Stitch Gallery Lace Booble Pattern
Stitch Gallery Lace Booble Pattern
Stitch Gallery Lace Booble Pattern
Row 5: *K2tog, wf, k3, wf, k2tog, k3 rep * for N1 Slip last st from N1 onto N2 then rep * Slip last st from N2 onto N3 and rep * Row 7: *K2tog, wf, k5, wf, k2tog, k1 rep * Slip last st from N1 onto N2 then rep * Slip last st from N2 onto N3 and rep * Row 8: k row to last 2sts and slip these 2sts onto N1 Row 9: *wf, k3tog, wf, k7 rep * see tip below Slip last 2 sts from N1 onto N2 then rep * slipping last 2 sts from N2 onto N3. When wf at the junction of a needle, just bring the yarn underneath the right needle/working needle and this will form the wf. Row 10: k round with no borrowing of sts this time!
Note that this pattern is worked in multiples of 10sts and will only work in the round. Cast on an amount of stitches divisible by 10 and divide work over 3 double pointed needles, as evenly as possible. A K1, P1 rib was worked for 10 rows prior to beginning the lace pattern. This pattern works well in double knitting yarn and 4mm needles Row 1: *K2tog, wf, k4, MB strand method, k1, pass bobble st over, k3 rep * Row 2: k to last st then sl1 onto N1 ready to work next round. Repeat these instructions for every alternate row from now on until row 7. Row 3: *K2tog, wf, k1, wf, k2tog, k5 rep * for N1 Note you will have a st left over so: Slip last st from N1 onto N2 then complete rep bar very last st. Slip last st from N2 onto N3 and complete rep Be aware that this movement of sts will occur in future rows. Regularly check the amount of sts. You must maintain which of your needles is your Needle 1 by using a marker. Row 4: Remember all alt rows are as row 2 until row 7.
Rows 1 to 10 form one diamond bobble lace repeat. Abbreviations Sts- stitches, k - knit, p- purl, k1, p1- knit1 then purl1, k2tog knit 2 stitches together, wf- wool forward (When wf at the junction of two needles, just bring the yarn underneath the right needle/working needle and this will form the wf) MB strand method- Make bobble as follows: k1,p1, k1, p1 into strand that lies in-between stitches. *Turn work p4, turn work then k4. Rep again from * P2tog twice, then k2tog Psso- Pass a stitch over the last st worked or pass slipped st over, rep- repeat, Rep *- repeat again from beginning of star, begbeginning, sl1- slip stitch onto right needle without working it, N1- needle 1 or first of double pointed needles, k3tog- knit 3 together, M1 strand- Pick up a strand that lies in-between sts and knit it. TW- Turn work, Patt- pattern M2- Make 2 sts from strand that lies in-between sts, purl into back, then knit into front of strand, Alt- alternate.
Many thanks to my pattern writer Maria Clube The Casting On Couch 2010, 2011 License to use this pattern is given to the user or purchaser from The Casting On Couch only