1. The document discusses several projects related to learning analytics including LinkedUp, LACL, and LCC.
2. It provides information on the goals and partners involved in these projects, which aim to improve data analysis and use of open educational data.
3. Future proposals are mentioned that could contribute to learning analytics, such as developing infrastructure, analyzing pedagogy and data, and creating recommender systems.
1. The document discusses several projects related to learning analytics including LinkedUp, LACL, and LCC.
2. It provides information on the goals and partners involved in these projects, which aim to improve data analysis and use of open educational data.
3. Future proposals are mentioned that could contribute to learning analytics, such as developing infrastructure, analyzing pedagogy and data, and creating recommender systems.
1. The document discusses several projects related to learning analytics including LinkedUp, LACL, and LCC.
2. It provides information on the goals and partners involved in these projects, which aim to improve data analysis and use of open educational data.
3. Future proposals are mentioned that could contribute to learning analytics, such as developing infrastructure, analyzing pedagogy and data, and creating recommender systems.
1. The document discusses several projects related to learning analytics including LinkedUp, LACL, and LCC.
2. It provides information on the goals and partners involved in these projects, which aim to improve data analysis and use of open educational data.
3. Future proposals are mentioned that could contribute to learning analytics, such as developing infrastructure, analyzing pedagogy and data, and creating recommender systems.
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Learn|ng Ana|yncs Iramework
IISC Ana|yncs Ser|es
8elaLed ro[ecLs Open Discovery Space WP8 6 ODS Infrastructure 09/04/13 Llnkedup ! LC-funded support acnon, sLarLed ln 11]2012 ! 1hree p|||ars: ! L|nkedUp Cha||enge: open daLa compeuuon (over 1.3 years) [ hup://llnkedup-challenge.org ] ! Lva|uanon Iramework for open daLa appllcauons ! L|nked Lducanon Data: daLa & caLalog for large-scale educauonal Web daLa appllcauons
hup://www.llnkedup- pro[ecL.eu/ artners Stefan Dietze Mouvauon uaLa on Lhe Web Some eyecatch|ng opener |||ustranng growth and or d|vers|ty of web data LAk13 - Data Compennon Stefan D|etze , Le|co nerder (L3S 8esearch CenLer, uL, [sLefandleLze) Math|eu d'Aqu|n (1he Cpen unlverslLy, uk) Dav|de 1a|b| (lnsuLuLe for Lducauonal 1echnologles Cn8, lLaly) nendr|k Drachs|er (Cpen unlverslLelL nederland, neLherlands)
09/04/13 Stefan Dietze LAk14 - Data Compennon WeSpoL LACL Learn|ng Ana|yncs Commun|ty Lxchange Collaborauve SupporL Acuon (CSA) Consoruum: 9 arLners uurauon: 30 MonLhs 1oLal 8udgeL: t1,360,000 Lead: CunL LACL comprlses a range of acuvlues deslgned Lo acuvely and passlvely lnLegraLe communlues LhaL are conducung LA/LuM research" LCC L|earn|ng, Commun|canon and Cpen-data: Mass|ve Mob||e, Ub|qu|tous and Cpen Learn|ng Cl-lC1-S (CSA) "#$ %&'&() *+,-./0 1231,,1/31 +/ 456 7-8 ,1(8/+/0
Consoruum: 27 arLners uurauon: 36 MonLhs 1oLal 8udgeL: t3,270,000 Lead: unlverslLy of naples, lLaly 1o analyse requlremenLs for MCCC plauorms from a pedagoglcal vlewpolnL lncludlng learnlng analyucs, web 2.0 and oLher aspecLs " 8esearch Assoclauons LA1LL SIG data1LL LA1LL SIG data1LL hup://blL.ly/A4CwZu LA1LL SIG data1LL SUkI SIG Learn|ng Ana|yncs lanned acuvlues: