English 10 Collab Semester Syllabus
English 10 Collab Semester Syllabus
English 10 Collab Semester Syllabus
Mrs. M. Guthrie
Phone: (434) 589-3666 ext. 3474
Email: mguthriea!!s."lu#o.org
Mrs. $. %ennings
Phone: (434) 589-3666 ext. 3366
Email: a&ennings a!!s ."lu#o .org
'e(site: htt!:))tin*.##)&ennings
+ext(oo,s: Prentice Hall Literature
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar
Welcome to English 10! Your success (both short and long-term) is our main objective We loo! "or#ard to a
"un and $roductive semester!
%ourse &utline'
(he Short Story - +he stu.ents /ill tentati0el* rea. the "ollo/ing short stories:
1+he Mon,e*2s Pa/3 - %a#o(s
1+he 4ea!3 - Er.ri#h
15ontents o" the 6ea. Man2s Po#,et3 - 7inne*
1Games at +/ilight3 6esai
1+he Mas8ue o" the 9e. 6eath3 - Poe
1$ :isit to Gran.mother3 ;elle*
1+he <treet o" the 5a=on3 - >iggli
1+here 'ill 5ome <o"t 9ains3 - ?ra.(ur*
)rama - +he stu.ents /ill tentati0el* stu.* the !la*s ntigone (* <o!ho#les@ a <ha,es!eare master!ie#e (!ulius "aesar or
#idsummer $ight%s &ream'( an. the mo.ern #lassi# )aisin in the Sun*
*oetry - +he stu.ents /ill rea. an. #riti8ue !oetr* "rom a 0ariet* o" eras an. #ultures.
+on-,iction - +he stu.ents /ill rea. se0eral non-"i#tion sele#tions throughout the #ourse an. !ossi(l* the Aolo#aust
memoir@ $ight@ (* Elie 'eisel.
+ovel - 'e /ill tentati0el* rea. Of #ice and #en( (* %ohn <tein(e#,.
Writing - +he stu.ents /ill /rite se0eral essa*s. 5ohesion in thought@ organiBation@ an. !ro!er s!elling@
!un#tuation@ an. grammar /ill (e stresse. in stu.ent !ro.u#e. /riting. Plagiarism /ill not (e tolerate.. $
ru(ri# /ill (e gi0en an. shoul. (e "ollo/e..
-ocabulary - +he stu.ent /ill stu.* ne/ 0o#a(ular* on a /ee,l* (asis using Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop*
.rades - Gra.es are #om!ose. o" se0eral #ategories:
+ests)Essa*s 4CD
EuiBBes 3CD
5lass/or,)Parti#i!ation FCD
Aome/or, GCD
+he "inal exam /ill #ount as FCD o" *our gra.e. 7irst <emester (4CD) H <e#on. <emester (4CD) H Exam
(FCD) I 7inal Gra.e
/a!e 0$ *olicy' <tu.ents /ho are a(sent "rom s#hool or #lasses are res!onsi(le "or ma,ing u! /or, misse. .uring
their a(sen#es. <tu.ents /ill (e grante. one .a* to ma,e-u! /or, "or e0er* .a* a(sent@ unless the in.i0i.ual
tea#her gi0es !ermission to exten. the time. J" this !ro#e.ure is not "ollo/e.@ J /ill >K+ a##e!t the /or,. Jt
is the stu.ent2s res!onsi(ilit* to get the /or, "rom the tea#her. 7irst #he#, the 1Missing 'or,3 (ox in "ront o"
the room.
1all *ass *olicy' <tu.ents are allo/e. one hall !ass !er /ee,@ unless in emergen#* situations or /ith me.i#al note.
+ime out o" #lass is #riti#al@ so tr* to ta,e #are o" !ersonal nee.s at lun#h or (et/een #lasses.
,ood and )rin! *olicy' <tu.ents are not allo/e. to eat in #lass. $n*one #aught /ith "oo. /ill (e as,e. to .is#ar.
the item@ an. J /ill /rite a re"erral "or a.ministrati0e .is#i!line. >o /arnings /ill (e gi0en.
(echnology *olicy' Lse o" te#hnologi#al .e0i#es in #lass /ill (e allo/e. u!on m* instru#tion an. onl* use. as !art
o" a#a.emi# learning an. enri#hment@ not "or entertainment@ emailing@ texting@ JM2ing@ et#. J" a stu.ent is
using a .e0i#e /hen an. in a /a* that is not a!!ro!riate@ J /ill as, the stu.ent to sto!@ an. J /ill /rite a
re"erral "or a.ministrati0e .is#i!line. >o /arnings /ill (e gi0en. +here is ne0er a reason to ha0e out *our
#ell!hone. 5he#,ing the time is not an ex#use "or ha0ing it .is!la*e.M there is a (ran. ne/ #lo#, on the "ront
/all o" #lass. ;ee! !hones out o" sight an. out o" min.@ or an a.ministrator it /ill "in..
-ideo *olicy' 7rom time to time@ stu.ents /ill 0ie/ #ontent-relate. 0i.eos in #lass. +he ma&orit* are rate. G@ PG
an. PG-G3. Kn 0er* rare o##asions stu.ents ma* 0ie/ a #ontent-relate. 9 rate. "ilm. J" this is e0er a !ro(lem
"or an* in.i0i.ual@ J /ill !ro0i.e an alternate assignment u!on (eing ma.e a/are.
Attendance *olicy' $n absence is .e"ine. as missing more than 3C minutes or G)3 o" a single (lo#,@ or ha0ing
multi!les o" "i0e tar.ies to a single (lo#, #lass. $(sen#es are assesse. (* the in.i0i.ual #lasses an. not (*
s#hool .a*. +ea#hers are to #all !arents a"ter a stu.ent has a##umulate. three a(sen#es. +he atten.an#e
#ommittee has the .is#retion to .en* #re.it to a stu.ent /ho has a##umulate. more than ten unex#use.
a(sen#es to a single (lo#, #lass. $tten.an#e is #ounte. (* semester. $n ex#use. a(sen#e is grante. "or one o"
the "ollo/ing reasons: .o#tor)me.i#al a!!ointment@ #ourt a!!ointment@ .eath in the imme.iate "amil*@ s#hool
relate. a#ti0it* a!!ro0e. (* the a.ministration@ or religious holi.a* or instru#tion.
(ardy *olicy' +he "ollo/ing !ro#e.ures /ill (e use. in the e0ent o" stu.ent tar.iness:
Jn"ra#tionN:er(al /arning "rom tea#her
Jn"ra#tionN6o#umente. !arent !hone #all (* tea#her
Jn"ra#tionN6is#i!line re"erral an. a.ministrati0e letter
Jn"ra#tionNG !erio.)(lo#, o" J<<
Jn"ra#tionNF !erio.s)(lo#,s o" J<<
Jn"ra#tionNG 6a* o" J<<
Jn"ra#tionNF 6a*s o" J<<
Jn"ra#tionN9e"erral@ one .a* o" K<<@ (eha0ior #ontra#t@ meeting /ill (e hel. /ith !arent@
stu.ent@ a.ministrator@ an. s#hool so#ial /or,er.
.eneral %lassroom and Wor! E2$ectations'
G. $ll s#hool rules a!!l* in #lass. <ee *our stu.ent han.(oo, "or .etails.
F. 'or, is .ue on the .ue .ate. 4ate !a!ers /ill (e lo/ere. one letter gra.e !er .a* u! to three
.a*s. Aome/or, is ex!e#te. on the .a* it is .ue /ith the ex#e!tion o" an ex#use. a(sen#e. Pa!ers in
/hi#h stu.ents are gi0en a /ee, or more to /or, are .ue on the .ate ex!e#te.. <tu.ents must "in. a
/a* to ha0e !a!ers (rought to s#hool i" the* are a(sent@ or the* ma* email them to me.
3. <eats are assigne.. Please let me ,no/ i" *ou nee. s!e#ial #onsi.erations /ith seating.
4. 5ome to #lass !re!are. /ith all materials e0er* .a*.
5. 9es!e#t *oursel" an. others. ?e #ourteous an. !olite at all times.
6. ?e on time to #lassNthere are !enalties "or (eing late.
7. Aall !asses /ill (e issue. one !er /ee, an. on an emergen#* (asis. +ime out o" #lass is #riti#al@ so tr*
to ta,e #are o" !ersonal nee.s at lun#h or (et/een #lasses. J" ex#ess emergen#ies o##ur J /ill alert
8. Jn-#lass assignments are to (e #om!lete. un.er tea#her su!er0ision an. /ith gui.an#e i" nee.e.M i" *ou
are not /or,ing in #lass@ *ou /ill re#ei0e a .is#i!line re"erral "or .e"ian#e.
9. <tu.ents shoul. remain seate. until .ismisse. an. shoul. remain silent .uring an* announ#ements.
A"ter reading and revie#ing the syllabus #ith your $arents3guardians
and my classroom e2$ectations $lease "ill out and return the syllabus certi"ication
$age *lease "eel "ree to contact me #ith any 4uestions5 concerns5 or suggestions
S&6s &vervie#- GRADE 10 7 "or the "ull English 10 S&6s go to the -irginia )e$artment
o" Education8s #ebsite'
&ral 6anguage
GC.G +he stu.ent /ill !arti#i!ate in an. re!ort on small-grou! learning a#ti0ities.
GC.F +he stu.ent /ill #riti8ue oral re!orts o" small-grou! learning a#ti0ities.
:eading Analysis
GC.3 +he stu.ent /ill rea.@ #om!rehen.@ an. #riti8ue literar* /or,s.
GC.4 +he stu.ent /ill rea. an. inter!ret in"ormational materials.
GC.5 +he stu.ent /ill rea. an. anal*Be a 0ariet* o" !oetr*.
GC.6 +he stu.ent /ill rea. an. #riti8ue .ramati# sele#tions.
GC.7 +he stu.ent /ill .e0elo! a 0ariet* o" /riting@ /ith an em!hasis on ex!osition.
GC.8 +he stu.ent /ill e.it /riting "or #orre#t grammar@ #a!italiBation@ !un#tuation@ s!elling@
senten#e stru#ture@ an. !aragra!hing.
GC.9 +he stu.ent /ill #riti8ue !ro"essional an. !eer /riting.
GC.GC +he stu.ent /ill use /riting to inter!ret@ anal*Be@ an. e0aluate i.eas.
GC.GG +he stu.ent /ill #olle#t@ e0aluate@ organiBe@ an. !resent in"ormation.
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English 10
7lu0anna 5ount* Aigh <#hool
<*lla(us 5erti"i#ation
J ha0e rea. an. un.erstan. the atta#he. #ourse s*lla(us an. ex!e#tations.
<tu.ent2s >ame (!rint) <tu.ent2s <ignature
Parent)Guar.ian2s >ame (!rint) Parent)Guar.ian2s <ignature
Parent)Guar.ian2s E-Mail $..ress Parent)Guar.ian2s Aome Phone
Parent)Guar.ian2s 'or, Phone Parent)Guar.ian2s 5ell Phone