Jon Donais: Summary of Qualifications

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C: (209) 768-0905 1255 E: [email protected] P.O. Box a!esto"n# C$ 95%27

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: O&e' 1( )ea's o* ex+e'ience as a +o"e' +,ant o+e'ato'. -t'on. "o'/ et0ic# a1i,it) to ,ea'n 23ic/,) and a,so de&e,o+ t0e /no",ed.e and s/i,,s o* ot0e's. Ex+e'ience co!!3nicatin. and coo'dinatin. "it0 !e!1e's o* a tea! and "o'/in. "it0 con*identia, in*o'!ation. $1i,it) to "o'/ on !3,ti+,e tas/s "0i,e "o'/in. e**icient,) and acc3'ate,) 3nde' st'ess*3, sit3ations. $de+t at +'o1,e!-so,&in.# settin. .oa,s and c'eatin. +'o.'a!s to ac0ie&e t0e!. 4oc3sed on +e'sonne, and en&i'on!enta, sa*et) "0i,e !axi!i5in. +'od3ction. Technical Proficiencies: 678 Cont'o,s 3sin. 9onde'"a'e O+e'atin. -)ste! 7ainsa&e' C77- -o*t"a'e 7ic'oso*t O**ice -3ite Speciali e! Trainin": Po"e' +,ant :E;C 'e23i'e!ents Con*ined s+ace 'esc3e 2009: <eade's0i+ t'ainin. 2008: Be0a&io'a, $ccident P'e&ention P'ocess Coo'dinato' t'ainin. C0e!ist'): 7onito' and ana,)5e P6# cond3cti&it)# disso,&ed O2# si,ica and +0os+0ate 6ea&) E23i+!ent o+e'ations s+eci*ica,,) 'e,ated to Bio 7ass *3e, o+e'ations# Cate'+i,,a' 82(#966# 81(# 4o'/ ,i*t# !an,i*t and s/idstee' 23a,i*ications. Co!!e'cia, C$ d'i&e's <ic. #$P#RI#NC#: %&&& 'Presen( Pacific Ul(rapo)er Chinese S(a(ion Ja*es(o)n+ CA Opera(ions , Main(enance Tech III Environmental Health & Safety Committee Behavioral Accident Prevention Process Committee Confined Space Rescue Team 20 2!20 "# House$eepin% A&ard -enio' Cont'o, ;oo! O+e'ato' o* a 22n!" 1io!ass +o"e' +,ant Ex+e't in +e'*o'!in. sta't-3+# o+e'ations and s03t-do"n o* 1oi,e'# t3'1ine# .ene'ato' and t0ei' a3xi,ia'ies sa*e,) and "it0in en&i'on!enta, co!+,iance# "0en di**ic3,ties a'ise d3'in. sta't-3+s and o' "0en sta't-3+s *a,, on ,ess ex+e'ienced o+e'ato's# 8 a! ca,,ed to assist. =i'ect *3e, 0and,in. +e'sonne, to ens3'e contin3o3s and coo'dinated 1oi,e' *3e, s3++,). ;o3tine,) !a/e so3nd# ca,c3,ated decisions and di'ecti&es d3'in. st'ess*3, sit3ations. 7-=- data 1ase coo'dinato'. 8n 2010 8 cond3cted an ai' and te!+e'at3'e st3d) t0at 'es3,ted in a sa&in.s o* a++'ox. >%0#000.00 a )' in $n0)d'o3s $!!onia 3sed in e!issions cont'o,. -ince 1eco!in. a 23a,i*ied o+e'ato'# 8 0a&e a&e'a.ed 15 s3ccess*3, +,ant sta't-3+s a )ea'. =onais1

'evelopin% (thers# o -3ccess*3,,) t'ained 12 o+e'ato's *'o! a3xi,ia') ,e&e, to Cont'o, ;oo! ,e&e,. o 2 o+e'ato's 0a&e ta/en t0ei' t'ainin. and de&e,o+ed s/i,,s to o1tain ca'ee's in 6)d'o E,ect'ic +o"e' o+e'ations. 2 ot0e's 0a&e !o&ed on to nat3'a, .as *i'ed +o"e' o+e'ations. o $,, c3''ent o+e'ations +e'sonne, at C0inese -tation 0a&e 23a,i*ied 3nde' !) t'ainin.. )eader in Safety# o =esi.nated as -a*et) O**ice' *o' !ajo' o 6eaded t0e 1e0a&io' 1ased accident +'e&ention +'o.'a!? inc'eased sa*et) o1se'&ations *'o! (0@ +a'tici+ation 'ate to 95@. *aintenance Planner+Coordinator# <ead c'e"s and cont'acto's d3'in. 'e13i,ds o* +,ant e23i+!ent and +,an tas/s *'o! sta't to *inis0 (sco+e o* "o'/# +a'ts# ,a1o'# etc.) Ja*es(o)n+ CA

%&&&-Presen( Pacific Ul(rapo)er Chinese S(a(ion Opera(ions , Main(enance Technician %&&.-%&&& Sch/l( an! Sons Tr/c0in" CA S/per1isin" Dri1er %&&2-%&&. Jac0son Rancheria Tri3al Police Dep(4 Police 5-& 6an!ler #DUCATION: 6i"h School 7ra!/a(e+ %&89 Mo!es(o JC Police Aca!e*:+ %&&% R#F#R#NC#S: Larr: O;Neal DT# #ner": Plan( Mana"er Ross Ohlo(( Main(enance Mana"er >heela3ra(or Shas(a #ner": Co4 Arian Aeli( Co*pliance Technician Chinese S(a(ion Pa/lo S)ar( Co-)or0er Chinese S(a(ion To!! For!ahl An"les Ca*p Police Chief A*: Bercnoc0e Po)er Plan( A!*inis(ra(or Chinese S(a(ion


Jac0son+ CA

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