the vapour contained in the weight M of air, assumed saturated is
given by, q3 = M H0 C| (t1 t0)
C | = specific heat of vapour = 0.475 kcal/kgoK
H0 = it is expressed as kg of water per kg of air = 0.026
Therefore q3 = 272 0.026 0.475 (50 30) = 67.184 kcal/hr.
The heat lost to ambient air is taken into account by writing the expression for Q as follows:
Q = 1.25 (q1 + q2 + q3) = 1.25 (1305.6 + 6334.4 + 67.184) = 9633.98 kcal/hr.
Therefore heating surface of heat exchanger will be
A = 9633.98 [10 {152 (30 + 50)/2}] = 8.602 m2
The steam consumption will be, ms = Q , ms = steam consumption for air heater (kg/hr)
=latent heat of steam used=500Kcal/kg
Therefore ms = 9633.98 kcal/hr 500Kcal/kg= 19.268 kg/hr = 0.054kg/s.