Mystical Mass Prayer

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Eternal Father, we offer to You, through the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary and

the Just Heart of Joseph, in the Holy Spirit, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord

Jesus Christ, in union with each Mass celebrated today and every day until the end of time.

With Mother Mary, St. Joseph, each Angel and Saint in Heaven, each person in Purgatory,

each person in the Body of Christ and the family of God, we offer each act of love,

adoration, praise and worship. We offer each act of thanksgiving for blessings, graces and

gifts received. We offer each act of reparation for sins that have been, are being and will be

committed until the end of time. And we offer each act of intercessory prayer. We offer all

of these prayers in union with Jesus in each Mass celebrated throughout the world,

throughout all time.

We prostrate ourselves before You, Triune God, like the Prodigal Son with our weaknesses,

limitations and sinfulness asking for Your mercy, forgiveness and acceptance. Like the

Publican-tax collector, we ask for mercy and forgiveness. Like the Paralytic, we ask for

healing and strength. Like the Good Thief, we ask for salvation. And like Mary Magdalene,

give us the gift of Your Unconditional Love of the Blessed Trinity as reflected in the Holy


We consecrate ourselves and all of creation to You, O Triune God: Father, Son and Holy


Eternal Father, we ask You in the Name of Jesus, through the power of His Most Precious

Blood, through His death on the Cross, through His Resurrection from the dead and

Ascension into Heaven, to send forth the Holy Spirit upon all people.
Holy Spirit give an outpouring of Your blessings, graces and gifts: upon those who do not

believe, that they may believe; upon those who are doubtful or confused, that they may

understand; upon those who are constantly living in a state of sin, that they may be

converted; upon those who are weak, that they may be strengthened; upon those who are

lukewarm or indifferent, that they may be transformed; and upon those who are holy, that

they may persevere.

We ask You to bless our Holy Father. Give him strength and health in body, mind, soul and

spirit. Bless his ministry and make it fruitful. Protect him from his enemies and in his

travels. Supply for all of his needs.

Bless each cardinal, bishop, priest, deacon, brother, sister and all aspiring to the religious

life, especially..., and grant many the gift of a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.

Bless all married and single people. Bless each member of our families, relatives, friends,

enemies and persecutors, especially.... Bless the poor, the sick, the underprivileged, the

dying and all of those in need.... Bless those who have died and are in a state of purification,

that they may be taken to Heaven.

We offer and consecrate ourselves and all of creation to you, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary

and Joseph. We ask you Joseph and Mary to take us with all of our hopes and desires.

Please offer them with Jesus in the Holy Spirit to our Heavenly Father, in union with each

Mass offered throughout all time.

We consecrate ourselves to Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and each Angel,

especially our own Guardian Angel. We ask in the Name of Jesus, through our Mother

Mary, Queen of all Angels, that You, O Heavenly Father, send forth legions of Angels to

minister to us: Archangel Michael with his legions to ward off the attacks of the world, the
flesh and the devil; Archangel Gabriel with his legions to teach us that we may know and

do Your Will, and that they may help us to catechize and evangelize; Archangel Raphael

with his legions to heal our woundedness, supply for our limitations, strengthen us in our

weakness, to break all demonic depression and bondage, to give us joy of the Spirit, to

protect us in our travels and to supply for all of our needs.

Finally, we ask for the gift of Unconditional Love, that we can live the Family Life of the

Blessed Trinity as reflected in the Holy Family at Nazareth, thus bringing to fruition Jesus’

prayer for unity, and peace in justice throughout the world. Amen

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