MCQ in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
MCQ in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
MCQ in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
1. Is Known as father of medicine? a) Aristotle c) Hippocrates Ans! c 2. Drug is not un"er the class of organi#e" "rug ! a) Leaves c) ". r!its Ans! " Drug is not un"er the see" class ! a) #!$ vomica c) stropanth!s Ans! $ &. Drug which "oes not $elong to lea es class ! a) 'enna c) (!cal)pt!s Ans! " *. Drug which "oes not $elong to fruit class ! a) Artemesia c) +oriander Ans! a ,. Drie" late% of the "rug is use"& e%ce't ! a) -pi!m c) .apain Ans! $ 0. The roots of following "rugs are effecti e& e%ce't ! a) 1a!wolfia c) 2!rmeric Ans! " () *ea es of the following "rugs are affecti e& e%ce't! a) 'enna c) +love Ans ! c b) Di%italis d) 3asa4a b) Ipecac!anha d) Aconite b) Gatta parcha d) /alsam b) fennel d) +oloc)nth b) Di%italis d) t!rmeric b) Di%italis d) Isp%ol b) flowers d) G!ms b) Dioscorides d) Galen
Entire 'arts of the following "rugs are effecti e& e%ce't! a) (r%ot c) (phedra Ans!" b) /elladonna d) +love
Select the "rug& which is not $elonging to gl.cosi"e class/ a) Di%italis c) #!$ vomica Ans! $ b) senna d) +ascara
select the "rug& which is not $elonging to tannin class/ a) 5)robalam c) Asho4a Ans! " d) .ale catech! d) .eppermint
Drug not $elonging to olatile oil class! a) .eppermint c) +astor oil Ans ! c b) +love d) Garlic
Select the "oes not $elong to tannin class! a) +olophon) c) Acacia Ans ! c b) G!ar %!m d) A%ar
Select the "rug& which is not showing car3inati e 'ro'ert./ a) dill c) senna Ans ! a b) 5entha d) +ardamom
555555 is not use" as e%'ectorant) a) Ipecac!anha c) Li6!orice Ans! " b) 3asa4a d) atropine
5555is use" as a"renergic "rug) a) (phedra c) .ilocarp!s Ans ! " b) .h)sosti%ma d) belladonna
5555is not use" as CNS "e'ressant) a) H)osc)amine b) /elladonna c) coffee Ans ! d) -pi!m
Drug "o not use" as anticancer ! a) .odoph)ll!m b) +!rare c) +amptotheca d) 2a$!s Ans ! $
Drug is not use" as antirheu3atic ! a) 7!assia c) +olchic!m Ans ! " b) Aconite d) G!%%!l
Is not the function of cell wall of the 'lant/ a). .rotect the protoplast b) .rovide mechanical s!pport to the or%an c) chec4 the rate of transpiration d) Give %reen colo!r to leaf Ans ! $
Al8aloi"s are 55555555 t.'e of su$stances) a) Acid c) +hemical Ans ! " b) #e!tral d) /asic nitro%eno!s
gl.cosi"es are con"ensation 'ro"ucts of ! a) '!%ar 8 a%l)cone c) .rotein 8 a%l)cone Ans ! a b) '!%ar 8 .rotein d) ats 8 a%l)cone
Tannins gi e colour with iron co3'oun" ! a) .ale )ellow c) Li%ht pin4 Ans ! c b) /l!e blac4 d) -ran%e
9lower $u" of "rug showing 3e"icinal i3'ortance! a) saffrom c) i% Ans ! $ b) +love d) +arawa)
The ter3 Aril 3eans ! a). -!t%rowth ori%inatin% from microp)le b) '!cc!lent %rowth from hile!m c) (nlar%ed f!nicle d) 'tiff bristle li4e appenda%es Ans ! $
The ter3 Arillo"e 3eans ! a). -!t%rowth from microp)le b) 'tiff bristle li4e appenda%es c) 9art) o!t%rowth d) (nlar%ed f!nicle Ans ! $
Drug is not an e%a3'le of organi#e" cru"e "rug ! a) Di%italis c) Aloe Ans ! a b) +inchona d) +love
Drug is not an e%a3'le of unorgani#e" cru"e "rug ! a) +inchona c) A%ar Ans ! a b) Aloe d) +olophon)
:alsa3s contains 3ainl. aci"s ! a). acetic acid 8 /en:oic acid b) +innamic acid 8 h)drochloric acid c) ben:oic acid 8 '!lph!ric acid d) ben:oic acid 8 +innamic acid
E%a3'le i) 3asa4s ii) +oriander iii) .)rethr!m iv) Isap%ol c; ii E%a3'le i) /ees wa$ ii) /ees was iii) Garlic $; ii c; iii E%a3'le i) +inchona ii) Di%italis iii) Asho4a iv) G!ar %!m $; i) c; iii E%a3'le i) +astor oil ii) +ardamom iii) +inchona iv) Ipecac!anha $; i) i) 2ea ii) -pi!m iii) 'tarmoni!m iv) 3asa4a $; ii c; iii E%a3'le i) .h)sosti%mina ii) Dat!ra iii) -pi!m $; i) c; iii "; i c; ii E%a3'le "; iii "; i "; iii
Ans! a; i ,. Class a) Lipids b) 1esins c) 3olatile oil Ans ! a; i) 0. Class a) Gl)cosides b) Al4aloids c) 2annins d) +arboh)drates Ans! a; ii ;. Class a) (metics b) .!r%ative c) +arminative d) /itters Ans ! a; i ?. Class a) ($pectorant b) Antit!ssive
c) Anite$pectorant d) /ronchodilator Ans ! a; i 1=. Phar3acological action a) Anticholiner%ic b) +holiner%ic c) Adrener%ic Ans ! a; ii
E'i"er3al structure i) 9av) ii) 9av) and striated c!ticle iii) striated walled and pol)%onal iv) 2hic4 walled beaded c; ii "; iii
Dea"l. Nightsha"e is the s.non.3 of the "rug ! a) Dat!ra c) +inchona Ans ! $ b) /elladonna d) +oca
=hich is not the use of argot/ a) -$)tocin c) 5i%raine Ans ! " b) .revent post part!m hemorrha%e d) La$ative
Nu% o3ica is not use" as! a) +#' stim!lant c) 2onic Ans ! b) bitter stomachic d) ($pectorant
=hich is not the use of Stra3oniu3 / a) Anticholiner%ic c) Antiadrener%ic Ans ! c b) 5)driatic d) +ontrol of 5otion sic4ness
=hich is not the che3ical constituent naturall. o$taine" fro3 O'iu3/ a) 5orphine c) #arcotine Ans ! " b) +odeine c) Heroine
=hich is the acti e che3ical constituent o$taine" fro3 I'ecac / a) +ephaeline c) H)drastine Ans ! a b) /erberine d) 2ropane
?Thorn a''le@ is the s.non.3 for the "rug! a) /elladonna c) Dat!ra Ans ! " b) +inchona d) 'tramoni!m
=hich "rug is not $elonging to fa3il. A'oc.anaceae / a) 3inca c) K!rchi Ans ! " b) ra!wolfia d) Gloriosa
=hich is not the $iological source of Cinchona / a) +inchona calisa)a c) +inchona s!ccir!bra Ans ! " b) cinchona officinalis d) +inchona indica
=hich ergot al8aloi" is waterAsolu$le / a) (r%otamine c) (r%ocristine Ans ! " b) (r%osine d) (r%ometrine
Ergot contains large nu3$er of in"ole al8aloi"s& which are the "eri ati es of ! a) L)ser%ic acid c) +innamic acid Ans ! a b) /en:oic acid d) 5econic acid
=hich for3s of the ergot al8aloi"s are es'eciall. i3'ortant/ a) Laevo c) cis Ans ! a b) De$tro d) trans
How 3an. 'airs of al8aloi" are 'resent Ergot / a) ive b) o!r c) 2hree Ans ! " d) 'i$
b) /en:aldeh)de c) +innamaldeh)de d) Ans ! a 02) >anABr8@s reagent che3icall. is ! a) .<dimeth)laminoben:aldeh)de b) /en:oic acid8+innamic acid c) .<dimeth)lben:oic acid d) +innamaldeh)de Ans ! a 04) Ergo3etrine gi es fluorescence in water ! a) @ellow c) 1ed Ans ! " 06 ?Crow fig@ is the s.non.3 for the "rug! a) 'tr)chno!s n!$ vomica c) 1a!wolfia densiflora Ans ! a 06) St.chnous nu% o3ica $elongs to fa3il. ! a) 'croph!lareaceae c) Apoc)anaceae Ans ! " 07) One of the following 3icrosco'ic characters not associate" with Nu% >o3ica is ! a) (pidermis consist of li%nified trichomes b) (pidermis is followed b) la)er of collapsible cells c) (ndosperm shows presence of plasmodesma d) +alci!m o$alate cr)stal and starch %rain are present Ans ! " 0() *ignifie" tricho3es is characteristic of "rug ! a) +atharanth!s c) 'tr)chno!s n!$ vomica Ans!c 0+) =hen the trans erse section of nu% o3ica is treate" with a33oniu3 ana"ate an" sul'huric aci"& the en"os'er3ic cells show 'ur'le colour& "ue to 'resence of ! a) 'tr)chnine b) /r!cine b) +assia an%!stifolia d) Di%italis p!rp!rea b) Liliaceae d) Lo%aniaceae b) 1a!wolfia sepentina d) 1a!wolfia vometoria b) Green d) /l!e ormaldeh)de
c) a<+o!brine Ans ! a
d) /<co!brine
=hen the trans erse section of nu% o3ica is treate" with nitric aci"& it shows .ellow colour "ue to 'resence of ! a) 'tr)chnine c) a<+o!brine Ans ! $ b) /r!cine d) /<co!brine
:iological source of nu% o3ica is ! a) 'tr)cno!s n!$ vomica c) 'tr)chno!s n!$ blanda Ans ! a b) 'tr)chno!s potator!m d) str)chno!s wallichiana
The i3'ortant che3ical constituents of rauwolfia is ! a) 1eserpine c) A>amalicine Ans! a b) 1esercinnamine d) Desperidine
Reser'ine& when treate" with solution of anillin in acetic aci" shows colour a) 1ed c) /l!e Ans ! a b) Green d) .in4
The o'iu3 al8aloi"s are 'resent in 'lant as salt of ! a) /en:oic acid c) 5econic acid Ans ! c b) 2artaric acid d) Acetic acid
O'iu3 when "issol e" in water an" filtrate is treate" with ferric chlori"e solution& it shows555555555555colour ! a) 1eddish p!rple c) @ellow Ans ! a b) Green d) -ran%e
b) 5orphine d) .apaverine
Tru8ish o'iu3 is co33onl. 8nown as! a) +hemist opi!m c) +hinese opi!m Ans ! $ b) Dr!%%ist opi!m d) +hemist and dr!%%ist
=hich is not the characteristic feature of al8aloi" / a) +omple$ molec!lar str!ct!re and nitro%en in the molec!le b) /asic in nat!re c) /ios)ntheticall) derived d) Acidic in nat!re onl) Ans ! "
=hich al8aloi" is not 'resent in cinchona $ar8/ a) 7!inidine c) 7!inovin Ans ! c b) 7!inine d) +inchonin
=hich s'ecies of cinchona contains highest 'ercentage al8aloi" / a) cinchona s!ccir!bra c) +inchona calisa)a Ans ! a b) +inchona officinalis d) +inchona led%eriana
=hich is not the 'ro3inent che3ical constituent in I'ecac/ a) (metine c) +ephaeline Ans ! " b) .)schotrine d) +inchonine
Ans ! $ 26) Pa'a erine& narcotine an" narceine is un"er the che3ical class! a) 7!inoline c) Iso6!inoline Ans ! c 27) Pa'a erine shows 'har3acological acti it.! a) 'pasmol)tic c) Antit!ssive Ans ! a 2() In B> light Ergot shows fluorescence ! a) @ellow c) 1ed Ans ! c 2+) A"ulterants of rauwolfia ser'entine are "istinguishe" on the $asis of ! a) .resence of sclernch)ma b) Absence of sclerench)ma c) .resence of parench)ma d) Absence of parench)ma Ans ! a 4-) Gl.cosi"e 'resent in st.chnous nu% o3ica ! a) 'tr)chnine c) A>maline Ans ! " 4,) MaDor 'har3acological action of E'he"rine ! a) Kidne) fail!re c) Heart fail!re Ans ! " 40) Mor'hine contains 3ain nucleus ! a) .henanthrene c) #aphthalene Ans ! a 41) The characteristic not associate" with al8aloi"s! a) 2he) all contain nitro%en b) 5ost of non<volatile al4aloids are solid c) All the al4aloid contains s!lph!r d) 2he) are ph)siolo%icall) active Ans ! c 42) ThalleoEuin test contain reagents! b) Anthracene d) #aphthacene b) Anti<inflammator) d) /ronchial asthma b) /r!cine d) Lo%anine b) /l!e d) 3iolet b) (metic d) Antip)retic b) /en:)l iso6!inoline d) /en:ophenone
a) /romine water 8 ew drops of ammonia b) .otassi!m perman%anate 8 ew drops of ammonia c) /romine water 8 #itric acid d) /romine water 8 'odi!m h)dro$ide Ans ! a 44) ThalleoEuin test is use" for i"entification of ! a) Atropine c) 7!inine Ans ! c b) 3incristine d) 'tr)chnine
Ans ! a; iii *. Drug a) (r%ot b) -pi!m c) +!rare d) Ipecac Ans ! a; i ,. Drug a) #!$ vomica b) 1a!wolfia c) 3inca d) H)osc)am!s Ans ! a; iii
$; i)
c; i
"; iii Acti e constituent i) .apaverine ii) d<t!boc!rarine iii) +ephaeline iv) (r%otamine
$; i)
c; ii
"; iii S.non.3 i) +hotachand ii) .eriwin4le iii) 'emen str)chnii iv) Henbane
$; i)
c; ii
"; i
Shata ari is un"er the che3ical class of gl.cosi"e! a) 'terol c) +)ano%entic Ans ! $ b) 'aponin d) Isothioc)anate
Drug is not un"er the class of car"iac gl.cosi"e ! a) di%italis c) Indian s6!ill Ans ! " b) 2hevetia d) /itter almond
The "rug showing car"io tonic acti it.! a) 2hevetia c) 1h!barb Ans ! a b) +ochineal d) Aloe
=hich "rug is use" as "iuretic/ a) 7!illaia c) Ginsen% Ans ! " b) 'ene%a d) Go4hr!
The "rug use" as ner e tonic ! a) /rahmi c) Ginsen% Ans! a b) 5ordica d) 'ene%a
:orntrager test is use" for one of the following "rugs! a) 'enna c) Di%italis Ans! a b) Aloe d) 'tropanth!s
In 8iung@s iso$ar$aloin test& Curacao aloes shows colour ! a) @ellow c) 9ine red Ans! c b) /l!e d) Green
In 8lung@s iso$ar$aloin test& Socotrine an" Fan#i$er aloes show colour! a) 1ed c) Green Ans! " b) aint )ellow d) #o colo!ration
Alcoholic e%tract of aloe un"er B> light gi es colour! a) /l!e c) Deep brown Ans! c b) 1ed d) .in4
The su$stitute for aloes ! a) +ape aloes c) +!racao aloes Ans! " b) 'ocotrine aloes d) #atal aloes
The $iological source for ca'e aloes ! a) +!racao aloes c) Aloe ferro$ Ans ! c b) 'ocotrine aloes d) Ban:iber aloes
Sa'onin gl.cosi"e shows one of the following 'ro'ert.! a) La$ative c) oamin% Ans! c b) Anticonv!lsant d) Astrin%ent
Out of the following& one is not the e%a3'le of Car"inoli"e! a) Di%ito$in c) Gito$i%enin Ans ! " b) Di%o$in d) 'cillarin A
The $iological source for Dioscoria! a) dioscoria deltoid c) dioscoria villosa Ans ! a b) dioscoria florib!nda d) Dioscorea compositae
Ya3 is the s.non.3 of the "rug! a) 'tropanth!s c) 'afed m!sali Ans ! $ b) Dioscoria d) Li6!orice
Dioscoria is use" in the treat3ent of ! a) Clcer c) 1he!matic arthritis Ans ! c b) +ancer d) Kidne) stone
55555555555555 Is not the s.non.3 of *iEuorice) a) Gl)c)rrhi:a c) 5!lethi b) Li6!orice root d) @am
Ans ! " 00) *iEuorice $elongs to fa3il. ! a) Liliaceae c) Lo%anaceae Ans ! " 01) Gl.c.rrhi#inic aci" on h."rol.sis gi es ! a) Gl)c)rrhetic acid c) Li6!iritin Ans! a 02) *iEuorice is use" in the treat3ent of ! a) +on>!ctivitis c) Aller%) Ans ! $ 04) =hen gl.c.rrhi#a is treate" with (-G sul'huric aci"& then it shows colour! a) @ellow c) Green Ans! a b) 1ed d) 3iolet b) .eptic !lcer d) '4in disease b) Gl)c)rrhi:in d) Isoli6!iritin b) 2riterpenoid d) Le%!minosae
Rhu$ar$ is culti ate" 3ainl. in which state of In"ia! a) D and K c) 5aharashtra Ans! a b) 5adh)a .radesh d) /en%al
Rhu$ar$ when treate" with al8ali& shows re" colour "ue to 'resence of ! a) Anthro6!ionoe %l)coside c) sapo%enin %l)coside Ans! a b) +ardiac %l)coside d) +)ano%enic %l)coside
<eller 8iliani test is 'ositi e for! a) Di%ito$ose c) di%ito$i%enin Ans! a b) Gito$ose d) %ito$i%enin
Presence of star s'ots is the characteristic of "rug! a) +ascara c) Aloe Ans! " b) 'enna d) 1h!barb
:otanical source of ArDuna $ar8! a) 2erminalis tamentosa c) .oli%ala erioptera Ans! " b) .ol)%ala chinesis d) 2erminalis ar>!na
Presence of aleurone grain is the characteristic of the "rug! a) /elladonna c) H)osc)am!s Ans! $ b) #!$ vomica d) 3inca
Drug with the 'resence of 'las3o"es3a! a) #!$ vomica c) 3inca rosea Ans! a b) 1a!wolfia d) .hs)sosti%ma
Digitalis lea es shoul" $e "rie" at te3'erature $elow! a) 2= + c) &= + Ans! " b) "= + d) ,= +
>einAislet no) is In"ian senna is in the range of ! a) 1=.* to 12.* c) 1,.* to 1;.= Ans! " b) 1".* to 1,.* d) 1?.* to 22.*
Sto3atal In"e% in In"ian senna is in the range of! a) 10 to 2= c) 2" to 2, Ans! a b) 2= to 2" d) 2, to 2?
>einA islet no) in Ale%an"rian senna is in the range of! a) 1= to 1*.* c) 2* to 2?.* b) 1, to 2=.* d) 2= to 2&.*
Ans! c
Bse i) H)po%l)cemic ii) Galacto%o%!e iii) Di!retic iv) ($pectorant c; ii Source i) %l)c)rrhi:a %labra ii) Cr%enia martima iii) 2rib!l!s teristris iv) /acopa moniera $; i) Test c; i "; ii "; i
a) Aloe b) 'enna c) Di%italis d) Deo$) s!%ar Ans! a; i 7) Drug a) Aloe b) Di%italis c) Indian s6!ill d) 'tropanth!s Ans! a; i $; i)
i) /orntra%er test ii) /al>et test iii) Killer 4iliani test iv) 5odified anthra6!inone c; ii Part use" i) Leaf ii) /!lb iii) 'eed iv) Dried >!ice $; i) c; ii "; iii "; iii
,) The s.non.3 for ?Sesa3e oil@! a) H)drocarbons oil c) 5ai:e oil Ans! " 0) In the 'atient with "eficienc. of ita3in A& which oil ca'sules .ou will suggest/ a) 'har4 liver oil c) Arachis oil Ans! a b) 5!stard oil c) Linseed oil b) 5ar%osa oil d) Gin%all) oil
1) =hich of the following oil is use" as ehicle of oil. inDecta$les/ a) Arachis oil c) +astor oil Ans! a 2) Oil is ha ing antile'rotic 'ro'ert.! a) Linseed oil c) +ha!lmoo%ra oil Ans! c 4) The oil is not use" as ehicle for the inDecta$les! a) Arachis oil c) 'esame oil Ans! " 6) Oil is showing la%ati e 'ro'ert.! a) Arachis oil c) +astor oil Ans! c 7) Aci" alue is "efine" as! a) #!mber of milli%ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil b) #!mber of %ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil c) #!mber of Kilo%ram of potassi!m h)dro$ide re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil d) #!mber of ml of potassi!m h)dro$ide E*#) re6!ired to ne!trali:e one %ram of fat or oil Ans! a b) 'esame oil d) +orn oil b) -live oil d) +orn oil b) Do>oba oil d) +orn oil b) Linseed oil d) Do>oba oil
() The test not use" as an anal.tical 'ara3eter for oil! a) Acet)l val!e c) H)dro$)l val!e Ans! " +) =hich oil generall. lowers the $loo" cholesterol le el/ a) Arachis oil c) #eem oil Ans! " ,-) Drug a) 'eame oil Source i) H)drocarp!s wi%htiana b) +astor oil d) +orn oil b) Acid val!e d) Ketone val!e
ii) Bea ma)s iii) 'esam!m indic!m iv) +arthm!s tinctori!s c; ii "; i
Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices
,) Resins are classifie" into following su$classes e%ce't ! a) Acid c) 1esin alcohol Ans! " b) (ster d) 1esin ether
0) =hich is not an e%a3'le of aci" resins/ a) /en:oin c) 'andrac Ans! a 1) M.rrh contains i3'ortant aci"! a) +omiphoric acid c) /en:oic acid Ans! a 2) Out of the following& which is an e%a3'le of oleoresin/ a) +opaiba c) +apsic!m Ans! " 4) Oleo gu3 resins are 3i%ture of! a) 3olatile oil 8 G!m 8 1esins c) ats 8 G!m 8 1esin Ans! a 6) Ho3ogenous 3i%ture of resins an" oil are calle" as! a) -leoresins c) Gl)coresin Ans! a 7) Gl.coresins are 3a"e u' of ! a) 1esins 8 '!%ar c) 1esins 8 G!m Ans! a () Resins containing $en#oic aci" or cinna3ic aci"s are calle" as! a) -leoresins c) -leo%!m Ans! " b) Gl)coresins d) /alsam b) 1esins 8 3olatile oil d) 1esins 8 i$ed oil b) -leo%!m d) /alsma b) i$ed oil 8 G!m 8 1esin d) G!m 8 resins b) +anada balsam d) 5)rrh b) Abietic acid d) Acetic acid b) +olophon) d) 5)rrh
+) 9a3il. of "rug Fingi$er officinale! a) 'olanaceae c) Bin%iberaceae Ans! c ,-) Pungenc. of ca'sicu3 is "estro.e" $. $oiling it with! a) 2F h)drochloric acid b) 1F s!lph!ric acid b) Cmbelliferae d) +onvol!laceae
d) potassi!m h)dro$ide
,,) Curcu3a longa shoul" not contain olatile oil less then! a) +!rc!minoid c) 2hiamine Ans! a ,0) =hen the 'ow"er of curcu3a longa is treate" with sul'huric aci"& it gi es colour! a) @ellow c) Green Ans! $ ,1) =hich is not an e%a3'le of oleoresins/ a) +opaiba c) +apsic!m Ans! " ,2) If the resins contain $en#oic aci"s or cinna3ic aci"s then are calle" as! a) +olophon) c) +opaiba Ans! " ,4) Resins associate" with olatile oil are calle" as! a) -leo<%!m<resin c) G!m resins Ans! $ ,6) 9erulic aci" when treate" with h."rochloric aci" gi es! a) Acetic acid c) +innamic acid Ans! $ ,7) Ginger contains olatile oil in the 'ercentage range! a) 1<&F c) 1=<1*F Ans! a b) *<1=F d) 1*<2=F b) Cmbellic acid d) 3anillic acid b) -leo<resin d) 3olatile resins b) 'andrac d) /alsam b) +anada balsam d) 5)rrh b) +rimson d) /l!e b) +apsanthin d) Ascorbic acid
,() Resins are insolu$le in ! a) Alcohol c) 3olatile oil Ans! $ b) 9ater d) i$ed oil
,+) A"ulteration $. e%hauste" ginger is "etecte" for3 ginger $.! a) 'hape c) +olo!r Ans! " b) 'i:e d) 9ater sol!ble ash
Drug a) Gin%er
b) +apsic!m c) +oloc)nth d) /en:oin Ans! 6) Drug a) 2!rmeric b) +apsic!m c) Asafoetida d) Dalap Ans! 7) Drug a) /alsam tol! b) Asafoetida c) +!rc!min d) /en:oin Ans! a; i $; i) c; ii a; i) $;i c;ii a;i $; i) c; ii
Alternati e na3e i) ii) iii) iv) ";iii I"entification test i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Dr!% 8 water and trit!rated G )ellowish oran%e Dr!% 8 H2 '-& G 1ed colo!r Alcoholic sol!tion of ben:oin 8 water G mil4) white Dr!% 8 ferric chloride sol!tion < Green colo!r Indian saffrom DevilAs d!n% 5a$ican >alap +a)enne pepper
Select the correct answer out of the gi en choices
,) Ter'enes 3a"e u' of ! a) +alcierene c) #eoprene Ans! " 0) Molecular for3ula for iso'rene unit is! a) +; H; c) +* H; Ans! c 1) E%a3'le of alcohol olatile oil! a) .eppermint c) Lemon peel Ans! a 2) =hich is not an e%a3'le of ester olatile oil/ a) Ga!ltheria c) 5!ster Ans! " 4) Drug is not an e%a3'le of 'henol olatile oil! a) +love c) +reosote Ans! $ 6) The 3aDor ter'enoi" in clo e oil! a) (!%enol c) Anethol Ans! a 7) Triter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) o!r b) ive c) 'i$ Ans! c () Diter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) 2hree c) +) ive Ans! $ Monoter'enes contain nu3$er of iso'rene units! a) -ne b) 2hree b) o!r d) 'i$ d) 'even b) 'antalol d) 5enthol b) Anise d) 2h)me b) Lavender d) +innamon b) +innamon d) -ran%e peel b) +" H; d) +, H, b) .se!dopriene d) Isoprene
*e3on grass oil is o$taine" fro3 ! a) +)mbopo%on fle$!o!s!s b) +innamon!m camphora c) (!cal)pt!s %lob!les Ans! a d) +henopodi!m ambrosioides
:eta ionine is starting 3aterial for s.nthesis of! a) 3itamin K c) 3itamin A Ans! c b) 3itamin /1 d) 3itamin D
S.non.3 for 'e''er3int oil is! a) 5entha oil c) (!cal)pt!s Ans! a b) -le!m terbinthae d) +henoposan
The chief acti e constituent of fennel! a) +arvone c) Dill<Apiole Ans! " b) /orneol d) enchone
:iological source for Nut3eg! a) foenic!l!m v!l%are c) 5)ristica fra%rans b) +oriandr!m sativ!m d) (lettaria cardamom
Ans! c
Drug& which "oes not& $elong to fa3il. u3$elliferae! a) +arawa) c) A>owan Ans! " b) +oriander d) +ardamom
9ennel contains 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) " to 0 F c) 1= to 1" F Ans! a b) 0 to 1=F d) 1" to 1**
Nut3eg shoul" contain olatile oil not less than! a) 1 F wHv c) " F wHv Ans! " b) 2F wHv d) * F wHv
>olatile oil in Corian"er shoul" not less than! a) =."F c) "."F Ans! a b) ".=F d) &.&F
Car"a3on contains olatile oil not less than! a) 1F c) 2.=F Ans! " b) =.& F d) &.= F
Pe''er3int oil contains i3'ortant ter'enoi"! a) Geraniol c) 5enthol Ans! c b) Anethol d) (!%enol
b) Anethol d) +ineol
9ennel contains t.'e of sto3ata! a) Diac)tic c) Anisoc)tic Ans! " b) Actinoc)tic d) Anomoc)tic
=hich ariet. of fennel contains least 'ercentage of olatile oil content/ a) Indian c) rench sweet Ans! a b) 'a$on) d) Dapanese
The fat of nut3eg is 8nown as! a) Ghee c) #!tme% b!tter Ans! c b) #!tme% oil d) #!tme% protein
Cinna3o3 $ar8 "oes not contain! a) +innamaldeh)de b) 2annins c) +o!marin Ans! c d) /en:aldeh)de
The $iological source of cinna3on! a) +innamom!m :e)lanic!m c) +innamom!m b!rmanii Ans! c b) +innamom!m cassia bl!me d) +innamom!m loireirii
:iological source of Garlic is! a) Alli!m sativ!m c) 2h)m!s v!l%aris Ans! a b) .in!s ro$b!r%hii d) 'antal!m alb!m
d) Anti!lcer
?Hol. $asil@ is the s.non.3 for "rug! a) Alpinia officinar!m Ans! " b) Alli!m sativ!m c) #ardostach)s >atamon!m d) -ci!m sanct!m
Al8aloi" 'resent in :lac8 'e''er is! a) +ar)oph)llene c) 1<phellandrene Ans! " b) +innamaldeh)de d) .iperine
Drug which "oes not $elong to fa3il. B3$elliferae! a) +!min c) Lavender oil Ans! c b) Anise d) +eler)
The 'ercentage of clo e oil in clo e shoul" not $e less than! a) 1*F c) *F Ans! a b) 1=F d) 1F
Does not occur in clo e! a) 'tarch c) 2annins Ans! a b) 3olatile oil d) 1esins
=hen trans erse section of clo e is treate" with 'otassiu3 h."ro%i"e solution& it gi es! a) 'tron% odor of volatile oil b) H2 ' %as is evolved c) +-2 is evolved d) #eedle shaped cr)stals of potassi!m e!%eonate Ans! "
d) /en:oic acid
=hich is not use" as an a"ulterant for clo e/ a) 5other clove c) +love stal4 Ans! " b) /lown clove d) .ale clove
Clo e stal8 contains a''ro%i3ate 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) *F c) 1*F Ans! a b) 1=F d) 2=F
Oil which "oes not $elong to alcohol class! a) #!tme% c) Lemon %rass Ans! c b) 'andalwood d) Lavender
The oil& which is not $elonging to al"eh."e class! a) Dill oil c) Lemon %rass oil Ans! a b) +innamon oil d) Lemon oil
The oil& which is ha ing counter irritant 'ro'ert.! a) 2h)me c) .eppermint Ans! $ b) 2!rpentine oil d) -ran%e oil
9ennel contains 'ercentage of olatile oil! a) 1= to 2=F c) "= to &=F Ans! " b) 2= to "=F d) ,* to 0=F
Tur'entine class
i) ii) iii) iv) "; i Source i) ii) iii) iv) c; i) "; iii 9a3il.
Aneth!m %raveolens i) +itr!s limonis #!tme% +assia cinnamon a; ii $; i) c; i ii) iii) iv) "; iii
>olatile oil not less than +oriander A>owan Dill ennel a; i $; i) c; ii i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii Characteristics i) ii) iii) iv) "; iii ($panded flowers of clove trees. +ontain onl) *F of oil. -il is removed from clove. Dar4 brownI ovate and ripened r!its of clove a; i $; i) c; ii 2.=F 2.*F 1.&F =."F
A"ulterants for clo e 5other clove /lown cloves +love stal4s ($ha!sted clove
Select the correct answer out of gi en choices!
,) Gol"$eater s8in test is use" for i"entification of! a) Al4aloids c) 2annins Ans! c 0) Tannins show so3e che3ical reaction e%ce't! a) sol!tion of tannins precipitate %elatin. b) 2annins are precipitated b) salt of copperI tin and lead. c) 2he) show colo!r reaction with iron. d) 2he) react with potassi!m merc!ric iodide. Ans! " 1) Con"ense" tannins are calle" as! a) H)drol)sable tannins c) .se!dotannins Ans! $ 2) Tannic aci" is un"er the class of! a) +ondensed tannins c) H)drol)sable tannins Ans! c 4) :iological source of ArDuna a) 2erminalia ar>!na c) 2erminalia tomenstosa b) 2erminalia cheb!la d) 2erminalia belerica b) .se!dotannins d) +ondensed and pse!dotannins b) #on h)drol)sable d) .rototannins b) Gl)cosides c) 1esins
Ans! a 6) Tannic aci" is anti"ote in 'oisoning! a) Iodine c) Al4aloid Ans! c 7) =hen 'terocar'us is treate" with 'otassiu3 h."ro%i"e& it gi es a) 3iolet c) 1ed Ans ! a () Ga3$ir flurescin test is use" for "rug! a) Ar>!na c) .ale catech! Ans! c b) Asho4a d) /lac4 catech! b) Green d) /lac4 b) +)anide d) Arsenic
:lac8 catechu contains a$out 'ercentage of acacatechin! a) -ne percenta%e c) 'even percent Ans! " b) 2hree percent d) 2en percent
1. Co3'osition of Molisch reagent is a) b) c) d) Ans ! a 2. Che3ical test use" for i"entification of car$oh."rates! a) #inh)drin c) /orntra%er Ans! $ ". I3'ortant che3ical constituent of Algin is! a) 2ra%acanthin c) Al%inic acid Ans! c &. I3'ortant che3ical constituent hone. is! a) Gl!cose c) 5altose Ans! " b) r!ctose d) Invert s!%ar b) /assorin d) Al%inic ester b) 5olisch d) /al>et Alpha napthol 8 s!lph!ric acid /eta napthol 8 s!lph!ric acid #aphth)lamine 8 s!lph!ric acid .henol 8 s!lph!ric acid
Pectin is use" in the 'har3aceutical in"ustries as! a) Adsorbent Ans! a b) Dem!lcent c) (m!lsif)in% a%ent d) '!spendin% a%ent
*iEui" glucose is o$taine" $.! a) b) c) d) Ana! $ .artial h)drol)sis of %l!cose .artial h)drol)sis of starch +omplete h)drol)sis of starch +omplete h)drol)sis of %l!cose
The $iological source for In"ian gu3 is! a) +)amopsis tetra%ono%lob!les c) Acacia Arabica Ans ! c b) Astra%al!s %amifer d) Acacia 'ene%al
=hen In"ian gu3 is treate" with rutheniu3 re"@ it shows! a) .in4 colo!r c) /l!e Ans! " ,-) =hen In"ian gu3 is treate" with h."rogen 'ero%i"e an" $en#i"ine in alcoholH is shows $lue colour "ue to! a) H)drol)ase en:)me c) 1ed!ctase en:)me Ans! $ ,,) The 3ostl. use" a"ulterant for In"ian gu3 is! a) Acacia 'ene%al %!m b) G!m from Astra%al!s %!mmifer c) G!m %hatti from ano%eiss!s latifolia d) G!ar %!m Ans! c ,0) S.non.3 for Guar gu3! a) Da%!ar %!m c) G!m acacia Ans! a ,1) =hen guar gu3 is treate" with a$out 0G solution of lea" acetateH it shows! a) .in4 colo!r c) @ellow colo!r b) /l!e colo!r d) #o colo!r chan%e b) Acacia d) G!m Arabica b) -$idase en:)me d) Invertase en:)me b) 1ed colo!r d) #o colo!r chan%e
Ans! " ,2) Artificial in ert sugar is an a"ulterant for hone. an" it is "etecte" $. the test! a) 2ollenAs c) /al>et test An"! " ,4) The water solu$le 'ortion of tragacanth is 8nown as! a) 2ra%acanthin c) Galcto!ronic acid Ans! a ,6) Pectin is use" in the treat3ent of! a) Clcer c) An%ina Ans! " ,7) :iological source for Isa'gol! a) .lanta%o ovata c) Giladini!m amansii Ans! a b) Ae%le marmelos d) +ondr!s crips!s b) H)pertension d) Diarrhoea b) /assorin d) D<%alctop)ranose b) #inh)drine d) ieheAs test
=hich test is use" for the 'urit. of Isa'gol/ a) /arfoed test c) 5olisch test Ans! " b) 5illonAs test d) 'wellin% factor
=hen Isa'gol is treate" with rhutheniu3 re"& it shows colour! a) /l!e c) .in4 Ans! c b) @ellow c) Green
Isa'gol see"s are a"ulterate" with! a) .lanta%o p!rshii c) .lanta%o aristala Ans! $ b) .lanta%o lanciolata d) .lanta%o p)slli!m
A3.lu3 is the s.non.3 for! a) 2ra%acanth c) In!lin Ans! $ b) 'tarch d) Loc!st bean
Rice starch is of si#e! a) 2<12 micron c) 10<2= micron Ans! a b) 1&<10 micron d) 2=<2* micron
=heat starch is of si#e! a) =.1 to 1 micron c) " to * micron Ans! " b) 2 to " micron d) * to *= micron
The si#e of 'otato starch aries fro3! a) "= to 1== micron c) 1"= to 1= micron Ans! a b) 1== to 1"= micron d) 1,= to 1;= micron
Starch contains a3.lase an" a3.lo'ectin in the 'ro'ortion! a) 1J2 c) 1J" Ans! a b) 1J1 d) 2J1
The test& which is not use" for i"entification of car$oh."rates! a) 5olisch test c) #inh)drin test Ans! c b) -sa:one formation test d) 1esorcinol test
<eller 8iliani test is use" for i"entification of! a) r!ctose b) 5altose d) Gl!cose c) Deo$) s!%ar Ans! c
The s.non.3 of *actose is! a) 5il4 s!%ar c) +r)stalline s!%ar Ans! a b) /!tter s!%ar d) .!re s!%ar
:iological source i) ii) iii) iv) c; iii i) ii) iii) iv) a; ii $; i) c; i i) ii) iii) iv) $; i) c; ii Si#e i) ii) iii) iv) a; iii $; i) c; ii Source i) ii) iii) iv) a; iii $; i) c; ii Bea ma)s -r):a sativ!m 2ritic!m sativ!m solan!m t!beros!m "; i 2 to 11= !m 2 to &* !m 2 to 1= !m 1= to "= !m "; i a; iii Acacia Arabica +hondr!s crisp!s Gelidi!m amansii Ano%eiss!s latifolia "; i :iological source +)amopsis tetra%onolob!s Astra%!l!s %!mmifer .lanta%o ovata .lanta%o ps)lli!m "; iii :iological source -r):a sativa +itr!s limonis Apis species 'terc!lia !rens "; i