Sheila Resume
Sheila Resume
Sheila Resume
8lk 16 L2 1 ACMWP Alapan lA O lmus CavlLe O Lmall add shearLy02[yahoocom O Moblle no 09031903893
1o uLlllze my skllls and ablllLles LhaL offers good foundaLlon of my professlonal growLh whlle belng resourceful lnnovaLlve and
9ersona| Deta||s
Age 19
uaLe of 8lrLh Apr|| 2 1991
Cender Iema|e
MarlLal SLaLus S|ng|e
Spoken/WrlLLen Language I|||p|no]Lng||sh
8ache|or of Sc|ence Ma[or on Informat|on 1echno|ogy currenL (3rd year)
1echno|og|ca| Inst|tute of the 9h|||pp|nes
8ache|or of Computer Stud|es Ma[or |n Informat|on 1echno|ogy 4
9amantasan ng Lungsod ng Mayn||a
lnLramuros Manlla
O uean's LlsLer durlng flrsL year flrsL semesLer
O nowledgeable ln C C++ CC8CL vlsual 8aslc 60 and !ava
O Skllled ln MlcrosofL Word ower olnL Lxcel ubllsher
O Skllled ln Adobe hoLoshop Adobe lllusLraLor Adobe llash and vldeo LdlLlng
Secondary Lducat|on March 2008
Adamson Un|vers|ty
LrmlLa Manlla
L|ementary Lducat|on Second nonorab|e Ment|on March 2004
Imus Un|da Chr|st|an Schoo|
lmus CavlLe
4PPLlc41lON lOk lN1kN5nlP
L|ect|on Data Lncoder Aprll 2007 May 2007
Sponsored by lmus ClLy Pall
1ra|n|ngs and Crgan|zat|ons
Informat|on 8reakthrough
Semlnar on lnformaLlon 8esource ManagemenL and CuallLy SLandards ManagemenL
SepLember 24 2010
1he 9rofess|ona| Lxper|ence
Semlnar on Culdellnes Lo !ob rofesslonallsm
amanLasan ng Lungsod ng Maynlla
!uly 16 2010
Character keferences
9rof Mar|anne kose u
compotet 5toJles uepottmeot
lomootosoo oq looqsoJ oq Moyollo
9rof 2a|dy G San 9edro
compotet 5toJles uepottmeot
lomootosoo oq looqsoJ oq Moyollo
l hereby declare LhaL Lhe above wrlLLen parLlculars are Lrue Lo Lhe besL of my knowledge and bellef
She||a Anne C 9osadas