PVNewsletter March2014

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Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 1

Pressure Vessel Newsletter Pressure Vessel Newsletter Pressure Vessel Newsletter Pressure Vessel Newsletter
Volume 2014, March Issue


Serving the Pressure Vessel Community Since 2007 Serving the Pressure Vessel Community Since 2007 Serving the Pressure Vessel Community Since 2007 Serving the Pressure Vessel Community Since 2007
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Intergraph Corporation. All rights reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon. Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, and PV Elite are registered
trademarks of Intergraph Corp or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries.

Pressure Vessel Analysis

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 3

From The Editors Desk:

Welcome to the March 2014 issue of the newsletter. As is evident
from the cover page, this is the time to celebrate colors. The
festival of colors, Holi as it is known in India, is a free for all
carnival. The festival represents, as all festivals do, a symbolic
victory of good over evil. Holi also ushers in the spring season,
and thus celebrates agriculture, good spring harvest and fertile
There is another event of historic proportions soon to be
underway in India. Elections to the national parliament, held once
every five years, will commence on April 7
and come to close on
May 12
. These elections are hailed as being very important for
the Indian economy which, in very near future, is tipped to be
much larger than its present size. It will create new markets in
almost all industries including those where pressure vessels will
play a big role.
Where is the new market going to come from? To understand the
answer to that question one needs to understand the
demographic dividend that India is currently sitting on.
Demographic dividend, put very simply, is the population under
age of 25 years that is not in the job market yet but is expected to
enter very soon. And that population is in excess of 600,000,000.
Yes, you read it right. That is 600 million which if provided proper
opportunities can be big producers as well as consumers of
goods and services.
Which brings us back to the elections. And what the next
government decides to do with the surge of people looking for
employment in the not too distant future. Will it create the right
environment so that the new entrants will flourish and help reap
the demographic dividend? Or will it lead to large pool of
unemployed men and women that will deplete the existing
resources and become a demographic liability? Only time will tell.
Businesses, however, must be prepared to tap into the huge
opportunity and position themselves accordingly. We live in a
global world where demographic dividend in one part of the world
will create opportunities in other parts as well.
Here is hoping for the demographic dividend

In this issue

Basic Introduction to Fatigue
Page 5

Definition of what is meant by Cast
Iron, Wrought Iron and Steel
Page 13

API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspectors
Page 15


News and Events Page 19

For any queries regarding the
newsletter, please write to
[email protected] or call at
+91 98109 33550

Photograph on the cover is provided
by Kevin Enterprises.

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 5
How Welds Fatigue
Fatigue is the mechanism whereby crack grows in a structure. Growth only occurs under fluctuating stress.
Final failure generally occurs in regions of tensile stress when the reduced cross-section becomes
insufficient to carry the peak load without rupture.
In welded structures, fatigue cracks will almost certainly start to grow from welds, rather than other details,
Most welding processes leave minute metallurgical discontinuities from which cracks may grow. As a
result, the initiation period, which is normally needed to start a crack in plain wrought material, is
either very short or non-existent. Cracks therefore spend most of their life propagating, i.e. getting
Most structural welds have a rough profile. Sharp changes of direction generally occur at the toes of
butt welds and at the toes and roots of fillet welds (see Figure 1). These points cause local stress
concentrations of the type shown in Figure 2. Small discontinuities close to these points will
therefore react as though they are in a more highly stressed member and grow faster.

Figure 1: Local Stress Concentrations at Welds

Figure 2: Typical Stress Distribution at Weld Toe

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 6
The study of fracture mechanisms shows that the growth rate of a crack is proportional to the square root of
its length, given the same stress fluctuation and a degree of stress concentration. For this reason, fatigue
cracks spend most of their life as very small cracks which are hard to detect. Only in last stages of life does
the crack start to cause a significant loss of cross-section area, as shown in Figure 3. This behavior poses
problems for in-service inspection of structures.

Figure 3: Typical Crack Growth Curve
Fatigue Strength
The fatigue strength of a welded component is defined as the stress range (
) which fluctuating at
constant amplitude causes failure of the component after a specified number of cycles (N). The stress range
is the difference between the maximum and minimum points in the cycle (see Figure 4). The number of
cycles to failure is known as the endurance or fatigue life.

Figure 4: Constant Amplitude Stress History
For practical design purposes, there are two main factors which affect the fatigue life of a detail, namely:
The stress range (
) at the location of crack initiation. There are special rules for calculating this
The fatigue strength of the detail. This strength is primarily a function of the geometry and is defined
by the parameter a which varies from joint to joint.
The fatigue life (N), or endurance, in number of cycles to failure can be calculated from the expression:
N = a
, or
log N = log u mlog

where m is a constant. For most welded details, m is equal to 3. Predictions of life are therefore particularly
sensitive to accuracy of stress prediction.
The expression linking N and
can be plotted on a logarithmic scale as a straight line, and is referred to
as an S-N curve. An example is shown in Figure 5. The relationship holds for a wide range of endurance. It
is limited at low endurance end by static failure when the ultimate material strength is exceeded. At
endurances exceeding about 5-10 million cycles, the stress ranges are generally too small to permit

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 7
propagation under constant amplitude loading. This limit is called the non-propagating stress (
). Below
this stress range, cracks will not grow.

Figure 5: Typical S-N Curve for Constant Amplitude Tests
For design purposes, it is usual to use design S-N curves which give fatigue strengths about 25% below the
mean failure values, as shown in Figure 5. a is used to define these lines.
In non-welded details, the endurance is reduced as the mean stress becomes more tensile. In welded
details, the endurance is not usually reduced in those circumstances. This behavior occurs because the weld
shrinkage stresses (or residual stresses), which are locked into the weld regions at fabrication, orten attain
tensile yield. The crack cannot distinguish between applied and residual stress. Thus, for the purpose of
design, the S-N curve always assumes the worst, i.e. that the maximum stress in the cycle is at yield point in
tension. It is particularly important to appreciate this point as it means that fatigue cracks can grow in arts of
members which are nominally in compression.
The rate of crack growth is not significantly affected by variations in proof stress or ultimate tensile strength
within the range of low alloy steels used for general structural purposes. These properties only affect the
initiation period, which, being negligible in welds, results in little influence on fatigue life. This behavior
contrasts with the fatigue of non-welded details where increased mechanical strength generally results in
improved fatigue strength, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Effect of Mechanical Strength
Classification of Details
The fatigue strength parameter (K
) of different welded details varies according to the severity of the stress
concentration effect. As there are a wide variety of detail in common use, details with similar K
values are
grouped together into a single detail class and given a single K
value. For the most commonly used details,

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 8
it has been found convenient to divide the results into 14 main classes. These classes can be plotted as a
family of S-N curves shown in Figure 7. The difference in stress range between neighbouring curves is
usually between 15 and 20%.

Figure 7: Family of Design S-N Curves
Stress Parameters for Fatigue
Stress Area
The stress areas are essentially similar to those used for static design. For a crack starting at a weld toe, the
cross-section of the member through which propagation is used. For a crack starting at the root, and
propagating through the weld throat, the minimum throat area is used.
Calculation of Stress Range
The force fluctuation in the structure must be calculated elastically. No plastic redistribution is permitted.
The stress on the critical cross section is the principal stress at the position of the weld toe (in case of weld
toe cracks). Simple elastic theory is used assuming plane sections remain plane (see Figure 8). The effect of
the local stress concentration caused by the weld profile is ignored as this is already catered for by the
parameter d which determines the weld class.

Figure 8: Design Stress Parameter for Cracks Propagating in Parent Material
In case of throat failures, the vector sum of the stresses on the weld throat at the position of highest vector
stress along the weld is used, as in static design.
Effects of Geometrical Stress Concentrations and Other Effects

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 9
When a member has large changes in cross-section, e.g. at access holes, there will be regions of stress
concentration due to the change of geometry. In static design, the stresses are based on the net area as
plastic redistribution will normally reduce these peaks at ultimate load. With fatigue this is not so, and if there
is a welded detail in the area of the geometrical stress raiser the true stress must be used, as shown in
Figure 9.

Figure 9: Design Stress Parameter for Cracks Initiating at
Geometrical Stress Concentrations
Loadings for Fatigue
The designers objective is to anticipate the sequence of service loading throughout the structures life. The
magnitude of the peak load, which is vital for static design purposes, is generally of little concern as it only
represents one cycle in millions. The sequence is important because it affects the stress range, particularly if
the structure is loaded by more than one independent load system.
For convenience, loadings are usually simplified into a load spectrum, which defines a series of bands of
constant load levels, and the number of times that each band is experienced, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Typical Load Spectrum for Design
Slender structures, with natural frequencies low enough to respond to the loading frequency, may suffer
dynamic magnification of stress. This magnification can shorten the life considerably.
Cycle Counting
In practice, most stress histories in real structures are of the variable amplitude type, shown in Figure 11, as
opposed to the constant amplitude shown in Figure 4. Such histories pose problem in defining the number
and amplitude of the cycles.

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 10
The first step is to break the sequence into a stress spectrum as shown in Figure 11 using a cycle counting
method. There are various methods in use. The two most used are the Rainflow Method and the Reservoir

Calculation of Damage
Under variable amplitude loading the life is estimated by calculation of the total damage done by each cycle
in the stress spectrum. In practice the spectrum is simplified into a manageable number of bands as shown
in Figure 12. The damage done by each band in the spectrum is defined as n/N where n is the required
number of cycles in the band during the design life and N is the endurance under that stress range (see
Figure 13).

Figure 11: Variable Amplitude Stress History and Resulting Stress Spectrum

Figure 12: Simplification of Stress Spectrum
If the failure is to be prevented before the end of the specified design life, the Palmgreen-Miners Rule must
be complied with. This rule states that the damage done by all bands together must not exceed unity, i.e.:

Concluding Summary
Fatigue and static failure (whether by rupture or buckling) are dependent on very different factors,
o Fatigue depends on the whole service loading sequence (not one extreme load event)
o Fatigue of welds is not improved by better mechanical properties
o Fatigue is very sensitive to geometry of details

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 11
o Fatigue requires more accurate prediction of elastic stress
o Fatigue makes more demands on workmanship and inspection

Figure 13: Determination of Endurance for Each Band
It is therefore important to check early in design whether fatigue is likely to be critical. Acceptable
margins of safety against static collapse cannot be relied upon to give adequate safety against
Areas with high live/ dead stress ratio and low category 36 details should be checked first. The
check must cover any welded attachment to a member, however insignificant, and not just the main
structural connections. [Note that the Weld Category details are not discussed in this write up. The
reader is requested to refer to the original article for Weld Category details]
If fatigue is critical, then the choice of details will be limited. Simplicity of detail and smoothness of
stress path should be sought.
Be prepared for fatigue critical structures to cost more.

Source: ESDEP (The European Steel Design Education Programme) was published in 1993. This is the first
of 15 lectures on Fatigue. The content has been edited and slightly condensed.

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 12

Pressure vessels, along with tanks, are the workhorses for storage and processing applications in the chemical,
petroleum, petrochemical, power, pharmaceutical, food and paper industries. ASME BPV, Section VIII, Div. 1 Code is
used as a standard for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels by most companies across the world.
We would like to announce training course for "Design and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels: ASME Section VIII, Div. 1"
on April 7-9, 2014 at Chennai, and on April 10-12 at Coimbatore. This course provides the information that will help you
understand the ASME requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels. The course material follows the
contents of 2010 edition of the code, and is replete with worked examples covering important aspects of pressure vessel
construction. This hands-on learning will allow you to master in 3 days what would otherwise take up to a year or more of
on-job training.
The contents of the training course will be as follows:
Introduction to Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Materials of Construction
Low Temperature Operation
Joint Efficiencies
Design of Components
Openings and Reinforcements
Fabrication, Inspection and Tests
Markings and Reports
Tall Towers and Pressure Vessel Supports
Nozzle Loads
Fatigue Analysis
Introduction to ASME Section VIII, Division 2

The instructor, Ramesh Tiwari, is internationally recognized specialist in the area of pressure vessels, heat exchangers,
materials, and codes and standards. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in mechanical engineering from
universities in India and United States. He is also a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Maryland in the United
States. Mr. Tiwari is a member of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Section VIII Subgroup on Heat Transfer Equipment,
and a member of ASME International Working Group on B31.1 for Power Piping in India. In this capacity, he has made
invaluable contribution in resolving technical issues in compliance with the ASME codes for Code users. Mr. Tiwari has
over 24 years of design engineering experience on a variety of projects spanning industries such as oil & gas, power,
nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food etc. He has provided engineering advice and code interpretations
to senior management and guidance to several companies he has worked for in the US, India and Germany. He has
initiated and implemented numerous innovative ideas to improve working process and quality, and developed and
conducted training programs for peers as well as clients. Mr. Tiwari is an approved pressure vessel instructor at NTPC, a
premier thermal power generating company in India and at several other companies, both public and private.

Registration fee for the training course is Rs. 25,300 for professionals and Rs 16,000 for students (inclusive of service tax).
Discount of 15% is available for group registration of 2 or more participants. Special Holi discount of 15% is available if
registration is done on or before March 21
. Registration fee includes training, a collection of articles on design and
fabrication of pressure vessels, copy of the presentation, certificate from CoDesign Engineering, and beverages and lunch
on all days. It excludes travel to and from New Delhi, accommodation, and meals and beverages other than those
provided during the course. We invite you to make nominations.
In case of any queries, including the registration process, please email at [email protected], or call at +91
98109 33550.

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 13
TATA Steel

Cast iron, wrought iron and steel are all essentially alloys of iron and carbon.
Although the actual situation is much more complex, cast iron, wrought iron and steel can all be thought of
as alloys, principally of iron and carbon. To complicate matters, though, it is worth mentioning that there are
no precise definitions of the relative makeup of the three types of steel.
Iron is extracted from naturally occurring ores and we can think of these ores as providing the
source material, Iron Oxide (FeO).
In the early days of iron and steel production, iron oxide ores were mined but the sources of iron oxide have
now been worked out.
When iron oxide is heated at high temperatures it becomes transformed into iron.
When iron oxide is heated at high temperatures of 1600 to 3000F, the oxide is reduced to the metal and the
resulting reaction can be expressed as:
Iron Oxide + Carbon heated along with a blast of air yields Iron + Carbon Monoxide (a gas released into the
i.e. FeO + C ==> Fe + CO
In practice, this process does not yield pure iron, but an impure product called pig iron. This pig iron contains
impurities such as Iron Carbide (Fe
C) which make the material hard and brittle. It is, however, the raw
material from which cast iron, wrought iron and steel can be produced.
Cast iron is the material produced by remelting this iron (known as pig iron), possibly along with
some scrap iron.
The remelting of pig iron, and scrap iron, whilst blowing air into the molten mass until the carbon content is
between 2.4 and 4.0% produces contemporary cast iron which can exist in two forms: grey (Graphite) cast
iron and white (Iron Carbide) cast iron.
In the early days of cast iron production, it was difficult to control the level of carbon and other impurities
such as sulphur (which has a particularly detrimental effect on the properties of iron). This means that the
strength and properties of the material were very much a hit-and-miss affair. Nor was it possible to be sure
that the molten material had been able to flow through all of the mould before setting. Consequently, the
early cast iron structural elements were often load tested before being used in a building. And putty was
sometimes used to plug holes in large section such as circular columns.
Wrought iron is achieved by simple reprocessing of cast iron.
The strength deficiencies of cast iron were eventually partly addressed by the development of a process
termed "puddling". This involved reheating cast iron and manually mixing air in with the molten
mass. Because of the nature of the puddling process the volumes that could be produced by this process at
any one time were small. This, in turn, limited the size of structural components that could be made of this
type of iron.
The material produced this way had reasonably high tensile strengths and was much more ductile
than cast iron.
The process of producing wrought iron improves the tensile strength. This made it suitable for beams, and
the ductility meant that its behaviour in column elements was more predictable than cast iron. However, its
use in columns was rare due to the comparative cost of cast and wrought iron.
The production of true wrought iron in Britain ceased in 1973, so what is marketed today under that name is
either old material recycled or a type of mild steel.

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 14
The invention of the Bessemer process allowed the oxidization process after remelting to be
carefully controlled and the carbon content could therefore be held at a particular level, providing
good tensile strength and ductility.
In what we refer to today as steel the carbon content will typically be below 1%. For most structural steel the
actual value will be in the region of 0.2%. It is the addition of elements such as silicon and manganese that
allow the carbon levels to be controlled with some accuracy, and the manganese also has the beneficial
effect of neutralising the otherwise harmful effects of sulphur.
The resulting material has equally high tensile and compressive strengths along with a high degree of
There is a wide range of steels which can be classified in various ways.
The terminology relating to the classification of different steel types is not precise. Broadly speaking steels
are described in the following table.
Mild Steels Up to 0.3% Carbon
Medium Carbon Steels (or simply Carbon Steels) 0.3 to 0.6% Carbon
High Carbon Steels Over 0.6% Carbon
To form steel into the kind of sections used in structures ingots are heated and then forged or rolled
repeatedly, each repetition getting closer to the desired cross sectional shape.

Source: TATA Steel

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 15
API Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspectors must have a broad knowledge base relating to maintenance,
inspection, repair, and alteration of pressure vessels. The API Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector
Certification Examination is designed to determine if individuals have such knowledge. The following is a list
of specific topics in which the API Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector should be knowledgeable.
API Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspectors should be able to check and perform calculations relative to
in-service deterioration, repairs, rerates, or alterations.
The following categories describe the minimum necessary knowledge and skills:
The Inspector should be able to take inspection data and determine the internal and external
inspection intervals. He must be able to calculate:
Metal Loss (including corrosion averaging) (API-510, Para 7.4)
Corrosion Rates (API-510, Para 7.1)
Remaining Corrosion Allowance (API-510, Para7.1)
Remaining Service Life (API-510, Para, 7.2)
Inspection Interval (API-510, Section 6)
The inspector must be able to determine the joint efficiency "E" of a vessel weld. He should be able
to determine:
Weld Joint Categories
Type of radiography (full, spot, or none) performed basis the nameplate markings (RT-1, RT-2,
Joint efficiency by reading Table UW-12;
Joint efficiency for seamless heads and vessels Sections per UW-12 (d); and
Joint efficiency for welded pipe and tubing per UW-12 (e)
The inspector must be able to compensate for the pressure resulting from static head. All static head
will be based upon a Specific Gravity of 1.0. The inspector should be able to:
List the static head/pressure conversion factor (0.433 psi/ft);
Know the difference between vessel MAWP and vessel part MAWP;
Calculate static head pressure on any vessel part;
Calculate total pressure (MAWP + static head) on any vessel part;
Calculate maximum vessel MAWP given vessel parts MAWP and elevations
The inspector should be able to determine:
The required thickness of a cylindrical shell based on circumferential stress given a pressure;
The vessel part MAWP for a cylindrical shell based on circumferential stress given a metal
The required thickness of a head (ellipsoidal, and hemispherical) given a pressure;
The vessel part MAWP for a head (ellipsoidal, and hemispherical) given a metal thickness;
Whether a head (ellipsoidal or hemispherical) meets Code requirements given both pressure
and metal thickness
The inspector should be able to:
Calculate the maximum allowable external pressure; and

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 16
Calculate whether a cylindrical shell or tube meets Code design for external pressure given a
wall thickness and a pressure
The inspector should be able to:
Calculate a test pressure compensating for temperature.
Be familiar with the precautions associated with hydrostatic and pneumatic testing, such as
minimum test temperatures, protection against overpressure etc.
Be familiar with all steps in a hydrotest procedure
Be familiar with all steps in a pneumatic test procedure
The inspector should understand impact testing requirements and impact testing procedure
The inspector should be able to determine the minimum metal temperature of a material which is
exempt from impact testing (UG-20 (f), UCS-66, UCS-68(c).)
The inspector must be able to determine if weld sizes meet Code requirements. The inspector
should be able to:
Convert a fillet weld throat dimension to leg dimension or vice versa, using conversion factor
(0.707); and
Determine the required size of welds at openings (UW-16).
The inspector should:
Understand the key concepts of reinforcement, such as replacement of strength removed and
limits of reinforcement.
Credit can be taken for extra metal in shell and nozzle
Be able to calculate the required areas for reinforcement or check to ensure that a designed pad
is large enough.
Be able to compensate for corrosion allowances.
Weld strength calculations are excluded.
The inspector should have the knowledge and skills required to review a Procedure Qualification
Record and a Welding Procedure Specification and to be able to determine the following:
Determine if procedure and qualification records are in compliance with applicable ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code and any additional requirements of API- 510
Determine if all required essential and non-essential variables have been properly addressed.
Determine that the number and type of mechanical tests that are listed on PQR are the proper
tests, and whether the results are acceptable.
1. ASME Section VIII, Div. 1
The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for welding in ASME
Section VIII, Div. 1, Parts UW and UCS such as:
Typical joints and definitions
Weld sizes
Restrictions on joints
Maximum allowable reinforcement

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 17
Inspection requirements
Heat treatment
2. API 510
The inspector should be familiar with and understand any rules for welding in API-510. Any rules
for welding given in API-510 shall take precedence over those covering the same areas in
ASME, Section VIII, Div. 1.
ASME Section V, Nondestructive Examination
A. Article 1, General Requirements
The inspector should be familiar with and understand;
The Scope of Section V,
Rules for use of Section V as a referenced Code,
Responsibilities of the Owner / User, and of subcontractors,
Definitions of "inspection" and examination",
Record keeping requirements.
B. Article 2, Radiographic Examination
The inspector should be familiar with and understand;
The Scope of Article 2 and general requirements,
The rules for radiography as typically applied on pressure vessels such as, but not limited to:
o Required marking
o Type, selection, number, and placement of IQIs,
o Allowable density
o Control of backscatter radiation
o Location markers
C. Article 6, Liquid Penetrant Examination, including Mandatory Appendices II and III
The inspector should be familiar with and understand:
The Scope of Article 6,
The general rules for applying and using the liquid penetrant method such as, but not limited to;
o Procedures
o Contaminants
o Techniques
o Examination
o Interpretation
o Documentation and
o Record keeping
D. Article 7, Magnetic Particle Examination
The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using the
magnetic particle method such as, but not limited to;
The Scope of Article 7,
General requirements such as but not limited to requirements for:
o Procedures
o Techniques
o Calibration
o Examination
o Interpretation

Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 18
o Documentation and record keeping
E. Article 23, Ultrasonic Standards
The inspector should be familiar with and understand;
The Scope of Article 23
The general rules for applying and using the Ultrasonic method
The specific procedures for Ultrasonic thickness measurement as contained in paragraph 7.
ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 and API-510
General nondestructive examination requirements:
ASME Section VIII, Div. 1: The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for
NDE (UG, UW, Appendices 4, 6, 8, and 12)
API 510: The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for NDE in API-510.

Source: This information has been taken from an API publication that provides a list of topics in which API
Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector should be knowledgeable.

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Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 19


Acquires GT STRUDL

from the Georgia Tech

Research Corporation

Process, Power & Marine, part of Hexagon and the worlds leading provider of enterprise
engineering software to the process, power and marine industries, announced today the acquisition of GT

, a leading computer-aided structural engineering (CAE) software system, from the Georgia Tech
Research Corporation of Atlanta, Ga. As part of the acquisition, the 10 skilled staff and management team
members of the Computer-Aided Structural Engineering Center (CASE Center) have joined Intergraph. GT
STRUDL is widely used in a variety of industries such as nuclear power and nuclear defense industries,
conventional power generation, general plant structures, offshore structures, marine applications, general
civil engineering and infrastructure structures.
In the United States nuclear industry, GT STRUDL is widely used by major companies in the design,
maintenance and upgrading of safety-critical structures such as turbine buildings, boiler buildings, equipment
support structures, pipe support systems and other related civil engineering structures. The acquisition of GT
STRUDL will strengthen Intergraphs existing suite of engineering analysis solutions for the power, process
and offshore industries.
Developed by the CASE Center within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute
of Technology, GT STRUDL uniquely integrates graphical modeling, frame and finite element linear and
nonlinear static and dynamic analysis, structural frame design, graphical analysis and design result display
and structural database management all into a powerful, menu-driven information processing system.
To view this press release, please visit the Intergraph press room at:

13th Turkish International Oil & Gas Conference
April 9-10, 2014
Ankara, Turkey

Offshore Technology Conference 2014
Reliance Center, May 5 8, 2014
Houston, Texas

2014 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
Hyatt Regency Orange County, July 20 -24, 2014
Annaheim, California


Pressure Vessel Newsletter March 2014 20


Training & Development
Consulting Services
It is becoming less practical for many
companies to maintain in-house
engineering staff. That is where we
come in whenever you need us,
either for one-time projects, or for
recurring engineering services. We
understand the codes and standards
for pressure vessels, and can offer a
range of services related to them.
Pressure Vessels Heat Exchangers Piping Systems Welding
Oil & Gas Power Chemical Petrochemical Fertilizer Solar Biogas

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