EJHV - Edx - MITX - 11 - 132x DDET SimCalc PDF

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MITx: 11.

132x Design and Development of Educational Technology

Wee 2 ! "im#alc
Eugenio Jacobo Hernndez Valdelamar
October, 2014.
After I a! t"e #im$alc %ideo, t"e &"rae 'mat" of c"ange' too( m) attention immediatel). If I
remember !ell, t"i (ind of mat" a&&eared in econdar) c"ool in e%eral fla%or*
1. In algebra, !"en )ou tart to deal !it" linear e+uation, i common to generate a gra&" from t"e
e,&reion, o )ou dra! - and . a,i to "a%e a reference coordinate )tem and tart to &lot !it" a
&encil t"e %alue t"at )ou get !"en )ou ma(e a %ariable ubtitution. Ho!e%er, t"ere/ no e,&licit
reference to 'a real c"ange', onl) increment.
2. In &")ic, !"en )ou tart !it" (inematic, )ou "a%e an intuiti%e notion of mo%ement, di&lacement
and e%en &eed. Ho!e%er t"e intuition i la)ed !it" e+uation.
#orr) for t"e our comment, but it !a m) e,&erience in t"oe )ear.
0ater at t"e uni%erit), all c"ange. 1) &")ic coure !a omet"ing amazing, becaue m) teac"er, 2r.
Enri+ue $alder3n, !a in%ol%ed !it" com&uter, and e%er) to&ic !e a! im&lied to de%elo& a
com&uter &rogram to imulate !"at "a&&ened !it" e+uation. In t"at !a), to "a%e t"e control of t"e
e,&reion, t"e logic, t"e time, t"e %iualization, ga%e me a com&lete %iion of !"at !a related to t"e
conce&t and e%en realit).
1) firt contact !it" #im$alc i no!, in t"i coure, and I li(e !"at I "eard from t"e aut"or and t"e
&roduct itelf.
4irt I c"ec(ed t"e !eb demo
, and it !a intereting to "a%e o man) re&reentation of t"e ame
conce&t in a limited en%ironment t"at &reent an e,&eriment. 5"e e,ecution control let )ou tart and
to& t"e %iualization. .ou "a%e to c"ance to edit t"e e,&eriment mani&ulating t"e gra&" of t"e
mobile, and t"at/ ne! for me and ... a great idea6
1 "tt&*77!!!.cornertonemat".co.u(7demo7
5"en I intalled #im$alc for 8indo! and clic( on t"e 9la) button to ee !"at "a&&en.
Here )ou "a%e t"e ame re&reentation of t"e demo*
animation %ie!
gra&" %ie!
tab %ie!
function %ie!
&lu t"e control &anel and a menu !it" man) more function. One !a t"e #"o! deri%ati%e t"at o&en a
ne! %ie! !it" f:,; gra&".
8"en )ou o&en a ne! %ertical document, it come em&t), o )ou need to add ome actor and c"ange
ome cale :not o intuiti%e;.
#ometime if better to "a%e a tool t"at let )ou &roduce maller unit of !or(, t"an a tool t"at &retend
to do abolutel) all.
5"e #im$alc conce&t of document, to contain a ingle e,&eriment, i good. I u&&oe t"e idea i to
"are t"i document bet!een tudent and teac"er. 1ulti&le re&reentation are %er) ueful to tr) to
figure !"at i "a&&ening.
It/ not a tool t"at )ou can o&en and )ou learn intantl), I u&&oe )ou need ome training to ue t"e
a&&lication and to ada&t it to cla to&ic in order to get ome reult.

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