Ask The Experts MPC Contact
Ask The Experts MPC Contact
Ask The Experts MPC Contact
What are Multipoint Constraints or MPCs? Where do we use MPCs? Advantages of MPC over traditional contact What is new at 12.0 for MPC
What is MPC?
Multi-point constraints enforce compatibility at an interface using internally generated constraint equations.
For example, the constraint equation that would transfer action between ROTZ at node 2 and UY at nodes 1 and 3 has this form:
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MPC can be used to bond different element types at interfaces with incompatible mesh regions:
Two solid element surfaces
Solid/Shells surfaces or edges Beam to Shells/Solids
Where do we use MPC? MPC is the technology behind the joint options available in workbench
x-axis Revolute joint z-axis Revolute joint Universal joint
Slot joint
Point-in-plane joint
Translational joint
x-axis Cylindrical joint
A Joint between flexible bodies typically consists of two surface based constraints tied together at the respective pilot nodes with an MPC184 element
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Point mass representation of 3D geometry
Force-distributed constraint
Connect flexible bodies to joints
Advantages of MPC
Improved solution efficiency over traditional bonded contact: For a large assemblies with MPC bonded (or no-separation) contact, the CPU run time is faster than the same analysis using default algorithm.
Contact Algorithm
Aug-Lagrange MPC
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Advantages of MPC
Advantages of MPC(contd): Ease of use: No contact stiffness is required as an input. Internal Multi-Point Constraints will be generated automatically at the execution of a Solve For large deformation problems, the MPC equations are updated during each iteration. Shape functions are taken into account automatically for RBE3-type of surface constraint (force distributed); no weight factor is needed
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New at 12.0
Overconstraint detection and elimination
When a degree of freedom is subjected to multiple constraints, overconstraint occurs
results in solver-failure convergence difficulties or inaccurate solutions.
The program automatically eliminates a limited set of overconstraints detected during solution and issues appropriate warning messages. For troubleshooting purposes, you can display certain eliminated constraints in the POST1 postprocessor
New at 12.0
The assembly is connected with MPC contacts
Contact status In these regions, Parts are not correctly connected Solution in R12: 2 elements in sweep direction
Contact status
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
New at 12.0
Advanced tools to improve shell and beam connections At 11.0,constraint
equations only built at nodes whose target and contact normals intersection
At 12.0 Constraint equations always built as long as contact node(s) and target segments are inside the pinball region.