WB-Mech 120 Ch04 Static PDF
WB-Mech 120 Ch04 Static PDF
WB-Mech 120 Ch04 Static PDF
Chapter Overview
Training Manual
In this chapter, performing linear static structural analyses in Simulation will be covered:
A. B. C. D. E. F. Geometry and Elements Assemblies and Contact Types Analysis Settings Environment, including Loads and Supports Solving Models Results and Postprocessing
The capabilities described in this section are generally applicable to ANSYS DesignSpace Entra licenses and above.
Some options discussed in this chapter may require more advanced licenses, but these are noted accordingly.
Training Manual
For a linear static structural analysis, the displacements {x} are solved for in the matrix equation below:
[K] is constant
[K ]{x} = {F}
Linear elastic material behavior is assumed Small deflection theory is used Some nonlinear boundary conditions may be included
It is important to remember these assumptions related to linear static analysis. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses are covered in later chapters.
A. Geometry
Training Manual
In structural analyses, all types of bodies supported by Simulation may be used. For surface bodies, thickness must be supplied in the Details view of the Geometry branch.
The cross-section and orientation of line bodies are defined within DesignModeler and are imported into Simulation automatically.
Point Mass
Training Manual
A Point Mass can be added to a model (Geometry branch) to simulate parts of the structure not explicitly modeled:
A point mass is associated with surface(s) only. The location can be defined by either:
(x, y, z) coordinates in any user-defined Coordinate System. Selecting vertices/edges/surfaces to define location.
Point mass is affected by Acceleration, Standard Earth Gravity, and Rotational Velocity. No other loads affect a point mass. The mass is connected to selected surfaces assuming no stiffness between them. No rotational inertial terms are present.
Material Properties
Training Manual
Youngs Modulus and Poissons Ratio are required for linear static structural analyses:
Material input is handled in the Engineering Data application. Mass density is required if any inertial loads are present. Thermal expansion coefficient is required if a uniform temperature load is applied. Thermal conductivity is NOT required for uniform temperature conditions. Stress Limits are needed if a Stress Tool result is present. Fatigue Properties are needed if Fatigue Tool result is present.
Requires Fatigue Module add-on license.
Training Manual
When importing assemblies of solid parts, contact regions are automatically created between the solid bodies.
Contact allows non-matching meshes at boundaries between solid parts Tolerance controls under Contact branch allows the user to specify distance of auto contact detection via slider bar
Training Manual
In Simulation, the concept of contact and target surfaces are used for each contact region:
One side of a contact region is referred to as a contact surface, the other side is referred to as a target surface. The contact surfaces are restricted from penetrating through the target surface.
When one side is designated the contact and the other side the target, this is called asymmetric contact. If both sides are made to be contact & target this is called symmetric contact. C T By default, Simulation uses symmetric contact for solid assemblies. For ANSYS Professional licenses and above, the user may change to asymmetric contact, as desired.
Symmetric Contact
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Asymmetric Contact
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Training Manual
Bonded and No Separation contact are linear and require only 1 iteration. Frictionless, Rough and Frictional contact are nonlinear and require multiple iterations.
Training Manual
Add offset: contact surface is numerically offset a given amount in positive or negative direction (offset can be ramped on).
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adjusted to touch: offsets contact surface to provide initial contact with target regardless of actual gap/penetration.
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Training Manual
For ANSYS Professional licenses and above, mixed assemblies of shells and solids are supported as well as more contact options.
In this case, the gap between the two parts is bigger than the pinball region, so no automatic gap closure will be performed.
Training Manual
Training Manual
Solid Body Face (Scope = Target) Solid Body Edge (Scope = Target) Surface Body Face (Scope = Target)
(Scope = Contact) Bonded, No Separation All formulations Asymmetric only Not supported for solving1 Bonded, No Separation All formulations Asymmetric only Bonded, No Separation Bonded, No Separation All formulations Symmetry respected All formulations Asymmetric only Bonded only MPC formulation Asymmetric only
(Scope = Contact) Bonded only MPC formulation Asymmetric only Not supported for solving1 Bonded only MPC formulation Asymmetric only Bonded, No Separation Bonded only Augmented Lagrange, All formulations Pure Penalty, and MPC formulation Symmetry respected Asymmetric only Not supported for solving1 Bonded only Augmented Lagrange, Pure Penalty, and MPC formulation Asymmetric only
1 For Face/Edge contact, faces must always be designated as targets and edges must always be designated as contacts
C. Analysis Settings
The Analysis Settings details provide general control over the solution process: Step Controls:
Manual and auto time stepping controls. Specify the number of steps in an analysis and an end time for each step. Time is a tracking mechanism in static analyses (discussed later).
Training Manual
Solver Controls:
Two solvers available (default program chosen):
Direct solver (Sparse solver in ANSYS). Iterative solver (PCG solver in ANSYS).
Weak springs:
Simulation tries to anticipate underconstrained models.
Training Manual
Training Manual
The time and load value are displayed in the graphics window
. . . Multiple Steps
Training Manual
A summary of all the different steps can be viewed by highlighting Analysis Type and then selecting the Worksheet tab.
. . . Multiple Steps
Training Manual
Results for each individual step can be viewed after the solution by selecting the desired step and RMB >Retrieve This Result.
Training Manual
M ot
For example a Frictionless Support applied to the Z surface of the block shown would indicate that the Z degree of freedom is no longer free (all other DOF are free).
io n
Frictionless surface
Co ns tra
May 5, 2009 Inventory #002593
in ed
Training Manual
Structural Loads:
Forces or moments acting on parts of the system.
Structural Supports:
Constraints that prevent movement on certain regions.
Thermal Loads:
The thermal loads which result in a temperature field causing thermal expansion/contraction in the model.
Directional Loads
Loads and supports having a direction component can be defined in global or local coordinate systems:
In the Details view, change Define By to Components. Then, select the appropriate CS from the pull-down menu.
Training Manual
Load Supports Coordinate Systems Acceleration No Standard Earth Gravity Yes Rotational Velocity Yes Force Yes Remote Force Location of Origin Only Bearing Load Yes Moment Yes Given Displacement Yes
Training Manual
Training Manual
Force loading:
Forces can be applied on vertices, edges, or surfaces. The force will be evenly distributed on all entities. Units are mass*length/time2. Force can be defined via vector or component methods.
Hydrostatic Pressure
Hydrostatic Pressure:
Applies a linearly varying load to a surface (solid or shell) to mimic fluid force acting on the structure. Fluid may be contained or external.
User specifies:
Magnitude and direction of acceleration. Fluid Density. Coordinate system representing the free surface of the fluid. For Shells, a Top/Bottom face option is provided.
Training Manual
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
May 5, 2009 Inventory #002593
Bearing Load
Bearing Load (force): Force component distributed on compressive side using projected area. Axial components are not allowed. Use only one bearing load per cylindrical surface. If the cylindrical surface is split be sure to select both halves of cylindrical surface when applying this load. Bearing load can be defined via vector or component method.
Training Manual
Bearing Load
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Force Load
May 5, 2009 Inventory #002593
Moment Load
Moment Loading :
Training Manual
For solid bodies moments can be applied on a surface only. If multiple surfaces are selected, the moment load is evenly distributed. Vector or component method can be employed using the right hand rule. For surface bodies a moment can be applied to a vertex, edge or surface. Units of moment are in Force*length.
Remote Load
Remote Force Loading :
Training Manual
Applies an offset force on a surface or edge of a body. The user supplies the origin of the force (geometry or coordinates). Can be defined using vector or component method. Applies an equivalent force and moment on the surface.
Example: 10 inch beam with a 1 lbf remote force scoped to the end of the beam. Remote force is located 20 inches from the fixed support.
F=1 lbf
Moment Reaction
. . . Bolt Pretension
Bolt Pretension:
Applies a pretension load to a cylindrical section using:
Pretension load (force) OR Adjustment (length)
Training Manual
For body loading a local coordinate system is required (preload in z direction). Automatic two loadstep solution:
LS1: pretension load, boundary conditions and contact conditions are applied. LS2: relative motion of the pretension section is fixed and external loads are applied.
For sequenced loading additional options are available (see next page)
Training Manual
2 4 3 1
Bolt Load Tips: 3D simulations only. Cylindrical surfaces or bodies only. A refined mesh is recommended (at least 2 elements in axial direction).
May 5, 2009 Inventory #002593
. . . Line Pressure
Line Pressure loading :
Training Manual
Applies a distributed force on one edge only for 3-D simulations, using force density loading. Units are in force/length. Can be defined by :
Magnitude and Vector Magnitude and component direction (global or local coordinate systems) Magnitude and tangential
Fixed Support :
Constraints all degrees of freedom on vertex, edge, or surface
Solid bodies: constrains x, y, and z Surface and line bodies: constrains x, y, z, rotx, roty and rotz
Training Manual
Given Displacement :
Applies known displacement on vertex, edge, or surface Allows for imposed translational displacement in x, y, and z (in user-defined Coordinate System) Entering 0 means that the direction is constrained, leaving the direction blank means the direction is free.
Elastic Support :
Allows faces/edges to deform according to a spring behavior. Foundation stiffness is the pressure required to produce unit normal deflection of the foundation
Frictionless Support:
Training Manual
Applies constraints (fixes) in normal direction on surfaces. For solid bodies, this support can be used to apply a symmetry boundary condition. Examples . . . Fixed in radial direction
Cylindrical Support:
Training Manual
Provides individual control for axial, radial, or tangential constraints. Applied on cylindrical surfaces.
Training Manual
d Fixe
Training Manual
Fixed Rotation :
Can be applied on surface, edge, or vertex of surface or line bodies Constrains rotations but translations are free
Translation fixed Translations free
Rotations free
Rotations fixed
Thermal Loading
Thermal condition :
Applies a uniform temperature in a structural analysis. Appears under Loads in structural analysis. A reference temperature must be provided (see next slide).
Training Manual
Thermal Loading
A temperature differential can cause thermal expansion or contraction in a structure:
Thermal strains (th) are calculated as follows:
x th y th z th
Training Manual
= = = (T Tref )
= thermal expansion coefficient (CTE material property). Tref = reference temperature (thermal strains are zero). T = applied temperature (see previous slide). Reference temperature is defined in the environment branch (global) or as a property of individual bodies.
Training Manual
To solve the model click on the Solve button on the Standard Toolbar.
Training Manual
Training Manual
Plotting Results
Training Manual
Contour and vector plots are usually shown on the deformed geometry. Use the Context Toolbar to change settings.
The deformation of the model can be plotted:
Total deformation is a scalar quantity:
2 2 Utotal = U x + U y + U z2
Training Manual
The x, y, and z components of deformation can be requested under Directional, in global or local coordinates. Vector plots of deformation are available (see below).
Training Manual
Stresses and (elastic) strains have six components (x, y, z, xy, yz, xz) while thermal strains have three components (x, y, z) For stresses and strains, components can be requested under Normal (x, y, z) and Shear (xy, yz, xz). For thermal strains, (x, y, z) components are under Thermal. Principal stresses are always arranged such that s1 > s2 > s3 Intensity is defined as the largest of the absolute values
s1 - s2, s2 - s3 or s3 - s1
Stress Tools
Safety Factors (choose from 4 failure theories):
Ductile Theories:
Maximum Equivalent Stress Maximum Shear Stress
Training Manual
Brittle Theories:
Mohr-Coulomb Stress Maximum Tensile Stress
Within each stress tool safety factor, safety margin and stress ratio can be plotted.
Contact Results
Contact results are requested via a Contact Tool under the Solution branch.
Training Manual
Contact Results
1. Worksheet view (details): select contact regions from the list.
Contact, target or both sides can be selected.
Training Manual
Training Manual
In addition to the standard result items one can insert user defined results. These results can include mathematical expressions and can be combinations of multiple result items. Define in 2 ways:
Select User Defined Result from the solution context menu
OR - From the Solution Worksheet highlight result > RMB > Create User Defined Result.
Training Manual
Training Manual
Pressure Cap
Retaining Ring