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Course Syllabus
Lead Hill High School
TEACHER: Mrs. Kristen Alford ROOM: High School Bus. Rm M-103 E-MAIL: [email protected] SCHOOL PHONE: !"0# $3%-&%"" COURSE ESCRIPTION 'ourse (escri)tion* Ke+,oarding is a one-semester course designed to hel) students de-elo) s)eed and accurac+ ,+ learning the touch o)eration of al),oard characters. /m)hasis is )laced on the follo0ing* master+ of the ke+,oard 0ith desira,le ke+,oarding techni1ues2 de-elo)ment of s)eed and accurac+2 and )ro)er care of the e1ui)ment. Ke+,oarding is foundation for de-elo)ing entr+-le-el skills for ,usiness careers. COURSE !OAL 3ur goal in this course is to encourage students to ,ecome )roducti-e citi4ens of 5HS and )re)ared for the 0orkforce and.or college. B+ creating accurate6 meaningful6 and attracti-e documents for ,usiness6 0e a))l+ com)uter a))lication skills to real life ,usiness situations6 0hile strengthening their literac+6 inter)ersonal6 and communication skills. ATTENANCE School attendance is -er+ im)ortant. Students should make all e7ort to attend class e-er+ da+. 8his course 0ill not follo0 a standard 9lecture: format6 although there 0ill ,e much e;)lanation6 direction6 and demonstration to su))ort learning. Most of +our time in Ke+,oarding 0ill ,e s)ent in an o<ce-t+)e situation6 0here +ou 0ill ,e com)leting tasks and assignments as if +ou 0ere 0orking in a real ,usiness. 8his 0ill gi-e +ou e;)erience in 0orking on a ,usiness team or as an em)lo+ee or inde)endent ,usiness o0ner. Because most of 0hat +ou learn 0ill ,e through classroom acti-ities6 it is im)erati-e that +ou ,e here as if +ou 0ere 0orking on +our fa-orite =o,. MA"EUP#LATE $OR" POLIC% (ue to the fact that all 0ork should ,e com)leted in the classroom6 +ou 0ill ha-e limited time to do makeu) 0ork. >our home com)uter 0ith the correct soft0are ma+ ,e used to com)lete missed assignments. ?hen a,sent6 a student should re-ie0 their @oogle 'lassroom for missed assignments. As in the 0orld of 0ork6 )oor attendance can result in missed deadlines and )oor )erformance. 8he school hand ,ook rules a))l+ for all makeu) 0ork due dates. MATERIALS NEEE Aen or )encil @mail account using @oogle school created# @oogle 'lassroom account created in class# TE&T#MATERIALS 8e;t,ook* A))lied 'om)uter Ke+,oarding B Ke)t in classroom can ,e checked out if needed# Handouts* Su))lementar+ teacher-made handouts or digital media illustrating ,usiness a))lications ASSI!NMENTS OR HOME$OR": All com)uter 0ork can ,e com)leted in the classroom if time is used 0isel+ Cf classroom 0ork is not Dnished6 it is the s'ude(')s res*o(sibili'y to Dnd the time to com)lete the com)uter 0ork at home or in m+ classroom during stud+ hall. TESTS 3,=ecti-e tests multi)le choice6 true.false6 matching6 and com)letion# 'om)ute6 Eoca,ular+ and Skills tests !RAIN! Grades or scores for projects are weighted based on the importance or detail of the project. Total grades for the progress period are calculated by total points divided by the total points possible. Grades will come from daily work, projects, and tests. Not all daily work will receive a grade if the work is used for practice or as a learning tool. This is an applications class, so students will need much practice to assure that they are successful in learning the applications thoroughly. Students will use Google Drive accounts and network storage for all document storage. Flash drives can be used but students will not be able to download from them. Google Classrooms will be implemented allowing you to review progress, assignments and the class calendar. Grading Scale- !"-#""$ % &"-&!$ ' ("-(!$ ) *"-*!$ + ,!$ and below BASIC COURSE OBJECTIVES 1) The students will be able to use computer hardware and software to perform business functions. 2) The students will be able to define terminology related to word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, database management programs, integrating software, printing, telecommunications, the web, the internet and other business terms. 3) The students will apply skills learned in class to business scenarios in order to e-perience the world of work in a realistic way. 4) The students will learn how to communicate their ideas through class discussion, sharing and presentations. 5) The students will learn how to collaborate on a business team to complete digital projects. 6) The students will complete projects as individual business owners, independent of other students. CLASSROOM RULES Be in +our seat6 logged in6 0ith re1uired materials 0hen the ,ell rings. 5ook at the ,oard for Bell ?ork or assignment and ,egin +our 0ork. Sho0 res)ect for students6 teachers6 e1ui)ment6 and 5HS at all times. (o not t+)e or talk 0hile the teacher or an+one else is s)eaking ,efore the class. /mail or turn in +our 0ork as re1uired on time. Aush in chair6 logout6 and clean 0ork area ,efore lea-ing class. All hand,ook rules and com)uter contract rules a))l+. Aartici)ate and ha+e ,u( 0ith res)ect 0hile learning in ,usiness class. -- %our'i+e ,eedbac/ is al0ays 0elco1e a(d (eeded 'o hel* i1*ro+e 'he class2 Please call3 e1ail 'o co11u(ica'e 0i'h 1e2 ------------------------------------- Re'ur( 'o Mrs2 Al,ord ,or 45 *oi('s by $ed(esday Augus' 463 4789-------------------- My !uardia(#Pare(' a(d I ha+e read 'he course syllabus a(d u(ders'a(d i' co1*le'ely2 I 0ill ,ollo0 'he rules3 *ar'ici*a'e i( class3 be *re*ared a(d a''e(d2 S'ude(' sig(a'ure::::::::::::::::::::Pri('ed Na1e::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pare('#!uardia( sig(a'ure::::::::::::::::::Pri('ed Na1e ; Pho(e<:::::::::::::::::::