bc2 3 PDF
bc2 3 PDF
bc2 3 PDF
If Mu <Mu, lim then beam is a doubly reinforced.
In cantilever beams when loading is downward tension side is on Upper side.
Beam supported on both ends is Simply supported beams.
Cover is the distance between support of the beam.
I In cantilever beams tensile reinforcement is at the top.
j 5.
Beam supported at one end butfree at other is cantilever beam.
. ~
In over reinforced beam tensile steel yield first.
Unit weight of concrete is 25 kg/m.
Shear reinforcement is provided along the length of beam.
Shear reinforcement is provided around tension and compression bars.
Length necessary to develop full resisting force is called anchorage length.
Depth of beam is kept 1/121f1 to 1/15 of span for SSB.
Beam supported at one end but free at other is Fixed beam.
Cover is the distance between steel in the beam and surface of beam.
Side face reinforcements is provided in the deep beams.
Answer Key:
1. Discuss various types of beams
Ans: 1. Simply supported beam: Beam supported on both ends is Simply
supported beams
2. Cantilever beam: beam supported at one end but free at other is cantilever
3. Fixed beams: beam having fixed supports at both ends is called fixed
4. Continuous beams. Beams Supported on more than one supports.
5. Overhang beams: Beams which are overhanged over supports are
overhang beams.
2. How the size of beam is decided.
Ans: Depth of beam; Depth of beam is kept 1/12th to 1/1SIf1 of span for SSB and 1/15
of span for continuous beams.
Width of beam: Width of beam should accomodate number of bars in the beam.
Generally it is kept from 200mm to 500mm. Width is provided in multiple of 50.
Width of 230 mm is also adopted because of size of brickwork.
3. Definetheterm Cover and write the values of cover.
Ans: Cover is the distance between steel in the beam and surface of beam. Values of
cover is different for different conditions.
1. F 2.T 3.T 4.F S.T 6. T I 7. b I . 8. F I 9. F 1
. T \
11. T 12. T 13.F 14.T 1S.T
I Exposure conditions Value (mm)
Moderate 30
Severe 45
Very severe 50
~ r e m e 75
4. Discuss different types of reinforcement provided
Ans. Main reinforcement: This type of Reinforcement is provided along the length of
beam. This is provided on the tension and cOQ1pression side of beam
Shear reinforcement: This is provided around the tension and compression bars.
This is provided to safeguard against shear.
4 5 BC-2.3
- - - - - - . ~ - - - .....- - - - ~ - - - . - - - ...
Side face reinforcements: This is provided in the deep beams. Total area of such
reinforcement shall not be less than .1 % of area and is distributed equally on two
Write the general design procedure of beams:
Ans: 1. Fixthe dimensions of beams
2. Determine the effective span
3. Determine the design moments and shear
4. Design the section for shear.
5. Check for deflection
6. Sketch the details.
Write the difference between singly and doubly reinforced beams.
Singly reinforced Beams: In these types of beams reinforcement in the beams is
provided on tension side only.
Doubly reinforced beam: In these types of beams reinforcements is provided on
both compression and tension side.
Write the steps for design of cantilever beams.
1. Maximum LID value permitted is 7 so select the trial section depth = 1/th
of span.
2. Find the bending moment by M =wI
/2 and Shear force byV =w.l .
rn cantilever beams tension is at the top so provide reinforcement at the top.
Provide anchorage steel near the fixed end of cantilever beyond the support
taking design stress equal to 0.87fy.
8. Write the difference between reinforcement pattern in SSB and Cantilever beams.
Ans : In SSB, for downward loading tension as at the bottom of beam and compression,
is at top so tensile reinforcement is provided at the bottom and compression
reinforcement is at top.
In Cantilever beams for downward loading tension is at the top so tensile
reinforcement is at the top and compression is at the bottom so reinforcement is
provided at the bottom.
Write the steps for design of continuous beams.
1. Take effective span c/c distance of supports.
2. Effective depth is taken 1/15
to 1/20
3. Critical section is usually at supports and in the mid spans.
"'" 4. Reinforcement may be varied to take care of varying moment in beam.
10. How shear reinforcement is provided in beam and write the expression for finding
shear strength in steel. '
Ans: Shear reinforcement is provided to resist shear failure. It is provided around the
tension and compression bars. One legged , two legged four legged and multi
legged bars are provided in beams depending on the requirement of beam. Bars in
Inclined manner are also used for providing shear reinforcement.
For inclined stirrups Vus=0.87fyAsyd (Sina + cosa)/Sy
For vertical stirrups Vus =0.87fyAsyd /Sy
11. Define torsional moment and write the expression for equivalent moment and
equivalent shear.
Ans: The moment causing twisting in the cross section is called torsional moment
Expression for equivalent moment is Me = Mu + Tu (1 +D/b)/1.7
Equivalent shear Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu/b
Me=equivalent moment, Mu=Bending miment due to loads, D= Depth of section,
b= width of section
Ve= equivalent shear, Vu = shearforce due to loads, Tu =trosional moment
12. Define under reinforced, over reinforced and balanced section.
Ans : Sections in which tensile strain in steel reaches first as compared to compressive
strain in concrete is called under reinforced section.
Over reinforced sections are those in which tensile strain in steel is observed later
than compressive strain in concrete.
Balanced section are those in which compressive strain in concrete and tensile
strain in steel reaches Simultaneously.
13. Write the values of effective spans to be considered for design of different kinds of
Ans: i. For SSB effective span = clear span + effective depth OR c/c to distance
between supports
ii. For continous beams effective span = Clear span + d/2
iii. For roller supports effective span =distance between supports.
iv. For cantilevers effective span Clear span + d/2
7 BC2.3
For overhanging portion of continous beams effective span = centre of
support tofree end
vi. Frames Effective span = centre to centre distance
14. What are corbels and what is their function?
Corbels are short brackets projected from columns, generally provided to support
. rails, which transmit heavy loads from moving cranes in heavy duty factory
workshops. A typical corbel is subjected to loads at a short distance from the face
of columns. Corbels are short cantilevers whose shear / depth ratio is less than 1 .In
the case of corbels load transfer is by struts.
. What are the factors to be kept in mind while designing the corbels.
1. . Bearing stresses with no material notto exceed 0.4 fck
2. Bearing stresses on cement mortar noUo exceed 0.6 fck
3. Bearing stresses on steel plate cast into notto exceed 0.8 fck
4. Shear span/depth ratio should be preferably restricted to 0.6 and shduld
not exceed 1 .
5. Depthatfree end should not be less than % of depth a1 support.
16. What are deep beams
Ans : Beams with large depths in relation to spans are called deep beams. SSB is
classified as deep beam when ratio of its effective span L to overall depth. D is less
than 2.Continuous beam are considered deep when ratio of its effective span L to
overall depth D is less than 2.5.Strain distribution in deep beams w.ill not be linear as
in shallow beams. Effective span in deep beams is c/c distance between supports
or 1.15 times the clear span which ever is less.
. BC-2,3
01. Give the general condition otdeep beams and discuss the design, of deepbeams.
Ans. Beams having large in comparison of its effective span are'known as deep
beams. Such beams are encountered in the following situations.
(i) Foundation beams transferring' concentrated column loads to the
supporting soil.
(ii) Transfer girders or wall-beams at an intermediate floor level of a building
where some columns are required to be stopped. Such beams of depth
equal to a storey height transfer the loads of the stopped columns to the
. adjoining columns.
(a) Shallow beam (b) Deep beam
(iii) Bunker walls or tank walls acting as deep beams supported on columns at
the corners or intermediate points. In case of deep beams, there is non
linear stress distribution along the depth ofthe beam Fig.(b)
As per IS 456 : 2000, a beam is a deep beam when the ratio of the effective
span (L) to the overall depth (D), Le. UD ratio is less than
(i) 2.0 for simply supported beams, and
'(ii) 2.5for a continuous beam.
where L = effective span of the beam, taken as centre to centre distance
between supports or 1.15 times the clear span, whichever is
D= overall depth of the beam.
Lever Arm
The stress distribution along the depth ofthe beam is non-linear. Due to this,
the lever arm between the compressive and tensile forces cannot be easily
determined. Therefore, IS - 456 : 2000 gives the following empirical
expressions for lever arm (z):
(a) For simply supported beams
z=0.2 (L+2D), . where 1< - < 2 (1 a)
L .
or . z=0.6L when
< 1 (1 b)
9 BC-2.3
(b) For continuous beams
z = 0.2 (L + 1.5 D) where 1 < < 2.5
or z= 0.5L where < 1
For a given B.M. M, the area oftensile steel reinforcement is given by
crs! . Z
where cr
= permissible stress for the reinforcement
z = lever arm given by Eq. 1 or 2.
Positive Moment Reinforcement
In the case of deep beams, tension steel is to be extended over the whole
length of the span and it should be well anchored in the supports. This is
necessary as arch-action takes place and tension steel acts as an arch tie.
The depth oftension steel zone is given by
0'= (0.250 - 0.05 L) (4)
As per IS 456 : 2000, the tensile reinforcement required to resist positive
bending moment in any span of a deep beam shall :
(a) extend without curtailment between the supports.
(b) be embedded beyond the face of the support so that at the face of the
support it shall have a development length not less than 0.8 where is
the development length for the design stress in the reinforcement, and
(c) be placed within a tension zone of depth equal to 0.25 0 - 0.5 L adjacent to
the tension face ofthe beam.
Negative moment reinforcement
The tensile reinforcement required to resist negative B.M. over a support
should satisfy the following requirements:
(a) Termination of negative 1110ment reinforcement
(i) It shall be permissible to terminate not more than half the negative moment
reinforcement at a distance of 0.5 0 from theface ofthe support.
(2) The remaining half shall extend the full span.
(b) Distribution of negative moment reinforcement : When the ratio of clear
span to overall depth is in the rage 1.0 to 2.5, tensile reinforcement over the
support of a deep beam shall be placed in two zones comprising of the
10 BC-2.3
(1 ) a zone of depth 0.2 0 from the top tension fibre which shall contain an area
Ast1 of the tension steel given by
A., = 05tb -0.5)
where I = clear span ofthe beam
Ast1 = total area of negative moment reinforcement
(2) A zone measuring 0.3 0 on either side of the mid-depth of the beam, which
shall contain the remainder of the tension steel (Le. A... - A
evenly distributed.
For span to depth ratio less than unity, the steel shall be evenly distributed
over a depth of 0.80 measured from the top tension fibre atthe support.
Vertical reinforcement
If forces are applied to a deep beam in such a way that hanging action is
required, bars or suspension stirrups shall be provided to carry all the forces
Side face reinforcement
Side face reinforcement, both in the vertical as well as horizontal directions,
is extremely important in the case of deep beams, to provide adequate
resistance to the effects of shrinkage and temperature. As per IS 456 : 2000,
side face reinforcement shall comply with requirements of minimum
reinforcement of walls Table gives the minimum area of side face
reinforcement as per. IS 456 : 2000. The spacing of each of these
reinforcements shall be not more than three times the width of the beam or
450 mm whichever is smaller.
S. N Type of reinforcing steel
rmed bars of dia. s. 16 mm and f 415 N/mm2
wire fabric not larger than 16 mm in dia.
Percentage of side face
reinforcement of gross
area of concrete
Vertical Horizontal
reinforcement reinforcement
0.12 0.2
0.15 0.25
0.12 0.20
Note Deep beams provided with reinforcements discussed above are
deemed to satisfy the provision for shear. Hence no separate shear
reinforcement is provided in deep beams.
11 BC-2.3
Asv (8 mm @ 250 mm c/o)
Ash (8 mm +@ 150 mm ric)
HI-...---+----l .. 6600mm---.........-----oH
Q2. Design of simply supported deep beam.
Design a deep beam 300 mm wide and 4 m deep, simply supported over a clear
span of 6 m. The beam carries a live load of 160 kN/m at the service state and is
supported on walls of 600mm thick on each end. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415
steel having permissible tensile stress, of 230 N/mm2.
Ans. Given b =300 mm 0 =4000 mm ; Clear span I = 6000 mm ,
1. Determinationof positive mo"ment reinforcement
Self weight of beam, Wd = 0.3x4x', x25 = 30 kN/m
Live load WI =160 kN/m
:. Total U.D.L., w =Wd + WI = 30+ 160 = 190kN/m.
Effective span of beam L = (6000 + 600) or (1.15 x 6000) which ever is
. M = M = WL2 = 190 (6.6t =1 034 55 kN-m = 1034.55, x 106N-mm
max 8 8 .
=230 N/mm
for Fe 415steel.
LID =6.6/4 =1.e5
:. Leverarmz;;;;:0.2 (L +2D)for 1< LID < 2= 0.2 (6600 +2x4000Y;;;;:2920mm
Hence ' A. = M = 1034.55 X 10 = 15405mm
to's!. z 230 x 2920 .
:. No. of 16mm cpbars = 1540.5/201.06 =-7.66
Hence provide 8 bars of 16 mm cp bars, giving a total area A.t = 8 x
201.6 n 1608.5 mm
This reinforcement has to be provided within a depth
0' = 0.25 0 - 0.05 L = 0.25 x 4000 - 0.05 x 6600 = 670 mm from the bottom
fibre of the beam. Provide these 8 bars in four layers, with two bars in each
Each bar of tension reinforcement has to be embedded into the support by
0.8 xast 0.8 x 230 16 575
h 0 8
engt . '-d = 4 'tbd cp = 4 (1.6 x 0.8) x =:= mm.
This is achieved by extending each bar into the support by maximum
possible length and then providing 90bend which project along the width
ofthe beam, thus giving an anchorage lengtb much greater than 575 mm.
2. Determination of sideface reinforcement
(a) Vertical reinforcement (A.v)
A.v = 0.12 % of gross-sectional area = x b x 1 m length
= 0.0012 x 300 x 1000 = 360 mm
12 BC-2.3
:. A.., on each face = 360/2 = 180 mm
. f rt' I . f' t 1000 A(f)
:. Spacing 0 ve Ica rem orcemen , s. =
. ' 1000 x 50.27
USing 8 mm cp bars, S. = 180 = 279.2 mm c/c
However, provide vertical reinforcement in the form of 8 mm cp bars @ 250
mm c/c on eachface, giving total A.v = 2 (1000 x 50.27/250) = 420 mm
metre length of the beam. This spacing is less than 450 mm or 3 times the
width ofthe beam.
(b) Horizontal reinforcement (A.n)
= 0.2% of gross-sectional area = x b x 1 m depth
=0.002x300x 1000 =600mm
HenceA.n pn each face;::::; 600/2 =300 mm
. . 1000 x 50.27
:. Spacing of 8 mm cp bars, Sh = 300 = 167.5 mm
However, provide 8 mm cp, bars horizontally at 150 mm c/c on each face,
giving total area ASh =2 (1000x50.27/150) = 670.3 mm
3. Details of reinforcement
, co t
8-16 mm.p
(2 x 4) - 16 mm , bare
J ,
13 BC-2,3
03. A beam 3500 mm deep and 250 mm wide continuous over three spans, as shown in
Fig. carries uniformly distributed service load of 160 kN/m. Design the beam, using
M 20 concrete-and Fe 415 steel.
Ans. Given: b = 250 mm ; 0 = 350 mm
1. Effective span, lever arm and maximum moments
Effective span, L = (5400 + 600) or (1.15 x 5400), which ever is smaller
= 6000 mm
LID =6000/3500 =1 .714
Lever arm, z = 0.2 (L +2 D) for 1 < LID < 2.5
== 0.2 (6000 + 2 x 3500) =2600 mm
Wd =dead load of beam =0.25 x 3.5 x 1 x 25 =21.875 kN/m
WI = live load on beam 160 kN/m
. w = total U.D.L. = Wd + WI =21.875 + 160 181.875 kN/m
't' B M M WL2 181.875 (6)2 = 272.8125 kN-m
Max. posllve .., p = 24
24 .
181.875 (6)2
Max. negative B.M. =545.625 kN-m
2. Positive moment reinforcement (A
): For Fe 415 steel, G'st' = 230 N/mm2.
Also, for M 20- Fe 415.combination, 'bd =:= 1.6xO.8 = 1.28 N/rnm .
A. = =272.8125 x 10
= mm
tp G'st z 230 x 2600
No. of 1 0 mm <p bars = 456.2/78.54 = 5.81. However, provide 6 10 mm <p
bars in three layers (i. e. 2 bars in each layer) giving total A SIp = 471.2 mm ,
within a depth 0' = 0.25 0 - 0.05.L = 0.25 x 3500 - 0.05 x 6000 = 575 mm
from the bottom fibre ofthe beam.
14 BC-2.3
These bars are to beembedded into the support for a minimum length of
. 0.8 G'st 0.8 x 230
0.8 = 4'bd <p 4 x (1.6 x 0.8) x 10 = 359.4 mm .::: 400 mm.
This embedment can be achieved by extending each bar into the support
bymaximumpossible length and then providing 90bend along the width of .
the beam.
3. Negative moment reinforcement
A.m.= 545.625 x 10 =9124mm2
G'st. z 230 x 2600 ..
This negative reinforcement is to be provided in two zones : top zone of
depth 0.2 D = 0.2 x 3500 = 700 mm from the top fibre of the beam and
middle zone of 0.3 D= 0.3 x 3500 = 1050 mm on either side of mid depth of
the beam.
intop zone = A.m.1 = 0.5 -
6000 05)' 2
= 0.5 ( 3500 - ',X912.4.:::554mm
Reinforcement in the middle zone=A.m2 =A.m - = 912.4 - 554 = 358.4
Hence provide 8-10 mm <p bars (giving A.tnl = 628.3 mm
) in the top
zone in the form of 4-layers of 2 bars each. Also provide 8 - 8 mm <p bars
(giving = 402.1 in the two middle zones, in the forms of 2 layers of
2 bars in each middle zone, uniformly spaced.
Each bar of negative moment reinforcement is to be embedded into the
support for a minimum length of 0.8 '" 400 mm, as done for positive
moment reinforcement.
4. Side face reinforcement
(a) Vertical reinforcement (A.v)
A.v = 0.12 % of gross-sectional area = 0'0
x b x 1 m length
= 0.0012 x 250 x 1000 = 300 mm
per metre length ofthe beam.
:. A.v on each face = 300/2 = 150mm
:. Spacing of 8 mm <p bars, Sv = 1 000 =335 mm
However, provide these @ 300 mm clc giving total A.v = 2 (1000 x
50.27)/300= 335 mm .
(b) Horizontal reinforcement (A.h)
A.h =0.2% of gross-sectional area = x b x 1 m depth
=0.002 x250 x 1000 =500 mm
per metre depth of the
Provide 8 mm <p bars @ 200 mm clc on each face giving total A.h =2 (1000 x
50.270)/200 = 502.7 mm
5. Details of reinforcement:
Asn (8+ @ 200)
Asv(S+ @ 300) 250
(2x 2)-8+
I .
-+i \4
j :
(2x 2)43 mmq,
Give the general of a corbel and discussthe design of corbel.
Acorbel is a short cantilever brought out of a R.C column to support gantry
girders precast beams or steel trusses where some space is required to
accommodate rain wE(lter gutter. A nib is a continuous slab type bracket,
brought out of RCC wall to support slab or any other prefabricated structural
component all along its length.
d . Jl Os
.- .
J 1
. .
.- -"
I(3 x 2)-10 mm+
(b) Nib
(a) Corbel
Structurally, corbel is a short cantilever whose a, Id values is less than 1.0
and whose depth Of at the end face is not less than half the depth Os at the
support. When this criterion is satisfied, the design ofthe corbel is governed
mostly by shear. However, if a,> d, it is termed as a bracket which is
designed for flexure and shear as per usual procedures.
When a, Id ratio is low, the load transfer to the support can be assumed to
take place more by 'strut' action than by simple bending. Under these
circumstances, 'enhanced shear strength' may be taken into account by
increasing the design shear strength ('C
) of , concrete to 2 d lay provided
thatthedesign stress attheface ofthe support remains less than 'to max.
Thus,enhanced design shear strength 'C
='Co 2d (But not greater than 'C
The depth of corbel at the face of the support is determined on the basis of
this enhanced shear strength.
Recommendations of IS 456: 2000
1 . General conditions
A corbel is a short cantilever projection which supports a load bearing
member and where:
(a) The distance a, between the line of reaction to the supported load and root
ofthe corbel is less than d (the effective depth ofthe root ofthe corbel), and
(b) the depth of the outer edge of the contact area of the supported load is not
less than one-half of the depth atthe root ofthe corbel.
The depth ofthe corbel at the face ofthe support is determined on the basis
of enhanced shear strength of concrete.
2. Design
2.1 . S1mplifying assumptions
The concrete and reinforcement may be assumed to act as elements of a
simple strut-and-tie system, with the following guidelines.
(a) The magnitude of the resistance providedto horizontal force should be not
less than one half ofthe design vertical load onthe corbel.
(b) . compatibility of strains between the strut and tie at the corbel root should be
2.2 Reinforcement anchorage
At the front face ofthe corbel, the reinforcement should be anchored either
(a) welding to a transverse bar of equal strength - in this case the bearing area 2.
. Fixation of dimensions of corbel: Fix the enhanced value of shear (tee) as 'tee
of the load should stop short of the face of the support by a distance equal
= 2d/a, assume 'tee nearer to 't
max." Compute the effective depth of cordel at
tothe cover of the tie reinforcement, or
the root on the basisofvertical shear:
. P
(b) bending' back the bars to form a loop - in this case the bearing area of the
d = --b ' where 'tee.s..'t
load should not project beyond the straight portion of the bars forming the 'tee'
main tension reinforcement.
Ds = d + t + nominal cover. Round off this value of Ds.
?3. Shear reinforcement
Computethetotal depth at the face ofthe corbel : D f > 0.5 Ds
Shear reinforcement should be provided in the form of horizontal links
distributed in the upper two-third of the effective depth of the root of the
Check the dimension for 'corbel action' wherein the value of a,/d is less than
corbel; this reinforcement should be not less than one-half of ttie area of the
1.0. However, it is preferable to keep a..! d ratio less than 0.6.
main tension reinforcement andshould be adequately anchored.
3. Determination of z and x.. j:1
2.4. Additional horizontal force
Knowing b, d and a." determinethevalue of z/d (and hence that of z), using
Additional reinforcement connected to the supported member should be
provided to transmit this force in its entirety.
Eq. - (m:n) +(m:n) n = 0 which is a quadratic equation.
05. Give the procedure for design of corbels.
Knowing z, computex.. = 2.22 (d - z) and check thatthis is lessthan xu, max'
Ans. The design of corbels is done in the following steps.
4.. Computation oftensile force T
0:...... 1
As per BS Code, T should be taken at least equal to 0.5 P.
5. Computation of tensile steel
d T Z . 01-
: T Z Compute
6.= 0.0035 (d
........ c
li: Find stress f. in tensile steel either from the stress-strain curve for the steel
7T t-- -.f ..t-- -.f reinforcement
0.45 Xu 0.45 f. s 0.0036
1. Fixation of dimensions of bearing plate
However, if there is any additional horizontal force (H) acting on the beari ng
In order that ultimate bearing pressure on concrete is not exceeded, fix the
dimensions of the bearing plate or bearing area taking the following values
compute A.t= Tr
of bearing pressure:
The value of A.t found above should neither be less than 0.004 bd nor more 41'
(a) Bearing with no padding material 0.4 fel<' . than 0.013 bd. If the value of comes out to be be more than 0.013 bd,
increasethe depth (d) and redeSign.
(b) Bearing in cement mortar 0.6f
6. Computation of horizontal shear steel
(c) Bearing on steel plate cast into member 0.8f
Provide these in the form o'f horizontal hoops in the upper two third part of
the total depth ofthe corbel at the support.
18 BC-2.3
19 BC-2.3
, 1"1
, '
7. Check for vertical shear
, Since the exact value of Am is known, find 'to from Table Compute
enhanced shear stress 'tee from Eq. 'tee = - Compute the attui,il
a. '
shear stress at the section :.
'tv= bd
Check that
If 'tv comes out to be greater than 'tee redesign the section by taking
higher value of d.
8. Detailing reinforcement : Detail the reinforcement as per standard
, 06. A corbel, attached to a 250 mm x 250 mm R. C. C.column, carries a factored
load 400 kN at a distance of 170 mm from the face of the column.
Design the corbel using M 25 concrete.
Ans. Given P=P
=400kN; a.=175mm
Dimensions of bearing plate
Let the length of plate= width of column = 250mm
Using steel plate,bearing strength = 0.8 fel<= 0.8x25 = 20 N/mm2
. 400 x 10
Width of plate = 250 x 20 = 80 mm
However, since the corbel, is an isolated member, increase the width to 90
mm. Hence provide 90 mm x 250 mm plate.
Computation of dimensions of corbel
Length of corbel = width of column = 250 mm.
For M 25 concrete, 't ' = N/mm2
e max
Hen?e take enhanced shear stress 'tee = 2.8 N/mm
d = _,_P_ = 400 x 10 = 571 mm
'toe.b 2.8 x 250
Os = d + <p 12 + nominal cover.
Providing 40 mm nominal cover and using 16 mm <p bars,
Os =571 + 16/2 + 40 =619Q620mm (say)
Actual d = 620 -16/2 - 40 = 572 mm
Depthattheface, Of > 0.5 Os = 310mm. Provide D
'= 320mm.
20 BC-2.3
170 '
7 = 572 = 0.297 < 0.6. Hence strut action will be available
3. Determination of z and Xu
P 400 x 10
m 0.889 fOk bd .= 0.889 x 25 x 250 x572 = 0.126
n=7 =0.297"
Substituting in Eq. we get
2 '
,[() - (Z) ' '0.297', 0.126 2 ]
d 0.126 + 0.297 d + 0.126 + 0.297 (0.297) = 0
The solution of the above gives =0.662
. . z = 0.662 x 572 = 378.83mm '
Also,xu = 2.22 (d - Z) = 2.22 (572 - 378.83) = 429.2 mm
For mild steel, xu, max = 0.531 d = 0.531 x 572 = 303.7 mm
,Since Xu > Xu, max' adequate steel should be provided in compression also.
However, the support steel for main reinforcement and horizontal shear
steel can satisfy this condition.
4. Co!'"putation of tensile force (T)
T=P ( -;-) =400 x 10 = 179500 N.
1 1
Tmin= 2 P= 2 x400x10
= 200000N.
Hence adopt T= 200000N.
5. Computation of tensile steel
es = 0.0035 (d Xu) = 0.0035 ( ) = 0.00116
Yield strain for mild steel= 0.87 fy 1E. = 0.87 x 250/2 X 10
= 0.0010875
Hence the mild steel bars reach yield strain.
:. Stress in steel,f. =0.87fy = 0.87 x 250 217.5N/mm
. . T' T 200000
.. Area of mild steel bar = T = 0.87 fy = 217.5 = 0. 920 mm
:. No.of16mm <pbars = 920/
21 BC-2.3
However, if Fe 415 bars are used, they do not reach minimum yield strain of
fs=EsEs= 0.00116x2x 10
:. Area of HYSD bars = J= 862mm
1. The slab in which ly/L"is > 2 is
:. Number of 16 mm I> bar = 862/201.06 = 4.3
a. One way slab
Hence provide 5 -16 mm I> mild steel bars.
b. Two way slab
Actual Ast =5x201.06 = 1005.3 mm
Continuous slab
Flat slab
100 & = 100 x 1005.3 = 0703
bd 250 x 572 . 2. The slab in which L/L" is < 2 is
This is greater than 0.4%, but lesser than 1.3 %. Hence OK. a. One way slab
6. Computation of horizontal steel
b. Two way slab
As.. = 0.5 A.t = 0.5 x1005.3 n 503 mm
c. Continuous slab
d. Flat slab
Providing 10 mm q> 2-lgd links, number of links = 2 = 3.2
3. Drops are used in
Hence provide 4 links of 10 mm I> mild steel bars, each two legged, in the
upper two third depth.
. 2 572
. . Spacmg = 3 x 4 = 95.3 mm.
One way slab
Two way slab
Continuous slab
7. Check for vertical shear
d. Flat slab
Tc(for 0.703 % steel)nO.55 N/mm2
2d 2 x 572
Slabs which are supported on one or more supports are called
'tee = tc' a.. = 0.55 x 270 = 3.7 N/mm2
a. Continuous slabs.
:subjectto a maximum equal to tc . max = 3.1 N/mm2
b. Oneway slab
Hence tee = 3.1 N/mm2 .
c. Simple supported slab
:. Shear capacity of concrete = 'tee bd = 3.1 x 250 x 572 x 10-3= 443.3 kN
d. None of these
> 400 kN Hence OK. 5. As per IS 456 thickness offlat slab should not be less than
Actual shear stress, 'tv=
N/mm2) Hence safe.
bd =
400 x 10
250 x 572
= n 2.8 N/mm2 < tee' (= 3.1
c. L/20
d. L/10
22 BC-2.3
23 BC-2.3
1. The slab in which L,JL.c is > 2 is one way slab.
2. The slab in which ly/L.c is > 2 is two way slab.
3. Drops are used in one way slab.
4. Slabs in which beams are not provided and they are directly supported on
columns are called flat slabs .
5. In the direct design method, the total design moment for a span shall be
determined for a strip bounded laterally by the centre-line of the panel on each side
ofthe centre-line of the supports.
6. Timoshenko's plate theory method is used for designing the grid floors.
7. In slabs with permanent blocks, the side cover to the reinforcement shall not be less
than 10mm.
8. For enclosing large rooms such as theatres, halls where column free spacing is the
requirement grid floors are used.
9. Width of ribs should not be less then 65 mm and space between clc not greater
then 1.5m.
10. In an interior span, the total design moment, shall be distributed in the following
proportions: Negative desjgn moment 0.65 Mo and Positive design moment 0.35
11 . In flat slab drops and column head are not provided.
12. Rankinetheory is used for designing the grid floors.
13. There shall be minimum ofthree continuous spans in each direction oUlat slab.
14. The successive span lengths in each direction shall not differ by more than one
third ofthe longer span.
15. Positive deSign moment should be 0.35 Mo in 11at slab.
Answer Key:
1. T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T
11. F 12.F 13. T 14. T 15. T
26 BC-2.3
Q 1 . Define slab and name the various types of slabs.
Ans. Slab is a covering provided over the supports for residential and commercial
purposes. There are different kind of slabs which are classified according to its
length and shape. Types of slabs are mentioned below:
Oneway slab
Two way slab
Continuous slab
d. Flat slab
e. Ribbed slab
f. Circular slab
Q2. What are ribbed slab, flat slab and continuous slab.
Ans. Ribbed Slab: The slabs under which ribs are provided at equal interval in the span
are termed as ribbed slab.
Flat Slab: Slabs in which beams are not provided and they are directly supported
on columns. In these kind of slabs drop panels are used.
Continuous slab: Slabs which are supported on one or more supports are called
continuous slabs.
Q3. . How the size andpOSition of ribs is selected in ribbed slab.
Ans. Width of ribs should not be less than 65 mm and space between clc not greater
than 1.5 m. Depth should not be more than 4 times the width of r.ib. In one way
ribbed slab spacing of ribs is at equal spacing. When the edge of slab is built into a
wall or supported on beams the bearings are made solid by providing a rib of
suitable width. The portion of slab which is under concentrated load is also made
_strong by providing rib below that portion.
Q4. How are ribbed slabs casted.
Ans. Ribbed slabs are casted in following ways:
a. As a series of concrete ribs with topping cast on forms which are be
removed after the concrete has set.
b. As a series of concrete ribs between precast blocks which remain part ofthe
completed structure and the top ofthe ribs may be connected by a topping
of concrete of the same strength as that used in the ribs
c. With a continuous top and bottom face but containing voids of rectangular,
oval or other shape.
27 BC-2.3
05. How the deflection of ribbed slab is decided.
Ans. The recommendations for deflection control (by limiting the span effective depth
ratio) with respect of solid slabs may be applied to ribbed, hollow block or voided
construction. The span to effective depth ratios given are same as for a flanged
beam but when calculating the final reduction factor for web width, the rib width for
hollow block slabs may be assumed to include the walls ofthe blocks on both sides
of the rib. For voided slabs and slabs constructed of box or I-section units, an
effective rib width shall be calculated assuming all material below the upper flange
of the unit to be. concentrated in a rectangular rib having the same cross-sectional
area and depth.
06. How is th;inforcement and cover in the slab is provided. _
Ans. At least 50 p cent of the total main reinforcement shall be carried through at the
bottom on to t e bearing and anchored . Where a slab, which is continuous over
supports, has been designed as simply supported, reinforcement shall be
provided over the support to' control cracking. This reinforcement shall have a
cross-sectional area of not less than one quarter that required in the middle of the
adjoining spans and shall extend at least one tenth of the clear span into adjoining
spans. In slabs with permanent blocks, the side covertothe reinforcementshall not
be less than 10 mm.
07. Discuss about Flat Slabs.
Ans. The term flat slab means a reinforced concrete slab with or without drops,
supported generally without beams, by columns with or without flared column
heads. A flat slab-may be solid slab or may have recesses formed on the soffit so
that the soffit comprises a series of ribs in two directions. The recesses may be
formed by removable or permanentfiller blocks.
08. Define the ~ r m s Column Strip, Column Heads and drop.
Ans. Column strip - Column strip means a design strip having a width of 0.251
" but not
greater than 0.25 I" on each side of the column centreline, where I" is the span in
the direction moments are being determined, measured centre to centre of
Drop: Drop is that part of the sJab around the column which is of greater thickness,
than the rest olthe slab. The drops may have 25% to 50% more thickness than the
rest of the slab
Column Heads: Sometimes, the diameter of a supporting column is increased
below the slab. This part of column with increased diameter is called column head.
28 BC-2.3
09. What are the limitations or conditions to be fulfilled indirect design method of flat
Ans. a. There shall be minimum ofthree continuous spans in each direction.
b. The panel shall be rectangular, and the ratio ofthe longer span to the shorter
span within a panel shall not be greater than 2.0
c. It shall be permissible to offset columns.to a maximum of 10 percent of the
span in the direction of the offset notwithstanding the provision in (b)
d. The successive span lengths in each direction shall not differ by more than
one-third of the longer span. The end spans may be shorter but not longer
than the interior spans.
e. The design live load shall not exceed 3 times the deSign dead load :: :"1
010. What are the assumptions in calculating the moments in direct design method.
-Ans. 1. In the direct deSign method, the total deSign moment for a span shall be
determined for a str"ip bounded laterally by the centre-line of the panel on
each side of the centre-line ofthe supports.
2. Circular supports shall be treated as square supports having the same area.
_3. When the transverse span of the panels on either side of the centre-line of
supports varies, 1
, shall be taken as the average of the transverse spans.
4. When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being considered, the
distance from the edge to the centre-line ofthe panel shall be substituted for
011. How the Negative and Positive design momentare calculated in the design of Flat
Ans. a. The negative design moment shall be located at the face of rectangular
supports, circular supports being treated as square supports having the
same area.
b. In an interior span, the total design moment, Mo shall be distributed in the
following proportions:
Negative design moment 0.65 Mo
Positive design moment 0.35 Mo
c. Itshall be permissible to modify these design moments by up to 1 0 percent
d. The negative moment section shall be designed to resist the larger of the
two interior negative design moments determined for the spans forming
into a common support unless an analYSis is made to distribute the
unbalanced moment in accordance with the stiffness ofthe adjoining parts.
29 BC-2.3
012. What are the assumptions in equivalent frame method of designing flat slabs.
Minimum reinforcement should be ensured in both
Ans. The bending moments and shear forces may be determined by an analysis of the
If thickness of sections is more than 225 mm layers of bars are re .
structure as a continuous frame and the following assumptions are made.
face, however it is enough iftotal steel meets the minimum near both
a. The structure shall be considered to be made up of equivalent frames on
column lines taken longitudinally and transversely through the building. 015.
Explain the methods of analysis of tanks
Each frame consists of a row of Equiva lentcolumns or supports, bounded
laterally by the centre-line of the panel on each side of the centre-line of the
columns or supports. Frames adjacent' and parallel to an edge shall be
bounded bythe edge and the centre line ofthe adjacent panel.
Each such frame may beanalyzed in its entirety, or, for vertical loading, each
floor thereof and the roof may be analyzed separately with its columns being
assumed fixed at their remote ends. Where slabs are thus analyzed
separately, it may be assumed in determining the bending moment at a
given support that the slab is fixed at any support two panels distant there
from provided the slab continues beyond the point.
The behavior of of water tank is more complex. They need sophisticated
methods For cylindrical tank, bending theory of cylinders with different
edge !S required. For rectangular tanks, plate theory with appro riate
at the four edges give better results. The continui p with
adjacent walls and With top and bottom slabs also influence the values of mo% t
think elements analysis to getthe good result. IS:
a . . rea Irmed In 1999 gIves the deSign tables to pick up moments and s
for the deSign of cylindrical as well as rectangular walls Us hea;
sophistIcated analYSis, makes the design more economical. . e 0
c. For the purpose of determining relative stiffness of members, the moment of
inertia of any slab or column may be assumed to be that of the gross cross
section ofthe concrete alone.
d. Variations of moment of inertia along the axis of the slab on account of
provision of drops shall be taken into account. In the case of recessed or
coffered slab which is made solid in the region of the columns, the stiffening
effect may be ignored provided the solid part of the slab does not extend
more than 0.15 Z, into the span measured fro'm the centre-line of the
columns. The stiffening effect of flared column heads may be ignored
013. Discuss about grid floors.
Ans. For enclosing large rooms such as theatres, halls and auditoriums where column
free space is the main requirement, grid floors are used. Grids are used to support
the slab throughout the span. Grids with diagonal members are called diagrids.
Timoshenko's plate theory method is used for designing the grid floors.
014. What should be the Minimum reinforcement in water tanks?
Ans. For thickness upto 100 mm, minimum perc;:entage of reinforcement should be 0.3.
For thickness from 100 mm to 450 mm it may be reduced linearly from 0.3% for 100
mm to 0.2% for 450 mm Hence
pm'n=0.3% upto 100mm thick sections
= 0.3-0.1 t-!OO
for t=100mmt0450mm
30 BC-2.3
Q1. Estimate the dimensions of flat slab with drops for a four storey building with 5
spans of 7.5 m in longer direction, 5 spans of 6 m in shorter directions and a storey
Ans. 1. Estimate the size of column
Internal column = L 1/16 or H/8
=7500/16=469 or3000/8=375
Adopt 400 mm diameter columns
2. Estimatethe size of column capital
0= =6000/5=1200 mm adopt 1500mm diameter
Size of equivalent square column b=D(3.14/4)'5
= 1500 x 0.886 = 1329 mm >6000/4
3. Estimatethe length of drop
1/3 of long span =7500/3 = 2500mm
1/3 of short span =6000/3=2000 mm
4. Estimate minimum slabthickness
Ln= L1 -b
h = Lj36= (7500-1330)/36=171 mm : Assuring drops, reduce h by 10%
Thickness = 171-17 = 154mm
Minimum thickness by IS code = 125mm
Adopt a thickness = 155 mm
5. Checkfor thickness of drop Hand limiting conditions
H = 1.25to 1.5 h
1.25X155 = 194 min and 1.5h =233 mm
Adopt 225 mm as drop thickness
H-h=225-155=70 mm
Allowable maximum projection from edge of column capital to edge of drop
= 4(H-h) = 4x70 = 280 mm
Allowable maximum size of drop = (column capital) + (2x280) = 1500+560
32 BC-2.3
Adopt 21 00 mm
Exterior of column size
Adopt a square column to match with the xter' r column and to
accommodate the edge beam = 350 x 600mm (say
Adopt 400 mm square column
7. Dimensions .
Internal column diameter =400 mm
Size of capital = 1500mm
Sizeof drop panel = 2x2.5m
Thickness of slab=155 mm
"'" Thickness of drop =225mm ,,J oJl!.o4-,1
")( '-j. lY'e
. Izeofexternalcolumn=400mm-square lc:I 0 /
\' \ \ Size of edge beam =350x600mm t, 0 )!: '10 \c,,,
, eot'\-e. ':'-e.." "'"
Q2. The corner panel of a flat slab 155mm thick is 7.5 x 6 m 0: value of .. 'I
long I short beams of exterior fames into which the slab is to be divided for .,
ana YSls. .
Ans. 1. Calculatethe Ib of the edge beams
0: = stiffnes of beams with slab attached
Length of slab acting with beam = 0- h=600-155 = 445mm
Moment of inertia = Kbh
h/H=155/600=0.26 =y
B/b =350+445/350 = 2.27 =x
K= 1+ (x-1)[4 -6y+41+(x-1)t]y
1+ (x -1)y
Determine.dimension of exterior frames in Xdirections
L1 =7.5
For calculating loads for Mo and for Is
=3000+175 = 3175 mm
Is =3175x 155
/12 =9.85x 10
0:1= IJls = 91.3x 1 0
/9.8 x 10
3. Determine the dimension in Y directions
A\\' Calculate Mx = D,(1l/a)' wt = t ,055 x to' x (1l1t 2)' x ,015 = tOO kNm
Width of slab = 7500/2 + 150=3900 mm
y ,t.t2
3 8 4
Q(., Is =3900x 155 /12 =12.1 x10 mm
. Calculate My= Dy(n/b)2w1 =1.055x10
x(n/16)2 x .015 =61 kNm
.fJ ';P Cl
=IJI. =91.3x10
=7.5 .
04. Design a slab 3.6 x 3.9 m continuous over two adjacent sides and simply supported
'0 03. A reinforced grid floor is 12 m x 16m with c/c to spacing of ribs at 2 m both ways.
on other two sides. Ribs are spaced at 1.2 x 1.2 m. Assume factored load = 10
Determine the bending moments and shear forces. Assume slab thickness 1/20th
kN/m3 fck = 20 N/mm2 and fy = 41SkN/mm
span, total load including self weight is 6.5 kN/ m
Ans. 1. Rib width = 100mm > 65 mm
Ans. 1. Find necessary thickness of beams and floors.
Rib Spacing = 1.2m <1.5m
Lx=12m Dx=12000/20 =600mm (beam)
2. Calculate design moments
Ly =2 m Dy=12000/20 = 600 mm (slab)
L/L. =3.9/3.6 .08 (two way slab)
2. Check MOl of Ribs
So from IS code Cl.=0.052for-veand 0.047 +vefor long span
DJD = 100/600 =0.166
= 0.039 for +ve and 0.035 for long span
b,/b = 2000/200 = 1 0
Maximum -ve reinforcement =0.052w L.
=0.052x 10x3.6 =6.74 kN/m
k=2.3/1 = Kb
/12 = 2.3 x 0.20 x (0.6f/12= 82.6 x 10'" m
Maximum +ve reinforcement =0.039w L.
=0.039x 1 0 x 3.6 2 =5.04 kN/m
3. Calculate the rigidity of ribs per unit width
Maximum -ve moment = 1.2 x 6.74 = - 8.1 kNm
D. = EI/a
Dy = EI/b
1 Maximum + ve moment = 1.2 x 5.04 = + 6.1 kNm
= b
=2m (spacing of ribs)
E = 5700(fck)'s
Ox =Dy= (25.49 x 1 0
)(82.8 x 10"")/2=1.055 x 10
4. Calculate torsional rigidity
= GC
and C
= GC
Where G = 11.09 x 10
=1.264x 10
= GC
/b1 = = (11.09x 10j(1.264x 10-3)/2 = 7000
2H = C
+ C
Calculate central deflection (a =12m, b = 16m)
= 1.055 x 1 0
= 1.055x1 0
= 14x 10
/12x 12x 16x16 =0.38
Total deflection = 5.09 + 1.61 + .38 = 7.08
Central deflectionw1 = 16q/7.08x3.146 = 16x6.5/960x7.08 15 mm
3. Area of steel
In tension1.634% of areaand in compression 0.478 % of area
Ast = 1.634x 100x130/100 =212mm2
Asc= 0.478 x 130 x 1 00/1 00=62 mm2
In midspan provideO.2%ofarea = 0.2x 1200x 130/100=312mm
05. Design an interior panel of flat slab 5 x 5 m without providing drop and column
head. Size of column is 500 x 500 mm and live load is 4 kN/m2 and finishing load
1 kN/m2 . Use M20 and Fe 415
Ans. Since drop is not provided minimum span to thickness ratio is 28.8
So span/thickness=28.8
Therefore 5000/28.8=173.6mm
Sod=175mm and D=200mm
Loads: Self weight = 5 kN/m2
Finishing load= 1 kN/m2
Live load=4 kN/m2
total load= 1 0 kN/m2
34 BC-2.3 35 BC-2.3 .
factored load = 10 x 1.5 = 15 kN/m2
Total design load =15x 1
x In =15x5x4.5 = 337.5 kn
Panel Moment = WLj8 = 337.5x4.5/8=189.84kn
Panel-ve moment = 0.65 x 189.84 = 123.4 kl\lm
Panel +ve moment = 0.35 x 189.84=66.44 kNm
column strip
0.75x 123.40
middle strip
0.6 x 66.44 = 39.86
0.25 x 123.4=30.85
0.40 x 66.44 =26.58
MUllm=0.138fck bd
=0.138x20x2500x175 =211.325 kNm
For - ve reinforcement Mu= 92.55 kNm
92.55x 1 0
= 0.87f
So putting f
=20and d=175 mm b =2500 Ast is equal to 1583.74mm2
So provide 12 mm bars at 175 mm c/c
For + ve reinforcement Mu= 39.86 kNm
39.86 x 1 0
= 0.87fy A st d[1-Astx f/bdfcJ
Soputting and d=175 mm Astisequalt0651.74mm
So provide 1 0 mm bars at 300mm c/c
06. Design an interior panel of flat slab 6 x 6 m with suitable drop. Size of column is 500
x 500 mm and live load is 4 kN/m2 and finishing load 1 kN/m2 . Use M20 and Fe 415
Ans. Since drop is provided minimum span to thickness ratio is 32
Therefore 6000/32= 187.5 mm
Sod 190mm and D=240mm
Loads: Self weight =6.75 kN/m2
Finishing load = 1 kN/m2
Live load =4 kN/m2
total load == 11 .75 kN/m2
factored load = 11.75 x 1 .5 = 17.625 kN/m2
Total design load = 15 x 12 X In =17.625 x 6 x 5.5 =581.625 kN
36 BC-2.3
Panel Moment =W Lj8 = 581.625 x 5.5 /8=400 kN
Panel-ve moment= 0.65 x 400 =260 kNm
Panel +vemoment = 0.35x400=140kNm
column strip middle strip
-vemoment 0.75x260 =195 0.25x260=65
+vemoment 0.6x140 = 84 0040 x 140 =56
MUllm=.138fck bd
=476.925 kNm
For - ve reinforcement in column strip Mu= 195. kNm
= 0.87fyAst d[1-Astxf/bdf
So putting f
=20and d=190mm Astisequalt02419 mm
So provide 12 mm bars at 140 mm c/c
For + ve reinforcement Mu= 84 knm
84x 10
= 0.87fyAstd[1 -Astxf/bdfck]
Soputting f
=20andd=190mm Astisequalt0651.74mm
So provide 10 mm bars at 180mm c/c
For -ve reinforcement in Middle strip Mu= 65. knm
65 x 10
= 0.87fy A st d [1 Ast x f/bdfck]
So putting fy = 415 fCk= 20 and d =190mm Ast is equal to 938 mm
So provide 1 0 mm bars at 230 mm c/c
For + ve reinforcement Mu=56 knm
= .87f
Astd[1 Astxf/bdf
So putting f
=415 f
=20 and d=190 mm Astisequalt0651.74 mm
So provide 10 mm bars at 180mm c/c
07. Design a circular tank with flexible base for capacity 400000 litres. Depth of water is
4m including a free board of 200mm. Use M20 concrete.
Ans. 1 . Dimension of tank:
If D is inside diameter of tank nD2/4 x 3.8 = 400000 x 10
from which
37 BC-2.3
1 ,
I .
I 2.
Design of section Take w = 9.8 kN/m3
Max hooptension =wHD/2 =9800X4x11.7/2 =229320N
Using stress in steel = 115 N/mm2
Area of hoop steel = 229320/115 = 1994 mm
Spacing of hoops = 1 000 x NAsh = 1 000 x 314/1994 = 157 mm
So provide hoops @ 150 mm c/c
Actaual 1000x314/150 =2093mm
Nowfel = wHD/2/1 OOOT + (m -
f= 1.2N/mm
forM20, T= 170mm
1.2=229320/1000T +(m-1)2093 fromwhichT=166mm
ASh = 0.3(1000 x 170)/100 =51 Omm
3. Vertical reinforcement
0.3 - 0.1 (170 -1 00/350) = 0.28%
= 0.28 x 170 x 1000/100=476 mm
. Provide 10 mm diabars so area of bar = 78.5 mm
Spacing = 78.S x 1000/476 = 165 mm
4. Design oftank floor
Minimum = 0.3 x 150 x 1 000/1 00=450mm
Providing halfthe reinforcement near each face =225 mm
Using 8 mm dia bars, spacing = 1 000 x 50/225 =220mm c/c
So provide 8 mm dia bars @ 200 mm c/c in both directions.
Design an underground tank of size 3 x 8 x 3 m for following data
Type of soil. y $ = 16 KN/m3 and a. =30
Gradeof concrete for tank M25
For roof slab M20
Gradeof steel = fe415 unitweightofwater = 9.8kN/m3
Ans. Size 3 x 8m
d= IJ25= 3000/25 = 120mm
let us select d = 120 mm and overall depth D=150mm
Self weight = 0.15x 1 x 1 x25 =3.75 kN/m
Live load =2 kN/m2
Finishing load =0.5 kN/m
Total load =6.25 kN/m2
M = 6.25 x 3 /8 = 7.03 KN
Mu= 1.5x7.03 =10.55 KN-m
M= 0.87fy Aat d (1-Astf/bdfck)
Putting all values in above equation
= x120(1-Am X415/1000x120x20)
Ast = 254.7 mm
Minimum to be provided = 0.12 x 1 000 x 120/100 = 144mm2
Provide 10 mm bars at 300 mm c/c
Distribution steel = 0.12% of 144 mm
Design of walls
+ cr
= 11 x8.5/11 x8.5 + 150 = 0.384
J= 1-N/3 =1-0.384/3 = 0.872
K= 1 xcrcbc Nj/2 = 1x8.5xO.384x.872/2=1.423
(a) When tank is empty :
Ph= Ky'H+ywH
K= (1 - sin <D)/(1 + sin <1
Putting <D=30K=1/3
Y'=Ys-Yw= 16 9.8 =6.2 kN/m
so P
=53.4 KN-m
Am = 53.4 x 10
/150xO.872x 195 =2094mm
Using 20 mm bars spacing required is = 150mm
(b) When tank is full and no earth pressure
Ph =ywH =9.8x3=29.4kn/m
M= 1x29.4x3x3 /2x2= 44.1 Knm
Am = 44.1 x 10
/150xO.872x 195 = 1729mm
Spacing kept is 110 mm c/c .
A flat slab consists of 5 x 6 m panel is without drop and column head .It has to carry a
live load of 4 kn/m2 and a finishing load of 1 kn/m
Size of column supporting the
. --.---
Proportion of Moment
system is 500 x 500 mm and floor to floor height is 4.5 m. Calculate the design
Total- ve moment = 0.65 X 311.95 = 202.77 kNm
moments in lnterior panels.
Total + ve moment = 311.95 - 202.77 = 109.18 kNm
d = 6000 =208 Hence moment in column strip and middle strip along direction in interior panels
28.8 are as below:
Ans. Thickness Since Fe 415 steel is used and no drops are provided, longer span to
Column strip Middle strip
depth ratio is not more than 32XO.9= 28.8
Let us select d=210mm and D= 240mm
Self weight 0.24 x 1 x 1x25= 6kN/m
Finishing weight =1 kN/M! L1 = 5m = 6mand Ln = 5-0.5 = 4.5m.
-veMoment O.75X202.75=152.06 kNm 202.75-152.06=50.69 kNm
+vemoment 0.60X109.18=65.51 kNm 109.18-65.51 =43.67kNm
Along Width
Live load =4kN/m2
= L"
Panel Dimensions
Panel = W
= 16.5X6X4.5 = 445.5kN
Along length
L1 = 6m and = Sm
Panel moment
Mo =W
= 4455 x 4.5 = 250.59 kN - m
Width of column strip=0.25Lj or (which ever is less) m on either side of 8
column centre line = 0.25 x 5 = 1.25m
Appropriation of Moment:
Total width of column strip= 1.25X2=2.5 m
. Total -vemoment =0.65X250.59 = 162.88 kN-m
Width of middle strip = 5-2.5= 2.5 m
Along Width
Total - ve moment =250.59 -162.88 = 87.71 kN-m
(Lj =6)m
Moments in column strip and middle strip are as shown below:
Width of column strip = 0.25 X 5 = 1.25 m on either side
Total width of column strip = 2.5 m
Hence width of middle strip = 6-2.5= 3.5 m
Column strip Middle strip
-veMoment O.75X162.88= 122.16 kNm 0.25 X 162.88 =40.72 kNm
+vemoment 0.60X87.71 =52.63 kNm OAOX87.71 =35.08 kNm
Q10. Aflat slab consists of 5 x 6 m panel is without drop and column head .It has to carry a
live load of 4 kN/m2 and a finishing load of 1 kn/m2. Size of column supporting the
Moments along longer size
Lj =6m
system is 500 x 500 mm and floor to floor height is 4.5 m. Calculate the design
'-n = 6 - 0.5 =5.5m subject to minimum of 0.65X = 3.9m
moments in exterior panels.
'-n = 5.5m
Ans. Exterior Panels
6000 = 208
Load on panel Wo= D h f I bd d =210mm D=240mm
ept 0 sa = 28.8
= 16.5X5X5.5=453.75kN
M = WOLn = 453.75X5.5 = 311.95kNm
2 8 8
41 BC-2.3
40 BC-2.3
Length of column = Floor height - Depth of slab = 4.5 - 0.24 m
The building is not restrained from lateral sway. Hence as per table 28 in IS 456
2000, effective length of column
= 1.2Xlength = 1.2X4.26 = 5.112m
Size of column = 500X 500mm
Moment of inertiaof column =
_"'I _1 500
_ 4
Kc - L -12
5112 - 1018844mm
Longer Span Direction
Moment of inertia of beam
1s = Moment of inertia of slab
Its length = 4 = 5000mm
K 1 X 6000X240: =1382400mm4
c 5000 12 5000
Dead load = self weight +finishing load
= 0.24x'1 x1 x25 + 1 = 7kN/m2
Liveload = 4 < 0.75
Deadload 7
Relative stiffness ratio is
a. = kc +k,'2 =2Xl 018844 =1.474
( k" 1382400
1 I
a =1+ =1+-- 1.678
at: 1.474
Hence various moment coefficient are:
Interior- ve moment coefficient = 0.75 - 0.1 0.690
Exterior - ve moment coefficient = 0.65 =0.387
42 BC-2,3
Positive moment coefficient
= 0.63 0.28 = 0.463
M = W xL" (from Question 9.)
M = 311.95kNm
Total moment M 0 311 ,95kNm
Appropriation of moments in kNm is as given below:
Total Column strip Middle strip
-vemoment 0.69X311.95= 215.25 075x215.25 = 161,43 215,25-161,43=53.82
+vemoment 0.60X109.18=65.51 kNm 109.18-65.51 =43.67kNm 120.72-120.72=0
+ Moment 0,463X31.95 = 144,43 0.60X 144,43 = 86.66 144.43-86.66=57.77
k = 1 X 5000X240 =96000
s 12 6000
a = kc + kc2 = 2X1018844 = 2.123
ks 960000
=1 + =1.471 a
Shorter Span Direction
Anterior - ve moment coefficient =
0.75-Q:.!.=0.75- 0.1 =0.682
(I 1.471
Exterior - ye moment coefficient = 0.65 == 0.65 = 0.442
a 1.471
Positive moment coefficient = 0.63 - 0.28 =0.63 _ 0.28 =0.440
a 1.471
Total Moment M 0 = 250.59 kNm
Total Column strip Middle strip
-Interior - ve 0.682X250.59= 170.90 170.90-128.18=42-72
Exterior - ve 0.442X250.59=110.76 1.00X110.76=110.76 110.76-110.76=0
+ Moment 0.44X250.59=11 0.25 0.60X110.25=66.16 110.25-66.16::::44.09
In the exterior panel in each column strips halfthe above values will act.
43 BC2,3
011. Explain the methods of analysis oftanks
Ans. The behavior of walls of water tank is more complex. They need sophisticated
methods of analysis. For cylindrical tank, bending theory of cylinders with different
edge conditioRs is required. For rectangular tanks, plate theory with appropriate
boundary conditions at the four edges give better results. The continuity with
adjacent walls and with top and bottom slabs also influence the values of moments
and shears. One can think offinite 'elements analysiS to get the good result. IS: 3370
(Part IV) reaffirmed in 1999 gives the design tables to pick up moments and shear
coefficients for the design of cylindrical as well as rectangular walls. Use of
sophisticated analYSis, makes the design more economical.
However there are approximate methods of analysis, commonly used in the
design. In the approximate method, it is assumed that in case of circular tanks
bottom 1/3 rd height or 1 m, whichever greater, is predominantly under cantilever
action where as in case of rectangular tanks bottom 1/4 height or 1 m, whichever is
greater is mainly under cantilever action. Rest ofthe wall is resisting water pressure
by forces developed in horizontal directions. Approximate method is always on
safer idea and hence design in uneconomical. However it has the following
(i) It is Simple
(ii) It gives feel ofthe structural behavior.
Hence designer or site engineer can always avoid disasters of mistakes of draft
man or those dueto confusion of sign conventions in the analysis.
We may have lot of sophisticc;ited methods of analysis to access the design forces,
but it is necessary for engineers to develop feel of structural behavior. Hence the
approximation methods of analysis should be learnt by engineering students.
y = Unit weight of water
H =Height oftank and
D =Diameter of circulartank
The reinforcement for hoop forces is to be given predominantly cantilever action
while upper portion is mainly in hoop tension.
012. DeSign an underground water tank of size 3 m X 8 m X 3 m for the following data:
Type of soil: Submerged sandy soil, with
Ys = 16 kN/m
, <p = 30
Water table can rise upto ground level.
Grade of concrete
(i) For tank :M25
(ii) For roof slab :M20
Unit weight of water
= 9.8kN/m
Live load on roof slab
= 2kN/m2
Design for condition when tank is empty
Design of Roof Slab
Hence may be designed as one way slab. It may be designed by working stress
method with higher permissible stresses (230 N/mm2 for Fe - 415 steel or 140
N/mm2 for mild steel) since there is no leakage problem for this element. One can
use limit state nethod also. Concrete of grade M20 is preferred from the
consideration of economy.
I 3000 .
Let d = -'i- = --= 120mm
. 25 25
Let us select d = 120 mm and overall depth D = 150 mm
Using M20 concrete and Fe- 415 steel, the slab will be designed
Self weight =0.15X 1 X1 X25 = 3.75kN/m
Live load
Finishing load
M = 6.25X - = 7.03kN - m
M =1.5X7.03 =10.55kN-m
= 0.38 fckbd2 M
= O.138X20XIOOOX120
N -mm
=39.444kN -111 >Mu
Hence under reinforced section. Equating moment to moment of resistance,
Mil == 0:87 X lL}weget
10.55Xl0 =0.87X 415.xA XI20(1- Ast X 415 J
st 1000X120 20
243.5=A (1- J
sf 5783.13
ASI -5783.l3A.
+243.5X5783.13 = 0
Minimumtobeprovided == 0.12 X1000X120=144mm2
Using 10 mm Bars,
n/4 x (10)2
S == 254.7 x 1000 = 30Smm
. Provide 10 mm bars at 300 mm c/c
Distribution steel
= 0.12%==144mm2
Using S mm bars,
ProvideSmm bars at 300 mm c/c
1t X8
s= 4 XIOOO==349mm2
Design of Walls
These are to be designed with working stress method with lower values of
permissible stresses to avoid leakage problem. Using M25 concrete and Fe-415
0' dx 8.5kN / m
== 150kN / mm
n= ma
= l1X8.5 =0.384
macbc: +aSf llX8.S +ISO
j= 1-!: =1- 0.384 =0.872
3 3
K = .!.aCbcnj =.!. X8.5XO.384XO.872 =1.423
2" 2
In such tanks usually cantilever moment, when tank is empty, governs the choice of
thickness. Hence let us first consider the design of long wall
(a) When tank is empty
K = =1-sin301.l .!.
1+ sin 30 3
Where Ys == Ys - Yw == 16-9.8 == 6.2kN 1m
Yw = 9.8kN I m
Pn =!X6.2X3+9.8X3=35.6kN1m
1111 3
M = - X35.6XHX - = - X 35.6X3X - == 53.4kN - m
2 3 2 3
Depth of balanced section
53.4XI0 = 193mm
L423X1 000
Provided= 195mmandD= 195+35=230mm
A = 53.4XI0 = 2094mm1
st 150X0872Xl95
Using 20 mm bars, spacing required is
1t X20
== 4 Xl 0000 =150mm
Provide 20 mm bars at 150 mm c/c near outer face ofthe wall.
Alternate bars may be curtailed where bending moment is half that at base i.e., at
Le., ataheight3-2.38= 0.62 mfrom base.
The above value is theoretical value. As per code requirement add 12 X diameter of
bars to above value. Hence the bars are to be curtailed at a height = 620+12 X 20=
860 mm from base. Hence curtail alternate bars at 0.9 m from base.
013. Design the above example 12 when tank is full and nb earth pressure
Ph == l,t,H == 9.8X3 == 29.4kN 1m
Hence cantilever moment M = 1 X 29AX3X 3 = 44.1kN - m
2 2
A = 44.1XI06 == 1729mm
Using 16 mm bars,
st 150XO.872X195
1t X16
Provide 16 mm bars at 110 mm c/c on inner face in vertical direction.
Since long wall is predominantly acting as acantilever, distribution steel is provided
and checked for axial tension when tank is full without earth pressure from outside.
Since thickness of wall is more than 225 mm, minimum percentage of steel to be
== 0.3 -0.1 230-] 00 == 0.263
A = 0.263 X230XIOOO=604mm
ft . 100
Steel required on each face = 302 mm
Using 8 m bars, spacing required
1t X8
= 4 XI000=166mm
48 BC-2.3
Provide 8 mm bars at 160 mm c/c. They hold the vertical steel provided for
cantilever action duetothe two loading cases considered.
Check for Direct Tension
B 3
'ft. = 'Yw(H -h)- =9.8(3-1)X - =29.4kN
2 , 2
Areaof steel required
29.4XIOOO. 1.96 2 604 2
== =mm<mm
Distribution of Short Wall
Design of lower portion for cantilever action (Vertical reinforcement)
h= H or 1 m whichever is more
= 1 m, in this problem
When tank is emptyand outside sandy soil is saturated
Ph=35.6 kN/m2
2 3
M 5.933XI0
. 232 2
A . == mm
Sf =(J sl id =150XO.872X195
Direct compression dueto load on 1 m wide long wall
P=35.6{3-1)X1 =71.2kN
Concrete alone can resist it.
1 1
M =-X29.4XIX -=4.833kN-m, quitesmall
2 3
Provide minimum reinforcement in verticaLdirection, which is 8 mm bar at 160 mm
c/c as found earlier. It isto provided near both faces.
F _____ _
Design oftop
H-h =3 -1 = 2 m portion
Ph =ky's (H-h)+yw (H-h)
= X (16- 9.8)(3 -1) =23.73kN / m
Moment at support
=23.73X3 =17.8kN-m
A = 17.8XI06 =698mm2
sf 150XO.872X195
i .
1 ""
At mid span bending moment is half of 17 .BkN-m
1 I.,
At support, using 10 mm bars spacing required is
1t XI0
S = 4 XIOOO= 112mm
Provide 10 mm bars at 110 mm c/c (near outer face),
At middle portion alternate bars may be bent inside.
Q14. Design the Bottom Slab for the exal11ple no 12.
Assuming thickness of bottom slab =0.2 m,
H=3+0.2=3.2 m
Upward pressure When sandy soil is saturated
=9.B X 3.? = 31.36 kN/m
The bottom slab is to be"projected beyond walls of tank so that soil over it helps in
avoiding floatation oftank. Hence first the required project is to be determined. Let it
Downloads Loads
(a) Weight of top slab =0;15 (B+2XO.23) (3+2 X 0.23) X25 =109.77 kN
(b) Weight of long walls = 2 X 0.23 (B+2X 0.23) X 3 X 25 =291.9 kN
(c) Weight of short walls = 2XO.23X3X3X25 = 103.5kN
(d) Weight of bottom slab = (B.46 + x) (3.46 + x) XO.2X25 = 146.4 + 59x
(e) Weight of soil on the portion of bottom slab
=[(B.46 + 2x) (3.46+2x) B.46 X3.461 X3X16
= == 1144.32x
Uplift force on bottom slab
=31.36 (B.46 +2x) (3.46 +2x)
= 917.96 + 747.62x +
Equating upward force to total downward force,minimum x required can be
917.96 + 747.62x +125.44x
= 109.77 +291.9 + 103.5 +146.4 +59.6x
266.39 =0
X= -456.3+.J456.3 +4X71.56X266.39 =O.538m
2X71.56 .
Hence provide a projection of 0.6 m all around. The base slab is to be designed as
one way slab. The loads actill9 on this slab
Self weight of slab directly get transferred to soil. Hence upward pressure to be
considered for bending moments calculation is
= 31.36-0.2X 1X 1X25= 26.36kN/m
Weight of soil on projected portion
= 16X3 = 48 kN/m2
Reactiononwall =.!. P, X3= .!.X35.6X3 =53.4kN acting at +0.2 =1.2m
2! 2 3
. Cantilever moment attheface ofthe wall
. 06
48XO 6
= 26.36X--" +53.4X1.2- . =60.18kN-m
2 2
Moment at Centre of Slab
Load transferred by wall per meter length of base slab
= weight of 1 m long wall + - weight of roof slab per meter length
51 BC-2.3
Moment at center of slab
=:O.23XIX3X25+!X(3.0+2XO.23)XO.2X25 =25.9kN
Moment at center of slab
= 26.36X (3.46+1.2) +53.4X1.2-48.0.6X(3;6 + 0;6 J-25.{1.5+ . ~ 3 )
== 25.2 kN-m, producing tension at bottom
Moment at centre of slab is critical when tank is full and there is no outside pressure.
In this case weight of water directly gets transferred to soil without carrying flexure.
. H
Water pressure acting at 3 =: 1 m from the base is
p =! X(9.8X3)X i = 44.1kN
2 2
Moment at center of slab
= 26.36X (3.46+1.2) -44.1X1.2-48XO.6X .3.46+0.6
2 2
=: -50.23kN - m
=50.23 kN, carrying tension attop
Thickness of slab required for balance section
60.l8XI0 =205mm
d =
Provided= 215mmand D =250mm
A = 60.18XI0 =2139mm2
st 150XO.872X215
Using 16 mm bars,
1t X16
s 4 XI000=94mm
Provide 16 mm bars at 90 mm ctc near bottom face for the cantilever moment.
In the middle portion, reinforcement required attop is
A = 50.23Xl0 =1786mm
~ ' I 150X0872X215
Continue cantilever reinforcementthroughout Le., 16 mm bars at 90 mm ctc
At bottom
A = 25.2XI0 = 896mm
81 150XO.872X215
Using 12 mm bars, spacing required is
1t X12
S =4 XIOOO= 126mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 120 mm ctc
Distribution Steel
=: 0.3 _ 250 - 225 =: 0.229
A = 0.229 X250XlOOO=571mm
sf 100
Ast on each face =571 =286mm
Using 8 mm bars
1t X8
S = XIOOO=175mm
Provide 8 mm bars at 170 mm ctc in longitudinal direction near both faces.
53 BC-2.3
01. What are bunkers and silos?
Ans. Bunkers and silos are structures used for storage of material like grain, wheat coal
etc. Both are called bins. If the depth and breadth of bin are such that plane of
rupture meets the surface of the material before it strikes the opposite side of bin it is
called shallow bin or a bunker. And when it does not intersect the 'eve I of material is
called deep bin or silos or if depth is twice the breadth the structure is called silos.
Silos are generally circular in shape.
What kind of pressures are exerted on bunkers and silos?
Since both are used to store the material in both pressure is exerted from inside on
the side of bins. This pressure is due to stored material inside. This pressure varies
during the filling and emptying processes and also with location of discharging
hole. Exact analysis ofthis pressure is difficult so two theories are used to find these
pressures. Janssen and Airy theory are used to find the pressure exerted.
03. Discuss about Janssen theory
This theory is used to calculate pressures in bunkers and silos .In this theory it is
assumed that large portion of weight of material is supported by friction between
material and wall and only small part of weight is transferred to hopper bottom.
Vertical wall are subjected to direct compression as well as lateral pressure.
Pw= wA[h -r//1K {1- e'II
Where w density of material ,A area of cross section , r = hydraulic mean depth
04. Discuss about Airy theory
This theory is used to calculate pressures in bunkers and silos. This theory is
based on Coloumbs wedge theory of earth pressure. In this it is possible to
calculate horizontal pressure per unit length of the periphery and position of plane
of rupture. In this two cases are considered one is shallow bin and other is for deep
05. Write the steps for designing of bins.
Ans. 1.
P e ~ m i s s i b l e values of stresses arefound against resistance to cracking and
reSistance to buckling in concrete and steel.
Design parameters like unit weight and angle of internal friction. pressure
ratio are selected.
Pressure on walls and bins is found.
4. Reinforcement is provided.
06. Discus different types of reinforcement patterns in silos and bunkers.
Ans. Circumferential and vertical reinforcement is provided in the silos and bunkers.
Minimum circumferential reinforcement shall be 0.3 %of cross sectional area.
Splices in bars shall be saggered. Bars shall be of 10 mm dia and spacing should
not exceed 200mm.
Vertical reinforcement: Vertical reinforcement shall be at least 0.3 %of cross
sectional area. half the number of bars inside and half the number of bars outside
should be provided. Where the face of wall is fixed to bottom vertical reinforcement
duly calculated should be provided on the tension face.
07. For what purpose chimneys are used.
Ans. Chimneys are tall structures used to expel outthe smoke. Thickness ofthe chimney
varies from bottom to top. Chimneys are also used to expel out gases at larger
height in industries. Where the chimney height is large RCC is used to construct it
and bricks are used for small height chimneys. Due to frequent cracking and
unstability brick chimneys are not used so much.
08. What kind of stresses are acting on chimneys.
Ans. Stresses due to self weight, stresse due to wind and stresses due to temperature
are the main stresses acting on chimney. Sufficent amount of steel is used to resist
the bending moments due to wind. Hoop steel is used to resist horizontal shear and
temperature stresses. It also reduces temperature gradient of concrete.
09. Write the steps for designing the walls of bins.
Ans. (i) Calculate the pressure on walls of shallow bins: Horizontal pressure on the
walls of bin is given by Ph = wh cos
0./[1 +-J(sin(a. + a.Hsina.Ncosa.)]2
(ii) Pressure in a'deep bin (PI)h = (PI)max (1-e
jwhere p == stands for pressure
20= r/Kllf
(iii) . Thickness of walls : T = 15 + (D - 600/120) D internal diameter
010. Write the two assumptions which are made in analysis of chimneys and what kind
offorces are acting on chimneys,
Ans. Following are the assumptions
1. Reinforcement is replaced by a steel ring of equal areas.
2. Stress at middle of shell is taken as the average stress in the shell.
Different kind of forces for which chimneys are designed are
1. Selfweight
2. Wind load
3. Temperature variation
59 BC-2,3
01. Design a bunkerto store 300 kN of coal ,forthefollowing data:
Unit weight of coal=8340 Nim
Angle of repose =30
Permissible stress =140
Ans. 1. Capacity and Dimensions:'Lets provide a bunker of 3 x 3 m. Let the hopper
height 1.25 m with a central hole of 0.5m x 0.5m
Height of surcharge = 1.5 tan 30
= 0.87 m
Volume required =300 x 1000/8340 = 35.97 m
Volume provided bytop surcharge = 1/3(3 x 3) 0.87 =2.61 m
Volume provided by conical bottom = 1/3 [3 x 3 + 0.5 x 0.5 + (3
+ .5j112] x
Height h = 28.88/ (3x3) =3.21m
2. Design of walls ph = wh cos
a at 3.25 m depth
Ph = 8340x3.25 (cos30
) =20329 N/m2
B.m At corners of wall =pI2/12 =20329x3.18
/12 =17131 N m
Directtension in wall =20329 x 3.18/2=32323N
Net BM = 17131 - 32323 x .055 = 15353Nm at the corners
B.M at centre of span = P
/24 = 8566N m
Net BM at centre of span 8566 - 32323 x .055 =6788 Nm
15353 x 1000 =133 mm
effective depth =
1000 x 0.874
provide total depth of 170mm so that effective depth d=170-30=140mm.
Total thickness may be varied from 120mm at top to 170mm at the bottom.
Area of steel at corners = 15353 x 1000/(0.865 x 140 x 140)+32323/140
= 1136 mm
using 12mm <l> bars spaqing = 1000 x 113/ 1136 9 9 . 5 m
Use 12 mm dia bars ar. clc spacing =99.5 m
. :}.
Steel required at centre = 6788 x 10001 (0.8mtx ~ O x 140) + 32323/140
=631 mm
.. :>
Spacingof12mmdiabars = 1000x113/631 = 179mmc/c
. I . f 0.3 (12 + 17)/100
Vertlca rein orcement = 2
= 435mm
Area on each face = 435/2 =217.6 =218 mm
Reinforcement at 2 m below top
=20329x2/3.25 =12510 N
BM at supports = 17131.x2/3.25 = 10542 N- m
BM at centre =8566 x 2/3.25=5217 N m
Directtension = 32323 x 213.25 =19891 N
Thickness of wall = 120 +(2/3.25) x50 =150.8 mm
Net BM at supports 10542-19891 [[(150.8/2) -30]/1000] =9639 N-m
Ast atsupport = (9639 x 1 000)/0.865 x 140x 120.8 + 19891/140=801 mm
Ast atcentre = 4368 x 1 000/0.865 x 140x 120.8 + 19891/140=441 mm
Spacing of 12 mm dia bars at centre = 1000 x 113/441 =256 mm
Spacing of 12 mm <l> bars at ends = 1000 x 113/801 = 141 mm.
02. Design a hopper bottom of bunker to store 300 kN of coal, for the following data:
Unit weight of coal = 8340 N/m3. Angle of repose =30
Permissible stress =140
Ans. 1 , Design of hopper bottom : Meridinal tension along the slope is due to
weight of coal
%of weight of coal in bunker in bunker =1/4 x 303000 =75750N
Let the thickness of hopper slab be 160 mm with 20 rnm lining
3 0 5
% of weight of hopper slab = ( +2 . ) X 1.25(2)1/2 x 180 x 25000/1000
=13919 N
%weight gate etc. = 200N (say)
W=75750 + 13919+200=89869N
Directtension =W cosec a = 89869 cosec 45=127094 N
Ast = 127094/140 =908 mm
No. of 1 0 mm bars =908/78.5 = 12 - provide half bars on each face
Span of strip = (3 + 0.5) /2 =1.75m
Lateral pressure p= wh coso.
P =wh + p sin 0.= wh + wh sino. coso.
=pcosa =whcos
Self weight of hopper lining = 0 .18x25000= 4500 N/m2
Inclination 0.=45
Pn=Phcos2a + P
sin a + Wscosa
_._------ -- ------
8M = 41779x (1.75)2/12 =10662 N-m
Pull =P
1/2 =41779x 1.75/2=36557 N
Overflll depth 160 mm , effective depth =130 mm
Net 8M = 1 0662 - 36557(16012 -30) 11000 = 8834 N-m
Effective d = (8834 x 1 000 10.874 x 1000) 1t2 = 1 00.5 mm
Actual d = provided 130 mm
Ast = 8834 x 1000/(140xO.865x 130) + 36557/140 =822mm
Spacing of 12 mm dia bars = 1 000 x 113/822=137mm
Net 8M = 5331 - 36557 x 0.05=3503 Nm
Ast = 3503 x 1000/140 x .865 x 130 + 36557/140=484 mm
Spacing = 1000x 113/484 =230 mm
Provide a top rib of size 300 x 300 mm with a nominal reinforcement of 4 - 12 mm
dia bars and 6 mm stirrups @ 200 mm c/c provide a bottom rib 400 x 400 mm at the
junction of the wall with hopper, with the same reinforcement as the top rib.
03. Design a silo for storing wheat,with overalidimensions.The conical dome has
central opening of 50 cm diameter. Use Airy theory and concrete mix of M 20 grade
and mild steel bars. For wheattake W= 7850 N/m31l= 0.466 and Il' = 0.444
Ans. 1.
Horizontal pressure in shallow portion
H=b[1l + (1l(1 +lljlp+ll
r] =5[0.466 + (0.466[1 + (0.466)2/ 0.466
+0.444]) 112 =6.28 m
= wh[ 1/(1 +1l
f/2 + [1l(1l +ll
f =2550 h
Ph = Phxh/2 =1275h
=Il' P
=0.444 x 1275 (6.28)2= 22326 N/m
Horizontal pressure in deep portion
Ph = wb/(1l + Il') [1- (1 + 1l
f12/ [2h/b(1l + Il') + (1_lllll)]1/2
7850 x 5/(0.446 + 0.444)1- {1 + (0.466)T
2 / 2h/5 (0.466 + 0.444) +
(1- .466 x .444)} 112
= 43132-47585 [0.3Q4h + 0.793r
. .
Horizontal force is Ph = wb
/2(1l + IlY {2h/b(1l + Ill) + (1 -Illl') F'''- (1 +1l
= 7850 x 5
/2(0.466 +0.444)2 {2h/5(0.466 + 0.444) + (1-0.466x0.444)}'h
-(1 + (0.466)2)"'}2
=118494 {(0.364 h + 0.793 ft2 -1.103}2
Pw = IlIP h = 0.444 x 118494 {(0.364h + 0.793) 112 -1.1 03 } 2= 113587 N/m
62 BC-2.3
,Design of wall portion: T = PhX b/2
T = 15 + (b-600/120) T=15cm=150mm
. . . 2
Area of minimum steel = 0.3 x 150 x 1000/100 =450 mm
., . . 1000 x 78.5 ; I
SpacIng IS 10 mm q, bars= . 450 = 170 mm.
04. calculate the pressure on cylindrical portion of a silo for storing wheat ,with overall
dimensions b=5m.The conical dome has central opening of 50 cm diameter. Use
janssen theory and concrete mix of M 20grade and mild steel bars. For wheat take
w=1850 N/m3p=.466and Ilt=.444
Ans. 1. Pressure on cylindrical portion is given by
, (I1tkh)
=wr{ 1- e- -r } III
P = Ph/k, where k,=0.5
!It= tan (0.75ci);= tan (0.75 x 24.99) = 0.339
W= 7850 N/m3 b= diameter = 5m
r = NP = (llb
/4) lllb= b/4 =5/4 = 1.25 m
Ph=7850 x 1.25/.339 [1-e .o.399xo.5xhf
51 =28945 [1_eO.399XO,5Xhf1.25]
Hooptension = phxb/2=2.5 Ph
PWt= llx5
/4[7850x16-51280]=1459270 N
PW=1459270/51l ::::;92900 N/m
Pressure on cylindrical portion during emptying
Pv= ph='k. wherek,=.5
J.l,='tan (0.60.) = tan (0.6 x 24.99) = 0.269
W= 7850 n/m3 b= diameter = 5m
r = NP =(llb
/4) /llb = b/4=5/4 =1.25 m
\ '
Ph=7850 x 1.25/0.268 [1 -9.0:399XO.5Xhf1.25] =36614 [1- e,o.399
Ph/K" = 35423
Hooptension = phxb/2=2.5ph
Ash = T/115
PW=:=ll x 5
/4[7850 x 16 =, 112721 N/m
Q5. Calculate the pressure on conical hopper portion with empty and full condition of a
silofor storing wheat ,with overall dimensions b=5m.The conical dome has central
opening of 50 cm diameter. Use janssen theory and concrete mix of M 20 grade
and mild steel bars. Forwheattakew=7850N/rn
J.l= 0.466 and J.l1= 0.444
Ans. Conical Hopper filling condition
pv=51280 N/m2
pv = 51280x (5)2 = 1006880 N
Self weight of cone = 67448
Weight of gate = 1000
Weight per metre = 1006880 + 128315 + 67448+1000/51T =76626N
a + Phsin
a + wscosa
where Ws =3750 n/m2
"Pw= wr/J.lt{1- e
I" , ,
P w = 7850 x 0.6875/0.339 {1 - e.O,339XO,5X17.12510.6875} = 15690 N/m2
Py = =31380
45+ 3750cos45=41112
HoopTension::::: P n.rn=41112 (5/2 cosec 45)::;: 145353 N
2. . . Conical Hopper: emptying condition
Py ';35423 X1T 5 /4 = 695529N
Weight per metre = 695529 + 128315 + 67448+1000/5n =56805 N
T m=56805 cosec 45= 80334 N/m
. . '.'
2 2
Pn=pvcos a + P
sin a +wscosa
=35423 cos
45+35423 sin
45 + 3750 cos45=38075 N
This is. less. than the one obtained in filling condition thus T m and T are more for
filling condition
3. DeSign for hopper bottom
. T
Spacing of12 mm =1000x113/942=119mm
Hooptension T = 145353 N
Area =145353/115 =1264mm
Spacing of 12 mrn hopes = 1000 x 113/1264 =89 mm .
Hence provide these @80 mm c/c
64 BC-2.3
Hoptension at mid height of cone =50933 N
Spacing of 12 mm hoops at mid height of cone = 1000 x 113 (50933/115)
=250mmc/c '
Q6. Design a chimney of 66 m height having external dia 4m throughout height.
Chimney has fire brick lining of 1OOmm thickness. Find stress at 24 m below the top
and assume necessary data. .
Ans. Dimensions of chimney
Assume thickness of chimney shell at the top be 200mm and let it be increased to
300 mm at 24 m below top &400 mm at 48 m below top
Wind pressure = 1600 N/m2
Shape factor = 0.7
, .
Weight of concrete per metre height
For200mmthick shellw= 1T{4-0.2}xO.2x1 x 25000 =59690 N/m
For300mmthick shellw= 1T{4-0.3}x 0.3x 1 x 25000 =87169 N/m
2. Stress at 24 m below the top
Let vertical reinforcement be 1 % of concrete area
As = 1/100X1T(4
) x 1 ()6/4 = 23876mm
number of16 mm cf> bars'; 23876/201 = 118.8
Hence provide 120 bars of 16mm cf> dia suitably spaced along
Thickness of steel ring placed is T s = 24127/21tR = 24127/ (21t/900) = 2.02 mm
Horizontal steel may be provided by 0.2% of section area. Area of steel per
metre height of chimney = 0.2 x 200 x 1000/1 00=400mm
Hence pitch of 12 mm cf> bars = 1000 x113/400 = 282.5 mm
Assume it 250 mm c/c
W=24x 59690 = 1432560 N
P=0.7x 1800(4x24)=120960N acting at 12m below the top
M= 120960x 12=1451520
Eccentricity e = M/W=1451520/1432560=1.01 m
Equivalent area == 1T(4
) x 10
/4+ (11 -1) 24127 = 2628880mm
Equivalent moment of inertia I =1T(D
- d
) /64+ (m - 1 )1TRTs(R)2
Putting all values I is 4.7568 x 1 0
Actual eccentricity is 1055 mm . hence some tension will be developed in
leeward side
65 BC-2.3
Maximum and minimum stresses will be W/A +MD/21 or W/A - MD/21 so
putting values in the equation 0'.545 and 0'.61 0' are the values.
1432560'. + 1451520' x 10'3 X 40'0'0'
2628880' - 2 x 4.7568 x 1
=1.115 N/mm safe
=0'.0'65 N/mm2 safe
Q7. Design a chimney of 66 m height having external dia 4m throughout height
.Chimney has fire brick lining of lDDmmthickness . Find stress at 42 m below the
top and assume necessary data.
Ans. Assume thickness of chimney shell at the top be 2DDmm and let it be increased to
30'0' mm at 24 m belowtop & 40'0' mm at 42 rnbelowtop
Wind pressure = 16DDN/m2
. Shape factor= 0'.7
Weight of concrete per metre height
For4DDmmthick shellw= 7l{4-D.4}xAxl x 250'0'0' =1t3D97N/m
For 1 00' mm brick lining' .
=1t [4-2(0'.4 + 0'.10' +O.(5)]xD.l;,<1 x19DDQ =1731DN
2. at 42 m below the top
Let vertical reinforcement be 1 % of concrete area
As = 1/1DDX1l/4(42-3.42) xlD
=34872 mm
. ..' .. . '., . . '34872
'.. lf120 bars.areto be provided area of each bar 12.0 = 29D.6mrn
. hence provide 120' bars of 20' mmdia suitably spaced alongcircurriference .
Actual A"= 120' x 7l/4 )(20'2 = 37699 mm
. . .
Thickness ofstee! ting placed is T
=37699/271R=37699/2Jr19DD =3.82 mm
, . .
Horizontal by.0.2 % of section' area _,Area of steel per
metre heightofctpm'n,ey 0.2 x3DDxl 0'0'0'/1 DO' 6ODmm
Hence pitch.of 120"1rn
bars = 10'0'0' x 113 /60'0' = 188.33mni:.
'. ; ... .
Assume it 250' m,'fn.c/9
W=(24x 17S1 Q)':+ 24 x 59690' + 24 x 87179 = 3940'296 N'
. + 0'.7 x 160'0' (4x24) .
M= 12096DX(12+24) + 1 0'7520 x 12 =56448DDNm
Eccentricity e= M/W=564480'0'/3940'296= 1.433 m
66 BC-2,3
Equivalent area = !!... (4
- 3 4
) X 10' s + (11 -1) 37699 = 3864158 mm
4 .
Equivalent moment of inertia =71(D4 - d ) / 64+ (m - 1)71RTs(R)2
!!... [4
- 3.4J (10'0'0')4 + (11-1) 1t (1 B5D)3x 3.24
mm .
Actual eccentricity is 1433 mm. hence some tension will be developed in
leeward side .
Maximum and minimum stresses will be W/A +MD/21 or W/A - MD/21 so
putting values in equation.
_ 3940'296 + D_D_D::-::x-;-;;4_D_D_D
0'-3864158- 2x6.65xlD
= max = 2.717 N/mm2 (Safe)
Min = 0'.677 N/mm2 < 0'.8 N/mm2 M 25 (safe)
01. Discuss limit state design
Ans. In the method of design based on limit state concept, the structure shall be
designed to withstand safely all loads liable to act on it throughout its life; it shall
also satisfy the serviceability requirements, such as limitations on deflection and
cracking. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before
failure occurs is called a 'limit state'. The aim of design is to achieve acceptable
probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for which it is
intended, that is, it will not reach a limit state.
02. What is limit state of collapse.
Ans. The limit state of collapse of the structure. or part ofthe structure could be assessed
from rupture of one or more critical sections and from buckling due to elastic or
, ,;
plastic instability (including the effects of sway where appropriate) or overturning.
The resistance to bending, shear, torsion and axial loads at every section shall not
be less than the appropriate value at that section produced by the probable most
unfavourable combination of loads an the structure using the appropriate partial
safety factors.
03. What is limit state of deflection?
Ans. In Limit state of deflectoion certain values ar given upto which permissible
deflection is allowed and are given in 23.2. 35.3.2 of IS 456 In limit state of cracking,
cracking of concrete should not adversely affect the appearance or durability of the
structure; the acceptable limits of cracking would vary with the type of structure and
environment. Where specific attention is required to limit the designed crack width
to a particular value, crack width calculation may be done using formula given in
Annex F of IS 456. The practical objective of calculating crack width is merely to give
guidance to the designer in making structural arrangements and in
avoiding gross errors in design, which might result in concentration and excessive
width offlexural crack.
Q4. Define the term charactersti9 strength of materials.
Ans. The term 'characteristic strength' means that value of the strength of material below
which not more than 5 percent of the test results are expected to fail. The
characteristic strength for concrete shall be in accordance with IS 456:2000. Until
the relevant Indian Standard Specifications for reinforcing steel are modified to
include the concept of characteristic strength, the characteristic value shall be
assumed as the minimum yield stress/0.2 percent proof stress specified in the
relevant Indian Standard Specifications characteristic strength of concrete is
72 BC-2.3
. !
denoted byfck &steel is denoted byfy (N/mm2)
Q5. Define term characterstic load
Ans. The term 'characteristic load' means that value of load which has a 95 percent
probability of not being exceeded during the life of the structure. Since data are not
available to express loads in statistical terms, the dead loads given in IS 875 (Part I),
imposed loads given in IS 875 (Part 2), wind loads given in IS 875 (Part 3), snow
load as given in IS 875 (Part 4) and seismic forces given in IS 1893 shall be assumed
as the characteristic loads.
Q6. What are the conditions to be satisfied to carry out the redistribution of moments in
Ans. The redistribution of moments may be carried out satisfying the following
a) Equilibirum between the internal forces and the external loads is
b) The ultimate moment of resistance provided at any section of a member is
not less than 70 percent of the moment at that section obtained from an
elastic maximum moment diagram covering all appropriate combinations
of loads.
c) The elastic moment at any section in a. member due to a particular
combination of loads shall not be reduced by more than 30 percent of the
numerically largest moment given anywhere by the elastic maximum
moments diagram for the particular member, covering all appropriate
combination of loads.
d) At sections where the moment capacity after redistribution is less than that
from the elastic maximum moment diagram,
e) In structures in which the structural frame provides the lateral stability, the
reductions in moment allowed by condition (c) shall be restricted to 10
percentfor structures over 4 storeys in height.
07. What are the characterstics of reinforced concrete?
Ans..,.1. Increase of Strength with Age
There is normally a gain of strength beyond 28 days. The quantum of
increase depends upon the grade and type of cement, curing and
envirol}mental conditions, etc. The design should be based on 28 days
characteristic strength of concrete unless there is a evidence to justify a
higher strength for a particular structure due to age.
I' "
, 2. Tensile Strength of Concrete:
The flexural and splitting tensile strengths shall be obtained as described in
IS 516 and IS 5816 respectively. When the designer wishes to use an
estimate ofthe tensile strength from the compressive strength, the following
formula may be used: '
Flexural strength, f, :;:: 0.7(fcJ1/2. N/mm2 Where fck is the characteristic cube
compressive strength of concrete in N/mm2.
3. Creep of Concrete:
Creep of concrete depends, on the stress in the concrete, age at loading
and the duration of loading. As ,long as the stress in concrete does not
exceed one-third of its characteristic compressive strength, creep may he
assumed to be proportional to the stress
4. Elastic Deformation:
The modulus of elasticity is primarily influenced by the elastic properties of
the aggregate and to a lesser extent by the conditions of curing and age of
the concrete, the mix proportions and the type of cement. The modulus of
elasticity is normally related to the compressive strength of concrete.
08. How the loads are accounted in the design of continuous beams.
Ans. a).' Design dead load on all spans with full design imposed load on two
, adjacent spans
b.) Design dead load on all spans with full design imposed Ipad on alternate
c.) When design imposed load does not exceed of the design
dead load, the load arrangement may be design dead load and design
imposed load on all the spans. '
09. Which are the critical section of shear and moments in the continous beams. '
Ans. Critical Sections for Moment and Shear
" .. ". . .
For monolithic construction, the moments computed at the face of the supports
shall be used in the design of the members at those sections. For non-monolithic
construction the design of the member shall be designed as given in 22.2 in IS
456. .
Critical Section for Shear:
, The shears computed at the face of the support shall be used in the design of the
member at that section. ' ,
74 BC-2.3
010. , Explain portal frame.
Ans. A portal frame is a frame with rigid joints at the junction of beams and columns.
They are ,commonly used for the construction of industrial sheds. they are also
used instiffening large span bridge girders or as viaducts. The portal frames are
placed at regular intervals (3 to 6.m apart) and roof ,is supported on beams. Roof
, unit in industrial sheds normally consist of AC sheets purlins . in such cases
spacing of portal frames is 4 to 6 m. many times the roof unit may be continuous
R.C. slab in such cases spacing of frames is 3to 4 m. The beam portion may be
flat or sloping . Theymay be single bay or double bay. although single storey portal
frames are commonly used, occasionally two storey frames are also desirable in
many industries. some times sections of beams and columns are varied.
011. ,What are the advantage of portal frames.
Ans. The advantage of portal frames construction is low cost of maintenance, good
ventilation and lighting . The column ends ,may be fixed or hinged. The usual
construction of column connection to footing or pile caps maybe treated as fixed
end. If hinged ends are needed special care is to be taken while arranging,
reinforcement at column base.
01. Discuss the load combination and analysis of continuous beams.
Ans. When a single span statically indeterminate beam is loaded, the maximum bending
moments occurs when the whole span is loaded fully with the design loads which
consist of design dead load and design live load. In the case of continuous beams
(and one way continuous slabs) the bending moment at any section of a given span
depends not only on the type and position of loads in the same span but also on the
type and position of loads in other spans. A continuous beam (or slab) is normally
loaded with two types of loads: (i) dead load, and (ii) live load. The dead load (w
) is
occupied by all the spans simultaneously, but the live load (WI) may be occupied by
different sets of spans at different times. We can have the following combination of
these two loads on a given span:
(i) Maximum load condition: Design live load and design dead load acting
simultaneously on a span.
Thus total design load w
= 1.5 (Wd + WI)
(ii) Minimum load condition: Only dead load is acting and live load is absent.
Thus total design load W
min = 1 (w
) = w
. Note that for minimum load
condition, partial safety factor of only 1.0 is used for dead load.
There are two methods of analysis of continuous beams and one way continuous
Method 1 : Use the B.M. and S.F. coefficients given by the Code. In this case, no
redistribution of moments is permitted by the Code. This method, though quicker,
gives approximate results.
Method 2 : Elastic analysis done by considering various load combinations (as
discussed below) and plotting the moment envelopes after carrying out
redistributions as per IS Code recommendations.
Load combinations
We shall take the case of a six span continuous beam, to find the maximum bending
moment at following typical locations.
(i) Maximum sagging moment in a span
(ii) Maximum hogging moment at a given support
(iii) Maximum hogging moment in a span. and
(iv) Maximum sagging moment at a given support.
Case (i) Maximum, sagging moment in a span (Fig. a)
For maximum sagging moment in a span (say span CD), the given span as well as
76 BC-2.3
! 1-lOt
(b) Loading formaximum hogging moment at stlpport C
1.5Wj 1. 5wl
------_....... ",. .... _----_ .........
A B c o E F G
(e) lO8dIng for maximum hogglFlg moment in span CO
... ........ __
... -........'
... _--_...., ....
A B c
. 0 . E
(d) Loading for maximum sagging momenl in support C
alternate spans (Le. spans AB and EF) should be ,loaded under maximum load
condition (Le. w
max = 1.5 Wd + 1.5 WI)' while loads on other remaining spans (Le.
spans BC, DE and FG) should have minimum load W
= 1.0 wd, as shown in Fig.
(a). The dotted lines show the deflected position ofthe beam.
Case (ii) : Maximum hogging moment at a support (Fig. b)
For maximum hogging moment at a support (say support C), the adjacent spans il
on both sides of support C as well as spans alternate of these should be loaded with
maximum design loads (Le. w
, max= 1.5 w(j + 1.5 WI)' while the remaining spans
should be loaded with minimum load Wu,min = 1.0 w
as shown in Fig. (b).The dotted
lines show the deHected position.
Case -<iii) Maximum hogging moment in a span (Fig. c)
For maximum hogging B.M. in a span (say span CD), the spans adjoining this span
as well as alternate spans should be loaded with maximum load Wu,max = 1.5 Wd +
1.5 WI' while the remaining spans should be loaded with minimum load Wu, min = 1.0
, as shown in Fig.(c).
Case (iv) : Maximum sagging moment at a support (Fig. d)
For maximum sagging moment at a support (say support C), the adjacent spans
should be loaded with minimum load w
, min= 1.0 Wd while the next spans should be
loaded with maximum load wu,max= 1.5Wd + 1.5 WI' Other spans should be loaded as
shown in Fig. (d).
02. Discuss the procedure for analysis of continuous beams.
Ans. Procedure for continuous beams
Step 1 : Determination of elastic moments (Mue) :
Determine all possible adverseultimate (or factored) load conditions, obtain elastic
moment (Mue) diagram' using elastic analysis. Hence obtain maximum elastic
. moment diagra.rn.. (or elastic. moment envelope) showing traces of .both max.
. positive and max, 'negative bending moments at each point on the continuous
Step 2:Determinationofredistributedmoments (Mud)
For ,toadirgcase, draw the redistributed bending moment (Mud) diagram,
using desired redistribution of moment, within permissible limits of 30% satisfying
simultaneous1ythe equilibrium condition, with the aim of minimising the values of
maximum positive and maximum negative bending moments. Using the
.Jedistributedmoment diagram, obtain the maximum design moment envelope.
Step 3. Determination of 0.7 Moo diagram
. .
As per condition 2 of IS code recommendation the ultimate moment of resistance
provided at any section of a member is not less than 70% of the moment at that
sectionabtl:iined from elastic maximum moment diagram determined in step 1
above. Hence draw 0,7 Mus diagram by multiplying each ordimate of Mue by 0.7
noting the fact that pOints of contraflexure of Mus and 0.7 Mus diagram remain the
same. 'lastly, obtain the traces of 0.7 Mus diagram which lie outSide the maximum
design moment envelope obtained in step 2.
03. Discuss the approximate method and moment coefficients method of analysis of
continuous beams.
. Ans. Approximate Method
The exact method of moment redistribution is quite cumbersome. Theapproximate
method gives the results quickly, though approximately, the error irwolved being on
the safer side.
Step 1 Determine the maximum support moments, For finding maximum hogging
momentat a support, it is necessary to load the adjacent spans by w
= 1.5 (Wd +
Step 2. Carry out the moment redistribution by decreasing the support moment at
anyone end by dM and increasing the span moment by dM/2. Hence if the
redistribution of moments at two ends A and B of a continuous, beam are dM
increase the sagging B. M. in spanAB by (dM
78 BC-2.3
Analysis by Moment Coefficients
As per IS 456: 2000, the design bending moments can be found from the
coefficients given in table for beams of uniform cross-section which supports
substantially uniformly distributed loads over three or more spans which do not
differ by more than 15 percent of the longest. _
The moment at supports where two unequal spans meet or in case where the spans
are not equally loaded, the average of the" two values for negative moments- at the
support' may be taken for desjgn ..
Table Bending Moment Coefficients
Type of load
1. Dead load and imposed load (fixed)
,2. Imposed load (not fix.ed)
Near middle of At middle of
ertd SJ1(ln inte.1ior iiNln
+ 1
- .ll
At support nut to At othlr interir
ths end suppon sU/1P9rts
Note 1: For finding the B. M. , the coefficient shah be multiplied by the total design
load and the effective span.
Note 2: Where coefficient given in Table are used for calculation of bending
moments; redistribution shall not be permitted.
04. Discussthe analysis &design of portal frames.
Ans. Analysis and Design of Portal Frames
In the case of buildings, the portal frames are generally spaced at intervals of 3 to 4
m with a reinforced concrete slab cast monolithically between the frames. Frames
used for warehouse sheds and workshop structures are provided with sloping roof
comprising of purlins and asbestos sheet roofing between the portal frames.
The base of the columns of the portal frames are either fixed or hinged. If individual
column footings are provided, the base is assumed to be hinged while raft or pile
foundations are provided, the base is assumed to befixed for purposes of structural
The portal frames are generally analysed by the various standard methods such as,
moment distribution, slope deflection, column analogy or matrix methods. The roof
slab between the is analysed as continuous slab. The mid span section ofthe frame
behaves as a tee section while the support section is designed as a rectangular
section. Design aids like interaction diagrams are very useful in the design of beam
sections and columns subjected to axial thrust and bending moment.
Portal frames precast in the horizontal position on ground are economical in
situations where a large number of similar frames are used in a building project and
i I
the precast units considerably reduce the construction time besides resulting in
f"::': :
overall economy duetothe better quality and efficient utilization of the materials.
05. Discuss the distribution of loads from slabsto supporting beams.
Ans. Distribution of Loads From Slabsto Supporting Beams
Thetransfer of loadsfrom one-way slabs tothe supports is simple. In the case of the
two-way slabs, there are several accepted methods for calculating the loads on the
beams. IS 456 Clause 24.5 recommends the trapezium method for this purpose.
According to the trapezium method, for a two-way rectangular -stab, the division of
load occurs along a 45line drawn atthecorners as shown in Fig. (a)
1 r r
1 1 1
Fig. (a) Distribution of loads from slab to beams.
The loads from the area bounded by the beams and 45lines are assumed to be
transferred to the corresponding beam. This total load; which will be triangular on
the short beam and trapezoidal on the long beam, can be found from the following
formulae. (For design purpose, the dead load per unit area from slab is multiplied
by factor 1.15 ,to account for weight of beams.) The following formulae for
determining the equivalent loads on beams in two-way slab are very useful (Fig. b).
Fig.{b) Equivalent Loads on long (L)" and short (S) beams.
Case 1 : Loads for calculation of shear forces
LetL,. = Shorter span and L,. Longer span. Then,.
k -
- L,.
80 BC-2.3
Also, ifw = Load per unit area.
Totalload R =wL,. L,.
Load on each short panel Rs (1 )
Alternately, the percentageof load on each short side is given by
= 10OwL,.2
Thus the percentage of load coming on a short beam is 25/k, where k = L,.,/L,.. For a
square slab where k = 1, the load is obviously 25%. The total load on the two short
beams will be double the amount and the balance of the load is distributed to the
long beams.
Case 2; Equivalent load for bending moments in simply-supported short span
The load on the short beam is triangular in shape and the maximum ordinate m =
wLj2. Maximum B.M. at the centre mL,.2/12 = wL
/24.lfthis is replaced bya UDL
wes sothat the B.Ms areequal. Then,
w L2 wL,.3
Equivalent UDLon Lx = Wes =
Total load on Lx = Wes = ........... (3)
Using Eq. (1), we get
where C
= 1.33 (Table)
Types of beam Support B.M. Span B.M.
k= 1 k=2 k=1 k=2
1. Simply-supported
Short span- (C,)
Long span (CJ
(A) In terms of total load on beams
2. Continuous spans
Short span (C,) 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50
81 BC-2.3
1.25 1.25 1.50 1.29
(B) As UDL on the beams
UDL on span = (1/2)wlx (factor)
1. Simply-supported
Short span (C,) 2/3 2/3
Long span (C
) 2/3 15/16
2. Continuous spans
Short span (C,) 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4
Long span (C
) 5/8 0.90 3/4 0.96
Case 3: Equivalent load for bending moment in simply-supported-Iong span
beams. By similar calculation we can find the' equivaient load for a trapezoidal
loading on the long beam.
Average load on long beam We' = C
_ 2k(3k
- 3k
(2k -1)
= 1.33 when k = 1 (square slab) and is about 1.25 when k =2.
Case 4: Fixed beams (continuous beams)
Similar values can be worked out for fixed short and long beams for calculating
bending moments at the support and in the span. The various values can be
tabulated as Table. .
Theoretically, the 45distribution is less accurate for slabs which are supported on
one edge and continuous over the other. More load is likely to be supported by the
beam over which the slab is continuous ,than the beam over which it is
discontinuous. An estimate of such loads is usually made by calculating the load by
trapezium method and adding 20% of the load on the beam over which the slab is
continuous and deducting the same amountfrom the discontintJous $ide.
Approximate formulae for simply-supported cases (loads for B.M.). The following
formulae are also used o ~ calculation of loads for bending moments:
.' . 1 2
UDLonshortspan 2 -SwL.
, . UDL on long span = +wL. E- ~ ~
06. A reinforced concrete building on beams and columns has its slabs in panel of 6 x
5m. The thickness ofthe roof & floor slabs are 150mm estimate the design load for
, the roof slab &floor slab.
Ans. Roof panels
! '
i ,
I ' 82 BC-2.3
(" i
\.Ji,::,. \.
~ - ..
a) Dead load
D.LofslabO.15x25 = 3.75kN/m
20mm asphalt (waterproof) = 0.48 kN/m2
50mmscreed = 0.72kN/m2
Special ceiling finish = 0.24kN/m2
Total = 5.19 kN/m2
b) Imposed load/Live Idad
L.L on roof = 1.5 kN/m2
Design load = 1.5 (5.19 + 1.5) =10.0kN/m
Floor Panels
a) Dead Load
D.Lof150mmslabO.15x25 = 3.75kN/m
floorfinish (Terazzo) 0.72 kN/m2
ceiling finish = 0.24 kN/m2
partitions = 1.00 kN/m2
Total = 5.71 kN/m2'
b) I m posed / Live Load
L.Lonfloor = 4.0kN/m
Design load = 1.5 (5.71 +40) = 14.6 kN/m2
Design load for roof slab = 10.0kN/m
Design load for floor slab = 14.6 kN/rrf
07. A reinforced concrete slab 6 x 5m is discontinuous onone of the longer sides and is
continuous on all other sides. If it carries a factored load of 9 kN/m2 find (a) the loads
supported by the beams (b) the equivalent load for the bending momentfor the
continuous long beam.
Ans. 1. Dimensions of beams
L.=5m ly=6m K=6/5=1.2
2. The loads on long beams for trapezoidal distribution:
Total load = L.ly = 9 x 6 x 5 = 270 kN
'percent of load on short span = 25/ k = 25/1.2 = 20.8% on each beam
. . 100 - 2 (20.8) 100 -41.6
percent of load on long span = 2 '= 2 29.2 say 29%
Correction for load on beam with continuous slab add 20% of reaction
83 BC-2.3
~ ~ ' ! ' ' ~ .
Load on long beam with slab continuous over it=1.2 (0.29x270) =1.2 x 78.3 = 94kN
Add 15%forweightofbeam =0.15x78.3 = 11.7kN
Total load on bepm = (94 + 11.7) kN = 105.7 say 106 kN
3. Bending moment in long beam by trapezoidal method
Equivalent load =C
W where C
__ W8L __ 1.3 x 106 x 6
BM 8 = 103.35 say 1 04 kNm
08. Name the different methods of analysis of frames subjected to lateral I horizontal
loads. Give the assumptions made in portal method and cantilever method for
, . analysis.
Ans. Methods of Analysis
The methods commonly used for analysing a frame subjected to lateral loads are
1. Elastic analysis of the whole frame by classical methods
2. Approximate analysis by the portal method
3. Approximate analysis by the cantilever method
4. Approximate analysis by the factor method
Portal Method (Method of Proportional Shear)
The portal method is also known as the method of proportional column shear
forces. The following assumptions are made
1. Points of contraflexure of columns are attheir mid-height.
2. Points of contraflexure of beams are at the mid-span. (These two
assumptions make the structure determinate.)
3. Horizontal forces are concentrated at panel pOints, i.e. junctions of beams
and columns.
4. . The frame at each level of the contraflexure of the columns can be assumed
to be made up of a series of single bay portals subjected to horizontal
5. The shear force indu<;ed in the columns of the portals (at the level of the
contraflexure of the columns) due to horizontal forces is proportional to the
span ofthe individual portals.
6. The shear force in each portal is assumed to be equally distributed between
the two columns'legs.
84 BC-2.3
Cantilever Method (method of Proportional Axial Stresses)
The cantilever method is also known as the method of proportional column
axial stresses. The following assumptions are made:
1. Points of contraflexure of columns are attheir mid-heights.
2. Points of contraflexure of beams are at their mid-spans.
3. Horizontal forces act as concentrated load at pOints as in the portal method.
4. Then we make the fourth assumption that the axial stress in the columns at
any level is proportional to its distance from the 'centroid of the cross
sectons' of all columns atthat level.
! .
i I
1. What are shells.
Ans. Shells are curved structures which are prDvided When span ,Of beams is larger than
12 m and roDfs and slabs becDme unecDnDmical. Thickness ,Of shell is small as
cDmpared tD radius and 'other dimensiDns. Spherical dDme, ellipsDid parabDIiDd,
cDnDid are the examples ,Of shells.
, ,
i :
2 Classify the shells.
Ans. Shells are classified as
i) Singly curved shells which are deveiDpable
ii) DDuble curved shells which are nDn develDpablesingly shells are cDnical
and cylindrical shells. dDubly curved shells are the circular. dDmes,
parabDIDid ellipsDids, hyperbDlic, parabDIDid &emptic parabDIDid.
Shells are grDuped under 3 categDries
i) Shells ,Of revDlutiDn
ii) Shells DftranslatiDn
iii) Ruled surfaces
shelisarealsD classified as thin &thick shells. A shell is thin if the ratiD ,Of the
radius tD the thickness Dfthe shell is greater than 20.
Thin shells are generally classified as
a) LDng shell
b) ShDrtshell
Shells having ratiD ,Of radius tD span (R/L) less than 0.6 are IDng shells
3. Give advantages and disadvantage ,Of shell roDfs.
Ans. 1. GDDd from aesthetic pDintDfview.
2. Material cDnsumptiDn is quite less.
3. FDrm wDrk can be reused.
4. Large cDlumn free areas can becDvered.
1. Since tDP slab is curved SD advantage Dfflat roof islDst'
- 2. FDrm wDrk is cDstiy.
90 8C-2.3
4. What are fDlded plate roDfs?
Ans. If a slab is given fDlded shape it is called fDIded plate. These are alSD knDwn as
hipped plates, prismatic plates. FDlded plates resist the system ,Of transverse IDads
by plate &slab actiDn. FDlded plates are nDt as efficient as shells.
5. -Write the advantage and disadvahtage ,Of fDlded plates.
Ans. 1. Shuttering required is relatively simpler.
2. MDvable fDrm wDrk can be emplDyed.
-3 Design invDlves simpler calculatiDns.
1. FDIded plate CDnsumes a little mDre material than shells.
2. FDrm can be remDved after 7 days while in case ,Of shells it can be little
earlier also.
6. Explain the behaviDur DffDlded plate roDfs.
Ans. BehaviDur DffDlded plates may be divided intD slab actiDn andplate actiDn:
Slab action: Each plate may be assumed tD bend as simply suppDrted slab
between the folds .It results intD reactiDns at jDints. But slab is nDt simply suppDrted
at SUPPDrtS. There are end mDments. Taking jDint mDments as unknDwn, reactiDns
at jDints can be fDund in term ,Of these mDments. Finally we have tDtal reactiDn at
jDint due tD slab actiDn.
Plate action: Since there is nD external SUPPDrtS at jDints , jDint reactiDn fDund is
, I
reversed and is applied as jDint fDrce. This jDint fDrce is balanced by axial fDrces in
the twD plates meeting at the jDint. Then assuming each plate is suppDrted ,On end
frame, mDment in the plate can be fDund. This plate bending results intD
discDntinuity at jDints. This discDntinuity is prevented by develDpment ,Of
IDngitudinalshear atjDints.-._
7. What are the assumptiDns made in fDlded plates.
Ans. 1 . FDlded plate cDnsists ,Of -rectangular plates each being ,Of unifDrm
2. The structure is mDnDlithic and the jDints are rigid.
3. The material is elastic, hDmDgenDus and iSDtropic.
4. Length of each plate is mDre than twice its width.
5. In all plates, plane sectiDn remains plane after defDrmatiDn in all plates
91 BC2.3
---- --_.- ..
Q1. A reinforced concrete shell having semicircular directrix is freely supported at the
ends. Given the data that radius ofthe shell = R = 8 m.
Length of shell =2L =36 m
Thickness of shell =t =60 mm
Calculate the membrane forces at x =0, and 18 m and 1\1 =0 and 90
under its own
self weight.
Density of concrete =25 kN/m3
Ans. The self weight per unit area of shell = g = (0.06 x 25) = 1.5kN/m2
Foracircle R = Ro =8since n = 0
The membrane forces are given bythe equations:
= cos 1\1
Ty=-g.Rcosl\I= -1.5x8xcosl\I = -12 cos 1\1
S=-2gx, sin 1\1 = -2 x 1.5 xxx sin 1\1 = -3x. sin 1\1
Using these equations, the membrane forces are computed for different values of:
1\1= 0
and 90and x= 0 and 18 m.
The values are compiled in Table.
Table Membrane forces in semi-circular shell
Membrane forces kN/m (-ve) compression
x Tx S Tx TV S
o 60:75 12.00 o o o o
18m o 12.00 o o o 54.00
92. 8C-2.3
Q2. A reinforced concrete shell with circular directrix has the following dimensions:
2L= 24m Selfweightg = (0.05 x 25) =1.25 kN/m2
1\1 = 60
(1) The maximum stress in the shell
(2) The maximum bending moment
Ans. . Maximum stress is developed at the crown and centre of span for values of x = 0
and 1\1 = o.
g L2) . (1.25 X 122)
.. T
R =- 6 = -30kN/m
Maximum compressive stress is given by :
30 x 10 ) 2
0' max = 1000 x 50 = 0.6 N/mm (compression)
Forces acting on edge beam Ty at 1\1 = 60
is given by :
Ty = -g. Rcos 1\1 = - t.25x6xcos60= -3.75kN/m
:. Load acting on the edge beam is 3.75 kN/m over a span of 24 m.
Maximum bending moment at centre of span of edge beam of length L=24 m, is:
3.75 X 24 )
Mmax = 8 = 270kN.m
Q3. Areinforced concrete she It of circular di rectrix has the following parametres:
1\1 = Semicenlral angle = 60
2L = span = 24m
R =Radius = 6 m
t = Thickness = 50 mm
The shell is subjected to the action of snow load only of intensity 1 kN/m2 per unit
length of curved surface of shell.
1. Determinethe maximum stresses in the shell.
2. Calculate also the maximum bending moment
93 8C-2.3
Ans. Given data:
Po = 1 kN/m2
Membrane forces are given by: ..
2 2 2
T =[3 Po (L ->t) (COS $-Sin $)] =.[ 3x1(122_>t).. cos2$ ]
2R . 2x 6
= - (36 - 0.25>t)
$= -1x6xcos
$ =-'6cos
. . ~ n 2 $
S = -3 Pox. sm $ cos cjl = -3 x 1 x x x ---'
. 2
= -1.5xsin 2$
Maximum compressive stress occurs at x =0 and $= 0
.. Tx = -36 kN/m
= -6kN/m
30'x 10 )
.. cr max = 1000 x 50 = 0.72 N/mm2
Atthe edges, $ = 60
Ty = -6cos
60= -1.5 kN/m
1.5 X 242)
:. B.M.in edge beam = ... 8. . = 108 kN.m
04. Explain the behaviour of shells.
Ans. Balloon and bubles are example of structure which resist internal pressure purely
by membrane action. In these there is no bendillg and shear. This pure membrane
action is possible because they are in the closed form and there is no edge to be
. supported externally. Attempt of going for shell roofs is to achieve an action as
close to this membrane action as possible. Membrane action is very . good in
doubly curved shells compared to singly curvedshells, because offinite length of
roofs and support at edges, the 100 p ~ r cent membrane .action is not possible.
There will be edge disturbances in the form of bending moments and shear forces.
Earlier efforts were made to find membrane forces and superpose edge
94 BC-2.3
perturbation so as to achieve compatibility of edges. Actual analysis considering
shell elements subjected to membrane forces, transverse shears and moments
satisfying boundary conditions result into higher order differential equations. A
simple case of cylindrical shell roof needs solution of 8
order different equations.
There are various approximation methods to solve them.
However, there is a simple way to understand behavior of cylindrical shell, which is
known as Lundgren's beam theory. This method is used only for long shells. A
simple definition of long shell isspan (L) to Radius ratio is more than 3 for shells with
edge beams and 5 for shells without edge beams.
05. Explain Lundgren's beam theory for long shells.
Ans. The analysis of beam carried out for rectangular or T - sections may be extended to
the extended to the cylindrical shell which has curved section with or without edge
beam. Using the familiar expressions in the beam theory
0' x = I
Y and 't xy = Bl
(ay) longitudinal stresses and shear stresses
may be found. However since cross section is not that stiff as in the case of
rectangular or T - section, only beam analysis is not enough. The cross section
should be analyzed as an arch taking an elementary length subjected to vertical
load and shear difference between the two edges. This takes care of transverse
bending of cylindrical shells. The procedure of this approximate analysis is
explained below:
Beam Analysis
Analysis is carried out assuming only concrete area is effective and in the design
tension in concrete is taken care by providing required steel. .
Y =4ab{R(1 cos<l>J + a} + R2h{<l>k - sin<P
}/4ab + hR<l>k
Using the expression 0' =I
y stresses at any required depth canbe found. It is
zero at neutral axis maximum compression is at crown. The stress at crown should
be checked for bending impression. To take care of tensile stress, provide
reinforcemnt to take complete tension. Tensile in'the edge beam may be assumed
<!is equal to tensile stress at the centre of edge beam multiplied by the area of the
edge beam.
Maximum shear force is equal to % total load on the shell and occurs near end
Max. shear stress
Occurs ne1jtral axis, where b = 2h
ay = 2ISRd<\>h(Rcos<\>
o .
= 2R
h[sin<\>n COS<\>n'
Shear reinforcement is provided diagonally at corners to a maximum length of
06. Explain the arch analysis.
Consider,the free body diagram-of an elementary .arch of unit length included
between two adjacent cross sections as shown inFig. Assume that load P is acting
downwards and along the surface;
. . .
The equilibriumofthe unit length ofthe arch is maintained by sets offorces, namely.
. the load acting on the element (P) the specificshear s = (ay! where specific
shear is defined asdifference in.the shear forces between the edges.
The specific shear acting cit any pointin the direction bfthe tangent to the shell arch
may be resplved into horizontal and verticai components. It is clearihat sum of the
vertical components of specific shear balance the vertical load on the arch and sum
of the horizontal components will be zero.
If a single shell is being 'analysed, it is that the element shell arch will not
develop any restraining forces or moments at its ends., Hence we have a statically
determinate free arch.
Ifan intermediate shell of a multiple shell, roof is being analyzed the ends will
behave as fixed' ends. Hence fixed arch analysiS is necessary. The column analogy
,or elastic centre method is more suitable for the analysis of fixed arches.
Q7. Write the design criteria for cylindrical shellrobfs ..
Ans. The design criteria for cylindrical shell roofs in as follows:
.' . .
Richer ,concrete should be used, say M25. Maximum size oftheaggregates shall be
12 mm to 20 mm, depending upon the thickness,of shell,
Chord width shall be 8 m and span upto 30m. If short shells are used maximum
chord width shall be 30 mand spanshallbe 8 m to12m. For spans more than 30 m,
prestressing oftheedge beams is necessary.
, . -' 1
.' - .' ,
The height of shell be '6 th to 12th of span, the . larger figure applicable to smaller
. . " '. .'
. '. . .
However the depth in case of shells without edge beam shall not be less than 11th of .
,The semicentral angle CPk should not be more than 40so that wind load effect can
be ignored in the analYSis and back form can be avoided in the construction.
Economical semi central angle for a cylindriCal shell with edge beam is found to be
35to 40.
Minimum thickness specified, by IS: 2210 is 50, mm. However usually thickness
selected for long shell is 75 mm andit is 60 mm for short shells.
Near the ends the shell is thickened for a length O)8.JRh to O.78.J Rh where R is
radius and h is the thickness of shelt Usually higher value is used. Amount of edge
thickening is 30 to 40 per cent of thickness of shell. Advantages of providing edge
thickening are:
(i) Moments are large aUhe ends.
(ii) Near corners 3 layers of steel, namely, longitudinal, transverse and
diagonal, steel areto be accommodated.
Thickness of the edge beam shall be limitedto 2 to 3 times the thickness ofthe shell
Q8. Explain the behaviorof foldedplates
Ans. Structural Behaviour of Folded Plates
Folded plates resist the systemof transverse loads by 'plate' and 'slab' action. The
loads acting normal to each plate causes transverse bending between the
junctions' of the plates, which can be considered as imaginary supports of a
, continuous slab. This transverse bending is termed as 'Slab action'. The transverse
moments developed inthe plate can be determined bya continuous beam analysis
assuming the supports to be atthe junctionsofthe plates.
97 BC-2.3
The plates being supported at their ends on transverses, bend under the action of
loads in their own plane. The longitudinal bending ofthe plates in their own plane is
termed as 'Plate action'. The bending stresses resulting from plate action may be
considered to have a linear distribution across each plate, with maximum intensity
atthe centre of span section.
09. Explain the Whitney's method offolded plate analysis
Ans. The Whitney method is applicable for folded plates with width and thickness of the
plates and the intensity of loading uniform-along the length of the plate.
Mathematical computations are greatly simplified by replacing the uniform load by
Fourier loading and considering only the first term of the series. The plate
moments, stresses and deformations, therefore, vary as sine functions along the
I length, having maximum values atmid span. The salient steps ofthe method are as
1. The joint loads are computed by assuming each plate to be simply
supported spanning between the adjacent plates. The joint loads are
replaced by their components in the plane of tITe plates. These form the
initial plate loads.
2. The continuity of the plates due to the rigidity of the joints induces
transverse moments causing additional joint loads in terms of unknown
transverse moments and hence additional plate loads which are added to
the initial plate loads.
3. Under the action of plates loads, each plate bends in the longitudinal
direction in its own plane between the traverses. The bending moments and
the longitudinal stresses are computed at the common edges. It will be
observed that the longitudinal stresses at the common edges of the
adjacent plates will not be equal. Longitudinal edge shear forces are now
introduced to establish the. compatibility of stresses at the junctions.
4. The individual plate deflections caused by the transverse loads and the
edge shear forces are calculated in terms of the applied . loads and the
unknown transverse moments.
5. For each of the rigid joints, the condition of zero angle-Change is written
down in terms of the applied loads, transverse joint moments and plate
deflections resulting in n equations for n plates.
6. The equations are'solved for the unknown transverse moments and other
stress resultants are computed.
98 BC-2.3
BC 2.3 I
I .
Date: 23rd, July, 2008 Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Max. Marks: 100
Assume any missing data if necessary.
Section A
Choose the correct or best alternative in the following .
Each question carries two marks .
1. Which of the following theory is applicable for the design of silo
(a) Euler (b) Rankine
(c) Coulomb (d) Janssen
2. The water tank is constructed by following concrete mix
(a) M-10 (b) M-15
(c) M-20 (d) M-20
3. In case ofbeam subjected to torsion the longitudinal reinforcement is calculated for
(a) Bending moment at the cross section
(b) Equivalent bending moment
(c) Torsional moment
(d) None
4. In deep beam shear capacity of concrete is function of split tensile strength of
concrete which is given by
(a) 0' t O.lJO' ck (b) 0' I = O.2JO' ck
(c) 0' I = O.SJO' ck (d)
5. Uplift pressure and soil pressure are considered for
(a) Tankatground level (b) Underground tank
(c) Intzetank (d) Elevated tank
6. Characteristic strength means that the value of strength of material below which not
more than x% of the test results are expected to fall where x is
(a) 5% (b) 95%
(c) 50% (d) 35%
99 BC-2.3