Basic Islam

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‫‪Basic Islam 3rd Edition – ibn Al-Sharif‬‬

‫بسن اهلل الرمحي الرحين‬

‫ك ال هتدي هن أحببت ولكن اهلل يهدي هن يشاء )‬
‫(إن َ‬


‫كتاب اإلسالم األساسي لتعلين اإلسالم‬

‫بسهىلت لغري املسلوني واملسلوني اجلُدد‬

‫كتابت وإعداد الفقري إىل اهلل‪ :‬ابي الشريف –‬

‫غفر اهلل له ولىالديه‬

‫‪Basic Islam:‬‬
‫‪introducing Islam‬‬
‫‪simply to non-Muslims‬‬
‫‪and new converts.‬‬

‫‪Page 1 of 42‬‬
Basic Islam 3rd Edition – ibn Al-Sharif

Praise is to Allah and peace and blessing be
upon His messenger Mohammad and upon his
family and comrades and then:

Many people who want to learn Islam or are

new converts find it hard to have a simplified
guide that explains to them the basics of Islam
in a nutshell; so I decided to collect the basic
guidelines and gather them in an e-book I
named "Basic Islam"; introduces Islam in
English to New converts and non-Muslims. I
tackled the significant and most important
topics that a new Muslim or a person
interested in Islam should know in a form of
questions and answers instead of writing
continuous articles that might make the reader
bored, and I concluded the book with how to
convert to Islam and what are the deeds that
you must do to be a Muslim until you die, I ask
Allah to make a benefit of this book for
everyone who wants to know Islam in no time.

ibn Al-Sharif – Monday 17th of April 2006

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I dedicate this book to my


My mom...

My brother and sister...

My dear sister Kimberley who

converted to Islam 3 years

My beloved brothers the


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Chapter1: Three Main


Chapter2: Types of

Chapter3: Beleiving in Allah


Chapter4: Beleiving in

Chapter5: Believing in

Chapter6: Believing in

Chapter7: Beleiving in Day of


Chapter8: How to convert to


Chapter9: Frequently Asked


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‫هي هى ربك ؟‬
Q: Who is your Lord?
A: My Lord is ALLAH the creator of the
universe and all creatures.

‫كن هى عدد اآلهلت؟‬

Q: How many Gods are there?
A: There is only one God not two or three; and
no partners He has or co-Gods.

‫كيف عرّف اهلل ًفسه للبشر؟‬

Q: How did Allah introduce Himself to
A: Allah has sent messengers to deliver His
significance to both mankind and jinn.

‫ها هى ديٌك؟‬
Q: What is your religion?
A: My religion is "Islam" it means "submission"
to the one and only God [ALLAH] and to have
full obedience to Him and to His messengers.

‫هي هى ًبيك؟‬
Q: Who is your messenger?!
A: Mohammad the son of Abdullah from the
tribe of Quraish who received revelation from
Allah through angel Gabriel to all mankind; to
worship Allah and no other God or Gods.

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‫ها هى كتابك املقدس؟‬

Q: What is your Holy Book?
A: My Holy Book is the "Koran" it means
"Readable" it contains Allah's words and
dominions and regulations to the followers of

‫ها هي السٌُّت؟‬
Q: What is the Sunnah?
A: "Sunnah" is the oral teachings of Prophet
Mohammad collected by his followers and
comrades containing explanations of daily
actions taken by Muslims and clarifying some
guidelines in the Koran.

‫ها هى اإلمياى؟‬
Q: What is Emaan (Faith)?
A: Emaan is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His
Books, His Messengers and the Day of
Resurrection and in destiny with its goodness
or badness.

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‫ها هى اإلحساى؟‬
Q: What is 'Ihsan?
A: 'Ihsan is to worship Allah as you are seeing
Him; but though you can't see Him; He sees

‫ها هى الفرق بني الٌيب والرسىل؟‬

Q: What is the difference between a
Prophet and a Messenger?
A: a Prophet is a person who obtained a
revelation from Allah without delivering it to
specific people (i.e. Ishmael, Isaac, Job...); but
a messenger is a person who obtained a
revelation from Allah with the task of
delivering it to either specific people or to all
people, for example; Jesus Christ was a
messenger only to Israelis but Mohammad was
a messenger to all mankind and jinn.

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Chapter 1: Our three main

fundamentals (Our Lord, our
Religion, our Prophet)

*First Fundamental: knowing our LORD:

1- Our LORD is Allah the creator of all

2- Our LORD is known by His signs and
3- Our LORD is the only God worth to be
worshipped: (I have only created Jinns and
men that they may serve me). Chapter: 51
Verse: 56
4- Our LORD created man in best shape.
5- Our LORD ordered us to disbelieve in
any other God but Himself.

Q: For what purpose Allah had created us?

A: For the purpose of worshipping Him.

Q: How to worship Him?

A: by full obedience to His orders and not
interfering any other partner nor associate with

Q: What is the meaning of "No God but

A: None is worth to be worshipped except

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* Second Fundamental: knowing our


1- Islam is obeying Allah and applying His

orders [Monotheism].
2- Islam is the religion that Allah satisfies
to all people in life and in hereafter.
3- Islam is the religion that grants
happiness to the person in life and
4- Islam doesn't accept the validity of
other religions.
5- Islam is the full surrender to Allah and
with obedience; it's our savior from

Q: On which Islam was based on?

A: Islam was based on five basic pillars:

1- Testimony there is no God but Allah

and Mohammad is His Messenger

Testimony or the Profession of Faith (in Arabic

Shahada) which is the declaration that "there
is no God but Allah; Mohammad is the His
Messenger". When anyone declares Shahada,
he automatically becomes a Muslim. The text
of the Shahada is "I bear witness there is no
God but Allah; and I bear witness that
Mohammad is His Messenger" but the
pronunciation must be in Arabic; in Arabic its
pronounced as "Ash-hado a'lla elaha ella Allah
wa ash-hado anna Mohammadan rasool Allah",
without testimony a person can't be a Muslim
even if he complies with the other four pillars.

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2- Prayer

It consists of a series of formal prostrations (in

the traditions of all Prophets), genuflections,
and pious statement and supplications. The
prayers are in the Arabic language and require
reading from the Koran (our Holy Book), and
are offered five times a day – at dawn, noon,
afternoon, sunset and nightfall. Prayers must
be attended on time as Allah stated:

(When ye pass (congregational) prayers, celebrate Allah's

praises, standing, sitting down, or lying down on your
sides; but when ye are free from danger, set up regular
prayers: for such prayers are
Enjoined on Believers at stated times) Chapter: 4 Verse:

Prophet Mohammad also stressed on prayers

and made it the thin line between belief and
disbelief as he said:

(The covenant between us and those [infidels, Jews,

Christians, polytheists] is prayer; whom ever leaves
it he disbelieved) – narrated by Bukhari.

3- Alms-Tithe (Zakah)

It is paid in kind in varying proportions

according to the nature of the goods. The
payment is meant for the welfare of the poor
and the needy (2.5% of the capital money
yearly; it was set to 2.5% because at the time
of the Prophet they used to spend 25 Dinar out
of 1,000). Zakah differs from charity; a small
table explaining the differences and similarities
between both is shown below:

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Alms-Tithe (Zakah) Charity (Sadaqa)

‫الزكاة‬ ‫الصدقت‬

Given annually. Given at any time.

2.5% of the capital No specific share; can
money. be any amount of
It’s one of Islam It's not a pillar.
Given to poor and Given to poor and
other interests. other interests.
It Has one famous It Has multiple forms
form (money). (money, greeting a
Muslim is a Charity,
removing harm is a

4- Fasting the holy month of Ramadan

Fasting is done throughout the month of

Ramadan. During the fast, from dawn to
sunset, complete abstention is required from
food, drink and every extraneous material
taken through the mouth or nose as well as
conjugal intercourse.

5- Pilgrimage to Mecca for those who

are capable of (Hajj)

Going to Mecca in the month of Dhul-Hejja to

perform ceremonies and rituals for 3 days or 2,
Hajj is confined to whom are capable only.

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* Third Fundamental: knowing our


1- Our prophet is Mohammad the son of

Abdullah the son of Abdul Muttaleb from
the tribe of Quraish.
2- Our prophet declared Islam and ordered
us to follow every good deed and avoid
every bad deed.
3- Our prophet and his comrades are our
Qudwa (role model, leaders).
4- Our prophet is the first to be loved
before our mothers, fathers and even
5- Our prophet has the right to be obeyed:
(So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and
deny yourselves that which he withholds from
you) Chapter:59 Verse:7

Q: What did Prophet Mohammad order his

A: Prophet Mohammad ordered his followers to
worship Allah none but Him and hasten to
good deeds and reject any other faith that
makes partners to Allah (i.e. Christianity) or
any faith that denies Allah's existence (i.e.
paganism) or any other faith that denies the
Prophethood of Prophet Mohammad (i.e.
Judaism) .

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Chapter 2: Types of Monotheism

Monotheism: Worshipping the one and only

God [Allah] by admitting and believing in His
Godhood, divinity, names and attributes
without any partners or associates.

Types of Monotheism: Monotheism of

Godhood, Monotheism of divinity, Monotheism
of names and attributes.

1- Monotheism of Godhood: Knowing

that Allah is the only God to be
worshipped by His actions, no God
gives birth or death or life but Allah.
2- Monotheism of Divinity: Knowing
that Allah is the only God to be
worshipped by people's actions; none to
be prayed to but Allah, none to be
supplicated to but Allah.
3- Monotheism of Names and
Attributes: Believing in all names of
Allah [99 names] that were mentioned
in the Koran and the Sunnah of the
Prophet Mohammad.

* Contradictions of Monotheism:

1- Paganism: denying the existence of

Allah in all aspects.
2- Polytheism: Making partners to Allah
in worship; as supplication to a dead
human or to a Prophet or a pious or
anyone else than Allah.

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3- Hypocrisy: Showing the contrast of

what you believe; as a person shows
Islam and hides Kufr (disbelief).

There is another type of Monotheism but it's

not a prime actually it's controversial between
the Muslim scholars; this type of Monotheism
regards giving law and legitimate directives, it
was mentioned by it's meaning in the Holy
Koran in Chapter "Feast":

(Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed:

such are disbelievers) Chapter: 5 Verse: 44

Monotheism of Hakemeya (Govern-ship):

Knowing that Allah is the only source of law
and regulations.

Unlike Democracy [People to Rule]; Islam

denies any source of law but from Allah, Islam
doesn't accept the law to be positioned by the
people or by the majority; that might lead to a
conflict between the law in the Koran and the
law that people want; for instance: if the
majority of a certain country agrees on selling
alcohol in public; that would contradict Islam
that rejects alcohol by all of its forms, in Islam
the law of Allah must be practiced despite the
number of persons who agree with it; in
Democracy the majority choose its legitimates
according to the majority and that’s absolutely
refused in Islam (regarding the source of law).

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Chapter 3: Believing in Allah

Believing in Allah: Full belief that Allah is the

only God worth to be worshipped and
admitting His Godhood, divinity, names and

A. Believing in Allah is a nature;

can be felt and known by the
majority of humans especially in
the times of needs where people
pray to Him for help: (Remember
ye implored the assistance of your Lord,
and He answered you: "I will assist you
with a thousand of the angels, ranks on
ranks") Chapter: 8 Verse: 9
B. It's known that every action has
cause; and every creature must
have a creator that created
him/her; He is Allah: (Were they
created of nothing, or were they
themselves the creators?) Chapter: 52
Verse: 35

* Conditions of "No God but Allah"

1- Knowledge: To know the meaning of

"No God but Allah"; "No God" means no
God worth to be worshipped; "but
Allah" means except Allah.
2- Confidence: To be confident of the
statement of Monotheism; being
dubious will break the validity of the
3- Acceptance: To accept that Allah is the
one and the only God.

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4- Obedience: To apply the orders of

Allah and to leave what He ordered you
to leave, (Whoever submits his whole self to
Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed
the most trustworthy hand-hold; and with Allah
rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs)
Chapter: 31 Verse: 22
5- Honesty: To be honest and truthful
when you believe in Allah.
6- Loyalty: To have the deeds only for the
sake of Allah not for the sake of fame
or reputations.
7- Love: To love Allah more than anyone
else in your life; even more than your
father, mother and yourself.

* Meaning of Worship:

Worship is a collective name for beloved

deeds to Allah; like loving Allah and His
messenger, fear of Allah, relying on Allah,
supplication to Allah, prayers, giving
charity to poor, struggling the infidels and
hypocrites (Jihad) and similar deeds.

* Conditions of accepting the deeds:

For the deeds to be accepted to Allah two

conditions must occur:
1- None to be worshipped but Allah
2- Worshipping Allah with what He has
commanded not with what people think
is right to do.

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* What contradicts the acceptance of


1- Paganism.
2- Polytheism: there are two types of
a- Major Polytheism: praying and
asking for needs to other than Allah.
b- Minor Polytheism: any action that
might lead to the major type (i.e.
going to the tombs and pray to Allah
there thinking that the dead
believers have benefit that might
make Allah answers the prayers)

Prophet Mohammad said (Curse be upon Jews

and Christians! They have taken the tombs of the
prophets and righteous as a place of prostration) –
narrated by Muslim.

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Chapter 4: Believing in Angels

Believing in angels: Full belief that angels

exist; and are creatures that obey Allah and
never violate His orders.

* Believing in angels requires:

1- Belief in their existence.

2- Belief in which names were told to us
by the Koran (i.e. Gabriel, Michael) and
those whom were not mentioned.
3- Belief in their descriptions and
4- Belief in what they do like supplication
to Allah, obeying Him, giving revelation
to prophets by His authority and others.

Not to mention that believing in angles is one

of the pillars of "Faith" [Emaan] as Allah

(The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to

him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of
them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His
Messengers. "We make no distinction (they say) between
one and another of His Messengers." And they say: "We
hear, and we obey, (we seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord,
and to Thee is the end of all journeys.") Chapter: 2
Verse: 285

And as the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

(Emaan is to believe in Allah, His angles, His books, His
messengers, day of resurrection and believing in destiny
with its goodness or badness) – narrated by Muslim.

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* Descriptions and characteristics of


1- Angels are created from light as

prophet Mohammad acknowledged.
2- Angels have multiple wings; their
numbers differ from an angel to another
(Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing)
the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels
messengers with wings, two, or three, or four
(pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for
Allah has power over all things) Chapter: 35
Verse: 1, the prophet said that Gabriel
had 600 wings when he saw him in the
first revelation in Mecca.
3- Angels are capable of being
transformed into humans; as Gabriel
transformed into a human when he
gave birth to Jesus Christ by blowing
chest of Virgin Mary, and as he too met
Prophet Mohammad multiple times in
4- Angels are slaves; the purpose of their
existence is to carry out Allah's orders
without any violation.

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* Types of angels:

1- Angels responsible of revelation, as

2- Angels responsible of rain.
3- Angels responsible of blowing the blow.
There are two blows; the first is when
every creature on earth dies, and the
second when every creature on earth
lives again and resurrects in the
4- Angels responsible of life-extort; the
process of taking lives of humans within
5- Angels responsible of writing the good
deeds and bad deeds of humans.
6- Angels responsible of escorting the
believers in their travel, battles... etc.
7- Gate Keepers of Paradise and Hell-Fire.

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Chapter 5: Believing in Books

Believing in Books: Full belief that Allah had

sent down books to Prophets which contain
legislations and orders for people to follow;
especially the Torah, Gospel and the Psalms of
David and the Koran.

* Believing in books includes:

1- Believing that they were sent down

from Allah.
2- Believing in the known ones; like the
Torah that Allah had sent down to
Moses and the Psalms that Allah had
sent down to David Gospel that Allah
had sent down to Jesus and the Koran
that Allah had sent down to Mohammad
and the unknown ones that Allah sent
down and not mentioned.
3- Believing in its news that matches the
final book of Allah [Koran].

Believing in the Koran and the previous books

is one of the essential elements of faith as
Allah said:
(O ye who believe! believe in Allah and His Messenger and
the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the
scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who
denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and
the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray). Chapter:
4 Verse: 136

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* Virtues of the Holy Koran:

The Holy Koran is the final revealed book from

Allah to mankind and jinn, and it’s the guide
for every Muslim and it has advantages over
previous books revealed:

1- The Koran contains comprehensive laws

of Allah; it also verifies the correct news
from previous books.
2- The Koran is a book for all nations to
follow unlike the previous books that
were mainly pointed to a specific nation
(i.e. the Children of Israel).
3- The Koran is the only Holy Book that
wasn't and shall not be modified; Allah
has taken the duty of its protection
from any modifications as He said: (We
have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We
will assuredly guard it (from corruption)) Chapter: 15
Verse: 9

* Obligations toward the Holy Koran:

There are certain obligations a Muslim must

have toward the Koran:

1- A Muslim must love the Koran and

glorifies it and respects it as it’s the
word of Allah and His speech.
2- A Muslim should recite the Koran and
understand its laws and stories and
ponders in its beauty.
3- A Muslim must follow the laws of the
Koran by following the orders and avoid
the prohibitive.

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* Modifications of previous books:

Allah had told us in the Holy Koran that the

people of book [Jews and Christians] had
modified their bible; so the current Torah is
not the identical Torah which was given to
Moses and the same for the Gospel with Jesus;
they [current ones] contain valid text and
invalid text so they can't be followed unlike the
Koran, our faith is to believe in the version that
was given to the Prophets without any
modifications; and the books of Allah are
numerous but the concentration is on the
Torah and Gospel because they are the most
famous books amongst other books of Allah.

The modification of previous books was

actually proven by many non-Muslims scholars
and they concluded that the current text of the
bible doesn't match earlier versions that were
found in some old manuscripts in the dead sea
and the middle east, but we don't discriminate
the current books we just believe they were
not kept intact.

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Chapter 6: Believing in Messengers

Believing in messengers is: Full belief that

Allah had sent messengers to preach and
warn; preach of paradise for whom obey the
orders of Allah and warn of Hell-Fire for whom
avoid them; and believing in "all" messengers
without any kind of discrimination unlike the
Jews whom reject Jesus Christ and the
Christians whom reject Prophet Mohammad;
and to believe the messengers carried out their
message from their Lord without any
adjustments and their message was calling for

* Believing in Messengers includes:

1- Believing the message of all

messengers was identical; and who
rejects one messenger rejects all
messengers; as Allah said in the Koran:
(The Ad (people) rejected the Messengers)
Chapter: 26 Verse: 123.There was only
one messenger sent to Ad whom was
"Hood" but because of their denial to
Hood; Allah stated that they rejected all
2- Believing in whom their names were
mentioned in the Koran whether they
are Prophets and/or Messengers like:
Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob
(Israel), Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron,
Moses, Solomon, David, John,
Zachariah, Adam, Hood, Saleh,
Jethrow, Elisha, Lot and Mohammad.

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3- Believing in the correct news delivered

to us; if their news from the Bible
matches the Koran then it's correct.
4- Working with the seal of all prophetic
laws; the law of Prophet Mohammad.

* Difference between a Prophet and a


Prophet: male/human; receives the revelation

from Allah but not necessarily deliver it to
people (i.e. Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Job).

Messenger: male/human; receives the

revelation from Allah with the task of
delivering it to people; all Messengers were
local; meaning that they were sent only to
their people but Prophet Mohammad was
global meaning he was sent to all mankind and

The Messenger is much more specific than the

Prophet; for that each Messenger is a Prophet
but not every Prophet is a Messenger.

* Characteristics of Messengers:

1- Messengers are humans; they starve,

eat, drink (not alcohol) and get sick like
the rest of the human beings, therefore
no Prophet or Messenger should be
glorified the way Allah is glorified; none
of them is in the situation of godhood;
this terrible oversight led the Christians
to worship Jesus Christ after he himself
admitted he was human and the son of

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2- Messengers are chosen by Allah by His

knowledge; and He made them our role
model to follow their steps and imitate
their doings and actions.
3- Messengers are honest; they never lied
in delivering Allah's message, they
delivered it without any adjustments.
4- Messengers were patient; they suffered
a lot from the people who disbelieved in
their message.
5- Messengers had miracles that they used
to prove their rightness and
truthfulness; Moses split the sea for the
Children of Israel, and Jesus brought a
dead person to life again and Prophet
Mohammad had a miraculous book that
he challenged the Arabs with.

* Reasons for sending Messengers:

1- Allah had sent His Messengers to

acknowledge people of their Lord whom
created them to see who shall believe
and who shall not; Messengers are the
carriers of Allah's speech and without
them no one would ever known Allah.
2- After many messengers died the
religion was modified by Allah's
enemies and people had gone astray
again and again; but by sending
multiple messengers with one message
[Monotheism] the idea of worshipping
the one and only God had been pinned
into the mind of a lot of people; so
sending multiple messengers was a
kind of a renewal of faith for those who
were gone astray; and the series

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continued until it stopped with the seal

of the Prophets [Mohammad] as Allah
declared that there will be no more
Messengers nor Prophet after him.
3- Messengers were sent to preach people
who shall follow them with the good life
in hereafter and the paradise that they
shall enter to have all kinds of joy; but
also to warn those who had gone astray
of Hell-Fire that they shall enter if they
die insisting on the astray.
4- Messengers were sent to teach us how
to worship Allah and to be our role-
models; they taught us how to do a lot
of actions that occur in our daily life.

* Accepting Mohammad as a Prophet and

a Messenger:

We accept Mohammad as the seal of the

Prophets and Messengers, no Prophet or a
Messenger shall come after him; he is the
master of all Prophets and he indeed delivered
the message of his Lord and struggled against
his enemies. Prophet Mohammad should be
loved by his followers more than their parents
and their beloved ones or else they shall not
reach the high rank of faith.

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The message of Prophet Mohammad is the

sealing of all messages and it’s the only
message that should be followed; so no other
religion [Judaism, Christendom] is accepted
besides Islam. The one rejects Prophet
Mohammad actually rejects Prophet Moses and
Prophet Jesus as I explained before that
rejecting one of the Messengers is considered
to be a rejection for all Messengers.

Prophet Mohammad was both Prophet and

Messenger; he warned every non-Muslim their
deeds will not be accepted in the hereafter if
they don't embrace Islam and accept him as
the final messengers mentioned in their books
[Torah, Gospel] and he clearly stated:
(By whom controls my soul [a great oath], no Jew or a
Christian hears of me and not believe in what I came with
but shall enter Hell-Fire) – narrated by Muslim

The speech is public; not only the Jews and

Christians but also the Buddhists, Jehovah's
Witness and every other people who follow
different religion than Islam.

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Chapter 7: Believing in the Day of


Believing in the day of resurrection: Full

belief of the occurrence of that day which
include believing in: the signs of the hereafter,
death, torment of the grave, blowing the horn,
resurrection, reckoning, scenes of the
hereafter, Paradise, Hell-Fire and all relevant.

* Day of Resurrection in the Koran:

The Koran mentions the Day of Resurrection as

the day people shall see their deeds and Allah
shall reckon them; the day of which Muslim
believers shall have everlasting comfort and
the infidels shall have everlasting punishment
and retribution for what they have done in life.

Believing in the Day of Resurrection is one of

the essentials of a Muslim's faith; Allah said:
(This is an admonition for him among you who believeth in
Allah and the Last Day) Chapter: 2 Verse: 232

The Day of Resurrection has multiple

meaningful names cited in the Koran; each
name refers to a fact of that day:

1- Al-Haaqa (The Reality): The reality of

the occurrence of the Day of
Resurrection to disavowal the infidels'
2- Al-Waaqea (The Event).
3- Youm Addeen (The Day of the
Religion): No other religion will survive
and be accepted to Allah but Islam.

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4- Youm Alhessab (The Day of Reckoning):

The day where mankind shall see the
aftermath of their deeds.
5- Youm Alkholood (The Day of Eternity):
The day where the infidels shall ever
last in Hell-Fire and the Muslims in
6- AlGhaasheya (The Overwhelming).
7- Assaakha (The Shout).
8- Alqaarea (The Calamity).

The repetition of mentioning the Day of

Resurrection is to tell all people to be prepared
for the real day; life is evanescent and every
being shall die, life is a big test Allah placed to
see what His slaves will do, so the real interest
and concern should not be toward an
evanescent but it should be toward the
everlasting, Allah reminds all people that the
real joy is the joy in the hereafter because it
will last forever unlike the temporal joy in life,
Allah wants people to compete each other in
hastening to compliance and obedience.

When a Muslim believes that life is not eternal

he will not fall into the big misdeeds and shall
realize that Allah shall reckon his work, and for
every Muslim life is just like a transit passage
to his final destination: the hereafter.

Many events take place before the Day of

Resurrection; the purpose of knowing these
events are to prepare your self in these
situations so you would not regret in day
regret is not useful.

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* Trial of Grave:

When a person dies he is tested in his grave

about three things (his Lord, his religion and
his Prophet), these questions are for both
Muslims and non-Muslims but only a pious
Muslim will know how to answer them; but for
the infidels and the hypocrites their answer will
be rejected for its being a false answer. The
stage of the grave precedes the Day of
Resurrection; the person might live in his
grave in joy or in torment until Allah allows
angel Israfel to blow the horn which signals the
beginning of the Day of Resurrection.

Q: What are the three questions asked in

the grave?
A: The questions can be known by many
people; but only few will have correct answers
in the time of test, those are the pious
believers in Allah, the questions are:
1- Who is your Lord?
2- What is your religion?
3- What is the name of the man sent from
your Lord to thee?

The answers for the questions are actually the

three main fundamentals that written in the
first chapter; our Lord is Allah our religion is
Islam (submission to Allah) our Prophet is

Q: What if a person drowns; will he be

also tested in the grave?
A: Yes; the trial of grave regards the soul of a
person not his body, hence, every person died

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either by drowning or burning or any other

way that conceal his body shall be tested.

The grave test is unseen and can't be sensed

by humans; and the wisdom behind that is to
believe in the unseen which distinguish the
believers from the disbelievers

* Signs of the Hour:

The Hour (Assa'ah) is the time of occurrence of

the Day of Resurrection and we believe in the
Hour and we believe that no Prophet or
Messenger or human knows its time but Allah
as He said:

(They ask thee about the (final) Hour, when will be its
appointed time? Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my
Lord (alone): none but He can reveal as to when it will
occur. Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the
earth. Only, all of a sudden will it come to you." They ask
thee as if thou wert eager in search thereof: say: "The
knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone), but most men
know not) Chapter: 7 Verse: 187

But there are some signs that precede its

occurrence told by Prophet Mohammad, he
divided the signs into minor signs and major

Minor Signs: Are the signs preceding the

major ones; like: the spread of corruption, the
spread of writing, the fall of the Caliph regime
(which happened in 1924 by the fall of the
Ottoman Empire) and others.

Major Signs: Are the signs announcing the

approach of the Day of Resurrection like:

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Sunrise from the west, the descent of Jesus

Christ, the appearance of Anti-Christ (evil
figure that fights Jesus and the Muslims), the
appearance of the sumpter, the great smoke,
the return of the two big tribes Gog and
Magog, and many Earth-swallows in the west
and east and the Arabian peninsula.

One of the major known sign of the Last Day is

the descent of Jesus Christ and the appearance
of Anti-Christ, as we believe; Anti-Christ is an
evil figure and he is the Messiah believed by
the Jews as the Prophet said, and he [Prophet]
also said that most of the Jews shall follow
him, he shall claim that he is Allah and he
comes with a garden and a hell, his hell is
garden and his garden is hell as Prophet
Mohammad told us.

Anti-Christ will spread his mischief everywhere

except for two cities: Mecca and Medina, the
Prophet said that every Prophet warned his
followers of this evil figure as he said:

(No Prophet came but warned his followers from the one-
eyed fraud, truly; he is one eyed and your Lord is not one-
eyed and between his eyes written "k-a-f-e-r" _infidel_) –
narrated by Bukhari and Muslim

No salvation from Anti-Christ except with

knowledge and deeds, his mischief will spread
and many will defect; the Prophet described
the way of surviving his mischief by saying:

(Who memorizes the first 10 verses from chapter "Cave"

shall be saved from the Anti-Christ) – narrated by

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* Resurrection:

Believing in Resurrection is known by the

Koran and the Sunnah and intellection and
pious nature, we believe that our souls will
meet our bodies in the hereafter and we shall
stand before Allah to meet our reckoning.

Allah said: (After that, at length ye will die * again, on

the Day of Judgment, will ye be raised up) Chapter: 23
Verse: 15-16

And the Prophet said: (People will be resurrected in

the Last Day naked barefooted and not circumcised) –
Agreed Upon.

That day will for sure take place; it’s the top of
wisdom to award the right doers and punish
the wrong doers, Allah said: (Did ye then think that
We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be
brought back to Us (for account)?) Chapter: 23 Verse:
115. The infidels denied the occurrence of the
Day of Resurrection and Allah replied to their
demurrals and gave us evidences of that by
proof, sense and intellect.

Evidence of the Resurrection by proof

(From the Koran): Allah assured us that
there will be the Day of Resurrection for sure
in many verses in the Koran; He said:

(The Unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (for

Judgment). Say: "Yea, by my Lord, ye shall surely be
raised up: then shall ye be told (the truth) of all that ye
did. And that is easy for Allah) Chapter: 64 Verse: 7

And all previous books (i.e. Torah, Gospel and

the Psalms) admitted the Day of Resurrection.

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Evidence of the Resurrection by sense:

Allah showed His slaves many examples of
resurrections in life; like the person named
Ezra who was dead and Jesus Christ (by the
will of Allah) resurrected him again and like the
people of Prophet Ezekiel whom Allah said unto
them "die" and they died and then resurrected
them again and many other evidences.

Evidence of the Resurrection by intellect:

The significance of resurrection by intellect can
be shown in two ways:

1- Allah is the creator and the originator of

the universe and the heavens and
earth; so the one who created them
certainly can resurrect them again. And
as all of us die and left as bones in our
graves; Allah is capable of resurrecting
us from these bones as He created us
from nothing in womb of our mothers.
2- The dry land which then becomes green
by rain; the capable of reviving the dry
land is capable of reviving the dead
again; the Almighty said: (And We send
down from the sky Rain charged with blessing,
and We produce therewith Gardens and Grain for
harvests;* And tall (and stately) palm-trees, with
shoots of fruit-stalks, piled one over another; *
As sustenance for (Allah's) Servants; and We give
(new) life therewith to land that is dead: thus will
be the Resurrection) Chapter: 50 Verse: 9-11

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* The Exposure, reckoning and Book


We believe that we will expose before Allah in

the Day of Resurrection; where people shall
see their deeds:
(And they will be marshaled before thy Lord in ranks, (with
the announcement), "Now have ye come to Us (bare) as
We created you first: aye, ye thought We shall not fulfill
the appointment made to you to meet (Us)!") Chapter:
18 Verse: 48

We believe in the reckoning; where Allah shall

reckon every human being individually, only
the deeds of believers shall be examined but
as for the deeds of the infidels and non-
Muslims their deeds will not count.

We believe that every person shall receive his

"Book of Deeds" by his right hand if they are
right doers and died on the faith of Islam; or
by their left hands if they are infidels or
hypocrites or generally wrong doers. Every
action and deed is recorded in the Book of
Deeds including the tiniest deed the person
had done in his lifetime.

* The Balance and the Path:

We believe in the Balance of which our deeds

will be placed on; the Balance of the Last Day
calculates the deeds of the Muslims only and
doesn't count for the non-Muslims deeds.

For Muslims; a good deed is doubled 10 times

and the bad deed is balanced as one bad deed,
Allah said:

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(We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment,

so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least.
And if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard
seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to
take account.) Chapter: 21 Verse: 47

The Balance will be set after reckoning; when

the deeds are placed on the balance it
determines whether the person shall go to
Paradise or Hell-Fire; in case of equality the
person shall remained still until Allah decides
their fate, they are called "People of Heights"
for staying in a high location until Allah gives a

We believe in the "Path"; a passage that

connects the Land of Resurrection to The
Paradise with Hell-Fire below.

When the infidels and hypocrites pass the Path

they shall fall in the Hell-Fire, but the pious
Muslims will pass in variety of speeds; some
will have the wind speed and some will have
the horse speed and some will have the light
speed and at the end they will reach the other
side and await for Allah's orders to open the
Paradise so they shall enter.

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* The Paradise and the Hell-Fire:

We believe in the existence of Jannah and Naar

which mean "Paradise" and "Hell-Fire"

Jannah is the residence of the right-doers from

the Muslim believers; every Muslim who bears
witness of Allah's monotheism shall enter the
Jannah, Jannah has different levels and
according to the person's deeds evaluation
he/she shall be put on the proper level.

Jannah has multiple doors for entrance and the

doors are behind each other not in one row;
each door implies a great virtue, there is the
door of Jihad where the Muslims struggled the
enemies of Allah shall enter through, the door
of fasting (Al-Rayyan) where the Muslims who
used to fast a lot shall enter through.

A Muslim can enter through all these doors as

the Prophet told his companion Abu Bakr Al-
Siddieq and that proves that the doors of
Jannah are not aligned in one horizontal row
but they are placed behind each other, the
same applies to Hell-Fire or Naar.

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Chapter 8: How to convert to


Conversion to Islam is not a big matter; you

can convert to Islam without going to an
Islamic Center or a Mosque or a house of
worship; you can convert to Islam by doing
few commands that will announce you as a

* Pronouncing the Shahada:

You first need to say this statement in Arabic

(I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I
bare witness that Mohammad is the messenger
of Allah), it's pronounced like this:

"ash-hado alla elaha ella Allah wa ash-

haddo anna Mohammad rasool Allah"

That is the most important part; by saying the

"Shahada" you have become a Muslim, after
the pronunciation you need to take a shower
and thank Allah whom saved you from
darkness and brought you to the shore of light.

* Applying the Rest Pillars:

There are four rest pillars; the prostrations and

genuflects (prayers) five times a day, fasting
the Holy Month of Ramadan (by not eating or
drinking from dawn till dusk) and releasing an
annual percentage of your money to poor,
pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Mecca (if

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Chapter 9: Frequently Asked


Q: What is Jihad?

A: Jihad in Arabic by its literal-meaning means

"struggle", it's the struggle against the desires
and lusts in general, but in particular it means
the "Holy War" against the infidels who fight
against the Muslims.

Q: Why should women cover themselves

in Islam?

A: Islam considers a woman as a jewel and a

pearl, for her protection from wrongdoers she
must be covered very well. Hejab (women's
cover) is also a sign of virtue and modesty and
above all it’s the command of Allah to women
to cover their hair and their body and the
command if Allah is not negotiable.

Q: What is the Islamic faith of Jesus


A: We believe in Jesus the son of Mary [of the

Nazareth] and that he is the Messiah (Christ),
but we don’t believe though that he is a God or
the God, we believe that he is the final
messenger from Allah to the Children of Israel
and we believe in his miraculous birth and that
he was raised by Allah to the heaven for a
further descent to fight side-by-side the
Muslims against the Anti-Christ, the faith of
Islam rejects the claimed crucifixion of Jesus
and believes that a resembling was crucified

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instead of him, most probably was Judas

according to the Gospel of Barnabas; the only
Gospel that supports the Islamic view and
banned by the Church.

Q: Do Muslims hate the Jews and the


A: Hatred for the sake of Allah is a pious act;

we don't hate the Jews and the Christian in
person, but we do hate their corrupted faith
and dogmas, and we take example by
Abraham who hated the worship of idols by his
people but not the people themselves.

Q: Why did Mohammad marry many


A: Marrying many wives doesn’t always refer

to an oversexed personality, the Bible says
that David, Solomon, Abraham and others
married more than one wife, marrying more
than one wife was a usual and a normal thing
at their times so the Prophet Mohammad didn't
break a rule or came with something new; on
the contrary he limited marrying more than
one wife to four wives only, before that
legislation the number was open.

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Q: What is Islamic faith of the Torah and

the Gospel(s)?

A: Islam believes in the Torah that was given

to Prophet Moses and in the Gospel that was
given to Prophet Jesus; however we believe
that the current Torah (five books of Moses)
and the Gospels (John, Mark, Matthew and
Luke) were modified; that’s why we don’t
count them as a reliable reference.

‫وآخر دعىاًا أى احلودُ هلل رب العاملني والصالة‬

‫والسالم على ًبيٌا هُحوَّد وعلى آله الطيبني‬
‫الطاهريي وصحابته أمجعني وزوجاته الشريفاث‬
‫أههَّاث املؤهٌني‬

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