Becoming A Muslim
Becoming A Muslim
Becoming A Muslim
Islam is a Universal religion based on the undiluted monotheistic
concept of God, who has no associates of any kind. God is not
begotten nor does He beget. Islam does not believe in any racial,
caste or colour distinction and superiority of birth of any individual
or nation. All men black, white or yellow are equal before God. No
nation is a chosen one of God. God loves most, those who are most
righteous. In the words of the Qur’an it says: “O Human kind! We
have created you from a male and a female and made you into
nations and tribes that you may know each other. Indeed, the most
honourable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous.”
Life, property and honour of all human beings are sacred in Islam;
hence their disregard under any pretext is a blatant violation of God's
laws. God is God of all even of those who do not believe in Him.
Islam is a simple and rational religion. It is the shortest and broadest
road that leads to God.
All children born under any situation are sinless and pure. It is a
person’s deeds that make him/her good or evil and not his/her birth.
No soul can atone for the sins of another. Every soul has to bear the
burden of its deeds. No one therefore, can forgive sins of any person
except God Himself. No one can grant any favours except with
God’s permission, hence no person not even a prophet is an
associate of God in any form. Divinity belongs to Him solely.
Prophets are God's chosen messengers to human kind. They are
divinely inspired not divine in themselves.
Islam is not a new religion which started in the seventh century with
the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him.) It is rather
the same essential message of monotheism and obedience to God
preached by all the prophets of God. All the prophets of God taught
‘Islam’ which means submission and obedience to God. Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him.) completed the chain of revelation.
Becoming a Muslim:
Islam is the natural religion of humankinds. Its truth is becoming
more evident with the passage of time. Islam means peace and it
brings peace to the believer. Islam also means submission, and a
believer by submitting him/herself to the will of God brings
him/herself in harmony with all the creations of God which manifest
submission through natural physical laws.
we should not miss the opportunity of achieving eternal bliss and
salvation. The only way is to declare faith, obedience and
submission to Allah (God). It is this faith and obedience which
makes a person a Muslim.
Embracing Islam
To embrace Islam is to revert to the religion with which we were
born. However, influences from our environment and our
surroundings make us what we are. Referring to our natural
disposition, the Qur'an uses the term Fitrat Allah: “the nature in
which God has made humankind.”
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said
that every child was born with the innate qualities of Islam. It is the
child's parents who make him/her a Jew, Christian or Magian.
A person trying to come to Islam is in fact coming to the fold of his
natural religion.
Islamic faith which will add to the knowledge of all those persons
Changing Name
By pronouncing the Shahadah a person acquires a new personality,
as if he/she is newly born and has come under the shadow of God's
mercy and blessings. Some of those coming to the fold of Islam like
to change their names. Changing one's name is not essential if one's
current name does not contain any un-Islamic element. There are
however, some who would like to have a complete break from their
pre-Islamic past and adopt a traditional Islamic name; it is perfectly
correct for them to do so. One is allowed only to change one’s first
name but not one’s family/surname.
with his/her creator, and to make him/her aware of his/her basic
duties to Him.
All Muslims no matter what language they speak pray in Arabic
repeating the verses of the Qur’an in the very language in which they
were revealed. This ensures the unity of practice and that the word of
God is not altered through translations.
Ghusl (bathing) means to wash the entire body with water so as to
keep it pure and clean.
A Muslim must be in a state of Tahara (purity) when he/she wants
to pray.
There are two kinds of impurity:
1- The Minor Impurity: This is caused by passing wind, going to
the toilet, deep sleep, fainting etc. Wudu (ablution) is necessary for
removing the minor impurity.
2- The Major Impurity: This is caused by one of the following
a) The monthly period for females.
b) When one has a wet dream or discharges semen when one is
c) When a married couple had a marital intercourse.
d) Childbirth bleeding.
Other actions which requires Ghusl:
In addition to the four causes of major impurity mentioned before,
Ghusl is also a duty in the following two cases:
e- When a non-Muslim accepts Islam: New converts to Islam are
required to perform Ghusl.
f- Death: When a Muslim dies, the dead body must be washed by
some Muslims.
Dublin 8, Ireland.
Tel. 00353 1 4533242.