JSI Template June, 2009 Qta
JSI Template June, 2009 Qta
JSI Template June, 2009 Qta
Planned activitie#$Ta#%# Target# for t&e 'uarter$mont& Target# ac&ieved Target# not ac&ieved (ea#on# for dela)$overac&ievement *ugge#ted corrective mea#ure#
*trategic +,-ective I
Participate$*upport meeting# of provincial MN. over#ig&t committee#
Conduct advocac) campaign for e/pan#ion and e/ten#ion of AMT*0 and Increa#ed 1#e of Partograp&
1 1 1
*trategic +,-ective II
*trengt&ening of 2acilit) 3a#ed +,#tetric Care #ervice# at t&e #elected .2# Integration of 2P #ervice# at t&e di#trict level Implementation of T3A# orientation #trateg) Tran#port and Communication for communit) o,#tetric$N3 emergencie# (efre#&er Mid4ifer) Training 5nrollment of CM6# (17 mont&#" on ne4 Curriculum Monitoring 'ualit) of CM6 training# Placement of ne4l) graduated CM6# in t&e field 5ducational #upport to t&e under *8*8C8 )oung 4omen for CM6 enrollment 5ducational #upport to t&e under 7t&8 9rade )oung 4omen to 'ualif) a# 0.6 Improving referral and acce## to IMNCI Innovation to improve acce## to MNC.$ 2P *ervice#
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In Process In Process 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
*trategic +,-ective I;
Improving t&e #%ill# of t&e &ealt& care provider# in IMNCI at t&e facilitie# Implementation of CM6# training 2acilitate in Implementation of <i#trict .ealt& Information *)#tem
9uideline# 1. Eac Partner includin! JSI and sub"!rantee N#$s to %resent on t e te&%late %rovided durin! t e 'istrict and Provincial (oordination &eetin!. 2. Su!!ested corrective &easures )ill be discussed* finali+ed and recorded in t e &eetin!. , e furt er necessary action identified to be taken at national* %rovincial and district level s%ecified and by ) o&. -. In addition to t e co%ies of t e filled te&%late* concerned .$/ 0for Provincial &eetin!s1 )ill record t e &inutes and )ill send t ese &inutes 2 filled te&%late for&s to JSI office in Isla&abad. .or 'istrict (oordination /eetin!s concerned (/ %artner )ill record t e &inutes and )ill send t ese &inutes 2 filled te&%late for&s to t e concerned .$/ and t eir res%ective ead3uarters. .$/ )ill send t ese docu&ents to JSI office in Isla&abad Note4 , is is to &ake t e coordination &eetin!s %roductive and for ti&ely solution to any delay in ac ieve t e tar!ets as s%ecified in )ork %lan of 2005"2006.