Process Report 2
Process Report 2
Process Report 2
! Ho" muc# time $about% &i& 'ou s(en& (lannin) t#is (a(er* $Inclu&e rea&in)+ note,ta-in)+ in.ention+ brainstormin)+ outlinin)+ etc!% E/(lain "#at 'ou &i&! I too- an e/tensi.e amount o0 time "ritin) a (ro(osal+ )enre anal'sis+ an& anal'1in) e/am(les o0 m' )enre! All in all+ I (robabl' s(ent aroun& 2 #ours (re(arin) 0or t#is assi)nment! 3! Ho" muc# time &i& 'ou s(en& &ra0tin)* Re.isin)* Dra0tin) an& re.isin) too- about an #our! It "as 4uite eas' to create a &ra0t because o0 t#e (re.ious assi)nments t#at le& u( to t#e 0inal &ra0t! I basicall' combine& an& con&ense& t#ose assi)nments to create m' (ublic &ocument! 5! 6#at &o 'ou belie.e are t#e stren)t#s o0 t#is (a(er* On "#at le.els &oes it "or- "ell* I belie.e I succee&e& in "ritin) in t#e st'le o0 m' )enre $letter to a le)islator%! It "as s#ort+ concise+ an& 0ormal! 7! 6#at &o 'ou t#in- are t#e "ea-nesses in t#e (a(er* 6#at mi)#t 'ou &o &i00erentl' or c#an)e in t#is (a(er i0 'ou #a& more time* I &on8t t#in- I "oul& &o muc# to c#an)e m' (a(er! 2! 6#at &o 'ou "ant a rea&er to t#in- or un&erstan& a0ter rea& t#is (a(er* $T#is s#oul& be somet#in) #e or s#e &i&n8t alrea&' -no"!% I "ant t#e rea&er to reali1e #o" eas' it "oul& be to utili1e a.ailable resources in t#e cit' to #el( t#e solicitors roamin) t#e (ublic transit s'stem! 9! 6#at -in& o0 0ee&bac- "oul& 'ou li-e me to )i.e on 'our (a(er* I0 'ou ultimatel' &eci&e to re.ise t#is 0or 'our (ort0olio+ #o" can I #el(* I8& li-e to -ee( m' letter to ()! I8& li-e to -no" "#at &oes not belon) or "#at can be omitte&! I8& also li-e su))estions on "#at I can use& to re(lace t#e omitte& in0ormation!