This document provides an overview and first impressions of the SimCalc educational software tool. It discusses the author's experience with graphing concepts in secondary school and how SimCalc provides multiple linked representations of mathematical functions and equations that allow interactive experimentation and visualization of changes. The author installed SimCalc and explored its various views, controls and customization options. While finding the multiple representations useful, the author notes SimCalc may require some training to fully utilize in a classroom setting.
This document provides an overview and first impressions of the SimCalc educational software tool. It discusses the author's experience with graphing concepts in secondary school and how SimCalc provides multiple linked representations of mathematical functions and equations that allow interactive experimentation and visualization of changes. The author installed SimCalc and explored its various views, controls and customization options. While finding the multiple representations useful, the author notes SimCalc may require some training to fully utilize in a classroom setting.
This document provides an overview and first impressions of the SimCalc educational software tool. It discusses the author's experience with graphing concepts in secondary school and how SimCalc provides multiple linked representations of mathematical functions and equations that allow interactive experimentation and visualization of changes. The author installed SimCalc and explored its various views, controls and customization options. While finding the multiple representations useful, the author notes SimCalc may require some training to fully utilize in a classroom setting.
This document provides an overview and first impressions of the SimCalc educational software tool. It discusses the author's experience with graphing concepts in secondary school and how SimCalc provides multiple linked representations of mathematical functions and equations that allow interactive experimentation and visualization of changes. The author installed SimCalc and explored its various views, controls and customization options. While finding the multiple representations useful, the author notes SimCalc may require some training to fully utilize in a classroom setting.
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132x Design and Development of Educational Technology
Wee 2 ! "im#alc Eugenio Jacobo Hernndez Valdelamar October, 2014. Introduction After I a! t"e #im$alc %ideo, t"e &"rae 'mat" of c"ange' too( m) attention immediatel). If I remember !ell, t"i (ind of mat" a&&eared in econdar) c"ool in e%eral fla%or* 1. In algebra, !"en )ou tart to deal !it" linear e+uation, i common to generate a gra&" from t"e e,&reion, o )ou dra! - and . a,i to "a%e a reference coordinate )tem and tart to &lot !it" a &encil t"e %alue t"at )ou get !"en )ou ma(e a %ariable ubtitution. Ho!e%er, t"ere/ no e,&licit reference to 'a real c"ange', onl) increment. 2. In &")ic, !"en )ou tart !it" (inematic, )ou "a%e an intuiti%e notion of mo%ement, di&lacement and e%en &eed. Ho!e%er t"e intuition i la)ed !it" e+uation. #orr) for t"e our comment, but it !a m) e,&erience in t"oe )ear. 0ater at t"e uni%erit), all c"ange. 1) &")ic coure !a omet"ing amazing, becaue m) teac"er, 2r. Enri+ue $alder3n, !a in%ol%ed !it" com&uter, and e%er) to&ic !e a! im&lied to de%elo& a com&uter &rogram to imulate !"at "a&&ened !it" e+uation. In t"at !a), to "a%e t"e control of t"e e,&reion, t"e logic, t"e time, t"e %iualization, ga%e me a com&lete %iion of !"at !a related to t"e conce&t and e%en realit). SimCalc 1) firt contact !it" #im$alc i no!, in t"i coure, and I li(e !"at I "eard from t"e aut"or and t"e &roduct itelf. 4irt I c"ec(ed t"e !eb demo 1 , and it !a intereting to "a%e o man) re&reentation of t"e ame conce&t in a limited en%ironment t"at &reent an e,&eriment. 5"e e,ecution control let )ou tart and to& t"e %iualization. .ou "a%e to c"ance to edit t"e e,&eriment mani&ulating t"e gra&" of t"e mobile, and t"at/ ne! for me and ... a great idea6 1 "tt&*77!!!.cornertonemat".co.u(7demo7 1 5"en I intalled #im$alc for 8indo! and clic( on t"e 9la) button to ee !"at "a&&en. Here )ou "a%e t"e ame re&reentation of t"e demo* animation %ie! gra&" %ie! tab %ie! function %ie! 2 &lu t"e control &anel and a menu !it" man) more function. One !a t"e #"o! deri%ati%e t"at o&en a ne! %ie! !it" f:,; gra&". 8"en )ou o&en a ne! %ertical document, it come em&t), o )ou need to add ome actor and c"ange ome cale :not o intuiti%e;. Comments #ometime if better to "a%e a tool t"at let )ou &roduce maller unit of !or(, t"an a tool t"at &retend to do abolutel) all. 5"e #im$alc conce&t of document, to contain a ingle e,&eriment, i good. I u&&oe t"e idea i to "are t"i document bet!een tudent and teac"er. 1ulti&le re&reentation are %er) ueful to tr) to figure !"at i "a&&ening. It/ not a tool t"at )ou can o&en and )ou learn intantl), I u&&oe )ou need ome training to ue t"e a&&lication and to ada&t it to cla to&ic in order to get ome reult. <
Python Machine Learning: Using Scikit Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, an Introductory Journey into Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Science