Postlab 2
Postlab 2
Postlab 2
1Cabalquinto, Hernandez, Pua* 1Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines *[email protected] Abstract n thi! !tudy, the re!earcher! a!" the que!tion!, #$hat i! "inematic!, $hat are the concept! behind it and ho$ i! it mea!ured%. &o be able to an!$er the!e que!tion!, a motion !en!or attached to the 'o((erPro !o)t$are i! u!ed to mea!ure the *elocity and acceleration *elocity o) member! o) the (roup a! !ubject! mo*in( )or$ard and a$ay the motion !en!or.. &hrou(h the e+periment, the re!earcher! are able to (raph, *alue! o) *elocity and acceleration o) the!e motion!. ,)ter analyzin( and interpretin( the re!ult!, the re!earcher! ha*e concluded that an object mo*in( at di))erent *elocitie! and acceleration Measuring Human Motion using a Motion Sensor I. Introduction -tudyin( the motion o) object! )all on the )ield called mechanic!. .echanic! al!o con!titute! the related concept! o) )orce and ener(y. n thi! e+periment, "inematic! i! branch o) mechanic! dealin( $ith the de!cription o) ho$ object! mo*e./10 1inematic! u!e! di))erent concept! !uch a! di!placement, $hich i! the chan(e in po!ition o) the object a)ter motion, *elocity, $hich i! the total di!tance tra*elled alon( it! pa!t and acceleration $hich i! the chan(e in *elocity o) the object./20 n !tudyin( *elocity, the *alue o) a (i*en *elocity i! !aid to be con!tant upon analyzin( that the acceleration o) the object ha! not net chan(e or it! *alue i! 2./30 4n the other hand, in !tudyin( acceleration, the *alue o) a (i*en acceleration i! !aid to be con!tant upon analyzin( that upon plottin( the point! o) acceleration o) the object, the point! appear to be mo*in( on a !trai(ht line./50 n thi! e+periment, the re!earcher! $ill need to be mo*in( at *ariou! *elocitie! and acceleration!, !ome o) $hich i! &he motion o) the di))erent !ubject! can then be mea!ured $ith a motion !en!or attached to the 'o((erPro !o)t$are o) the computer. Ho$ doe! the motion mea!ure the!e *ector! e+actly6 &hi! i! done throu(h a !en!in( the mo*ement throu(h a la!er upon the mo*ement o) a illu!tration board held by a !ubject. &hi! mo*ement $ill mea!ure ho$ )ar the !ubject mo*ed )or$ard or a$ay )rom the object. II. Theoretical Framework 7or thi! !tudy, the mea!urable quantitie! $ould be 8a9 di!placement u!in( *elocity and 8b9 the di!placement u!in( acceleration. &he connection o) the di!placement acceleration o) the motion i! !een in thi! "inematic equation: 819 &he di!placement i! the dependent *ariable a))ected by the independent *ariable, *elocity. n thi! equation, the di!placement o) the object i! a re!ult o) the initial di!placement and the di!placement at $hich the object mo*ed at (i*en *elocity. ;ote that the *elocity here i! the a*era(e *elocity o) the object. &he *elocity o) thi! !tudied motion and the time o) the motion $ill determine chan(e in po!ition o) the !aid object. 4n the other hand, the connection o) the di!placement acceleration o) the motion i! !een in thi! "inematic equation: + < +o = *ot = 1>2 at2 829 &he di!placement i! the dependent *ariable a))ected by the independent *ariable, acceleration. n thi! equation, the di!placement o) the object i! a re!ult o) the initial di!placement a! $ell a! the initial *elocity o) the object be)ore the motion to be ob!er*ed multiplied to it! time and the di!placement at $hich the object mo*ed at (i*en acceleration. &he acceleration o) thi! !tudied motion and the time o) the motion $ill determine chan(e in po!ition o) the !aid object.
III. Methodology ,. .aterial! &he material! needed )or thi! e+periment are a computer, a motion !en!or, micro!o)t e+cel and the !o)t$are 'o((erPro 3.?.5. 'o((erPro 3.?.5 i! a !o)t$are that allo$! !tudent! collect and analyze data $ith the computer hard$are. &o(ether $ith the motion !en!or, thi! !o)t$are i! able to collect di!tance, *elocity and acceleration data needed )or the e+periment. -ince data can be collected quic"ly, the re!earcher! can !pend more time analyzin( and interpretin( the data. @. Procedure -et up the motion !en!or on top o) a table and connect it to the A B 1 port o) the 'abPro de*ice. .a"e !ure the detector i! pointin( at a clear and open part o) the lab. 4pen 'o((erPro !o)t$are and open .otion -en!or! in the .otion -en!or! )older o) the Probe! C -en!or! )older. &o collect data, pre!! the Collect button to !tart recordin(. ,)ter collectin( the data, tran!)er the table! immediately to .- D+cel. Ha*e a member do the )ollo$in(: a. .o*e to$ard the motion !en!or at a con!tant *elocity b. .o*e a$ay )rom the motion !en!or at a con!tant *elocity &hen, ha*e another member do the )ollo$in(: a. .o*e to$ard the motion !en!or at a )a!ter than member , but !till at a con!tant *elocity b. .o*e to$ard the motion !en!or at a con!tant acceleration 4pen the Po!ition .atchin( 2 )ile in the !ame )older. Ha*e one member try to replicate the di!tance *!. time (raph di!played on the !creen then tran!)er the table! to .- D+cel. Eepeat the !ame procedure )or Po!ition .atchin( F )ile. C. -tati!tical &ool! &here $ere no equation! u!ed in thi! e+periment. &he (raph! that had linear data $ere !ubjected to linear re(re!!ion, $hile tho!e $ith e+ponential data $ere !ubjected to e+ponential re(re!!ion. &here $a! no need to compute )or percent error! )or thi! e+periment mainly becau!e there i! no actual or true *alue to compare the re!ult! $ith. IV. Results & iscussion &he e+periment made u!e o) a !en!or in order to detect the motion o) an object in )ront o) it. Ha*in( the objecti*e o) applyin( "inematic! concept! in actual !ettin(!, the e+periment had !e*eral !tep! !o that motion o) a per!on in di))erent !ituation! can be compared and analyzed. &he )ir!t procedure $a! to compare the motion o) t$o !ubject! $al"in( to$ard! the !en!or. &he re!ult! are a! )ollo$!:
Figure !. istance "s. Time #ra$h o% Sub&ect A Mo"ing Towards the Motion Sensor
Figure '. istance "s. Time #ra$h o% Sub&ect ( Mo"ing Towards the Motion Sensor
7i(ure 1 and 2 !ho$ the relation!hip bet$een time and po!ition o) t$o di))erent !tudent!. , "inematic equation related to thi! i! 819 $here x i! the )inal di!placement, xo the initial di!placement, the a*era(e *elocity, and t the time.
G!in( the linear equation in the )orm o) y = mx + b !een in both (raph!, it can be deduced that the !lope, m, i! equal to the *elocity o) the re!pecti*e !tudent!. 7rom the di!tance *!. time (raph, !tudent ,%! *elocity i! H2.923 m>!, $hile !tudent @ ha! a *elocity o) H1.12I m>!. G!in( thi! data, it can be concluded that !tudent @ i! )a!ter than !tudent ,. t i! important to note that the ne(ati*e !i(n !hould not be !een arithmetically becau!e the compari!on in thi! ca!e !hould be ba!ed on the ma(nitude o) the data. &he ne(ati*e !i(n only mean! that the direction o) the !ubject! i! to$ard! the !en!or. G!in( the time *!. *elocity data, on the contrary, a di))erent pattern o) *elocitie! $a! !een. t $a! )ound to be )luctuatin( in both )i(ure! 3 and 5 8belo$9 in that con!tant *elocity $a! not achie*ed. 8H1.2F to H2.IF9 7i(ure 3 ha! a noticeable *ariation in it! data $hich ran(e )rom H1.2F m>! to H2.IF m>!. &he *elocity )rom )i(ure 1 can be !een in )i(ure 3 by (ettin( the a*era(e bet$een the initial *elocity and the )inal *elocity located on the trend line. t i! there)ore important to note that the H2.923 m>! *elocity o) !tudent , i! a mere appro+imation.
Figure ). Velocity "s. Time #ra$h o% Sub&ect A Mo"ing Towards the Sensor
&he !ame i! true $ith )i(ure 5, thou(h it! data i! not really )luctuatin(. ,! !een in the )i(ure, !tudent @%! *elocity i! increa!in(, e!pecially )rom 2.I2! to 2.FJ!. @e)ore that time inter*al, the *elocity $a! relati*ely le!! than that o) !tudent , $hich mean! that !tudent , $a! )a!ter at )ir!t but then !tudent @ accelerated, re!ultin( to a )a!ter a*era(e *elocity. Figure *. Velocity "s. Time #ra$h o% Sub&ect ( Mo"ing Towards the Sensor
,!ide )rom $al"in( to$ard! the motion !en!or, the e+periment al!o require! the !ubject to mo*e a$ay )rom the !en!or. &he di!tance *!. time (raph i! !ho$n belo$: Figure +. istance "s. Time #ra$h o% Sub&ect A Mo"ing Away %rom the Motion Sensor
,! mentioned earlier, the coe))icient o) + in a linear equation in*ol*in( di!tance and time i! the *elocity o) the !ubject. t can be !een that the *elocity o) the !ubject i! a po!iti*e one, 2.I25 m>!. &hi! ju!t !ho$! ho$ the direction o) a mo*ement a))ect! the !i(n o) it! *elocity, a))irmin( the *ector nature o) *elocity. ,nother !tep o) the e+periment $a! to let the !ubject mo*e to$ard! the motion detector in con!tant acceleration. &he (roup did !e*eral trial! !ince it $a! hard to determine one%! acceleration. &he re!ult! are a! )ollo$!:
Figure .. -om$arison o% the istance "s. Time #ra$h o% the Actual Sub&ect and a -om$uter/ #enerated Sub&ect
n )i(ure! J and I, the acceleration i! !uppo!ed to be con!tant a! oppo!ed to that o) )i(ure! 1H5 $hich ha*e zero acceleration. n order to determine the acceleration in a time *!. di!tance (raph, the "inematic equation 829 i! u!ed $here the *ariable! are !imilar to that o) equation 1 thou(h $ith an additional a *ariable $hich i! the acceleration. &he equation i! not in linear )orm rather in a polynomial one. G!in( the equation, the acceleration o) the !ubject in )i(ure J i! 2.235 m>! 2. &he acceleration, on the other hand, o) the !ubject in )i(ure I i! 2.225 m>!2. &hi! i! relati*ely )ar )rom it! !uppo!ed *alue )rom the (i*en data $hich i! 2.25 m>!2 $hich i! due to !ome error! that $ill be di!cu!!ed in the ne+t !ection. t i! al!o noticeable ho$ the (raph! !ho$n abo*e )luctuate. &hi! mi(ht be due to the un!teady !ubject detected by the motion !en!or. ,l!o, the motion !en!or could ha*e detected !ome unnece!!ary mo*ement!, leadin( to alterin( readin(!. &he !ubject then !hould be more care)ul and cautiou! $hile doin( the e+periment. .oreo*er, the motion detector !hould be placed in a !teadier !ur)ace. V. -onclusions G!in( the motion !en!or, the (roup $a! able to (ather data o) human motion! in di))erent condition!. &he condition!, ho$e*er, $ere not )ully met due to the limitation! o) the !tudent! and the in!trument a! $ell. t $a! hard )or the !tudent! to control their *elocity and acceleration con!iderin( that they had no other $ay to chec" their accuracy but to $ait )or the (raph to be )ini!hed. &he (raph! obtained !ho$ed )luctuation!. &hey $ere not per)ect a! $hat $ere e+pected due to the un!teadine!! o) the
!ubject! and the unnece!!ary mo*ement! detected by the !en!or. .oreo*er, the in!trument it!el) could cau!e the!e )luctuation!, contributin( to the inaccuracie! o) the re!ult! o) the e+periment. Re%erences 1 Biancoli, Aou(la! C. Physics: Principles ith Application: Ith Ddition, 222F 2 @ur"ett, @rendan. @a!ic Principle! )or Gnder!tandin(. Human 1inetic!. Khttp:>>$$$.human"inetic!.com>e+cerpt!>e+cerpt!>ba!icHmechanicalHprinciple!L. date acce!!ed: Muly 11, 2212 3 Nhelan, Hod(e!on, and .urray. !ssential Principles o" Physics: 2nd Ddition, 19F?. 5 Ee!nic", Eobert and Halliday, Aa*id 819II9, Physics, -ection 3H5