7 Teacher Evaluation Rubric & Closure

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Trainer Plan: Day 7 Objectives: Materials: course evaluation form teacher rubrics for discussion Abdellilahs rubric for

for discussion Teacher competencies from binders Time 10 8: ! !0 Participants will be able to Participate in a warm-up Rationale Warmup: Two truths and a lie Procedure Katherines adverb game Materials & Comments

Ta"e in homewor" for #upervisor manual on $bservation and %eedbac" &istribute name list for 'ertificates so that the( can chec" their contact details Promise to send an email from me to ever(one) so that the( have each others email) as well as Kathleens "upervisor Manual As" them to coordinate together so that *a+ When the( have time) and if the( want to) the( send me more sections from the front pages of the binder, We tal"ed about #A-# . p /) Teacher 'ompetenc( %ramewor" . P 0) and Teacher &evelopment, 1deall() the results of this will be a collaboration between (ou *and if possible) other inspectors+, Kamel and 2ustafa have agreed to be the liaison on this, Were hoping that it will be possible to send us a s(nthesis rather than 30 different documents, Please wor" with K or 2 to coordinate, 1 want to suggest its Kamel who is the first point of contact on this part of the pro4ect, *b+ 2ustafa will as" the new supervisors what the( want to have included in the binder and s(nthesi5e and send me the results *c+ %or the moment) the( should contact me with 6uestions about the binder, Kathleen wor"ed for W7 for !/ (ears but is now in a contractor role with World 7earning, 1 will be wor"ing with 'arlos in a pro4ect management role and will probabl( become the primar( pro4ect management contact,


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Teac'er Competencies We onl( 4ust started to loo" at the teacher competencies) but were going to do some more wor" toda(, The( are a wor" in progress and we reall( want (our input, 1f (ou have an( comments or refinements) we reall( want to ma"e them useful to (ou as supervisors in guiding the teachers to *a+ wor"ing within the A8% and *b+ improving the standard of teaching in Algeria more generall(, 9ou are the ones in the best position to provide input into these competencies, *Kathleen sa( something about the redundanc( + 1nvite someone to be a coordinator on this part of the pro4ect, #upervisors will send that person their ideas and that person will s(nthesi5e and be in communication with me, *could it be someone other than Kamel:2ustafa + Teac'er (valuation Rubric 'learl() the rubric needs to be aligned with the teacher competences) and until these are finali5ed) creating a national teacher evaluation rubric will be difficult, We will ma"e final decisions about how were going to deal with this piece after the section on the rubric later this morning, )lossary Well wor" on something and send it to (ou for (our additions * Curriculum Document #till a draft, 7et us "now (our thoughts, Kathleen 1 "now (ou have a lot of 6uestions and uncertainties) but for the time being) 1d li"e to move to the wor"shop) the session on rubrics, Those are essential, The rest can wait ;uestions about administration 2ight need to deal with these privatel( or later


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-or.s'op ;uic" set up . = minutes Wor"shop . == mins As" K> to observe for stages of the framewor"

/ind out be$ore we start0 w'et'er t'ey want us to end t'em on time*

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2uic. brea.3 10:10 /eedbac. Were going to do two things: a+ tal" about the wor"shop as a wor"shop b+ tal" about the wor"shop in relation to the wor"shop stages Which do (ou want to do first 7ets tr( and "eep them separate, Write for five minutes on these topics *on board+ At the end . the participants will give their feedbac" to the wor"shop facilitators &id (ou achieve the ob4ective 9es:?o, Whats (our evidence 1f not) wh( not ?ame three things (ou thought were effective ?ame two things (ou thought were not effective ?ame one thing (ou have a 6uestion about,

8licit from wor"shop leaders the answers to these 6uestions 1nvite participants to give their written feedbac" to me so that 1 can give it to them later, 7oo" at handout with stages of framewor" !: ! 'ompare each stage to the framewor", &id the( do these stages What did the( do well What could have been improved What 6uestions do (ou have
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8nd at 10:30 &eveloping a rubric for teacher performance evaluation 1, [10] Whole group, Write 6uestions on whiteboard) elicit answers) and write them up, What is the purpose of the instrument (ou want to create Who is it for How do (ou want it to be used !,@10A Pairs, >et out the instruments from &a( B, 2a"e a list of the positive aspects of each instrument that (ou would li"e to see incorporated into a performance evaluation, Add other aspects, 3, @10A Whole group, Put together a master-list: Colunteer scribe writes a list on poster paper, 8ach pair sa(s one) dont restate, Are there other criteria the( want to add B, @10A Abdellilahs instrument, As" him to describe it, $thers:we clarif(, R54R6C" Inspectors comments on the difference between assessing a piece of writing first without a rubric and second with a rubric: D The first wa( was unfair because it was too 6uic"E using the rubric slowed down the process *and gave a basis for assessment decisions+ D The rubric made me more positive in m( assessment, 1 saw learners progress and potential for improvement, The first time 1 focused on mista"es or what the( lac"ed, D The rubric is diagnosticE it identifies areas that need improvementE it helps teachers devise remedial wor" D Fsing the rubric was time-consuming D 1f there are too man( criteria in the rubric) it ma( discourage the teachers from using it, D The rubric doesnt allow for holistic impressions D There should be an order of priorit( for the criteria D #coring is an issue) for eGample) the piece of writing ma( be completel( off topic but coherentHwhat "ind of score should it receive
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&eveloping a rubric for teacher performance evaluation

A summar of the ad!antages and concerns about rubrics: A&CA?TA>8# %airness because basis for assessment is spelled out Practical tools that enable ob4ective assessment Positive) constructive leads towards progress Ielps teachers target wea"nesses for students to remediate &etailed Ielps teachers eGpand view of output '$?'8-?# TIAT ?88& T$ J8 A&&-8##8& 7earners might be discouraged b( details 7earners see tas" is bigger than it reall( is 7earners ma( overestimate themselves and stop ma"ing efforts Iow does it personali5e learning #pecific mista"es are not addressed Time consuming Iow to ma"e it accessible for learners The( ma( be too broad for assessment but useful for teaching Where and how should teachers communicate the results of the scoring with a rubric 11:!0 :1! :1! +:!! Closure 8valuation

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