Section - A (10x 1 10 Marks) : SET-2 Electronic Circuits Code: Gmel31
Section - A (10x 1 10 Marks) : SET-2 Electronic Circuits Code: Gmel31
Section - A (10x 1 10 Marks) : SET-2 Electronic Circuits Code: Gmel31
Section A (10x 1= 10 Marks)
1. The maximum efficiency of full wave rectification is
a) 40.6% b) 100% c) 81% d) 85.6%
. The maximum efficiency of half wave rectification is
a) 40.6% b) 100% c) 81% d) 85.6%
!."ain bandwidth #roduct of an am#lifier
a) $% always constant b) $ncreases with increase in &ain
c) 'ecreases with increase in &ain d) $ncreases with increase in bandwidth
4. $f two sta&es of a cascaded am#lifier have decibel &ain of 60 (!0 ) then the overall &ain is
a) *0 d# b) 1800 d# c) d# d) 0.5 d#
5.+ transistor audio am#lifier is found to have an overall efficiency of ,0 % most #robably it is a
a) class - #ush #ull b) sin&le sta&e class .
c) Transformer cou#led class + d)direct cou#led class +
6. The out#ut of a class - am#lifier
a) $s distortion free b) consists of #ositive half cycle only
c) is li/e the out#ut of a full wave rectifier d) 0one
,. The o#en loo# &ain of the am#lifier
a) 12i x 2o)3 b)2i32o c) 2ox 2i d) 2o32i
8. The closed loo# &ain of a #ositive feedbac/ am#lifier is
a) 2o32i b) 2i32o c) +1145+) d) 5314+5
*. The fre6uency of 7artley oscillator
a) 8 9:. b)13:. c)13.: d)none
10. The fre6uency of col#itts oscillator is
a);<13:.t b);<13:t. c):. d)13:.
Section B (5x4=20 Marks)
11. a) =rite short notes on brid&e rectifier. 1>?)
b) 'efine volta&e re&ulator and &ive their different ty#es of volta&e re&ulators.
1. a) =rite %hort notes on distortion. 1>?)
b) @x#lain about various &ains of .- +m#lifier.
1!. a) "ive the com#arison of .- and .@ .onfi&uration. 1>?)
b) =rite short notes on distortion in am#lifier.
14. a) =rite notes on increase in bandwidth of feedbac/ am#lifier. 1>?)
b) $n a ne&ative feedbac/ am#lifier) +<100) 5<0.04 and 2i<50m2. ;ind
1i) "ain with feedbac/ 1ii) feedbac/ factor 1iii) out#ut volta&e
15. a) =rite notes on multi vibrator with an exam#le. 1>?)
b) @x#lain the o#eration of mono stable multi vibrator.
Section C (5x8= 40 Marks)
16. a) @x#lain about inductive filter circuit with neat dia&ram. 1>?)
b) @x#lain the wor/in& #rinci#le of variable volta&e re&ulator $..
1,. a) =ith neat s/etch) ex#lain the o#eration of .ommon @mitter am#lifier. 1>?)
b) @x#lain the o#eration of sin&le sta&e Transformer cou#led am#lifier.
18. a) =ith neat dia&ram) ex#lain the wor/in& of .lass - am#lifier. 1>?)
b) @x#lain the wor/in& of .lass . #ush #ull am#lifier.
1*. a) 'efine feedbac/ and ex#lain the basic conce#ts of feedbac/ in detail. 1>?)
b) =rite down the numerous advanta&e of ne&ative feedbac/.
0. a) @x#lain the o#eration of wein brid&e oscillator with neat dia&ram. 1>?)
b) =ith neat s/etch) ex#lain the o#eration of -istable multi vibrator.