Analysis Report Template Concept 2013fall

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Analysis Report Concept Project

Group Name
Member name & email
Member name & email
Member name & email
Executive Summary (3pts)
In this section you can provide a summary of approximately
200 words that allows the reader of your report to see the
essential details before reviewing the whole document (Topic of
the project target group purpose etc!"!
Goals and #bjectives for the instruction ($% pts"
&ere you should describe your team's current understanding of
the goals for your instruction! (dditionally add some pedagogical
goals li)e providing motivation attract students ma)e them
enjoy the topic etc! *ou should describe your goals about the
project+ to ,ll a gap in curriculum provide assistance for
teachers etc!
-rocess used for this analysis (.pts"
In this section describe how your group conducted your analysis!
/id you conduct surveys library research observations or
interviews0 1e speci,c about the activities you carried out
during your analysis! -lease write reasons for your decisions on
ma)ing any )ind of process why did you select ma)ing
observation or interview0 Give satisfactory information (photos
contact information sound record etc!" about people you
contact for the project!
Needs analysis ($2pts"
3eport on your document to discover the con,rmed need for this
instruction! 4ustify each item!
5hy do students need to learn this content0 5hy do teachers
need this type of instructional material0
-lease write this part by referring your resource(s" you bene,ted
during the analysis process! Possible resources Teachers
6tudents 6cienti,c 3esources 1oo)s Talim Terbiye 7urulu!
-lease ma)e sure that your explanation is not based on your
own ideas but data you collected from resources!
6ummari8e your ,ndings and write your decisions for the project
considering needs analysis!
9ontent analysis ($2pts"
In this section please write what content you selected for this
project and its structure (subtopics relationship between
subtopics etc!"! -lease visuali8e your content structures in a
concept map!
(dd ,rst prototype of your content and its structure to the
5hat do school textboo)s and :Talim Terbiye 7urulu; say about
it0 *ou may need to buy a school textboo) to understand it
details! /o not forget to visit :Talim Terbiye 7urulu; web site to
chec) current curriculum<
http<==tt)b!meb!gov!tr=ogretmen! -rovide some sample content
in (ppendix from resources above!
&ow do you )now that this is valid content to be teaching0
3eport on the steps you too) to con,rm the accuracy of your
content! 6tate<
5hat to teach
3elationship with other concepts
9ritical points misconceptions
Possible source o# in#ormation Teachers Textboo)s Talim
Terbiye 7urulu!
>earner analysis ($?pts"
3eport the characteristics s)ills and )nowledge uni@ue to your
target learners that will impact their ability to learn the content
you will present! 6peci,cally<
Nature of the learner (age gender grade level etc!"
Their entry behaviors prior )nowledge on the concept
(ttitudes toward the content and the potential delivery
Group characteristics
9omputer or web expertise
&ow do they would li)e to learn (their learning styles"
what does motivate them to learn0
/o not forget to state the following points in your report<
&ow do developmental psychologists de,ne this age
5hat do teachers say about their students0
&ow do students characteri8e themselves0
If you can contact with parents please also add what they
say about their children!
-lease write your own decisions for the project considering
learner analysis!
Source o# in#ormation Teachers or teacher candidates
6tudents -arents /evelopmental -sychology 1oo)s 3elated
-revious 9ourse Notes!
9ontext (>earning Anvironment" analysis ($%pts"
3eport the context that this instructional material will be used!
5ill it be used in a classroom0
5ill it be used in a computer lab0
5ill it be used in a home environment0
&ow about material resources and organi8ational arrangements0
Bor example if it is a lab then what )ind of materials (-9s
internet projector spea)er etc" are needed0
5ho will solve technical problems0
5ill the learner use it by himself=herself or under the supervision
of a teacher0
5ill the context have speci,c implications on the design0
/escribe it in detail!
5rite your decisions for the project considering context analysis!
Possible source o# in#ormation Teachers or teacher
candidates experts parents etc!
Timeline and practical planning for the analysis
Include a general timeline for the completion of your analysis!
The timeline should show<
The major tas)s you anticipate completing as part of the
analysis and the next step! -lease indicate each tas)s you
the dates by which you expect to have those tas)s done
and the group member charged with primary
responsibility for each tas) (even though more than one
person will wor) on many tas)s"!
*ou can use a table li)e below
/ate Group Member Tas) = 4ob Time spent
on tas)
In this section you should also include a brief discussion of any
other practical issues your group has considered in conducting
the analysis! *ou'll get feedbac) on this report but you should
not wait for that feedbac) to carry out other stages of your
3eferences (Cpts"
Names and contact info for students teachers and other people
that you have conducted interviews
$ormat o# t%e report
The main body of text for the whole document should be
indented as you see it here! 1y indenting the text you provide
readers with lines of text at an appropriate length for easy
5hen you start a new paragraph press the :Anter; )ey only one
time! The style for this document creates visual space between
paragraphs automatically! -aragraphs do not need to be
indented! *ou can substitute text for the placeholder text in this
template or you can simply create a new document and apply
the correct styles to items in it!
Please use t%e same #ormat& #ont& an! style o# t%is
-lease use (-( format!
D5hile writing reference please provide information about the
resource as well as possible for example do not write just the
web address write the title of the web page tooE
Appen!ix"A Prototype o# your content an!
its structure (()pts)
This prototype section must include a series of
prototype screens of your project! These screens
should be presented under . main sections<
F Teaching the topic (7onu anlatGmG"
F (ssessment=Avaluation
F 9oncept related game
6ince this is a prototype design decisions may
change later! The purpose of prototyping is to help
you thin) about the ,nal product in advance!
( sample prototype screen
Appen!ix"* +t%er materials o# your project
(, pts)
F Huestionnaire
F 1oo) info
F #ther related resources
F Atc!

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