FMGD Experiment

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ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!



To stud% t&e 'oss o( ene)*% in +a,e )e*ion -e&ind va)ious .ode's/0a)1 2ee31 -us et04 in t&e +ind tunne'. To save t&e ene)*% and to 3)ote0t t&e G'o-a' envi)on.ent1 (ue' 0onsu.3tion )edu0tion is a 3)i.a)% 0on0e)n o( t&e .ode)n 0a) .anu(a0tu)e)s. D)a* )edu0tion is essentia' (o) )edu0in* t&e (ue' 0onsu.3tion. Desi*nin* a ve&i0'e +it& a .ini.i5ed D)a* )esistan0e 3)ovides e0ono.i0a' and 3e)(o).an0e advanta*es. De0)eased )esistan0e to (o)+a)d .otion a''o+s &i*&e) s3eed (o) t&e sa.e 3o+e) out3ut1 o) 'o+e) 3o+e) out3ut (o) t&e sa.e s3eed. T&e s&a3e is an i.3o)tant (a0to) (o) d)a* )edu0tion. To desi*n an e((i0ient s&a3e o( t&e 0a) t&at +i'' o((e) a 'o+ )esistan0e to t&e (o)+a)d .otion1 t&e .ost i.3o)tant (un0tiona' )e6ui)e.ent toda% is t&e 'o+ (ue' 0onsu.3tion. T&e )esistan0e1 te).ed as t&e d)a* (o)0e /o) t&e d)a* 0oe((i0ient in non di.ensiona' te).s41 is a st)on* (un0tion o( t&e s&a3e o( t&e 0a). T&is su**ests it is i.3o)tant &o+ t&e ('uid 3a)ti0'es .ove a-out t&e 0a) and &o+ (ast t&e% .ove a'on* t&ei) 3at&. De0)easin* t&e (ue' 0onsu.3tion o( )oad ve&i0'es1 due to envi)on.enta' and se''in* a)*u.ents )easons1 0on0e)ns 0a) .anu(a0tu)e)s. Conse6uent'% t&e i.3)ove.ent o( t&e ae)od%na.i0s o( 0a) s&a3es1 .o)e 3)e0ise'% t&e )edu0tion o( t&ei) d)a* 0oe((i0ient1 one o( t&e .ain to3i0s o( t&e auto.otive )esea)0&

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC" se0to)s. Desi*nin* a ve&i0'e +it& a .ini.i5ed D)a* )esistan0e 3)ovides e0ono.i0a' and 3e)(o).an0e advanta*es. De0)eased )esistan0e to (o)+a)d .otion a''o+s &i*&e) s3eeds (o) t&e sa.e 3o+e) out3ut1 o) 'o+e) 3o+e) out3ut (o) t&e sa.e s3eeds. T&e .ain ai. (o) )edu0in* d)a* )esistan0e is: Fue' 0onsu.3tion )edu0tion and 7e)(o).an0e in0)easin*.

REGIMES OF EXTERNAL FLOW Conside) t&e e8te)na' ('o+ o( )ea' ('uids. T&e 3otentia' ('o+ and -ounda)% 'a%e) t&eo)% .a,es it 3ossi-'e to t)eat on e8te)na' ('o+ 3)o-'e. as 0onsistin* -)oad'% o( t+o distin0t )e*i.es1 t&at i..ediate'% ad2a0ent to t&e -od%9s su)(a0e1 +&e)e vis0osit% is 3)edo.inant and +&e)e ()i0tiona' (o)0es a)e *ene)ated1 and t&at outside t&e -ounda)% 'a%e)1 +&e)e vis0osit% is ne*'e0ted -ut ve'o0ities and 3)essu)e a)e a((e0ted -% t&e 3&%si0a' 3)esen0e o( t&e -od% to*et&e) +it& its asso0iated -ounda)% 'a%e). In addition1 t&e)e is t&e sta*nation 3oint at t&e ()ont o( t&e -od% and t&e)e is t&e ('o+ )e*ion -e&ind t&e -od% /,no+n as t&e +a,e4. T&ese ('o+ )e* a)e s&o+n in Fi*u)e 1.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

Fi*.1: F'o+ Re* a)ound an i..e)sed -od% T&e +a,e sta)ts ()o. t&e 3oints :"9 at +&i0& t&e -ounda)% 'a%e) se3a)ation o00u)s. "e3a)ation o00u)s due to adve)se 3)essu)e *)adient1 +&i0& 0o.-ined +it& t&e vis0ous (o)0es on t&e su)(a0e 3)odu0es ('o+ )eve)sa'1 t&us 0auses t&e st)ea. to deta0& itse'( ()o. t&e su)(a0e. T&e sa.e situation e8ists at t&e )ea) ed*e o( a -od% as it )e3)esents a 3&%si0a' dis0ontinuit% o( t&e so'id su)(a0e. T&e ('o+ in t&e +a,e is t&us &i*&'% tu)-u'ent and 0onsist o( 'a)*e s0a'e eddies. i*& )ate ene)*% dissi3ation ta,es 3'a0e t&e)e1 +it& t&e )esu't t&at t&e 3)essu)e in t&e +a,e is )edu0ed. A situation is 0)eated +&e)e-% t&e 3)essu)e a0tin* on t&e -od% /sta*nation 3)essu)e4 is in e80ess o( t&at a0tin* on t&e )ea) o( t&e -od% so t&at )esu'tant (o)0e a0tin* on t&e -od% in t&e di)e0tion o( )e'ative ('uid .otion e8e)ts. T&e (o)0e a0tin* on t&e -od% due to t&e 3)essu)e di((e)en0e is 0a''ed 3)essu)e d)a*.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

PROFILE DRAG An% o-2e0t t&at .oves t&)ou*& a ('uid /+ate)/ai)4 0an *et a de0)ease in (o). d)a* -% st)ea.'inin*. Auto.o-i'es a)e st)ea.'ined1 +&i0& t)ans'ates /a''o+s4 -ette) *as .i'ea*e; t&e)e is 'ess d)a* so 'ess (ue' is )e6ui)ed to <3us&< t&e 0a) (o)+a)d. =uses1 vans1 and 'a)*e t)u0,s a)e 'ess st)ea.'ined1 and t&is is t&e )eason +&% t&e% use .o)e (ue' t&an s.a''e) st)ea.'ined 0a)s /+ei*&t is anot&e) )eason4. T&e d)a* is a )esistan0e (o)0e. T&is (o)0e +o),s to s'o+ t&e (o)+a)d .otion o( an o-2e0t1 in0'udin* 3'anes. T&e)e a)e .ain'% t+o t%3es o( d)a*: 7)essu)e d)a* and ()i0tion d)a*. T&ese d)a* t%3es deve'o3 a)ound t&e s&a3e o( t&e -od%1 t&e s.oot&ness o( t&e su)(a0es1 and t&e ve'o0it% o( t&e 3'ane. T&e tota' d)a* on t&e -od%1 o(ten 0a''ed 3)o(i'e d)a* is t&e)e(o)e1 .ade u3 o( t+o 0ont)i-uto)s na.e'% t&e 3)essu)e d)a* and t&e ()i0tion d)a*. T&e d)a* (o)0es a)e t&e o33osite o( t&)ust. I( t&e t&)ust (o)0e is *)eate) t&an t&e d)a* (o)0e1 t&e ve&i0'e *oes (o)+a)d1 -ut i( t&e d)a* (o)0e e80eeds t&e t&)ust1 t&e ve&i0'e +i'' s'o+ do+n and sto3. T&e ()i0tion d)a* is a'so 0a''ed t&e s,in ()i0tion d)a*. T&e (o)0e on t&e -od% a0tin* in t&e di)e0tion o( )e'ative .otion due to ('uid s&ea) st)ess is ,no+n as F)i0tiona' d)a*. T&us in e8te)na' ('o+ t&e i..e)sed -od% is su-2e0ted to (un0tiona' d)a* ove) its enti)e su)(a0e. Fi*.2 s&o+s t&e situation +&e)e ai) ('o+in* a'on* a su)(a0e +i'' 0)eate 'ot o( ()i0tion d)a*. T&e)e is a 'a)*e (ast>.ovin* ai) ne8t to t&e non>.ovin* su)(a0e. In 0ont)ast1 t&e)e +i'' -e 'itt'e 3)essu)e d)a* -e0ause t&e)e is ve)% 'itt'e ()onta' a)ea (o) an%t&in* to 3us& a*ainst.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

Fi*.2: F)i0tion D)a* Ai)('o+ ?)ientation T&e (o). d)a*1 o) 3)essu)e d)a* as it is 0a''ed1 is di)e0t'% )e'ated to t&e s&a3e o( t&e -od% o( t&e ve&i0'e. Fi*.3 s&o+s t&e situation +&e)e ai) ('o+in* a'on* a su)(a0e +i'' 0)eate 'ots o( ()i0tion d)a*.

Fi*.3: 7)essu)e D)a* Ai)('o+ o)ientation T&us1 Tota' d)a* @ 7)essu)e d)a* A F)i0tion d)a* T&e )e'ative 0o.-ination o( 3)essu)e d)a* and ()i0tion d)a* to t&e 3)o(i'e d)a* de3ends u3on t&e s&a3e o( t&e -od% and its o)ientation +it& )es3e0t to t&e ('o+.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

MINIMIZING DRAG ON A LOW MASS VEHICLE (CAR) T&e)e a)e seve)a' +a%s to )edu0e t&e D)a* Coe((i0ient /C D4 o( a ve&i0'e. T&e ve&i0'e9s *'o-a' s&a3e &as t&e .ost di)e0t in('uen0e in t&e (ina' va'ue o( CD. "ti''1 i.3)ove.ents in detai's 'i,e t&e )ea)vie+ .i))o)s1 unde)-od%1 o) t&e use o( so.e 3a)ti0u'a) devi0es .a% 0ont)i-ute to a 'o+e) (ina' CD.


T&e D)a* (o)0e /DF4 (o) a .ovin* ve&i0'e is *iven -% t&e (o''o+in* e83)ession: DF @ 1/2 A B CD C2 D&e)e CD is t&e d)a* 0oe((i0ient A is t&e 3)o2e0ted ()onta' a)ea o( t&e ve&i0'e B is t&e densit% o( ai) C is t&e s3eed o( t&e ve&i0'e )e'ative to t&e ai) T&is e6uation s&o+s t&at to 0a'0u'ate d)a* +e need to ,no+ t&)ee t&in*s: CD1 t&e d)a* 0oe((i0ient; A1 t&e ()onta' a)ea o( ve&i0'e/0a)1 and C1 t&e s3eed o( ai) 3ast t&e ve&i0'e. T&is e6uation s&o+s i.3o)tant 3oint> ae)od%na.i0 (o)0es a)e 3)o3o)tiona' to t&e s6ua)e o( t&e s3eed. T&at .eans

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC" %ou 6uad)u3'e t&e d)a* o) 'i(t +&en %ou dou-'e t&e s3eed. "in0e s3eed is neve) t&e ite. t&at is 3)etended to -e de0)eased and t&e densit% o( ai) is not even 3ossi-'e to 0&an*e1 t&e ae)od%na.i0 )esistan0e 0an on'% -e )edu0ed o) .ini.i5ed -% .ani3u'atin* t&e ve&i0'e9s desi*n 0&a)a0te)isti0s1 o-tainin* 'o+e) D)a* 0oe((i0ients /CD41 o) even )edu0in* t&e ve&i0'e9s ()onta' a)ea.

SHAPE OF THE VEHICLES BODY T&e ve&i0'e9s *'o-a' -od% s&a3e states t&e ave)a*e ae)od%na.i0 3e)(o).an0e1 so it is t&e .ost i.3o)tant desi*n (eatu)e. T&e .ain )e6ui)e.ent is t&at t&e s&a3e s&ou'd .aintain atta0&ed ('o+ ove) .ost o( t&e su)(a0e. T&is is a00o.3'is&ed -% &avin* a st)ea.'ined s&a3e. T&e .ost e((i0ient s&a3es a)e t&e si.3'e :tea)d)o39 o) t&e ai)(oi' -ased one.

Fi*.E: "&a3e o( Ce&i0'e9s =od%

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC" Un(o)tunate'%1 t&ese t+o -od% s&a3es a)e ve)% &a)d to 3ut in 3)a0ti0e -e0ause t&e% &ave ve)% 'itt'e o) non a00e3tan0e -% t&e 0usto.e)s. Fu)t&e).o)e1 t&ese s&a3es tend to 0ause o-sta0'es to so.e (un0tiona' as3e0ts o( t&e ve&i0'es1 'i,e sto)in* s3a0e1 and d%na.i0 sta-i'it%.

DRAG Fo) -'u(( -odies +&e)e t&e d)a* is .ain'% due to di)e0t st)esses1 t&e d)a* 0oe((i0ient is de(ined in te).s o( a di.ension no).a' to t&e ('o+. T&is is in 0ont)ast to st)ea.'ined -odies +&e)e t&e d)a* is .ain'% due to s&ea) st)ess1 +&e)e a di.ension 3a)a''e' to t&e ('o+ is used. T&is is dis0ussed (u)t&e) in t&e A33endi8 on d)a* 0oe((i0ients and t&ei) de(initions. T&e d)a* is divided into (o)e-od% d)a*1 due to t&e 3)essu)e dist)i-ution a)ound t&e ()ont1 and -ase d)a*1 due to t&at )ound t&e -a0,. T&is is use(u' -e0ause1 -% and 'a)*e +&at *oes on in t&e +a,e does not de3end to an% e8tent on t&e (o)e-od%1 3)ovided se3a)ation o00u)s at t&e sa.e 3'a0e1 and si.i'a)'% t&e ('o+ ove) t&e (o)e-od% is not in('uen0ed .u0& -% 0&an*es in t&e -ase )e*ion. T%3i0a' va'ues (o) d)a* 0o>e((i0ient a)e:
Ta-'e 1 s&o+s t&e CD (o) va)ious o-2e0ts Ci)0u'a) 0%'inde) no).a' to st)ea. F'at 3'ate no).a' to st)ea. Re0tan*u'a) se0tion "3&e)e Dis, no).a' to st)ea. 0.3F to 1.21 de3endin* on Re%no'ds nu.-e) 2.0 0.G to 31 de3endin* on as3e0t )atio 0.1 to 0.E de3endin* on

Re%no'ds nu.-e) 1.2

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"
Cu-e "a'oon 0a) A)ti0u'ated 0ontaine) t)u0, 1.1 0.3F 0.7

A si.3'e 0o))e'ation t&at see.s to &o'd (o) a va)iet% o( t+o di.ensiona' s&a3es is t&at t&e d)a* 0oe((i0ient in0)eases as t&e an*'e -et+een t&e se3a)atin* s&ea) 'a%e)s in0)eases.

Fi*.H: Co>e((i0ient o( d)a* ve)sus an*'e -et+een se3a)atin* st)ea.'ines Fo) e8a.3'e1 a G0 an*'e +it& its a3e8 u3st)ea. &as a CD o( a-out 1.71 a ('at 3'ate /1I04 is a-out 2.01 and an an*'e +it& its a3e8 do+nst)ea. /2704 is a-out 2.1. Fu)t&e) e8a.3'es a)e *iven in t&e (o''o+in* *)a3&; a

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC" si.i'a) )e'ations&i3 see.s to &o'd (o) a8ia''% -odies > 0ones1 dis,s1 s3&e)es. COMPONENTS OF DRAG T&e)e a)e .ain'% (ou) 0o.3onents o( d)a*. T&ese a)e: 1. D)ivin* Fo)0e 2. Resistan0e Fo)0e 3. Dei*&t E. Li(t/Rea0tion Fo)0e

Fi*.7: Co.3onents o( D)a*

1. T&)ust/D)ivin* Fo)0e: > D)ivin* Fo)0e is t&e Fo)0e Deve'o3ed -% t&e .otion o( t&e ve&i0'e in (o)+a)d Di)e0tion. 2. D)a*/Resistan0e Fo)0e: > Resistan0e Fo)0e is t&e )esistan0e deve'o3ed -% t&e .otion o( t&e ai) in t&e o33osite di)e0tion o( t&e .otion o( t&e ve&i0'e.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

3. Dei*&t: > Dei*&t is not&in* -ut t&e +ei*&t o( t&e ve&i0'e itse'(1 a0tin* in t&e do+n+a)d di)e0tion. E. Li(t/Rea0tion Fo)0e: > Li(t is u3+a)d (o)0e a0tin* on t&e ve&i0'e. It a0ts on -ot& t&e ()ont and )ea) +&ee's o( t&e ve&i0'e. It is indu0ed due to t&e vo)ti0es 0)eated on t&e -a0, o( t&e ve&i0'e and it is t&e )eason t&at t&e 'i(t on t&e )ea) +&ee' is .o)e t&an t&e 'i(t on t&e ()ont +&ee'. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE T&e ae)od%na.i0 desi*n o( ve&i0'es is an a)ea +&e)e a 'ot o( i.3)ove.ents +i'' a33ea) in t&e nea) (utu)e1 in 0on0e)n o( d)a* )edu0tion. T&e *uide'ines 3ointed out in t&e te8t a)e o( a *ene)a' natu)e t&at 0an -e i.3'e.ented in .ost .ode)n )oad *oin* ve&i0'es; ".oot& ve&i0'e s&a3e1 )ounded 0o)ne)s1 i*& )a,e an*'e (o) t&e +inds0)een1 Ta3e)ed )ea) end1 Mini.i5ed -od% sea.s1 ?3ti.i5ed )ea) vie+ .i))o)s and ".oot& unde)-od%. D&ee' sides1 +&ee' 0ove)s ,e3t s.oot& and .ini.i5in* *a3 -et+een +&ee'&ouse and +&ee's. T&e ae)od%na.i0s o( )oad ve&i0'es &ave -een des0)i-ed in o)de) to *et notions a-out &o+ to )edu0e d)a* )esistan0e1 and even t&eo)eti0a''% idea' te0&ni6ues &ave -een )e0o..ended. o+eve)1 +e desi*n an auto.o-i'e1 &ave to dea' +it& a +&o'e 'ot o( ot&e) 3e)(o).an0e1 (un0tiona'it% and st%'in* issues +&i0& so.eti.es1 and not so (e+1 sti'' tend to )u'e +&en .eetin* in0o.3ati-i'ities +it& ae)od%na.i0 ones.

ADIT/M.E./L.M./GTU 712103 Issue Date: Revision date: FLUID MEC A!I" # GA" D$!AMIC"

Jee3in* to t&ese *uide'ines +e s&ou'd .a,e it 3ossi-'e to &ave 0o..e)0ia' ve&i0'es +it& a CD va'ue -et+een 0.20 and 0.2F in t&e* (utu)e.

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