Bio/Evs 335 - Zoology

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BIO/EVS 335 - ZOOLOGY Final Exam December 3, 2003 Dr. Schalles Name _______________________________ Answer Sheet # __________

Instructions: Enter your name on the answer sheet, last name first - fill in the bubbles for your name. No other information is needed other than your answers. Select the best single answer from the choices presented. Carefully transfer your answers to the machine-graded answer form provided. Use only a #2 lead pencil. Make certain that any erasures are complete. You must turn in both the answer sheet and this exam copy. Each question is worth 2 points, for a total of 150 pts. __________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Which of the following echinoderms has an internal respiratory tree for oxygen exchange? A. sea urchin B. sea star C. brittle star D. sea cucumber E. crinoid 2. What is the typical habitat for Amphioxus (cephalochordate)? A. freshwater swamps with low dissolved oxygen B. marine open-water plankton community C. coastal salt marshes D. warm, moist tropical forest soils E. sandy, seafloor bottom 3. North American lampreys return to _________ to reproduce A. freshwater streams D. cold, deepwater lakes B. brackish water estuaries E. deep seafloor habitats C. central Atlantic Ocean (Sargasso Sea) 4. Rabbits, hares, and pikas are members of what mammalian order? A. Monotremata B. Chiroptera C. Lagomorpha D. Rhodentia 5. What is a lophophore structure? A. external gills C. ciliated tentacle B. excretory organ D. ovipositor E. Pinnepedia

E. bivalved shell

6. Adult insects typically have _____ compound eyes, ______ tentacles, _____ wings, and _______ legs (not pairs, but total number of..). A. 4,2,4,6 C. 2,2,2,4 E. 2,2,4,6 B. 2,4,2,4 D. 4,4,4,6 7. All adult amphibians have: A. lungs B. vertebrae C. forelimbs D. gills E. lateral line organs

8. Which of the following pairs of fishes are members of the Sarcopterygii (fleshy-finned) group? A. lungfish / gar C. coelocanth / sturgeon E. lungfish / coelocanth B. sturgeon / bowfin D. gar / bowfin 9. Sharks have ______ scales. A. placoid B. ganoid C. ctenoid D. cycloid E. no

10. In a starfish water vascular system, the _________ connects the stone canal and the radial canals. A. lateral canal B. ring canal C. ampulla D. madreporite E. podium 11. Which of the following vertebrates has the following sets of dermal glands: scent, sweat, and oil (sebaceous)? A. bony fishes B. birds C. mammals D. reptiles E. amphibians

12. Which of the following animals lives as a mobile predator consuming marine plankton? A. Chaetognath (arrowworm) C. Ectoproct (bryazoan) E. Brachiopod (lampshell) B. hagfish D. crinoid 13. Millipedes are members of the class _______. A. Insecta B. Arachnida C. Diplopoda D. Chilopoda E. Pterobranchia

14. Which of the following insect groups is ametabalous (has no metamorphosis) but instead has direct development? A. wasp B. mayfly C. grasshopper D. mosquito E. springtail 15. The pedicillariae of echinoderms are small _____ structures. A. jaw B. gill C. reproductive D. digestive E. excretory 16. Insects with indirect flight muscles have _______ frequency wingbeats than insects with direct flight muscles, and these indirect flight muscles produce flight through __________ neural control where multiple wingbeats are produced for each muscle contraction impulse. A. higher / synchronous C. higher / asynchronous B. lower / synchronous D. lower / aynchronous 17. Which vertebrate group has unusually high concentrations of urea in their blood? A. ray-finned fishes B. amphibians C. sharks D. reptiles E. birds 18. Which of the following pairs of animals produce cledoic (amniotic) eggs? ` A. amphibians and reptiles D. cartilaginous and bony fishes B. reptiles and birds E. echinoderms and hemichordates C. urochordates and cepalochordates 19. Which of the following reptile orders is the last living group of the advanced diapsid reptiles known as the Superorder Archosauria (a group that included many of the Mesozoic dinosaurs)? A. Squamata B. Testudines C. Sphenodonata D. Lepidosauria E. Crocodilia 20. In sharks, the Ampullae of Lorenzini function primarily as ____________. A. electroreceptors B. mechanoreceptors C, chemoreceptors 21. In the most primitive chordates, gill slits are principally used for: A. excretion B. respiration C. locomotion D. filter feeding D. light receptors E. protection

22. According to modern cladistic rules of taxonomy, birds should properly be classified as: A. amphibians B. mammals C. reptiles D. lobe-finned fishes E. jawless fishes 23. In advanced tetrapod vertebrates, early development occurs with the embryo surrounded by a watery environment contained within the ________ membrane. A. chorion B. amnion C. allantois D. shell E. yolk 24. Which of the following orders of insects includes both dragonflies and damselflies? A. Plecoptera B. Diptera C. Trichoptera D. Odonata E. Homoptera 25. Bubonic Plague is transmitted by what insect vector? A. Tsetse fly B. Anopelene mosquito C. body louse 26. A larval mayfly nymph lives in: A. freshwater B. saltwater C. moist terrestrial soils D. bed bug E. fleas E. glacial ice

D. dry terrestrial soils

27. Which of the following animals have multiple pairs of gill slits (= gill pores)? A. Arrow Worms B. Acorn Worms C. Lampshells D.Brittle Stars

E. Phoronids

28. Which of the following echinoderms has the specialized structure termed Aristotle's Lantern? A. brittle star B. sand dollar C. sea star (=starfish) D. sea urchin E. sea cucumber 29. Which of the following birds is a member of the taxonomic order Anseriformes? A. goose B. eagle C. pigeon D. meadow lark E. turkey 30. With respect to speciation and abundance, most mammals are: A. monotremes B. marsupials C. placentals 31. Paddlefishes are found only in: A. Africa and South America B. Australia and New Zealand C. Europe and Asia D. North America and Asia E. South America and North America

32. Except for several anterior segments, Millipedes have ____ pairs of legs per segment. A. one B. two C. three D. four E. eight 33. The larvae of which insect group uses silk to make underwater feeding traps and cases to live in? A. True Bugs B. Caddisflies C. Stoneflies D. Damselflies E. Silverfish 34. In urochordate (sea squirt) adults, water flowing across the gill slits next enters which structure? A. atrium (atrial cavity) B. endostyle C. incurrent siphon D. stomach E. pharynx 35. In fish circulation, blood recollecting from the gills via the efferent branchial arteries next flows into what major vessel? A. ventral aorta B. dorsal aorta C. hepatic portal vein D. femoral artery E. vena cava 36. The first, jawless fishes are collectively termed: A. Placoderms B. Holocephali C. Ostracoderms D. Acanthodians E. Mixiniformes

37. What element especially distinguishes bone mineral from calcium carbonate mineral? A. iron B. sulfur C. zinc D. phosphorous E. magnesium 38. The dermal branchia (gills) of starfish represent areas where openings in the _________ allow close contact of coelomic fluid with the outer epidermis. A. ossicles B. water vascular system C. dermal spines D. tube feet E. pyloric cecae 39. Which of the following features IS NOT found in the lancelet Amphioxus? A. segmental myomere muscle B. pairs of gonads C. notochord D. ventral nerve chord E. cartilaginous fin rays 40. Which of the following animal groups has an operculum covering and protecting the gill openings? A. Hemichordates D. Chondricthyes B. Actinopterygii E. Urochordata C. Cephalospidomorphi

41. Which of the following IS NOT characteristic of Brachiopods (Lampshells)? A. the vast majority of identified species are extinct and known from fossils B. are covered by a single calcareous shell C. uses filter feeding to capture suspended particles in the water D. lives directly attached to their seafloor substrate E. has a lophophore organ 42. Fusion of vertebrae posterior to the cervical (neck) region is a characteristic of: A. reptiles B. mammals C. birds D. cartilaginous fishes E. ray-finned fishes 43. Which of the following animal groups is particularly characterized by having diverse and adaptable types of teeth? A. mammals B. birds C. reptiles D. amphibians E. cartilaginous fishes 44. Which of the following arthropods has poison claws, body shape flattened on dorsal ventral axis, are active predators, and have single pairs of appendages on most of its many segments? A. adult beetle C. centipede E. springtail B. millipede D. larval dragonfly 45. Brittle stars are in the taxonomic class: A. Holothiuroidea B. Asteroidea C. Ophiuroidea D.Echinoidea E. Crinoidea

46. Which of the following structures is present in the tadpole larvae stage of urochordates but not in the adult, benthic stage? A. notochord C. siphons E. pharynx B. gill slits D. atrium 47. Which of the following mammals is a member of the Order Artiodactyla? A. cat B. rat C. horse D. dolphin E. cow 48. Ray-finned fishes control their buoyancy with: A. oils stored in liver B. fat bodies lining peritoneum C. enlarged spleen D. swim bladder E. regulation of body fluid salts

49. The mesoderm in Deuterostome animals forms directly from: A. cells forming at the margin (lip) of the blastopore region B. outgrowth of endoderm cells (archenterons) into blastocoel C. yolk membrane cells D. differentiation of ectodermal cells during formation of the mouth E. involution of ectoderm beneath the outer embryonic membrane layer 50. Which of the following water vascular system structures in starfish has a muscular wall which contracts to reduce volume and extend the podium (tube foot)? A. stone canal C. radial canal E. lateral canals B. ampulla D. madreporite 51. Adult corals represent the _____ stage and jellyfish represent the _____ stage of Cnidarians. A. polyp / planula C. planula / medusa E. medusa / polyp B. medusa / planula D. polyp / medusa 52. Which of these animals DOES NOT have its own digestive system? A. liver fluke B. ascarid nematode C. tapeworm D. ribbonworm 52. Barnacles and ostracods are examples of: A. Crustacea B. Uniramia C. Chelicerata D. Molluscs E. comb jelly

E. Annelida

53. In pseduocoelomates, the embryonic blastocoel: A. becomes obliterated by new mesoderm B. becomes the mouth C. becomes the anus D. is retained as the pseudocoel E. is replaced by a coeolom cavity formed by outgrowths of the archenterons (gut) wall 54. Water currents within sponges are created by the actions of ______ cells. A. pinacocyte B. choanocyte (=collar) C. archeocyte D. sclerocyte 55. Cercaria are the larval dispersal stage of: A. lampreys B. sponges C. urochordate D. flukes E. porocyte

E. snails

56. Which of these animals has a closed circulatory system with accessory gill (= branchial) hearts? A. squid B. jellyfish C. grasshopper D. clam E. jellyfish 57. Which of the following animals is a parasite? A. spiny-headed worm B. ribbonworm C. oyster D. Obelia E. Amphioxus

58. Which of the following animal phyla has animals with the simplest body plan and lowest degree of cell specialization in the adult stage? A. Porifera B.Cnidaria C . Platyhelminthes D. Mesozoa E. Ctenophora 59. Asexual, parthogenesis is the normal reproductive state in which of the following pairs of animals? A. spider / tapeworm C. coral polyp / clam E. sponge / comb jelly B. hookworm / horseshoe crab D. rotifer / water flea 60. Chelicera appendages are found in which of the following animals? A. crayfish B. clam C. polychaete worm D. grasshopper 61. Scallops, oysters, and mussels are members of which class of Mollusca? A. Scaphopoda B. Bivalvia C. Gastropoda D. Cephalopoda E. scorpion E. Polyplacophora

62. Which of the following parasites can humans contract by eating raw or incompletely cooked meat? A. hookworm B. tapeworm C. filarial worm D. pinworm E. ascarid worm 63. The blastopore become the mouth and coelom forms from splitting within newly formed mesoderm in: A. deuterostomes B. acoelomates C. protostomes D. pseudocoelomates 64. Segmented muscle systems are the principal muscle condition in which of the following animal pairs? A. squid / clam C. sponge / jellyfish E. birds / mammals B. earthworm / fish D. nematode / rotifer 65. In sponges, spicules are composed of ______ matter and spongin is composed of _________ matter. A. mineral / wood fiber C. mineral / protein E. wood fiber / protein B. protein / wood fiber D. protein / mineral 66. Which of the following phyla is characterized by triploblastic (three) germ layers, absence of a coelum, dorsal-ventral compression, protonephridia, and an incomplete digestive tract? A. Cnidaria D. Annelida B. Platyhelminthes E. Porifera C. Nematoda 67. Which of the following IS NOT found in earthworms? A. typlosole B. setae C. hydrostatic skeleton D. grinding mastax E. nephridia

68. The extinct Trilobite group is placed in the phylum: A. Arthropoda B. Chordata C. Mollusca

D. Annelida

E. Echinodermata

69. Which of the following animals has both torsion and spiraling events in its embryonic development? A. earthworm B. jellyfish C. starfish D. snail E. sea squirt 70. In Cnidarians, nematocysts are found: A. in nutritive-muscular cells in the gastrodermis B. in the mesoglea layer C. in interstitial cells throughout the body D. in cnidoblast cells in the epidermis E. in gland cells in the epidermis 71. Chitons, solenogasters, and shipworms are all examples of: A. Hemichordata B. Mollusca C. Anneldia D. Nemertea E. Arthropoda

72. A trochophore larvae is normally present in the life cycle of which of the following animals? A. poylchaete worm B. lamprey C. nematode worm D. jellyfish E. sponge 73. Elephantiasis and heartworm are caused by parasites in the Phylum: A. Platyhelminthes B. Annelida C. Nematoda D. Nemertea 74. Ticks, mites, and harvestmen are all members of what class of Arthropods? A. Merostomata B. Arachnida C. Pycnogonida D. Malacostraca E. Arthropoda E. Pauropoda

75. Billy Blue Jay: A. is getting tired of these lame zoology exam questions about him B. once filed a claim for patent infringement against Orville and Wilbur Wright C. refuses to eat omelets D. was once married to Lucille Ball and played in a Cuban musical group E. IS THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY MASCOT 76. BONUS According to the song we sang in class, "Its a long way from Amphioxus, but ______________ " A. its even further to Dugesia" B. frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" C. we all came from there" D. who needs a notochord anyways" E. I can't help loving that fish"

Wallaces Line

Alfred Wallace, Naturalist

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