Basic Electronics Objective Questions NET
Basic Electronics Objective Questions NET
Basic Electronics Objective Questions NET
Basic Electronics Objective Questions: [1] Removing bypass capacitor across the emitter leg resistor in a CE amplifier causes a. increase in current gain b. decrease in current gain c. increase in voltage gain d. decrease in voltage gain Ans: D [2] The minimum number of flip-flops re uired to construct a mod-!" counter is a. " b. # c. ! d. $ Ans: C [%] The important characteristic of emitterfollo&er is a. 'igh input impedance and high output impedance b. 'igh input impedance and lo& output impedance c. (o& input impedance and lo& output impedance d. (o& input impedance and high output impedance Ans: B [)] *hen an amplifier is provided &ith current series feedbac+, its a. -nput impedance increases and output impedance decreases b. -nput and output impedance both decrease c. -nput impedance decreases and output impedance increases d. -nput and output impedance both increase Ans: D ["] The fre uency of oscillation of a tunnelcollector oscillator having (. %/0' and C . %//pf is nearby a. 2#! +'1 b. 1#!! +'1 c. 1.#$ +'1 d. 2.#! +'1 2ns3 4 fo . 15[26pi78s uare root6(C7] [#] The control terminal 6pin "7 of """ timer -C is normally connected to ground through a capacitor 6/./1097. This is to a. :rotect the -C from inadvertent application of high voltage b. :revent false triggering by noise coupled onto the pin c. Convert the trigger input to sharp pulse by differentiation d. ;uppress any negative triggering pulse Ans: B [!] The fan out of a <=; logic gate is higher than that of TT( gates because of its a. (o& input impedance b. high output impedance c. (o& output impedance d. 'igh input impedance Ans: D [$] The common collector amplifier is also +no&n as a. Collector follo&er b. 4ase follo&er c. Emitter follo&er d. ;ource follo&er Ans: C [>] -n class-2 amplifier, the output current flo&s for a. 2 part of the cycle or the input signal b. The full cycle of the input signal c. 'alf the cycle of the input signal d. %5)th of the cycle of the input signal Ans: B [1/] -n an amplifier &ith negative feedbac+ a. =nly the gain of the amplifier is affected b. =nly the gain and band&idth of the amplifier are affected c. =nly the input and output impedance are affected d. 2ll of the four parameters mentioned above &ould be affected Ans: D [11] *ien bridge oscillator can typically generate fre uencies in the range of a. 1+'1 - 1 <h1 c. 1/<'1 - 1//<'1 Ans: A b. 1 <h1 - 1/<'1 d. 1//<'1 - 1"/<'1 [1"] The upper cutoff fre uency of an RC coupled amplifier mainly depends upon a. Coupling Capacitor b. Emitter bypass capacitor c. =utput capacitance of signal source d. -nter-electrode capacitance and stray shunt capacitance Ans: D
[12] 2 differential amplifier, amplifies a. and mathematically differentiates the average of the voltages on the t&o input lines b. and differentiates the input &aveform on one line &hen the other line is grounded c. the difference of voltages bet&een the t&o input lines d. and differentiates the sum of the t&o input &aveform Ans: C
[1#] @ust as a voltage amplifier amplifies signal voltage, a po&er amplifier a. amplifies po&er b. amplifies signal current c. merely converts the signal ac po&er into the dc po&er d. merely converts the dc po&er into useful ac po&er Ans: D
[1%] The type of po&er amplifier &hich e?hibits crossover distortion in its output is a. Class 2 c. Class 24 Ans: B b. Class 4 d. Class C
[1!]2n oscillator of the (C type that has a split capacitor in the circuit is a. 'artly oscillator b. Colpitts oscillator c. *einbridge oscillator
[1)] The lo&est output impedance is obtained in case of 4@T amplifiers for a. C4 configuration b. CE configuration c. CC configuration d. CE &ith RE configuration Ans: C
[1$] The function of bleeder resistor in a po&er supply is a. the same as that of load resistor b. to ensure a minimum current drain in the circuit c. to increase the output dc voltage d. to increase the output current Ans: B [2)] The most commonly used amplifier in sample C hold circuits is 2. 2 unity gain non-inverting amplifier 4. 2 unity gain inverting amplifier C. 2n inverting amplifier &ith a gain of 1/ A. 2n inverting amplifier &ith a gain of 1// Ans: B [2"] Three identical amplifiers &ith each one having a voltage gain of "/, input resistance of 1D C output resistance of 2"/,are cascaded. The open circuit voltage gain of combined amplifier is 2. )>d4 4. "1d4 C. >$d4 A. 1/2d4 Ans: C [2#] The cascade amplifier is a multistage configuration of 2. CC-C4 4. CE-C4 C. C4-CC A. CE-CC Ans: B [2!] The current gain of a 4@T is 2. gmr/ 4. gm5r/ C. gmrE A. gm5rE Ans: C [2$] -ntroducing a resistor in the emitter of a common amplifier stabili1es the dc operating point against variations in 2. =nly the temperature 4. =nly the F of the transistor C. 4oth Temperature C F A. Gone of the above Ans: C
[1>] -n a bistable multivibrator circuit, commutating capacitor is used a. to increase the base storage charge b. to provide ac coupling c. to increase the speed of response d. to provide the speed of oscillations Ans: C
[2/] Removing bypass capacitor across the emitter-leg resistor in a CE amplifier causes 627 increase in current gain. 647 decrease in current gain. 6C7 increase in voltage gain. 6A7decrease in voltage gain. Ans: D
[21] *hen the elements of an R(C circuit are both magnitude scaled and fre uency scaled, &hich uality is unaffectedB a. resistor b. resonant fre uency c. band&idth d. uality factor Ans: D [22] *hat +ind of filter can be used to select a signal of one particular radio stationB a. lo& pass b. high pass c. band pass d. band stop Ans: C [2%] 2 voltage source supplied a signal of constant amplitude, from / to )/+'1, to an RC lo&pass filter. The load resistor e?periences the ma?imum voltage at a. dc b. 1/ +'1 c. 2/ +'1 d. )/ +'1 Ans: A
[2>] Holtage ;eries feedbac+ 6also called seriesshunt feedbac+7 results in 2. -ncrease in both input C output impedences 4. Aecrease in both input C output impedences C. -ncrease in input impedence C decrease in output impedence A. Aecrease in input impedence C increase in output impedence Ans: C [%/] 2n amplifier &ithout feedbac+ has a voltage gain of a "/,input resistance of 1D C =utput resistance of 2."D. The input resistance of the current-shunt negative feedbac+ amplifier using the above amplifier &ith a feedbac+ of /.2 is 2. 1511D 4. 15"D C. "D A. 11D Ans: A E. Jsefulness as a signal generator Ans: A ["] The other name for beta of 4@T is 2. Current amplification factor 4. Holtage amplification factor C. :o&er amplification factor A. <a?imum amplification fre uency E. =ptimum amplification fre uency Ans:A [#] Kou can find the 1ener diode in 2. The mi?er in a superheterodyne receiver 4. The :(( in a circuit for detecting 9< C. The product detector in a receiver for ;;4 A. The voltage regulator in a po&er supply E. The 29 oscillator in an 29;D transmitter Ans:D [!] *hen the bias in an 9ET stops the flo& of current, the condition is called 2. 9or&ard brea+over 4. Cutoff C. Reverse bias A. :inchoff E. 2valanche Ans:D [$] The H2 rating of a transformer is an e?pression of 2. The ma?imum fre uency at &hich it can function 4. The type of core material it has C. The voltage step-up or step-do&n ratio A. The impedance transfer ratio E. Gone of the above Ans: E [>] -n G-type semiconductor, the minority carriers are 2. Electrons 4. :rotons C. 'oles A. :ositrons Ans: C [1/] 2 disadvantage of a half &ave rectifier is the fact that 2. The output voltage is e?cessive compared to that of a full-&ave rectifier 4. The output current is e?cessive compared to that of a full-&ave rectifier. C. The output &aveform is harder to filter than is the case &ith a full &ave rectifier A. -t re uires several e?pensive diodes, &hereas a full &ave rectifier re uires only a single diode Ans:C [11] 2 po&er gain of %/d4 is e uivalent to &hich amplification factorB 2. /.//1 4. 15%/ C. %/ A. 1/// Ans:D Circuits Frequency Res onse Objective Questions: [1]Consider the parallel R(C circuit having R. 1, (. 1', C.19 . *hat type of response &ill the circuit produceB a. Jnder damped b. =ver damped c. Critically damped d. none of these Ans: A [2] 'o& much inductance is needed to resonate at " +'1 &ith a capacitance of 12n9B a. 2#"2 ' b. 11.$)) ' c. %.%%% ' d. $).%% m' Ans: D [%] The difference bet&een the half po&er fre uencies is called the a. uality factor b. resonant fre uency c. band&idth d. cutoff fre uency Ans: C [)] 2 parallel R(C circuit has C./.2"9 C (.2'. The value of R &hich &ill create unity damping factor is a. 1 b. 2 c. /." d. ) Ans: B ["] 2 1ero of the transfer function 1/6sL17 '6s7 . -----------6sL276sL%7 is at a. 1/ b. -1 c. -2 d. -% Ans: B [#] =n the 4ode magnitude plot, the slope of the pole 156" L MN72 is a. 2/ d45decade b. )/ d45decade c. - )/ d45decade d. -2/ d45decade Ans: C [!] =n the bode phase plot, the slope of [1 L M1/N - N252"]2 is a. )"O5decade b. >/O5decade c. 1%"O5decade d. 1$/O5decade Ans: D [$] -n an electric circuit, the dual of resistance is a. conductance b. capacitance c. open circuit d. inductance Ans: A [>] -n a series R(C circuit, &hich of these uality factors has the steepest curve at resonanceB a. P . 2/ b. P . 12 c. P . $ d. P . ) Ans:D [1/] -n a parallel R(C circuit, the band&idth 4 is directly proportional to R a. True b. 9alse Ans:A Electronics Devices Objective !y e Questions [1] 2 Qener diode is used for a7 Holtage Regulation b7 Rectification c7 Goise ;uppression d7 4loc+ing 2.C Ans: "oltage Regulation
[2] 2n ;CR is a device having a7 Three layers &ith four Munctions b7 Three layers &ith t&o Munctions c7 9our layers &ith three Munctions d7 T&o layers &ith three Munctions Ans: Four layers #it$ t$ree junctions [>] To increase the input resistance and decrease the output resistance in negative feedbac+, the type used is a7 Holtage ;hunt b7 Current ;eries c7 Holtage ;eries d7 Current ;hunt Ans: "oltage 1eries [1/] 2 series capacitance used in a filter circuit represents a7 (o&-:ass b7 4and-:ass c7 'igh-:ass d7 Gone Ans: 'ig$-Pass [11] 2n ideal po&er supply is characteri1ed by a7 Hery large output resistance b7 Hery small output resistance c7 Qero internal resistance d7 -nfinite internal resistance Ans: C [12] 2n ideal diode should have a7 Qero resistance in the for&ard bias as &ell as reverse bias b7 Qero resistance in the for&ard bias and an infinitely large resistance in reverse bias c7 -nfinitely large resistance in reverse bias d7 -nfinitely large resistance in for&ard as &ell as reverse bias Ans: B [1%] =ne coulomb-per-second is e ual to one3 a7 &att b7 Moule c7 volt d7 ampere Ans:D [1)] *hich of the follo&ing is one of the functions performed by a diodeB a7 filter b7 amplifier c7 rectifier d7 inverter Ans: C
[%] 2n amplifier has a gain of 1/,/// e?pressed in decibels the gain is a7 1/ b7 )/ c7 $/ d7 1// Ans: %&& [)] 2n emitter follo&s has a7 'igh input impedance and high impedance. b7 'igh input impedance and lo& impedance. c7 (o& input impedance and high impedance. d7 (o& input impedance and lo& impedance. Ans:'ig$ in ut i( e)ance an) lo# i( e)ance*
["] ;emi-conductor diode time constant is e ual to a7 The value of maMority carrier life time b7 The life time of minority carrier c7 The diffusion capacitance time constant d7 Qero Ans: !$e value o+ (ajority carrier li+e ti(e [#] To prepare a : type semiconducting material the impurities to be added to silicon are a7 4oron, Iallium b7 2rsenic, 2ntimony c7 Iallium, :hosphorous d7 Iallium, 2rsenic Ans:Boron, -alliu( [!] 9ET is a good signal chopper because a7 -t e?hibits no offset voltage at 1ero drain current b7 -t occupies less space in integrated form c7 -t is less noisy d7 -t has got high input impedance Ans: .t e/$ibits no o++set voltage at 0ero )rain current [$] -n 4ipolar @unction transistors, the type of configuration &hich &ill give both voltage gain and current gain is a7 CC b7 C4 c7 CE d7 Gone Ans:CE
[1"] *hat is the Rpo&er factorSB a7 ratio of true po&er to apparent po&er b7 pea+ po&er times /.!/! c7 sin of the phase difference bet&een E and -d7 cos of the phase angle bet&een true po&er and apparent po&er Ans:A 2. -ncrease the available voltage 4. Reduce the cost of &iring C. -ncrease the available current A. Reduce the time re uired to fully charge them after use Ans: C [$] the po&er factor of a purely resistive circuit is 2. 1ero 4. unity C. lagging A. leading Ans: B [>] *hich of the follo&ing has minimum running costB 2. 'ydro electric station 4. nuclear po&er station C. thermal po&er station A.diesel po&er station Ans:A [1/] The color code of a resistor 2.!Dohm &ith the tolerance of 1/U is 2. red, violet, red and silver 4. red, violet, yello& and gold C. red, violet, orange, silver A. red, violet, red,gold Ans:A Digital Electronics objective Questions: Part % [1] -t is re uired to construct a counter to count upto 1//6decimal7. The minimum number of flipflops re uired to construct the counter is a. $ b. ! c. # d. " Ans:A [2] The gate that assumes the 1 state, if and only if the input does not ta+e a 1 state is called........ a. 2GA gate b. G=T gate c. G=R gate d. 4oth b and c Ans: D [%] 9or G=R circuit ;R flip flop the not allo&ed condition is.... a. ;./, R./ b. ;./, R.1 c. ;.1, R.1 d. ;.1, R./ Ans: C * 2$en 13R3% t$e out ut is subject to un re)ictable be$aviour #$en 1 an) R return to & si(ultaneously*
[#] The po&er factor at resonance in R(C circuit is 2. 1ero 4. unity C. /." lagging A. /." leading Ans:B [!] Cells are connected in parallel to multiple?ers re uired to generate a 2 input 2GA gate and a 2 input E?-=R gateB 27 1 and 2 47 1 and % C7 1 and 1 A7 2 and 2 Ans:A [12]The output of a logic gate is W1X &hen all its inputs are at logic W/X. Then gate is either 27 2 G2GA or an EY-=R gate 47 2 G=R or an EY-G=R gate C7 2n =R or a EY-G=R gate A7 2n 2GA or an E?-=R gate Ans: B [1%] 2 :(2 can be used 27 2s a microprocessor 47 2s a dynamic memory C7 To realise a se uential logic A7 To realise a combinational logic Ans: D [1)] 2 dynamic R2< consists of 27 # Transistors 47 2 Transistors and 2 Capacitors C7 1 Transistor and 1 Capacitor A7 2 Capacitor only Ans:C
[)] 2 bistable multivibrator is a a. 9ree running oscillator b. Triggered oscillator c. ;a& tooth &ave generator d. Crystal oscillator Ans: B ["] 9or a large values of VHA;V, a 9ET behave as a. Holtage controlled resistor b. Current controlled current source c. Holtage controlled current source d. Current controlled resistor Ans: C [#] *hen a step input is given to an op-amp integrator, the output &ill be a. a ramp b. a sinusoidal &ave c. a rectangular &ave d. a triangular &ave &ith dc bias Ans: A [!] -n a full-&ave rectifier &ithout filter, the ripple factor is a. /.)$2 b. 1.21 c. 1.!> d. 2./" Ans: A [$]'ysteresis is desirable in ;chmitt-trigger, because a. Energy is to be stored5discharged in parasitic capacitance b. Effects of temperature &ould be compensated c. Aevices in the circuit should be allo&ed time for saturation and desaturation d. -t &ould prevent noise from causing false triggering Ans:C [>] 9or a 1/-bit A2C, the Resolution is defined by &hich of the follo&ing a7 1/2) b7 151/2) c7 1/ d7 Gone Ans:B [1/] ;R2< full form is a7 ;erial Read 2ccess <emory b7 ;tatic Random 2ccess <emory c7 ;tatic Read-only 2ccess memory Ans: B [11] *hat are the minimum number of 2 to 1
[1"] *hen a C:J is interrupted, it 27 ;tops e?ecution of instructions 47 2c+no&ledges interrupt and branches of subroutine C7 2c+no&ledges interrupt and continues A7 2c+no&ledges interrupt and &aits for the ne?t instruction from the interrupting device. Ans: B
OP A4P - art % !$e OPA4P relate) objective questions are given in t$is ost #it$ ans#ers* 1. 2 non inverting closed loop op amp circuit generally has a gain factor 2. (ess than one 4. Ireater than one C. =f 1ero A. E ual to one Ans: B* 9or non inverting amplifier the gain is 2 . [1 L 6Rf5Rin7]. ;o it &ill be al&ays more than one 2. -f ground is applied to the 6L7 terminal of an inverting op-amp, the 6Z7 terminal &ill 2. Got need an input resistor 4. 4e virtual ground C. 'ave high reverse current A. Got invert the signal Ans: B* %. The closed-loop voltage gain of an inverting amplifier e ual to 2. The ratio of the input resistance to feedbac+ resistance 4. The open-loop voltage gain C. The feedbac+ resistance divided by the input resistance A. The input resistance Ans: C ). *hen a number of stages are connected in parallel, the overall gain is the product of the individual stage gains 2. True 4. 9alse Ans: B ". 2n ideal =:-2<: is an ideal a7 Current controlled Current source b7 Current controlled voltage source c7 Holtage controlled voltage source d7 voltage controlled current source Ans: B* The ideal =pamp output voltage is maintained constant. -t is controlled by input current. lo&-pass filter for R1 . 2."+\ and C1 . /./"09 2. 1.2!%+'1 4. 12.!%+'1 C. 12!.% +'1 A. 12!.% '1 Ans: A* 'int: lo& pass filter cut off fre uency f . 15 62ERC7 $. 'o& many op-amps are re uired to implement this e uation
2. 2 4. % C. ) A. 1 Ans:B* The output voltage of inverting amplifier is Hout . 6-Rf5Rin7Hin. 4y +eeping % inverting amplifier, &e can get this e uation. >. 'o& many op-amps are re uired to implement this e uation Ho . H1 2.) 4.% C.2 A.1 Ans: D* The voltage follo&er &hich has one opamp has the output of Ho . Hin 1/. 2n =:2<: has a sle& rate of " H50 ; .The largest sine &ave =5: voltage possible at a fre uency of 1 <'Q is 2. 1/ volts 4. " volts C. "5 volts A. "52 volts Ans: D 'int: ;le& rate is defined as the ma?. rate of change of output voltage. -ts unit is H50;. Time period . 15f . 151<'1 . 10; H. Hm. sin6Nt7 . Hm. sin62Ef.t7 sle& rate . dH5dt . d6Hm. sin62Ef.t75 dt.Hm. 2Ef. Cost.
#. The ideal =:-2<: has the follo&ing characteristics. a7 Ri.[ ,2.[ ,R/./ b7 Ri./ ,2.[ ,R/./ c7 Ri.[ ,2.[ ,R/.[ d7 Ri./ ,2.[ ,R/.[ Ans: A* :lease refer the golden rules of =pamp. !.Calculate the cutoff fre uency of a first-order
O -A( Objective Questions: Part - 5 [1] *hich of the follo&ing amplifier is used in a digital to analog converterB a. non inverter b. voltage follo&er c. summer d. difference amplifier Ans: C [2] Aifferential amplifiers are used in a. instrumentation amplifiers b. voltage follo&ers c. voltage regulators d. buffers Ans: A [%] 9or an ideal op-amp, &hich of the follo&ing is trueB a. The differential voltage across the input terminals is 1ero b. The current into the input terminals is 1ero c. The current from output terminal is 1ero d. The output resistance is 1ero Ans: C [)] The t&o input terminals of an opamp are labeled as a. 'igh and lo& b. :ositive and negative c. -nverting and non inverting d. Aifferential ans non differential Ans: C ["] *hen a step-input is given to an op-amp integrator, the output &ill be a. a ramp. b. a sinusoidal &ave. c. a rectangular &ave. d. a triangular &ave &ith dc bias. Ans: A [#] 9or an op-amp having differential gain 2v and common-mode gain 2c the C<RR is given by a. 2v L 2c b. 2v 5 2c c. 1 L [2v 5 2c] d. 2c 5 2v Ans: B Ans: C Circuit +or questions 6 7 8
[$] The output voltage Ho of the above circuit is a. -#H b. -"H c. -1.2Hd. -/.2H Ans: B [>] -n the above circuit the current i? is a. /.#2 b. /."2 c. /.22 d. 15122 Ans: B [1/] =p-amp circuits may be cascaded &ithout changing their input output relationships a. True b. 9alse Ans: A [11] 2 !)1-Type =:-2<: has a gain-band&ith product of 1<'1. 2 non-inverting amplifier using this opamp C having a voltage gain of 2/db &ill e?hibit -%db band&idth of 2. "/D'1 4. 1//D'1 C. 1///51!D'1 A. 1///5!./!D'1 Ans: A [12] 2n amplifier using an opamp &ith sle& rate ;R.1v5sec has a gain of )/db.-f this amplifier has to faithfully amplify sinusoidal signals from dc to 2/D'1 &ithout introducing any sle&-rate induced distortion, then the input signal level e?ceed 2. !>"mH 4. %>"mH C. !>"mH A. %>."mH Ans: C [1%] The appro?imate input impedance of the opamp circuit &hich has Ri.1/+, Rf.1//+, R(.1/+ 2. [ 4. 12/+ C. 11/+ A. 1/+ Ans: C
[!] 'ysteresis is desirable in ;chmitt-trigger, because a. energy is to be stored5discharged in parasitic capacitances. b. effects of temperature &ould be compensated. c. devices in the circuit should be allo&ed time for saturation and desaturation. d. it &ould prevent noise from causing false triggering. [1)] 2n opamp has a sle& rate of "H5 ;. the largest sine &ave o5p voltage possible at a fre uency of 1<'1 is 2. 1/ H 4. " H C. "H A. "52 H Ans: A [1"] 2ssume that the op-amp of the fig. is ideal. -f Hi is a triangular &ave, then H/ &ill be 2. s uare &ave 4. Triangular &ave C. :arabolic &ave A. ;ine &ave Ans: D [1#] 2 differential amplifier is invariably used in the i5p stage of all op-amps. This is done basically to provide the op-amps &ith a very high 2. C<<R 4. band&idth C. sle& rate A. open-loop gain Ans: C [1!] 2 differential amplifier has a differential gain of 2/,///. C<<R.$/d4. The common mode gain is given by 2. 2 4. 1 C. ] A./ Ans: C [1$] -n the differential voltage gain C the common mode voltage gain of a differential amplifier are )$db C 2db respectively, then its common mode reMection ratio is 2. 2%d4 4. 2"d4 C. )#d4 A. "/d4 Ans: B