Gmat DS

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SECTION 1 30 Minutes 25 Questions 1. If today the price of an item i !"#$%%# &hat &a the price of the item e'act(y ) year a*o+ ,1- The price of the item increa ed .y 1% per/cent per year d0rin* thi )/year period. ,)- Today the price of the item i 1.)1 time it price e'act(y ) year a*o.

). 1y &hat percent ha the price of an o2ercoat .een red0ced+ ,1- The ori*ina( price &a !"3%. ,)- The ori*ina( price &a !5% more than the red0ced price. ". If the 4on*fe((o& 5(ay*ro0nd i rectan*0(ar# &hat i it &idth+ ,1- The ratio of it (en*th to it &idth i 6 to ). ,)- The perimeter of the p(ay*ro0nd i "7$ meter . 8. 9hat i the 2a(0e of ' :1+ ,1- ' ; 1 <" ,)- ' : 1 = " 5. I 9i((iam ta((er than >ane+ ,1- 9i((iam i ta((er than Anna. ,)- Anna i not a ta(( a >ane.

$. In para((e(o*ram ABCD a.o2e# &hat i the mea 0re of ADC+ ,1- The mea 0re of ABC i *reater than 7%o. ,)- The mea 0re of BCD i 6%o




6. I x) e?0a( to xy+ ,1- x) : y) < ,x ; 5-,y / 5,)- x < y 3. 9a 6% the a2era*e ,arithmetic mean- *rade on a c(a te t+

,1- @n the te t# ha(f of the c(a had *rade .e(o& 6% and ha(f of the c(a had *rade a.o2e 6%. ,)- The (o&e t *rade on the te t &a 85 and the hi*he t *rade on the te t &a 75. 7. 9hat &a >ohnA a2era*e dri2in* peed in mi(e per ho0r d0rin* a 15/min0te inter2a(+ ,1- Be dro2e 1% mi(e d0rin* thi inter2a(. ,)- Bi ma'im0m peed &a 5% mi(e per ho0r and hi minim0m peed &a "5 mi(e per ho0r d0rin* thi inter2a(. 1%. I CMNP i o ce(e + ,1- E'act(y t&o of the an*(e # M and N# ha2e the ame mea 0re ,)- N and P do not ha2e the ame mea 0re. 11. I n an inte*er *reater than 8+ ,1- "n i a po iti2e inte*er. n ,)i a po iti2e inte*er. "

1). In CJKL ho&n a.o2e# &hat i the (en*th of e*ment JL+ ,1- JK < 1% ,)- KL < 5




1". A coa( company can choo e to tran port coa( to one of it c0 tomer .y rai(road or .y tr0cD. If the rai(road char*e .y the mi(e and the tr0cDin* company char*e .y the ton# &hich mean of tran portin* the coa( &o0(d co t (e than the other+ ,1- The rai(road char*e !5#%%% p(0 !%.%1 per mi(e per rai(road car 0 ed# and the tr0cDin* company char*e !"#%%% p(0 !35 per ton. ,)- The c0 tomer to &hom the coa( i to .e ent i 175 mi(e a&ay from the coa( company. 18. I x : y E r : s+ ,1- ' > r and y = s+ ,)- y < )# s < "# r < 5# and x < $. 15. @n a certain day it tooD 1i(( three time a (on* to dri2e from home to &orD a it tooD S0e to dri2e from home to &orD. Bo& many Di(ometer did 1i(( dri2e from home to &orD+ ,1- S0e dro2e 1% Di(ometer from home to &orD# and the ratio of di tance dri2en from home to &orD time to dri2e from home to &orD &a the ame for 1i(( and S0e that day. ,)- The ratio of di tance dri2en from home to &orD time to dri2e from home to &orD for S0e that day &a $8 Di(ometer per ho0r.

1$. The fi*0re a.o2e repre ent the f(oor of a ?0are foyer &ith a circ0(ar r0* partia((y co2erin* the f(oor and e'tendin* to the o0ter ed*e of the f(oor a ho&n. 9hat i the area of the foyer that i not co2ered .y the r0*+ ,1- The area of the foyer i 7 ?0are meter . ,)- The area of the r0* i ).)5F ?0are meter . 16. At a certain 0ni2er ity# if 5% percent of the peop(e &ho in?0ire a.o0t admi ion po(icie act0a((y app(ication for admi ion# &hat percent of tho e &ho app(ication for admi ion enro(( in c(a e at the 0ni2er ity+ ,1- Fifteen percent of tho e &ho app(ication for admi ion are accepted at the 0ni2er ity. ,)- Ei*hty percent of tho e &ho are accepted end a depo it to the 0ni2er ity. 13. If x and y are nonGero inte*er # i
x an inte*er+ y

,1- x i the prod0ct of ) and ome other inte*er. ,)- There i on(y one pair of po iti2e inte*er &ho e prod0ct e?0a( y. 17. If x i an inte*er# &hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- 1 < 1 < 1

x +1





, x "-, x 8- =% )%. I ?0adri(atera( Q a ?0are+

,1- The ide of Q ha2e the ame (en*th. ,)- The dia*ona( of Q ha2e the ame (en*th. )1. If K i a po iti2e inte*er (e ,1- N i di2i i.(e .y ". ,)- N i di2i i.(e .y 6. )). A He&e(ry dea(er initia((y offered a .race(et for a(e at an a Din* price that &o0(d *i2e a profit to the dea(er of 8% percent of the ori*ina( co t. 9hat &a the ori*ina( co t of the .race(et+ ,1- After red0cin* thi a Din* price .y 1% percent# the He&e(ry dea(er o(d the .race(et at a profit of !8%". ,)- The He&e(ry dea(er o(d the .race(et for !1#75". )". If n i an inte*er .et&een ) and 1%% and if n i a( o the ?0are of an inte*er# &hat i the 2a(0e of n+ ,1- n i the c0.e of an inte*er. ,)- n i e2en. )8. I x) : y) a po iti2e ,1- x y i a po iti2e ,)- x + y i a po iti2e )5. The 0rface area of a ?0are ta.(etop &a chan*ed o that one of the dimen ion &a red0ced .y 1 inch and the other dimen ion &a increa ed .y ) inche . 9hat &a the 0rface area .efore the e chan*e &ere made+ ,1- After the chan*e &ere made# the 0rface area &a 6% ?0are inche . ,)- There &a a )5 percent increa e in one of the dimen ion . than 1% and N = 8#")1 ; K# &hat i the 2a(0e of K+




SECTION 2 30 Minutes 25 Questions 1. 9ho type at a fa ter rate# >ohn or 1o.+ ,1- The difference .et&een their typin* rate i 1% &ord per min0te. ,)- 1o. type at a con tant rate of 3% &ord per min0te. ). 9hat i the a2era*e di tance that a0tomo.i(e D tra2e( on one f0(( tanD of *a o(ine+ ,1- A0tomo.i(e D a2era*e 3.5 Di(ometer per (iter of *a o(ine. ,)- The *a o(ine tanD of a0tomo.i(e D ho(d e'act(y 8% (iter of *a o(ine. ". If l1#l) and l" are (ine in a p(ane# i l1 perpendic0(ar to l"+ ,1) l1 i perpendic0(ar to l). ,)- l) i perpendic0(ar to l" 8. In a certain pacDin*ho0 e# *rapefr0it are pacDed in .a* and the .a* are pacDed in ca e . Bo& many *rapefr0it are in each ca e that i pacDed+ ,1- The *rapefr0it are a(&ay pacDed 5 to a .a* and the .a* are a(&ay pacDed 3 to a ca e. ,)- Each ca e i a(&ay 3% percent f0((. 5. 9hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- x ; y < 6 ,)- x : y < " : y $. A rectan*0(ar f(oor that i 8 meter &ide i to .e comp(ete(y co2ered &ith nono2er(appin* ?0are ti(e # each &ith ide of (en*th %.)5 meter# &ith no portion of any ti(e remainin*. 9hat i the (ea t of 0ch ti(e that &i(( .e re?0ired+ ,1- The (en*th of the f(oor i three time the &idth. ,)- The area of the f(oor i 83 ?0are meter .




6. If a rope i c0t into three piece of 0ne?0a( (en*th# &hat i the (en*th of the horte t of the e piece of rope+ ,1- The com.ined (en*th of the (on*er t&o piece of rope i 1) meter . ,)- The com.ined (en*th of the horter t&o piece of rope i 11 meter . 3. A certain company paid .on0 e of !1)5 to each of it e'ec0ti2e emp(oyee and !65 to each of it none'ec0ti2e emp(oyee . If 1%% of the emp(oyee &ere none'ec0ti2e # ho& many &ere e'ec0ti2e + ,1- The company ha a tota( of 1)% emp(oyee . ,)- The tota( amo0nt that the company paid in .on0 e to it emp(oyee &a !1%.%%%. 7. 9hat fraction of hi a(ary did Mr. >ohn on p0t into a2in* (a t &eeD+

,1- 4a t &eeD Mr. >ohn on p0t !16 into a2in* . ,)- 4a t &eeD Mr. >ohn on p0t 5I of hi a(ary into a2in* . 1%. For inte*er a, b, and c# ,1-

a b c = 1 # 9hat i the 2a(0e of + b c b

a " = b 5 ,)- a and b ha2e no common factor *reater than 1.

11. If the price of a ma*aGine i to .e do0.(ed# .y &hat percent &i(( the of ma*aGine o(d decrea e+ ,1- The c0rrent price of the ma*aGine i !1.%%. ,)- For e2ery !%.)5 of increa e in price# the of ma*aGine 1% percent of the o(d at the c0rrent price. o(d &i(( decrea e .y




1). If J, K, L, M, and N and po iti2e inte*er in a cendin* order# &hat i the 2a(0e of L+ ,1- The 2a(0e of K i ". ,)- The 2a(0e of M i 6. 1". If a, b, and c are inte*er # i the ", a + b- c di2i i.(e .y "+ ,1- a ; b i di2i i.(e .y ". ,)- c i di2i i.(e .y ". 18. Each M-type memory 0nit &i(( increa e the .a e memory capacity of a certain comp0ter .y " me*a.yte . 9hat i the .a e memory capacity# in me*a.yte of the comp0ter+ ,1- ) M/type memory 0nit &i(( increa e the comp0ter .a e memory capacity .y "%% percent ,)- The memory capacity of the comp0ter after ) M/type memory 0nit are added to the .a e memory capacity i 1.$ time the memory capacity of the comp0ter after 1 M/ type memory 0nit i added to the .a e memory capacity. 15. If xyz%# &hat i the 2a(0e of ,1- x < 1 ,)- y < " 1$. 9hat fractiona( part of the tota( 0rface area of c0.e C i red+
x5 y 8 z ) + z) y8 x)

1 red. ) ,)- Each of " face of C i entire(y &hite.

,1- Each of " face of C i e'act(y 16. If po iti2e inte*er x i di2ided .y )# the remainder i 1. 9hat i the remainder &hen x i di2ided .y 8 + ,1- "1 = x = "5 ,)- x i a m0(tip(e of ".

13. In the fi*0re a.o2e# D i a point on ide AC of CABC. I CABC i i o ce(e + ,1- The area of trian*0(ar re*ion ABD i e?0a( to the area of trian*0(ar re*ion DBC. ,)- BDAC and AD < DC 17. If x i an inte*er# &hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- :),x ; 5- = /1 ,)- : "x E 7




S T of Ca(orie per Ji(o*ram )#%%% 1#5%% of Gram of 5rotein per Ji(o*ram 15% 7%

)%. The ta.(e a.o2e *i2e the of ca(orie and *ram of protein per Di(o*ram of food S and . If a tota( of 6 Di(o*ram of S and are com.ined to maDe a certain food mi't0re# ho& many Di(o*ram of food S are in the mi't0re+ ,1- The mi't0re ha a tota( of 1)#%%% ca(orie . ,)- The mi't0re ha a tota( of 31% *ram of protein. )1. If y% and y/1# &hich i *reater# ,1- x% ,)- x E y )). Each per on on a committee &ith 8% 2oted for e'act(y one of " candidate # !, ", or #. Did Candidate ! recei2e the mo t 2ote from the 8% 2ote ca t+ ,1- Candidate ! recei2ed 11 of the 2ote . ,)- Candidate # recei2ed 18 of the 2ote . )". S i a et of inte*er 0ch that
x x or + y y +1

i- if a i in S, then :a i in S# and ii- if each of a and b i in S# then ab i in S. I :8 in S+ ,1- 1 i in S. ,)- ) i in S. )8. If the area of trian*0(ar re*ion $S i )5# &hat i the perimeter of $S + ,1- The (en*th of one ide of $S i 5 ) . ,)- $S i a ri*ht i o ce(e trian*(e. )5. If x and y are con ec0ti2e odd inte*er # &hat i the 0m of x and y+ ,1- The prod0ct of x and y i ne*ati2e. ,)- @ne of the inte*er i e?0a( to :1.




SECTION 3 30 Minutes 25 Questions 1. For a certain .ott(e and corD# &hat i the price of the corD+ ,1- The com.ined price of the .ott(e and the corD i 75 cent . ,)- The price of the .ott(e i 65 cent more than the price of the corD. 1. C ). 4a t year an emp(oyee recei2ed a *ro ann0a( a(ary of !13#%%%# &hich &a paid in e?0a( pay checD thro0*ho0t the year. 9hat &a the *ro a(ary recei2ed in each of the paychecD + ,1- The emp(oyee recei2ed a tota( of )8 paychecD d0rin* the year. ,)- The emp(oyee recei2ed a paychecD t&ice a month each month d0rin* the year. ). D ". 9hat &a 1i((A a2era*e ,arithmetic mean- *rade for a(( of hi co0r e + ,1- Bi *rade in ocia( t0die &a 65# and hi *rade in cience &a 65. ,)- Bi *rade in mathematic &a 75. ". E 8. If x < )y# &hat i the 2a(0e of xy+ ,1- x E y ,)- "x : )y < 18 8. 1 5. A rectan*0(ar *arden that i 1% feet (on* and 5 feet &ide i to .e co2ered &ith a (ayer of m0(ch %.5 foot deep. At &hich tore# K or L# &i(( the co t of the nece ary amo0nt of m0(ch .e (e + ,1- Store K e(( m0(ch on(y in .a* # each of &hich co t !6 and contain $.)5 c0.ic feet of m0(ch. ,)- Store L e(( m0(ch on(y in .a* # each of &hich co t !8% and contain )5 c0.ic feet of m0(ch. 5. C $. If S < K)# "# x, yL# &hat i the 2a(0e of x ; y+ ,1- x and y are prime . ,)- "# x# and y are con ec0ti2e odd inte*er in a cendin* order. $. 1




6. In C#"M# &hat i the (en*th of ide #M+ ,1- #" < 5 ,)- "M < 3 6. E 3. C(aire paid a tota( of !1.$% for tamp # ome of &hich co t !%.)% each# and the re t of &hich co t !%.15 each. Bo& many )%/cent tamp did C(aire .0y+ ,1- C(aire .o0*ht e'act(y 7 tamp . ,)- The of )%/cent tamp C(aire .o0*ht &a 1 more than the of 15/cent tamp he .o0*ht. 3. D 7. If M0th .e*an a Ho. and &orDed contin0o0 (y 0nti( he fini hed# at &hat time of day did he fini h the Ho.+ ,1- She tarted the Ho. at 3N15 a.m. and at noon of the ame day he had &orDed e'act(y ha(f of the time that it tooD her to do the &ho(e Ho.. 1 ,)- She &a fini hed e'act(y 6 ho0r after he had tarted. ) 7. A 1%. 9hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- " ; x ; y < 18 and )x ; y < 15 ,)- "x ; )y < 1) ; )y 1%. D 11. I x an e2en inte*er+ ,1- x i the ?0are of an inte*er. ,)- x i the c0.e of an inte*er. 11. E 1). If >ohn i e'act(y 8 year o(der than 1i((# ho& o(d i >ohn+ ,1- E'act(y 7 year a*o >ohn &a 5 time a o(d a .i(( &a then. ,)- 1i(( i more than 7 year o(d. 1). A




1". 1efore p(ay/off # a certain team had &on 3% percent of it *ame . After p(ay/off # &hat percent of a(( it *ame had the team &on+ ,1- The team competed in 8 p(ay/off *ame . ,)- The team &on a(( of it p(ay/off *ame . 1". E 18. If x and y are inte*er # i xy ; 1 di2i i.(e .y "+ ,1- 9hen x i di2ided .y "# the remainder i 1. ,)- 9hen y i di2ided .y 7# the remainder i 3. 18. C 15. If x%# i OxO =1+ ,1- x)=1 ,)- OxO = 15. D 1$. The co t to charter a certain airp(ane i x do((ar . If the )5 of a c(0. chartered the p(ane and hared the co t e?0a((y# &hat &a the co t per ,1- If there had .een 5 more and a(( "% had hared the co t e?0a((y# the co t per &o0(d ha2e .een !8% (e . ,)- The co t per &a 1% percent (e than the co t per per on on a re*0(ar(y ched0(ed f(i*ht. 1$. A

1 x

16. Mectan*(e ABCD i in cri.ed in a circ(e a circ(e+

ho&n a.o2e. 9hat i the radi0 of the

,1- The (en*th of the rectan*(e i " and the &idth of the rectan*(e i 1. 1 ,)- The (en*th of are AB i of the circ0mference of the circ(e. " 16. A




13. 1o&( % and & each contained e'act(y ) He((y .ean # each of &hich &a either red or .(acD. @ne of the He((y .ean in .o&( % &a e'chan*ed &ith one of the He((y .ean in .o&( &. After the e'chan*e# &ere .oth of the He((y .ean in .o&( % .(acD+ ,1- 1efore the e'chan*e# .o&( % contained ) .(acD He((y .ean . ,)- After the e'chan*e# .o&( & contained 1 He((y .ean of each co(or. 13. E 17. Doe x ; y < %+ ,1- xy=% ,)- x) < y) 17. C

)%. In the fi*0re a.o2e# (ine AC repre ent a ee a& that i to0chin* (e2e( *ro0nd at point A. If B i the midpoint of AC# ho& far a.o2e the *ro0nd i point C+ ,1- x = "% ,)- 5oint B i 5 feet a.o2e the *ro0nd. )%. C )1. If repre ent a di*it in the 6/di*it "# $)# )15# &hat i the 2a(0e of + ,1- The 0m of the 6 di*it i e?0a( to 8 time an inte*er. ,)- The mi in* di*it i different from any of the other di*it in the )1. C )). 4a t T0e day a tr0cDer paid !155.6$# inc(0din* 1% percent tate and federa( ta'e # for die e( f0e(. 9hat &a the price per *a((on for the f0e( if the ta'e are e'c(0ded+ ,1- The tr0cDer paid !%.113 per *a((on in tate and federa( ta'e on the f0e( (a t T0e day. ,)- The tr0cDer p0rcha ed 1)% *a((on of the f0e( (a t T0e day. )). D




)". I x (e

than y+

,1- x-y;1=% ,)- x-y/1=% )". A )8. I ?0adri(atera( $S ' a rectan*(e+ ,1- The mea 0re of $S i 7%o ,)- The mea 0re of '$ i 7%o )8. E )5. If b i an inte*er# i
a ) + b ) an inte*er+

,1- a) ; b) i an inte*er. ,)- a) : "b) < % )5. 1




SECTION 4 30 Minutes 25 Questions 1. 9hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- x i ne*ati2e. ,)- )x < /8 ). Did United State carrier 0 e more than 1% .i((ion *a((on of Het f0e( d0rin* 173"+ ,1- United State carrier paid a tota( of !7.8 .i((ion for the Het f0e( 0 ed in 173". ,)- United State carrier paid an a2era*e ,arithmetic mean- of !%.7% per *a((on for the Het f0e( 0 ed in 173". ". In Co0ntry Sif $% percent of the &omen a*ed 13 and o2er are in the (a.or force# ho& many mi((ion &omen are in the (a.or force+ ,1- In Co0ntry S# &omen compri e 85 percent of the (a.or force. ,)- In Co0ntry S# there are no &omen 0nder 13 year of a*e in the (a.or force. 8. If x and y are different po iti2e # i z .et&een x and y+ ,1- z E % ,)- z = y 5. 9hat percent of 1$ i (+ ,1- ( i 5 percent of 1%. ,)- 8%% percent of ( i ). $. Jay p0t 1) card on a ta.(e# ome face0p and the re t facedo&n. Bo& many &ere p0t facedo&n+ ,1- Jay p0t an e2en of the card face0p. ,)- Jay p0t t&ice a many of the card face0p a he p0t facedo&n. 6. I C$S a ri*ht trian*(e+ ,1- The de*ree mea 0re of $ i t&ice the de*ree mea 0re of . ,)- The de*ree mea 0re of i "%. 3. If x i a po iti2e i x *reater than 1+

1 x 1 ,)- > 1 x
,1- 1E




7. The fi*0re a.o2e ho& fo0r piece of ti(e that ha2e .een *(0ed to*ether to form a ?0are ti(e ABCD. I P$=QS+ ,1- 1P < CM < DS < A5 ,)- The perimeter of ABCD i 1$. 1%. Bo& o(d i >im+ ,1- Ei*ht year a*o >im &a ha(f a o(d a he i no&. ,)- Fo0r year from no& >im &i(( .e t&ice a o(d a he &a 11. 9hat i the 2a(0e of x+ ,1- 9hen x i m0(tip(ied .y 3# the re 0(t i .et&een 5% and $%. ,)- 9hen x i do0.(ed# the re 0(t i .et&een 1% and 15. 1). At a certain tate 0ni2er ity (a t term# there &ere ) t0dent each of &hom paid either the f0(( t0ition of x do((ar or ha(f the f0(( t0ition. 9hat percent of the t0ition paid .y the ) t0dent (a t term &a t0ition from t0dent &ho paid the f0(( t0ition+ ,1- @f the ) t0dent # )% percent paid the f0(( t0ition. ,)- The ) t0dent paid a tota( of !71.) mi((ion for t0ition (a t term. i' year a*o.




1". If a .ott(e i to .e e(ected at random from a certain co((ection of .ott(e # &hat i the pro.a.i(ity that the .ott(e &i(( .e defecti2e+ ,1- The ratio of the of .ott(e in the co((ection that are defecti2e to the that are not defecti2e i "N5%%. ,)- The co((ection contain "#5)1 .ott(e . 18. If a *rocery hopper recei2ed !%.)5 off the ori*ina( price of a certain prod0ct .y 0 in* a co0pon# &hat &a the ori*ina( price of the prod0ct+ ,1- The hopper recei2ed a )% percent di co0nt .y 0 in* the co0pon. ,)- The ori*ina( price &a )5 percent hi*her than the price the hopper paid .y 0 in* the co0pon. 15. 9hat &a Ca eyA tota( core for ei*hteen ho(e of *o(f+ ,1- Ca eyA core for the fir t nine ho(e &a 1" (e than hi core for the (a t nine ho(e . ,)- T&ice Ca eyA core for the (a t nine ho(e &a 53 more than hi core for the fir t nine ho(e . 1$. 9hat i the rate# in c0.ic feet per min0te# at &hich &ater i f(o&in* into a certain rectan*0(ar tanD+ ,1- The hei*ht of the &ater in the tanD i increa in* at the rate of ) feet per min0te. ,)- The capacity of the tanD i )1$ c0.ic feet. 16. I the po iti2e inte*er n e?0a( to the ?0are of an inte*er+ ,1- For e2ery prime )# if ) i a di2i or of n# then o i )). ,)- n i an inte*er.




13. 9hat i the 2o(0me of a certain c0.e+ ,1- The 0m of the area of the face of the c0.e i 58. ,)- The *reate t po i.(e di tance .et&een t&o point on the c0.e i " " 17. 9hat i the 2a(0e of *)/D+

1 i 1. * ,)- The 2a(0e of )* :1 i 5

,1- The 2a(0e of * )%. In the fi*0re a.o2e# &hat i the prod0ct of the (en*th of AD and BC+ ,1- The prod0ct of the (en*th of AC and B+ i $%. ,)- The (en*th of BC i 3. )1. At a .0 ine a ociation conference# the re*i tration fee for of the a ociation &a !)% and the re*i tration fee for &a !)5. If the tota( receipt from re*i tration &ere !5#5%%# did more than pay the re*i tration fee+ ,1- Me*i tration receipt from &ere !5%% *reater than receipt from . ,)- A tota( of )5% peop(e paid the re*i tration fee. )). If x and y are po iti2e inte*er and x i a m0(tip(e of y# i y < )+ ,1- y 1 ,)- x ; ) i a m0(tip(e of y. )". 9hat i the 2a(0e of n+ ,1- n,n :1-,n , - < % ,)- n) ; n : $ < %




)8. If x and y are inte*er .et&een 1% and 77# inc(0 i2e# i

xy an inte*er+ 7 than

,1- x and y ha2e the ame t&o di*it # .0t in re2er e order. ,)- The ten A di*it of x i ) more than the 0nit di*it# and the ten di*it of y i ) (e the 0nit di*it. )5. 5am and Ed are in a (ine to p0rcha e ticDet . Bo& many peop(e are in the (ine+ ,1- There are )% peop(e .ehind 5am and )% peop(e in front of Ed. ,)- There are 5 peop(e .et&een 5am and Ed.


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