Minor Project Report ON: Asia Tourism

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UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: Jasbir Singh Reader & Prog. Coord. BBA(T&T ! "e#t. $% Business Administration

SUBMITTED BY:Jai Gu !a Enrollment No. 00414905012

Course& BBA (T&T ! 'rd (em.

S"ssi#n: $%&$-$%&'


)A**i+ia!", !# Guru G#bin, Singh In,ra ras!ha Uni-"rsi!./ )R"0#gni1", b. UGC U2S$ )F// C-3 JANA4 PURI5 NE6 DE(HI-

T)is is to *erti%+ t)at t)e resear*) #ro,e*t initiated to *erti%+ t)at is t)e inno-ati-e e%%ort o% 7JAI GUPTA8RO(( NO9:-%%3&3:%'%&$ and it )as .een a**om#lis)ed under m+ guidan*e. Certi%ied t)at t)is #ro,e*t re#ort 7ASIA TOURISM8 /s t)e .ona%ied 0or1 o% ;JAI GUPTA8 0)o *arried out t)e #ro,e*t 0or1 under m+ su#er-ision.

Jasbir Singh Reader & Prog. Coord. BBA(T&T ! "e#t. $% Business Administration Pro,e*t guide

A #ro,e*t *an ne-er .e*ome a su**ess 0it) e%%orts o% onl+ one indi-idual. /t re2uires a grou# o% #eo#le to *om#lete a #ro,e*t at its .est. And it3s m+ %riends4 m+ tea*)er and m+ %amil+ mem.er 0)o )a-e )el#ed me to *om#lete m+ #ro,e*t re#ort. T)e #resent 0or1 is ,ust an e%%ort to t)ro0 some lig)t on 7TOURISM IN ASIA8. T)e 0or1 0ould not )a-e .een #ossi.le to *ome to t)e #resent s)a#e 0it)out t)e guidan*e4 su#er-ision and )el# o% num.er o% #eo#le. 5it) dee# sense o% gratitude / a*1no0ledge t)e en*ouragement and guidan*e re*ei-ed %rom Dr9 JASBIR SINGH5 READER < PROG9 COORD9 BBA )T<TM/5 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and ot)er sta%% mem.ers. / *on-e+ m+ )eart%elt t)an1s to all t)ose #eo#le 0)o )el#ed and su##orted me during t)e *ourse4 o% *om#letion o% m+ Pro,e*t Re#ort.

JAI GUPTA ENRO((9 NO9: %%3&3:%'%&$ C#urs": BBA )T<TM/ =r, S">"s!"r

(. N$ &9 PART/C67AR( Cha !"r & ? In!r#,u0!i#n Asia tourism $.,e*ti-es Resear*) met)odolog+ 7imitations (our*e o% data *olle*tion $9 Cha !"r $ ? Pr#*i+" Pro%ile o% Asia $utline o% )istor+ 8eogra#)+ and *limate Culture o% Asia Tourist attra*tions o% Asia a,or o#erations a,or initiati-es 10 11912 1' 149'0 '19'< '9940 41 194 5 : ; < PA8E N$.

Asia *ontinue to .e dri-ing %or*e in glo.al tourism Peo#le remain 1een to tra-el Better outloo1 %or =a#an C)ina3s in%luen*e remains )ig) =9 42 4' 44 44945

Cha !"r = ? Ana+.sis an, in!"r r"!a!i#n #* S!a!is!i0a+ ,a!a >inding and results 4;

/nternational tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region 4<949 /n.ound tourism arri-als4 0orld and Asia #a*i%i*4 1995 to 2012 /nternational tourist arri-als 50951 /nternational tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia 52955 /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia 5:959 /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia :09:' 39 Cha !"r 3 ? 0#n0+usi#ns an, r"0#>>"n,a!i#ns Con*lusion Re*ommendations :49:5 ::9:;



/n t)e )eart o% Asia lies a land o% man+ *ultures4 0onders and attra*tions. /t@s a .u..ling4 .ustling melting #ot o% ra*es and religions 0)ere ala+s4 /ndians4 C)inese and man+ ot)er #eo#le li-e toget)er in #ea*e and )armon+. /t is also a land o% %as*inating e?tremes4 0)ere to0ering s1+s*ra#ers loo1 do0n u#on #rimiti-e long)ouses. Blessed 0it) natural 0onders galore4 it is #er%e*t %or a memora.le e*o9)olida+. 5it) some o% t)e .est .ea*)es and di-ing s#ots in t)e 0orld4 it is ideal %or island geta0a+s. E?#erien*e Asia in ala+sia.



Tourism is t)e one o% t)e most im#ortant industries in man+ Asian *ountries and t)e %astest gro0ing industr+ in most o% t)em. /n 199; t)ere 0ere more t)an 90 million international -isitors to t)e *ountries o% East and (out)9east Asia (5T$ 199<!. Current #ro,e*tions .+ t)e 5orld Tourism $rganiAation indi*ate t)at .+ 2001 out o% a glo.al total o% more t)an :50 million international -isitors one t)ird 0ill arri-e at Asian destinations. T)ese %igures do not ta1e into a**ount domesti* tourists 9 %or e?am#le4 0)ile t)e C)ina National Tourism Administration re#orted t)at C)ina re*ei-ed 4; million o-erseas -isitors in 19954 t)ere 0ere an estimated 290 million domesti* tourists. /n /ndonesia4 #rior to t)e e*onomi* @melt9do0n@ 0)i*) .egan in 199;4 t)ere 0ere almost 4 million o-erseas -isitors4 .ut more t)an 50 million domesti* tourists. T)ese trends )a-e generated *on*ern a.out t)e so*io9*ultural4 e*onomi* and en-ironmental im#a*ts on Asian so*ieties and *ommunities. Re*entl+ most *ommentar+ 0as made %rom a 0estern orientation assuming tourism as

Cau*asian 0it) im#a*ts #er*ei-ed t)roug) 0estern -alues9tinted s#e*ta*les. /n %a*t4 in some Asian destinations4 su*) as T)ailand4 ala+sia4 and C)ina4 t)eir Asian -isitors greatl+ outnum.er Cau*asian -isitors and domesti* tourists greatl+ outnum.er international -isitors. /n s)ort4 tourists are not )omogenous +et man+ anal+ses are .ased on 0estern #er*e#tions o% 0estern tourists im#a*ting u#on Asian so*ieties and #ur#ort to *o-er t)e entire *an-ass o% tourism in Asia4 0)en in %a*t t)e+ 0ill #ro-ide onl+ #artial and segmented #i*tures. T)ere is a similar mis*on*e#tion a.out )ost *ommunities. T)e+ tend not to .e #assi-e unitar+ re*e#ta*les o% tourism& t)e+ also are )ig)l+ di%%erentiated and o%ten #ro9a*ti-e in ada#ting to di%%erent *ategories o% tourists. 5)at on*e ma+ )a-e .een inter#reted as ad-erse im#a*ts *aused .+ t)e se*ularism o% modern 0estern -alues introdu*ed .+ (Cau*asian! tourists ma+ )a-e a multi9%a*eted .asis. T)e result is a need to re9*on*e#tualiAe so*io9*ultural *)ange arising %rom tourism and to re9e?amine man+ o% t)e #re-ailing stereot+#es a.out tourism@s im#a*ts. /t is also im#erati-e to e?amine tourism in t)e *onte?t o% et)ni*it+4 de%initions o% *ulture4 and t)e state. T)ere is a natural a%%init+ .et0een tourism and t)e nation9state in t)e sense t)at .ot) )a-e a #ro%ound interest in #resenting t)e #la*e as di%%erentiated and uni2ue4 0it) .oundaries around .ot) geogra#)i*al and so*io9*ultural s#a*e (7eong4 19<9B (o%ield & 7i4 199<a!. T)is is #arti*ularl+ true o% multi9et)ni* states and ne0l+ inde#endent states 0)i*) in t)e #ost *olonial #eriod ma+ %a*e t)e #ro.lem o% tr+ing to *reate a sense o% and *ommitment to national unit+ 0)ere #re-iousl+ su*) a sentiment did not e?ist. Et)ni*it+ )as .e*ome @more t)an a neutral so*ial s*ienti%i* term& it )as .e*ome #art o% t)e 0a+ #eo#le %a*tuall+ and #res*ri#ti-el+ see t)emsel-es and ot)ers ... )istori*all+ *onstru*ted and re9

*onstru*ted@ (5ood4 199;4 #. ;!. /nternational tourism #la+s a ma,or role in t)is dis*ourse and nation states 0ill utilise t)e o##ortunities #ro-ided .+ et)ni* tourism to o.,e*ti%+ s+m.ols and mar1ers to meet #oliti*al and #oli*+ o.,e*ti-es. T)is *)a#ter e?#lores some o% t)e im#li*ations o% tourism de-elo#ment and its so*io9*ultural im#a*ts in Asian *ountries. Comments are %ramed against an outline o% t)e %our so9*alled @#lat%orms@ o% 0ritings on tourism in order to #ro-ide some insig)t into t)e #ositions ado#ted .+ di%%erent resear*)ers.

T)e main aim o% t)e #ro,e*t is9 To determine mar1et s)are o% Asia tourism in 0orld. To stud+ a.out ma,or #la*es o% tourist attra*tion in Asia. To stud+ a.out t)e trends4 *ulture and et)ni*it+ o% tourism in Asia. To stud+ a.out t)e in%lo0 and out%lo0 o% out.ound and in.ound tourist o-er t)e #eriod o% time in Asia. To stud+ a.out di%%erent #ur#oses o% tri# o% tourists in Asia. To stud+ a.out di%%erent strategi* #lans to in*rease t)e mar1et s)are o% Asia tourism in 0orld tourism.

T)e Resear*) et)ods ma+ .e de%ined as t)ose met)ods C te*)ni2ues t)at

are used %or *ondu*ting t)e resear*). Resear*) met)ods *an .e #ut into t)e %ollo0ing t)ree grou#s. /n t)e %irst grou#4 0e in*lude t)ose met)ods 0)i*) are *on*erned 0it) t)e *olle*tion o% data4 t)ese met)ods 0ill .e used 0)ere t)e data alread+ a-ail a.le are not su%%i*ient to arri-e at t)e re2uired solution. T)e se*ond grou# *onsists o% t)ose statisti*al Te*)ni2ues4 0)i*) are used %or esta.lis)ing relations)i# .et0een -aria.les. T)e t)ird grou# *onsists o% t)ose met)ods 0)i*) are used to e-aluate t)e a**ura*+ o% t)e results o.tained. Resear*) met)ods re%er to t)e .e)a-ior and instruments used in sele*ting and *onstru*ting resear*) te*)ni2ues.

&9 S>a++ uni-"rs" T)e 6ni-erse %or t)is stud+ is too small t)ere%ore t)e %indings ma+ not trul+ re#resent t)e *onditions in t)e entire industr+. $9 Pr#b+"> #* A00"ssibi+i!. it 0as -er+ di%%i*ult in a##roa*)ing t)e e?e*uti-es or t)e 8uest as t)e+ 0ould .e .us+4 "es#ite #rior a##ointments4 t)e+ 0ere ina**essi.le at times .eing engaged else0)ere. =9 C#ns!rain!s #* !i>" T)e res#ondents due to non a-aila.ilit+ o% time *ould not dis*uss man+ as#e*ts o% t)e to#i* in de#t). 39 (a0A #* In!"r"s! an+ res#ondents 0ere ,ust not interested in intera*ting as t)e+ *onsidered it to .e a 0aste o% time4 a non lu*rati-e a##roa*). T)is negati-e a##roa*) 0as 2uite im#airing.


S"0#n,ar. ,a!a: (e*ondar+ data is an+ data4 0)i*) )a-e .een gat)ered earlier %or some ot)er #ur#ose. Among t)e ot)er mentioned t+#es o% data 0as used %or t)e stud+ and anal+sis o% t)e o.,e*ti-e o% t)is #ro,e*t4 also t)e se*ondar+ to data #ro-ed to .e )el#ing )and in %raming u# t)e industr+ s*enario and also t)e rele-ant to#i*s in t)e entire #ro,e*t re#ort. A,-an!ag"s #* s"0#n,ar. ,a!a 1. /t is e*onomi*al. /t sa-es e%%orts and e?#enses. 2. /t is time sa-ing. Disa,-an!ag"s #* s"0#n,ar. ,a!a 1. A**ura*+ o% se*ondar+ data is not 1no0n. 2. "ata ma+ .e outdated.


Asia is t)e 0orld@s largest and most #o#ulous *ontinent4 lo*ated #rimaril+ in t)e eastern and nort)ern )emis#)eres. /t *o-ers <.;D o% t)e Eart)@s total sur%a*e area and *om#rises '0D o% its land area. 5it) a##ro?imatel+ 4.' .illion #eo#le4 it )osts :0D o% t)e 0orld@s *urrent )uman #o#ulation. Asia )as a )ig) gro0t) rate in t)e modern era. >or instan*e4 during t)e 20t) *entur+4 Asia@s #o#ulation nearl+ 2uadru#led.E'F T)e .oundaries o% Asia are *ulturall+ determined4 as t)ere is no *lear geogra#)i*al se#aration .et0een it and Euro#e4 0)i*) toget)er %orm one *ontinuous landmass *alled Eurasia. T)e most *ommonl+ a**e#ted .oundaries #la*e Asia to t)e east o% t)e (ueA Canal4 t)e 6ral Ri-er4 and t)e 6ral ountains4 and sout) o% t)e Cau*asus ountains (or t)e GumaH an+*) "e#ression! and t)e Cas#ian and Bla*1 (eas.E4FE5F /t is .ounded on t)e east .+ t)e Pa*i%i* $*ean4 on t)e sout) .+ t)e /ndian $*ean and on t)e nort) .+ t)e Ar*ti* $*ean. 8i-en its siAe and di-ersit+4 t)e *on*e#t o% Asia H a name dating .a*1 to *lassi*al anti2uit+ 9 ma+ a*tuall+ )a-e more to do 0it) )uman geogra#)+ t)an #)+si*al geogra#)+.E:F Asia di%%ers 0ildl+ among and 0it)in its regions 0it) regard to et)ni* grou#s4 *ultures4 en-ironments4 e*onomi*s4 )istori*al ties and go-ernment s+stems. Asia@s .order 0it) Euro#eI0)i*)4 geogra#)i*all+4 ma+ .e regarded as a #eninsula o% t)e Eurasian landmassIlies a##ro?imatel+ along t)e 6rals4 t)e 6ral Ri-er4 t)e Cas#ian (ea4 t)e Cau*asus4 t)e Bla*1 (ea4 t)e Bos#orus and "ardanelles straits4 and t)e Aegean (ea. T)e *onne*tion o% Asia 0it) A%ri*a is .ro1en onl+ .+ t)e (ueA Canal .et0een t)e editerranean (ea and t)e Red (ea. /n t)e %ar nort)east o% Asia4 (i.eria is se#arated %rom Nort) Ameri*a .+ t)e Bering (trait. T)e *ontinent o% Asia is 0as)ed on t)e ( .+ t)e 8ul% o% Aden4 t)e Ara.ian (ea4 and t)e Ba+ o% BengalB on t)e E .+ t)e (out) C)ina (ea4 East C)ina (ea4 Jello0 (ea4 (ea o% =a#an4 (ea o% $1)ots14 and Bering (eaB and on t)e N .+ t)e Ar*ti* $*ean. 5it) gro0ing Regional Tourism 0it) domination o% C)inese -isitors4 asterCard )as released 8lo.al "estination Cities /nde? 201' 0it) 10 o% 20 are dominated .+ Asia and Pa*i%i* Region Cities and also %or t)e %irst time a *it+ o% a *ountr+ %rom Asia (Bang1o1! set in t)e to#9ran1ed 0it) 15.9< international -isitors.

Asia 0as t)e )ome o% some o% t)e 0orld@s oldest *i-iliAations. T)e em#ires o% (umer4 Ba.+lonia4 Ass+ria4 edia4 and Persia and t)e *i-iliAations o% /slam %louris)ed in (5 Asia4 0)ile in t)e east t)e an*ient *i-iliAations o% /ndia4 C)ina4 and =a#an #ros#ered. 7ater4 nomadi* tri.es (Kuns4 ongols4 and Tur1s! in N and *entral Asia esta.lis)ed great em#ires and ga-e rise to great 0est0ard migration. T)eir tri.al4 militar+9state organiAations rea*)ed t)eir )ig)est %orm in t)e 1't)H14t) *ent. 6nder t)e ongols4 0)ose *ourt 0as -isited .+ earl+ Euro#ean tra-elers4 nota.l+ t)e /talian ar*o Polo. T)e Portuguese e?#lorer Las*o da 8ama rea*)ed /ndia .+ sea in 149<4 .eginning t)e era o% Euro#ean im#erialism in Asia. /n N Asia Russian Cossa*1s *rossed (i.eria and rea*)ed t)e Pa*i%i* .+ 1:40. 5it) t)e %ormation o% Englis)4 >ren*)4 "ut*)4 and Portuguese trading *om#anies in t)e 1;t) *ent.4 great trade ri-alr+ de-elo#ed along t)e *oasts o% /ndia4 (E Asia4 and C)ina and resulted in in*reasing Euro#ean *ontrol o% Asian lands. B+ e?#loiting lo*al dis#utes and utiliAing a te*)nologi*al edge .roug)t on .+ t)e industrial re-olution4 Euro#ean #o0ers e?tended #oliti*al *ontrol o-er %irst t)e /ndian su.*ontinent4 t)en (5 and (E Asia. Euro#ean #ressure o#ened C)ina and =a#an to trade. 5orld 5ar / led to a 0ea1ening o% Euro#ean stature in Asia4 and t)e 5ilson do*trine o% sel%9determination ins#ired man+ nationalist and re-olutionar+ mo-ements. 5orld 5ar // and t)e *on%li*ts o% its a%termat) )it Asia )ea-il+. /n t)e #ost0ar +ears4 t)e *enter o% *on%li*t in international a%%airs tended to s)i%t %rom Euro#e4 t)e %o*us o% .ot) 0orld 0ars4 to Asia4 0)ere t)e de*oloniAation #ro*ess and t)e emergen*e o% t)e *old 0ar resulted in man+ smaller 0ars and unsta.le nations. T)e Ara.9/sraeli 5ars4 t)e Gorean 5ar4 and t)e emergen*e o% Communist go-ernments in C)ina4 Nort) Gorea4 and Nort) Lietnam 0ere among t)e e-ents t)at )eig)tened tensions in Asia. /n t)e 1950s t)e 5estern #o0ers .uilt u# militar+ allian*es (t)e Bag)dad Pa*t Ilater t)e Central Treat+ $rganiAationIin t)e iddle East4 and t)e (out)east Asia Treat+ $rganiAation E(EAT$F! to *ounter t)e t)reat o% (o-iet and C)inese domination o% Asia. /n t)e 19:0s4 )o0e-er4 t)e (ino9 (o-iet ri%t redu*ed t)e #ossi.ilit+ o% ,oint Communist e%%orts in Asia. At t)e end o% 5orld 5ar // t)e 6nited (tates4 Britain4 >ran*e4 and t)e Net)erlands 0ere still ma,or %or*es in AsiaB .ut in t)e #ost0ar #eriod /ndia4 =a#an4 C)ina4 /ndonesia4 and ot)er Asian nations soug)t a more inde#endent role on t)e 0orld s*ene. /n t)e 19:0s and ;0s t)e Britis) de*ision to

0it)dra0 Meast o% (ueAM and t)e 6.(. de%eat in t)e Lietnam 5ar %ores)ado0ed ne0 #o0er alignments in t)e area. C)ina@s gro0ing strengt) and a (o-iet dri-e to e?#and relations 0it) Asian states (#arti*ularl+ /ndia and t)e iddle East Ara. nations! #olariAed #er*e#tions o% Asian insta.ilit+ as a *ontest .et0een #ro9Communist and anti9 Communist #o0ers. $t)er %or*es4 )o0e-er4 0ere also s)a#ing Asia in t)e 19;0s and <0s. Constant )ig) #o#ulation gro0t) le%t man+ nations struggling 0it) *)roni* #o-ert+4 inade2uate )ealt) *are4 a largel+ underem#lo+ed 0or1%or*e4 and ra#id degradation o% en-ironmentall+ sensiti-e areas. Nations 0it) #o0er%ul militariesI/ran4 /ra24 Pa1istan4 /ndia4 C)ina4 Lietnam4 and /ndonesiaI in-aded 0ea1l+ guarded neig).ors and %oug)t lo09le-el 0ars against one anot)er. T)e %ormer Euro9Ameri*anHdominated 0orld e*onomi* order re*ei-ed rude s)o*1s %rom t)e iddle EastHled oil em.argo *rises o% 19;'H ;4 and 19;9 and t)e e*onomi* strengt) o% =a#an and t)e M7ittle "ragons.M As *on%li*ts 0it) t)eir origins in et)ni* sel%9determination and #er*ei-ed ine2ualities o% .orders ground on in t)e iddle East4 t)e /ndian su.*ontinent4 +anmar4 and Ti.et4 a ne0 %or*e4 /slami* %undamentalism4 s0e#t to #o0er in /ran in 19;9 and t)reatened se*ular go-ernments t)roug)out ( and (5 AsiaB %undamentalists gained t)e u##er )and in A%g)anistan in t)e 1990s. T)e *olla#se o% t)e (o-iet 6nion in 19914 an e-ent in #art triggered .+ its %ailed in-asion o% A%g)anistan4 led to t)e e-a#oration o% t)e *old 0ar #olariAation and to t)e .irt) o% a ne0 grou# o% inde#endent nations in Asia@s *enter. /n t)e 1990s4 C)ina emerged as a gro0ing e*onomi* giant4 .ut t)e .ooming e*onomies o% (E Asia su%%ered set.a*1s in t)e late 1990s. /n /ndonesia e*onomi* *olla#se led to t)e do0n%all o% (u)arto and t)e .eginning o% greater demo*ra*+ as 0ell as demands %or inde#enden*e or autonom+4 #arti*ularl+ in East Timor4 A*e)4 and Pa#ua. T)e 1990s also sa0 t)e gradual emergen*e o% #ea*e .et0een a num.er o% %ormer *om.atants in t)e Ara.9/sraeli *on%li*t.



Asia is t)e largest *ontinent on Eart). /t *o-ers <.<D o% t)e Eart)@s total sur%a*e area (or '0D o% its land area!4 and )as t)e largest *oastline4 at :24<00 1ilometers ('94022 mi!. Asia is generall+ de%ined as *om#rising t)e eastern %our9%i%t)s o% Eurasia. /t is lo*ated to t)e east o% t)e (ueA Canal and t)e 6ral ountains4 and sout) o% t)e Cau*asus ountains (or t)e GumaH an+*) "e#ression! and t)e Cas#ian and Bla*1 (eas. /t is .ounded on t)e east .+ t)e Pa*i%i* $*ean4 on t)e sout) .+ t)e /ndian $*ean and on t)e nort) .+ t)e Ar*ti* $*ean. Asia is su.di-ided into 4< *ountries4 t0o o% t)em (Russia and Tur1e+! )a-ing #art o% t)eir land in Euro#e. Asia )as e?tremel+ di-erse *limates and geogra#)i* %eatures. Climates range %rom ar*ti* and su.ar*ti* in (i.eria to tro#i*al in sout)ern /ndia and (out)east Asia. /t is moist a*ross sout)east se*tions4 and dr+ a*ross mu*) o% t)e interior. (ome o% t)e largest dail+ tem#erature ranges on Eart) o**ur in 0estern se*tions o% Asia. T)e monsoon *ir*ulation dominates a*ross sout)ern and eastern se*tions4 due to t)e #resen*e o% t)e Kimala+as %or*ing t)e %ormation o% a t)ermal lo0 0)i*) dra0s in moisture during t)e summer. (out)0estern se*tions o% t)e *ontinent are )ot. (i.eria is one o% t)e *oldest #la*es in t)e Nort)ern Kemis#)ere4 and *an a*t as a sour*e o% ar*ti* air masses %or Nort) Ameri*a. T)e most a*ti-e #la*e on Eart) %or tro#i*al *+*lone a*ti-it+ lies nort)east o% t)e P)ili##ines and sout) o% =a#an. T)e 8o.i "esert is in ongolia and t)e Ara.ian "esert stret*)es a*ross mu*) o% t)e iddle East. T)e JangtAe Ri-er in C)ina is t)e longest ri-er in t)e *ontinent. T)e Kimala+as .et0een Ne#al and C)ina is t)e tallest mountain range in t)e 0orld. Tro#i*al rain%orests stret*) a*ross mu*) o% sout)ern Asia and *oni%erous and de*iduous %orests lie %art)er nort).


T)e 0u+!ur" #* Asia is )uman *i-iliAation in Asia. /t %eatures di%%erent 1inds o% *ultural )eritage o% man+ nationalities4 so*ieties4 and et)ni* grou#s in t)e region4 traditionall+ *alled a *ontinent %rom a 5estern9*entri* #ers#e*ti-e4 o% Asia. T)e region or M*ontinentM is more *ommonl+ di-ided into more natural geogra#)i* and *ultural su. regions4 in*luding Central Asia4 East Asia4 Nort) Asia4 (out) Asia4 (out)east Asia and 5est Asia. 8eogra#)i*all+4 Asia is not a distin*t *ontinentB *ulturall+4 t)ere )as .een little unit+ or *ommon )istor+ %or man+ o% t)e *ultures and #eo#les o% Asia. Asian art4 musi*4 and *uisine4 as 0ell as literature4 are im#ortant #arts o% Asian *ulture. Eastern #)iloso#)+ and religion also #la+s a ma,or role4 0it) Kinduism4 Taoism4 Con%u*ianism4 Budd)ism4 =udaism and /slam all #la+ing ma,or roles. $ne o% t)e most *om#le? #arts o% Asian *ulture is t)e relations)i# .et0een traditional *ultures and t)e 5estern 0orld. D">#gra hi0s #* Asia His!#ri0a+ # u+a!i#ns Jear 1500 1;00 1900 1950 1999 2012 Po#ulation 24'000000 4':000000 94;000000 1402000000 ':'4000000 41;50'<':'

N9D 9 N;9.4D N11;.2D N4<D N159.2D N14.9D

East Asia )ad .+ %ar t)e strongest o-erall Kuman "e-elo#ment /nde? (K"/! im#ro-ement o% an+ region in t)e 0orld4 nearl+ dou.ling a-erage K"/ attainment o-er t)e #ast 40 +ears4 a**ording to t)e re#ort3s anal+sis o% )ealt)4 edu*ation and in*ome data. C)ina4 t)e se*ond )ig)est a*)ie-er in t)e 0orld in terms o% K"/ im#ro-ement sin*e 19;04 is t)e onl+ *ountr+ on t)e MTo# 10 o-ersM list due to in*ome rat)er t)an )ealt) or edu*ation a*)ie-ements. /ts #er *a#ita in*ome in*reased a stunning 219%old o-er t)e last %our de*ades4 also li%ting )undreds o% millions out o% in*ome #o-ert+. Jet it 0as not among t)e region3s to# #er%ormers in im#ro-ing s*)ool enrolment and li%e e?#e*tan*+. Ne#al4 a (out) Asian *ountr+4 emerges as one o% t)e 0orld3s %astest mo-ers sin*e 19;0 mainl+ due to )ealt) and edu*ation a*)ie-ements. /ts #resent li%e e?#e*tan*+ is 25 +ears longer t)an in t)e 19;0s. ore t)an %our o% e-er+ %i-e *)ildren o% s*)ool age in Ne#al no0 attend #rimar+ s*)ool4 *om#ared to ,ust one in %i-e 40 +ears ago. =a#an and (out) Gorea ran1ed )ig)est among t)e *ountries grou#ed on t)e K"/ (num.er 11 and 12 in t)e 0orld4 0)i*) are in t)e M-er+ )ig) )uman de-elo#mentM *ategor+!4 %ollo0ed .+ Kong Gong (21! and (inga#ore (2;!. A%g)anistan (155! ran1ed lo0est amongst Asian *ountries out o% t)e 1:9 *ountries assessed. (anguag"s Asia is )ome to se-eral language %amilies and man+ language isolates. ost Asian *ountries )a-e more t)an one language t)at is nati-el+ s#o1en. >or instan*e4 a**ording to Et)nologue4 more t)an :00 languages are s#o1en in /ndonesia4 more t)an <00 languages s#o1en in /ndia4 and more t)an 100 are s#o1en in t)e P)ili##ines. C)ina )as man+ languages and diale*ts in di%%erent #ro-in*es. R"+igi#ns an+ o% t)e 0orld@s ma,or religions )a-e t)eir origins in Asia. Asian m+t)olog+ is *om#le? and di-erse. T)e stor+ o% t)e 8reat >lood %or e?am#le4 as #resented to C)ristians in t)e $ld Testament4 is %irst %ound in eso#otamian m+t)olog+4 in t)e Epic of Gilgamesh. Kindu m+t)olog+ tells a.out an A-atar o% t)e 8od Lis)nu in t)e %orm o% a %is) 0)o

0arned anu o% a terri.le %lood. /n an*ient C)inese m+t)olog+4 ()an Kai =ing4 t)e C)inese ruler "a Ju4 )ad to s#end 10 +ears to *ontrol a deluge 0)i*) s0e#t out most o% an*ient C)ina and 0as aided .+ t)e goddess NO0a 0)o literall+ %i?ed t)e .ro1en s1+ t)roug) 0)i*) )uge rains 0ere #ouring. Na!i#na+i!i"s an, E!hni0 Gr#u s T)ere are an a.undan*e o% et)ni* grou#s t)roug)out Asia4 0it) ada#tations to t)e *limate Aones o% Asia4 0)i*) *an #erate4 su.tro#i*al or tro#i*al. T)e et)ni* grou#s )a-e ada#ted to mountains4 deserts4 grasslands4 and %orests. $n t)e *oasts o% Asia4 t)e et)ni* grou#s )a-e ado#ted -arious met)ods o% )ar-est and trans#ort. (ome grou#s are #rimaril+ )unter9gat)erers4 some #ra*ti*e trans)uman*e (nomadi* li%est+le!4 ot)ers )a-e .een agrarianCrural %or millennia and ot)ers are .e*oming industrialCur.an. (ome grou#sC*ountries o% Asia are *om#letel+ ur.an ((inga#ore and Kong Gong!. T)e *oloniAation o% Asia 0as largel+ ended in t)e t0entiet) *entur+4 0it) national dri-es %or inde#enden*e and sel%9determination a*ross t)e *ontinent. Ar0hi!"0!ur" Asia %eatures man+ distin*ti-e st+les o% ar*)ite*ture. A num.er o% an*ient and s+m.oli* stru*tures still stand4 su*) as /slami* mos2ues and t)e *astles o% =a#an. Ang1or 5at in Cam.odia is #er)a#s t)e most i*oni* stru*ture in Asia and is re#resented on t)e *ountr+@s %lag. Ko0e-er4 man+ traditional ar*)ite*tural st+les )a-e .een destro+ed4 lost4 or re#la*ed .+ 5estern *ontem#orar+ ar*)ite*ture %or ne0 de-elo#ment and *onstru*tion.


M.!h#+#g. an, F#+A+#r" T)e stor+ o% 8reat >loods %inds re%eren*e in most o% t)e regions o% Asia. T)e Kindu m+t)olog+ tells a.out an A-atar o% 8od Lis)nu in t)e %orm o% a %is) 0)o 0arned anu o% a terri.le %lood. /n an*ient C)inese m+t)olog+ ()an Kai =ing4 t)e C)inese ruler "a Ju )ad to s#end ten +ears to *ontrol a deluge 0)i*) s0e#t out most o% t)e an*ient C)ina and 0as aided .+ t)e goddess Nu0a 0)o literall+ M%i?edM t)e M.ro1enM s1+ t)roug) 0)i*) )uge rains 0ere #ouring. T)e regions o% Asia )a-e a ri*) -ariet+ o% m+t)i*al %auna. =a#an )as Ne1omatas4 *ats 0it) t0o tails and )a-ing magi*al #o0ersB 0)ereas Balinese m+t)olog+ )as *)ild9eating Rangdas. Kindu m+t)olog+ )as Pis)a*)as )aunting t)e *remation grounds to eat )al%9.urnt )uman *or#ses4 and B)uts )aunting t)e desolate #la*es. Asia )as a ri*) tradition o% %ol1lores and stor+telling. /n t)e /ndian su.*ontinent4 t)e Pan*)atantra4 a *olle*tion o% %a.les 200 BC4 )as remained a %a-orite %or 2000 +ears. (anguag"s Asia is a *ontinent 0it) great linguisti* di-ersit+4 and is )ome to -arious language %amilies and man+ language isolates. A ma,orit+ o% Asian *ountries )a-e more t)an one language t)at is nati-el+ s#o1en. >or instan*e4 a**ording to Et)nologue o-er :00 languages are s#o1en in /ndonesia 0)ile o-er 100 are s#o1en in t)e P)ili##ines. T)e o%%i*ial %igure o% @mot)er tongues@ s#o1en in /ndia is 1:<'4 o% 0)i*) an estimated <50 are in dail+ use. Gorea4 on t)e ot)er )and4 is )ome to onl+ one language. T)e main language %amilies %ound in Asia4 along 0it) e?am#les o% ea*)4 are&

Aus!r#asia!i0& G)asi4 G)mer4 on4 (antali4 Lietnamese4 5a Aus!r#n"sian& Ce.uano4 C)am4 Kiliga+non4 /lo1ano4 =a-anese4 Ga#a m#angan4 Geda+an4 ala+ (/ndonesian!4 inang1au.au4 Pangasinan (undanese4 Tagalog4 Tetum4 5ara+95ara+ Dra-i,ian& Gannada4 ala+alam4 Tamil4 Telugu


In,#-Eur# "an&Assamese4 Bengali4 B)o,#uri4 ")i-e)i4 8u,arati4 Kin dustani (Kindi4 6rdu!4 Gas)miri4 Gurdis)4 ait)ili4 arat)i4 Ne#ali4 $ri+a4 Pas)to4 Persian (Ta,i1 and "ari!4 Pun,a.i4(ans1rit4 (ind)i4 (in) ala4 Armenian4 Russian4 8ree1 Ja #ni0a& =a#anese4 R+u1+uan Sin#-Tib"!an& Ka11a4 Ko11ien (Tai0anese!4 andarin4 5u (()ang)ainese!4 Jue (Cantonese!4 Burmese4 "Aong1)a4 7e#*)a4 eit ei4 Ne#al B)asa4 Ti.etan4 Ts)angla Tai?4a,ai& Bou+ei4 /san4 Gam4 7ao4 ()an4 T)ai4 P)uang TurAi0& AAeri4 GaAa1)4 G+rg+A4 Tur1is)4 Tur1men4 6+g)ur4 6A.e1 A*r#-Asia!i0& Ara.i*4 Aramai*4 Ke.re0 G"#rgian 4#r"an Mia#?Ya#& Kmong4 /u ien M#ng#+i0& Bur+at4 ongolian R#>an0"9.ased *reoles& C)a-a*ano4 a*anese Dag"s!anian& C)e*)en4 /ngus) Cir0assian& Ga.ardian Tungusi0& an*)u Ura+i0& G)ant+4 ari4 Nenets4 Permi*s

(i!"ra!ur" Arabi0 $ne o% t)e most %amous literar+ 0or1s o% 5est Asia is 1001 Ara.ian Nig)ts. Chin"s" /n Tang and (ong d+nast+ C)ina4 %amous #oets su*) as 7i Bai aut)ored 0or1s o% great im#ortan*e. T)e+ 0rote sh (Classi*al C)inese& ! #oems4 0)i*) )a-e lines 0it) e2ual num.ers o% *)ara*ters4 as 0ell as c (! #oems 0it) mi?ed line -arieties. H"br"B an, Dias #ra J"Bish Ke.re0 literature *onsists o% an*ient4 medie-al4 and modern 0ritings in t)e Ke.re0 language. /t is one o% t)e #rimar+ %orms o% =e0is) literature4 t)oug) t)ere )a-e .een *ases o% literature 0ritten in Ke.re0 .+ non9=e0s.


5it)out dou.t4 t)e most im#ortant su*) 0or1 is t)e Ke.re0 Bi.le (Tana1)!. an+ ot)er an*ient 0or1s o% Ke.re0 literature sur-i-e4 in*luding religious and #)iloso#)i*al 0or1s4 )istori*al re*ords4 and 0or1s o% %i*tion. In,ian T)e %amous #oet and #la+0rig)t GQlidQsa 0rote t0o e#i*s& Rag)u-ams)a ("+nast+ o% Rag)u! and Gumarasam.)a-a (Birt) o% Gumar Garti1e+a!B t)e+ 0ere 0ritten in Classi*al (ans1rit rat)er t)an E#i* (ans1rit. $t)er e?am#les o% 0or1s 0ritten in Classi*al (ans1rit in*lude t)e PQnini@s As)tad)+a+i 0)i*) standardiAed t)e grammar and #)oneti*s o% Classi*al (ans1rit. T)e 7a0s o% anu is an im#ortant te?t in Kinduism. GQlidQsa is o%ten *onsidered to .e t)e greatest #la+0rig)t in (ans1rit literature4 and one o% t)e greatest #oets in (ans1rit literature4 0)ose Re*ognition o% ()a1untala and eg)aduuta are t)e most %amous (ans1rit #la+s. Ke o**u#ies t)e same #osition in (ans1rit literature t)at ()a1es#eare o**u#ies in Englis) literature. (ome ot)er %amous #la+s 0ere ri**)a1ati1a .+ ()udra1a4 (-a#na Lasa-adattam .+ B)asa4 and Ratna-ali .+ (ri Kars)a. 7ater #oeti* 0or1s in*lude 8eeta 8o-inda .+ =a+ade-a. (ome ot)er %amous 0or1s are C)ana1+a@s Art)as)astra and Lats+a+ana@s Gamasutra. Ja an"s" /n t)e earl+ ele-ent) *entur+4 *ourt lad+ urasa1i ()i1i.u 0rote Tale o% t)e 8en,i *onsidered t)e master#ie*e o% =a#anese literatures and an earl+ e?am#le o% a 0or1 o% %i*tion in t)e %orm o% ano-el. Earl+9 odern =a#anese literature (1;t)H19t) *enturies! de-elo#ed *om#ara.le inno-ations su*) as )ai1u4 a %orm o% =a#anese #oetr+ t)at e-ol-ed %rom t)e an*ient hokku (=a#anese language& ! mode. Kai1u *onsists o% t)ree lines& t)e %irst and t)ird lines ea*) )a-e %i-e morae (t)e roug) #)onologi*al e2ui-alent o% s+lla.les!4 0)ile t)e se*ond )as se-en. $riginal )ai1u masters in*luded su*) %igures as Edo #eriod #oet atsuo Bas)R (!B ot)ers in%luen*ed .+ Bas)R in*lude Go.a+as)i /ssa and asao1a ()i1i. PaAis!ani Pa1istani literature )as a ri*) )istor+4 and dra0s in%luen*es %rom .ot) Persian4 uslim and /ndian literar+ traditions. T)e *ountr+ )as #rodu*ed a large num.er o% %amed #oets es#e*iall+ in t)e national 6rdu language. T)e

%amous u)ammad /2.al4 regarded as t)e national #oet4 0as o%ten *alled MT)e Poet o% t)e EastM (Shair-e-Mashriq!. P"rsian TurAish M#,"rn +i!"ra!ur" T)e #ol+mat) Ra.indranat) Tagore4 a Bengali #oet4 dramatist4 and 0riter %rom /ndia4 .e*ame in 191' t)e %irst Asian No.el laureate. Ke 0on )is No.el PriAe in 7iterature %or nota.le im#a*t )is #rose 0or1s and #oeti* t)oug)t )ad on Englis)4 >ren*)4 and ot)er national literatures o% Euro#e and t)e Ameri*as. Ke also 0rote =ana 8ana ana t)e national ant)em o% /ndia as 0ell as Amar ()onar Bangla t)e national ant)em o% Banglades). 7ater4 ot)er Asian 0riters 0on No.el PriAes in literature4 in*luding Jasunari Ga0a.ata (=a#an4 19::!4 and GenAa.uro $e (=a#an4 1994!.Jasunari Ga0a.ata 0rote no-els and s)ort stories distinguis)ed .+ t)eir elegant and s#artan di*tion su*) as t)e no-els (no0 Countr+ and T)e aster o% 8o. Phi+#s# h. Asian #)iloso#)i*al traditions originated in /ndia and C)ina4 and )a-e .een *lassi%ied as Eastern #)iloso#)+ *o-ering a large s#e*trum o% #)iloso#)i*al t)oug)ts and 0ritings4 in*luding t)ose #o#ular 0it)in /ndia and C)ina. T)e /ndian #)iloso#)+ in*ludes Kindu and Budd)ist #)iloso#)ies. T)e+ in*lude elements o% non9material #ursuits4 0)ereas anot)er s*)ool o% t)oug)t CQr-Q1a4 0)i*) originated in /ndia4 and 0as #ro#ounded .+ C)ar-a1 around 2500 +ears .e%ore4 #rea*)ed t)e en,o+ment o% material 0orld. iddle Eastern #)iloso#)+ in*ludes /slami* #)iloso#)+ as 0ell as =e0is)and Persian #)iloso#)+. "uring t)e 20t) *entur+4 in t)e t0o most #o#ulous *ountries o% Asia4 t0o dramati*all+ di%%erent #oliti*al #)iloso#)ies too1 s)a#e. 8and)i ga-e a ne0 meaning to A)imsa4 and rede%ined t)e *on*e#ts o% non-iolen*e and nonresistan*e. "uring t)e same #eriod4 ao Pedong3s *ommunist #)iloso#)+ 0as *r+stalliAed.

Kinduism4 Budd)ism4 =ainism and (i1)ism originated in /ndia4 a *ountr+ o% (out) Asia. /n East Asia4 #arti*ularl+ in C)ina and =a#an4 Con%u*ianism4 Taoism4 Pen Budd)ismand ()into too1 s)a#e. $t)er R"+igi#ns Religions o% Asia in*lude t)e Ba)S@T >ait)4 ()amanism #ra*ti*ed in (i.eria4 and Animism #ra*ti*ed in t)e eastern #arts o% t)e /ndian su.*ontinent. Toda+ '0D o% uslims li-e in t)e (out) Asian region4 mainl+ in Pa1istan4 /ndia4 Banglades) and t)e aldi-es. T)e 0orld@s largest single uslim *ommunit+ (0it)in t)e .ounds o% one nation! is in /ndonesia. T)ere are also signi%i*ant uslim #o#ulations in t)e P)ili##ines4 Brunei4 ala+sia4 C)ina4 Russia4 /ran4 Central Asia and 5est Asia. /n t)e P)ili##ines and East Timor4 Roman Cat)oli*ism is t)e #redominant religionB it 0as introdu*ed .+ t)e (#aniards and t)e Portuguese4 res#e*ti-el+. /n Russia4 8eorgia4 and Armenia4 $rt)odo? C)ristianit+ is t)e #redominant religion. Larious C)ristian se*ts )a-e ad)erents in #ortions o% t)e iddle East and East Asia. =udaism is t)e ma,or religion o% /srael. Religions %ounded in Asia and 0it) a ma,orit+ o% t)eir *ontem#orar+ ad)erents in Asia in*lude& Ba)S@T >ait)& slig)tl+ more t)an )al% o% all ad)erents are in Asia Budd)ism& Cam.odia4 Ne#al4 C)ina4 =a#an4 Gorea4 7aos4 ala+sia4 ongolia4 Burma4 (inga#ore4 (ri 7an1a4 T)ailand4 Lietnam4 #arts o% nort)ern4 eastern4 and 0estern /ndia4 and #arts o% *entral and eastern Russia ((i.eria!. a)a+ana Budd)ism& C)ina4 =a#an4 Gorea4 ala+sia4 (inga#ore4 Lietnam. T)era-ada Budd)ism& Cam.odia4 #arts o% C)ina4 7aos4 mainl+ nort)ern #arts o% ala+sia4 Burma4 (ri 7an1a4 T)ailand4 as 0ell as #arts o% Lietnam. La,ra+ana Budd)ism& Parts o% C)ina4 ongolia4 #arts o% nort)ern and eastern /ndia4 #arts o% *entral and eastern Russia and (i.eria.

Kinduism& /ndia4 Ne#al4 Banglades)4 (ri 7an1a4 Pa1istan4 ala+sia4 (inga#ore4 Bali. =udaism& /srael /slam& Central4 (out) and (out)0est Asia4 /ndonesia4 ala+sia4 P)ili##ines4 and Brunei. A)madi++a /slam& Pa1istan4 Banglades)4 /ndia. ()ia /slam& largel+ to s#e*i%i* /ran4 AAer.ai,an4 #arts o% /ra24 Ba)rain4 #arts o% A%g)anistan4 #arts o% /ndia4 #arts o% Pa1istan. (unni /slam& dominant in t)e rest o% t)e regions mentioned a.o-e. =ainism& /ndia ()into& =a#an (i1)ism& /ndia and ala+sia Taoism ("aoism!& C)ina4 Lietnam4 (inga#ore4 and Tai0an Poroastrianism& /ran4 /ndia4 Pa1istan ()amanism& =a#an (/ta1o!4 Gorea4 (i.eria Animism& Eastern /ndia

R"+igi#ns %ounded in Asia t)at )a-e t)e ma,orit+ o% t)eir *ontem#orar+ ad)erents in ot)er regions in*lude& C)ristianit+ (7e.anon4 (+ria4 Palestine4 Armenia4 8eorgia4 (out) Gorea4 (inga#ore4 ala+sia4 /ndonesia4 East Timor4 Pa1istan4 /ndia. Lietnam and t)e P)ili##ines! F"s!i-a+s an, C"+"bra!i#ns Asia )as a -ariet+ o% %esti-als and *ele.rations. /n C)ina4 C)inese Ne0 Jear4 "ragon Boat >esti-al4 and id9Autumn oon >esti-al are traditional )olida+s4 0)ile National "a+ is a )olida+ o% t)e Peo#le@s Re#u.li* o% C)ina. /n =a#an4 =a#anese Ne0 Jear4 National >oundation "a+4 C)ildren@s "a+4 $9 .on4 T)e Em#eror@s Birt)da+4 and C)ristmas are #o#ular. A**ording to =a#anese s+n*retism4 most =a#anese *ele.rate Budd)ism3s $9.on in


midsummer4 ()into@s ()i*)i98o9(an in No-em.er4 and C)ristmas and Katsumoude in 0inter toget)er. /n /ndia4 Re#u.li* "a+ and /nde#enden*e "a+ are im#ortant national %esti-als *ele.rated .+ #eo#le irres#e*ti-e o% %ait). a,or Kindu %esti-als o% /ndia in*lude "i0ali4 "usse)ra or "aserra4 Koli4 a1ar (an1ranti4 Pongal4 a)as)i-ratri4 6gadi4 Na-ratri4 Ramana-ami4 Baisa1)i4 $nam4 Rat)a+atra4 8anes) C)aturt)i4 and Gris)na =anmastami. /slami* %esti-als su*) as Eid ul9>itr and Eid ul9Ad)a4 (i1) %esti-als su*) as Laisa1)i4 and C)ristian %esti-als su*) as C)ristmas4 are also *ele.rated in /ndia. T)e P)ili##ines is also tagged as t)e M>iesta Countr+M .e*ause o% its all9 +ear9round *ele.rations nation0ide. T)ere is a -er+ strong (#anis) in%luen*e in t)eir %esti-als4 t)us ma1ing t)e P)ili##ines4 distin*ti-el+ o**idental. >iesta is t)e term used to re%er to a %esti-al. ost o% t)ese %iestas are *ele.rated in )onor o% a #atron (aint. To summariAe it all4 at least e-er+ muni*i#alit+ )as a %iesta. (ome #rime e?am#les in*lude (inulog %rom Ce.u and /loilo@s "inag+ang. F##, an, DrinAs /n man+ #arts o% Asia4 ri*e is a sta#le %ood4 and it is mostl+ ser-ed steamed or as a #orridge 1no0n as *ongee. C)ina is t)e 0orld largest #rodu*er and *onsumer o% ri*e. /n C)ina4 =a#an4 Gorea and Lietnam4 #eo#le usuall+ use *)o#sti*1s to eat traditional %ood4 .ut s)a#es o% *)o#sti*1s are di%%erent in t)ese *ountries. >or e?am#le4 C)inese *)o#sti*1s are long and s2uaredB =a#anese *)o#sti*1s are rounder4 s)ort and s#ire to eat .on+ %is) easil+B Gorean *)o#sti*1s are s)ort4 %lat and made o% metal. /t is said t)at 0ood is rarer t)an metal on t)e Gorean Peninsula and metal *)o#sti*1s *an #re-ent #oisoning. An island nation surrounded .+ o*ean4 =a#an )as -arious %is) dis)es. Es#e*iall+4 %res) ra0 %is) *uisines are -er+ #o#ular in =a#an and around t)e 0orld4 su*) as sus)i and sas)imi. /n /ndia4 #eo#le o%ten eat %ood 0it) t)eir )ands4 and man+ s#i*es are used in e-er+ dis). ost s#i*es originated around /ndia or neig).oring *ountries su*) as (ri 7an1a. "urians are a *ommon %ruit in (out)east Asia4 0)i*)4 Al%red Russel 5alla*e4 attested to its deli*ious %la-or as 0ort) t)e entire *ost o% )is tri# t)ere. /n e-er+ s#e*ial >ili#ino .an2uet4 #eo#le 0ill see a uni2ue set o% dis)es *om#ared to ot)er Asian *uisine. Be*ause o% t)e

*ountr+@s long +ears o% *oloniAation and intera*tions 0it) ot)er neig).oring *ultures and nations4 it )as in)erited 7atin4 ala+4 C)inese4 and Ameri*an in%luen*es to its #eo#le@s lo*al .lend.

C)i*1en ti11a4 a 0ell91no0n dis) a*ross t)e glo.e4 re%le*ts t)e amalgamation o% (out) Asian *oo1ing st+les 0it) t)ose %rom Central Asia.

Tamil *uisine is #o#ular in (out) /ndia4 (ri 7an1a and (out)9East Asia.

Ga.sa also *alled a,.oos4 %amous in (audi Ara.ia4 Gu0ait4 Uatar4 $man4 Ba)rain4 and 6nited Ara. Emirates Dan0" iddle Eastern dan*e )as -arious st+les and )as s#read to t)e 5est in t)e %orm 1no0n as .ell+ dan*ing. /n t)e Pun,a. region o% /ndia and Pa1istan4.)angra dan*e is -er+ #o#ular. T)e .)angra is a *ele.ration o% t)e )ar-est. T)e #eo#le dan*e to t)e .eat o% a drum 0)ile singing and dan*ing.


/n (out)east Asia4 dan*e is an integral #art o% t)e *ultureB t)e st+les o% dan*e -ar+ %rom region to region and island to island. Traditional st+les o% dan*e )a-e e-ol-ed in T)ailand and Burma. T)e P)ili##ines )a-e t)eir o0n st+les o% dan*e su*) as CariVosa and Tini1lingB during t)e (#anis) o**u#ation o% t)e P)ili##ines4 #ra*titioners o% >ili#ino martial arts )id %ig)ting mo-ements into t)eir dan*es to 1ee# t)e art ali-e des#ite t)e %a*t t)at it 0as .anned .+ t)e o**u#iers. Mar!ia+ ar!s artial arts %igure #rominentl+ in man+ Asian *ultures4 and t)e %irst 1no0n tra*es o% martial arts date %rom t)e Wia "+nast+ o% an*ient C)ina %rom o-er 4000 +ears ago. (ome o% t)e .est 1no0n st+les o% martial arts in t)e 0orld 0ere de-elo#ed in East Asia4 su*) as 1arate and ,udo %rom =a#an4 tae10ondo %rom Gorea and t)e -arious st+les o% C)inese martial arts 1no0n *olle*ti-el+ as 1ung %u. an+ ot)er st+les o% martial arts originated in (out)east Asia4 in*luding mua+ T)ai %rom T)ailand4 Lo-inam %rom Lietnam4 Arnis %rom t)e P)ili##ines4 and (ilat %rom /ndonesia. /n addition4 #o#ular st+les o% 0restling )a-e originated in Tur1e+ and ongolia. "e-elo#ment o% Asian martial arts *ontinues toda+ as ne0er st+les are *reated. odern )+.rid martial arts s+stems su*) as =eet Gune "o4 Graaga4 and (am.o o%ten in*or#orate te*)ni2ues %rom traditional East Asian martial arts. Asian martial arts are )ig)l+ #o#ular in t)e 5estern 0orld and man+ )a-e .e*ome international s#orts. Garate alone )as 50 million #ra*titioners 0orld0ide. Eas! Asia T)e *ountries o% C)ina4 =a#an4 Gorea4 and Lietnam s)are a *ommon so*ial #)iloso#)+4 religions4 #oliti*al stru*tures4 and )istori*all+ a single 0ritten language. East Asia is usuall+ t)oug)t to *onsist o% C)ina4 =a#an4 Nort) Gorea4 (out) Gorea and Tai0an. T)e dominant in%luen*e )istori*all+ )as .een C)ina4 t)oug) in modern times4 *ultural e?*)ange )as %lo0ed more .i9dire*tionall+. a,or *)ara*teristi*s o% t)is region in*lude s)ared C)inese9deri-ed language *)ara*teristi*s4 as 0ell as s)ared religion4 es#e*iall+ Budd)ism and Taoism.


T)ere is also a s)ared so*ial and moral #)iloso#)+ deri-ed %rom Con%u*ianism. T)e C)inese s*ri#t is t)e oldest *ontinuousl+ used 0riting s+stem in t)e 0orld4 and )as long .een a uni%+ing #rin*i#le o% East Asia4 as t)e medium %or *on-e+ing C)inese *ulture. /t 0as )istori*all+ used t)roug)out t)e region4 and is still used in .+ et)ni* C)inese t)roug)out t)e 0orld4 as 0ell as in =a#an and to a small and 0aning e?tent in (out) Gorea. 5it)in C)ina4 t)e meanings o% t)e *)ara*ters remain generall+ un*)anged %rom region to region4 t)oug) t)eir #ronun*iations di%%er. T)is is .e*ause Classi*al C)inese 0as long t)e 0ritten language o% all C)ina4 and 0as re#la*ed .+ andarinas t)e national 0ritten language in t)e t0entiet) *entur+. C)inese 0riting 0as #assed on to Gorea4 =a#an and Lietnam. /n =a#an4 t)e set o% C)inese *)ara*ters used are *alled Gan,i and %orm a ma,or *om#onent o% t)e =a#anese 0riting s+stem. /n t)e 9t) *entur+4 =a#anese de-elo#ed t)eir o0n 0riting s+stems *alled Gana (Kiragana and Gata1ana! 0)i*) su##ort Gan,i s*ri#t to suit =a#anese language. Toda+4 .ot) ideogra#) Gan,i and s+lla.ar+ Gana is used in mi?ture in =a#anese. /n Lietnam4 C)inese s*ri#t (Kan Tu! 0as used during t)e millennium under t)e in%luen*e o% C)ina4 0it) t)e -erna*ular C)u Nom s*ri#t are also used sin*e 1't) *entur+. Ko0e-er4 t)is )as no0 (sin*e t)e earl+ 20t) *entur+! .een re#la*ed *om#letel+ .+ t)e 7atin Al#)a.et9.ased Uuo* Ngu. /n t)e 15t) *entur+4 Gorea de-elo#ed an al#)a.et s+stem *alled Kangul to ma1e 0riting and *ommuni*ation easier %or its *ommoners. /n t)ese *ultures4 es#e*iall+ in C)ina and =a#an t)e edu*ational le-el o% #erson is traditionall+ measured .+ t)e 2ualit+ o% )is or )er *alligra#)+4 rat)er t)an di*tion4 as is sometimes t)e *ase in t)e 0est. T)oug) Gorea4 =a#an and Lietnam are not C)inese s#ea1ing regions4 t)eir languages )a-e .een in%luen*ed .+ C)inese to some e?tent. E-en t)oug) t)eir 0riting s+stems )a-e *)anged o-er time4 C)inese is still %ound in t)e )istori*al roots o% man+ .orro0ed 0ords. T)oug) in modern times4 C)inese is also in%luen*ed .+ ot)er Asian languages4 es#e*iall+ modern te*)ni*al and #oliti*al terms *reated in =a#an to re#resent 0estern *on*e#ts. >or e?am#le4 (*ulture!4 (*i-iliAation!4 (#eo#le!4 (e*onom+!4 (re#u.li*! and (#)iloso#)+! are .orro0ed 0ords %rom =a#anese to C)inese. A#art %rom t)e uni%+ing in%luen*e o% Con%u*ianism4 Budd)ism4 C)inese *)ara*ters4 and ot)er C)inese Cultural /n%luen*es4 t)ere is ne-ert)eless mu*) di-ersit+ .et0een t)e *ountries o% t)e region su*) as di%%erent religions4

national *ostumes4 languages4 0riting s+stems4 *uisines4 traditional musi* and so on.

S#u!h Asia T)e %our (out) /ndian states and nort)ern #arts o% (ri 7an1a s)are a "ra-idian *ulture4 due to t)e #rominen*e o% "ra-idian languages t)ere. Pa1istan is s#lit 0it) its t0o 0estern regions o% Balu*)istan and G)+.er Pa1)tun1)0a s)aring a greater /ranian )eritage and its t0o eastern #ro-in*es o% (ind) and Pun,a. s)aring a more /ndo9 Ar+an *ulture. Banglades) and t)e state o% 5est Bengal s)are a *ommon )eritage and *ulture .ased on t)e Bengali language. Ne#al4 B)utan4 t)e states o% (i11im4 Aruna*)al Prades)4 7ada1) in t)e state o% =ammu and Gas)mir and #arts o% t)e states o% Kima*)al Prades)4 6ttara1)and )a-e a great *ultural similarit+ to Ti.et4 Ti.etan Budd)ism .eing t)e dominant religion t)ere. >inall+ t)e .order states o% Assam4 eg)ala+a4 iAoram4 ani#ur4 Nagaland and Tri#ura )a-e *ultural a%%inities 0it) (out) East Asia. Kinduism4 Budd)ism4 =ainism and (i1)ism4 t)e %our ma,or 0orld religions %ounded in t)e region t)at is toda+@s /ndia4 are s#read t)roug)out t)e su.*ontinent. /slam4 =udaism4 and C)ristianit+ also )a-e signi%i*ant region9 s#e*i%i* )istories. 5)ile <0D o% /ndians are Kindus and Ne#al is a Kindu9 ma,orit+ (tate4 (ri 7an1a and B)utan )a-e a ma,orit+ o% Budd)ists. /slam is t)e #redominant religion o% Pa1istan and some o% Banglades). /ndo9Ar+an languages are s#o1en in Pa1istan4 (in)alese o% (ri 7an1a and most o% Nort)4 5est and East /ndia and Ne#al. "ra-idian languages are s#o1en in (out) /ndia and in (ri 7an1a .+ Tamil *ommunit+. Ti.eto9 Burman languages are s#o1en in t)e Nort) and Nort) East /ndia. /ranian 7anguagesare s#o1en in Balu*)istan and G)+.er Pa1)tun1)0a in Pa1istan. T)ere is a siAa.le Persian s#ea1ing *ommunit+ in Pa1istan as 0ell. S#u!h"as! Asia


(out)east Asia *onsists o% ainland (out)east Asia4 and aritime (out)east Asia. (out)east Asia is usuall+ t)oug)t to in*lude Burma4 T)ailand4 7aos4 Cam.odia4 Lietnam4 ala+sia4(inga#ore4 B runei4 /ndonesia4 t)e P)ili##ines and East Timor. As t)e *rossroads o% maritime (il1 Road trade net0or1 sin*e an*ient times4 t)e region )as .een greatl+ in%luen*ed .+ t)e *ultures and religions o% neig).oring region o% /ndia and C)ina as 0ell as t)e religions /slam and C)ristianit+ %rom (out)0est Asia. T)e *ulture o% (out)east Asian nations is di-erse4 ranged %rom tri.al *ulture to so#)isti*ated *i-iliAations t)at *reated ar*)ite*tural 0onders su*) as Ang1or o% Cam.odia and Boro.udur o% /ndonesia. Budd)ist *ulture )as lasting and signi%i*ant im#a*t in mainland /ndo*)ina nationsB (Burma4 T)ailand4 7aos4 Cam.odia and Lietnam!. /n t)e *ase o% Lietnam4 it is more in%luen*ed .+ t)e *ulture o% C)ina. Kistori*all+ Kindu9Budd)ist in%luen*e also #resent in aritime (out)east Asia4 in /ndonesia4 ala+sia and Brunei. Ko0e-er /slam )as .e*ome t)e dominant religion in t)ese *ountries4 and de%ining *ulture es#e*iall+ among ala+ *ulture. (out)east Asia )as also )ad a lot o% 5estern in%luen*e due to t)e lasting lega*+ o% *olonialism. $ne e?am#le is t)e P)ili##ines 0)i*) )as .een )ea-il+ in%luen*ed .+ Ameri*a and (#ain due to nearl+ %our *enturies o% %oreign rule. East Timor also demonstrates Portuguese in%luen*e t)roug) *olonialism. A *ommon %eature %ound around t)e region is stilt )ouses. Anot)er s)ared %eature is ri*e #add+ agri*ulture4 0)i*) originated in (out)east Asia t)ousands o% +ears ago. "an*e drama is also a -er+ im#ortant %eature o% t)e *ulture4 utiliAing mo-ements o% t)e )ands and %eet #er%e*ted o-er t)ousands o% +ears. >urt)ermore4 t)e arts and literature o% (out)east Asia is -er+ distin*ti-e as some )a-e .een in%luen*ed .+ /ndian4 Kindu4 C)inese4 Budd)ist and /slami* literature. 6"s! Asia 5est Asia largel+ *orres#onds 0it) t)e term @ iddle East@4 alt)oug) some #re%er @5est Asia@ due to #er*ei-ed Euro*entrism in t)e %ormer. 5est Asia *onsists o% Tur1e+4 C+#rus4 (+ria4 Armenia4 8eorgia4 AAer.ai,an4 /ra24 /ran4 7e.anon 4 =ordan4 /srael4 Palestinian territories4 (audi Ara.ia4 Gu0ait4Ba)rain4 Uatar4 6nited Ara. Emirates4 $man and Jemen. T)e region is t)e )istori*al .irt)#la*e o%

t)e =e0s4 Ass+rians4 Ara.s4 "ruAe4 Persians4 Tur1s4 and -arious ot)er et)ni* and national grou#s. /t is also 0)ere t)e ' A.ra)ami* %ait)s originated& =udaism4 C)ristianit+ and /slam. Toda+4 t)e region is almost 9'D uslim and is dominated .+ /slami* #oliti*s4 alt)oug) one *ountr+ (/srael! is mostl+ =e0is). Culturall+4 t)e region is Ke.re04 Tur1is)4 Ara.4 and Persian. an+ *ountries in t)e iddle East are desert and t)us man+ nomadi* grou#s e?ist toda+. $n t)e ot)er )and4 modern metro#olises also e?ist on t)e s)i%ting sands& A.u ")a.i4 Amman4 Ri+ad)4 Tel A-i-4 "o)a and us*at. T)e *limate is mostl+ o% a desert *limate )o0e-er some o% t)e *oastal regions )a-e a more tem#erate *limate. $n t)e ot)er )and4 t)e Anatolian #lateau (Tur1e+4 8eorgia4 Armenia! is -er+ mountainous and t)us )as a more tem#erate *limate 0)ile t)e *oasts )a-e a distin*t editerranean *limate. T)e Persian Plateau (/ran4 AAer.ai,an4 A%g)anistan4 /ra24 and Tur1menistan! )as a di-erse terrain4 it is mainl+ mountainous 0it) #ortions o% desert4 ste##e and tro#i*al %orest on t)e *oast o% t)e Cas#ian (ea. 5est Asian *uisine is immensel+ ri*) and di-erse. T)e literature is also immensel+ ri*) 0it) Ara.i*4 =e0is)4 Tur1is) and Persian literature dominating. C"n!ra+ Asia Central Asia *onsists o% %i-e %ormer (o-iet (o*ialist Re#u.li*s& GaAa1)stan4 G+rg+Astan4 Ta,i1stan4 6A.e1istan and Tur1menista n. Ko0e-er4 /ran4 A%g)anistan and Pa1istan are sometimes in*luded. T)e #redominant religion in Central Asia is /slam. Central Asia )as a long ri*) )istor+ mainl+ .ased on its )istori* #osition on t)e %amous (il1 Road. /t )as .een *on2uered .+ ongols4 Persians4 Tatars4 Russians4 (armatian and t)us )as a -er+ distin*t4 -i.rant *ulture. T)e *ulture is in%luen*ed .+ C)inese4 (out) Asian4 Persian4 Ara.ian4 Tur1is)4 Russian4 (armatian and ongolian *ulture s. T)e #eo#le o% t)e ste##es o% Central Asia )a-e )istori*all+ .een nomadi* #eo#le .ut a uni%+ing state 0as esta.lis)ed in Central Asia in t)e 1:t) *entur+& T)e GaAa1) G)anate. T)e musi* o% Central Asia is ri*) and -aried. Central Asian *uisine is one o% t)e most #rominent *uisines o% Asia4 0it) *uisines %rom Pa1istan4 /ndia4 C)ina and AAer.ai,an es#e*iall+ s)o0ing signi%i*ant in%luen*e %rom t)e


%oods o% Central Asia. (ome o% t)e most %amous Central Asian %oods are manti and #ila%. T)e literature o% Central Asia is lin1ed 0it) Persian literature as )istori*all+ t)e region )as long .een #art o% t)e Persian Em#ire. >urt)ermore4 .eing at t)e ,un*tion o% t)e (il1 Road it )as numerous C)inese4 /ndian and Ara.ian literar+ 0or1s. N#r!h Asia >or t)e most #art4 Nort) Asia (more 0idel+ 1no0n as (i.eria! is *onsidered to .e made u# o% t)e Asian #art o% Russia solel+. T)e geogra#)i* region o% (i.eria 0as t)e )istori*al land o% t)e Tatars in t)e (i.eria G)anate. Ko0e-er Russian e?#ansion essentiall+ undermined t)is and t)us toda+ it is under Russian rule. T)ere are roug)l+ 40 million #eo#le li-ing in Nort) Asia and t)e ma,orit+ is no0 Et)ni* Russians 0)ile /ndigenous (i.erians )a-e .e*ome a minorit+ in Nort) Asia.




(out)ern (i.erian Altai


are mountains

o% 0estern


.iogeogra#)i* region. T)is region is t)e most *om#lete se2uen*e o% -egetation Aones in (i.eria4 .egun %rom t)e #asture4 %orest4 mi?ed %orest4 su.al#ine -egetation to al#ine -egetation. T)is site is also an im#ortant )a.itat %or rare animal s#e*ies li1e sno0 leo#ard. >rom t)e last *entur+4 tem#eratures in t)is area *ontinue to in*rease4 and resear*)ers t)at in t)e *oming de*ades 0ill t)reaten t)e uni2ue e*ologi*al s+stem.




C)erra#un,i4 /ndia4 1290 %eet a.o-e sea le-el4 re*ei-es t)e ma,orit+ o% annual rain%all in t)e 0orld. But 9< #er*ent o% lo*al rain%all o**urs %rom ar*) to $*to.er e-er+ +ear4 and onl+ %our mont)s remaining4 0ill .e some0)at dr+ *limate. T)ere is no reser-oir to store rain 0ater in t)ere. Also to glo.al *limate *)ange re*entl+4 en-ironmental #ollution4 de%orestation and soil erosion4 lo*al residents do not e-en get enoug) 0ater to li-e in t)e dr+ season.



T)is 0orld %amous stru*ture too1 22 +ears to *onstru*t and stands to t)is da+ as t)e testimon+ o% lo-e o% Em#eror ()a) =a)an to )is late 0i%e. T)is 0as .uilt during t)e 1;t) *entur+ and is *onsidered as one o% t)e (e-en 5onders o% t)e 5orld. 39 @ICTORIA PEA4 )HONG 4ONG/

Li*toria #oint is t)e )ig)est #oint in t)e *it+ t)at rises to 14<90 %eet 0it)

more t)an 9 million -isitors annuall+. T)e *it+ o% )ong 1ong is also )ome to t)e tem#le o% )ea-en and t)e %or.idden t)at also .rings in a .ig num.er o% tourists e-er+ +ear. '9 MA(DI@ES


aldi-es is an ar*)i#elago4 0)i*) *onsists o% 14200 islands in t)e /ndian

$*ean. T)e most 0ell 1no0n %or .eauti%ul s*ener+& 0)ite .ea*)es4 s0a+ing #alm trees4 *olor%ul *orals and a.undant suns)ine. <0 #er*ent o% t)e a-erage )eig)t o% t)e aldi-es is less t)an one meter. /% rising sea le-els *ontinue to *)ange t)e glo.al *limate4 t)is .eauti%ul #aradise mig)t disa##ear under t)e sea sooner or later.



Bang1o14 *a#ital o% T)ailand4 lo*ated on t)e C)ao P)ra+a "elta. T)e *it+ is a *enter o% #oliti*s4 e*onom+4 *ulture and edu*ation %rom T)ailand. Bang1o1 #ositioned lo0 and al0a+s t)reatened .+ %looding during t)e rain+ season. /n addition4 geologi*al %ormations4 ur.aniAation and e?*essi-e e?#loitation o% ground 0ater 0)i*) #rodu*es ra#id destru*tion o% land in Bang1o1. /t is estimated t)at most o% t)e *it+ o% Bang1o1 0ill .e su.merged .elo0 sea le-el until t)e end o% t)is *entur+.



Gomodo /sland in /ndonesia is most %amous %or t)e *larit+ o% t)e sea and tro#i*al marine li%e is di-erse4 so .e t)e e**a o% di-ers around t)e 0orld. 5)at else is 1no0n on t)e island o% Gomodo is t)e 0orld@s largest liAard 9 t)e Gomodo. Rising sea le-els are alread+ t)reatening t)e e?isten*e o% *oastal mangro-e %orests and .ea*)es. ean0)ile4 a*idi%i*ation and *)anges in o*ean 0ater tem#eratures *an 1ill *oral around t)e island.



T)ere are a.out 14200 Red9*ro0ned *ranes li-ing in t)e *it+ o% Gus)iro 5etland Ko11aido4 =a#an. /t is a #aradise %or rare .reeding .irds. large9s*ale )unting .+ )uman .eings and rising sea le-els4 t)e Gus)iro 0etlands redu*ed +ear on +ear. And )a.itat o% Red9*ro0ned *ranes are also mu*) redu*ed. :9 BORNEO

Galimantan (Borneo! /ndonesia is t)e t)ird largest island in t)e 0orld. A.out 50 #er*ent o% t)e island is *o-ered .+ #rimiti-e %orests. And a -ariet+ o% rare

s#e*ies li-e in t)ese m+sterious tro#i*al %orests. Ko0e-er4 e?*essi-e logging4 oil #alm #lantation e?#ansion and *onstru*tion o% roads are *ausing s)rin1ing o% tro#i*al %orests. 8lo.al *limate *)ange also resulted in t)e e?tin*tion o% lo*al %lora and s#read o% malaria. Kig) tem#eratures and dr+ also in*reases t)e danger o% %orest %ires. &%9 MOUNT FOMO(ANGMA )MOUNT E@EREST/

ount Uomolangma is t)e )ig)est mountain on Eart) a.o-e sea le-el4 and t)e )ig)est #oint o% t)e eart). Larious 1inds o% endangered rare animals in)a.it )ere4 in*luding sno0 leo#ards4 #andas also li-e on t)e lo0er side and so on. (*ientists )a-e *laimed t)at a.out t0o9t)irds o% t)e gla*ier )as melted. elting gla*iers *ould lead to t)e e?#ansion o% gla*ial la1es t)at 0ould lead to se-eral natural disasters in*luding %loods and landslides


TOURIST ARRI@A( IN ASIAN COUNTRIES Tourism )as emerged as one o% t)e leading ser-i*e industries t)at s#ur e*onomi* de-elo#ment. /t #ro-ides t)e outlines o% a .etter 0a+ o% li%e %or t)e #u.li*4 #romotes #eo#le9to9#eo#le di#loma*+4 and .rings -i.rant .usiness o##ortunities.

@ISITOR ARRI@A(S TO TAI6AN IN $%&$ REACHED NE6 HEIGHTS Tai0an re*ei-ed a re*ord ;.'1 million -isitor arri-als in 20124 u# 20.1D %rom t)e #re-ious +ear. At 2.59 million4 -isitors %rom mainland C)ina *onstituted t)e largest grou# o% arri-als4 %ollo0ed .+ =a#anese -isitors at 1.4' million. $ut.ound tra-elers num.ered 10.24 million4 an in*rease o% :.<D o-er 2011. T)e greatest num.er o% out.ound tra-elers -isited mainland C)ina ('.14 million!4 %ollo0ed .+ Kong Gong (2.02 million!4 and =a#an (1.5: million!. XPro,e*t Languard %or E?*ellen*e in TourismY Creates Ne0 $##ortunities in Tourism XPro,e*t Languard %or E?*ellen*eY aims to *reate uni2ue regional *)ara*teristi*s %or ea*) o% t)e %i-e ma,or regions o% Tai0an (nort)ern4 *entral4 sout)ern4 and eastern Tai0an4 as 0ell as t)e o%%s)ore islands!. Pro,e*ts t)at )a-e .een *om#leted in*lude a Xs1+0al1Y on t)e Nort)ern Cross9/sland Kig)0a+4 t)e X8old CoastY in Kualien4 and ne0 lig)ting to add

to t)e e-ening atmos#)ere in Ginmen. T)e #rogram )as also )el#ed -arious *ities and *ounties in t)eir e%%orts to #romote ne0 international tourist attra*tions4 su*) as t)e Con%u*ius Tem#le Kistori*al Area o% Tai#ei Cit+ and t)e AmaAing ()ui,in,iu o% Ne0 Tai#ei Cit+. $t)er initiati-es o% t)e #rogram in*lude a .udget s)uttle .us ser-i*e4 a Tai0an Tourist ()uttle and *om.o ti*1ets (20 routes!4 d+nami* #oster sign.oards4 UR *ode tours4 and a tourist in%ormation data.an1. XPro,e*t Ge+stoneY sends to# tourism #ro%essionals o-erseas to e?*)ange e?#erien*es 0it) #ro%essionals %rom ot)er nationsB trains instru*tors and de-elo#s tea*)ing materialsB *ulti-ates #ersonnel %or #rodu*t design and #lanningB and *ontinues to assist t)e tourism industr+ in a##l+ing %or #re%erential loans to u#grade t)e 2ualit+ o% ser-i*e and in su.sidiAing interest #a+ments to en*ourage .usinesses to raise t)eir ser-i*e *a#a.ilities. XPro,e*t Pro#ellerY *alls %or t)e use o% a range o% *reati-e mar1eting met)ods to #romote Tai0an to t)e 0orld. /n addition4 in order to *onne*t Tai0an3s )otel s+stem to t)e 0orld4 t)e #rogram stri-es to assist t)e )otel industr+ in o.taining star9rating la.els. To )el# raise t)e 2ualit+ and *om#etiti-eness o% )ome sta+s4 t)e #rogram #romotes t)e sele*tion o% X)os#ita.le )ome sta+s.Y T)e XTour Tai0an and E?#erien*e t)e CentennialY A*tion Plan Kas Kel#ed t)e Nation Kit Ne0 Re*ords in Tourist Arri-als /n anti*i#ation o% t)e R$C Centennial4 t)e Tourism Bureau im#lemented t)e XTour Tai0an and E?#erien*e t)e CentennialY a*tion #lan4 ma##ed out X100 Tour RoutesY and de-elo#ed t)e XPursuing t)e CentennialY #rogram. /t also s#onsored %our ma,or t)eme a*ti-ities to #romote t)e lantern %esti-al4 dining4 .i1ing4 and .at)ing in )ot s#rings. All its e%%orts 0ere aimed at #ro-iding

tourists 0it) )os#ita.le ser-i*es and mo-ing e?#erien*es and de-elo#ing Tai0an into a %riendl+ destination t)at trul+ XTou*)es Jour Keart.Y Creation o% a Tourism Brand t)at Tou*)es t)e Keart o% t)e 5orld& XTai0an H T)e Keart o% AsiaY 0as used as a logo to en*ourage tourists %rom all o-er t)e 0orld to e?#erien*e t)e uni2uel+ mo-ing #leasure o% touring Tai0an. T)e XTime %or Tai0anY a*tion slogan 0as used to 0el*ome t)e ne0 era o% 10 million international tra-elers to -isit Tai0an.

/m#lementation o% XTime %or Tai0anY 20129201' tourism #romotion .ased on t)e *ore #rin*i#les o% sustaina.ilit+4 2ualit+4 %riendliness4 li%e4 and di-ersit+. "omesti*all+4 it 0ill ad-an*e .alan*ed regional e*onomi* and tourism de-elo#ment 0)ile o#timiAing 2ualit+ o% li%e and tra-el %or t)e nation3s #eo#le. /nternationall+4 it 0ill rein%or*e t)e .rand image o% Tai0an tourism4 dee#en t)e e?#erien*es o% %oreign tourists4 and .uild a tra-el en-ironment 0it) tourist sites in all lo*ations. /m#lementation o% XPro,e*t Languard %or E?*ellen*e in Tourism (20099 2014!Y and XPro,e*t (ummit4Y XPro,e*t Ge+stone4Y and XPro,e*t Pro#ellerY aim to u#grade t)e 2ualit+ and image o% Tai0an tourism. /m#lementation o% t)e X edium9term Plan %or Constru*tion o% a,or Tourist (ites (201292015!Y to %irml+ esta.lis) t)e dire*tions o% de-elo#ment %or national s*eni* areas 0it) a %o*us on t)e uni2ue %eatures o% di%%erent lo*alities4 to *arr+ out t)e #)ased re*onstru*tion o% re*reational and ser-i*e %a*ilities at ma,or tourist sites4 and to re9*reate t)e glor+ o% Tai0an3s tourist sites.

Promotion o% e*o9tourism and de-elo#ment o% 8reen /sland and 7ittle 7iu2iu as demonstration islands %or e*o9tourism4 *ontinued im#lementation o% .i1e0a+ reno-ation4 mar1eting o% t)e XKualien9Taitung (tring9o%9Pearls (#otlig)ts4Y introdu*tion o% 7$KA( tour itineraries and large9s*ale international .i*+*ling *om#etitions4 and realiAation o% energ+ *onser-ation and *ar.on9%oot#rint9redu*ing XgreenY tourism. 4


A**ording to t)e latest /TB 5orld Tra-el Trends Re#ort4 t)is +ear t)e num.er o% out.ound tri#s %rom Asia rose .+ se-en #er *ent4 due in #art to rising 0ages. Jet again4 t)e most %re2uent tra-elers *ame %rom C)ina and =a#an4 .ot) *ountries re#orting dou.le9digit gro0t) in out.ound tra-el. "uring t)e %irst si? mont)s o% t)is +ear t)e num.er o% out.ound tri#s %rom C)ina gre0 .+ 20 #er *ent. =a#an )as re*o-ered %rom t)e mar1et *olla#se %ollo0ing last +ear3s tsunami and during t)e %irst nine mont)s o% 2012 registered 1'.; #er *ent gro0t). $ut.ound tri#s %rom (out) Gorea in*reased .+ :.; #er *ent4 0)ile most mar1ets in (out) and (out)east Asia lost momentum. A**ordingl+4 /ndia4 T)ailand4 ala+sia and (inga#ore re#orted less t)an %i-e #er *ent gro0t). T)is +ear4 onl+ /ndonesia and t)e P)ili##ines 0ill e?*eed ten #er *ent gro0t). T)ese are t)e %indings o% t)e /TB 5orld Tra-el Trends Re#ort4

0)i*) is *om#iled .+ /PG /nternational and *ommissioned .+ /TB Berlin. >i-e +ears ago esse Berlin laun*)ed /TB Asia in (inga#ore4 0)i*) sin*e

t)en )as esta.lis)ed itsel% as one o% t)e largest trade s)o0s %or t)e Asian tra-el industr+. T)is is 0)ere4 e-er+ +ear in $*to.er4 industr+ .u+ers4 su##liers4 ser-i*e #ro-iders and sellers gat)er to ma1e use o% net0or1ing and .usiness o##ortunities and to %ind out a.out ne0 trends at t)e *on-ention3s su##orting e-ents.


T)e outloo1 %or most Asian mar1ets is #ositi-e4 so t)ere is good reason to .e o#timisti* a.out tourism ne?t +ear. $nl+ one9t)ird o% Asians said t)e glo.al %inan*ial *risis 0ould a%%e*t t)eir tra-el #lans4 0)ile t0o9t)irds said it )ad no im#a*t at all. Jear9on9+ear data s)o0s t)at Asia )as re*o-ered slig)tl+. 7ast +ear4 ': #er *ent said t)e re*ession 0ould in%luen*e t)eir tra-el #lans. T)is +ear t)at %igure is do0n .+ %our #er *ent. Ne?t +ear4 29 #er *ent o% Asians intend to tra-el more t)an in 201'4 0)ile onl+ 1: #er *ent aim to tra-el less. A little o-er 50 #er *ent said t)e+ 0ould underta1e t)e same amount o% tri#s. A**ordingl+4 t)e /TB 5orld Tra-el Trends Re#ort %ore*asts out.ound tra-el %rom Asia to gro0 .+ si? #er *ent.



/n terms o% tourism4 =a#an )as largel+ re*o-ered %rom t)e e%%e*ts o% last +ear3s tsunami and re#orted strong gro0t) during t)e %irst )al% o% t)is +ear. Ko0e-er4 sin*e ne0s emerged o% its island dis#ute 0it) C)ina t)e momentum )as .een lost some0)at. Nonet)eless4 t)e =a#anese are still o#timisti* a.out t)eir tra-el #lans %or 201'. $nl+ 2< #er *ent said t)e %inan*ial *risis 0ould a%%e*t t)eir tra-el de*isions ne?t +ear4 *om#ared 0it) '' #er *ent in 2012. 21 #er *ent e?#e*t to tra-el more in 201'4 0)ile 54 #er *ent aim to underta1e t)e same amount o% tri#s. $-erall4 in 201' out.ound tra-el %rom =a#an is %ore*ast to gro0 .+ around t)ree #er *ent.


C)ina )as also s)o0n itsel% to .e one o% Asia3s strongest mar1ets and its *itiAens3 tra-el intentions .ear t)is out. Total o% '< #er *ent (%our #er *ent more t)an in 2012! o% *)ina *itiAens #lan to tra-el more ne?t +ear. 49 #er *ent said t)e+ 0ould underta1e t)e same amount o% tri#s. As a result4 out.ound tra-el %rom C)ina is %ore*ast to gro0 .+ 12 #er *ent. B+ *ontrast4 (out) Gorean tra-el demand a##eared to tail o%% slig)tl+4 due in #art to de*lining *on%iden*e in #ur*)asing #o0er. T)us4 man+ (out) Goreans #re%er *)ea#er )olida+s in (out)east Asia. A similar trend )as emerged in Tai0an. B+ *ontrast4 t)e e*onomi* situation in Kong Gong

remains sta.le4 0it) tra-elers in*reasingl+ dis*o-ering ne0 destinations or re#eatedl+ -isiting t)e same ones in t)eir region. "r. artin Bu*14 dire*tor o% t)e Com#eten*e Center Tra-el & 7ogisti*s at

esse Berlin& X$-er t)e *oming +ears Asia 0ill *ontinue to .e one o% t)e main %or*es dri-ing international tourism. "es#ite t)e e*onomi* un*ertaint+ t)reatening ma,or mar1ets su*) as C)ina and ot)er *ountries in Nort)east Asia4 tra-elers %rom t)ose *ountries 0ill #la+ an im#ortant role in glo.al tourism.Y 7aun*)ed .+ t)e *onsultan*+ /PG /nternational and s#onsored .+ /TB Berlin4 e-er+ +ear at t)e 5orld Tra-el latest trends in international tourism. T)e re#ort is .ased on t)e assessments o% around 50 tourism e?#erts %rom '0 *ountries4 on a s#e*ial /PG /nternational trend anal+sis underta1en in ma,or sour*e mar1ets4 and on *ore data su##lied .+ t)e 5orld Tra-el onitor4 re*ogniAed as t)e largest *ontinuous sur-e+ o% glo.al tra-el trends in some :0 sour*e *ountries. T)e %indings re%le*t trends 0)i*) emerged during t)e %irst eig)t mont)s o% 2012. At t)e /TB Berlin Con-ention Rol% >reitag4 CE$ o% /PG /nternational4 0ill #resent t)e %indings %or t)e entire +ear4 as 0ell as t)e latest %ore*asts %or 201'. onitor >orum in Pisa4 tourism e?#erts and s*ientists %rom around t)e 0orld #resent *urrent statisti*s and t)e






Tab+" =9&: In!"rna!i#na+ !#uris! arri-a+s in Asia an, a0i*i0 r"gi#n R"gi#n Nort)9 East Asia (out)9 East Asia $*eania (out) Asia T#!a+ M"an &::% 2:.4 21.5 5.2 '.2 'C9$ &39%' &::' 41.' 2<.< <.1 4.2 E$93 $%9C $%%% 5<.' ':.1 9.: :.1 &&%9& $D9' $%%' <5.9 4<.5 11 <.1 &'=9C =E93 $%&% 111.5 ;0 11.: 12 $%'9& 'D9= $%&& 115.< ;;.' 11.; 1'.4 $&E9& '39' $%&$ )>i++i# ns/ 122.< <4 12.1 14 $=$9: 'E9$

(our*e& 5orld Tourism $rganiAation (6N5T$! Z



Obs"r-a!i#ns #* !h" ab#-" !ab+" ar" as *#++#Bs: T)e a.o-e ta.le s)o0s t)at in t)e last %e0 +ears t)e %oreign tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region )as graduall+ in*reased. /nternational tourist arri-als are )ig)est in nort)9east Asia region 0)ere as in sout) Asia international tourist arri-als are lo0est. T)e total no. o% international tourist *ontinues to in*rease *onstantl+ in e-er+ region o% Asia and #a*i%i*.

T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 1990 0as 14.05 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 1995 0as 20.0: million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 2000 0as 2;.5 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 2005 0as '<.4 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 2010 0as 5;.' million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 2011 0as 54.5 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region in 20120as 5<.2 million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region 0as )ig)est in 2012 i.e. 2'2.9 million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia and #a*i%i* region 0as lo0est in 1990 i.e. 5:.2 million


Tab+" =9$: Inb#un, !#uris> arri-a+s5 B#r+, an, Asia a0i*i05 &::' !# $%&$ In!"rna!i#na+ !#uris! arri-a+s Y"ar 1995 199: 199; 199< 1999 2000 2001 2002 200' 2004 2005 200: 200; 200< 2009 2010 2011 2012 6#r+,
5'0 5:' 5<9 :05 :2; :;< :;< :9< :<9 ;:0 <05 <51 911 929 <94 952

Asia )@#+u>" in >i++i#ns/ <2 90 <9 <9 9< 110 115 124 112 14' 154 1:: 1<2 1<4 1<1 205 21< 2''

99: 10'5




(our*e& 5orld Tourism $rganiAation (6N5T$! Z

Fig9 =9$

Obs"r-a!i#ns #* !h" ab#-" !ab+" ar" as *#++#Bs: T)e a.o-e ta.le s)o0s s)are o% Asia tourism in 0orld and ma1es a *om#arison .et0een 0orld tourism and Asia tourism. Tourist arri-als )a-e graduall+ in*reased in .ot) 0orld and Asia. Asia tourism )olds a ma,or s)are in 0orld tourism and *ontinues to gro0.


T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in 0orld %rom 1995 to 2012 0as ;0:: million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia %rom 1995 to 2012 0as 14' million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in 0orld 0as )ig)est in 2012 i.e. 10'5 million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia 0as )ig)est in 2012 i.e. 2'' million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in 0orld 0as lo0est in 1995 i.e. 5'0 million T)e total no. o% international tourist arri-als in Asia 0as lo0est in 1995 i.e. <2 million

Tab+" =9=: In!"rna!i#na+ !#uris! arri-a+s b. 0#un!r. #* ,"s!ina!i#n in Asia C#un!r. C)ina Kong Gong =a#an Re#u.li* o% Gorea a*ao &::' 20 5.' '.' '.< 4.2 $%%% '1.2 <.< 4.< 5.' 5.2 $%%' 4:.< 14.< :.; : 9 $%&% 55.; 20.1 <.: <.< 11.9 $%&& 5;.: 22.' :.2 9.< 12.9 $%&$ )>i++i#n s/ 5;.< 2'.< <.4 11.1 1'.:


ongolia Tai0an Brunei Cam.odia /ndonesia ala+sia +anmar P)ili##ines (inga#ore T)ailand Lietnam Banglades) B)utan /ndia /ran aldi-es

0.1 2.; 0.5 0.2 4.' ;.5 0.1 1.< :.1 ; 1.4 0.15 0.005 2.1 0.5 0.'

0.1' '.< 0.9 0.5 5 10.2 0.2 2 : 9.: 2.1 0.2 0.00< 2.: 1.' 0.5

0.'< 5 0.1' 1.4 5.1 1:.4 0.2' 2.: ;.1 11.: '.5 2.1 0.014 4 1.9 0.4

0.45 5.: 0.21 2.5 ; 24.: 0.' '.5 9.2 15.9 5.05 0.' 0.0' 5.< 2.9 0.<

0.4: : 0.24 2.9 ;.:5 24.; 0.4 4 10.4 19.2 : 0.29 0.04 :.' '.' 0.9

0.4< ;.' 0.'1 '.: < 25 0.: 4.' 1'.5 22.' :.< 0.4 0.0: :.: '.5 1

Ne#al Pa1istan (ri 7an1a M"an

0.4 0.4 0.4 =

0.5 0.: 0.4 39$

0.4 0.< 0.55 C9&

0.: 0.9 0.; E

0.; 1 0.9 E9'

0.< 0.9 1 :9$

(our*e& 5orld Tourism $rganiAation (6N5T$! Z

Fig9 =9=

Obs"r-a!i#ns #* !h" ab#-" !ab+" ar" as *#++#Bs: T)e a.o-e ta.le s)o0s t)at C)ina )as t)e largest s)are in Asia tourism and t)e total num.er o% tourist arri-als to Asia .+ *ountr+ o% destination *ontinues to in*rease *onstantl+.


T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 1995 0as ' million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2000 0as 4.2 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2005 0as :.1 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2010 0as < million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2011 0as <.2 million T)e mean no. o% international tourist arri-als .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2012 0as 9.2 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 1995 0as C)ina i.e. 20 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 1995 0as B)utan i.e. 0.005 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2000 0as C)ina i.e. '1.2 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2000 0as B)utan i.e. 0.00< million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2005 0as C)ina i.e. 4:.< million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2005 0as B)utan i.e. 0.014 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2010 0as C)ina i.e. 55.; million


T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2010 0as B)utan i.e. 0.0' million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2011 0as C)ina i.e. 5;.: million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2011 0as B)utan i.e. 0.04 million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2012 0as C)ina i.e. 5;.< million T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% international tourist arri-als in 2012 0as B)utan i.e. 0.0: million

Tab+" =93: In!"rna!i#na+ T#uris> R"0"i !s b. 0#un!r. #* ,"s!ina!i#n in Asia C#un!r. C)ina Kong Gong =a#an Re#u.li* o% Gorea a*ao ongolia Tai0an &::' <';0 9:04 4<94 ::;0 '2'' '' '142 $%%% 1:2'1 590; '';' :<'4 '20< ': ';'< $%%' 2929: 10294 ::'0 5<0: ;:1< 1;; 49;; $%&% 45<14 22200 1'199 10'59 2;<05 244 <;21 $%&& )USH Mi++i#n/ 4<4:4 2;:<: 109:: 12'04 '<500 21< 110:5


Brunei Cam.odia /ndonesia ala+sia +anmar P)ili##ines (inga#ore T)ailand Lietnam Banglades) B)utan /ndia /ran aldi-es Ne#al Pa1istan

1:; ;1 5229 5044 1:9 1141 ;:11 925; 5;0 25 5 25<2 205 211 2'2 5<2

1;4 '04 49;5 5011 1:2 215: 5142 ;4<9 900 50 10 '4:0 4:; '21 15< <1

1<: <40 4522 <<4; :; 22:5 :211 95;: 2'00 ;0 19 ;49' ;91 <2: 1'2 1<2

191 11<0 :95; 1<2;: ;2 2:'0 141'' 20104 4450 <1 '5 141:0 2;0; 1;1' '44 '05

25; 1:1: ;99; 19599 2<1 '152 1;990 2;1<4 5:20 <; 4< 1;51< 2<;0 1<:< '<: '5<

(ri 7an1a M"an

':; $E:$9$'

24< $:=39E

429 3'C39D '

5;: :%&%9D

<'0 &%D%$9D

(our*e& 5orld Tourism $rganiAation (6N5T$! Z

Fig9 =93

Obs"r-a!i#ns #* !h" ab#-" !ab+" ar" as *#++#Bs: T)e a.o-e ta.le s)o0s trends in international tourism re*ei#t .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia 0)i*) is in*reasing graduall+ %rom last %e0 +ears. C)ina

*ontinues to earn )ig)est %oreign e?*)ange earnings %rom tourism amongst all Asian *ountries. T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 1995 0as 6([ 2<92.25 illion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2000 0as 6([ 29'4.< illion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2005 0as 6([ 45:4.;5 illion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2010 0as 6([ 9010.; illion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#ts .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2011 0as 6([ 10;02.; illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism re*ei#t in 1995 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ <';0 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 1995 0as B)utan i.e. 6([ 5 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2000 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ 1:2'1 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2000 0as B)utan i.e. 6([ 10 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2005 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ 2929: illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2005 0as B)utan i.e. 6([ 19 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2010 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ 45<14 illion

T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2010 0as B)utan i.e. 6([ '5 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2011 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ 4<4:4 illion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism Re*ei#t in 2011 0as B)utan i.e. 6([ 4< illion

Tab+" =9': In!"rna!i#na+ T#uris> EI "n,i!ur" b. 0#un!r. #* ,"s!ina!i#n in Asia C#un!r. C)ina Kong Gong =a#an Re#u.li* o% Gorea a*ao ongolia Cam.odia +anmar &::' '.; 10.5 4; ; 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.02 $%%% 1'.1 12.5 '1.9 ;.1 0.' 0.05 0.05 0.0' $%%' 21.< 1'.' 2;.' 15.4 0.: 0.2 0.1 0.0'5 $%&% 54.9 1;.5 2;.9 1<.< 1.2 0.' 0.25 0.05 $%&& )USH Bi++i#ns/ ;2.: 19.2 2;.2 19.5 1.' 0.4 0.' 0.1


Tai0an /ndonesia ala+sia P)ili##ines (inga#ore T)ailand Banglades) /ndia /ran Ne#al Pa1istan (ri 7an1a M"an

;.9 2.2 2.; 0.: 4.; 4.< 0.2 1 0.' 0.2 0.; 0.' 39D

<.1 '.2 2.1 1.: 4.5 2.< 0.5 2.; 0.; 0.1 0.: 0.4 39C

<.; '.: '.; 1.' 10.1 '.< 0.4 :.2 '.; 0.2 2 0.: C9$

9.4 :.4 ;.9 '.4 1<.: 5.: 0.< 11.< 14.2 0.5 1.' 0.< &%

10.1 :.' 10.< '.: 21.1 5.; 0.;5 1'.2 15 0.4 1.< 0.9 &&9C

(our*e& 5orld Tourism $rganiAation (6N5T$! Z

Fig9 =9'


Obs"r-a!i#ns #* !h" ab#-" !ab+" ar" as *#++#Bs: T)e a.o-e ta.le s)o0s t)e amount o% e?#enditure in*urred .+ di%%erent *ountr+ o% destination in Asia on tourism. /t *ontinues to in*rease %rom +ear to +ear. C)ina *ontinues to earn )ig)est %oreign e?*)ange earnings %rom tourism amongst all Asian *ountries. C)ina Kong Gong and =a#an )a-e in-ested )ig)l+ on tourism amongst all Asian *ountries. T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 1995 0as 6([ 4.; Billion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2000 0as 6([ 4.:Billion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2005 0as 6([ :.2 Billion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2010 0as 6([ 10 Billion T)e mean no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure .+ *ountr+ o% destination in Asia in 2011 0as 6([ 11.: Billion

T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure t in 1995 0as Kong Gong i.e. 6([ 10.5 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 1995 0as +anmar i.e. 6([ 0.02 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2000 0as =a#an i.e. 6([ '1.9 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2000 0as +anmar i.e. 6([ 0.0' Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure t in 2005 0as =a#an i.e. 6([ 2;.' Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2005 0as +anmar i.e. 6([ 0.0'5 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2010 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ 54.9 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2010 0as +anmar i.e. 6([ 0.05 Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) )ig)est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2011 0as C)ina i.e. 6([ ;2.: Billion T)e Asian *ountr+ 0it) lo0est no. o% /nternational Tourism E?#enditure in 2011 0as +anmar i.e. 6([ 0.1 Billion





Asia *ontinues to .e t)e 0orld e*onomi* #o0er)ouse. A**ording to t)e 6nited Nations4 .+ 20204 %our o% t)e largest ten e*onomies 0ill .e in Asia (C)ina4 /ndia4 =a#an and t)e Re#u.li* o% Gorea!. Asia 0ill also a**ount %or 12 o% t)e 22 mega *ities (ur.an *enters 0it) more t)an 10 million #eo#le! .+ t)e same +ear4. An im#ro-ed glo.al e*onomi* #er%orman*e4 %urt)er u#li%ts o% tra-el and -isa restri*tions in t)e region4 lo0er trans#ortation *osts4 and %a-oura.le e?*)ange rates all *ontri.uted to t)e strong re.ound in t)e region during t)e +ear 200:. Tra-el and tourism in Asia re*o-ered 0ell %rom t)e 0orld re*ession4 due to a *ontinued relian*e on intra9regional -isitors and domesti* tourism gro0t). 7o0 *ost *arriers are re-italising trans#ortation a*ross t)e region and international )otel *)ains are e?#anding d+nami*all+. C)ina and /ndia4 t)e region3s giants in terms o% #o#ulation and e*onomi* gro0t)4 are in*reasingl+ soug)t9a%ter sour*e *ountries4 as dis#osa.le in*omes rise and a gro0ing num.er o% *onsumers are 1een to tra-el. T)e glo.al tra-el and tourism industr+ is e?#e*ted to e?#and .+ more t)an : #er*ent t)is +ear. T)e most im#ortant se*tor o% gro0t) %or tra-el is in Asia. /n t)e ne?t *ou#le o% +ears4 2 out o% 5 international tra-elers 0ill .e Asian. B+ 202'4 C)ina 0ill o-erta1e t)e 6nited (tates to .e*ome t)e 0orld3s largest tra-el and tourism e*onom+.

/n-estors are %lo*1ing to Asia loo1ing %or o##ortunities and its little 0onder 0)+ 0)en +ou *onsider t)e num.ers .e)ind t)e region3s gro0t). T)e Asian "e-elo#ment Ban1 #ro,e*ts t)at Asia 0ill a**ount %or )al% o% glo.al 8"P .+ 20504 0)ile studies *ondu*ted .+ .an1s su*) as "B( )a-e #ro,e*ted t)at Asia9103s 8"P 0ill .e 6([22.4 trillion .+ 20204 6([11.5 trillion larger t)at it is toda+. Aside %rom t)e e*onomi* gro0t)4 .etter airline *onne*ti-it+ and a gro0ing middle9*lass are *ontri.uting to a .oom in tourism in-estments in Asia. A**ording to t)e Tra-el & Tourism3s E*onomi* /m#a*t Resear*)4 glo.al tra-el and tourism *ontri.ution to dire*t 8"P in 201' is %ore*ast to gro0 .+ '.1D. 7onger9term #ros#e*ts are e-en more #ositi-e 0it) annual gro0t) %ore*ast to .e 4.4D o-er t)e ne?t ten +ears to 2022. T)e surge in sales a*ti-it+ is indi*ati-e o% #ositi-e mar1et sentiment and Asia3s s)are o% glo.al tra-el and tourism in-estment )as .een gro0ing ra#idl+ in im#ortan*e. A glo.al *om#arison re-eals t)at t)e gro0t) o% Tra-el & Tourism3s *ontri.ution to 8"P in 201' 0ill .e t)e )ig)est in Asia4 e?*eeding t)e 0orld a-erage o% 4.4D and out#a*ing e-en ot)er %ast9gro0ing mar1ets li1e 7atin Ameri*a and t)e iddle East.

(ustaina.le tourism is a 1e+ e*onomi* dri-er %or t)e Asia9Pa*i%i* region4 *reating ,o.s and #romoting in-estment and de-elo#ment.

Belo0 are s#>" sugg"s!i#ns to )el# #romote gro0t) in tra-el and tourism in t)e region9 /t is 0idel+ re*ognised t)at a .urgeoning middle *lass #o#ulation and )ig)er dis#osa.le in*omes )a-e *ontri.uted to t)e gro0t) o% domesti* and regional tra-el in t)e Asia Pa*i%i*. T)ere%ore Asian e*onomies s)ould start in*reasingl+ garnering in-estor attention 0it) t)eir gro0t) o##ortunities generated .+ t)e rise o% t)e middle9*lass alone. (in*e in-estment de*isions are largel+ de#endent on in%rastru*ture readiness4 destinations in Asia s)ould .egin in-esting in t)e de-elo#ment o% tourism in%rastru*ture and *on*e#ts to ensure t)at t)eir in%rastru*ture o%%ers a user9%riendl+ and e%%i*ient gate0a+ %or -isitors. /nternal in-estment is .eing su##orted .+ glo.al in-estment in Asia4 #arti*ularl+ in t)e )os#italit+ se*tor. /n-estments #ro-ide t)e region a mu*) needed .oost on t)e in%rastru*ture %ront and are e?#e*ted to a*t as a *atal+st to unlo*1 Asia3s #otential as a ma,or gro0t) mar1et %or t)e *ruise industr+. T)us4 t)ere is a strong need o% in-estment 0it)in *ountries to %a*ilitate mar1et %or tourism. T)ere is a need to .uild ne0 air#orts4 )otels and terminals %or *ruise liners to *ater %or t)e gro0ing demand t)roug)out t)e region. /m#ro-ing -isa #oli*ies and %a*ilitating -isa #ro*esses s)ould .e t)e #riorit+ %or Asian *ountries in order to in*rease -isitor num.ers4 re*ei#ts and t)ere%ore 8"P and ,o.s. (te#s are needed to .e ta1en to ensure im#ro-ed sa%et+ and se*urit+ s+stem %or t)e tourists in t)e *ountries4 so as to ma1e t)em %eel more se*ure in t)e region.



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