Corporate Plan 2007/08: Activity and Decent and Affordable Housing
Corporate Plan 2007/08: Activity and Decent and Affordable Housing
Corporate Plan 2007/08: Activity and Decent and Affordable Housing
The Sustainable Community Plan has set out a long term Vision to 2020 for the Community of Communities that is North Warwickshire The North Warwickshire Community
Partnershi! "which inclu#es re!resentation from the $orough Council% the County Council% the !olice% health% e#ucation% business an# the &oluntary an# community sectors'
has agree# se&en themes for working together to achie&e that &ision
These are()
C*++,N-T. /-01 2 !ro&i#ing o!!ortunities for all members of the community to !lay a full !art in community life% !articularly through voluntary and community
activity; and decent and affordale !ou"in#
T31 /*C4/ 1C*N*+. 2 contributing towar#s ensuring that the local economy is healthy% #i&erse an# able to a#a!t to changes in the wi#er economy while remaining
rele&ant to the nee#s of local !eo!le
T31 1NV-5*N+1NT 2 maintaining% !rotecting an# im!ro&ing the 6uality of the en&ironment for !eo!le li&ing% working in an# &isiting the area
314/T3 4N7 W1//$1-N8 2 tackling health ine6ualities by su!!orting local communities an# by im!ro&ing accessibility an# raising awareness so that in#i&i#uals can
make informe# choices about their health
17,C4T-*N 4N7 /-01/*N8 /145N-N8 2 ensuring that !eo!le of all ages are !ro&i#e# with the o!!ortunity to obtain the skills% knowle#ge% confi#ence an#
un#erstan#ing to achie&e their full !otential
S4015 C*++,N-T-1S 2 making North Warwickshire a safer !lace to li&e% work an# en9oy an# where the fear of crime an# #isor#er is low
C3-/751N% .*,N8 P1*P/1 4N7 T31-5 04+-/-1S 2 listening to% res!on#ing an# in&esting in chil#ren% young !eo!le an# their families
North Warwickshire $orough Council !lays a full an# acti&e !art in the Community Partnershi! an# has set its !riorities taking account of the &iews an# nee#s of local !eo!le
in or#er to hel! to #eli&er the &ision for North Warwickshire through the Sustainable Community Plan
A$$endi% A
The Council has set its own 2020 &i"ion of being reco#ni"ed for !ro&i#ing !i#! 'uality "ervice" to its communities% through li"tenin#( learnin# and leadin# )it!
o$enne"" Whilst it will seek to #o this across all of its ser&ices% its short term focus will be to #eli&er on ten $rioritie" with a &iew to !laying its !art in im!ro&ing the 6uality of
life of local !eo!le These are(
Addressing Equalities in all aspects of its Policies and Services
Enhancing Community Engagement and Access to Services
Improving the Broader Public Realm and increasing the amount of waste that is recycled
or!ing in partnership to improve our "ar!et #owns and increase #ourism and progressing out a $ramewor! for Rural Action
Reviewing its %eisure Services and $acilities
E&panding its Borough Care service to a wider range of vulnerable people
or!ing with its partners to tac!le crime and the fear of crime
Improving housing in the Borough by delivering more affordable housing and achieving the 'ecent (omes Standard for its own stoc!
Achieving a balanced budget
'eveloping its staff through a comprehensive (uman Resources Strategy
The following !ages set out the !rogress the Council has ma#e% is making an# inten#s to make to #eli&er on the ten !riorities The full content of the work
carrie# out by the Council to #eli&er ser&ices to local !eo!le is set out in the #etaile# Ser&ice Plans !ro#uce# by each 7i&ision
Berry 3utchinson Colin 3ayfiel#
Chief 1Cecuti&e /ea#er
CO**+N,T- L,.E
T!e Council aim" to im$rove CO**+N,T- L,.E t!rou#! it" $rioritie" of
A//RE00,N1 E2+AL,T,E0 ,N ALL A0PECT0 O. ,T0 POL,C,E0 AN/ 0ER&,CE0
/EL,&ER,N1 A..OR/A4LE 3O+0,N1 AN/ T3E /ECENT 3O*E0 0TAN/AR/
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
4 1D,4/-T-1S
"i' 4chie&ing /e&el 2 of the
16uality Stan#ar# for /ocal
"i' 4chie&ing /e&el = of the 16uality
Stan#ar# for /ocal 8o&ernment by
+arch 200?
"i' To maintain /e&el = of the 16ualities
Stan#ar# for /ocal 8o&ernment by
+arch 200?
1Cec $oar#:
4sst Chief 1Cec
16ualities Training for
all staff an# +embers
"ii' Pre!aring a 7isability
16uality Scheme
"ii' "a' -m!lementing the actions inclu#e#
in the 7isability 16uality Scheme
for 200E:0?
"ii' To continue to im!lement ser&ice
im!ro&ements arising from the
7isability 16uality Scheme
1Cec $oar#:
4sst Chief 1Cec
Staff resources
"b' 4#o!ting a 8en#er 16uality
Scheme by 4!ril 200E
"iii' Working to hel! set u! the
Warwickshire 5ace 16uality
"iii' 4ssisting in the im!lementation of the
Warwickshire 5ace 16uality
Partnershi! 4ction Plan 200E)0?
"iii' To assist in future Warwickshire 5ace
16uality Partnershi! 4ction Plans
1Cec $oar#:
4sst Chief 1Cec
Staff resources
"i&' -m!lementing access
im!ro&ements to The Council 3ouse%
4therstone% /eisure Com!leC%
+emorial 3all an# the 4rca#e
"i&' 5e&iewing the im!ro&ements set out in
the 774 4ction Plan to take into
account the strategic !lans for the
future use of our buil#ings an# facilities
by +arch 200?
"i&' To carry out the remaining
im!ro&ements set out in the 774
4ction Plan an# to ha&e com!lete# all
work by +arch 20A@
5esources $oar#:
47 "S'
0un#s allocate# in
Ca!ital Programme
"&' 4#o!ting a cor!orate 7ebt Strategy
in +arch 200E as !art of a wi#er
eCercise un#ertaken with other key
local stakehol#ers on the a#o!tion of
a cor!orate 4nti)Po&erty Strategy
"&' 7eli&ery of targets to be agree#
in the wi#er cor!orate 4nti)Po&erty
Strategy which will be a > year !lan to
be a#o!te# by members in Bune 200E
-nitial targets will inclu#e()
"a' Promotion of the Cre#it ,nion
"b' Take u! of all benefits in
!artnershi! with all agencies
"&i' Continue to #eli&er targets in
the cor!orate 4nti)Po&erty Strategy
1Cec $oar#:
47 "5F$''
4ny financial
im!lications will be
i#entifie# when the
#raft Strategy is
re!orte# to +embers
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
$ C*++,N-T. 1N8481+1NT
"a' 4 Customer 4ccess Strategy
200<)AA an# 4ction Plan was
a#o!te# by +embers an# the
following actions taken()
"a' -m!lementing the Customer 4ccess
4ction Plan% inclu#ing()
"i' Continue# the transfer of front
office ser&ices into the Contact
"i' *!ening the *ne Sto! Sho! facility to
inclu#e eCten#e# hours arrangements
"ie a Satur#ay morning an# two late
e&enings' in 4therstone by 4!ril 200E
The late e&ening o!enings will !ro&i#e
a key outlet to enable the PCT% in
!artnershi! with the Council% to #eli&er
the Well)being agen#a
"i' -n&estigating the further #e&elo!ment
an# im!ro&ement of customer access
through eCten#ing the o!ening hours of
the Contact Centre an# *ne Sto!
5esources $oar#:
47 "5F$'
$usiness Case
a#o!te# for the *ne
Sto! Sho!
0un#ing o!!ortunities
&ia !artnering an#
eCternal sources
"ii' Pro!osals to set u!
a *ne Sto! Sho! in !artnershi! with
the County Council an# PCT was
agree# This also a##resse# the
774 com!liance in The Council
"ii' 1C!loring how a similar face)to)face
customer ser&ice eC!erience can be
#eli&ere# outsi#e 4therstone
"b' Com!lete# a re&iew of the
boun#aries an# functions of 4rea
"b' "i' 0ollowing the /ocal 1lections in
+ay% to re&iew the remits of
Portfolio 3ol#ers to ensure that
local ser&ices are #eli&ere# in a
manner which takes greater
account of the &iews an#
re6uirements of local communities
an# to take into account changes
to the Sustainable Community
"b' 5e&iewing the Councils Constitution
an# Political Structure in 200? to
ensure that it remains fit for !ur!ose
1Cec $oar#:
Chief 1Cecuti&e
Staff resources
"ii' *rganising an# con#uct the
$orough an# Parish 1lections
Staff resources
"iii' Carrying out a re&iew of
!olling stations by =A 7ecember
Staff resources
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"c' 4chie&ing A00G 1lectronic Ser&ice
Pro&ision by =A 7ecember 200> in
line with 8o&ernment targets
"c' -ncreasing take)u! of electronic ser&ice
#eli&ery to A?G of our customers who
ha&e electronic access to our ser&ices
"c' 0or 2>G of customers who ha&e
electronic access to our ser&ices to
use it as the !referre# o!tion by 20A0
5esources $oar#:
7irector of
47 "-FPS'
0un#ing is a&ailable
within the Ca!ital
"i' 0un#ing W5CC to commence work
on Parish Plan making in siC
"i' Continuing fun#ing W5CC to
commence siC further Parish Plans
"i' To re&iew the success of the
!rogramme% with a &iew to su!!ort
!re!aration of further Parish Plans
Planning F 7e&t
$oar#:47 "PF7'
This is the sub9ect of a
growth bi# for 200E:?
in the bu#get re!ort
C 400*574$/1 3*,S-N8:71C1NT
"i' 5e&iewing our stock con#ition
information an# ensuring we are
#eli&ering a !rogramme of
im!ro&ements to meet the 7ecent
3omes Stan#ar#
"i' "a' -ntro#ucing mo#ern metho#s of
!rocurement in or#er to continue
with the agree# !rogramme of
housing im!ro&ements containe#
in the Ca!ital Programme for
"i' To ensure that all housing in the
Councils stock achie&es the agree#
North Warwickshire stan#ar# by 20A0
5esources $oar#:
47 "3'
0un#ing is a&ailable in
the Ca!ital
"b' 5e&iewing its lan# bank in the light
of the /ocal Plan -n6uiry to i#entify
which sites col# be ma#e a&ailable
for affor#able housing or sol# by
Buly 200E
7irector of
"3':47 "PF7'
Staff resources
"ii' 4greeing an action !lan to im!ro&e
its 3ousing Ser&ice following an
eCternal ins!ection
"ii' Taking action to a##ress the action
!lans key recommen#ation
"ii' -ntro#ucing ser&ice im!ro&ements to
ensure a successful re)ins!ection
5esources $oar#:
47 "3'
Staff resources an#
resources i#entifie# in
the 4ction Plan
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"iii' Progressing initiati&es at 4nsley
Common% -slington Crescent%
1nners#ale $ungalows an# The
/ynch to secure #e&elo!ment for
affor#able housing
"iii' -#entifying the best solution for
ensuring that the eC)Coal $oar# sites
at 3ill To! an# Picca#illy are brought
u! to the Councils agree#
im!ro&ement stan#ar# by +ay 200E
"iii' To work with 5egistere# Social
/an#lor# !artners an# use Planning
4greements to meet i#entifie#
affor#able housing nee#s
5esources $oar#:
47 "3'
Staff resources initially
"i&' 4!!ointe# an officer to #e&elo!
-nterme#iate Tenure !ro!osals in
!artnershi! with other local
authorities% 5S/s an# the 3ousing
"i&' Working with communities to #e&elo!
!ro9ects to !ro&i#e affor#able housing
through -nterme#iate Tenure 2 in
!articular through a Community /an#
"i&' To !ro&i#e affor#able housing through
-nterme#iate Tenure% in !articular
through a Community /an# Trust
5esources $oar#:
47 "3'
*ngoing bu#get
!ro&ision has been
ma#e from 200<:E
"&' 7e&elo!ing o!!ortunities for tenants
an# resi#ents to be in&ol&e# in
contributing to the Councils
"&' Progressing local community !anels so
that tenants an# resi#ents can be
closely in&ol&e# in 3ousing Ser&ices
"&' 1nsuring Tenant Partici!ation is a
mainstream acti&ity an# tenants ha&e
!ositi&e o!!ortunities to be in&ol&e# at a
le&el of their choosing
5esources $oar#:
47 "3'
Within eCisting bu#get
"&i' Seeking affor#able housing
as a !rime ob9ecti&e in the
#e&elo!ment of new housing through
the !lanning system
"&i' 5e&iewing the 0orwar# Planning team
to ensure that a#e6uate resources are
a&ailable to su!!ort the !lanning
ser&ice in its work an# all #e&elo!ers
an# to achie&e 4ffor#able 3ousing
targets 1&i#ence from the 4nnual
+onitoring re!ort is suggesting that
this Planning a!!roach is working an#
that -ns!ectors are gi&ing full su!!ort
on a!!eals
"&i' "a' To im!lement the !riorities of the
/ocal Plan in seeking an#
negotiating new affor#able
5esources $oar#:
47 "PF7'
Staff resources
"b' To seek through !lanning
negotiations a minimum of @0G of
all new units of accommo#ation as
affor#able housing
"&ii' Pro#uce# !ri&ate sector #ecent
homes housing !olicy
"&ii' -m!lementing the actions of the !ri&ate
sector #ecent homes housing !olicy
"&ii' To continue to #eli&er the targete#
actions in the new !ri&ate sector #ecent
homes housing !olicy
5esources $oar#:
47 "PF7'
47 "3'
0un#ing has been
secure# for a three
year Pri&ate Sector
7ecent 3omes Pro9ect
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"&iii'-m!lemente# the new 3ousing 4ct
200@ !owers% inclu#ing the licensing
of 3ouses in +ulti!le *ccu!ation
an# the 33S5S
"&iii'Continuing to im!lement the new
3ousing 4ct 200@ !owers% inclu#ing the
licensing of 3ouses in +ulti!le
*ccu!ation an# the 33S5S
"&iii'7e&elo!ing a strategy to create
o!!ortunities for more tenant an#
leasehol#er !artici!ation by 4ugust
5esources $oar#:
47 "5FCS'
Training on the 200@
4ct has been i#entifie#
an# resources are
a&ailable to im!lement
"iC' 7eli&ering targete# assistance to !ri&ate
sector homes not meeting the #ecent
homes stan#ar#% with !articular
em!hasis on fuel !o&erty
5esources $oar#:
47 "5FCS'
Training on the 200@
4ct has been i#entifie#
an# resources are
a&ailable to im!lement
4ffor#able housing actions aim to meet local housing nee#s an# are being !ursue# by the Council as both 3ousing an# Planning 4uthority
The $orough Council is not the lea# authority for Trans!ort -t #oes% howe&er% !lay its !art through a number of initiati&es% inclu#ing()
*!erating% in !artnershi! with the other Warwickshire Councils% a concessionary tra&el scheme The scheme was im!ro&e# further in 4!ril 200< to
allow free bus tra&el "!re&iously half fare bus tra&el' for all resi#ents age# <0 an# o&er% in the County an# imme#iate surroun#ing area 0urther
action will be taken #uring 200E:0? to e&aluate what work nee#s to be un#ertaken to intro#uce the National $us Scheme !ro!ose# by the
8o&ernment to begin in 4!ril 200? 4lthough no further #etail is a&ailable at the time of writing this re!ort% the Council will continue to work with
!artners to intro#uce any changes on time an# to bu#get
su!!orting the work of the /ocal Strategic Partnershi! to su!!ort% #e&elo! an# !romote !ublic trans!ort
seeking o!!ortunities to su!!ort !ublic trans!ort an# 8reen Tra&el Plans through Planning 4greements
,t intend" to !el$ to im$rove t!e LOCAL ECONO*- t!rou#! it" $riority of $artner"!i$ )or8 relatin# to *AR9ET TO:N0( TO+R,0* and im$lementin# t!e
.RA*E:OR9 .OR R+RAL ACT,ON for t!e 4orou#!;
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"i' Com!leting the +arket Towns
!rogramme for 4therstone an#
Polesworth% inclu#ing()
"i' 7e&elo!ing an# #eli&ering a
!rogramme of economic !ro9ects for
Coleshill an# to su!!ort the better
welcome tourism !ro9ects for Coleshill
an# Polesworth
"i' Com!leting% in !artnershi!% the
!rogramme of +arket Towns !ro9ects
for Coleshill by 4!ril 200? an# working
with our !artners on a succession
1Cecuti&e $oar#:
47 "PF7'
+atche# fun#ing
nee#s to be i#entifie#
for all !ro9ect
eC!en#iture un#er the
"a' !romoting 4therstone as a
$ook Town
"b' #e&elo!ing access to
Polesworth 4bbey with
facilities for schools an#
"c' ensuring that continuation
an# #e&elo!ment of the
5ecruitment N*W
"Peo!le into 1m!loyment
2 P1P' !ro9ect
"ii' Com!leting the 0ramework for
5ural 4ction an# a#o!te# with
the /ocal Strategic Partnershi!
"ii' 5e&iewing !rogress against the
targets in the 4ction Plan
"ii' To im!lement an# #e&elo! the
0ramework for 5ural 4ction
1Cecuti&e $oar#:
47 "PF7'
4wareness raising for
staff an# !artners an#
consi#eration of
fun#ing nee#s against
future actions
"iii' -n relation to $-7s carrie# out
consultation an# su!!orte#
a!!roaches to local businesses
*ne off fun#ing for
su!!orting $-7s was
inclu#e# in 200<:E
bu#get% but was not
taken u!
"i&' Pro#ucing a Tourism 4ction Plan
"i&' Carrying out an annual re&iew of
!rogress against targets in tourism
action !lan
"i&' To re&ise an# #e&elo! a new tourism
action !lan an# long term &ision
Comm F 1n&
47 "PF7'
Staff resources
,t aim" to $lay it" $art in im$rovin# t!e LOCAL EN&,RON*ENT t!rou#! it" $riority of ,*PRO&,N1 T3E 4ROA/ER P+4L,C REAL* and ,NCREA0,N1 T3E
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"i' "a' 5e#ucing the number of streets
that fail to meet cleanliness
stan#ar#s from 2AG to A=G
"year en# target A?G'
"i' Continuing to maintain the cleanliness
of the Councils streets an# o!en
s!aces inclu#ing ensuring that the
number of streets failing to meet the
cleanliness stan#ar# #oes not eCcee#
the Councils target of A<G
"i' To maintain cleanliness stan#ar#s
below the Councils target of A<G in
200E:? an# A@G in 200?:H
Comm F 1n&
47 "S'
This is the sub9ect of a
growth bi# in the
bu#get re!ort
"b' -ntro#ucing an a##itional two
man clean u! team an# &ehicle
to tackle rural an# main roa#s
"ii' "a' 7e&elo!ing the Public 5ealm
Partnershi! "P5P' to secure a
more 9oine# u! an# effecti&e
a!!roach to maintaining an#
im!ro&ing the local en&ironmentI
"ii' Continuing to #e&elo! the Public
5ealm Partnershi! through()
"ii' To #e&elo!% with !artners% the Public
5ealm Partnershi! 4ction Plan to
!ro&i#e better integrate# an# more
efficient ser&ices across the $orough
Comm F 1n&
47 "S'
Staff resources
"a' 4greeing 4ction Plans
with !artners an#
stakehol#ers co&ering the
areas of 3ighway an#
8roun#s +aintenance%
Cleansing an#
"a' Closer working with other agencies
an# statutory bo#ies to manage%
monitor an# im!ro&e the o&erall
#eli&ery of !ublic realm ser&ices with
North Warwickshire
Comm F 1n&
47 "S'
Staff resources
"b' 1nsuring that P5P issues
are #iscusse# regularly at
4rea 0ora with fee#back
on actions an# areas for
further attention
"b' Continuing to ensure that P5P issues
are raise# at 4rea 0ora an#
a!!ro!riate action taken
"b' Continuing to ensure that P5P issues
are raise# at 4rea 0ora an#
a!!ro!riate action taken
Comm F 1n&
47 "S'
4ction will #e!en# on
a&ailable resources
"c' Piloting #ifferent metho#s
of grass cutting to
establish the most
suitable a!!roach
"c' 0urther im!ro&ing grass cutting by
targeting eCtra resources in certain
areas at key times
Comm F 1n&
47s "S' F "/FC7'
This may re6uire eCtra
resources at key times
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"#' ,n#ertook a !rogramme
of community clean)u!s
within each 4rea 0orum%
inclu#ing New 4rley%
0illongley% Polesworth an#
"#' Continuing the !rogramme of
community clean)u!s in locations
targete# by 4rea 0ora through 200E:?
"#' ,n#er the #irection of 4rea 0ora% to
maintain !rogress with the targete#
!rogramme of community clean)u!s
47 "S':
47 "/FC7'
"iii' "a' *ffering free home com!osting
bins to resi#ents unable to
recei&e the Councils gar#en
waste collection ser&ice
"iii' "a' -n&estigating ways to intro#uce a
gar#en waste collection ser&ice in
those few areas not currently
"iii' The im!lementation of a kerbsi#e
recycling ser&ice of at least two
materials to e&ery househol# in the
$orough by 20A0
Comm F 1n&
47 "S'
Staff resources "may
re6uire further
resources in future
"b' 1ncouraging the use of the
Councils kerbsi#e ser&ices to
!romote recycling an# increase
"b' Continuing to !romote recycling in
&arious ways% inclu#ing
!romotional an# awareness raising
!rogrammes an# school &isits
Comm F 1n&
47s "S' F "/FC7'
Staff resources an#
!ro&ision within
eCisting bu#gets
"i&' ,se# the new enforcement !owers
within the Clean Neighbourhoo#s
an# 1n&ironment 4ct 200>
!articularly the use of fiCe# !enalty
notices for littering an# fly ti!!ing
"i&' "a' Carrying out A=
!resentations to schools to
heighten awareness of the
!roblems cause# by litter an#
encourage its !re&ention
"i&' To continue to raise awareness an#%
where necessary% take enforcement
action for littering% fly ti!!ing an# #og
Comm F 1n&
Staff resources an#
!ro&ision within
eCisting bu#gets
"b' Continuing to engage local
resi#ents in measures that are
#esigne# to encourage
res!onsible citiJenshi! an#
!re&ent litter an# #og fouling
"c' Continuing to take enforcement
action against littering through the
7og War#en Ser&ice an# 13*s
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2005/7
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"&' *btaining a /ottery 4war# to #e&elo!
the North 4r#en 3eritage Trail o&er a
three year !erio#
"&' -m!lementing the year two action !lan
for the North 4r#en 3eritage Trail
"&' To im!lement action !lans for the
North 4r#en 3eritage Trail
Comm F 1n&
$oar#:47 "PF7'
4sst Chief 1Cec
/ottery 4war# to
finance !ro9ect with
match fun#ing
"&i' Commencing Conser&ation 4rea
"&ii' Commencing work on a secon#
Conser&ation 4rea
a!!raisal:management !lan Sub9ect
to fun#ing to im!lement 315S scheme
for 4therstone Conser&ation 4rea
Sub9ect to fun#ing to commence work
on local list of buil#ings
"&i' To intro#uce a system of /an#sca!e
4!!raisals as !art of the new Planning
0ramework by 200H
Planning F 7e&
$oar#:47 "PF7'
Staff resources%
inclu#ing a 3eritage
*fficer *ther actions
are the sub9ect of a
growth bi# in 200E:?
"&ii' 3ol#ing an 1n&ironmental
Performance 1&ent to raise
awareness of 1n&ironmental issues
generally an# Climate Change
s!ecifically% an# to #e&elo! action
!oints an# a#o!ting the Nottingham
7eclaration on Climate Change
"&ii' 7e&elo!ing a strategy an# action !lan
to re#uce the $orough Councils
contribution to Climate Change
"&ii' -m!lement the actions of the Climate
Change strategy an# continue to work
with !artner organisations within
!articularly the 1n&ironment 8rou! of
the Strategic /ocal Partnershi! an# the
Warwickshire Climate Change
Comm F 1n&
$oar#:47 "5FCS'
Staff resources
0un#s to im!lement
"&iii'7e&elo!e# a new allotment site an#
4ssociation at 8un 3ill% New 4rley
"&iii' 7e&elo! new allotment sites in Warton
an# +ancetter
"&iii' To re&iew the Councils !olicy in
relation to allotments
Comm F 1n&
47 "/FC7'
4 growth bi# has been
ma#e to su!!ort the
action !ro!ose# for
4s local !lanning authority% an# through the /ocal 7e&elo!ment 0ramework% the Council will !ursue a number of core !olicies that seek to im!ro&e the
,t )ill $lay it" $art in im$rovin# t!e 3EALT3 AN/ :ELL4E,N1 of $eo$le in t!e 4orou#! t!rou#! it" $rioritie" of carryin# out a 0TRATE1,C RE&,E: O. LE,0+RE
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"i' Continue# with the Councils
Strategic /eisure 5e&iew by taking
forwar# the 8reen S!ace Strategy
"i' "a' Commencing im!lementation
of the 8reen S!ace Strategy%
in accor#ance with the
a!!ro&e# action !lan
"a' Continue to im!lement the a!!ro&e#
8reen S!ace Strategy in accor#ance
with a!!ro&e# action !lans
Comm F 1n&
47 "/FC7'
47 "PF7'
Staff resources an#
eCisting bu#get
4##itional resources
may be re6uire#%
#e!en#ing on the
strategy !ro!osals
"b' 4#o!ting PP8AE au#it fin#ings
in relation to o!en s!ace
!ro&ision in the Planning
"b' -m!lement the Councils agree#
a!!roach to the #e&elo!ment of its
leisure facilities
Comm F 1n&
47 "/FC7'
"c' Continue with the Strategic
/eisure 5e&iew by #eci#ing on
a strategy for the Councils
/eisure Centres by +arch
"ii' 4#o!te# a North Warwickshire
Play Strategy an# 4ction Plan%
!ro#uce# in con9unction with the
Community Partnershi!s Chil#ren%
.oung Peo!le an# Their 0amilies
theme grou!% in res!ect of which
an a!!lication has been ma#e to
the $-8 /ottery 0un# for financial
"ii' Commencing im!lementation of
rele&ant sections of the North
Warwickshire Play Strategy% in
accor#ance with the a!!ro&e# action
!lan an# sub9ect to the a&ailability of
"ii' Continue to im!lement the North
Warwickshire Play Strategy
Comm F 1n&
"47 /FC7'
-nclu#e# in the Ca!ital
5e!lacement an#
maintenance of new
!lay areas is a growth
"iii' Pro&i#e# four more new !lay areas
"in Corley% 3urley% Woo# 1n# an#
"iii' Pro&i#ing three more new !lay areas
"thereby com!leting the three)year
Play 4rea 7e&elo!ment
,t did t!i" in 2005/7 y67 ,t intend" to ta8e furt!er action in 2007/8
,t" tar#et" for future year" are67 4oard/Lead
"i&' -m!lementing an action !lan
seeking to eCten# the Councils
$orough Care Ser&ice
"i&' Continuing to im!lement the
business !lan for the eC!ansion of
"i&' Continuing to im!lement the
a!!ro&e# fi&e year business !lan for
the eC!ansion of $orough Care to
&ulnerable !eo!le throughout North
Comm F 1n&
47 "5FCS'
Within eCisting bu#get
"&' -n con9unction with the School
S!ort Partnershi!% agree# an
action !lan for in&esting in young
!eo!les health an# well)being an#
tackling obesity% through
increasing le&els of !hysical
1stablishe# a multi)agency 4cti&e
/ifestyles 8rou!% through which to
tackle rising le&els of obesity
-n con9unction with the PCT%
establishe# a Khub an# s!okeL
Wellness Centre in North
Warwickshire% thereby enhancing
access to ser&ice an# a##ressing
health ine6ualities
"&' "a' Continuing to im!lement the
agree# 4ction Plan for
in&esting in chil#ren an#
young !eo!les health an#
"b' Continuing to su!!ort the
#e&elo!ment an# co)
or#ination of the Wellness
Centre for North
"c' Com!leting an# a#o!t a
Cor!orate 3ealth F Well)being
Policy an# action !lan% for
im!lementation within the
"&' To continue to eC!an# both the
range of ser&ices !ro&i#e# through%
an# the number of communities
ser&e# by% the North Warwickshire
Wellness Centre
"c' To continue to im!lement the
Cor!orate 3ealth F Well)being
action !lan
Comm F 1n&
47 "/FC7'
47 "0F35':47
0inancial im!lications
for future years will be
a##resse# in the
4ction Plan
Sub9ect to the
!ro!osals containe#
within the !olicy% this is
likely to re6uire
a##itional resources
an# growth bi# has
been ma#e for M>%000
to !romote initiati&es