MCQ in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

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PHARMACOGNOSY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices

1. Is Known as father of medicine? a) Aristotle c) Hippocrates Ans! c 2. Drug is not un"er the class of organi#e" "rug ! a) Leaves c) ". r!its Ans! " Drug is not un"er the see" class ! a) #!$ vomica c) stropanth!s Ans! $ &. Drug which "oes not $elong to lea es class ! a) 'enna c) (!cal)pt!s Ans! " *. Drug which "oes not $elong to fruit class ! a) Artemesia c) +oriander Ans! a ,. Drie" late% of the "rug is use"& e%ce't ! a) -pi!m c) .apain Ans! $ 0. The roots of following "rugs are effecti e& e%ce't ! a) 1a!wolfia c) 2!rmeric Ans! " () *ea es of the following "rugs are affecti e& e%ce't! a) 'enna c) +love Ans ! c b) Di%italis d) 3asa4a b) Ipecac!anha d) Aconite b) Gatta parcha d) /alsam b) fennel d) +oloc)nth b) Di%italis d) t!rmeric b) Di%italis d) Isp%ol b) flowers d) G!ms b) Dioscorides d) Galen


Entire 'arts of the following "rugs are effecti e& e%ce't! a) (r%ot c) (phedra Ans!" b) /elladonna d) +love


Select the "rug& which is not $elonging to gl.cosi"e class/ a) Di%italis c) #!$ vomica Ans! $ b) senna d) +ascara


select the "rug& which is not $elonging to tannin class/ a) 5)robalam c) Asho4a Ans! " d) .ale catech! d) .eppermint


Drug not $elonging to olatile oil class! a) .eppermint c) +astor oil Ans ! c b) +love d) Garlic


Select the "oes not $elong to tannin class! a) +olophon) c) Acacia Ans ! c b) G!ar %!m d) A%ar


Select the "rug& which is not showing car3inati e 'ro'ert./ a) dill c) senna Ans ! a b) 5entha d) +ardamom


555555 is not use" as e%'ectorant) a) Ipecac!anha c) Li6!orice Ans! " b) 3asa4a d) atropine


555555 is not use" as car"iotonics a) Di%italis c) '6!ill Ans!$ b) +inchona d) 'tropanth!s


Drugs is use" as Antih.'ertensi e ! a) 1a!wolfia c) s6!ill Ans ! c b) Di%italis d) 'tropanth!s


5555is use" as a"renergic "rug) a) (phedra c) .ilocarp!s Ans ! " b) .h)sosti%ma d) belladonna


5555is not use" as CNS "e'ressant) a) H)osc)amine b) /elladonna c) coffee Ans ! d) -pi!m


Drug "o not use" as anticancer ! a) .odoph)ll!m b) +!rare c) +amptotheca d) 2a$!s Ans ! $


Drug is not use" as antirheu3atic ! a) 7!assia c) +olchic!m Ans ! " b) Aconite d) G!%%!l


Drug is use" as e3etic ! a) A%ar c) Ipecas Ans ! c b) Isap%h!l d) /anana


Drug is use" as $roncho"ilator ! a) 2ea c) Ipecac!anha Ans ! c b) Li6!orice d) 3asa4a


Drug is use" as anti3alerial ! a) Ashwa%andha b) 2!lsi c) Ginsen% Ans ! " d) Artemesia


Is not the function of cell wall of the 'lant/ a). .rotect the protoplast b) .rovide mechanical s!pport to the or%an c) chec4 the rate of transpiration d) Give %reen colo!r to leaf Ans ! $


Al8aloi"s are 55555555 t.'e of su$stances) a) Acid c) +hemical Ans ! " b) #e!tral d) /asic nitro%eno!s


gl.cosi"es are con"ensation 'ro"ucts of ! a) '!%ar 8 a%l)cone c) .rotein 8 a%l)cone Ans ! a b) '!%ar 8 .rotein d) ats 8 a%l)cone


Tannins gi e colour with iron co3'oun" ! a) .ale )ellow c) Li%ht pin4 Ans ! c b) /l!e blac4 d) -ran%e


The e%a3'le of ca'sule fruit is ! a) 1adish c) +abba%e Ans ! a b) 5!stard d) Dat!ra


9lower $u" of "rug showing 3e"icinal i3'ortance! a) saffrom c) i% Ans ! $ b) +love d) +arawa)


The ter3 Aril 3eans ! a). -!t%rowth ori%inatin% from microp)le b) '!cc!lent %rowth from hile!m c) (nlar%ed f!nicle d) 'tiff bristle li4e appenda%es Ans ! $


The ter3 Arillo"e 3eans ! a). -!t%rowth from microp)le b) 'tiff bristle li4e appenda%es c) 9art) o!t%rowth d) (nlar%ed f!nicle Ans ! $


Drug is not an e%a3'le of organi#e" cru"e "rug ! a) Di%italis c) Aloe Ans ! a b) +inchona d) +love


Drug is not an e%a3'le of unorgani#e" cru"e "rug ! a) +inchona c) A%ar Ans ! a b) Aloe d) +olophon)


:alsa3s contains 3ainl. aci"s ! a). acetic acid 8 /en:oic acid b) +innamic acid 8 h)drochloric acid c) ben:oic acid 8 '!lph!ric acid d) ben:oic acid 8 +innamic acid


, T.'es of "rug a) 3e%etable dr!% b) Animal dr!% c) 5ineral and metal Ans ! a; iii 0 A a) Hippocrates b) Aristotle c) Discorides d) Galen Ans! a; iii ". a) 1oots b) 9oods c) 1hi:omes d) /ar4 Ans! a; i &. a) G!ms b) Dried e$tract c) Dried >!ice Ans ! a; i) $; ii $; i) $; i) i) ";&<"22 /.+. ii) &=<;= A.D. iii) &==<",= /.+. iv) 1"1<2== A.D. c; ii i) 7!assia ii) 2!rmeric iii) Karachi iv) 1a!wolfia c; ii i) Acacia ii) Gelatin iii) Kino c; iii "; iii E%a3'le "; i E%a3'le E%a3'le i) Hone) bees ii) Arsenic o$ide iii) /elladonna $; i) c; ii

Mor'hological class of "rug

Mor'hological class of "rug

Class a) 'eeds b) Leaves c) d) r!its lowers $; i)

E%a3'le i) 3asa4s ii) +oriander iii) .)rethr!m iv) Isap%ol c; ii E%a3'le i) /ees wa$ ii) /ees was iii) Garlic $; ii c; iii E%a3'le i) +inchona ii) Di%italis iii) Asho4a iv) G!ar %!m $; i) c; iii E%a3'le i) +astor oil ii) +ardamom iii) +inchona iv) Ipecac!anha $; i) i) 2ea ii) -pi!m iii) 'tarmoni!m iv) 3asa4a $; ii c; iii E%a3'le i) .h)sosti%mina ii) Dat!ra iii) -pi!m $; i) c; iii "; i c; ii E%a3'le "; iii "; i "; iii

Ans! a; i ,. Class a) Lipids b) 1esins c) 3olatile oil Ans ! a; i) 0. Class a) Gl)cosides b) Al4aloids c) 2annins d) +arboh)drates Ans! a; ii ;. Class a) (metics b) .!r%ative c) +arminative d) /itters Ans ! a; i ?. Class a) ($pectorant b) Antit!ssive

c) Anite$pectorant d) /ronchodilator Ans ! a; i 1=. Phar3acological action a) Anticholiner%ic b) +holiner%ic c) Adrener%ic Ans ! a; ii


Drug a) Di%italis b) H)osc)am!s c) belladonna d) 'enna Ans ! a; i $; i)

E'i"er3al structure i) 9av) ii) 9av) and striated c!ticle iii) striated walled and pol)%onal iv) 2hic4 walled beaded c; ii "; iii


Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices

,) Protoal8aloi"s are also calle" as ! a) Amino al4aloid c) 2r!e al4aloid Ans ! a 0) True al8aloi"s are alwa.s 'resent in 'lants as! a) 'alts of inor%anic acid c) 'alts of me conic acid Ans! $ 1) the e%a3'le of 'seu"oal8aloi" ! a) +affeine c) Arecoline Ans ! a 2) =hich "rug is not un"er the che3ical class of in"ole/ a) 7!inidine c) Atropine Ans ! c 4) The ring structure 'resent in str.chnine ! a) Indole c) .)ridine Ans ! a 6) Drug is an e%a3'le of a3ino al8aloi" ! a) (phedrine c) +affeine Ans ! $ b) Aconine d) 2heoph)lline b) .)rrole d) .iperidine b) 7!inine d) camptothecin b) H)%rine d) Lobeline b) 'alts of or%anic acid d) 'alts of ben:oic acid b) .se!do al4aloid d) ($tra al4aloid


Dea"l. Nightsha"e is the s.non.3 of the "rug ! a) Dat!ra c) +inchona Ans ! $ b) /elladonna d) +oca


9a3il. of the >in8a ! a) 1!biaceae c) Apoc)anaceae Ans ! c b) 'olanaceae d) (r)thro$)laceae


=hich is not the use of argot/ a) -$)tocin c) 5i%raine Ans ! " b) .revent post part!m hemorrha%e d) La$ative


Nu% o3ica is not use" as! a) +#' stim!lant c) 2onic Ans ! b) bitter stomachic d) ($pectorant


9a3il. of I'ecac is ! a) 1!biaceace c) 'olanceae Ans! a b) 2heaceae d) Acantheceae


=hich is not the use of Stra3oniu3 / a) Anticholiner%ic c) Antiadrener%ic Ans ! c b) 5)driatic d) +ontrol of 5otion sic4ness


=hich is not the che3ical constituent naturall. o$taine" fro3 O'iu3/ a) 5orphine c) #arcotine Ans ! " b) +odeine c) Heroine


=hich is the acti e che3ical constituent o$taine" fro3 I'ecac / a) +ephaeline c) H)drastine Ans ! a b) /erberine d) 2ropane


?Thorn a''le@ is the s.non.3 for the "rug! a) /elladonna c) Dat!ra Ans ! " b) +inchona d) 'tramoni!m


=hich "rug is not $elonging to fa3il. A'oc.anaceae / a) 3inca c) K!rchi Ans ! " b) ra!wolfia d) Gloriosa


=hich is not the $iological source of Cinchona / a) +inchona calisa)a c) +inchona s!ccir!bra Ans ! " b) cinchona officinalis d) +inchona indica


=hich ergot al8aloi" is waterAsolu$le / a) (r%otamine c) (r%ocristine Ans ! " b) (r%osine d) (r%ometrine


Ergo3etrine al8aloi" shows ! a) Laevo c) 1acemic mi$t!re Ans ! a b) De$tro d) 2rans


Ergo3etrine shows configuration ! a) Laevo c) 1acemic 5i$t!re Ans ! $ b) De$tro d) trans


Ergot contains large nu3$er of in"ole al8aloi"s& which are the "eri ati es of ! a) L)ser%ic acid c) +innamic acid Ans ! a b) /en:oic acid d) 5econic acid


=hich for3s of the ergot al8aloi"s are es'eciall. i3'ortant/ a) Laevo c) cis Ans ! a b) De$tro d) trans


How 3an. 'airs of al8aloi" are 'resent Ergot / a) ive b) o!r c) 2hree Ans ! " d) 'i$


Ergot 'ow"er gi es $lue color with ! a) .<dimeth)laminoben:aldeh)de

b) /en:aldeh)de c) +innamaldeh)de d) Ans ! a 02) >anABr8@s reagent che3icall. is ! a) .<dimeth)laminoben:aldeh)de b) /en:oic acid8+innamic acid c) .<dimeth)lben:oic acid d) +innamaldeh)de Ans ! a 04) Ergo3etrine gi es fluorescence in water ! a) @ellow c) 1ed Ans ! " 06 ?Crow fig@ is the s.non.3 for the "rug! a) 'tr)chno!s n!$ vomica c) 1a!wolfia densiflora Ans ! a 06) St.chnous nu% o3ica $elongs to fa3il. ! a) 'croph!lareaceae c) Apoc)anaceae Ans ! " 07) One of the following 3icrosco'ic characters not associate" with Nu% >o3ica is ! a) (pidermis consist of li%nified trichomes b) (pidermis is followed b) la)er of collapsible cells c) (ndosperm shows presence of plasmodesma d) +alci!m o$alate cr)stal and starch %rain are present Ans ! " 0() *ignifie" tricho3es is characteristic of "rug ! a) +atharanth!s c) 'tr)chno!s n!$ vomica Ans!c 0+) =hen the trans erse section of nu% o3ica is treate" with a33oniu3 ana"ate an" sul'huric aci"& the en"os'er3ic cells show 'ur'le colour& "ue to 'resence of ! a) 'tr)chnine b) /r!cine b) +assia an%!stifolia d) Di%italis p!rp!rea b) Liliaceae d) Lo%aniaceae b) 1a!wolfia sepentina d) 1a!wolfia vometoria b) Green d) /l!e ormaldeh)de

c) a<+o!brine Ans ! a

d) /<co!brine


=hen the trans erse section of nu% o3ica is treate" with nitric aci"& it shows .ellow colour "ue to 'resence of ! a) 'tr)chnine c) a<+o!brine Ans ! $ b) /r!cine d) /<co!brine


:iological source of nu% o3ica is ! a) 'tr)cno!s n!$ vomica c) 'tr)chno!s n!$ blanda Ans ! a b) 'tr)chno!s potator!m d) str)chno!s wallichiana


The i3'ortant che3ical constituents of rauwolfia is ! a) 1eserpine c) A>amalicine Ans! a b) 1esercinnamine d) Desperidine


Reser'ine& when treate" with solution of anillin in acetic aci" shows colour a) 1ed c) /l!e Ans ! a b) Green d) .in4


Diacet.l "eri ati e of 3or'hine is ! a) +odeine c) .apaverine Ans ! $ b) Heroin d) 2hebaine


The o'iu3 al8aloi"s are 'resent in 'lant as salt of ! a) /en:oic acid c) 5econic acid Ans ! c b) 2artaric acid d) Acetic acid


O'iu3 when "issol e" in water an" filtrate is treate" with ferric chlori"e solution& it shows555555555555colour ! a) 1eddish p!rple c) @ellow Ans ! a b) Green d) -ran%e


=hich co3'oun" is showing the 3ost 'otent analgesic 'ro'ert./

a) Heroin c) +odeine Ans ! a 1()

b) 5orphine d) .apaverine

Tru8ish o'iu3 is co33onl. 8nown as! a) +hemist opi!m c) +hinese opi!m Ans ! $ b) Dr!%%ist opi!m d) +hemist and dr!%%ist


Ce'haelis I'ecacuanha $elongs to fa3il.! a) 1!biaceae c) Apoc)anaceae Ans ! a b) Liliacaceae d) 1!taceae


=hich is not the characteristic feature of al8aloi" / a) +omple$ molec!lar str!ct!re and nitro%en in the molec!le b) /asic in nat!re c) /ios)ntheticall) derived d) Acidic in nat!re onl) Ans ! "


Cesuit@s $ar8 is s.non.3 of ! a) +oca leaves c) +inchona Ans ! c b) Ipecac!anha d) +al!mba


=hich al8aloi" is not 'resent in cinchona $ar8/ a) 7!inidine c) 7!inovin Ans ! c b) 7!inine d) +inchonin


=hich s'ecies of cinchona contains highest 'ercentage al8aloi" / a) cinchona s!ccir!bra c) +inchona calisa)a Ans ! a b) +inchona officinalis d) +inchona led%eriana


=hich is not the 'ro3inent che3ical constituent in I'ecac/ a) (metine c) +ephaeline Ans ! " b) .)schotrine d) +inchonine


The 'har3acological action of I'ecac! a) 'tim!lant c) 'edative b) (metic d) H)pnotic

Ans ! $ 26) Pa'a erine& narcotine an" narceine is un"er the che3ical class! a) 7!inoline c) Iso6!inoline Ans ! c 27) Pa'a erine shows 'har3acological acti it.! a) 'pasmol)tic c) Antit!ssive Ans ! a 2() In B> light Ergot shows fluorescence ! a) @ellow c) 1ed Ans ! c 2+) A"ulterants of rauwolfia ser'entine are "istinguishe" on the $asis of ! a) .resence of sclernch)ma b) Absence of sclerench)ma c) .resence of parench)ma d) Absence of parench)ma Ans ! a 4-) Gl.cosi"e 'resent in st.chnous nu% o3ica ! a) 'tr)chnine c) A>maline Ans ! " 4,) MaDor 'har3acological action of E'he"rine ! a) Kidne) fail!re c) Heart fail!re Ans ! " 40) Mor'hine contains 3ain nucleus ! a) .henanthrene c) #aphthalene Ans ! a 41) The characteristic not associate" with al8aloi"s! a) 2he) all contain nitro%en b) 5ost of non<volatile al4aloids are solid c) All the al4aloid contains s!lph!r d) 2he) are ph)siolo%icall) active Ans ! c 42) ThalleoEuin test contain reagents! b) Anthracene d) #aphthacene b) Anti<inflammator) d) /ronchial asthma b) /r!cine d) Lo%anine b) /l!e d) 3iolet b) (metic d) Antip)retic b) /en:)l iso6!inoline d) /en:ophenone

a) /romine water 8 ew drops of ammonia b) .otassi!m perman%anate 8 ew drops of ammonia c) /romine water 8 #itric acid d) /romine water 8 'odi!m h)dro$ide Ans ! a 44) ThalleoEuin test is use" for i"entification of ! a) Atropine c) 7!inine Ans ! c b) 3incristine d) 'tr)chnine


1. Reagent a) 5a)erAs b) Dra%endorffAs c) 9a%er rea%ent d) Ha%er rea%ent Ans ! a; i 2. Al8aloi"al "rug a) (r%ot b) #!$ vomica c) 1a!wolfia d) -pi!m Ans ! a; iii ". Drug a) (r%ot b) 1a!wolfia c) 3inca d) .h)sosti%ma Ans ! a; i &. Drug a) (r%ot b) #!$ vomica c) 1a!wolfia d) 3inca $; ii c; i) $; i c; i) $; i) Co3'osition i) .otassi!m bism!th iodide ii) Iodine in potassi!m iodide iii) .icric acid iv) .otassi!m merc!ric iodide c; ii 9a3il. i) Apoc)anaceae ii) .apaveraceae iii) +lavicipitaceae iv) Lo%aniaceae "; ii Che3ical constituent i) 3incristine ii) 1eserpine iii) .h)sovenine iv) er%otamine "; iii Acti it. i) +#' stim!lant ii) Anticancer iii) -$)tocic iv) H)potensive "; iii

Ans ! a; iii *. Drug a) (r%ot b) -pi!m c) +!rare d) Ipecac Ans ! a; i ,. Drug a) #!$ vomica b) 1a!wolfia c) 3inca d) H)osc)am!s Ans ! a; iii

$; i)

c; i

"; iii Acti e constituent i) .apaverine ii) d<t!boc!rarine iii) +ephaeline iv) (r%otamine

$; i)

c; ii

"; iii S.non.3 i) +hotachand ii) .eriwin4le iii) 'emen str)chnii iv) Henbane

$; i)

c; ii

"; i

G*YCOSIDES Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices

,) StasAotta 'rocess is use" for e%traction of ! a) Gl)cosides c) 2erpenoids Ans ! a 0) Senna 3ainl. contains ! a) -<%l)cosides c) +<%l)cosides Ans ! a 1) Senna leaf if un"er the class of gl.cosi"e ! a) +ardiac c) Anthracene Ans ! c 2) =hich "rug is un"er the che3ical class of c.anogentic gl.cosi"e/ a) /itter almond c) Di%italis Ans !a) *. Drug un"er the class of isothioc.anate gl.cosi"es ! a) /lac4 m!stard c) 2hevetia Ans ! a b) 'ene%a d) Aloe b) /lac4 m!stard d) 1h!barb b) +)ano%enic d) 'aponin b) #<%l)cosides d) '<%l)cosides b) Al4aloids d) 1esins


Shata ari is un"er the che3ical class of gl.cosi"e! a) 'terol c) +)ano%entic Ans ! $ b) 'aponin d) Isothioc)anate


Drug is not un"er the class of car"iac gl.cosi"e ! a) di%italis c) Indian s6!ill Ans ! " b) 2hevetia d) /itter almond


The "rug showing car"io tonic acti it.! a) 2hevetia c) 1h!barb Ans ! a b) +ochineal d) Aloe


=hich "rug is use" as "iuretic/ a) 7!illaia c) Ginsen% Ans ! " b) 'ene%a d) Go4hr!


The "rug use" as ner e tonic ! a) /rahmi c) Ginsen% Ans! a b) 5ordica d) 'ene%a


The fa3il. of Go8hru ! a) Liliaceae c) B)%oph)llaceae Ans! c b) +!c!rbitaceae d) Araliaceae


:orntrager test is use" for one of the following "rugs! a) 'enna c) Di%italis Ans! a b) Aloe d) 'tropanth!s


In 8iung@s iso$ar$aloin test& Curacao aloes shows colour ! a) @ellow c) 9ine red Ans! c b) /l!e d) Green


In 8lung@s iso$ar$aloin test& Socotrine an" Fan#i$er aloes show colour! a) 1ed c) Green Ans! " b) aint )ellow d) #o colo!ration


Alcoholic e%tract of aloe un"er B> light gi es colour! a) /l!e c) Deep brown Ans! c b) 1ed d) .in4


The su$stitute for aloes ! a) +ape aloes c) +!racao aloes Ans! " b) 'ocotrine aloes d) #atal aloes


The $iological source for ca'e aloes ! a) +!racao aloes c) Aloe ferro$ Ans ! c b) 'ocotrine aloes d) Ban:iber aloes


Sa'onin gl.cosi"e shows one of the following 'ro'ert.! a) La$ative c) oamin% Ans! c b) Anticonv!lsant d) Astrin%ent


Out of the following& one is not the e%a3'le of Car"inoli"e! a) Di%ito$in c) Gito$i%enin Ans ! " b) Di%o$in d) 'cillarin A


The $iological source for Dioscoria! a) dioscoria deltoid c) dioscoria villosa Ans ! a b) dioscoria florib!nda d) Dioscorea compositae


Ya3 is the s.non.3 of the "rug! a) 'tropanth!s c) 'afed m!sali Ans ! $ b) Dioscoria d) Li6!orice


Dioscoria is use" in the treat3ent of ! a) Clcer c) 1he!matic arthritis Ans ! c b) +ancer d) Kidne) stone


55555555555555 Is not the s.non.3 of *iEuorice) a) Gl)c)rrhi:a c) 5!lethi b) Li6!orice root d) @am

Ans ! " 00) *iEuorice $elongs to fa3il. ! a) Liliaceae c) Lo%anaceae Ans ! " 01) Gl.c.rrhi#inic aci" on h."rol.sis gi es ! a) Gl)c)rrhetic acid c) Li6!iritin Ans! a 02) *iEuorice is use" in the treat3ent of ! a) +on>!ctivitis c) Aller%) Ans ! $ 04) =hen gl.c.rrhi#a is treate" with (-G sul'huric aci"& then it shows colour! a) @ellow c) Green Ans! a b) 1ed d) 3iolet b) .eptic !lcer d) '4in disease b) Gl)c)rrhi:in d) Isoli6!iritin b) 2riterpenoid d) Le%!minosae


Rhu$ar$ is culti ate" 3ainl. in which state of In"ia! a) D and K c) 5aharashtra Ans! a b) 5adh)a .radesh d) /en%al


Rhu$ar$ when treate" with al8ali& shows re" colour "ue to 'resence of ! a) Anthro6!ionoe %l)coside c) sapo%enin %l)coside Ans! a b) +ardiac %l)coside d) +)ano%enic %l)coside


<eller 8iliani test is 'ositi e for! a) Di%ito$ose c) di%ito$i%enin Ans! a b) Gito$ose d) %ito$i%enin


Presence of star s'ots is the characteristic of "rug! a) +ascara c) Aloe Ans! " b) 'enna d) 1h!barb


Mo"ifie" :orntroger test is 'ositi e for "rug!

a) Aloe c) Di%italis Ans! a 1,)

b) 'enna d) 'enna pod

:otanical source of ArDuna $ar8! a) 2erminalis tamentosa c) .oli%ala erioptera Ans! " b) .ol)%ala chinesis d) 2erminalis ar>!na


Presence of aleurone grain is the characteristic of the "rug! a) /elladonna c) H)osc)am!s Ans! $ b) #!$ vomica d) 3inca


Drug with the 'resence of 'las3o"es3a! a) #!$ vomica c) 3inca rosea Ans! a b) 1a!wolfia d) .hs)sosti%ma


Digitalis lea es shoul" $e "rie" at te3'erature $elow! a) 2= + c) &= + Ans! " b) "= + d) ,= +


>einAislet no) is In"ian senna is in the range of ! a) 1=.* to 12.* c) 1,.* to 1;.= Ans! " b) 1".* to 1,.* d) 1?.* to 22.*


Sto3atal In"e% in In"ian senna is in the range of! a) 10 to 2= c) 2" to 2, Ans! a b) 2= to 2" d) 2, to 2?


Palisa"e ratio in Ale%an"rian senna is ! a) 0 c) 1" Ans! a b) 1= d) 1,


>einA islet no) in Ale%an"rian senna is in the range of! a) 1= to 1*.* c) 2* to 2?.* b) 1, to 2=.* d) 2= to 2&.*

Ans! c


,) Drug a) Indian senna b) Aloe c) 1h!barb d) +ascara Ans! a; i 0) $; i) T.'es of Gl.cosi"es! a) Anthracene %l)coside b) +ardiac %l)coside c) 'aponin %l)coside d) +)ano%enetic %l)coside Ans! a; i 1) Drug a) 1ed s6!ill b) Kalme%h c) Aloe d) /rahmi Ans! a; i $; i) $; i) 9a3il. i) Liliaceae ii) .ol)%onaceae iii) 1hamnaceae iv) Le%!minoseae c; ii E%a3'le i) Di%italis ii) /itter almond iii) Dioscorea iv) 'enna leaf c; iii Acti it. i) +ardiotonic ii) .!r%ative iii) #ervine tonic iv) 1at poisonin% c; ii "; iii "; ii "; iii


Drug a) Go4hr! b) 5omordica c) 'hatavari d) Li6!orice Ans! a; iii $; i)

Bse i) H)po%l)cemic ii) Galacto%o%!e iii) Di!retic iv) ($pectorant c; ii Source i) %l)c)rrhi:a %labra ii) Cr%enia martima iii) 2rib!l!s teristris iv) /acopa moniera $; i) Test c; i "; ii "; i


Drug a) Go4hr! b) Li6!orice c) /ramhi d) (!ropean s6!ill Ans! a; iii



a) Aloe b) 'enna c) Di%italis d) Deo$) s!%ar Ans! a; i 7) Drug a) Aloe b) Di%italis c) Indian s6!ill d) 'tropanth!s Ans! a; i $; i)

i) /orntra%er test ii) /al>et test iii) Killer 4iliani test iv) 5odified anthra6!inone c; ii Part use" i) Leaf ii) /!lb iii) 'eed iv) Dried >!ice $; i) c; ii "; iii "; iii

,) The s.non.3 for ?Sesa3e oil@! a) H)drocarbons oil c) 5ai:e oil Ans! " 0) In the 'atient with "eficienc. of ita3in A& which oil ca'sules .ou will suggest/ a) 'har4 liver oil c) Arachis oil Ans! a b) 5!stard oil c) Linseed oil b) 5ar%osa oil d) Gin%all) oil

1) =hich of the following oil is use" as ehicle of oil. inDecta$les/ a) Arachis oil c) +astor oil Ans! a 2) Oil is ha ing antile'rotic 'ro'ert.! a) Linseed oil c) +ha!lmoo%ra oil Ans! c 4) The oil is not use" as ehicle for the inDecta$les! a) Arachis oil c) 'esame oil Ans! " 6) Oil is showing la%ati e 'ro'ert.! a) Arachis oil c) +astor oil Ans! c 7) Aci" alue is "efine" as! a) #!mber of milli%ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil b) #!mber of %ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil c) #!mber of Kilo%ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil d) #!mber of ml of potassi!m h)dro$ide E*#) re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil Ans! a b) 'esame oil d) +orn oil b) -live oil d) +orn oil b) Do>oba oil d) +orn oil b) Linseed oil d) Do>oba oil

() The test not use" as an anal.tical 'ara3eter for oil! a) Acet)l val!e c) H)dro$)l val!e Ans! " +) =hich oil generall. lowers the $loo" cholesterol le el/ a) Arachis oil c) #eem oil Ans! " ,-) Drug a) 'eame oil Source i) H)drocarp!s wi%htiana b) +astor oil d) +orn oil b) Acid val!e d) Ketone val!e

b) +ha!lmoo%ra oil c) +orn oil d) 'afflower oil Ans! a; iii $; i)

ii) Bea ma)s iii) 'esam!m indic!m iv) +arthm!s tinctori!s c; ii "; i

Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices
,) Resins are classifie" into following su$classes e%ce't ! a) Acid c) 1esin alcohol Ans! " b) (ster d) 1esin ether

0) =hich is not an e%a3'le of aci" resins/ a) /en:oin c) 'andrac Ans! a 1) M.rrh contains i3'ortant aci"! a) +omiphoric acid c) /en:oic acid Ans! a 2) Out of the following& which is an e%a3'le of oleoresin/ a) +opaiba c) +apsic!m Ans! " 4) Oleo gu3 resins are 3i%ture of! a) 3olatile oil 8 G!m 8 1esins c) ats 8 G!m 8 1esin Ans! a 6) Ho3ogenous 3i%ture of resins an" oil are calle" as! a) -leoresins c) Gl)coresin Ans! a 7) Gl.coresins are 3a"e u' of ! a) 1esins 8 '!%ar c) 1esins 8 G!m Ans! a () Resins containing $en#oic aci" or cinna3ic aci"s are calle" as! a) -leoresins c) -leo%!m Ans! " b) Gl)coresins d) /alsam b) 1esins 8 3olatile oil d) 1esins 8 i$ed oil b) -leo%!m d) /alsma b) i$ed oil 8 G!m 8 1esin d) G!m 8 resins b) +anada balsam d) 5)rrh b) Abietic acid d) Acetic acid b) +olophon) d) 5)rrh

+) 9a3il. of "rug Fingi$er officinale! a) 'olanaceae c) Bin%iberaceae Ans! c ,-) Pungenc. of ca'sicu3 is "estro.e" $. $oiling it with! a) 2F h)drochloric acid b) 1F s!lph!ric acid b) Cmbelliferae d) +onvol!laceae

c) 2F Acetic acid Ans! "

d) potassi!m h)dro$ide

,,) Curcu3a longa shoul" not contain olatile oil less then! a) +!rc!minoid c) 2hiamine Ans! a ,0) =hen the 'ow"er of curcu3a longa is treate" with sul'huric aci"& it gi es colour! a) @ellow c) Green Ans! $ ,1) =hich is not an e%a3'le of oleoresins/ a) +opaiba c) +apsic!m Ans! " ,2) If the resins contain $en#oic aci"s or cinna3ic aci"s then are calle" as! a) +olophon) c) +opaiba Ans! " ,4) Resins associate" with olatile oil are calle" as! a) -leo<%!m<resin c) G!m resins Ans! $ ,6) 9erulic aci" when treate" with h."rochloric aci" gi es! a) Acetic acid c) +innamic acid Ans! $ ,7) Ginger contains olatile oil in the 'ercentage range! a) 1<&F c) 1=<1*F Ans! a b) *<1=F d) 1*<2=F b) Cmbellic acid d) 3anillic acid b) -leo<resin d) 3olatile resins b) 'andrac d) /alsam b) +anada balsam d) 5)rrh b) +rimson d) /l!e b) +apsanthin d) Ascorbic acid

,() Resins are insolu$le in ! a) Alcohol c) 3olatile oil Ans! $ b) 9ater d) i$ed oil

,+) A"ulteration $. e%hauste" ginger is "etecte" for3 ginger $.! a) 'hape c) +olo!r Ans! " b) 'i:e d) 9ater sol!ble ash


,) >arieties of resin a) Indian cannabis b) Kent!ch) c) 5e$icn cannabis d) 9iscosin Ans! 0) a; iii $; ii c; i) T.'es of resins a) Acid resins b) (ster resins c) (ster resins d) 1esins alcohol Ans! 1) a; i $; i) c; ii :ilogical source a) Bin%iber offcinale b) +apsic!m ann!m c) +annabis sativa d) Ipomoea p!r%a Ans! 2) a; ii; $; i) c; i :iological source a) .odoph)ll!m he$andr!m b) 5)ro$)lon balsam!m c) Li6!idamber oriantalis d) +ommiphora molmol Ans! a; ii $; i) c; i Resin .iel"s i) ii) iii) iv) "; i E%a3'le i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii 9a3il. i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii 9a3il. i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Le%!minosae berberidaceae /!rseraceae Hammelidaceae 'olanaceae Bin%iberaceae +onvol!laceae +annabianaceae /en:oin +opaiba G!tta p!rcha 'andrac 1*F or less ;F or less 2=F more ,F or less


Drug a) Gin%er

Che3ical constituent i) +apsaicin

b) +apsic!m c) +oloc)nth d) /en:oin Ans! 6) Drug a) 2!rmeric b) +apsic!m c) Asafoetida d) Dalap Ans! 7) Drug a) /alsam tol! b) Asafoetida c) +!rc!min d) /en:oin Ans! a; i $; i) c; ii a; i) $;i c;ii a;i $; i) c; ii

ii) iii) iv) "; iii

Alpha elaterin /en:oic acid Bin%erone

Alternati e na3e i) ii) iii) iv) ";iii I"entification test i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Dr!% 8 water and trit!rated G )ellowish oran%e Dr!% 8 H2 '-& G 1ed colo!r Alcoholic sol!tion of ben:oin 8 water G mil4) white Dr!% 8 ferric chloride sol!tion < Green colo!r Indian saffrom DevilAs d!n% 5a$ican >alap +a)enne pepper

Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices
,) Ter'enes 3a"e u' of ! a) +alcierene c) #eoprene Ans! " 0) Molecular for3ula for iso'rene unit is! a) +; H; c) +* H; Ans! c 1) E%a3'le of alcohol olatile oil! a) .eppermint c) Lemon peel Ans! a 2) =hich is not an e%a3'le of ester olatile oil/ a) Ga!ltheria c) 5!ster Ans! " 4) Drug is not an e%a3'le of 'henol olatile oil! a) +love c) +reosote Ans! $ 6) The 3aDor ter'enoi" in clo e oil! a) (!%enol c) Anethol Ans! a 7) Triter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) o!r b) ive c) 'i$ Ans! c () Diter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) 2hree c) +) ive Ans! $ Monoter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) -ne b) 2hree b) o!r d) 'i$ d) 'even b) 'antalol d) 5enthol b) Anise d) 2h)me b) Lavender d) +innamon b) +innamon d) -ran%e peel b) +" H; d) +, H, b) .se!dopriene d) Isoprene

c) 2wo Ans! c ,-)



*e3on grass oil is o$taine" fro3 ! a) +)mbopo%on fle$!o!s!s b) +innamon!m camphora c) (!cal)pt!s %lob!les Ans! a d) +henopodi!m ambrosioides


:eta ionine is starting 3aterial for s.nthesis of! a) 3itamin K c) 3itamin A Ans! c b) 3itamin /1 d) 3itamin D


C.3$o'ogon fle%uousus $elongs to fa3il.! a) Graminnae c) Le%!mniosae Ans! a b) Liliaceae d) Lo%anaceae


S.non.3 for 'e''er3int oil is! a) 5entha oil c) (!cal)pt!s Ans! a b) -le!m terbinthae d) +henoposan


Pe''er3int oil contains chiefl.! a) I<menthol c) +itral Ans! a b) d<menthol d) +ineole


Car"a3o3 $elongs to fa3il.! a) Liliaceae c) Apoc)anaceae Ans! " b) Lo%anaceae d) Bin%iberaceae


Alle'. ariet. of car"a3o3 has a''ro%) si#e! a) & to 1= mm c) ; to 2= mm Ans! c b) 2 to & mm d) , to 12 mm


The chief acti e constituent of fennel! a) +arvone c) Dill<Apiole Ans! " b) /orneol d) enchone


:iological source for Nut3eg! a) foenic!l!m v!l%are c) 5)ristica fra%rans b) +oriandr!m sativ!m d) (lettaria cardamom

Ans! c


Nut3eg $elongs to fa3il.! a) L!raceae c) 5)risticaceae Ans! c b) Cmbelliferae d) Bin%iberaceae


Drug& which "oes not& $elong to fa3il. u3$elliferae! a) +arawa) c) A>owan Ans! " b) +oriander d) +ardamom


Nut3eg contains 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) * to 1,F c) 1* to 2*F Ans! a b) 1= to 2= F d) 2= to "= F


9ennel contains 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) " to 0 F c) 1= to 1" F Ans! a b) 0 to 1=F d) 1" to 1**


Nut3eg shoul" contain olatile oil not less than! a) 1 F wHv c) " F wHv Ans! " b) 2F wHv d) * F wHv


>olatile oil in Corian"er shoul" not less than! a) =."F c) "."F Ans! a b) ".=F d) &.&F


Car"a3on contains olatile oil not less than! a) 1F c) 2.=F Ans! " b) =.& F d) &.= F


Pe''er3int oil contains i3'ortant ter'enoi"! a) Geraniol c) 5enthol Ans! c b) Anethol d) (!%enol


The clo e oil contains i3'ortant ter'enoi"!

a) (!%enol c) 5enthol Ans! a

b) Anethol d) +ineol


9ennel contains t.'e of sto3ata! a) Diac)tic c) Anisoc)tic Ans! " b) Actinoc)tic d) Anomoc)tic


E%huaste" fennel is i"entifie" $. a$sence of ! a) enchone b) Anethol d) +ineol c) +arvone Ans! a


=hich ariet. of fennel contains least 'ercentage of olatile oil content/ a) Indian c) rench sweet Ans! a b) 'a$on) d) Dapanese


The fat of nut3eg is 8nown as! a) Ghee c) #!tme% b!tter Ans! c b) #!tme% oil d) #!tme% protein


Cinna3o3 $ar8 "oes not contain! a) +innamaldeh)de b) 2annins c) +o!marin Ans! c d) /en:aldeh)de


The $iological source of cinna3on! a) +innamom!m :e)lanic!m c) +innamom!m b!rmanii Ans! c b) +innamom!m cassia bl!me d) +innamom!m loireirii


:iological source of Garlic is! a) Alli!m sativ!m c) 2h)m!s v!l%aris Ans! a b) .in!s ro$b!r%hii d) 'antal!m alb!m


555555 is not the use of Alliu3 sati u3) a) +arminative b) Aphrodisiac

c) Atherosclerosis Ans! " 16)

d) Anti!lcer

The fa3il. of Oci3u3 sanctu3! a) Labiatae c) La!raceae Ans! a b) Liliaceae d) Lo%anaceae


?Hol. $asil@ is the s.non.3 for "rug! a) Alpinia officinar!m Ans! " b) Alli!m sativ!m c) #ardostach)s >atamon!m d) -ci!m sanct!m


Al8aloi" 'resent in :lac8 'e''er is! a) +ar)oph)llene c) 1<phellandrene Ans! " b) +innamaldeh)de d) .iperine


Drug which "oes not $elong to fa3il. B3$elliferae! a) +!min c) Lavender oil Ans! c b) Anise d) +eler)


The 'ercentage of clo e oil in clo e shoul" not $e less than! a) 1*F c) *F Ans! a b) 1=F d) 1F


Does not occur in clo e! a) 'tarch c) 2annins Ans! a b) 3olatile oil d) 1esins


=hen trans erse section of clo e is treate" with 'otassiu3 h."ro%i"e solution& it gi es! a) 'tron% odor of volatile oil b) H2 ' %as is evolved c) +-2 is evolved d) #eedle shaped cr)stals of potassi!m e!%eonate Ans! "


Clo e oil is use" in the 3anufacturing of ! a) 'alic)lic acid b) 3anillin

c) +innamic acid Ans! $ 22)

d) /en:oic acid

=hich is not use" as an a"ulterant for clo e/ a) 5other clove c) +love stal4 Ans! " b) /lown clove d) .ale clove


Clo e stal8 contains a''ro%i3ate 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) *F c) 1*F Ans! a b) 1=F d) 2=F


Oil which "oes not $elong to alcohol class! a) #!tme% c) Lemon %rass Ans! c b) 'andalwood d) Lavender


The oil& which is not $elonging to al"eh."e class! a) Dill oil c) Lemon %rass oil Ans! a b) +innamon oil d) Lemon oil


The oil& which is ha ing counter irritant 'ro'ert.! a) 2h)me c) .eppermint Ans! $ b) 2!rpentine oil d) -ran%e oil


9ennel contains 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) 1= to 2=F c) "= to &=F Ans! " b) 2= to "=F d) ,* to 0=F


,) >olatile oil a) b) c) d) Ans! 0) 2!rpentine oil Lemon %rass oil 'andal wood oil Davana oil a; i $; i c; ii) i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Nu3$er of iso'rene units Source +)mbopo%on citrat!s 'antal!m alb!m Artemisia pallens .!n!s species

Tur'entine class

a) b) c) d) Ans! 1) Drug a) b) c) d) Ans! 2) Source a) b) c) d) Ans! 4) Drug a) b) c) d) Ans! 6) a) b) c) d) Ans!

'es6!iterpine 5onoterpene Diterpene 2riterpene a; iii $; i) c; ii

i) ii) iii) iv) "; i Source i) ii) iii) iv) c; i) "; iii 9a3il.

2wo o!r 2hree 'i$

+ardamom +arawa) +oriander Dill a; i $; ii

+oriandr!m sativ!m +ar!m carvi Aneth!m %raveolens (lettaria cardamom!m

Aneth!m %raveolens i) +itr!s limonis #!tme% +assia cinnamon a; ii $; i) c; i ii) iii) iv) "; iii

1!tanceae Cmbelliferae La!raceae 5)risticaceae

>olatile oil not less than +oriander A>owan Dill ennel a; i $; i) c; ii i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Characteristics i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii ($panded flowers of clove trees. +ontain onl) *F of oil. -il is removed from clove. Dar4 brownI ovate and ripened r!its of clove a; i $; i) c; ii 2.=F 2.*F 1.&F =."F

A"ulterants for clo e 5other clove /lown cloves +love stal4s ($ha!sted clove

Select the correct answer out of gi en choices!
,) Gol"$eater s8in test is use" for i"entification of! a) Al4aloids c) 2annins Ans! c 0) Tannins show so3e che3ical reaction e%ce't! a) sol!tion of tannins precipitate %elatin. b) 2annins are precipitated b) salt of copperI tin and lead. c) 2he) show colo!r reaction with iron. d) 2he) react with potassi!m merc!ric iodide. Ans! " 1) Con"ense" tannins are calle" as! a) H)drol)sable tannins c) .se!dotannins Ans! $ 2) Tannic aci" is un"er the class of! a) +ondensed tannins c) H)drol)sable tannins Ans! c 4) :iological source of ArDuna a) 2erminalia ar>!na c) 2erminalia tomenstosa b) 2erminalia cheb!la d) 2erminalia belerica b) .se!dotannins d) +ondensed and pse!dotannins b) #on h)drol)sable d) .rototannins b) Gl)cosides c) 1esins

Ans! a 6) Tannic aci" is anti"ote in 'oisoning! a) Iodine c) Al4aloid Ans! c 7) =hen 'terocar'us is treate" with 'otassiu3 h."ro%i"e& it gi es a) 3iolet c) 1ed Ans ! a () Ga3$ir flurescin test is use" for "rug! a) Ar>!na c) .ale catech! Ans! c b) Asho4a d) /lac4 catech! b) Green d) /lac4 b) +)anide d) Arsenic


:lac8 catechu contains a$out 'ercentage of acacatechin! a) -ne percenta%e c) 'even percent Ans! " b) 2hree percent d) 2en percent


,) Drug a) .ale catech! b) .terocarp!s c) Amla d) Ar>!na Ans! a; i $; i) c; ii A''lication i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii H)po%l)cemic Di!retics +ardiotinics Diarrhoa

1. Co3'osition of Molisch reagent is a) b) c) d) Ans ! a 2. Che3ical test use" for i"entification of car$oh."rates! a) #inh)drin c) /orntra%er Ans! $ ". I3'ortant che3ical constituent of Algin is! a) 2ra%acanthin c) Al%inic acid Ans! c &. I3'ortant che3ical constituent hone. is! a) Gl!cose c) 5altose Ans! " b) r!ctose d) Invert s!%ar b) /assorin d) Al%inic ester b) 5olisch d) /al>et Alpha napthol 8 s!lph!ric acid /eta napthol 8 s!lph!ric acid #aphth)lamine 8 s!lph!ric acid .henol 8 s!lph!ric acid


Pectin is use" in the 'har3aceutical in"ustries as! a) Adsorbent Ans! a b) Dem!lcent c) (m!lsif)in% a%ent d) '!spendin% a%ent


*iEui" glucose is o$taine" $.! a) b) c) d) Ana! $ .artial h)drol)sis of %l!cose .artial h)drol)sis of starch +omplete h)drol)sis of starch +omplete h)drol)sis of %l!cose


The $iological source for In"ian gu3 is! a) +)amopsis tetra%ono%lob!les c) Acacia Arabica Ans ! c b) Astra%al!s %amifer d) Acacia 'ene%al


=hen In"ian gu3 is treate" with rutheniu3 re"@ it shows! a) .in4 colo!r c) /l!e Ans! " ,-) =hen In"ian gu3 is treate" with h."rogen 'ero%i"e an" $en#i"ine in alcoholH is shows $lue colour "ue to! a) H)drol)ase en:)me c) 1ed!ctase en:)me Ans! $ ,,) The 3ostl. use" a"ulterant for In"ian gu3 is! a) Acacia 'ene%al %!m b) G!m from Astra%al!s %!mmifer c) G!m %hatti from ano%eiss!s latifolia d) G!ar %!m Ans! c ,0) S.non.3 for Guar gu3! a) Da%!ar %!m c) G!m acacia Ans! a ,1) =hen guar gu3 is treate" with a$out 0G solution of lea" acetateH it shows! a) .in4 colo!r c) @ellow colo!r b) /l!e colo!r d) #o colo!r chan%e b) Acacia d) G!m Arabica b) -$idase en:)me d) Invertase en:)me b) 1ed colo!r d) #o colo!r chan%e

Ans! " ,2) Artificial in ert sugar is an a"ulterant for hone. an" it is "etecte" $. the test! a) 2ollenAs c) /al>et test An"! " ,4) The water solu$le 'ortion of tragacanth is 8nown as! a) 2ra%acanthin c) Galcto!ronic acid Ans! a ,6) Pectin is use" in the treat3ent of! a) Clcer c) An%ina Ans! " ,7) :iological source for Isa'gol! a) .lanta%o ovata c) Giladini!m amansii Ans! a b) Ae%le marmelos d) +ondr!s crips!s b) H)pertension d) Diarrhoea b) /assorin d) D<%alctop)ranose b) #inh)drine d) ieheAs test


=hich test is use" for the 'urit. of Isa'gol/ a) /arfoed test c) 5olisch test Ans! " b) 5illonAs test d) 'wellin% factor


=hen Isa'gol is treate" with rhutheniu3 re"& it shows colour! a) /l!e c) .in4 Ans! c b) @ellow c) Green


Isa'gol see"s are a"ulterate" with! a) .lanta%o p!rshii c) .lanta%o aristala Ans! $ b) .lanta%o lanciolata d) .lanta%o p)slli!m


Ager is use" as! a) /inder c) (m!lsif)in% a%ent Ans! c b) Disinti%rant d) .reservative


A3.lu3 is the s.non.3 for! a) 2ra%acanth c) In!lin Ans! $ b) 'tarch d) Loc!st bean


Rice starch is of si#e! a) 2<12 micron c) 10<2= micron Ans! a b) 1&<10 micron d) 2=<2* micron


=heat starch is of si#e! a) =.1 to 1 micron c) " to * micron Ans! " b) 2 to " micron d) * to *= micron


The si#e of 'otato starch aries fro3! a) "= to 1== micron c) 1"= to 1= micron Ans! a b) 1== to 1"= micron d) 1,= to 1;= micron


Starch contains a3.lase an" a3.lo'ectin in the 'ro'ortion! a) 1J2 c) 1J" Ans! a b) 1J1 d) 2J1


The test& which is not use" for i"entification of car$oh."rates! a) 5olisch test c) #inh)drin test Ans! c b) -sa:one formation test d) 1esorcinol test


<eller 8iliani test is use" for i"entification of! a) r!ctose b) 5altose d) Gl!cose c) Deo$) s!%ar Ans! c


The s.non.3 of *actose is! a) 5il4 s!%ar c) +r)stalline s!%ar Ans! a b) /!tter s!%ar d) .!re s!%ar



Na3e a) +ara%eennan b) Acacia c) A%ar d) G!m %hatti Ans! a; ii $; i)

:iological source i) ii) iii) iv) c; iii i) ii) iii) iv) a; ii $; i) c; i i) ii) iii) iv) $; i) c; ii Si#e i) ii) iii) iv) a; iii $; i) c; ii Source i) ii) iii) iv) a; iii $; i) c; ii Bea ma)s -r):a sativ!m 2ritic!m sativ!m solan!m t!beros!m "; i 2 to 11= !m 2 to &* !m 2 to 1= !m 1= to "= !m "; i a; iii Acacia Arabica +hondr!s crisp!s Gelidi!m amansii Ano%eiss!s latifolia "; i :iological source +)amopsis tetra%onolob!s Astra%!l!s %!mmifer .lanta%o ovata .lanta%o ps)lli!m "; iii :iological source -r):a sativa +itr!s limonis Apis species 'terc!lia !rens "; i


Car$oh."rates a) 2ra%acanth b) G!ar %!m c) .s)lli!m d) Isap%ol Ans!


Na3e a) Hone) b) 'tarch c) .ectin d) G!m 4ara)a Ans!


Starch a) 1ice b) .otato c) 9heat d) 5ai:e Ans!


A a) 9heat b) 5ai:e c) 1ice d) .otato Ans!

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