The document discusses various topics related to medicinal plants and drugs including:
- The Stas-otta process is used to extract glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, and resins from plants.
- Senna leaf contains O-glycosides and is in the class of anthracene glycosides.
- Bitter almond is under the chemical class of cyanogenic glycoside.
The document discusses various topics related to medicinal plants and drugs including:
- The Stas-otta process is used to extract glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, and resins from plants.
- Senna leaf contains O-glycosides and is in the class of anthracene glycosides.
- Bitter almond is under the chemical class of cyanogenic glycoside.
The document discusses various topics related to medicinal plants and drugs including:
- The Stas-otta process is used to extract glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, and resins from plants.
- Senna leaf contains O-glycosides and is in the class of anthracene glycosides.
- Bitter almond is under the chemical class of cyanogenic glycoside.
The document discusses various topics related to medicinal plants and drugs including:
- The Stas-otta process is used to extract glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, and resins from plants.
- Senna leaf contains O-glycosides and is in the class of anthracene glycosides.
- Bitter almond is under the chemical class of cyanogenic glycoside.
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Stas-otta process is used for extraction of :
a) Glycosides b) Alkaloids c) Terpenoids d) Resins
1. Stas-otta process is used for extraction of :
a) Glycosides b) Alkaloids c) Terpenoids d) Resins Ans : a 2. Senna mainly contains : a) O-glycosides b) N-glycosides c) C-glycosides d) S-glycosides Ans : a 3. Senna leaf if under the class of glycoside : a) Cardiac b) Cyanogenic c) Anthracene d) Saponin Ans : c 4. Which drug is under the chemical class of cyanogentic glycoside? a) Bitter almond b) Black mustard c) Digitalis d) Rhubarb Ans :a. 5. Drug under the class of isothiocyanate glycosides : a) Black mustard b) Senega c) Thevetia d) Aloe Ans : a 5. Shatavari is under the chemical class of glycoside: a) Sterol b) Saponin c) Cyanogentic d) Isothiocyanate Ans : b 6. Drug is not under the class of cardiac glycoside : a) digitalis b) Thevetia c) Indian squill d) Bitter almond Ans : d 7. The drug showing cardio tonic activity: a) Thevetia b) Cochineal c) Rhubarb d) Aloe Ans : a 8. Which drug is used as diuretic? a) Quillaia b) Senega c) Ginseng d) Gokhru Ans : d 9. The drug used as nerve tonic : a) Brahmi b) Mordica c) Ginseng d) Senega Ans: a 10. The family of Gokhru : a) Liliaceae b) Cucurbitaceae c) Zygophyllaceae d) Araliaceae Ans: c 11. Borntrager test is used for one of the following drugs: a) Senna b) Aloe c) Digitalis d) Stropanthus Ans: a 12. In kiungs isobarbaloin test, Curacao aloes shows colour : a) Yellow b) Blue c) Wine red d) Green Ans: c 13. In klungs isobarbaloin test, Socotrine and Zanziber aloes show colour: a) Red b) Faint yellow c) Green d) No colouration Ans: d 13. Alcoholic extract of aloe under UV light gives colour: a) Blue b) Red c) Deep brown d) Pink Ans: c 14. The substitute for aloes : a) Cape aloes b) Socotrine aloes c) Curacao aloes d) Natal aloes Ans: d 15. The biological source for cape aloes : a) Curacao aloes b) Socotrine aloes c) Aloe ferrox d) Zanziber aloes Ans : c 16. Saponin glycoside shows one of the following property: a) Laxative b) Anticonvulsant c) Foaming d) Astringent Ans: c 17. Out of the following, one is not the example of Cardinolide: a) Digitoxin b) Digoxin c) Gitoxigenin d) Scillarin A Ans : d 18. The biological source for Dioscoria: a) dioscoria deltoid b) dioscoria floribunda c) dioscoria villosa d) Dioscorea compositae Ans : a 19. Yam is the synonym of the drug: a) Stropanthus b) Dioscoria c) Safed musali d) Liquorice Ans : b 20. Dioscoria is used in the treatment of : a) Ulcer b) Cancer c) Rheumatic arthritis d) Kidney stone Ans : c 21. ______________ Is not the synonym of Liquorice. a) Glycyrrhiza b) Liquorice root c) Mulethi d) Yam Ans : d 22. Liquorice belongs to family : a) Liliaceae b) Triterpenoid c) Loganaceae d) Leguminosae Ans : d 23. Glycyrrhizinic acid on hydrolysis gives : a) Glycyrrhetic acid b) Glycyrrhizin c) Liquiritin d) Isoliquiritin Ans: a 24. Liquorice is used in the treatment of : a) Conjuctivitis b) Peptic ulcer c) Allergy d) Skin disease Ans : b 25. When glycyrrhiza is treated with 80% sulphuric acid, then it shows colour: a) Yellow b) Red c) Green d) Violet Ans: a 26. Rhubarb is cultivated mainly in which state of India: a) J and K b) Madhya Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Bengal Ans: a 27. Rhubarb when treated with alkali, shows red colour due to presence of : a) Anthroquionoe glycoside b) Cardiac glycoside c) sapogenin glycoside d) Cyanogenic glycoside Ans: a 28. Keller kiliani test is positive for: a) Digitoxose b) Gitoxose c) digitoxigenin d) gitoxigenin Ans: a 29. Presence of star spots is the characteristic of drug: a) Cascara b) Senna c) Aloe d) Rhubarb Ans: d 30. Modified Borntroger test is positive for drug: a) Aloe b) Senna c) Digitalis d) Senna pod Ans: a 31. Botanical source of Arjuna bark: a) Terminalis tamentosa b) Polygala chinesis c) Poligala erioptera d) Terminalis arjuna Ans: d 32. Presence of aleurone grain is the characteristic of the drug: a) Belladonna b) Nux vomica c) Hyoscyamus d) Vinca Ans: b 33. Drug with the presence of plasmodesma: a) Nux vomica b) Rauwolfia c) Vinca rosea d) Phsysostigma Ans: a 34. Digitalis leaves should be dried at temperature below: a) 20 C b) 30 C c) 40 C d) 60 C Ans: d 35. Vein-islet no. is Indian senna is in the range of : a) 10.5 to 12.5 b) 13.5 to 16.5 c) 16.5 to 18.0 d) 19.5 to 22.5 Ans: d 36. Stomatal Index in Indian senna is in the range of: a) 17 to 20 b) 20 to 23 c) 23 to 26 d) 26 to 29 Ans: a 37. Palisade ratio in Alexandrian senna is : a) 7 b) 10 c) 13 d) 16 Ans: a 38. Vein- islet no. in Alexandrian senna is in the range of: a) 10 to 15.5 b) 16 to 20.5 c) 25 to 29.5 d) 20 to 24.5 Ans: c CHOOSE THE CORRECT PAIRS: 1. Drug Family a) Indian senna i) Liliaceae b) Aloe ii) Polygonaceae c) Rhubarb iii) Rhamnaceae d) Cascara iv) Leguminoseae Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii 2. Types of Glycosides: Example a) Anthracene glycoside i) Digitalis b) Cardiac glycoside ii) Bitter almond c) Saponin glycoside iii) Dioscorea d) Cyanogenetic glycoside iv) Senna leaf Ans: a) iv b) i. c) iii d) ii 3. Drug Activity a) Red squill i) Cardiotonic b) Kalmegh ii) Purgative c) Aloe iii) Nervine tonic d) Brahmi iv) Rat poisoning Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii 4. Drug Use a) Gokhru i) Hypoglycemic b) Momordica ii) Galactogogue c) Shatavari iii) Diuretic d) Liquorice iv) Expectorant Ans: a) iii b) i. c) ii d) iv 5. Drug Source a) Gokhru i) glycyrrhiza glabra b) Liquorice ii) Urgenia martima c) Bramhi iii) Tribulus teristris d) European squill iv) Bacopa moniera Ans: a) iii b) i. c) iv d) ii 6. Drug Test a) Aloe i) Borntrager test b) Senna ii) Baljet test c) Digitalis iii) Killer kiliani test d) Deoxy sugar iv) Modified anthraquinone Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii 7. Drug Part used a) Aloe i) Leaf b) Digitalis ii) Bulb c) Indian squill iii) Seed d) Stropanthus iv) Dried juice Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii LIPIDS 1. The synonym for Sesame oil: a) Hydrocarbons